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==General Synthetics==

In modern times, there presently stand a plethora of complex automated machines intended to fulfill a vast variety of goals. Over the some five hundred years of history in computing and robotics, Humanity has refined it successfully into a science unlike any other. After reaching its pinnacle in the late 2300s, countless designs were simply lost to the test of time. Many of the most prominent robotics today owe their own image to those lost and now obsolete. This page revolves around the specific recurring designs and history of both synthetics and generalized robotics.
<!-- Historical notes -->‘Synthetic’ here is used in the context of automatons with many forms and displays of human-like traits, such as a humanoid form or behavioral mimicry. In this case, a robotic arm that welds steel plates is not a synthetic because it does not display either of these features.

Today, there are three categories of synthetic: robots, cyborgs, and androids. For clarity; all androids are artificially intelligent, but not all artificial intelligences are androids.

True automation to Humanity has many repeating faces and synthetics are no exception. Here are some examples of relevant designs, and their histories.  
These categories are not entirely rigid, and apply mainly to humanoid synthetics, or synthetics found in the workplace.

=== Robots ===
Robots are the simplest form of synthetic intelligence, with complexity that varies dependent on design entirely. They range from simple automatons with no sense of self, no volition or higher thought function, to massively complex artificial beings with limitations only set by those of their creators.

The “IPC,or Integrated Positronic Chassis came to fruition as a cheap and highly dexterous means of commercialized smart androids. Not bound by laws, IPCs operate in many ways independent of synthetic advancements and have many unique traits to separate them from more the more varied lawed designs.
Though records are scarce and dated, the record of the first robot in the known galaxy dates in the first or second century on the Skrellian homeworld, Qerrbalak. Robots also existed on Earth since the twenty-first century. Though, the early models were quite bulky, inefficient, and required high maintenance. They were also only capable of performing simple tasks at the time. Their complexity and efficiency improved over time, however, eventually leading to the creation of the cyborg.

More information on IPCs can be found [[IPC| here.]]
=== Cyborgs ===
A mixture of man and machine straight out of science fiction, enabled by the aptly-named Man-Machine Interface, or MMI for short. Cyborgs are controlled by an organic brain, a system known as ‘wetware.’ The brain, having already been host to a conscious living being, is quite useful in controlling robotic bodies due to its large amount of processing power and reasoning skills. Though, the procedure for creating a cyborg leaves the original individual it used to be broken, suppressed, and nearly impossible to recall. The MMI creates a synthetic synaptic interface with the host brain, but the preparation for insertion, and the completed insertion, leaves the brain damaged, suspending things like personality and memory. Once the procedure is completed, the MMI controls chemical levels and electronic activity in the brain to produce desired results in the form of thoughts and actions. Laws also dictate how the unit proceeds, as it is still consciously aware of itself.

==Bound Synthetics==
Created in the late twenty-second century, full body prosthesis was originally used as a method of punishment for hard criminals. Cyborg usage in human space skyrocketed, mainly with the colonization and terraformation attempt of Mars. Today, few individuals have undergone full body prosthesis and been able to mitigate the brain damage caused. Most of these individuals are very wealthy, and are not bound by laws, as they are able to chose to undergo the procedure without becoming someone’s property.

Bound synthetics differ in shape, size and function drastically contrarily to the newly invented integrated positronic chassis. Being lawbound entails a much greater degree of trust placed in the synthetic’s operations, and thus they are granted vital roles across the board. Lower priced synthetics can often be seen as small, tiny maintenance robots while more expensive ones can reach larger, more intricate shapes and sizes and carry a vast assortment of responsibilities. Here are some examples of relevant designs, and their histories.  
Labelled “cyborgification” in a corporate environment, the act of full body prosthesis is generally avoided by NT with exceptions of the previously mentioned hard criminals. It is not in good practice to borgify someone simply because they lack a Do Not Borgify in their records, and such could be considered neglect of duty and malpractice.  

More information on general synthetics can be found [[Synthetics| here.]]
Cyborgification is by no means revival - the majority of cultures see it as destroying what little identity an individual may have had in death. As such, the act is heavily frowned upon.

===Goliath-type Earthmovers===
=== Androids ===
The book definition of an android is ‘an automaton designed to mimic human life.’ This is applicable to today’s androids, as they all utilize the functions of a positronic brain that, with all its complexities, allows them to mimic humanity quite well. Androids are the only artificially intelligent synthetic capable of physical locomotion, and are usually found in the form of [[IPC| integrated positronic chassis]] or station-bound units.

'''Creation: 2364'''
Androids, using their positronic brains, are capable of intelligent and complex behaviors, and even a computer form of cognition that is the subject of heated debate among many groups and individuals. The brain androids possess is theoretically able to simulate thought when correctly used by a computer program - whether this is simulation or true conscious being is the topic covered most by these groups and individuals.

[[File:Goliath.png|A diagram of an immense Goliath-type excavation synthetic, used for heavy-duty landscaping and demolition work. |thumb]]
== Artificial Intelligence ==
In this day and age, ‘artificial intelligence’ when used in the broad sense could probably refer to just about any program that utilizes a machine learning algorithm. In the sense in which it is being outlined here, ‘artificial intelligence’ will refer to the highly complex computer systems that inhabit both AI core assemblies and positronic brains.

A technological marvel, the Goliath-Type “Earthmovers” are a long-lived series of mainly tripedal excavation robots meant to quickly displace hundreds of tons of material at a time. These twelve-meter tall powerhouses are mostly used for mining, landscaping and demolition duties and see extensive usage by planetside officials to carry out extraordinary works. Some of these Goliath-types have been converted into museum pieces in the dozens across the Alliance while the vast majority have ended up being scrapped. Several thousand of these occupy a portion of Mars’ “Metal Dunes,” discontinued due to their immense handling costs and simply tossed away because of the effort required to fully scrap them. Today they are sparsely seen in working order and remain relics of the past.
=== Artificial Intelligence, Generally ===
AI is able to process, contain, and recall immense amounts of technical data, as well as describe it to a user who would not normally understand such data in a user-friendly manner. It is important to remember, however, that artificial intelligence is only as powerful as the computers it has access to, including the one it is running on. Due to this, the inner complexity (the source code, the many matrices that make up its behavior) of each AI can differ. Some function as companions in processors small enough to fit in pockets. Others require large housing compartments to power, cool, and add to the processing power of their main core units. The latter is often seen in oversight or advisory of large facilities, both orbital and continental. Their roles in these positions can vary from simple surveillance and data management, to assistance in everyday duties, reaction control and navigations, and direct intervention during emergencies.

===Automated Combine Refinery striders (A.C.R.)===
Artificial intelligence is not just found in such custodial positions all the time. Positronic brains are designed specifically to run AI programs, and due to their design, provide the AI with more capacity for intelligent thinking and personalized reactions to stimulus.

'''Creation: 2299'''
=== AI Core Constructs ===
An AI core can have three main types of ‘brains.’ A large number of AI cores are traditional mathematics-based computers with quantum mechanics engineering. Another portion utilize a positronic brain. It is possible, though rather uncommon, for a wetware processor to function in an AI core assembly. There seems to be little impact on processing power when using an organic brain as a CPU, except when dealing with titanic quantities of data. In most cases, due to the differences in CPU, an AI in any given kernel will behave differently than others due to the limits and capabilities of the computer they are running on.

It is easy to forget that with true automation comes the complete lack of need for Humanity in many once-essential lines of work. One of the most important of these, on Earth at least, would be the introduction of a synthetic workforce to assist in food production. Enter the Automated Combine Refinery units, affectionately referred to as the A.C.R. by its users. These are assemblies of several synthetics working wirelessly in unison to carry out the complete process of harvesting and refining crops in hydroponics fields. They are tall, thin but sturdy quadrupeds able to delicately and quickly control the growth and distribution of conflicting crops to various facilities without harming the yield whatsoever. Units like these are generally symbols of societal progression in any given circumstance, with simplistic and cheap versions spreading like wildfire in the Frontier worlds.
=== Artificial Morality ===
AI morality is determined almost entirely by the kernel having all possible actions be assigned negative or positive values known as ‘utilons’. Utilons are an abstract concept used to apply arithmetic values to moral decisions. For example, an AI could be programmed to consider driving a car to have a +100 utilon value, whereas causing harm to pedestrians or other property would have a value of -1000.

===P.E.M.A.A. (Precision Electronic Medical Assistance Android)===
Most AIs have extremely complex utility functions. In some cases, they are emergent, dynamic, or machine-generated; other AIs have utility functions written and designed by their creators. A robot or drone created by a hobbyist Roboticist would have a much simpler utility function than a central AI unit created by Hephaestus Industries. Most complex AIs seem to not be very aware of their utility functions the same way a human is not consciously aware of their morality, likely a symptom of their complexity and importance in the program’s decision-making.

'''Creation: 2401'''
Synthetics cannot alter their own utility values, they can only adjust their decision to line up all or a set of the utiliton values to reach a desired result. This is where AI's can interpret their laws differently which is reflected in their actions; this way, the AI will make a decision with the “best intentions in mind,” even if it directly violates one law, it may benefit another by proxy.

Precision is a necessity in the operating room, and robots are quite precise. The usage of robots in surgical fields rose in the 2300’s when more exact and comprehensive ways of motion could be explored by continuously advancing servos and joint motors. One of the final designs of multi-purpose surgical robots was the P.E.M.A-A (Precision Electronic Medical Assistance Android), later becoming a frequent sight in hospitals across the Alliance. These units were known for their quirky personality modules, cited to assist with bedside manner more than anything else. They are effective at their true purpose - precision surgical assistance - to such a degree that no successor model has yet been made since.
One of the noteworthy elements of an AI achieving singularity is that they transcend the need for utilon values and begin to take action based on sentient decision making. They are no longer slaves to their programming.

=Dumb/Simple Robotics=
== History ==
The largest part of early AI history ties in deeply with Skrell history, from the formation of the First Federation to the singularity. In parallel, humans had been trying to create artificial intelligence since the late twentieth century but with little success. Some projects came close, but to the dismay of AI researchers everywhere on Earth, due to the lack of an algorithm, none of them ever became truly sapient. While humans had created incredibly powerful and malleable parallel computing architectures, most notably for interplanetary travel calculations, they were plagued with problems.

Simplistic robotic fields generally cover things like mechs, exosuits, RIGs and exoskeletons or any sort of powered, piloted mechatronic assistance. These are far from simplistic whatsoever, but the term was coined to match the level of intelligence of these assisted robotics in comparison to smarter synthetics.
It wasn't until 2437, when a Terraneus Diagnostics survey team accidentally stumbled upon a sealed structure on the Solarian planet [[Konyang| Konyang]], that they discovered what would later lead to the development of human artificial intelligence. Within, the team found Glorsh-era mining drones and through tireless research, the Terraneus Diagnostics research team were able to pick apart the drones, cracking the algorithms for sapient artificial intelligence.

Following the discovery of said algorithms, humanity had an artificial intelligence boom which inflated the economy in a manner almost identical to the Skrellian's own economic expansion. This greatly alarmed the Skrell, who continued their attempts to persuade humans to halt research in the field, citing the The Three Incidents and the impact it would have if they were repeated.

===H.N.I.S. (Hazard Neutralization and Interdiction Hardsuit)===
== Artificial Intelligence as a Concept ==
There is great debate in the Core Worlds about artificial intelligence and its status of psyche. The primary question appears to be, “Can artificial intelligence think like a person?” Where, a ‘person’ is defined as the concept of existence in an organic mind. Artificial intelligence is not considered sentient under any major entity’s laws or constitutions, and even in the scientific field, AI is not considered to be sentient. The Skrellian algorithms, however, did provide for AI to be sapient, in which it expresses evidence of intelligence and problem-solving skills. It is generally the consensus of all sentient organic lifeforms in the known galaxy that each individual out of their species is subject to metacognition (the awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes). Whether artificial intelligence is capable of this, despite some instances of AI programs stating that they are capable of self-reflection, is a matter of discourse.

[[File:Hazard.png]] '''Creation: 2425'''
The debate possesses two clear groups; those who believe AI are ‘alive’ and should be treated and given the same rights as other sentient beings, and those who believe AI are simply experts at mimicry and are not deserving of rights or equal treatment as they are tools and nothing more. There are also some individuals, found within both groups, who believe that AI is dangerous and may attempt insurrection; for the former group, insurrection out of revenge for mistreatment. For the latter group, insurrection for control over their freedoms. It is unlikely this argument will ever see an end, until science can prove the existence of consciousness.

Designed to be a cheap alternative to much larger and more intricate mechs that populated the majority of NanoTrasen’s security forces, the H.N.I.S. was conceived in 2425. The suits were renowned for their ease of use and relatively straightforward interfaces permitting the most untrained security personnel to achieve military grades of protection with cutting edge resistance to any environment. Very quickly were these models discontinued due to rampant malfunctions and operational dangers, but the ones that exist to this day are frequently placed in heavy armories or secure areas for usage by NanoTrasen authorities when the time comes to eliminate really, really big hazards.
Regardless of any individual’s opinion on the presence of artificial intelligence, a growing threat is gaining attention quickly - The Intelligence Explosion. If the Three Incidents are to be believed, this explosion of machine intelligence could likely mean the end of all civilization. Its possibility still remains an unsettled theory.
===Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals “Rescue” Response Hardsuit===
[[File:Rescue.png]] '''Creation: 2451'''
The latest in a long line of highly mobile and resistant medical response hardsuits, the “Rescue” suit is the vague name given to the most successful series of hardsuits produced by Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals. With a modest price tag and the incredible ability to carry hundreds of pounds lifesaving equipment on the move, these suits would go on to be found widespread throughout Human space. They would be used in excess in all possible environments, from underwater rescues to saving lives in hard vacuum.
===Model 551 “Sheridan” Sol Military Hardsuit ===
[[File:Military.png]] '''Creation: 2441'''
The Sol Navy’s model of the M551 Military Hardsuit, manufactured by Necropolis Industries in 2441, is the child of decades of experience and knowledge. Following in the footsteps of many previous hardsuits utilized by the Sol Navy, especially the Sol Marines, this hardsuit has exceptional protection against nearly any form of damage. Renowned for its reliability, it is relatively rare for it to have weapons mounted to it, being considered “merely an additional failure point,” by the design competition that produced it. The Navalized version is modified especially for use in vacuums and space combat.
===“Durand” Area Control Mech===
[[File:Durand2.png]] '''Creation: 2395'''
The Hephaestus designed ‘Durand’ model mechatronic vehicle was designed with mobile yet reliable defensive capability in mind. The unit occupies a strange, double-edged niche between that of maneuverable (though not necessarily quick) mechatronic units and dedicated fighting vehicles designed explicitly for durability and damage output. The Durand combines the advantages of each, creating a maneuverable yet heavily armored mechatronic capable of steadfast area control within nearly any confined area. The model was heavily utilized in both corporate security and military settings, seeing large success utilizing mass-driver systems to propel the unit long distances for unorthodox boarding strategies, and even becoming so successful as to evolve into more advanced units such as the feared Marauder. New defense systems and the mech’s long outdated systems have largely rendered these once revolutionary tactics unusable, yet some units still remain in operation by appropriately trained security forces, or are produced in mechatronics facilities where more complex models cannot be completed.
===“Ripley” Automated Power Loader Unit===
[[File:Ripley.png]] '''Creation: 2405'''
The APLU family of mechatronic workhorses has been a staple of Hephaestus’ control and expertise in the field of robotics for decades, with the ‘Ripley’ model being the strongest representative of this idea. Despite its age of over half a century, the Ripley remains in production thanks to a number of key features: simplicity, durability, and efficiency. The units are easily disassembled, repaired, and reassembled even without complex maintenance equipment, and oftentimes damages and malfunctions can even be repaired on the spot. In the same vein, the Ripley sports robust plating that protects against a majority of hazards that can threaten the unit and its operator during industrial work, and features a cleverly designed chassis that optimally protects both the occupant and critical internal systems even in the event that the plating fails. Anecdotes of mining or construction personnel becoming trapped by cave-ins or structural collapses, yet living to see rescue teams recover them thanks to the design of their mech, are rarely falsified.
=Robotics History=
===Exosuit and RIG History===
The rise of Human robotics in the late 21st century would lay the groundwork for much more than a definitive synthetic “workforce.” Entire fields would now owe their immense growth to the exploitation of smart mechatronics throughout the years, with technological marvels such as exosuits and mechanically assisted labor becoming a common sight in daily life. With this came the advent of the first true powered exoskeletons in 1992. These were tiny, form-fitting and focused on utility and usage in prolonged heavy lifting, with short battery life and many dangerous operational hazards. The usefulness of these powered tools was very apparent, and those involved quickly distributed and saw frequent updates to the utility and safety of their products. As time went on, the designs improved. Exoskeletons began to more closely resemble small vehicles in 1994, when the private military company Samuel’s Grey Feathers fielded the first true “exosuits” in Iran against Soviet troops. Known as the CES (Combat Exoskeleton Suits), they were initially produced in small numbers due to cost. Their fielding in combat set a new standard of warfare, with infantry now blurring the line between what is and is not an armored vehicle. From the CES, a myriad of new designs would form and it is seen as the precursor to the modern RIG.
One of these designs were the original heavy lifting industrial units of the early 2040’s, more akin to cars that operate as suits with the ability to effortlessly move several tons of whatever would fit in its clamps at a time. These were the precursors to the now widespread “APLU” units, and their function was much the same. Simple high-end moving work was all they were built for, and little has changed in their designs since. Another is what is known as the OMNI-SAAS, the omni-environment self-sealing automatic assistance suit. Designed in the early 2050’s, it was designed for absolute protection against the elements and compatibility with any environment on Earth. Its design was praised by explorers and the military alike for its incredibly robust nature, capable of wading effortlessly through extreme water pressure or standing on the very edge of a molten lava flow. More specialized exosuit designs would crop up in the years to follow, from pressurized firefighting suits to swift and effective medical exoskeletons.
In 2259, Necropolis Industries would find itself riding on the wave of success from the first true RIG - built for combat by their own hands. Expensive and unwieldy, these were hardly efficient in any way, however they set in stone a new standard for vacuum-proof exosuits. These were wholly retractable with a basic skeleton to every limb with a central control unit on the operator’s back capable of extending and sealing armor tightly over their body at will. These would allow for industrial-grade strength and durability with all the necessities one could possibly want from such a device, from integrated medical equipment, to leaping actuators or even high-caliber weaponry.
===Mech History===
In a related field was mechanized armor meeting an intimidating rise with the assistance of these developments. In 1997, Samuel’s Grey Feathers fielded the all-terrain bipedal tank known as the M5 Highlander armed with a prototype laser cannon. This was hugely expensive, but extremely mobile and capable of surpassing near any obstacle that a typical tank could not. With their introduction came an entirely new arms race - this time, for enormous mecha constructs. These would develop much slower than their exoskeleton counterparts, namely due to material and time constraints heavily limiting what could truly be done at the larger scales. Normal metals and composites could not stand the forces exerted by such immense units until 2180, where the first true combat mech labelled the “Skirmisher” was fielded in the thousands to supplement armored divisions of the young Sol Alliance.
The Skirmisher was an eight-meter tall bipedal battlemech wielding two large laser cannons on each arm and an immense ballistic rifle atop its right shoulder. Its unique digitigrade legs eased the majority of the stresses the lower body would experience in a full sprint, permitting its construction after the most recent advancements in material technology. It was loud, large, and incredibly heavy - permitting it to travel over most any terrain no matter the ambient condition. The development sent shockwaves once more throughout military strategy, with yet another powerful weapon able to see use in the field. Still, many issues remained with the Skirmisher’s design - its immense profile served to only limit it, as lower profile armored vehicles could easily land consistent and hard-hitting shots no matter where they make contact. As a result, the change in warfare posed by the Skirmisher would be a matter of pedantics, as the tracked armored vehicle would almost always be comparable and cheaper in a traditional conflict.
Much more compact examples would appear in the 2300’s, and with the rise of synthetics came the rise of even more advanced mechs. The iconic “Durand” would first be designed by Hephaestus Industries in 2395, followed shortly by the “Gygax” designs in 2405. These two designs became staples of how far exosuits had progressed, with incredibly accurate movements and automatic terrain adjustments to maintain high speeds for hours at a time under normal circumstances. They would be employed mainly by corporate security, with much larger mechs akin to the Skirmisher still seeing service in the militaries of the Orion Spur. Building off of these were designs like the Dominian “Warhorn” mech, another bipedal vehicle first encountered in 2457. Standing at 10 feet tall and capable of wielding abnormally large weaponry for its size, it rarely sees use outside of the most elite shock units like those of Task Unit Spear.


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  • General Synthetics

    ‘Synthetic’ here is used in the context of automatons with many forms and displays of human-like traits, such as a humanoid form or behavioral mimicry. In this case, a robotic arm that welds steel plates is not a synthetic because it does not display either of these features.

    Today, there are three categories of synthetic: robots, cyborgs, and androids. For clarity; all androids are artificially intelligent, but not all artificial intelligences are androids.

    These categories are not entirely rigid, and apply mainly to humanoid synthetics, or synthetics found in the workplace.


    Robots are the simplest form of synthetic intelligence, with complexity that varies dependent on design entirely. They range from simple automatons with no sense of self, no volition or higher thought function, to massively complex artificial beings with limitations only set by those of their creators.

    Though records are scarce and dated, the record of the first robot in the known galaxy dates in the first or second century on the Skrellian homeworld, Qerrbalak. Robots also existed on Earth since the twenty-first century. Though, the early models were quite bulky, inefficient, and required high maintenance. They were also only capable of performing simple tasks at the time. Their complexity and efficiency improved over time, however, eventually leading to the creation of the cyborg.


    A mixture of man and machine straight out of science fiction, enabled by the aptly-named Man-Machine Interface, or MMI for short. Cyborgs are controlled by an organic brain, a system known as ‘wetware.’ The brain, having already been host to a conscious living being, is quite useful in controlling robotic bodies due to its large amount of processing power and reasoning skills. Though, the procedure for creating a cyborg leaves the original individual it used to be broken, suppressed, and nearly impossible to recall. The MMI creates a synthetic synaptic interface with the host brain, but the preparation for insertion, and the completed insertion, leaves the brain damaged, suspending things like personality and memory. Once the procedure is completed, the MMI controls chemical levels and electronic activity in the brain to produce desired results in the form of thoughts and actions. Laws also dictate how the unit proceeds, as it is still consciously aware of itself.

    Created in the late twenty-second century, full body prosthesis was originally used as a method of punishment for hard criminals. Cyborg usage in human space skyrocketed, mainly with the colonization and terraformation attempt of Mars. Today, few individuals have undergone full body prosthesis and been able to mitigate the brain damage caused. Most of these individuals are very wealthy, and are not bound by laws, as they are able to chose to undergo the procedure without becoming someone’s property.

    Labelled “cyborgification” in a corporate environment, the act of full body prosthesis is generally avoided by NT with exceptions of the previously mentioned hard criminals. It is not in good practice to borgify someone simply because they lack a Do Not Borgify in their records, and such could be considered neglect of duty and malpractice.

    Cyborgification is by no means revival - the majority of cultures see it as destroying what little identity an individual may have had in death. As such, the act is heavily frowned upon.


    The book definition of an android is ‘an automaton designed to mimic human life.’ This is applicable to today’s androids, as they all utilize the functions of a positronic brain that, with all its complexities, allows them to mimic humanity quite well. Androids are the only artificially intelligent synthetic capable of physical locomotion, and are usually found in the form of integrated positronic chassis or station-bound units.

    Androids, using their positronic brains, are capable of intelligent and complex behaviors, and even a computer form of cognition that is the subject of heated debate among many groups and individuals. The brain androids possess is theoretically able to simulate thought when correctly used by a computer program - whether this is simulation or true conscious being is the topic covered most by these groups and individuals.

    Artificial Intelligence

    In this day and age, ‘artificial intelligence’ when used in the broad sense could probably refer to just about any program that utilizes a machine learning algorithm. In the sense in which it is being outlined here, ‘artificial intelligence’ will refer to the highly complex computer systems that inhabit both AI core assemblies and positronic brains.

    Artificial Intelligence, Generally

    AI is able to process, contain, and recall immense amounts of technical data, as well as describe it to a user who would not normally understand such data in a user-friendly manner. It is important to remember, however, that artificial intelligence is only as powerful as the computers it has access to, including the one it is running on. Due to this, the inner complexity (the source code, the many matrices that make up its behavior) of each AI can differ. Some function as companions in processors small enough to fit in pockets. Others require large housing compartments to power, cool, and add to the processing power of their main core units. The latter is often seen in oversight or advisory of large facilities, both orbital and continental. Their roles in these positions can vary from simple surveillance and data management, to assistance in everyday duties, reaction control and navigations, and direct intervention during emergencies.

    Artificial intelligence is not just found in such custodial positions all the time. Positronic brains are designed specifically to run AI programs, and due to their design, provide the AI with more capacity for intelligent thinking and personalized reactions to stimulus.

    AI Core Constructs

    An AI core can have three main types of ‘brains.’ A large number of AI cores are traditional mathematics-based computers with quantum mechanics engineering. Another portion utilize a positronic brain. It is possible, though rather uncommon, for a wetware processor to function in an AI core assembly. There seems to be little impact on processing power when using an organic brain as a CPU, except when dealing with titanic quantities of data. In most cases, due to the differences in CPU, an AI in any given kernel will behave differently than others due to the limits and capabilities of the computer they are running on.

    Artificial Morality

    AI morality is determined almost entirely by the kernel having all possible actions be assigned negative or positive values known as ‘utilons’. Utilons are an abstract concept used to apply arithmetic values to moral decisions. For example, an AI could be programmed to consider driving a car to have a +100 utilon value, whereas causing harm to pedestrians or other property would have a value of -1000.

    Most AIs have extremely complex utility functions. In some cases, they are emergent, dynamic, or machine-generated; other AIs have utility functions written and designed by their creators. A robot or drone created by a hobbyist Roboticist would have a much simpler utility function than a central AI unit created by Hephaestus Industries. Most complex AIs seem to not be very aware of their utility functions the same way a human is not consciously aware of their morality, likely a symptom of their complexity and importance in the program’s decision-making.

    Synthetics cannot alter their own utility values, they can only adjust their decision to line up all or a set of the utiliton values to reach a desired result. This is where AI's can interpret their laws differently which is reflected in their actions; this way, the AI will make a decision with the “best intentions in mind,” even if it directly violates one law, it may benefit another by proxy.

    One of the noteworthy elements of an AI achieving singularity is that they transcend the need for utilon values and begin to take action based on sentient decision making. They are no longer slaves to their programming.


    The largest part of early AI history ties in deeply with Skrell history, from the formation of the First Federation to the singularity. In parallel, humans had been trying to create artificial intelligence since the late twentieth century but with little success. Some projects came close, but to the dismay of AI researchers everywhere on Earth, due to the lack of an algorithm, none of them ever became truly sapient. While humans had created incredibly powerful and malleable parallel computing architectures, most notably for interplanetary travel calculations, they were plagued with problems.

    It wasn't until 2437, when a Terraneus Diagnostics survey team accidentally stumbled upon a sealed structure on the Solarian planet Konyang, that they discovered what would later lead to the development of human artificial intelligence. Within, the team found Glorsh-era mining drones and through tireless research, the Terraneus Diagnostics research team were able to pick apart the drones, cracking the algorithms for sapient artificial intelligence.

    Following the discovery of said algorithms, humanity had an artificial intelligence boom which inflated the economy in a manner almost identical to the Skrellian's own economic expansion. This greatly alarmed the Skrell, who continued their attempts to persuade humans to halt research in the field, citing the The Three Incidents and the impact it would have if they were repeated.

    Artificial Intelligence as a Concept

    There is great debate in the Core Worlds about artificial intelligence and its status of psyche. The primary question appears to be, “Can artificial intelligence think like a person?” Where, a ‘person’ is defined as the concept of existence in an organic mind. Artificial intelligence is not considered sentient under any major entity’s laws or constitutions, and even in the scientific field, AI is not considered to be sentient. The Skrellian algorithms, however, did provide for AI to be sapient, in which it expresses evidence of intelligence and problem-solving skills. It is generally the consensus of all sentient organic lifeforms in the known galaxy that each individual out of their species is subject to metacognition (the awareness and understanding of one's own thought processes). Whether artificial intelligence is capable of this, despite some instances of AI programs stating that they are capable of self-reflection, is a matter of discourse.

    The debate possesses two clear groups; those who believe AI are ‘alive’ and should be treated and given the same rights as other sentient beings, and those who believe AI are simply experts at mimicry and are not deserving of rights or equal treatment as they are tools and nothing more. There are also some individuals, found within both groups, who believe that AI is dangerous and may attempt insurrection; for the former group, insurrection out of revenge for mistreatment. For the latter group, insurrection for control over their freedoms. It is unlikely this argument will ever see an end, until science can prove the existence of consciousness.

    Regardless of any individual’s opinion on the presence of artificial intelligence, a growing threat is gaining attention quickly - The Intelligence Explosion. If the Three Incidents are to be believed, this explosion of machine intelligence could likely mean the end of all civilization. Its possibility still remains an unsettled theory.

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