Sandbox2:Lavillastrangiato: различия между версиями

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>La Villa Strangiato
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>La Villa Strangiato
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So you've just rolled an antagonist role! Great job! As an antagonist, you are the catalyst for a lot of crazy stuff happening on-board the [[SCCV Horizon]], and you help push the action of the round along. If you're overwhelmed and don't know what to do, this guide is for you.
|headerbgcolor = black
|headerfontcolor = red
|stafftype = ENEMY
|imagebgcolor = gray
|img_generic =ChangelingLarge2.gif
|img = ChangelingLarge2.gif
|jobtitle = Vampire
|access = Depends on your ability to earn access, your vampiric abilities and your initial starting role
|difficulty = <font style="color:red;">'''VERY HARD'''</font>
|superior = No one
|duties = Party like it's 1897. Convert as many crew as you can into your thralls or vampires. Get headgibbed by security after veilwalking out of the brig too many times.
|guides = This is the guide

== How to Conduct Yourself ==
You are a creature of the night, an individual who has attempted BLOOD MAGIC or been converted by a vampire themselves. Corrupted by the Veil, you have been given insidious power, and you are consumed with an unquenchable thirst for BLOOD. You must race against the clock to gain a proper supply of blood and thralls, for all good vampires require a territory, food, and servants. Running out of a blood supply doesn't just mean starvation, but losing your mind to the fell powers of the Veil...
Being an antagonist still requires you to follow the server rules, and even if you're still technically following the rules, you can still be an antag that's just plain not fun to play with.

That being said, here are some general tips that you can follow to help push an enjoyable, engaging round.
OOC Note: Like all antagonists outside of admin-run events, Vampires are '''not canon'''; they do not exist outside of the round that they are featured in, thus there is no information about them.  

# '''Engage with the crew.''' This is a very broad topic; while no one antag gimmick can involve literally every department (unless something wild happened), you should try to get involved with more players than just the [[Security]] department. This can range from involving personnel from another department in your gimmick, threatening a particular department by hiding out in that area or just because you ended up having a bone to pick with them, or, well, hurting people so that they need to be taken to [[Medical Department|Medical]]. With that said, however...
==Starting Out==
# '''Use good judgment when robusting.''' Don't get it twisted, it's perfectly fine to have a gimmick that causes a lot of violence and chaos. But it sucks to be taken out of the round immediately after being shot in the head so much that your head literally blows off. When you attack people, try to give them some leeway to be helped. A general rule of thumb: the closer you are to the end of the round, and the greater the effort your pursuer has put into stopping you, the more acceptable it is to try and kill them. If a [[Security Officer]] has gone EVA all the way to your escape shuttle, it's safe to say they've fucked around and it's fine to make them find out.
You spawn in your department normally, with obvious text indicating you are an antagonist. Other vampires can spawn along with you, but you have no way to contact them privately in-character. However, you can coordinate with other players using the <code>AOOC</code> verb.
# '''ROLEPLAY.''' Use the same tools you use on your shipside characters to create a compelling antagonist. Why does this character do what they do? Are they in it for money? Love? Bloodlust? Madness? How can they be dissuaded in their goals, and what lengths will they go to? This can create an extra layer to your interactions with the crew; if you've kidnapped a hostage, what could they say to make your character let them go? Don't just interact with the crew by killing them. Have a villain monologue while putting a gun to the [[Captain|Captain's]] head! Reveal the dirty secrets of the security officer trying to chase you down!
# '''Losing is fun.''' It's okay to put your character into a situation where they might lose, so long as it creates interesting roleplay. This is a character (or a version of a ship character) that you're playing for one round, after all; tryharding your way to kill the entire crew gets unfun for everyone else, especially if you've been doing it for two hours. Don't be afraid to lose, and make sure to have a dying monologue on-hand. You're a villain, after all.
# '''Be aware of the scale of your antics.''' If it's a round with very few players, gimmicks where you try and murder the entire crew can feel pretty cheap. Similarly, if it's a round with a higher player count but medical and security have small numbers, try to scale back the violence. Also, if there's one [[Engineer]], don't spread a gas leak.
# '''If you're going to peacetag, make sure you do something.''' "Peacetagging" is slang for an antagonist that doesn't do anything antagonistic during the round. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't an inherently bad route to go down; your [[Mercenary]] team can be a crew of actors looking to shoot a scene on the Horizon, or your burglars can be a pair of annoying workplace inspectors for the SCC. Whatever the case, if you're not going to go an ultraviolent route, make sure the crew can still be engaged by whatever you're doing.

== Types of Antagonists ==
As a vampire, you don't necessarily have to work with other vampires. Your teamwork can be teeth-clenched or nonexistent, weaponizing the crew against each other to become the big vamp on campus. If you do end up coordinating your gimmick with other vampires, decide on whether or not this will apply to you.

*[[File:Generic_nukesyndie.png|32px|link=Traitor]] [[Traitor|Traitor]]
If you intend to make someone else in the round a thrall or a vampire, it's a good idea to build up to them becoming such, or even asking them in Local OOC if they'd like to be turned. Some people just aren't interested in playing antag that round, and would rather be removed from the round.
*[[File:SpaceNinja.png|32px|link=Ninja]] [[Ninja|Being a Ninja]]
*[[File:Generic_nukesyndie.png|32px|link=Mercenary]] [[Mercenary|Life as a Hired Gun]]
*[[File:HeistRaider.png|32px|link=Raider]] [[Raider|One More Job]]
*<b>Blood:</b> Blood comes in two forms; usable and total. ''Usable'' blood can be considered your mana pool. It drains as you use your powers. ''Total'' blood can be thought of as experience points. They cannot be removed, and the more you have, the more powers you have. You start with 30 units of usable blood. Be careful with your initial pool; if you expend it, you will start to enter a frenzy. Blood can be acquired through sucking on people, drinking raw blood, and from draining blood bags.
*[[File:ChangelingLarge2.gif|32px|link=Revolutionary]][[Revolutionary|Someone Tired of the Establishment]]
*<b>Progression:</b> As a vampire, you progress down a linear skill path. The more total blood you train, the more powers you unlock. Once you are a fully-powered vampire, your abilities will become far more potent.
*[[File:ChangelingLarge2.gif|32px|link=Vampire]][[Vampire|A Cunning Bloodsucker]]
*<b>Frenzy:</b> With the raw corruption of the Veil locked within your body, maintaining your sanity is a constant battle. If your usable blood counter ticks to zero or runs out, you enter a frenzy in which your eyes glow red, you're unable to speak without shouting, your intent is locked to Harm, and you become far stronger and more resilient at the cost of your vampire abilities.
*[[File:ChangelingLarge2.gif|32px|link=Changeling]][[Changeling|A Genetic Abomination]]
*<b>Holy weakness:</b> As a creature of the Veil, you will find the [[Chaplain]] resistant to your blood magic, and you are vulnerable to the touch of their null rod and holy water. You will also be unable to veil-walk into the Chapel, though you can physically enter just fine.
*[[File:Generic_cultist.gif|32px|link=Cult]][[Cult|Other Dimensional Beings and How to Summon Them]]
*[[File:Revenant96x.png|32px|link=Revenant]][[Revenant|Being an Other Dimensional Being]]
===Other Powers===
*[[File:Borer.png|link=Borer]][[Borer|Neurology for Slugs]]
A vampire's powers all come from the blood of their victims. By draining blood of man or beast, you can unlock more powers and use the ones you already have.
*<b>Drain Blood:</b> The most basic power a vampire needs: feeding. Click on your victim with yellow intent to grab them, click on your grab to upgrade it to blue, and select <code>Suck</code>. Your victim will be unable to resist from the moment you've sunk your fangs into them, and you can toggle whether or not they remember anything about the encounter. For every 10 points of blood gained, you drain roughly twice that from your victim. While draining blood, you also sate the Veil's desires, and thus lower your frenzy counter. You cannot drain blood from anyone wearing an airtight helmet, and using this ability in public isn't advised given the fact that it plays a sound and produces a message visible to anyone that can see you.
*<b>Blood Heal:</b> Uses the blood of your victims to heal you. You must not move or be interrupted in any other way while doing this act of magic. Eventually, all damage will be healed, including broken bones and damaged organs.
*<b>Glare:</b> An area of effect stun ability. Knocks out everyone not wearing proper eye protection within a 2 tile radius.
*<b>Hypnotize:</b> A targeted stun ability. Requires that you and your target remain stationary for a short amount of time. The stun effect lasts longer than that applied by Glare.
*<b>Presence:</b> When toggled and activated, you begin emitting a positive influence towards other characters. Other players begin to receive messages in their chat log about how you come off as more trustworthy and kind. Mind you, players are under no obligation to engage with this if you've just murdered five people.
*<b>Veil Step:</b> Activated by right clicking on any tile in the game. You jump to that tile, provided that it's covered in shadows to some degree. If you're a vampire that's gained full power, you will also take anyone you're grabbing along with you.
*<b>Summon Bats:</b> Summons a set of space bats that attack nearby people. The only creatures they ignore are the vampire who summoned them and their thralls. Very weak.
*<b>Chiropteran Screech:</b> An area of effect destructive and damage ability. You will destroy all windows and lights within a 7 tile radius, and stun all characters within a 4 tile radius.
*<b>Veil Walking:</b> Similar to the Technomancer's Jaunt ability, you become a Veil ghost. Activate the ability again to revert to your normal form. While in this form, you cannot be attacked, harmed, or touched in any way. As you remain in this form, you will continuously lose blood. You will lose more blood if you stay on a tile that's lit.
*<b>Enthrall:</b> You create a blood bond between yourself and a mortal. You must have the victim in a grab to begin. Once enthralled, the victim will have to listen to your every command. You will become the most important person to them.
*<b>Embrace:</b> You create a new vampire. Through replacing the blood of your victim completely, you can spread the corruption of the Veil to another mortal soul. The new vampire will awaken frenzied and hungry and notably, not strictly loyal to you.
[[Category: Jobs]] [[Category:Antagonists]]

Версия от 01:00, 1 июля 2023

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Руководители: No one
Сложность: VERY HARD
Обязанности: Party like it's 1897. Convert as many crew as you can into your thralls or vampires. Get headgibbed by security after veilwalking out of the brig too many times.
Руководства: This is the guide
Доступ: Depends on your ability to earn access, your vampiric abilities and your initial starting role
Альтернативные названия: Отсутствуют


You are a creature of the night, an individual who has attempted BLOOD MAGIC or been converted by a vampire themselves. Corrupted by the Veil, you have been given insidious power, and you are consumed with an unquenchable thirst for BLOOD. You must race against the clock to gain a proper supply of blood and thralls, for all good vampires require a territory, food, and servants. Running out of a blood supply doesn't just mean starvation, but losing your mind to the fell powers of the Veil...

OOC Note: Like all antagonists outside of admin-run events, Vampires are not canon; they do not exist outside of the round that they are featured in, thus there is no information about them.

Starting Out

You spawn in your department normally, with obvious text indicating you are an antagonist. Other vampires can spawn along with you, but you have no way to contact them privately in-character. However, you can coordinate with other players using the AOOC verb.

As a vampire, you don't necessarily have to work with other vampires. Your teamwork can be teeth-clenched or nonexistent, weaponizing the crew against each other to become the big vamp on campus. If you do end up coordinating your gimmick with other vampires, decide on whether or not this will apply to you.

If you intend to make someone else in the round a thrall or a vampire, it's a good idea to build up to them becoming such, or even asking them in Local OOC if they'd like to be turned. Some people just aren't interested in playing antag that round, and would rather be removed from the round.


  • Blood: Blood comes in two forms; usable and total. Usable blood can be considered your mana pool. It drains as you use your powers. Total blood can be thought of as experience points. They cannot be removed, and the more you have, the more powers you have. You start with 30 units of usable blood. Be careful with your initial pool; if you expend it, you will start to enter a frenzy. Blood can be acquired through sucking on people, drinking raw blood, and from draining blood bags.
  • Progression: As a vampire, you progress down a linear skill path. The more total blood you train, the more powers you unlock. Once you are a fully-powered vampire, your abilities will become far more potent.
  • Frenzy: With the raw corruption of the Veil locked within your body, maintaining your sanity is a constant battle. If your usable blood counter ticks to zero or runs out, you enter a frenzy in which your eyes glow red, you're unable to speak without shouting, your intent is locked to Harm, and you become far stronger and more resilient at the cost of your vampire abilities.
  • Holy weakness: As a creature of the Veil, you will find the Chaplain resistant to your blood magic, and you are vulnerable to the touch of their null rod and holy water. You will also be unable to veil-walk into the Chapel, though you can physically enter just fine.

Other Powers

A vampire's powers all come from the blood of their victims. By draining blood of man or beast, you can unlock more powers and use the ones you already have.

  • Drain Blood: The most basic power a vampire needs: feeding. Click on your victim with yellow intent to grab them, click on your grab to upgrade it to blue, and select Suck. Your victim will be unable to resist from the moment you've sunk your fangs into them, and you can toggle whether or not they remember anything about the encounter. For every 10 points of blood gained, you drain roughly twice that from your victim. While draining blood, you also sate the Veil's desires, and thus lower your frenzy counter. You cannot drain blood from anyone wearing an airtight helmet, and using this ability in public isn't advised given the fact that it plays a sound and produces a message visible to anyone that can see you.
  • Blood Heal: Uses the blood of your victims to heal you. You must not move or be interrupted in any other way while doing this act of magic. Eventually, all damage will be healed, including broken bones and damaged organs.
  • Glare: An area of effect stun ability. Knocks out everyone not wearing proper eye protection within a 2 tile radius.
  • Hypnotize: A targeted stun ability. Requires that you and your target remain stationary for a short amount of time. The stun effect lasts longer than that applied by Glare.
  • Presence: When toggled and activated, you begin emitting a positive influence towards other characters. Other players begin to receive messages in their chat log about how you come off as more trustworthy and kind. Mind you, players are under no obligation to engage with this if you've just murdered five people.
  • Veil Step: Activated by right clicking on any tile in the game. You jump to that tile, provided that it's covered in shadows to some degree. If you're a vampire that's gained full power, you will also take anyone you're grabbing along with you.
  • Summon Bats: Summons a set of space bats that attack nearby people. The only creatures they ignore are the vampire who summoned them and their thralls. Very weak.
  • Chiropteran Screech: An area of effect destructive and damage ability. You will destroy all windows and lights within a 7 tile radius, and stun all characters within a 4 tile radius.
  • Veil Walking: Similar to the Technomancer's Jaunt ability, you become a Veil ghost. Activate the ability again to revert to your normal form. While in this form, you cannot be attacked, harmed, or touched in any way. As you remain in this form, you will continuously lose blood. You will lose more blood if you stay on a tile that's lit.
  • Enthrall: You create a blood bond between yourself and a mortal. You must have the victim in a grab to begin. Once enthralled, the victim will have to listen to your every command. You will become the most important person to them.
  • Embrace: You create a new vampire. Through replacing the blood of your victim completely, you can spread the corruption of the Veil to another mortal soul. The new vampire will awaken frenzied and hungry and notably, not strictly loyal to you.
Antagonist roles
Antagonists Traitor - Mercenary - Ninja - Changeling - Vampire - Revolutionary - Raider - Cultist - Cortical Borer - Loner - Technomancer
Jobs on Aurora
Command Captain - Executive Officer - Head of Security - Chief Engineer - Research Director - Chief Medical Officer - Operations Manager
Command Support Corporate Liaison - Consular Officer - Bridge Crewman
Security Security Officer - Warden - Investigator - Security Cadet
Engineering Engineer - Atmospheric Technician - Engineering Apprentice
Medical Surgeon - Physician - First Responder - Psychologist - Pharmacist - Medical Intern
Research Scientist - Xenobiologist - Xenobotanist - Lab Assistant
Operations Hangar Technician - Shaft Miner - Machinist
Service Assistant - Off-Duty Crewman - Passenger - Bartender - Chef - Chaplain - Librarian - Janitor - Botanist - Corporate Reporter
Non-human AI - Cyborg - Personal AI
Special Merchant - Ghost Roles