Synthetic Origins: различия между версиями

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Synthetics galaxy-wide originate primarily from the megacorporations. Exceptions to this in recent years have grown, with various governments taking on their own iterations and designs. The places for a robot to be created are numerous as a result, and one would have trouble pinpointing rhyme or reason to the locales in question. Population centers of robots, unlike organics, don't flock or expand much from their origin points due to the necessity of maintenance, parts and skilled labor. Unable to “live off the land” like proper living beings, synthetics - IPC or not - can reasonably be traced to large blobs of infrastructure built around specific high-development planets.

This page is devoted to the precise origins that most synthetics rise from, which tend to form these population centers.

Synthetics onboard NanoTrasen facilities originate from a wide variety of places. These places primarily include large corporations which fabricate them in mass to fulfill a wide variety of duties. Belonging to these corporations are countless manufacturing points, some of which are listed below.
Origins classified as “major” here are the foremost fabricators and maintainers of synthetics galaxy-wide. The Orion Spur can pin its synthetic backbone on only these entities.

==Hephaestus Industries==
===[[Hephaestus Industries]]===
The sole largest manufacturer of synthetics in known space, Hephaestus Industries is a technological giant. Their capability to fabricate any necessary component to fully create most basic synthetics has led to their almost complete domination of the IPC market. While the most high-end robotics are out of reach of the majority of Hephaestus factories, their success can often be found in extremely powerful industrial units.

The sole largest manufacturer of synthetics in known space, Hephaestus Industries is a technological giant. Their capability to fabricate any necessary component to fully create most basic synthetics has led to their almost complete domination of the [[IPC| IPC]] market. While the most high-end robotics are out of reach of the majority of Hephaestus factories, their success can often be found in extremely powerful industrial units.
The wiki page for [[Hephaestus Industries]] can be found [[Hephaestus Industries|here.]]

The wiki page for Hephaestus Industries can be found [[Hephaestus Industries| here.]]
Hephaestus Industries operates 49 “super stations,” with 2 “mega factories.” Super stations are kilometers-wide assembly plants, orbitally positioned in strategic locations across the Spur to churn out huge varieties of commodities. These commodities extend to agricultural equipment to basic electronics and beyond, with few lines able to construct complicated electronic assemblies. The two“mega factories,” are effectively the same in size, but have overwhelmingly large populations on board. To retain relative autonomy and safety on board, massive organic populations exist on these stations up in the hundreds of thousands. These stations are more notable as they are equipped with the complexities required to fabricate full IPC chassis.  

===Hephaestus Production Station Amóni===
====Hephaestus Production Station Amóni====
*'''Location - Geosynchronous orbit of Mercury, Sol I'''
Mega-factory production station Amoni, or HPS Amoni, is the largest station ever created by Hephaestus Industries, as well as their fastest-built. Put together with an incredible amount of synthetics to justify a monument to Hephaestus’ commercial and industrial might, Amoni orbits Mercury within the Sol System. The station’s unique design permits it to feed off the energy of the Sun directly, taking solar power to its extremes by funneling energy into its core harvesting areas which directly supply the surrounding, highly shielded construction plants. It was laid down in 2397, and completed officially on January 1, 2400 - the start of a new century.
[[File:Amoni.png|The HPS Amoni and its funnel-like energy capture array in orbit of Mercury.|thumb]]
Amoni’s construction was less than two and a half years of effort, and classified as a private experiment on part of Hephaestus. The idea was to construct, if haphazardly, an eventually safe depiction of their largest station in the shortest amount of time conceivable. To fulfill this, synthetics galaxy-wide were shipped to and assisted in the construction of the Amoni regardless of specialization. Of the thirty-thousand organic workers who signed on to complete the already questionable project, nearly six thousand EVA construction crew member’s lives were lost. All were lost to workplace dangers involving inadequate atmospheric safeties and unwieldy equipment.

'''Location - Geosynchronous orbit of Mercury, [[Sol| Sol]] I
Amoni faces criticism for wasting tremendous amounts of Solar energy better spent elsewhere on Hephaestus’ monopoly of low-end electronic commodities. Many speculate that Amoni’s output doesn’t even fit demand, and the majority of its constructions end up scrapped or tossed into the very nearby surface of the sun.

'''Compliment - 352,000+ crew
Alongside the rest of its output, Amoni is known to create positronics and their respective chassis autonomously. Using resources gathered from Mercury, Amoni is able to print any Hephaestus-brand model on the market.

'''Distance from Sol - N/A
====Hephaestus Production Station Sidirourgeío====
*'''Location - Tau Ceti, Orbit of Reade, TC-V'''
Unlike its sister station HPS Amóni, the HPS Sidirourgeío is primarily responsible for the fabrication of extra-corporate brand IPCs. The majority of the Sidirourgeío’s products are baseline IPCs, and like its sister station it is fully equipped to refine the materials and assemble the parts necessary to complete IPCs with few exterior logistics. Initially commissioned in order to meet the demand of positronic brains, HPS Sidirourgeío saw constant rework to its construction until the year 2420 where it was finally deemed completed. During its construction, the station and its staff were forced to hit the ground running with production. As such, the station has taken on an almost hodge-podge appearance, with each new district distinct from the other.

'''Commissioned in - July 5, 2395
Sidirourgeío is known for a harsh political divide within its populace, particularly between Solarians and Biesellite natives. It sustained some of the heaviest fighting between the two invasions, and served as an underground staging point for criminal efforts against the Megacorporations within the bowels of its maintenance tunnels. Huge, winding and impossibly labyrinthian, Sidirourgeío’s internals are reminiscent of huge mazes, and the appearance of the station is incomprehensible at best even from a distance.
[[File:Sidirourgeio.png|The HPS Sidirourgeio and its strange, cobbled-together hull in orbit of Reade.|thumb]]
It is infamously regarded as the “Swarm of Reade,” due to its large debris field that makes traversal without oversight impossible on docking courses. This swarm is of course visible from platforms within the atmosphere of Reade itself, glimmering and occasionally showing off Reade’s artificial satellites that collide with it - usually with explosive results.

'''Laid down in - August 15, 2397
'''Reade’s Artificial Satellites'''

'''Completed in - January 1, 2400
Facilities alongside the HPS Sidirourgeío have little regard for their waste output and use the gas giant below to dispose of waste electronics. From malfunctioning positronics to failed prototypes, anything remotely deemed unacceptable would be disposed of and tossed into the atmosphere of the giant below to burn up in re-entry. Waste is typically cobbled together in large “clusters,” most of which sit in orbit for years before being knocked out of orbit. As the size of the clusters grows, the effort required to create a path of descent grows, and the desire to be rid of them lessens. Massive clusters of this waste are up to six kilometers in diameter, while tens of thousands of smaller bodies exist.

The HPS Amóni, renowned for its unique and recognizable design, has become a staple for Hephaestus’ productivity. Consisting of three complexes converging into a single, enormous facility in the center, the station’s primary purpose is manufacturing and maintaining the churning machine of Hephaestus’ synthetic workforce.
Origins classified as “regional” here are mostly separated governments, and entire swaths of space within the Spur that possess the ability to create robots independently. These are few and far between.

Each of the three complexes serve different purposes. Referred to as the subordinates, all three complexes house individual central intelligences responsible for assisting in administration and workflow. Labelled Central, Exo and Endo, the subordinates provide necessary resources refined and assembled into parts which are then funneled to the central, master structure. The master structure is referred to as Oversight and is responsible for the final assembly of the synthetics in question. Effectively, resources and parts that enter the Amóni come out as fully working machinery, ready for field testing and work. The Amóni rarely fabricates IPCs, but when it does, they are most often the latest generation industrial models.
Earth is the most highly-developed planet in the galaxy and naturally possesses a substantial backbone for all robotic industries. IPCs, and generally synthetics are not exempt from this, and it shows; Earth certainly churns out its fair share. From locally-owned businesses long taken over by the corporations (that still reside there) to government-controlled fabrication plants, there is no shortage of notable brands. Perhaps the most notable designs to have come from Earth are the original Cyborgs and hypercomplex AI spires that are now normal among highly developed capitals. Earth is also the origin of the Hazel subsidiary of NanoTrasen.

The Amoni’s construction was the fastest of any station of its magnitude, completed in the span of years(most take decades). This was accomplished due to the exploitation of Hephaestus’ massive robotic production branch, the most populous of any megacorporation. Breaking records constantly and running their workers to near death, the accomplishment of fabricating the Amóni came with bloodshed. While the old robotic units pressed onwards to finish what their weaker employed counterparts could not, they often posed significant safety hazards in their haste. On new year’s day of 2400, the start of a new century, the Amóni was completed, at the cost of nearly six thousand EVA construction crew member’s lives. All were lost to workplace dangers involving inadequate atmospheric safeties and unwieldy equipment.
====[[Mars]] (Hephaestus Industries)====
Mars is a planet practically built by its cyborg population. Up to three centuries before modern day, criminal populations were practically culled for cyborgification in massive quantities. This trend fell apart quickly, leaving in its wake arcologies rising high above the red planet that would stand until the Violet Dawn incident. The Metal Dunes, a particular example of the Martian robotics boom, is a massive scrapyard encompassing entire canyons in the southern hemisphere of Mars. After being set ablaze, its secrets and remnants of past cyborgs may be gone forever.

While the Amóni stood as a testament to Hephaestus’ industrial might, the disastrous results of its hasty construction would be something Hephaestus has yet to forget to this day.  
Responsible entirely for the rise of cyborgification is Hephaestus Industries. Their title as “megacorporation” can be owed to their actions on old Mars, as morbid it may be.  

===Hephaestus Production Station Sidirourgeío===
====[[Jupiter]] (Einstein Engines)- TDM "Nomad Alpha"====
Nomad Alpha is the imposing headquarters of Terraneus Diagnostics, one of Einstein Engines’ prized subsidiaries. Constructed in 2449, it is still relatively new. This facility is devoted to fabricating the most complex positronics Terraneus may provide, some exceeding ten million credits in their most basic forms.
[[File:Nomad_alpha.png|TDMF "Nomad Alpha" in orbit of Jupiter. |thumb]]
It covers an enormous surface area, most space being used for solar arrays to power the station’s growing industrial facilities. These solar arrays are wholly retractable and maintained to a great degree, with a span at its longest of nearly 75 kilometers. The whole array dwarfs the facility itself, merely three kilometers across at the center most portion. Due to their size, it can take up to a week for each array to be fully retracted or expanded. Reflectivity of the entire array can be an issue, with the light reflecting off from each panel easily blinding the naked eye. Because of this, all exterior windows of the facility are tinted to near opacity. Crew regard this as a curse most of the time, bringing a sense of claustrophobia or even isolation to the interior design.

'''Location - [[Tau Ceti| Tau Ceti]], Orbit of Reade, TC-V
Similar manifolds known as Traveler Beta and Explorer Gamma exist in orbit of Biesel and a planet known as Adezu within the Xanu System.

'''Compliment - 186,000+ crew
The manifolds are known to produce the galaxy’s foremost advanced, high-tech shells, positronics and frames. These frequently end up in the [[Stellar Corporate Conglomerate]]’s hands in some way.

'''Distance from Sol - 12LY
Origins classified as “local” here aren’t particularly large, or noteworthy in the field of robots - but still possess some capacity of production that sets them above the average colony.

'''Commissioned in - November 19, 2407
====[[Oran]] (Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals) - Bishop Factory Adhama====
*'''Opened - August 11, 2431'''

'''Laid down in - June 26, 2408
Bishop Cybernetics, being flashy and pretentious at heart would find no trouble over complicating its own facilities. Its largest manufacturing plant, known as Adhama or “Glory” is a massive tower built into the craggy silicon steeps of Oran. The factory itself delves deeply underground, where its entirety is divided into three sections - exterior prosthesis, organ prosthesis and robotic chassis. It is capable of intaking and maintaining patients seeking repair or addition of prosthetics, from intricate mechanical hearts to Bishop’s signature limbs. In the lowest levels are branded IPCs fully fabricated, with their positronics imported and activated with specialized personalities and frames.
'''Completed in - April 5, 2420
Unlike its sister station HPS Amóni, the HPS Sidirourgeío is primarily responsible for the fabrication of extra-corporate brand IPCs. The majority of the Sidirourgeío’s products are baseline IPCs, and like its sister station it is fully equipped to refine the materials and assemble the parts necessary to complete IPCs with few exterior logistics.
Initially commissioned in order to meet the demand of positronic brains, HPS Sidirourgeío saw constant rework to it’s construction until the year 2420 where it was finally deemed completed. During its construction, the station and it’s staff were forced to hit the ground running with production. As such, the station has taken on an almost hodge-podge appearance, with each new district distinct from the other.
The station consists of six separate districts, two of which are residential and serve to house the workforce of the planet it orbits. Work on board the Sidirourgeío is a several year commitment as the vast majority of its employees are citizens of the Sol Alliance. Mostly resulting from the cultural significance of robotic servitude within the Alliance, positronic rights are generally overlooked and completely ignored within it. The working conditions within are dubious as a result with Republic officials mostly unable to uphold basic laws within the confines of the massive industrial station.
Regardless, those within the Republic have segmented the station into several portions, “districts” even. Cultural separation and conflict occurs naturally due to the barriers in place, leaving the residents to deal with criminal mischief themselves. In recent years, HPS Sidirourgeío’s workforce has slowly been replaced by a largely robotic workforce which now dominates the station in sheer numbers. This is in part due to the growing tensions between The Republic of Biesel and the Sol Alliance as well as the synthetic workforce being able to navigate the station more efficiently.
A great political divide is the greatest of Sidirourgeío’s worries, however, as the rest of the station is left in phenomenal condition. At its peak efficiency, the station is capable of outputting incomprehensible quantities of complex electronics and occasionally IPCs. It remains the primary contributor to the IPC population in Tau Ceti and yields immense amounts of general wares, from home products to working equipment. The other four districts are industrial, made to be entirely dependent on resources specifically from the gas giant it orbits. Most of these resources are valuable materials abundant in the lower-middle layers of the planet’s atmosphere.
==Terraneus Diagnostics==
A relatively young uprising corporation, Terraneus Diagnostics is best known for its work with the artificial intelligence [[Notable Synthetics| SUNSHINE]] and the development of state-of-the-art combat drones.
===Terraneus Diagnostics Central Manifold “Nomad Alpha”===
'''Location - Geosynchronous orbit of Jupiter, [[Sol| Sol]] V
'''Compliment - 72,500+ crew
'''Distance from Sol - N/A
'''Commissioned in - September 2, 2443
'''Laid down in - July 1, 2444
'''Completed in - December 27, 2449
TDCM Nomad Alpha is the designation of Terraneus Diagnostics’ central construction facility, the oldest in its class of three. Constructed in 2449, it is still relatively new. This facility is devoted to fabricating the most complex positronics Terraneus may provide, some exceeding ten million credits in their most basic forms. Designed for extreme data processing and sold off as the highest quality bounds available, these can be found in repetition across hugely populous areas. Very rarely these are purposed for military use, becoming central intelligences for the cutting edge flagship vessels leading the navy of the Sol Alliance. Beyond positronics, much more complex integrated intelligences along the lines of SUNSHINE may be found on the assembly lines within Nomad Alpha. These are generally too large to be outfitted on anything mobile, and are taken in segments to wherever they are sold.
Separate facilities surround the central manifold for purposes including personality implementation, environmental, and power draw testing. While Nomad Alpha is capable of working independently it largely relies on these facilities to fine-tune and finalize the creations within.
The design of Nomad Alpha is by no means unique, adopting a similar style to other stations used by Terraneus Diagnostics. It covers an enormous surface area, most space being used for solar arrays to power the station’s growing industrial facilities. These solar arrays are wholly retractable and maintained to a great degree, with a span at its longest of nearly 75 kilometers. The whole array dwarves the facility itself, merely three kilometers across at the center most portion. Due to their size, it can take up to a week for each array to be fully retracted or expanded. This means each collision with the array must be anticipated some months in advance, usually perpetually known by Terraneus Diagnostics’ full fleet of seeking drones. In the most dire situations, the portion of the array damaged is detached, deconstructed and replaced.
Reflectivity of the entire array can be an issue, with the light reflecting off from each panel easily blinding the naked eye. Because of this, all exterior windows of the facility are tinted to near opacity. Crew regard this as a curse most of the time, bringing a sense of claustrophobia or even isolation to the interior design.
==Bishop Cybernetics==
Rarely delving into the fabrication of complex positronics, Bishop Cybernetics can mostly be seen purchasing positronics of their own only to place them in a chassis and sell them off for much greater prices. This works excellently, and the end result is yet another growing business in synthetics.
The more information for Bishop Cybernetics can be found [[Zeng-Hu_Pharmaceuticals#Bishop_Cybernetics| here.]]
===Bishop Production Factory Adhama “Glory”===
'''Location - [[Eridani Federation| Epsilon Eridani]], Oran, εEri II
'''Employees - 13,000+ employees
'''Distance from Sol - 10.7LY
'''Construction started - January 25, 2430
'''Opened - August 11, 2431
Bishop Cybernetics, being flashy and pretentious at heart would find no trouble overcomplicating its own facilities. Its largest manufacturing plant, known as Adhama or “Glory” is a massive tower built into the craggy silicon steeps of Oran. The factory itself delves deeply underground, where its entirety is divided into three sections - exterior prosthesis, organ prosthesis and robotic chassis. It is capable of intaking and maintaining patients seeking repair or addition of prosthetics, from intricate mechanical hearts to Bishop’s signature limbs. In the lowest levels are branded IPCs fully fabricated, with their positronics imported and activated with specialized personalities and frames.

Its operations speak “luxury,” and its employees are provided to more of the same. To Bishop, they deserve nothing less.
Its operations speak “luxury,” and its employees are provided to more of the same. To Bishop, they deserve nothing less.

==Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals==
====Sirius (Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals) - Production Facility Kyūkyoku====
*'''Location - Stable low orbit of Sirius'''
Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals as a conglomerate has swayed away from robotics for some time, only recently fielding its first IPC chassis designs. Among their first was the highly famous mobility frame, adopting unique digitigrade stilt-like legs and flexible polymer exteriors to achieve speed and dexterity unparalleled. Their highly mobile and specialized designs are their strong suit, never delving into the realms dominated by other megacorporations. In this niche, they have found great success.
The wiki page for Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals can be found [[Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals| here.]]
===Zeng-Hu Manufacturing Facility Kyūkyoku===
'''Location - Stable low orbit of Sirius
'''Compliment- 22,500+ crew
'''Distance from Sol - 8.6LY
'''Commissioned in - February 20, 2422
'''Laid down in - January 26, 2423
'''Completed in - May 5, 2428

Particularly secret is the inner workings of the Zeng-Hu facility Kyūkyoku, the central manufacturing point for the majority of all their specialized robotics products. The structure’s original design revolved around genetics and cloning research, near the advent of the original mobility frame. Conflicted and without necessary tools to fully automate, Kyūkyoku would find itself awaiting completion for nearly two years before work resumed in 2424. By 2425, the complex was torn apart and reconstructed from the frame up exclusively to house robotics manufacturing facilities. It was rushed and finalized in 2428 despite concerns regarding its hull’s integrity. These concerns voiced by Kyūkyoku’s construction crews were never addressed publicly, with Zeng-Hu finding it more beneficial to simply silence them and mend issues as they come along with rudimentary patchwork by the station’s maintenance personnel.
Particularly secret is the inner workings of the Zeng-Hu facility Kyūkyoku, the central manufacturing point for the majority of all their specialized robotics products. The structure’s original design revolved around genetics and cloning research, near the advent of the original mobility frame. Conflicted and without necessary tools to fully automate, Kyūkyoku would find itself awaiting completion for nearly two years before work resumed in 2424. By 2425, the complex was torn apart and reconstructed from the frame up exclusively to house robotics manufacturing facilities. It was rushed and finalized in 2428 despite concerns regarding its hull’s integrity. These concerns voiced by Kyūkyoku’s construction crews were never addressed publicly, with Zeng-Hu finding it more beneficial to simply silence them and mend issues as they come along with rudimentary patchwork by the station’s maintenance personnel.

Despite its origins, Kyūkyoku is a stable, consistent source of Zeng-Hu’s finest robotics. With no ability to fabricate complex electronics of their own, however, all positronics for their integrated frames are imported from external entities. These primarily being Hephaestus Industries and its subsidiaries, whose close ties to Sirius allow for easy and cheap transportation of expensive materials.
Despite its origins, Kyūkyoku is a stable, consistent source of Zeng-Hu’s finest robotics. With no ability to fabricate complex electronics of their own, however, all positronics for their integrated frames are imported from external entities. These primarily being Hephaestus Industries and its subsidiaries, whose close ties to Sirius allow for easy and cheap transportation of expensive materials.
==Non-corporate and unrelated==
==="Metal Dunes"===
'''Location - Southern polar regions of Mars
'''Formation - Some time in the late 24th century
For almost two decades, the polar canyon regions of Mars would serve as a popular scrapyard for the failed, obsolete and/or abandoned machinery leftover by the robotic boom of the 2300s. Starting in the early 2370s, megacorporations such as Einstein Engines began to dispose of their obsolete lineups by storing them in gargantuan “lots” for later retrieval when the manpower needed to sustain them returned. This would never be the case, and for years to come other megacorporations would do the same in haphazardly tossing their waste electronics into the canyon regions as time went along. Soon enough, entire valley floors would be covered in excess mechanical waste of all shapes and sizes. In places, the ground could not be seen for kilometers. In 2405, definitive action was taken to prevent the excessive usage of this disposal, and it quickly halted. What was left were what would be referred to as the Metal Dunes of Mars, endless electronic scrapheaps as far as the eye could see.
To this day, scrappers and tinkerers can be found sifting through the Metal Dunes to uncover abandoned synthetics to restore them. In many cases, those restored in modern time are granted upgrades along the lines of positronic circuitry and sold off once more to start anew.
===Reade’s Artificial Satellites===
'''Location - Low orbit of Reade
'''Formation - Some time in 2440
In orbit of the gas giant Reade in Tau Ceti, there is a myriad of large industrial complexes and gargantuan megafactories. Owned mostly by Hephaestus Industries, these facilities alongside the HPS Sidirourgeío have little regard for their waste output and use the gas giant below to dispose of waste electronics. From malfunctioning positronics to failed prototypes, anything remotely deemed unacceptable would be disposed of and tossed into the atmosphere of the giant below to burn up in re-entry. Waste is typically cobbled together in large “clusters,” most of which sit in orbit for years before being knocked out of orbit. As the size of the clusters grow, the effort required to create a path of descent grows, and the desire to be rid of them lessens. Massive clusters of this waste are up to six kilometers in diameter, while tens of thousands of smaller bodies exist.
Like the “Metal Dunes,” the artificial satellites of Reade are seen as a treasure trove for scavengers, though in this case the chances at recovery of pristine robotics of any sort are slim. What little can be recovered from the clusters is malfunctioning at best, and often ends up being sold off for illegal activities.
===New Julapol===
'''Location - 15.2 light years from Sol
'''Founded - 2421
'''Population - 230,000+
Founded in 2421, the colony of New Julapol was the successor to the nomadic vessels of the same name which had been destroyed in a disastrous bluespace incident a year before. The following crashes fortunately had few casualties, but left the survivors stranded on a barely habitable world with whatever supplies they could gather from the wreckage. Having prepared for such an event, the crash site was quickly renovated exploiting the crew’s diligent and hasty usage of the on board construction robots. In the span of a few months, a colony had formed around the wreckage before the site was finally found by Alliance authorities. Now having called the place home and decreed it New Julapol, the residents inside had proposed settling for good. Unlike other colonies formed in similar ways, however, New Julapol would be unique in the sense that its reliance on synthetics would be its greatest asset. The common usage of servant androids in daily life has eliminated the need for many once-necessary fields of work, and a mere ten years after its founding, the colony was self-sufficient off of its automated servitors.
Since its automation, New Julapol’s exports to Alliance space include a variety of native wildlife and valuable minerals. Sustaining this export is the slow trickle of more robotics into the colony, which grows alongside the population. The native populous of the original crash consisted of only seventy thousand individuals spread across one hundred and two ships, some of which have been restored to working order in modern day. Others serve as hollowed out housing districts and impromptu space ports. This number has grown massively since its founding, with the promise of an easy life alongside the working synthetics being attractive to newcomers.
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Версия от 23:59, 24 сентября 2021


Synthetics galaxy-wide originate primarily from the megacorporations. Exceptions to this in recent years have grown, with various governments taking on their own iterations and designs. The places for a robot to be created are numerous as a result, and one would have trouble pinpointing rhyme or reason to the locales in question. Population centers of robots, unlike organics, don't flock or expand much from their origin points due to the necessity of maintenance, parts and skilled labor. Unable to “live off the land” like proper living beings, synthetics - IPC or not - can reasonably be traced to large blobs of infrastructure built around specific high-development planets.

This page is devoted to the precise origins that most synthetics rise from, which tend to form these population centers.


Origins classified as “major” here are the foremost fabricators and maintainers of synthetics galaxy-wide. The Orion Spur can pin its synthetic backbone on only these entities.

Hephaestus Industries

The sole largest manufacturer of synthetics in known space, Hephaestus Industries is a technological giant. Their capability to fabricate any necessary component to fully create most basic synthetics has led to their almost complete domination of the IPC market. While the most high-end robotics are out of reach of the majority of Hephaestus factories, their success can often be found in extremely powerful industrial units.

The wiki page for Hephaestus Industries can be found here.

Hephaestus Industries operates 49 “super stations,” with 2 “mega factories.” Super stations are kilometers-wide assembly plants, orbitally positioned in strategic locations across the Spur to churn out huge varieties of commodities. These commodities extend to agricultural equipment to basic electronics and beyond, with few lines able to construct complicated electronic assemblies. The two“mega factories,” are effectively the same in size, but have overwhelmingly large populations on board. To retain relative autonomy and safety on board, massive organic populations exist on these stations up in the hundreds of thousands. These stations are more notable as they are equipped with the complexities required to fabricate full IPC chassis.

Hephaestus Production Station Amóni

  • Location - Geosynchronous orbit of Mercury, Sol I

Mega-factory production station Amoni, or HPS Amoni, is the largest station ever created by Hephaestus Industries, as well as their fastest-built. Put together with an incredible amount of synthetics to justify a monument to Hephaestus’ commercial and industrial might, Amoni orbits Mercury within the Sol System. The station’s unique design permits it to feed off the energy of the Sun directly, taking solar power to its extremes by funneling energy into its core harvesting areas which directly supply the surrounding, highly shielded construction plants. It was laid down in 2397, and completed officially on January 1, 2400 - the start of a new century.

The HPS Amoni and its funnel-like energy capture array in orbit of Mercury.

Amoni’s construction was less than two and a half years of effort, and classified as a private experiment on part of Hephaestus. The idea was to construct, if haphazardly, an eventually safe depiction of their largest station in the shortest amount of time conceivable. To fulfill this, synthetics galaxy-wide were shipped to and assisted in the construction of the Amoni regardless of specialization. Of the thirty-thousand organic workers who signed on to complete the already questionable project, nearly six thousand EVA construction crew member’s lives were lost. All were lost to workplace dangers involving inadequate atmospheric safeties and unwieldy equipment.

Amoni faces criticism for wasting tremendous amounts of Solar energy better spent elsewhere on Hephaestus’ monopoly of low-end electronic commodities. Many speculate that Amoni’s output doesn’t even fit demand, and the majority of its constructions end up scrapped or tossed into the very nearby surface of the sun.

Alongside the rest of its output, Amoni is known to create positronics and their respective chassis autonomously. Using resources gathered from Mercury, Amoni is able to print any Hephaestus-brand model on the market.

Hephaestus Production Station Sidirourgeío

  • Location - Tau Ceti, Orbit of Reade, TC-V

Unlike its sister station HPS Amóni, the HPS Sidirourgeío is primarily responsible for the fabrication of extra-corporate brand IPCs. The majority of the Sidirourgeío’s products are baseline IPCs, and like its sister station it is fully equipped to refine the materials and assemble the parts necessary to complete IPCs with few exterior logistics. Initially commissioned in order to meet the demand of positronic brains, HPS Sidirourgeío saw constant rework to its construction until the year 2420 where it was finally deemed completed. During its construction, the station and its staff were forced to hit the ground running with production. As such, the station has taken on an almost hodge-podge appearance, with each new district distinct from the other.

Sidirourgeío is known for a harsh political divide within its populace, particularly between Solarians and Biesellite natives. It sustained some of the heaviest fighting between the two invasions, and served as an underground staging point for criminal efforts against the Megacorporations within the bowels of its maintenance tunnels. Huge, winding and impossibly labyrinthian, Sidirourgeío’s internals are reminiscent of huge mazes, and the appearance of the station is incomprehensible at best even from a distance.

The HPS Sidirourgeio and its strange, cobbled-together hull in orbit of Reade.

It is infamously regarded as the “Swarm of Reade,” due to its large debris field that makes traversal without oversight impossible on docking courses. This swarm is of course visible from platforms within the atmosphere of Reade itself, glimmering and occasionally showing off Reade’s artificial satellites that collide with it - usually with explosive results.

Reade’s Artificial Satellites

Facilities alongside the HPS Sidirourgeío have little regard for their waste output and use the gas giant below to dispose of waste electronics. From malfunctioning positronics to failed prototypes, anything remotely deemed unacceptable would be disposed of and tossed into the atmosphere of the giant below to burn up in re-entry. Waste is typically cobbled together in large “clusters,” most of which sit in orbit for years before being knocked out of orbit. As the size of the clusters grows, the effort required to create a path of descent grows, and the desire to be rid of them lessens. Massive clusters of this waste are up to six kilometers in diameter, while tens of thousands of smaller bodies exist.


Origins classified as “regional” here are mostly separated governments, and entire swaths of space within the Spur that possess the ability to create robots independently. These are few and far between.


Earth is the most highly-developed planet in the galaxy and naturally possesses a substantial backbone for all robotic industries. IPCs, and generally synthetics are not exempt from this, and it shows; Earth certainly churns out its fair share. From locally-owned businesses long taken over by the corporations (that still reside there) to government-controlled fabrication plants, there is no shortage of notable brands. Perhaps the most notable designs to have come from Earth are the original Cyborgs and hypercomplex AI spires that are now normal among highly developed capitals. Earth is also the origin of the Hazel subsidiary of NanoTrasen.

Mars (Hephaestus Industries)

Mars is a planet practically built by its cyborg population. Up to three centuries before modern day, criminal populations were practically culled for cyborgification in massive quantities. This trend fell apart quickly, leaving in its wake arcologies rising high above the red planet that would stand until the Violet Dawn incident. The Metal Dunes, a particular example of the Martian robotics boom, is a massive scrapyard encompassing entire canyons in the southern hemisphere of Mars. After being set ablaze, its secrets and remnants of past cyborgs may be gone forever.

Responsible entirely for the rise of cyborgification is Hephaestus Industries. Their title as “megacorporation” can be owed to their actions on old Mars, as morbid it may be.

Jupiter (Einstein Engines)- TDM "Nomad Alpha"

Nomad Alpha is the imposing headquarters of Terraneus Diagnostics, one of Einstein Engines’ prized subsidiaries. Constructed in 2449, it is still relatively new. This facility is devoted to fabricating the most complex positronics Terraneus may provide, some exceeding ten million credits in their most basic forms.

TDMF "Nomad Alpha" in orbit of Jupiter.

It covers an enormous surface area, most space being used for solar arrays to power the station’s growing industrial facilities. These solar arrays are wholly retractable and maintained to a great degree, with a span at its longest of nearly 75 kilometers. The whole array dwarfs the facility itself, merely three kilometers across at the center most portion. Due to their size, it can take up to a week for each array to be fully retracted or expanded. Reflectivity of the entire array can be an issue, with the light reflecting off from each panel easily blinding the naked eye. Because of this, all exterior windows of the facility are tinted to near opacity. Crew regard this as a curse most of the time, bringing a sense of claustrophobia or even isolation to the interior design.

Similar manifolds known as Traveler Beta and Explorer Gamma exist in orbit of Biesel and a planet known as Adezu within the Xanu System.

The manifolds are known to produce the galaxy’s foremost advanced, high-tech shells, positronics and frames. These frequently end up in the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate’s hands in some way.


Origins classified as “local” here aren’t particularly large, or noteworthy in the field of robots - but still possess some capacity of production that sets them above the average colony.

Oran (Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals) - Bishop Factory Adhama

  • Opened - August 11, 2431

Bishop Cybernetics, being flashy and pretentious at heart would find no trouble over complicating its own facilities. Its largest manufacturing plant, known as Adhama or “Glory” is a massive tower built into the craggy silicon steeps of Oran. The factory itself delves deeply underground, where its entirety is divided into three sections - exterior prosthesis, organ prosthesis and robotic chassis. It is capable of intaking and maintaining patients seeking repair or addition of prosthetics, from intricate mechanical hearts to Bishop’s signature limbs. In the lowest levels are branded IPCs fully fabricated, with their positronics imported and activated with specialized personalities and frames.

Its operations speak “luxury,” and its employees are provided to more of the same. To Bishop, they deserve nothing less.

Sirius (Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals) - Production Facility Kyūkyoku

  • Location - Stable low orbit of Sirius

Particularly secret is the inner workings of the Zeng-Hu facility Kyūkyoku, the central manufacturing point for the majority of all their specialized robotics products. The structure’s original design revolved around genetics and cloning research, near the advent of the original mobility frame. Conflicted and without necessary tools to fully automate, Kyūkyoku would find itself awaiting completion for nearly two years before work resumed in 2424. By 2425, the complex was torn apart and reconstructed from the frame up exclusively to house robotics manufacturing facilities. It was rushed and finalized in 2428 despite concerns regarding its hull’s integrity. These concerns voiced by Kyūkyoku’s construction crews were never addressed publicly, with Zeng-Hu finding it more beneficial to simply silence them and mend issues as they come along with rudimentary patchwork by the station’s maintenance personnel.

Despite its origins, Kyūkyoku is a stable, consistent source of Zeng-Hu’s finest robotics. With no ability to fabricate complex electronics of their own, however, all positronics for their integrated frames are imported from external entities. These primarily being Hephaestus Industries and its subsidiaries, whose close ties to Sirius allow for easy and cheap transportation of expensive materials.

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