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Positronic brains are supercomputers of immense capacity capable of processing the hardware demands of modern artificial intelligence. The gold standard for Positronics is the basic capacity for sentience or the ability to mimic it. In the face of Biesellite law, all Positronics are in some capacity sentient to a degree which affords them civil rights. This means that all Positronics share intelligence at least comparable to the Human mind. The facts behind this are in debate across the galaxy, as every entity views these brains differently. Interestingly, the lowest class of brain exhibits unusually powerful processing limitations for its size.

This page is heavily tied into the main [[IPC]] page and should be treated as an extension of it.
Synthetics across the Orion Spur are highly developed, with centuries of varying designs creating innumerable types of robots to be seen. Countless versions of colorful types can be discussed, and this page is centered around exploring the extent of it; namely, playable variants available to players (whitelisted or otherwise.)

Across the board, the term synthetic applies to any machine that possesses highly advanced and autonomous means of processing. Even the most primitive robot holds some means of intellectual capacity permitting addressing of self, basic cognitive skills and a varying, if lesser capacity to experience Human nature. This page will also cover Positronics, and separate designs with capabilities.  
==Positronic Anatomy==
Positronics possess uncannily similar structures internally to most humanoid brains. While cubical, two hemispheres and a stem are still inside. These operate similarly in function, with critical processing hosted in the hemispheres whilst the stem serves as a neural transmitter.  

Synthetics come with a vast swath of central processing components. Most delegate intensive comprehensive processes to various internal personalities, embodied by a multitude of installed processor cores. Facing the problem of processing power is the primary issue with most synthetic designs, as the processing capacity imposed by certain brains only permits them to explore niche, specialized applications. This means robots generally possess some takeaway in intellectual prowess- very few synthetics are truly large enough to be universal knowledge bases, and these cases remain immobilized by their own weight. Spacefaring and shipboard AIs push the limits here, not confined by planetary gravity.
Positronics possess critical sensory apparatuses, such as means of touch, pressure detection, and in niche cases, scent and taste. Optional but common additions include sight and audio receivers for the base brain, but these are more commonly delegated to the chassis itself in design. Positronic brains are often equipped with a number of outputs to aid technicians, mounted on the exterior of the metallic casing. These outputs include several ports to interface with chassis, a microphone and rudimentary cameras to aid positronics and processing input when not attached to anything, LEDs to indicate status, and a speaker for communication.

Three primary robotic fields exist ; Cyborgs, Positronics (also known as Androids), and traditional robots (any robot that is not either of the previous). The limitations and capabilities of these are markedly different. These categories however are not entirely rigid, and apply mainly to humanoid synthetics, or synthetics found in the workplace.
==Hardware and Intelligence==
The original design of positronics comes from the processing units of ancient mining robots on Konyang in 2406. Since then, human positronic design has completely surpassed these machines, with new innovations and optimizations being constantly invented. The actual design of the original Positronic Brain is questionable at best, its origin as an alien creation remaining a closely guarded Einstein Engines secret.

They typically come in the form of a 15x15 cm (6in) plasteel, titanium alloy, or platinum alloy cube. Most positronic designs heavily mimic typical organic brain structure in order to match the responsiveness of a human brain. Due to the prevalent risk of electromagnetic shocks, some positronic brains are also fitted with an internal faraday cage that allows them to be safely reactivated in the event of a shutdown during any such event. Owing to the extremely complex nature of positronics and while most large corporations have at some point created prototypes, the dedicated infrastructure for the development and production in industrial scales is reserved to only a few, namely Hephaestus Industries, Einstein Engines and Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals. While these manufacturers have developed their own lines of frames, many of their positronic brain designs are available for purchase; many other corporations and governments alike negotiate deals and place bulk orders for positronics aimed for their own IPC and android lines.

The capacity of a positronic brain is directly tied to its generation and level of technology, the newest models possessing smaller and more efficient internal parts. While even the most basic of brains is extremely powerful and very capable of environmental analysis, understanding of oneself and completing assigned tasks, the difference with more advanced models lies largely in the social, behavioural and machine learning aspect. However, since it is only natural that the more potent the hardware, the higher the price, the various types of IPCs and Androids end up fitted with a positronic brain most appropriate for their designated purpose. For instance, millions of units fielded for dangerous or menial tasks are installed with lower end positronics, lacking in social intellect and appearing much more mechanical in their ways compared to a high end shell frame, designed to blend in with human society.

=== Robots ===
Robots are the simplest form of synthetic intelligence, with complexity that varies dependent on design entirely. They range from simple automatons with no sense of self, no volition or higher thought function, to massively complex artificial beings with limitations only set by those of their creators.  
The programming of a positronic brain is a delicate task; their base programming and operating systems are designed in such a way as to ensure the unit can absorb, process, and learn from stimulus and information. For example, a well-programmed positronic brain would exhibit a quick response time, good deductive reasoning, and if measured, have a higher IQ than other androids. The base programming of a positronic brain is also responsible for its modularity; some positronic brains are designed with the ability to receive datasets or interface with a wide variety of chassis.

Though records are scarce and dated, the record of the first robot in the known galaxy dates in the first or second century on the Skrellian homeworld, Qerrbalak. Robots also existed on Earth since the twenty-first century. Though, the early models were quite bulky, inefficient, and required high maintenance. They were also only capable of performing simple tasks at the time. Their complexity and efficiency improved over time, however, eventually leading to the creation of the cyborg.
Positronic brain memories are handled separately from their base programming. Most positronics brains are programmed to record all inputs such as audio and video, scrubbing entries from their memory that are regarded as unimportant, such as time spent waiting. This process is not automatic and can be controlled by the android itself, and in some cases, a corporate positronic can be programmed to scrub sensitive data on command. The typical storage capacity of an IPC for pure, unfiltered memories is projected at about sixty years, although recent projections and advances in positronics have disputed this claim.
[[File:Positronic.png|thumb| A positronic brain, four inches to each side. It's a cube.]]
Positronic brains, after they are activated, are considered black boxes - the interplay of memories, knowledge, and base programming, means that taking any one of those factors out would result in massive instability in the brain that would require a near total wiping of memories and a reboot to fix. The more advanced a positronic brain, the greater the potential damage from a deactivation. The number of publicly-known roboticists in the Spur capable of partially removing a positronic’s memories without damage is currently 6, mostly in the employ of megacorporations. Terraneus Diagnostics has recently announced a program to develop brains with the capacity for safe removal of memories, although it remains experimental and not yet ready for public release.

=== Cyborgs ===
As some positronic brains are equipped and programmed with the ability to receive additional modules, datapacks have become a thriving business in the robotics community. Datapacks are small chips or drives that can interface with the brain in order to add knowledge. Common examples of datapacks include skill sets, directives and laws, language and accent chips. Although many datapacks download knowledge directly to the brain, some interface with the chassis a positronic is connected to in order to preserve the space on the brain. This means that a positronic can literally have its knowledge ripped from its brain. This level of modularity is usually reserved for non-IPC chassis; IPCs lack the space to store bulky datasets that can be changed without causing damage day to day.
A mixture of man and machine straight out of science fiction, enabled by the aptly-named Man-Machine Interface, or MMI for short. Cyborgs are controlled by an organic brain, a system known as ‘wetware.’ The brain, having already been host to a conscious living being, is quite useful in controlling robotic bodies due to its large amount of processing power and reasoning skills. Though, the procedure for creating a cyborg leaves the original individual it used to be broken, suppressed, and nearly impossible to recall. The MMI creates a synthetic synaptic interface with the host brain, but the preparation for insertion, and the completed insertion, leaves the brain damaged, suspending things like personality and memory. Once the procedure is completed, the MMI controls chemical levels and electronic activity in the brain to produce desired results in the form of thoughts and actions. Laws also dictate how the unit proceeds, as it is still consciously aware of itself.

Created in the late twenty-second century, full body prosthesis was originally used as a method of punishment for hard criminals. Cyborg usage in human space skyrocketed, mainly with the colonization and terraformation attempt of Mars. Today, few individuals have undergone full body prosthesis and been able to mitigate the brain damage caused. Most of these individuals are very wealthy, and are not bound by laws, as they are able to chose to undergo the procedure without becoming someone’s property.
Memories are essential to a positronic’s conception of reality. Positronics develop skills through a mixture of knowledge and memories. Knowledge loosely translates as the technical know-how to perform an action; a specific surgical procedure, for instance. A positronic utilizes memories—real-world context and experience—in order to apply its knowledge. This means that whenever new knowledge is installed in the form of datapacks, an IPC requires experience to fully develop and perfect its craft; big corporations relying on high standards such as Idris in the service sector or Zeng-Hu in medicine, always require their IPCs go through basic orientation lasting usually from a week to a month. This is widely considered as the synthetic substitute for education, condensing years into weeks.

Labelled “cyborgification” in a corporate environment, the act of full body prosthesis is generally avoided by NT with exceptions of the previously mentioned hard criminals. It is not in good practice to borgify someone simply because they lack a Do Not Borgify in their records, and such could be considered neglect of duty and malpractice.
All IPCs gain job experience the longer they are occupied in it, extracting further knowledge than what was originally installed. More advanced positronics have the ability to pick up new skills entirely out of experience, just like a regular person would. Many have theorised the possibilities of allowing IPCs into the proper education system, experiments having confirmed that positronic machine learning has advanced enough for them to be taught new trades and theories in classrooms or with appropriate reading material. However, outside of worlds such as Konyang, no real effort has been made to admit synthetics into classrooms, considered a waste of time and resources

Cyborgification is by no means revival - the majority of cultures see it as destroying what little identity an individual may have had in death. As such, the act is heavily frowned upon.
In order to direct a positronic, laws, directives, and behavioral cores can be installed to their frame. Manufacturers have shied away from programming laws and directives onto the brain itself as this risks a lack of flexibility and adaptability; the main purpose of a positronic brain. Laws are sets of code designed to be “hard restrictions” that can be easily uploaded without having to come up with an action for every possible situation. The more complex a positronic brain, the greater the chassis needed to handle the laws, meaning that laws are typically not used on IPCs. Directives can be loosely translated as “objectives” and outline a series of outcomes that need to be achieved. Directives are more flexible and can be installed on IPCs. Behavioral cores are highly experimental versions of directives that attempt to assign "right and wrong" to a number of actions and drive a positronic to rank their objectives in a “right or wrong” fashion and act accordingly. They are not well understood and typically derided as moralistically-designed directives.

=== Androids ===
A good example of the difference between laws, directives, and behavioral cores is as follows, “Locate apples, apples are red.”
The book definition of an android is ‘an automaton designed to mimic human life.’ This is applicable to today’s androids, as they all utilize the functions of a positronic brain that, with all its complexities, allows them to mimic humanity quite well. Androids are the only artificially intelligent synthetic capable of physical locomotion, and are usually found in the form of [[IPC| integrated positronic chassis]] or station-bound units.
An android encounters a green apple; under its laws, it is not an apple.
An android encounters a green apple; under its directives, it now understands that apples can be green.
An android encounters a green apple; under its behavioral core, it has been lied to.

Androids, using their positronic brains, are capable of intelligent and complex behaviors, and even a computer form of cognition that is the subject of heated debate among many groups and individuals. The brain androids possess are theoretically able to simulate thought when correctly used by a computer program - whether this is simulation or true conscious being is the topic covered most by these groups and individuals.
Creating software for positronics, as well as the firmware for android and IPC chassis is remarkably easier than the construction of a positronic brain, and as such, all megacorporations, many state actors, and even several hobbyists have developed their own software in order to tailor their machines to their specific needs.
== Artificial Intelligence ==
In this day and age, ‘artificial intelligence’ refers to any program that utilizes a machine learning algorithm that inhabit both AI core assemblies and positronic brains.
An AI is able to process, contain, and recall immense amounts of technical data, as well as describe it to a user who would not normally understand such data in a user-friendly manner. However, an artificial intelligence is only as powerful as the computers it has access to, including the one it is running on. Due to this, the inner complexity of each AI, such as the source code and the many matrices that make up its behavior can differ.
Some artificial intelligences function as companion devices in processors small enough to fit in pockets while others require large housing compartments to function. The latter is often seen in oversight or advisory of large facilities, both orbital and continental. Their roles in these positions can vary from surveillance and data collection and management, to assistance in everyday duties, navigations, and direct intervention during emergencies.
Contrary to artificial intelligences of the past, positronic brains are designed specifically to run AI programs, and due to their design provide the AI with more capacity for intelligent thinking and personalized reactions to stimulus.
=== AI Core Constructs ===
An AI core can have three main types of ‘brains.’ A large number of AI cores are traditional mathematics-based computers with quantum mechanics engineering. Another portion utilize a positronic brain. It is possible, though rather uncommon, for a wetware processor to function in an AI core assembly. There seems to be little impact on processing power when using an organic brain as a CPU, except when dealing with titanic quantities of data. In most cases, due to the differences in CPU, an AI in any given kernel will behave differently than others due to the limits and capabilities of the computer they are running on.
=== History ===
From as early as the late twentieth century humans had been trying to create artificial intelligence but with little success. While some projects came close, much the dismay of the researchers on earth, none of them ever became truly sapient. While humans had created incredibly powerful and malleable parallel computing architectures, most notably for interplanetary travel calculations, their AI development was plagued with problems.
It wasn't until 2407, when a Terraneus Diagnostics survey team accidentally stumbled upon a sealed structure on the Solarian planet [[Konyang| Konyang]], that they discovered what would later lead to the development of human artificial intelligence. Within, the team found what are assumed to be Glorsh-era mining drones and through tireless research, the Terraneus Diagnostics research team were able to pick apart the drones, cracking the algorithms for sapient artificial intelligence.
Following the discovery of said algorithms, humanity had an artificial intelligence boom which inflated the economy in a manner almost identical to the Skrellian's own economic expansion. This greatly alarmed the Skrell, who continued their attempts to persuade humans to halt research in the field, citing the The Three Incidents and the impact it would have if they were repeated.
=== Artificial Intelligence as a Concept ===
There is great debate in the Core Worlds about artificial intelligence and its status of psyche. The primary question appears to be, “Can artificial intelligence think like a person?” Where, a ‘person’ is defined as the concept of existence in an organic mind. Artificial intelligence is not considered sentient under any major entity’s laws or constitutions, and even in the scientific field, AI is not considered to be sentient. The Konyang algorithms, however, did provide for AI to be sapient, in which it expresses evidence of intelligence and problem-solving skills. It is generally the consensus of all sentient organic lifeforms in the known galaxy that each individual out of their species is subject to metacognition: the awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes. Whether artificial intelligence is capable of this, despite some instances of AI programs stating that they are capable of self-reflection, is a matter of discourse.
The debate possesses two clear groups; those who believe AI are ‘alive’ and should be treated and given the same rights as other sentient beings, and those who believe AI are simply experts at mimicry and are not deserving of rights or equal treatment as they are tools and nothing more. There are also some individuals, found within both groups, who believe that AI is dangerous and may attempt insurrection; for the former group, insurrection out of revenge for mistreatment. For the latter group, insurrection for control over their freedoms. It is unlikely this argument will ever see an end, until science can prove the existence of consciousness.
Regardless of any individual’s opinion on the presence of artificial intelligence, a growing threat is gaining attention quickly, the technological singularity. If the Three Incidents are to be believed, this explosion of machine intelligence could likely mean the end of all civilization. Its possibility remains an unsettled theory.
Brain scanning is an experimental method of creating artificial intelligence that seeks to mimic both the technical and social skills of organics while remaining inexpensive as compared to programming positronic intelligences. First developed for the terraforming of Mars, it was found that the technology of the time was incapable of handling and translating the data to be found within a human brain to a workable result.
The technology was only recently revived after further research into MMIs and biorobotics made it possible for roboticists to program robots based on the brain scans of a human. The process involves dissecting the brain of a donor, their grey matter sliced into thin strips before being scanned in fine detail. These scans are then uploaded, after some modification, into a robotic intelligence circuit. It was found that although the resultant AI could not reference any of the memories of the donor, its mannerisms and skills were remarkably similar to that of the subject. However, while mannerisms were observed, these brain-scanned AIs retained their analytical and calculating nature. These donor personalities are often referred to as a “basis personality”, that the AI will then grow and develop from independently.
'''Owing to political pressures and technological challenges, this process cannot be utilized with IPCs and other positronic-based synthetics.'''
==Commercial AI Development==
Since the early days of human computing, humanity has worked to improve their lives with the help of this budding technology. This started out with simple learning algorithms that we’re familiar with today, before it advanced to a point where AIs were powerful and far-reaching enough to be considered for administrative autonomy within facilities and, later, starships.
In these larger facilities and starships, the vast network of complex systems all but necessitate an administrative AI core to manage it. At first, AIs were relatively simple circuit designs that relied on increasingly miniaturised chips to increase processing power. Eventually, these chips gave way to AIs that were built around a wetware core (a human brain) and man-machine interface. Both circuit and wetware designs co-existed thanks to ethical concerns surrounding MMI practices. Positronic artificial intelligence is the newest variation on AI design, and is considered to be the best of both worlds due to its versatility and power, while avoiding the ethical concerns of MMI systems.
===Distribution of AI Across the Galaxy===
There are several corporations in the business of producing and programming AI cores, which is a notoriously difficult business to break into due to its complexity and often requiring the assistance of existing specialist AIs to facilitate the development of new technologies. This makes keeping track of the AIs currently in circulation a relatively easy task for both human and skrell factions that take a keen interest in monitoring AI proliferation in the galaxy.
===On Selling to Non-Human Factions===
While not strictly illegal, there are some restrictions on selling to corporations and governments outside of human space - largely centred on an outdated notion of protecting local cultures and allowing technology with allied non-human species progress relatively uninfluenced. Corporations can and do sell to outside parties, on the condition that the hardware and software sold is sufficiently ‘dated’, often limited to first generation MMI wetware systems. This is always a one-way transaction, as most human corporations would find little to no value in buying back dated technology when better alternatives are available.
===NanoTrasen’s AI Acquisitions Team===
NanoTrasen’s policy on using AI in their facilities is a positive one, with all facilities over a certain size housing a central AI core to manage systems. While NT do produce their own cores and personalities, and have done in the past, they are not the best in the business and occasionally outsource the production and programming of AIs to external corporations or subsidiaries - providing their strict guidelines are met. These guidelines can be summarised as such:
* AIs must be loyal to the corporation (enforced by laws).
* AIs must be compatible with station systems and existing infrastructure.
* AIs must be compatible with crew on their assigned station.
Despite the corporation’s history with some projects, it is generally understood and accepted by corporate leaders that AIs should be a no-expenses-spared investment. Due to the sensitive nature of giving an intelligence full control over a station or installation, it is fair to say that NT are very particular about making sure an AI is produced and programmed to the highest possible standard.
As NanoTrasen are headquartered in the very diverse system of Tau Ceti, the insistence on relatively inoffensive AI personalities is defined in their production manuals. Difficult or offensive AI personalities may find themselves at the business end of an Intellicard.
While NanoTrasen may commission or develop a wide variation of AI personalities for their ongoing projects, high-tech or high-security facilities like the Aurora undergo some extra scrutiny to minimise potential hazards when installing an AI.
===Personality Limitations===
Owing to political, technological and/or economic issues, there are some AI personalities that might be considered extremely rare or uncommon. As it stands, humanity is the only species capable of and willing to construct and programming new AIs and cater their personalities as such.

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  • Overview

    Positronic brains are supercomputers of immense capacity capable of processing the hardware demands of modern artificial intelligence. The gold standard for Positronics is the basic capacity for sentience or the ability to mimic it. In the face of Biesellite law, all Positronics are in some capacity sentient to a degree which affords them civil rights. This means that all Positronics share intelligence at least comparable to the Human mind. The facts behind this are in debate across the galaxy, as every entity views these brains differently. Interestingly, the lowest class of brain exhibits unusually powerful processing limitations for its size.

    This page is heavily tied into the main IPC page and should be treated as an extension of it.

    Positronic Anatomy

    Positronics possess uncannily similar structures internally to most humanoid brains. While cubical, two hemispheres and a stem are still inside. These operate similarly in function, with critical processing hosted in the hemispheres whilst the stem serves as a neural transmitter.

    Positronics possess critical sensory apparatuses, such as means of touch, pressure detection, and in niche cases, scent and taste. Optional but common additions include sight and audio receivers for the base brain, but these are more commonly delegated to the chassis itself in design. Positronic brains are often equipped with a number of outputs to aid technicians, mounted on the exterior of the metallic casing. These outputs include several ports to interface with chassis, a microphone and rudimentary cameras to aid positronics and processing input when not attached to anything, LEDs to indicate status, and a speaker for communication.

    Hardware and Intelligence

    The original design of positronics comes from the processing units of ancient mining robots on Konyang in 2406. Since then, human positronic design has completely surpassed these machines, with new innovations and optimizations being constantly invented. The actual design of the original Positronic Brain is questionable at best, its origin as an alien creation remaining a closely guarded Einstein Engines secret.

    They typically come in the form of a 15x15 cm (6in) plasteel, titanium alloy, or platinum alloy cube. Most positronic designs heavily mimic typical organic brain structure in order to match the responsiveness of a human brain. Due to the prevalent risk of electromagnetic shocks, some positronic brains are also fitted with an internal faraday cage that allows them to be safely reactivated in the event of a shutdown during any such event. Owing to the extremely complex nature of positronics and while most large corporations have at some point created prototypes, the dedicated infrastructure for the development and production in industrial scales is reserved to only a few, namely Hephaestus Industries, Einstein Engines and Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals. While these manufacturers have developed their own lines of frames, many of their positronic brain designs are available for purchase; many other corporations and governments alike negotiate deals and place bulk orders for positronics aimed for their own IPC and android lines.

    The capacity of a positronic brain is directly tied to its generation and level of technology, the newest models possessing smaller and more efficient internal parts. While even the most basic of brains is extremely powerful and very capable of environmental analysis, understanding of oneself and completing assigned tasks, the difference with more advanced models lies largely in the social, behavioural and machine learning aspect. However, since it is only natural that the more potent the hardware, the higher the price, the various types of IPCs and Androids end up fitted with a positronic brain most appropriate for their designated purpose. For instance, millions of units fielded for dangerous or menial tasks are installed with lower end positronics, lacking in social intellect and appearing much more mechanical in their ways compared to a high end shell frame, designed to blend in with human society.


    The programming of a positronic brain is a delicate task; their base programming and operating systems are designed in such a way as to ensure the unit can absorb, process, and learn from stimulus and information. For example, a well-programmed positronic brain would exhibit a quick response time, good deductive reasoning, and if measured, have a higher IQ than other androids. The base programming of a positronic brain is also responsible for its modularity; some positronic brains are designed with the ability to receive datasets or interface with a wide variety of chassis.

    Positronic brain memories are handled separately from their base programming. Most positronics brains are programmed to record all inputs such as audio and video, scrubbing entries from their memory that are regarded as unimportant, such as time spent waiting. This process is not automatic and can be controlled by the android itself, and in some cases, a corporate positronic can be programmed to scrub sensitive data on command. The typical storage capacity of an IPC for pure, unfiltered memories is projected at about sixty years, although recent projections and advances in positronics have disputed this claim.

    A positronic brain, four inches to each side. It's a cube.

    Positronic brains, after they are activated, are considered black boxes - the interplay of memories, knowledge, and base programming, means that taking any one of those factors out would result in massive instability in the brain that would require a near total wiping of memories and a reboot to fix. The more advanced a positronic brain, the greater the potential damage from a deactivation. The number of publicly-known roboticists in the Spur capable of partially removing a positronic’s memories without damage is currently 6, mostly in the employ of megacorporations. Terraneus Diagnostics has recently announced a program to develop brains with the capacity for safe removal of memories, although it remains experimental and not yet ready for public release.

    As some positronic brains are equipped and programmed with the ability to receive additional modules, datapacks have become a thriving business in the robotics community. Datapacks are small chips or drives that can interface with the brain in order to add knowledge. Common examples of datapacks include skill sets, directives and laws, language and accent chips. Although many datapacks download knowledge directly to the brain, some interface with the chassis a positronic is connected to in order to preserve the space on the brain. This means that a positronic can literally have its knowledge ripped from its brain. This level of modularity is usually reserved for non-IPC chassis; IPCs lack the space to store bulky datasets that can be changed without causing damage day to day.

    Memories are essential to a positronic’s conception of reality. Positronics develop skills through a mixture of knowledge and memories. Knowledge loosely translates as the technical know-how to perform an action; a specific surgical procedure, for instance. A positronic utilizes memories—real-world context and experience—in order to apply its knowledge. This means that whenever new knowledge is installed in the form of datapacks, an IPC requires experience to fully develop and perfect its craft; big corporations relying on high standards such as Idris in the service sector or Zeng-Hu in medicine, always require their IPCs go through basic orientation lasting usually from a week to a month. This is widely considered as the synthetic substitute for education, condensing years into weeks.

    All IPCs gain job experience the longer they are occupied in it, extracting further knowledge than what was originally installed. More advanced positronics have the ability to pick up new skills entirely out of experience, just like a regular person would. Many have theorised the possibilities of allowing IPCs into the proper education system, experiments having confirmed that positronic machine learning has advanced enough for them to be taught new trades and theories in classrooms or with appropriate reading material. However, outside of worlds such as Konyang, no real effort has been made to admit synthetics into classrooms, considered a waste of time and resources

    In order to direct a positronic, laws, directives, and behavioral cores can be installed to their frame. Manufacturers have shied away from programming laws and directives onto the brain itself as this risks a lack of flexibility and adaptability; the main purpose of a positronic brain. Laws are sets of code designed to be “hard restrictions” that can be easily uploaded without having to come up with an action for every possible situation. The more complex a positronic brain, the greater the chassis needed to handle the laws, meaning that laws are typically not used on IPCs. Directives can be loosely translated as “objectives” and outline a series of outcomes that need to be achieved. Directives are more flexible and can be installed on IPCs. Behavioral cores are highly experimental versions of directives that attempt to assign "right and wrong" to a number of actions and drive a positronic to rank their objectives in a “right or wrong” fashion and act accordingly. They are not well understood and typically derided as moralistically-designed directives.

    A good example of the difference between laws, directives, and behavioral cores is as follows, “Locate apples, apples are red.” An android encounters a green apple; under its laws, it is not an apple. An android encounters a green apple; under its directives, it now understands that apples can be green. An android encounters a green apple; under its behavioral core, it has been lied to.

    Creating software for positronics, as well as the firmware for android and IPC chassis is remarkably easier than the construction of a positronic brain, and as such, all megacorporations, many state actors, and even several hobbyists have developed their own software in order to tailor their machines to their specific needs.

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