Sandbox:Lavillastrangiato: различия между версиями

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>La Villa Strangiato
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>La Villa Strangiato
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Строка 1: Строка 1:
|headerbgcolor = black
|headerbgcolor = black
|headerfontcolor = red
|headerfontcolor = red
|stafftype = ENEMY
|stafftype = ENEMY
|imagebgcolor = gray
|imagebgcolor = gray
|img_generic =Generic_nukesyndie.png
|img_generic =ChangelingLarge2.gif
|img =Generic_nukesyndie.png
|img = ChangelingLarge2.gif
|jobtitle = Mercenary
|jobtitle = Revolutionary, Loyalist
|access = Anywhere you can get into by hacking, emagging, or exploding
|access = Depends on your starting role.
|difficulty = <font style="color:red;">'''VERY HARD'''</font>
|difficulty = <font style="color:red;">'''VERY HARD'''</font>
|superior = Your Employer
|superior = Head Revolutionary or Head Loyalist
|duties = Kidnap and murder crew. Sabotage and steal vital equipment. Space yourself while trying to reach the ship.
|duties = Stand against or with the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. Violate the Luna Accords. Rebel over getting the holodecks dismantled.
|guides = This page, [[Uplink]]
|guides = This is the guide
You and your team are ragtag hired guns, bought out by a mysterious employer (or perhaps simply your own whims) to launch an assault on the [[Stellar Corporate Conglomerate]]'s most prized asset; the [[SCCV Horizon]]. Luckily for you, you have a wide variety of tools and tricks at your disposal to accomplish your task.

==Setting Up==
In Revolution, inflammatory ideas have started gathering steam among the crew, and it is the job of those loyal to the [[Stellar Corporate Conglomerate]] to stomp on this movement by any means necessary. As either a Revolutionary or a Loyalist, you must rally those sympathetic to your cause and either organize a crew takeover of the ship, or maintain the status quo (or whichever new status quo you've decided on). [[#Proper_Announcements|Note that it must be proper and believable.]]
You start out in your base, which possesses a Quickee's Plastic Surgeon you can use to change your appearance, and various equipment and weapons such as thermal glasses, storage pouches, guns (ballistic and laser), and faction-based clothing. Your fellow mercenaries (marked with a big red S next to their sprite) spawn alongside you, and you can converse with them by using <code>AOOC</code>. If the gamemode is combined, other antagonist players will also show up in AOOC.

When you spawn in, start idea-lobbing with your fellow antag players. Discuss which alien species you possess the whitelists for, and settle on a "gimmick" and plan for the round. As off-ship antagonists, you have a fair amount of leeway in creating new characters to fulfill an antagonistic role, and you don't have to bend a crew character's personality to fit into antagonism. This means your gimmick can be as action-intense or peaceful as you like, so long as it engages the crew of the Horizon. Once you've settled on a plan, use the <code>Set Ambition</code> verb in the IC tab to describe your motive for the round. While not strictly necessary, your ambition shows up at the end of the round and enlightens other players on what your goal was.
==Starting Out==
You spawn in your starting area, with obvious text indicating you are an antagonist. Movement leaders (of which there will be one to three) begin with an [[uplink]] with a limited amount of TC, and one free announcement to act as if they are Central Command. Use this wisely. Your announcement must be concise, within the realm of possibility and reason, and be of sound structure and language (considering you're posing as Central Command).  

Mercenaries have a private communications channel, which you can access by prefixing your message with <code>:t</code>. You also begin with a radio [[uplink]] in your pocket, which can be used to access exploitable information and purchase any weapons or gear not found in your base.
As an antagonist, you have access to <code>AOOC</code>, and can use this to communicate OOCly with your fellow players. It is here where you will decide on your gimmick for the round; what is happening, why the crew will rebel, and the vague outline of the actions taken by either side. Once you have settled on this, it is time to make your free announcement, and proceed with recruiting the crew.

You also possess an Agent ID, what ''appears'' to be a regular ID card, which can be clicked on while in-hand to customize name, faction, and job title (by default, you're a "Mercenary"). This means that if you'd like to play a member of a Zeng-Hu biohazard cleanup team, it's easy to edit your ID to read "Urist McStation, Biohazard Containment Operative". The most ''important'' quality of this ID, however, is that clicking on another ID with it in hand copies that ID's access, allowing you to copy even a Captain's ID and go wherever you want.
To convert someone, a Head Revolutionary/Loyalist must right-click on an adjacent individual and select "Ask to Join". This will provide a pop-up prompt where they can choose to accept or decline, but if they decline they can be approached later. When someone chooses to convert, they will have a red/blue f/C icon over their head to identify them as an ally to your cause. ''Most people are not going to join you without a roleplayed build-up to requesting you join their cause.'' Revolution is a very roleplay-heavy game mode.

===Your Ship===
Once your team is ready to go, bring yourselves aboard the ship, strap in, and use the console to move to the points around the Horizon. Currently, you cannot move around the overmap in your shuttle, but that doesn't mean your team can't take one of the Horizon's shuttles in a pinch.  
The typical outcome of revolution is a bloody uprising, though there are still ways to end up with a non-violent yet engaging plot for the round. Regardless of how it ends up, choosing an inciting incident for the uprising to ''actually happen'' is a very daunting task. True to life, most people aren't willing to get violent with their coworkers in the middle of deep space because Central Command has ordered all the vending machines removed.

You'll also note a cloaking button on your shuttle console. If this option is disabled, the ship will receive an announcement about an unknown spacecraft entering the perimeter. Depending on your gimmick, this may complement or complicate matters.
Therefore, to start a proper revolution, consider the following:
# '''Keep people front-and-center in the round as much as possible.''' Gimmicks that involve arresting all crew of X group are extremely common and difficult to actually enforce. If you make the gimmick to "arrest all Solarians", it is highly likely that the Chief Medical Officer might balk because one of their first responders is a Solarian, and the Head of Security may have to arrest their entire department. Also, assuming at least a few people capitulate to arrest, most of their round is going to be staring at the wall in their cell, which isn't fun for anyone.
# '''Less is more.''' Cooking up an elaborate story for why the Sol Alliance has decided to invade Tau Ceti again is all well and good, except that nobody's going to read that announcement paragraph you spent ten minutes on. Keep it simple, snappy, and stupid; why does this affect the Horizon, what's the thing about it that's causing people to rebel, and why should the Loyalists try and preserve the status quo?
# '''Be reasonable.''' Dominia has invaded Elyra! Arrest all Dominians! Miranda Trasen has declared war on Titanius Aeson! Kill all Hephaestus employees! Horizon, shoot this ship full of orphaned puppies with the Leviathan or your family members die! When you're making a gimmick, it's tempting to make it so over-the-top as to immediately incite bloodlust. But excessive, comically cruel or wacky gimmicks generally cause people to disengage with the round beyond the bare minimum, or simply go to the residential lifts.  

Your ship spawns with some extra engineering gear of its own, plus a fully-outfitted medbay with all important medications. The shuttle can dock with the Horizon's third deck starboard docking point, but nowhere else.
Even with this in mind, you have a hard job ahead of you. Don't be afraid to ask your fellow players what they think in AOOC, and make sure to settle on a concrete goal and desired outcome. Good luck.

==Roleplaying As An Antag==
==Gimmick Concepts==
Playing an antagonist does not waive roleplay. While obviously you are perfectly allowed to injure, kill, and steal from other characters, you are expected to do so in an engaging fashion. Consider; if John McClane had been killed by Hans Gruber and his goons in the first ten minutes of ''Die Hard'', would that be an interesting movie to watch? The same applies to you and your roleplay. While you're contemplating your merc gimmick, ask yourself some questions:
* You are an anti-corporate revolutionary who desires Biesel, in particular, to be returned to the control of the people. You could seek to end NanoTrasen's monopoly, be a Samaritan, a Himean, or simply an independent actor against corporate interests who has found their way on to the Horizon.
* You are an alien, or an alien sympathizer, who is appalled by the treatment of non-humans in the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. [Insert injustices here] have forced you to take action!
* You believe the general operations of the Horizon are abysmally inhumane, and seek to put an end to how it's run as a whole.
* You believe the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate is hiding things from you and the galaxy at large, and have discovered one of their biggest secrets (and what it is, exactly, is up to you)! You must share this secret with the Orion Spur, and take control of the Conglomerate's flagship so they know you mean ''business''.

# '''What is my motive?''' The classic actor question. You have far more freedom to create a more unhinged or uninhibited character, given that they don't have to be employed with the SCC, but giving them even a basic personality or quirks helps to develop them and create for more engaging roleplay. Giving your character a reason to do what they do can bring a number of interesting variables into play.
# '''Who do I engage with?''' Your actions threaten the integrity of the ship and its crew, so naturally the [[Security]] department will be given to interact with you in any round. But who else is going to be involved in your gimmick? Does this gimmick hinge on the merc team's faction? Are you targeting a specific crewmember, or is the Horizon in general a target of your wrath?
* Whether from paranoia or actual evidence, you believe a certain subset of people have intentions to cut ties with the corporations that have economically assisted Tau Ceti through thick and thin.
# '''How will I complete my objective?''' Whether or not you "win" or "lose", your gimmick will change vastly if you change your methods. Your goal can be to kill Captain Jane Coalition because NanoTrasen has decided she knows too much, but do you kidnap Dr. Muhammad Elyra to convince her to turn herself over? Do you hold the ship ransom with a nuclear bomb? Or do you opt to blackmail Jane Coalition into giving up the information to a higher bidder?
* You might expect unruly elements to be behind the revolution, and have doubts as to their sincerity.
* You're a corporate stooge. You want to curry favor with your employers, and get a raise after this is all said and done.
* You might plan to counter this movement and use the power you've gained by doing so to try to stage your own uprising.
* You believe the revolution has been founded for misguided reasons, and seek to put an end to it on that basis, through varying means.
* You're just plain biased against the ones leading this revolution, and seek to put an end to it.

It is good to remember when being an antagonist that ''losing is fun''. You are four people up against a security team that can number up to ten, plus an entire ship of people willing to shout out your location over communications once the jig is up. Dying, being imprisoned, or even being cyborgified can all be part of the fun, so roll with the punches.
Remember that your particular agenda in this can be up to you. There are many ways you can go about spreading your cause and the reason behind it. It's a spot where creativity shines. Try bribery - Go get some funds from the ATM, and set about trying to pay off those with questionable loyalty. Offer them contracts outside of NT if something goes wrong. Others can be persuaded by convincing them that they can get a promotion themselves out of this, as long as they remember who they owe the favor to... Give people reasons to think they can change NanoTrasen by doing this! Explain to them what their work is contributing to-- And convince them that it's nothing good, rake muck! Give personal blackmail, true or false out, on the Heads of staff. Maybe they already have a chip on their shoulder regarding some of command. Were they treated poorly, or perhaps it's something more petty? Consider it also an excellent RP oportunity to get you out of your workplace.  

==Nuke Ops==
''None of this is foolproof, and remember-- People can most assuredly betray you!'' It's heavily recommended you try to personalize your approaches-- Convincing often fails. Try not to get caught lying to two different people as to your intentions! They might turn on you, to the Fellowship, the Contenders, or even just to the unaligned Station Command.
In your base in the dining area, there is a piece of paper with a code written on it. This is the nuclear code, which, along with a nuclear authentication disk, can be used to destroy the ship and end the round. Since this is obviously not a thing that is done lightly, '''activating the nuke requires admin permission''', and significant buildup should be devoted to foreshadowing the nuke's involvement.

But, assuming you've met all of the above criteria and you've decided on the right moment, it's time to get nuclear.
===Heads of Staff===
You may receive some announcements from Central Command through the Head Fellow/Contenders. How you handle this can vary for your character, however, being needlessly suspicious of the announcement and refusing to follow it for nonsensical reasons is against the rules. You are expected to follow the announcement if it's within reason. Use the F1 hotkey to contact ingame moderation during the round if you're unsure.

The nuclear authentication disk is, by default, stored in the [[Captain]]'s office. You possess a pinpointer which, when active, will show a little arrow pointing in its direction. Once you've grabbed it, you'll also need your nuclear code.
Additionally, you may find yourself assigned as one of the leaders of the two teams, in that case, you should try to make sure that the Crew follows the announcements as laid out where reasonable, even by the opposing team. This is for the good of the round and everyones fun, afterall.

When you have both the disk and code, find the nuclear bomb located in the compartment at the very aft of the ship. (Keep in mind the code ''only works with this nuke'', and not the ship's scuttling device.)
===Station Staff===
As a member of the general staff, Revolutionary rounds should be treated very similarly to every other round. if you see a Crewmember attacking another, you should do as your character would, likely to try stop them or report it to Security. Remember that mutiny and terrorism are still things you should avoid unless your leaders deem them necessary and your sense allows.

Once you've found an appealing place for your nuke, you'll need to properly set it up.
# Right click the device to open its control panel.
# Make it deployable.
# Click it with your open hand.
# Place the authentication disk into the slot.
# Punch in the nuke code and hit enter.
# Set the time. Make sure to give yourself sufficient time to get off the ship; or don't.
# Set it to <code>Armed</code>.
# Disengage the anchor.
# Begin the countdown. If you die at this point, the nuke will still go off.
# Place the nuke anywhere you want on the station.
# Anchor it.
# Remove the authentication disk.
# Guard it with your life. <s>Spacing it is cheap.</s>
# Get to your ship and get the hell out of dodge, or die in glorious nuclear hellfire.
==Contracts and Exploitable Information==
[ Contracts] are player-submitted antagonist prompts from unscrupulous sorts that involve theft, murder, vandalism, and other such crimes. If you are particularly in a bind for ideas, you can use these as a jumping-off point for your gimmick.
Exploitable information is player-written dirty little secrets about crew characters that can be looked up using your uplink. It isn't a hard and fast rule that all of the information is canonical; merely that the information about a character is plausible enough to give you, the antagonist, something to act on.
Keep in mind that this information doesn't always need to be something painting a target on said character's back; you can do a lot with the mere fact that a character can be bribed. Also note that if your plan is to kill a character for their compromising information, ''make sure to roleplay with them first''.
==Tips and Tricks==
* If you think your gimmick could be improved by a smidgen of adminbus, feel free to send an admin help and ask for something to be spawned. Whether or not it's allowed is up to the discretion of the admin in question, so don't lean on it too heavily. Examples include spawning [[Lii'dra]] gear and black k'ois, miscellaneous xenowear, and special faction gear.
* Taking hostages can be a mixed bag, so use them with due caution. Rounds where the entire gimmick is centred around taking a hostage can quickly get tedious for everyone who isn't [[Security]] or the aforementioned hostage, particularly when you make excessive demands such as "I want all of the ship's funds" or "please give me the Captain in exchange for this [[Hangar Technician]]".
* Hostages work best when you're using them for brief periods of time as leverage to get out of a sticky situation. If Cindi Kate grabs Urist McStation and uses him as a human shield while John Sol has a gun pointed at her, Cindi Kate can slowly back out of the room and put some distance between herself and security. The longer you stay in a position bogged down with a hostage, the further the scales tip out of your favor.
* [[Human Wildlands]] gimmicks and [[Einstein Engines]] gimmicks are very, very common. Consider doing something different.
[[Category: Jobs]] [[Category:Antagonists]]
[[Category: Jobs]] [[Category:Antagonists]]

Версия от 13:20, 28 июля 2023

не определена

Revolutionary, Loyalist

Руководители: Head Revolutionary or Head Loyalist
Сложность: VERY HARD
Обязанности: Stand against or with the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. Violate the Luna Accords. Rebel over getting the holodecks dismantled.
Руководства: This is the guide
Доступ: Depends on your starting role.
Альтернативные названия: Отсутствуют


In Revolution, inflammatory ideas have started gathering steam among the crew, and it is the job of those loyal to the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate to stomp on this movement by any means necessary. As either a Revolutionary or a Loyalist, you must rally those sympathetic to your cause and either organize a crew takeover of the ship, or maintain the status quo (or whichever new status quo you've decided on). Note that it must be proper and believable.

Starting Out

You spawn in your starting area, with obvious text indicating you are an antagonist. Movement leaders (of which there will be one to three) begin with an uplink with a limited amount of TC, and one free announcement to act as if they are Central Command. Use this wisely. Your announcement must be concise, within the realm of possibility and reason, and be of sound structure and language (considering you're posing as Central Command).

As an antagonist, you have access to AOOC, and can use this to communicate OOCly with your fellow players. It is here where you will decide on your gimmick for the round; what is happening, why the crew will rebel, and the vague outline of the actions taken by either side. Once you have settled on this, it is time to make your free announcement, and proceed with recruiting the crew.

To convert someone, a Head Revolutionary/Loyalist must right-click on an adjacent individual and select "Ask to Join". This will provide a pop-up prompt where they can choose to accept or decline, but if they decline they can be approached later. When someone chooses to convert, they will have a red/blue f/C icon over their head to identify them as an ally to your cause. Most people are not going to join you without a roleplayed build-up to requesting you join their cause. Revolution is a very roleplay-heavy game mode.


The typical outcome of revolution is a bloody uprising, though there are still ways to end up with a non-violent yet engaging plot for the round. Regardless of how it ends up, choosing an inciting incident for the uprising to actually happen is a very daunting task. True to life, most people aren't willing to get violent with their coworkers in the middle of deep space because Central Command has ordered all the vending machines removed.

Therefore, to start a proper revolution, consider the following:

  1. Keep people front-and-center in the round as much as possible. Gimmicks that involve arresting all crew of X group are extremely common and difficult to actually enforce. If you make the gimmick to "arrest all Solarians", it is highly likely that the Chief Medical Officer might balk because one of their first responders is a Solarian, and the Head of Security may have to arrest their entire department. Also, assuming at least a few people capitulate to arrest, most of their round is going to be staring at the wall in their cell, which isn't fun for anyone.
  2. Less is more. Cooking up an elaborate story for why the Sol Alliance has decided to invade Tau Ceti again is all well and good, except that nobody's going to read that announcement paragraph you spent ten minutes on. Keep it simple, snappy, and stupid; why does this affect the Horizon, what's the thing about it that's causing people to rebel, and why should the Loyalists try and preserve the status quo?
  3. Be reasonable. Dominia has invaded Elyra! Arrest all Dominians! Miranda Trasen has declared war on Titanius Aeson! Kill all Hephaestus employees! Horizon, shoot this ship full of orphaned puppies with the Leviathan or your family members die! When you're making a gimmick, it's tempting to make it so over-the-top as to immediately incite bloodlust. But excessive, comically cruel or wacky gimmicks generally cause people to disengage with the round beyond the bare minimum, or simply go to the residential lifts.

Even with this in mind, you have a hard job ahead of you. Don't be afraid to ask your fellow players what they think in AOOC, and make sure to settle on a concrete goal and desired outcome. Good luck.

Gimmick Concepts


  • You are an anti-corporate revolutionary who desires Biesel, in particular, to be returned to the control of the people. You could seek to end NanoTrasen's monopoly, be a Samaritan, a Himean, or simply an independent actor against corporate interests who has found their way on to the Horizon.
  • You are an alien, or an alien sympathizer, who is appalled by the treatment of non-humans in the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. [Insert injustices here] have forced you to take action!
  • You believe the general operations of the Horizon are abysmally inhumane, and seek to put an end to how it's run as a whole.
  • You believe the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate is hiding things from you and the galaxy at large, and have discovered one of their biggest secrets (and what it is, exactly, is up to you)! You must share this secret with the Orion Spur, and take control of the Conglomerate's flagship so they know you mean business.


  • Whether from paranoia or actual evidence, you believe a certain subset of people have intentions to cut ties with the corporations that have economically assisted Tau Ceti through thick and thin.
  • You might expect unruly elements to be behind the revolution, and have doubts as to their sincerity.
  • You're a corporate stooge. You want to curry favor with your employers, and get a raise after this is all said and done.
  • You might plan to counter this movement and use the power you've gained by doing so to try to stage your own uprising.
  • You believe the revolution has been founded for misguided reasons, and seek to put an end to it on that basis, through varying means.
  • You're just plain biased against the ones leading this revolution, and seek to put an end to it.


Remember that your particular agenda in this can be up to you. There are many ways you can go about spreading your cause and the reason behind it. It's a spot where creativity shines. Try bribery - Go get some funds from the ATM, and set about trying to pay off those with questionable loyalty. Offer them contracts outside of NT if something goes wrong. Others can be persuaded by convincing them that they can get a promotion themselves out of this, as long as they remember who they owe the favor to... Give people reasons to think they can change NanoTrasen by doing this! Explain to them what their work is contributing to-- And convince them that it's nothing good, rake muck! Give personal blackmail, true or false out, on the Heads of staff. Maybe they already have a chip on their shoulder regarding some of command. Were they treated poorly, or perhaps it's something more petty? Consider it also an excellent RP oportunity to get you out of your workplace.

None of this is foolproof, and remember-- People can most assuredly betray you! It's heavily recommended you try to personalize your approaches-- Convincing often fails. Try not to get caught lying to two different people as to your intentions! They might turn on you, to the Fellowship, the Contenders, or even just to the unaligned Station Command.

Heads of Staff

You may receive some announcements from Central Command through the Head Fellow/Contenders. How you handle this can vary for your character, however, being needlessly suspicious of the announcement and refusing to follow it for nonsensical reasons is against the rules. You are expected to follow the announcement if it's within reason. Use the F1 hotkey to contact ingame moderation during the round if you're unsure.

Additionally, you may find yourself assigned as one of the leaders of the two teams, in that case, you should try to make sure that the Crew follows the announcements as laid out where reasonable, even by the opposing team. This is for the good of the round and everyones fun, afterall.

Station Staff

As a member of the general staff, Revolutionary rounds should be treated very similarly to every other round. if you see a Crewmember attacking another, you should do as your character would, likely to try stop them or report it to Security. Remember that mutiny and terrorism are still things you should avoid unless your leaders deem them necessary and your sense allows.

Antagonist roles
Antagonists Traitor - Mercenary - Ninja - Changeling - Vampire - Revolutionary - Raider - Cultist - Cortical Borer - Loner - Technomancer
Jobs on Aurora
Command Captain - Executive Officer - Head of Security - Chief Engineer - Research Director - Chief Medical Officer - Operations Manager
Command Support Corporate Liaison - Consular Officer - Bridge Crewman
Security Security Officer - Warden - Investigator - Security Cadet
Engineering Engineer - Atmospheric Technician - Engineering Apprentice
Medical Surgeon - Physician - First Responder - Psychologist - Pharmacist - Medical Intern
Research Scientist - Xenobiologist - Xenobotanist - Lab Assistant
Operations Hangar Technician - Shaft Miner - Machinist
Service Assistant - Off-Duty Crewman - Passenger - Bartender - Chef - Chaplain - Librarian - Janitor - Botanist - Corporate Reporter
Non-human AI - Cyborg - Personal AI
Special Merchant - Ghost Roles