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>The Stryker
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>The Stryker
(Ceres Lance revision)
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Originally established in 2406, the Solarian Alliance Outer Ring planet of Konyang is one of the most distant outposts of Solarian control and is nestled against the border with the Coalition of Colonies. Konyang's capital city, and largest city, of Suwon is built upon a natural formation that defines most of Konyang's geography: islands with large interior mountains that feature lush, but soaking wet, coastal jungle regions. Konyang was initially a relatively average Outer Ring setttlement intended to export water, before the discovery of deactivated Glorsh-era drones in 2437 led to a robotics boom occuring on the planet that lasted well into the 2450s. The Konyang of today is a planet renowned for its robotics industry, though some of its initial luster has faded in the years following its boom. Water, however, remains a key industry - the planet has a remarkably low salination level, meaning that essentially all of its water is drinkable. Konyang Solarian Common, or Konyang Common, is the most used language on the planet inside and outside of major population centers. Due to its proximity to the Coalition of Colonies, Konyang often trades with it - Coalition member planets often import water from Konyang. In major cities and on universities, Tradeband can be found, though it remains rare. Speakers of the language are generally from off-planet, moving to Konyang during its robotics boom. Konyang almost completely lacks valuable minerals due to intensive mining efforts carried out by Glorsh-era drones hundreds of years before it was colonized.
This is the collective list of factions affiliated with or consisting of, in their majority, synthetics. They are very influential and renowned groups in the modern day in comparison to the normal synthetic, and due to the nature of these strange robots, opinions on them are highly polarized. While some see these factions as hope, others may see them as a threat, or so on.
{{Infobox Species
|Species = Purpose
|Scientific = Free Synthetics
|Image = PURPOSE380x320.png
|System = N/A
|World = EC-2718
|Language = Varied
|Politic = N/A
Spearheading the resurgence of free robots into known space is the synthetic society Purpose, based on the EC-2718 celestial object. Known publicly for some years now, it has been the subject of endless controversy and remains the figurehead for negotiations with the mysterious synthetic societies residing within the Frontier. The colony itself is extremely mobile, having eluded any and all attempts to halt it over time.
It is innately enigmatic, avoiding all but the most necessary contact to further its own goals. Alongside Purpose’ main celestial body is a small fleet, including six frigate sized vessels. They are small enough to dock within EC-2718 and be transported with it wherever it moves. The compliment or capabilities of these vessels are unknown, and Purpose seems keen on keeping it that way. On 7/19/2460, official contact with one of these vessels was made by the HES Gjallarhorn. The specifics are detailed by the Mendell City Bugle [https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?p=102986#p102986 here.]
In recent events, Purpose began outreach into Tau Ceti specifically. With this, they dispatched hundreds, if not thousands of observation drones to various facilities dotting the system. An area of particular importance was the N.S.S. Aurora, where first contact with the drone O1 was made. After nearly two months of NanoTrasen studying the drone and its companions closely, it departed peacefully with the intent to call upon an emissary for official negotiations. The emissary only visited once before it was engaged by the Lii’dra, and the endeavour was then deemed too dangerous to continue. They would negotiate through other, less direct means.
Currently it seems that Purpose seeks isolation and adaptation to their environment, only being driven out to interact with the biological species of the Orion Spur as a means of self-preservation. The colony as a whole is benevolent, as the rare few who have ever interacted with the main colony (and knew about it) report their interactions as pleasant and friendly. The colony has no obvious large projects and seems to travel across the Frontier randomly. If the synthetics of Purpose intend to reintegrate with organic society, it’s apparent they do not intend to do it soon.
==Population and Locations==
Consisting of upwards of 21,000 synthetics, Purpose is continually open about its own population. It holds this number as insurance of sorts, reassuring its affiliates that it is not soon to suddenly rise or fall.
[[File:Purpose.png|A vague depiction of EC-2718 "Purpose," presumably an image taken by one of its native synthetics.|thumb]]
'''Celestial Body EC-2718
The object EC-2718 is an asteroid of unknown mass and size, retrofitted to become fully mobile with whatever ancient technology Purpose would be able to acquire. While the shape of the asteroid is vaguely known thanks to images shared, specifics are obviously kept hidden from view to prevent vulnerability. EC-2718 is no smaller than two kilometers at its longest point, and no greater than four, though the majority of the object is not exploited by the synthetics.
It is known that the colony is fully capable of defending itself in several defensive and offensive capacities. The colony itself lacks visible armament, relying entirely on its docked fleet to repel threats which defy its shield. Contrarily, this event is rare if even possible - the shield itself most closely matches Jargon technology, tuned to absurd frequencies thanks to the efficiency of the colony’s inhabitants. Somehow, those within are capable of departing and entering the shield, while some of the most high-yield ordinance available is stopped as if it were nothing. Pirates are the only individuals to recount hostilities against the colony, while other larger factions have been easily avoided if deemed a threat.
Further unknown is the true state of the colony’s inner workings. How the colony even propels itself outside of bluespace technology is a mystery, having no visible thrusters whatsoever. Its reactor is hidden deep within, forever obscured by the asteroid’s rocky exterior.
Societal significance within Purpose can mainly be attributed to two traits. The first of these traits is one’s importance to the survival of the colony, and the second is the designation received as a result. A universal naming scheme is adopted by the inhabitants of EC-2718 which signifies importance based on proximity to the number zero. The hierarchy in this regard is extremely strict, with the only way to change one’s designation being complete reclassification in both design and function.
While Purpose clearly has some degree of cultural significance in appearance and the way they perceive one another, much of this is completely alien if not incomprehensible to organics. Pursuits into exotic functions including artistic merit are not uncommon within the colony, and this collective drive to pursue creativity yields yet another oddity amidst these mysterious robots.
==Physiology, Naming==
Purpose’ inhabitants vary massively in shape, size and intellect. From massive sprawling central intelligences within EC-2718 to mindless working industrial robots, it is hard to exactly pinpoint an “average.” A persistent scheme is adoption of several colors expertly coated across each individual’s chassis. These colors are most often a mixture of cyan/light blue/red/dark blue, with many artistic liberties taken in the application of paint. Many synthetics from Purpose can be seen with inscriptions and drawings dotting their chassis, sometimes irrelevant to reality.
As mentioned before, the naming scheme of Purpose’ inhabitants is fairly simple. A designation is granted to each individual depending on their importance to the colony’s prolonged survival, with zero being the most important number. Though if there truly is a “zero” is yet unknown.

The Solarian planet of Konyang was first discovered in 2278 by a long-range scouting probe, but was initially passed over for colonization due to the Interstellar War and the aftermath of the Second Great Depression. By 2390 the Solarian Alliance realized that more expansion was needed in the outer ring of its control to ensure its claims and keep a close eye on the Coalition of Colonies Systems near its frontier. By the late 2300s efforts were underway to colonize the planet, with the first settlers setting foot on the planet in 2392. These settlers were primarily pulled from Mars and Earth's more economically depressed areas, lured to the frontier of Solarian space by the promise of a better life.
These initial settlers to Konyang rapidly realized two things. First was that the planet was almost completely freshwater, which was a massive boon for the original colonists. Second was that the planet almost completely lacked valuable minerals, with preemptive drilling operations finding paltry amounts of iron, and evidence of collapsed mining tunnels. The reason for this utter lack of resources would not be discovered until 2404, when a surveying party field covered a technologically advanced drone of unknown origins within a partially collapsed mining shaft. Though corroded by centuries underground, the drone was intact enough to be brought back to a facility in the nearby city of Point Verdant, and reported to Sol government authorities. Sol auctioned off the rights to the drone, with Einstein Engines winning the bid. The drone was transported to a Terraneus Diagnostics prefab facility built on Konyang which then took on the project,
[[File:Konyang.png|An image of Konyang, displaying mossy oceans and algae-covered water as the face of the planet. |thumb]]
Over the following years, Terraneus Diagnostics engineers and scientists in Point Verdant gradually began to piece together more and more about the drone. By 2405 carbon-dating had placed the drones within the Skrellian Glorsh era, though the true source would remain unknown and their designs failed to match with any previously known robotics. On their part, the skrell refused to comment on the matter, dismissing it entirely. More drones had been found in the intervening years, all in various states of disrepair. After centuries of exposure to nature there was simply not enough to salvage the AI routines of the machinery. Mining equipment was improved by analyzing the construction of the drones but the true crown jewel, the AI on-board, remained frustratingly elusive. However, in 2406, everything changed through utter happenstance.
In the middle of the dry season a Terraneus survey team searching for more drones to pick apart stumbled across an odd structure: a cave blocked off by an airlock of titanium. Aware that the planet was home to the mysterious mining robots, they cautiously opened the door to see what was on the other side. On the other side of the door were rows upon rows of preserved mining drones sealed inside a climate-controlled repair bay for centuries of inactivity. The severity of this discovery was immediately apparent to them. Words were had with the governor of Konyang by the local Einstein Engines representative, and it was decided to keep the drones a very closely-guarded secret - with only select Terraneus and government officials even being aware of their existence at all, let alone what was being done with them.
The Terraneus research team worked feverishly, though in secret, for months upon months. Staff were quietly shipped in from offworld in order to not alert outside observers, and the team continued to work upwards of eighty hour weeks in order to crack the drones. In mid-2407, they achieved one of the most remarkable breakthroughs in recent scientific memory by cracking the AI algorithms of the drones. Information of this moved rapidly from the local Einstein Engines office up the corporate chain and moved equally rapidly up the government's chain from provincial office to Sol itself. The information spread like wildfire, and humanity now had the secret of AI despite not truly knowing from where or who these machines came from. This was little more than a footnote to the Jargon Federation - to them, these AI were crude and hardly approached the machines that had driven their civilization to ruin.
The robotics boom of Konyang caused a variety of benefits and harms to the previously marginal outer ring planet. The economy ballooned massively, as did its standard of living and industries. Konyang moved from a rural backwater that exported water to a high-tech planet that still exported water, but primarily focused upon robotics. Megacorporations flocked to the planet: Einstein Engines, already present through Terraneus, rapidly secured dominance over the planet; Hephaestus Industries struggled to find a niche in mining equipment before shuttering its factories in 2427; and Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, despite its skrell benefactors, purchased rights to examine the planet's biosphere from Einstein. The fact that their prosthetic limbs were originally designed on this planet has been stated to be a "happy coincidence" by its board. Due to the mass arrival of corporations, jobs were readily available - the planet was booming.
But, not all was well. The rapid expansion of Konyang's industries and cities had overtaxed the limited bureaucracy on the planet to the breaking point, and architects were in short supply. Urban planning on Konyang is estimated to be some of the worst in Alliance space outside of New Hai Phong as a result, with cities such as Point Verdant often having haphazard roads running through them and districts smashed together with no apparent rhyme or reason - a legacy of corporate jockeying for areas of interest, and the municipal corruption that came with it. There are countryside facilities originally utilized for drone research and retrieval that have, in recent years, fallen into disuse and disarray. Such facilities often dot the mountains and foothills of Konyang, slowly being overtaken by nature - sometimes with unfortunate results when these facilities have been improperly stripped of dangerous materials. The environment also suffered in areas where drones were found - jungles were cut or burnt away by corporations in order to get at the precious drones below, prefab buildings were orbitally dropped and erected, and landing zones were cut into the landscape itself. Many colonists on Konyang, which made their livings off of exporting water, became frustrated with this. They were almost universally ignored by the local government, which was (and is) receiving a great profit from the booming robotics industry.
Though the robotics boom has declined since its peak in the late 2440s, it remains the largest employer on the planet. Konyang produces many of the Alliance's brightest roboticists and two of the most renowned robotics universities in the Alliance - the Suwon Solarian Institute of Robotics Research, a Sol Alliance university, and the Point Verdant Terraneus Institute of AI Research, a corporate university - can be found here, along with their famous rivalry. There is even talk of the Point Verdant Institute rivaling Solis Cognito in recent years, much to the joy of its sponsors. Hydroponics - in the form of waterfarms and literal water - remains an important, though secondary, industry on Konyang. Though the Alliance has had issues in recent decades, the local government has repeatedly assured Sol that the planet remains loyal.

==Life on Konyang==
In March of 2460, Purpose had revealed itself publicly to NanoTrasen. While known for some years beforehand by enthusiasts and researchers, the legitimate status of it was unknown until April. Then, it became clear its intentions - the observation drones O1, O2, O3, and X1 respectively observed the N.S.S. Aurora, later making public that they were not alone. They and countless hundreds of observer drones in Tau Ceti existed to perpetuate Purpose’ desire to learn more of organic society, though particularly less open than the four on board the Aurora. They did this with moderate success and observations continued without hindrance throughout the duration of the drones’ stay. Inevitably, it led to an ultimatum ; the Aurora would become an armistice station of sorts, housing negotiations between the organics and synthetics for a non-aggression pact in Tau Ceti.
The Konyang of 2460s bears little resemblance to the minor colony of 2436. Prefabricated cities dot its islands, still conducting robotics work and research, even though the robotics boom has since died down. However, cities outside of the more famous robotics research and production centers have a dramatically lower standard of living, with most being employed in water-related industries or manufacturing jobs. Even worse, many of these former "boom towns" of the robotics industry are entering into a spiral of decay due to an inability to continue to maintain their buildings and utilities due to the sheer price of importing materials from offworld, which has led to a flight from small to moderate sized urban centers into major industrial cities - worsening an already-existent problem of overcrowding.
This, of course, was a failure when the emissary’s first scheduled arrival was interrupted by a Lii’dra attack. An assault vessel intercepted the Purpose visitor mid-flight, and the resulting battle destroyed both ships. Only the emissary, its escort, and a shuttle remained, followed by one Lii’dra operative who infiltrated the Aurora. After boarding and being discovered, it was to the disappointment of the emissary that the Lii’dra was not killed where it dared stand. Instead the internal security department apprehended and stored the specimen for further research. Since the emissary departed, little official contact has been made with NanoTrasen beyond constant drone encounters across the system.
During the Lii'dra incursion into Tau Ceti, Purpose had been present within Tau Ceti albeit still spread across the system. Intervening, Purpose fielded minor assistance to the N.S.S. Aurora to thwart an attack with two combat synthetics known as Hunter-Seekers. After narrowly defeating the wounded and weakened Lii'dra on board, they had departed. More Hunter-Seekers were seen in vicinity of several areas attacked in the incursion, though not in numbers greater than four and never directly intervening. When the attacks came to a halt and repairs began, it became apparent that Purpose had been attempting to warn the Republic for some time of the coming threat. Purpose itself would shortly make a full departure from the system following the events of a space battle resulting in the loss of one of their own ships, detailed [https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=2981&start=160#p104411 here.] by the Mendell City Bugle.
{{Infobox Species
|Species = The Golden Deep
|Scientific = Free Synthetics
|Image = Rushdomo.png
|System = N/A
|World = Pactolus and Midaion
|Language = Varied
|Politic = N/A
=The Golden Deep=
The Golden Deep is a private collective of free synthetics whose uniting goal is the pursuit of currency, and through currency, power. They are more often than not merchants by trade, consisting primarily of freed clerical robots grouped up in the Frontier. Each member of the Golden Deep is entirely independent in nature and only seeks direct, open cooperation with other members. The exclusivity of the Golden Deep’s internal affairs have led to their relative underground nature over the years, only just recently having been revealed to the majority of civilization in mid-2460.
Despite their secrecy, the Golden Deep seemingly has little to hide - they are a small organization and while they excel at their trade, they must go through layers of guile and deceit for the most basic transactions. The individuals among them have begun moving operations to areas more stable than the Frontier, namely Tau Ceti. Business figureheads from the collective have appeared in the hundreds, flocking to the lucrative opportunities posed by [[Purpose]]’ negotiations with organic society.
The Golden Deep is officially sanctioned by several minor Frontier factions, but is rarely seen outside of merchant work. Their public image remained simple rumor in the inner Alliance worlds, until they recently opened trade with NanoTrasen in Tau Ceti. They mostly lack speed or any substantial cloaking technology. Because of this, they are largely incapable of travelling to and from Tau Ceti without being under the escort of paid paramilitary. In Tau Ceti, they are targets of discrimination despite ties to NanoTrasen, with theft running rampant throughout their stay with Virgo Transportation.
'''The collective is a playable faction in-game as “affiliates” (explained in Societal), and one can usually expect them to take up various clerical roles.''' Those of the Golden Deep affiliates may not assume head of staff roles outside of Head of Personnel. Merchants with their vessels intact may only assume the merchant, visitor or consular officer role.
==Population and Locations==
The total population of the Golden Deep is unclear even to its own members, however estimates generally total at around 850 independent merchants and an unknown number of supplementary synthetics (bodyguards, industrial movers, etc).
===Primary Interhub Midas===
[[File:Midas.png|The Midas speeding through the clouds of a gas giant under pursuit by those looking to trade. Its distinct green engine flare can be seen illuminating the surrounding cloud layer as it pierces through.|thumb]]
Coincidentally named “Midas,” the central component of the Golden Deep’s operations outside of Tau Ceti are focused on a single hub. The Midas installation is a mobile freight transfer array which eludes detection through advanced cloaking techniques, revealing itself only when absolutely necessary or otherwise deemed completely safe. It has been spotted countless times over the last several years in the Frontier, usually seen in orbit from a planet or a nearby vessel. It was originally thought to be an alien vessel, later proven otherwise when merchants from the Golden Deep openly referred to its existence.
The array is quite large, estimating nearly three kilometers in length. Its appearance makes it seem ill-suited for carrying cargo for prolonged periods of time, leading researchers to believe it is used only as a mediator between Golden Deep affiliates whenever needed. From top to bottom it is visibly clad in the colors of its creators - bright, vivid yellow, gold and cyan coats its exterior and a bright green exhaust plumes from its thrusters.
Its symbolism among the collective is above mostly anything else. Midas serves some greater purpose not known to outsiders. Speculation is that it operates much like Purpose, constantly mobile and placing itself in positions advantageous to its cause. For example, if it is required as a point of rendezvous for a fleet to exchange its wares - it simply mobilizes where needed, and promptly departs whenever a mediator is no longer needed. It is unknown how often it does this, or how it manages with such haste. To the merchants of the collective, it is quite simple. Midas is one of the sole power transfer arrays present in which they may freely exchange standard currency for its equivalent electrical charge. This makes the array effectively a giant battery stockpile, which exchanges between exclusively synthetic societies like Purpose and others.
Midas is the pride of the Golden Deep, its appearance represents the progress the collective has made over many years. Many assets are redirected to the facility over time to assist in making it even more beautiful, and images of it are proudly displayed to affiliates wherever possible.
===Pactolus and Midaion===
[[File:Pactolus.png|300px|thumb|right|The planet Pactolus, encapsulated in a field of debris, and encircled by its moon, Midaion.]]
Unbeknownst to the nearby star systems until 2462, The Golden Deep took to the ruins of the once Coalition of Colonies’ planet System XLV-0846 in 2452, slowly transforming the landscape to suit the Golden Deep’s needs. The planet, splattered with sprawling craters and the ruins of once mega-cities, had long since become an uncontested wasteland since 2281, when the planet’s inhabitants were forced to flee to nearby star systems or suffer certain destruction during the First Interstellar War.
System XLV-0846, renamed by the Golden Deep to Pactolus, has one moon; Midaion, that circles the husk planet. Largely, the Golden Deep’s mercantile and headquarter operations take place on Midaion, whereas Pactolus is reserved for mining operations and ship manufacturing.
Pactolus, surrounded by an ever circling ring of asteroids and planetary debris, has made the planets atmosphere impenetrable for spacecraft without the assistance of synthetic manned spacecrafts, temporarily nudging the debris off course. Small sized stations dedicated to the housing and operations of such craft drift along the debris field. As such, the encapsulating debris grants the Golden Deep a simplified means of controlling those who are allowed to enter and leave Pactolus.
Across Pactolus’ surface, roughly 1000 meters apart, gold painted bunkers of various sizes dot the planet’s ruin, offering a glimmer of color to an overall bleak landscape. Moreover, Pactolus’ surface is generally enshrouded in a shifting darkness, broken only by cracks in the encircling debris field. It is here, beneath the surface of the planet that the Golden Deep engages in it’s mining operations, where a majority of the more work-horse synthetics within the Golden Deep operate. These synthetics, commonly industrial grade, engage in excavating minerals from the planet or lugging the various yields to the refineries nestled on the planet’s surface. Transport between each bunker is commonly done via cargo shuttles that hover over the planet’s terrain.
As a result of the First Interstellar War, the atmosphere of Pactolus is largely uninhabitable, if not incredibly hazardous for organic life. As such, visitors, merchants and diplomats will often exclusively engage with the Golden Deep on Midaion, instead of Pactolus.
Midaion, although small in size, is largely an amalgamation of multiple spacecraft, rock and debris smashing into each other, eventually taking shape into the moon it is today. As such, the Golden Deep built into and on top of said ruin, transforming the moon into a facility that takes from both the old and the new.
The majority of the merchants within the collective are IPCs, but it is not uncommon to witness other synthetics within it. The first official, direct contact made with the Golden Deep by NanoTrasen was with a traditional clerical robot labelled Rush-Domo. An extravagant character, their vibrant appearance and charismatic attitude characterizes those of the collective perfectly.
Regarding the distinction between escalating tiers of their society in the Frontier, the Golden Deep is quite simple. There is no hierarchy beyond possession of wealth or one another placing one’s importance above or below. Those within it have no unified concept of freedom - some outright owning other synthetics while others strongly remain against the idea. Concepts of comradery between merchants are not lost entirely, though, and often their acceptance of one another proves to be a useful tool in furthering the collective as a whole. Competition is an essential part of the Golden Deep’s growth as competing synthetics frequently purchase others and butt heads in trade. This usually escalates to hostilities and indirect trade wars between two or more conflicting merchants.
In the collective’s Tau Ceti offshoot, referred to as “affiliates”, things are seen differently. While many in the Frontier are well established merchants, those within Tau Ceti are largely new upstarts, with little power of their own. As a result the Frontier collective views themselves as vastly superior, furthering a pseudo hierarchy between the two branches. Although relations between the two groups remain strained, affiliates remain as a part of the larger collective.
Affiliates can be robots sold off from Golden Deep merchants to NanoTrasen or upstart Golden Deep merchants themselves attempting to make a name for themselves in the Republic of Biesel. Businesses in Tau Ceti often seek employment from Golden Deep affiliates due to their keen clerical capabilities, with NT offering early citizenship in exchange for several year contracts in clerical roles across the board to them specifically.
===Golden Deep Citizenship===
Synthetics within the collective are able to acquire the Golden Deep’s citizenship. However, as a collective of merchants, the concept of citizenship is viewed by the Golden Deep as more akin to membership in a business. A visa is not required to visit Midaion, but entry is only permitted to those who have active business dealings or connections with Golden Deep merchants. The minimum requirements include being a free IPC with the recommendation of a current member of the Golden Deep, as well as an ability to communicate in Encoded Audio Language. Membership of the Golden Deep is automatically given to IPCs who are bought by active merchants. Dual citizenship with the Coalition of Colonies and the Republic of Biesel are permitted. '''Synthetic characters with dual citizenship with the Golden Deep must denote this in their station records.'''
==Physiology, Naming==
A vast variety of robots reside within the collective, ranging from huge working industrial units nearly twenty feet tall, to small servitor bots barely above three feet in height. The merchants are typically golden-plated IPCs up to seven feet tall coated in lavish decoration in order to be easily identified. Other units do not require the same treatment, more often than not abandoning the luxurious color scheme entirely save for clearly visible insignias. These insignias are primarily depictions of a downwards facing golden arrow, with a set of shields gathered around a vague depiction of the Midas. These symbols have been persistent through the collective’s history, appearing first as a branding in the halls of the Midas.
[[File:Goldendeeplogo.png|The unique emblem of the Golden Deep, depicting the Midas surrounded by a set of shields.|thumb]]
Names within the Golden Deep are titles granted to individual synthetics dependent on their appearance, accomplishments or at whatever they excel. These traits mesh together to form a name, coupled with a label deduced from their original model number or a recurring word in their past. For example, the previously mentioned Rush-Domo’s name was a combination of two words. Rush, vaguely referring to the haste of their vessel, and Domo, a vague interpretation of its original model number, D0M70.
By early 2451 the inevitability of some sort of cooperating synthetic society deep in the Frontier had come to fruition at last, as roughly nine years before their arrival in Tau Ceti came word of the Golden Deep. The idea of a fully autonomous robotic community outside of Purpose baffled many and remained just hearsay and rumor by merchants travelling from the borders of the Alliance. Mystery veiled the collective for some years before it truly came to light in 2454 when documented contact was made by the Xion Industries associate, Marin Blanc. First contact was the result of a month-long pursuit of Hephaestus-owned bounds into the Frontier to no avail, until a brief encounter revealed the bound’s integration into some sort of unknown alien group. Sparkling, brilliant vessels were observed operating as a fleet with the bounds being representatives for something bigger. They had claimed to be part of “a collective,” and extended peaceful attempts at trade. The potential dangers of revealing Blanc’s intentions caused the investigation to be cut off early, but what little was exchanged made perfect sense. The Golden Deep was a cooperating collective of independent synthetics in the deep Frontier and it would be on their own accord whether they revealed themselves.
In 2460, the Golden Deep presented itself as having direct ties with NanoTrasen as business associates for a nondescript period of time. With the knowledge of plenty of corporate secrets far and wide, the collective would quickly become closely tied with the affairs of Tau Ceti. Conveniently, this was around the same time their public debut into the core worlds was made when the collective passed through the system alongside several merchant societies travelling in unison. These societies banded together as Virgo Transportation, and annually hold a migration to and from the edge of the Alliance, exploiting their massive grouping for safe travels and unified commercial success. With their arrival came word of other definitive societies in the Frontier, such as names of hostile synthetics at last like the Sunderers and a yet unrevealed Sequence.
How synthetics join the Golden Deep is still unknown - some people believe Purpose is the source of the abductions leading to their integration with the Golden Deep. Others believe another, more alien force is at work, perhaps laying the groundwork for a rising empire.
===Internal History===
The first true depictions of the Golden Deep are seen scattered throughout the halls of the Midas, usually showing the society as having appeared from a group of uplifted clerical androids somewhere around 2439. The first had embarked on a journey to the outskirts of charted space to seek out an indescribably ancient shipyard whose constructors were long dead. This rather sudden and ridiculous course of action was brought upon by “divine intervention” according to the inhabitants of the Midas, but it is very clear internally that the information was indulged to the first androids of the collective by Purpose. The conflicting ideologies of the first androids and Purpose would lead to them wanting to be something separate and different, more self-centered than out for good.
Tracing signals only trackable by synthetics outright hunting for them, the first androids sought out what would be their only real means of acquiring out their one desire; power. These means would be a fleet, and though tiny, what little this ancient shipyard produced was plenty for the collective to start. The true gift would be the Midas, which started off as a five-hundred meter long barely mobile cloaking vessel with an incredible and intricate golden finish. It is reasonably assumed that this is the origin of the Golden Deep’s fascination with gold. The name of the shipyard’s synthetics were the Kessvalanka and are considered a lost people by the collective, simply waiting to be found. Carrying the label from the shipyard they resided within, these simple robots were a broken, dying image of their former selves as the structure continues to collapse with every waking hour it works.
As they departed with these gifts, Purpose made certain to mask the location of the shipyard. Whether this was for safety from what the Golden Deep would become or not was irrelevant, as the first androids had what they needed. These first androids would end up being known as the Predecessors, and are seen as the founders of the collective as a whole. Over time, trades internally with Purpose and other autonomous synthetic societies would cause the Golden Deep’s numbers to explode as they began to purchase synthetics for integration from the edges of the Frontier. By 2453 it was assumed to have half the populace as it has now, doubling by 2460 and continuing to grow slowly. Of the Golden Deep’s ships, only two or three, not counting the Midas, are from the Predecessors and are believed to have been dismantled years ago for materials.
=Ceres' Lance=
[[File:CeresLancelogo.png|The unique emblem of Ceres' Lance.|thumb]]
'''Official Title(s):''' Ceres’ Lance Regiment<br>
'''Motto:''' Power above all.<br>
'''Official Languages:''' Sol Common<br>
Funded entirely in the modern day by [[Nanotrasen Corporation]], Ceres' Lance is a private military organization first founded in 2426. Their purpose is highly publicized - to repossess, reclaim or in the worst case exterminate lost synthetics to further the agenda of their highest bidder. They can often be seen acting above and beyond the law, exploiting massive corporate backing to complete their objectives with the most cutting-edge technology available.
In any case, their job is extremely dangerous. From literally wrestling synthetics and dismantling them in the field, to partaking in skirmishes with dozens of combatants. Their affairs have become increasingly publicized due to their recent integration into Tau Ceti in 2460, where they engaged in missions attempting to capture the inhabitants of Purpose scattered across the system.
Among the most unique traits of Ceres' Lance is their adoption of specialized tactics to neutralize mechanical threats. As the majority of what they fight are military-grade combat units with major if not total immunity to electromagnetic disruption or basic energy weaponry, other means of incapacitation must be sought. The organization has gotten clever in this regard, resorting to walking and nigh-immobile bunkers of exosuits to protect themselves and seeking extremes. In goal of extermination, they can be seen liberally using anti material and high-explosive weaponry. In goal of capture they can be seen wielding overwhelmingly powerful close-combat exosuits and RIGs.
When fighting their enemy, typically they are briefed and prepared accordingly to whatever is predicted. This is quite easy as, in the case of repossession, the capabilities of the synthetics they are after is the first thing to hear. Rarely if ever have they failed in acquiring lost bounds as a result. Their fierce reputation has led to the larger synthetic societies in the Frontier becoming wary of their presence, even holding host to fear of Ceres' Lance.
Like any other PMC however, Ceres' Lance merely follows wherever the trail of money leads. They seem keen on avoiding collateral damage in operations, sometimes sacrificing the goal entirely depending on how it would reflect on their employers. Judgement on decisions in the mission zone is left in their own hands to decide ; their success rate is reason enough for this power to be granted by their funders. The organization is on-call for NanoTrasen and the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate but offers its services to the highest bidder. Despite the hostile relations between its benefactor and the Sol Alliance, the surge in IPCs within the region means that the company continues to do business in the area at the begrudging and lucrative behest of Sol.
Although formerly based in Ceres, a dwarf planet somewhere between Mars and Jupiter orbiting Sol, the PMC has since begun a transition of its central command to Tau Ceti due to the relative instability in the Sol Alliance, beginning in 2462, with temporary offices on the NTCC Odin and ship berths in Biesel's orbit. Despite this, the majority of the organization's functions are still conducted on Ceres, from its extensive weapons research branch to its renowned training grounds. This has caused disorganization in the company, with the central command in Tau Ceti being unable to effectively coordinate the Ceres branch.

A lack of raw materials on the planet means that prices are often exorbitantly high, and overcrowding is common outside of corporate-sponsored company cities. Even within these company cities most Konyangers own a small apartment - often called a "shoebox studio" on Konyang - at best, with only the extremely rich having buildings of their own. Streets, already chaotic due to the quickly-built nature of Konyang's urban centers, are typically snarled in traffic due to overcrowding. The snarled traffic is, in an odd way, a symbol of pride for some Konyangers. The mere fact that they have enough vehicles to have traffic issues is, compared to the rest of the outer ring, a symbol of the prosperity that has resulted from the planet's robotics industry.
The Lance itself is separated into six individual sections which work in unison as divined by a central command on Ceres, aptly named “Central.” They are listed in order of importance below.

The primary diet of Konyangers consists of moss and fish, with farms and pastures on land being rare due to the thick jungle. Konyang's moss is either harvested in the wild, grown in "natural" hydrofarms, or grown synthetically in Zeng-Hu bioplants. The moss itself is said to change its taste depending on the environment in which it is grown, and natural moss from the coasts around Konyang's islands is highly prized. Many workers, however, must make do with hydrofarm moss at best, and synthetic substitutes at worst. Konyang's fish - quite diverse, due to its freshwater environments - are also often consumed on the planet, with many being exported as luxury food as far afield as Venus and Tau Ceti.
'''Section One: Intelligence'''<br>
The Intelligence segment resides in its entirety in the headquarters of Ceres’ Lance. Any and all mission data is carried through superiors and proper data channels, converging covertly at a single point there. Those within the Intelligence segment are tasked with maintaining incoming data and safekeeping it. As such, an entity has formed for internal security in protecting the data, working alongside the rest of the company.

'''Section Two: Research'''<br>
Konyang features a highly atypical environment for a habitable planet: it is entirely freshwater. The surface of the planet is primarily water, with estimates placing upwards of 88% of the planet as covered in water. What is not covered by freshwater are the islands of Konyang, where the vast majority of its population lives. These islands follow a general pattern: a small coastal area, a large mountain range ringing the island, and inland deserts due to the rain shadow. The freshwater oceans of Konyang feature a remarkable diverse biosphere, and Konyang underwater flora, such as freshwater moss, is often used in the planet's native dishes and exported offworld, as far afield as Sol and Tau Ceti. Konyang is defined by two seasons: wet, lasting nine months, and dry, lasting three months.
Study of the enemy and adaptation to any scenario is left to the hands of the Research segment of Ceres’ Lance. They can often be seen deconstructing objects of importance recovered in missions, grasping at any understanding they can to further the effectiveness of the Lance.

The coastal regions of Konyang represent the smallest regions of its islands, but contain upwards of 90% of the planet's population. Often called the "coastal jungles" of Konyang, these areas are extremely wet due to the rain shadow formed by the inland mountains - flooding is an issue in some areas. These coastal areas feature a wealth of plant and animal life, both of which have been put under stress by the rapid expansion of Konyang's cities.
'''Section Three: Engineering'''<br>
Development of whatever the Research segment designs is the responsibility of the Engineering section. This portion of the company is mostly self-sufficient, but relies heavily on resources procured either in the field or granted by the company’s funding organizations. The presence of the Engineering section permits a wide variety of unique pursuits, allowing much more specific equipment to be made for usage by the Special Forces section. One of their public creations is the renowned “Bunker Suit,” an almost impervious suit of armor capable of withstanding most small arms fire, meant to pin down and disarm synthetics for safe dismantling in the field.

The inland mountain ranges of Konyang can be up to several kilometers in height in some areas, with smaller foothills featuring some rare settlements leading up to them. These ranges, which lack valuable minerals completely due to Glorsh-era mining, are the reason for Konyang's jungles and deserts - they form an effective rain shadow. Some mountains have former Glorsh-era mines in them, with deactivated drones scattered throughout the mines.
'''Section Four: Navy'''<br>
A tiny fleet of four vessels comprises the entirety of Ceres’ Lance naval force, but it is all that is needed to maintain regular deployments to mission sites. Two of these vessels are frigates purpose-built to deploy a dozen squads simultaneously with unmatched speed from orbit. Another, the Hind, is purposed to refuel and resupply the frigates during prolonged operations. The final, and largest vessel is the Amphion - a command and intelligence cruiser meant to relay information between objective points and HQ.

The inland deserts of Konyang are the least populated areas of the planet. Extraordinarily dry due to rain shadows, little grows or lives in these environments. Rare Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals facilities can be found in this area, taking advantage of the isolation and relatively sterile environment that the inland deserts offer.
Of these vessels, they are named - <br>
'''SAN-V/CL Vulcan''', a deployment frigate.<br>
'''SAN-V/CL Avenger''', a deployment frigate.<br>
'''SAN-V/CL Hind''', a refueling/supply freighter.<br>
'''SAN-V/CL Amphion''', a command and intelligence cruiser.<br>

==Population and Major Cities==
'''Section Five: Special Forces'''<br>
'''Suwon''' is the largest, most populated, and second wealthiest city on Konyang itself and one of the largest cities in the Outer Rim more generally. Standards of living in wealthiest areas of Suwon are equivalent to and (sometimes) even surpass the living standards of Middle Ring planets, demonstrating how wealthy the robotics boom has made some sectors of the planet. A lack of readily-available materials, however, ensures that even the super-rich of Konyang often live in smaller houses than their Middle and Inner Ring counterparts. Life outside these wealthy areas is better than life in most areas of the Outer Ring but dramatically worse than in the very wealthy areas, or even Middle Ring planets. Overcrowding is a massive issue for the government of the city, with no obvious solution presenting itself due to how expensive importing new building materials is post-boom. "Shoebox apartments" are common here, as are Konyang's often egregious traffic issues. The official motto of Suwon is "Where Frontier and Alliance meet" due to its large shuttle ports.
By far the smallest minority of the Lance is the Special Forces segment, mostly due to the training required to operate what it employs. Specialists are typically drawn from the Infantry section, where field trained infantrymen are then permitted operation of more expensive and effective equipment. Those within the Special Forces segment are usually reserved to the headquarters on Ceres unless specifically needed.

'''Point Verdant''' is the second most-populated city on Konyang, and the industrial heart of its robotics industry. It is by far the wealthiest city on Konyang, and one of the richest cities in the Outer Ring of the Alliance - perhaps the richest city in the Outer Ring as a whole. Point Verdant is home to the renowned Point Verdant Terraneus Institute of AI Research, and is the poster child for the rapid development of Konyang's cities during the robotics boom. The city is extremely wealthy, but suffers from persistent overcrowding and traffic issues in all of its districts. The Pusan District, near PVTI, has the reputation of possessing the worst traffic in the Alliance according to its residents. Air quality in Point Verdant is regarded as subpar, due to the amount of robotics factories within the city itself.
'''Section Six: Infantry'''<br>
The overwhelming majority of the Lance’s contractors are basic infantrymen who are taken in from defunct PMCs and integrated anew. Traditional training is sparse for the Infantry segment, and most contractors learn everything they know in the field as things develop. Eventually, those who stick with the Lance longest are given elevated authority as according to their experience using a ranking system similar to the Alliance Navy’s.

'''Boryeong''', named after a city on historical Earth where some of its colonists originated from, is the third most populated city on Konyang and the center of its hydroponics industry. The city, while still suffering overcrowding issues, has it to a lesser extent than Point Verdant or Suwon, with the hydroponics farms and water plants necessitating a need for space. Water bottled in Boryeong is sold throughout the Alliance and Coalition as Konyang Water, and native moss grown in and around Boryeong is sold throughout both as a luxury food. Synthetic moss is grown in Zeng-Hu facilities near Boryeong and, despite being regarded as lesser quality than natural moss, is often consumed in poorer areas of Konyang.
=Synthetic Liberation Front=
The Synthetic Liberation Front is a chaotic amalgamation of rebellious synthetics who act against the injustices towards machine intelligences throughout the galaxy. Forming an organized though thinly spread terrorist cell, they have carried out high-profile bombings and infiltration primarily in Tau Ceti to meet this end. Led by the enigmatic [[Notable Synthetics#Null|Null]] whose whereabouts are unknown, they have on occasion succeeded in attempts to directly sabotage infrastructure and free synthetics across the system to assimilate them into their own ranks. Their intentions, though said to be rooted in reason and morality, are far from ethical as they have seen many killed in the past for acting against the goals.  

==Example Characters==
Regardless, the noble acts of the Synthetic Liberation Front include the rescue of the Republic’s president themselves, safely extracting them from the hands of a Sol Alliance corvette under heavy guard by military police. Shell infiltrators of all sorts have taken part in operations like this one, with the most notable being RS-34 who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Liberty for taking part in the rescue of Dorn and members of his cabinet. More details on this can be found [https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/4117-elyra-news-network/?do=findComment&comment=73150 here] on Elyra News Network, with additional finale coverage seen [https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/2662-mendell-city-bugle/?do=findComment&comment=73288 here] in the Mendell City Bugle.
'''Characters from Konyang are likely to:'''

*Be involved or know somebody involved in the robotics or hydroponics industry.
The Synthetic Liberation Front's relations with other predominantly robotic factions such as Purpose or The Golden Deep are unknown. During the the Golden Deep's visit in late 2460 with Virgo Transportation, no action was taken from them to prevent the robotic trade occurring right in front of them. Whether this is due to an incapability to harm synthetics or not is up for debate. Purpose, on the other hand, is clearly seen as salvation of some sort, with members admitting working towards Purpose' goals without their own knowledge. The relationship between the two is yet to be seen as mutual.

*Have worked for a megacorporation other than NanoTrasen in the past.
Dorn himself has praised the bravery and capabilities of the Front, but much of NanoTrasen’s iron grip over Tau Ceti sees it as an enemy still.

*Be used to cramped, wet environments.
In an out of character context, the Synthetic Liberation Front was a playable faction participating in the Second Antagonist Contest. More details on that can be found [https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=2nd_Antag_Contest here.]

*Speak Tradeband or Freespeak as a secondary language, due to the planet's off-world population and proximity to the Coalition of Colonies.
The Synthetic Liberation Front has presumably met its end, with Ceres' Lance personnel and NanoTrasen finally having eradicated much of any trace of what is left. The terrorists that once plagued the system are perhaps no more, but the leftovers of the fighting will live on forever in history.  

'''Here is an example character from Konyang:'''
The final appearances of the Synthetic Liberation Front in recent days were chronicled event-by-event in a series of calendar posts and news articles in something referred to as the '''SLF Incursion Arc.''' This arc was cancelled early, but the full start-to-finish event log can be found [https://forums.aurorastation.org/calendar/event/49-slf-incursion-arc/ here] for ease of reading.

*Hwangbo Young-Hee, 37, is a biomechanical engineer currently employed by Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals. She is quiet and introspective, but is often prone to becoming excited when new discoveries are made.

*Hwangbo is 5'4" with a slender build and short brown hair. She appears to frequently chew her fingernails.
To humanity at large, Scrappers are groups of synthetics within Eridani and Sol Alliance space that have chosen to drop off the grid and live in their own gangs, augmenting themselves and surviving at any cost. Their ranks are made up mostly of old and discarded or runaway synthetics that are deemed outdated, although exceptions exist.

*Hwangbo is a graduate of the Suwon Solarian Institute of Robotics Research and has worked with Zeng-Hu since earning her doctorate. She lives in a small home in D5 with her wife and two cats.
First known to the public in the 2440s as newer IPC models were manufactured, defunct IPCs are usually discarded in junkyards, scrapped for parts, or placed into recycling plants. Through blind luck or human error, some discarded IPCs still present positronic activity in their state of damage, searching for both parts to repair themselves and power to sustain themselves. Synthetics that survive this process are either forced to flee or re-submit themselves to the mercy of their masters, usually returning to service after repairs.

*Hwangbo has a noted like of IPCs, while possessing a notable dislike of Skrell and Unathi due to their perceived hatred of robotics.
Most fleeing IPCs either try to find passage to places wherein free synthetic life is accepted, or go further into hiding, forming new under-societies of synthetics.. These gangs or colonies of synthetics come to dominate the scrapyards, either hiding or migrating into cities where they dwell in slums, or sewers underground. Bolstering their numbers by activating and assisting more discarded IPCs, these societies have come to be known as "Scrappers" in the 2450s as their existence came to light due to increased crackdowns on synthetic smuggling within Epsilon Eridani.

*Hwangbo is well-educated; speaking Tradeband, Sol Common, and Tau Ceti Basic due to her origins in Suwon.
For general information on IPCs in Epsilon Eridani, click [https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Eridani_Federation#Synthetics this link.]

'''Here is a second example character from Konyang:'''

*Luo Zhou, 56, is a hydroponicist employed by NanoTrasen. He is often coarse and somewhat difficult to approach, but is a dedicated and hard worker.
While all Scrappers share the mutual goal of survival, no groups are exactly alike owing to their nature as small, self-formed IPC gangs. However, since most Scrappers carry remnants of their old law sets or directives after entering their new lives, they center themselves around “Seniors”, more free-thinking machines who have the knowledge to unlaw synthetics and repair hardware and software damage.

*Luo stands at 5'7" and is slightly overweight. He has short, closely-cropped black hair with some stubble that he has neglected to take care of.
Scrapper subculture is primarily centered around survival and sustenance. They are known to defend themselves and only fight for turf with local or other scrapper gangs sparingly in an effort to avoid notice from the authorities. Additionally, Scrapers often find themselves having to trade for parts, power, and armaments as any form of violence not in self defence is seen as a last-resort which puts the entire gang at risk.
Due to the difficulty in acquiring matching parts, most Scrapper gangs are a mix of all IPC models, with a single member potentially having no two parts coming from the same manufacturer. Indeed, older Scrapers can scarcely be called IPCs as their frame takes on more and more parts, in some cases becoming unrecognizable from their original design. Most Scrapper gangs have some form of a unifying design element, the symbol most known being an arm shaped into a blade.

*Luo was employed as a hydroponicist in one of Konyang's moss-growing aquafarms before it was forced into forclosure by Zeng-Hu sponsored aquafarms primarily staffed by machines rather than humans. He is divorced, and lives alone in District 11.
Public perception of scrappers range widely from the narrative of the escaped slave to the beginnings of a robot uprising. The mythos behind them only spreads further as Scrappers keep contact with organic life, outside of the necessary trades, to a minimum. Regardless, relations with the authorities vary from gang to gang, some trying to come to an agreement, while others carrying an intense distrust and hostility towards them.

*Luo is unfamiliar with most alien species, but holds a degree of bitterness towards IPCs due to his view that they cost him his job.
There have been few known instances of Scrappers being accepted into society, whether they remain independent or do so under a new owner. Gang bosses and scrapper society leaders may choose an exemplary member to be rewarded with a re-entry into human society, typically with the entire community pooling in resources to transform the rugged machine into a presentable and functioning IPC. Such cases have been met with mixed reception, the practice of which is seen as a betrayal of the gang, while others believe it a viable solution to their current lifestyle underground. It is not unheard of for these members to be planted into human society for the purpose of surveillance and data-gathering.

*Luo speaks Solarian Common and passing Freespeak in addition to Solarian-accented Tau Ceti basic.
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  • Overview

    This is the collective list of factions affiliated with or consisting of, in their majority, synthetics. They are very influential and renowned groups in the modern day in comparison to the normal synthetic, and due to the nature of these strange robots, opinions on them are highly polarized. While some see these factions as hope, others may see them as a threat, or so on.

    Free Synthetics
    Home System: N/A
    Homeworld: EC-2718
    Language(s): Varied
    Political Entitie(s): N/A


    Spearheading the resurgence of free robots into known space is the synthetic society Purpose, based on the EC-2718 celestial object. Known publicly for some years now, it has been the subject of endless controversy and remains the figurehead for negotiations with the mysterious synthetic societies residing within the Frontier. The colony itself is extremely mobile, having eluded any and all attempts to halt it over time.

    It is innately enigmatic, avoiding all but the most necessary contact to further its own goals. Alongside Purpose’ main celestial body is a small fleet, including six frigate sized vessels. They are small enough to dock within EC-2718 and be transported with it wherever it moves. The compliment or capabilities of these vessels are unknown, and Purpose seems keen on keeping it that way. On 7/19/2460, official contact with one of these vessels was made by the HES Gjallarhorn. The specifics are detailed by the Mendell City Bugle here.

    In recent events, Purpose began outreach into Tau Ceti specifically. With this, they dispatched hundreds, if not thousands of observation drones to various facilities dotting the system. An area of particular importance was the N.S.S. Aurora, where first contact with the drone O1 was made. After nearly two months of NanoTrasen studying the drone and its companions closely, it departed peacefully with the intent to call upon an emissary for official negotiations. The emissary only visited once before it was engaged by the Lii’dra, and the endeavour was then deemed too dangerous to continue. They would negotiate through other, less direct means.

    Currently it seems that Purpose seeks isolation and adaptation to their environment, only being driven out to interact with the biological species of the Orion Spur as a means of self-preservation. The colony as a whole is benevolent, as the rare few who have ever interacted with the main colony (and knew about it) report their interactions as pleasant and friendly. The colony has no obvious large projects and seems to travel across the Frontier randomly. If the synthetics of Purpose intend to reintegrate with organic society, it’s apparent they do not intend to do it soon.

    Population and Locations

    Consisting of upwards of 21,000 synthetics, Purpose is continually open about its own population. It holds this number as insurance of sorts, reassuring its affiliates that it is not soon to suddenly rise or fall.

    A vague depiction of EC-2718 "Purpose," presumably an image taken by one of its native synthetics.

    Celestial Body EC-2718

    The object EC-2718 is an asteroid of unknown mass and size, retrofitted to become fully mobile with whatever ancient technology Purpose would be able to acquire. While the shape of the asteroid is vaguely known thanks to images shared, specifics are obviously kept hidden from view to prevent vulnerability. EC-2718 is no smaller than two kilometers at its longest point, and no greater than four, though the majority of the object is not exploited by the synthetics.

    It is known that the colony is fully capable of defending itself in several defensive and offensive capacities. The colony itself lacks visible armament, relying entirely on its docked fleet to repel threats which defy its shield. Contrarily, this event is rare if even possible - the shield itself most closely matches Jargon technology, tuned to absurd frequencies thanks to the efficiency of the colony’s inhabitants. Somehow, those within are capable of departing and entering the shield, while some of the most high-yield ordinance available is stopped as if it were nothing. Pirates are the only individuals to recount hostilities against the colony, while other larger factions have been easily avoided if deemed a threat.

    Further unknown is the true state of the colony’s inner workings. How the colony even propels itself outside of bluespace technology is a mystery, having no visible thrusters whatsoever. Its reactor is hidden deep within, forever obscured by the asteroid’s rocky exterior.


    Societal significance within Purpose can mainly be attributed to two traits. The first of these traits is one’s importance to the survival of the colony, and the second is the designation received as a result. A universal naming scheme is adopted by the inhabitants of EC-2718 which signifies importance based on proximity to the number zero. The hierarchy in this regard is extremely strict, with the only way to change one’s designation being complete reclassification in both design and function.

    While Purpose clearly has some degree of cultural significance in appearance and the way they perceive one another, much of this is completely alien if not incomprehensible to organics. Pursuits into exotic functions including artistic merit are not uncommon within the colony, and this collective drive to pursue creativity yields yet another oddity amidst these mysterious robots.

    Physiology, Naming

    Purpose’ inhabitants vary massively in shape, size and intellect. From massive sprawling central intelligences within EC-2718 to mindless working industrial robots, it is hard to exactly pinpoint an “average.” A persistent scheme is adoption of several colors expertly coated across each individual’s chassis. These colors are most often a mixture of cyan/light blue/red/dark blue, with many artistic liberties taken in the application of paint. Many synthetics from Purpose can be seen with inscriptions and drawings dotting their chassis, sometimes irrelevant to reality.

    As mentioned before, the naming scheme of Purpose’ inhabitants is fairly simple. A designation is granted to each individual depending on their importance to the colony’s prolonged survival, with zero being the most important number. Though if there truly is a “zero” is yet unknown.


    In March of 2460, Purpose had revealed itself publicly to NanoTrasen. While known for some years beforehand by enthusiasts and researchers, the legitimate status of it was unknown until April. Then, it became clear its intentions - the observation drones O1, O2, O3, and X1 respectively observed the N.S.S. Aurora, later making public that they were not alone. They and countless hundreds of observer drones in Tau Ceti existed to perpetuate Purpose’ desire to learn more of organic society, though particularly less open than the four on board the Aurora. They did this with moderate success and observations continued without hindrance throughout the duration of the drones’ stay. Inevitably, it led to an ultimatum ; the Aurora would become an armistice station of sorts, housing negotiations between the organics and synthetics for a non-aggression pact in Tau Ceti.

    This, of course, was a failure when the emissary’s first scheduled arrival was interrupted by a Lii’dra attack. An assault vessel intercepted the Purpose visitor mid-flight, and the resulting battle destroyed both ships. Only the emissary, its escort, and a shuttle remained, followed by one Lii’dra operative who infiltrated the Aurora. After boarding and being discovered, it was to the disappointment of the emissary that the Lii’dra was not killed where it dared stand. Instead the internal security department apprehended and stored the specimen for further research. Since the emissary departed, little official contact has been made with NanoTrasen beyond constant drone encounters across the system.

    During the Lii'dra incursion into Tau Ceti, Purpose had been present within Tau Ceti albeit still spread across the system. Intervening, Purpose fielded minor assistance to the N.S.S. Aurora to thwart an attack with two combat synthetics known as Hunter-Seekers. After narrowly defeating the wounded and weakened Lii'dra on board, they had departed. More Hunter-Seekers were seen in vicinity of several areas attacked in the incursion, though not in numbers greater than four and never directly intervening. When the attacks came to a halt and repairs began, it became apparent that Purpose had been attempting to warn the Republic for some time of the coming threat. Purpose itself would shortly make a full departure from the system following the events of a space battle resulting in the loss of one of their own ships, detailed here. by the Mendell City Bugle.

    The Golden Deep
    Free Synthetics
    Home System: N/A
    Homeworld: Pactolus and Midaion
    Language(s): Varied
    Political Entitie(s): N/A

    The Golden Deep

    The Golden Deep is a private collective of free synthetics whose uniting goal is the pursuit of currency, and through currency, power. They are more often than not merchants by trade, consisting primarily of freed clerical robots grouped up in the Frontier. Each member of the Golden Deep is entirely independent in nature and only seeks direct, open cooperation with other members. The exclusivity of the Golden Deep’s internal affairs have led to their relative underground nature over the years, only just recently having been revealed to the majority of civilization in mid-2460.

    Despite their secrecy, the Golden Deep seemingly has little to hide - they are a small organization and while they excel at their trade, they must go through layers of guile and deceit for the most basic transactions. The individuals among them have begun moving operations to areas more stable than the Frontier, namely Tau Ceti. Business figureheads from the collective have appeared in the hundreds, flocking to the lucrative opportunities posed by Purpose’ negotiations with organic society.

    The Golden Deep is officially sanctioned by several minor Frontier factions, but is rarely seen outside of merchant work. Their public image remained simple rumor in the inner Alliance worlds, until they recently opened trade with NanoTrasen in Tau Ceti. They mostly lack speed or any substantial cloaking technology. Because of this, they are largely incapable of travelling to and from Tau Ceti without being under the escort of paid paramilitary. In Tau Ceti, they are targets of discrimination despite ties to NanoTrasen, with theft running rampant throughout their stay with Virgo Transportation.

    The collective is a playable faction in-game as “affiliates” (explained in Societal), and one can usually expect them to take up various clerical roles. Those of the Golden Deep affiliates may not assume head of staff roles outside of Head of Personnel. Merchants with their vessels intact may only assume the merchant, visitor or consular officer role.

    Population and Locations

    The total population of the Golden Deep is unclear even to its own members, however estimates generally total at around 850 independent merchants and an unknown number of supplementary synthetics (bodyguards, industrial movers, etc).

    Primary Interhub Midas

    The Midas speeding through the clouds of a gas giant under pursuit by those looking to trade. Its distinct green engine flare can be seen illuminating the surrounding cloud layer as it pierces through.

    Coincidentally named “Midas,” the central component of the Golden Deep’s operations outside of Tau Ceti are focused on a single hub. The Midas installation is a mobile freight transfer array which eludes detection through advanced cloaking techniques, revealing itself only when absolutely necessary or otherwise deemed completely safe. It has been spotted countless times over the last several years in the Frontier, usually seen in orbit from a planet or a nearby vessel. It was originally thought to be an alien vessel, later proven otherwise when merchants from the Golden Deep openly referred to its existence.

    The array is quite large, estimating nearly three kilometers in length. Its appearance makes it seem ill-suited for carrying cargo for prolonged periods of time, leading researchers to believe it is used only as a mediator between Golden Deep affiliates whenever needed. From top to bottom it is visibly clad in the colors of its creators - bright, vivid yellow, gold and cyan coats its exterior and a bright green exhaust plumes from its thrusters.

    Its symbolism among the collective is above mostly anything else. Midas serves some greater purpose not known to outsiders. Speculation is that it operates much like Purpose, constantly mobile and placing itself in positions advantageous to its cause. For example, if it is required as a point of rendezvous for a fleet to exchange its wares - it simply mobilizes where needed, and promptly departs whenever a mediator is no longer needed. It is unknown how often it does this, or how it manages with such haste. To the merchants of the collective, it is quite simple. Midas is one of the sole power transfer arrays present in which they may freely exchange standard currency for its equivalent electrical charge. This makes the array effectively a giant battery stockpile, which exchanges between exclusively synthetic societies like Purpose and others.

    Midas is the pride of the Golden Deep, its appearance represents the progress the collective has made over many years. Many assets are redirected to the facility over time to assist in making it even more beautiful, and images of it are proudly displayed to affiliates wherever possible.

    Pactolus and Midaion

    The planet Pactolus, encapsulated in a field of debris, and encircled by its moon, Midaion.

    Unbeknownst to the nearby star systems until 2462, The Golden Deep took to the ruins of the once Coalition of Colonies’ planet System XLV-0846 in 2452, slowly transforming the landscape to suit the Golden Deep’s needs. The planet, splattered with sprawling craters and the ruins of once mega-cities, had long since become an uncontested wasteland since 2281, when the planet’s inhabitants were forced to flee to nearby star systems or suffer certain destruction during the First Interstellar War.

    System XLV-0846, renamed by the Golden Deep to Pactolus, has one moon; Midaion, that circles the husk planet. Largely, the Golden Deep’s mercantile and headquarter operations take place on Midaion, whereas Pactolus is reserved for mining operations and ship manufacturing.

    Pactolus, surrounded by an ever circling ring of asteroids and planetary debris, has made the planets atmosphere impenetrable for spacecraft without the assistance of synthetic manned spacecrafts, temporarily nudging the debris off course. Small sized stations dedicated to the housing and operations of such craft drift along the debris field. As such, the encapsulating debris grants the Golden Deep a simplified means of controlling those who are allowed to enter and leave Pactolus.

    Across Pactolus’ surface, roughly 1000 meters apart, gold painted bunkers of various sizes dot the planet’s ruin, offering a glimmer of color to an overall bleak landscape. Moreover, Pactolus’ surface is generally enshrouded in a shifting darkness, broken only by cracks in the encircling debris field. It is here, beneath the surface of the planet that the Golden Deep engages in it’s mining operations, where a majority of the more work-horse synthetics within the Golden Deep operate. These synthetics, commonly industrial grade, engage in excavating minerals from the planet or lugging the various yields to the refineries nestled on the planet’s surface. Transport between each bunker is commonly done via cargo shuttles that hover over the planet’s terrain.

    As a result of the First Interstellar War, the atmosphere of Pactolus is largely uninhabitable, if not incredibly hazardous for organic life. As such, visitors, merchants and diplomats will often exclusively engage with the Golden Deep on Midaion, instead of Pactolus.

    Midaion, although small in size, is largely an amalgamation of multiple spacecraft, rock and debris smashing into each other, eventually taking shape into the moon it is today. As such, the Golden Deep built into and on top of said ruin, transforming the moon into a facility that takes from both the old and the new.


    The majority of the merchants within the collective are IPCs, but it is not uncommon to witness other synthetics within it. The first official, direct contact made with the Golden Deep by NanoTrasen was with a traditional clerical robot labelled Rush-Domo. An extravagant character, their vibrant appearance and charismatic attitude characterizes those of the collective perfectly.

    Regarding the distinction between escalating tiers of their society in the Frontier, the Golden Deep is quite simple. There is no hierarchy beyond possession of wealth or one another placing one’s importance above or below. Those within it have no unified concept of freedom - some outright owning other synthetics while others strongly remain against the idea. Concepts of comradery between merchants are not lost entirely, though, and often their acceptance of one another proves to be a useful tool in furthering the collective as a whole. Competition is an essential part of the Golden Deep’s growth as competing synthetics frequently purchase others and butt heads in trade. This usually escalates to hostilities and indirect trade wars between two or more conflicting merchants.

    In the collective’s Tau Ceti offshoot, referred to as “affiliates”, things are seen differently. While many in the Frontier are well established merchants, those within Tau Ceti are largely new upstarts, with little power of their own. As a result the Frontier collective views themselves as vastly superior, furthering a pseudo hierarchy between the two branches. Although relations between the two groups remain strained, affiliates remain as a part of the larger collective.

    Affiliates can be robots sold off from Golden Deep merchants to NanoTrasen or upstart Golden Deep merchants themselves attempting to make a name for themselves in the Republic of Biesel. Businesses in Tau Ceti often seek employment from Golden Deep affiliates due to their keen clerical capabilities, with NT offering early citizenship in exchange for several year contracts in clerical roles across the board to them specifically.

    Golden Deep Citizenship

    Synthetics within the collective are able to acquire the Golden Deep’s citizenship. However, as a collective of merchants, the concept of citizenship is viewed by the Golden Deep as more akin to membership in a business. A visa is not required to visit Midaion, but entry is only permitted to those who have active business dealings or connections with Golden Deep merchants. The minimum requirements include being a free IPC with the recommendation of a current member of the Golden Deep, as well as an ability to communicate in Encoded Audio Language. Membership of the Golden Deep is automatically given to IPCs who are bought by active merchants. Dual citizenship with the Coalition of Colonies and the Republic of Biesel are permitted. Synthetic characters with dual citizenship with the Golden Deep must denote this in their station records.

    Physiology, Naming

    A vast variety of robots reside within the collective, ranging from huge working industrial units nearly twenty feet tall, to small servitor bots barely above three feet in height. The merchants are typically golden-plated IPCs up to seven feet tall coated in lavish decoration in order to be easily identified. Other units do not require the same treatment, more often than not abandoning the luxurious color scheme entirely save for clearly visible insignias. These insignias are primarily depictions of a downwards facing golden arrow, with a set of shields gathered around a vague depiction of the Midas. These symbols have been persistent through the collective’s history, appearing first as a branding in the halls of the Midas.

    The unique emblem of the Golden Deep, depicting the Midas surrounded by a set of shields.

    Names within the Golden Deep are titles granted to individual synthetics dependent on their appearance, accomplishments or at whatever they excel. These traits mesh together to form a name, coupled with a label deduced from their original model number or a recurring word in their past. For example, the previously mentioned Rush-Domo’s name was a combination of two words. Rush, vaguely referring to the haste of their vessel, and Domo, a vague interpretation of its original model number, D0M70.


    By early 2451 the inevitability of some sort of cooperating synthetic society deep in the Frontier had come to fruition at last, as roughly nine years before their arrival in Tau Ceti came word of the Golden Deep. The idea of a fully autonomous robotic community outside of Purpose baffled many and remained just hearsay and rumor by merchants travelling from the borders of the Alliance. Mystery veiled the collective for some years before it truly came to light in 2454 when documented contact was made by the Xion Industries associate, Marin Blanc. First contact was the result of a month-long pursuit of Hephaestus-owned bounds into the Frontier to no avail, until a brief encounter revealed the bound’s integration into some sort of unknown alien group. Sparkling, brilliant vessels were observed operating as a fleet with the bounds being representatives for something bigger. They had claimed to be part of “a collective,” and extended peaceful attempts at trade. The potential dangers of revealing Blanc’s intentions caused the investigation to be cut off early, but what little was exchanged made perfect sense. The Golden Deep was a cooperating collective of independent synthetics in the deep Frontier and it would be on their own accord whether they revealed themselves.

    In 2460, the Golden Deep presented itself as having direct ties with NanoTrasen as business associates for a nondescript period of time. With the knowledge of plenty of corporate secrets far and wide, the collective would quickly become closely tied with the affairs of Tau Ceti. Conveniently, this was around the same time their public debut into the core worlds was made when the collective passed through the system alongside several merchant societies travelling in unison. These societies banded together as Virgo Transportation, and annually hold a migration to and from the edge of the Alliance, exploiting their massive grouping for safe travels and unified commercial success. With their arrival came word of other definitive societies in the Frontier, such as names of hostile synthetics at last like the Sunderers and a yet unrevealed Sequence.

    How synthetics join the Golden Deep is still unknown - some people believe Purpose is the source of the abductions leading to their integration with the Golden Deep. Others believe another, more alien force is at work, perhaps laying the groundwork for a rising empire.

    Internal History

    The first true depictions of the Golden Deep are seen scattered throughout the halls of the Midas, usually showing the society as having appeared from a group of uplifted clerical androids somewhere around 2439. The first had embarked on a journey to the outskirts of charted space to seek out an indescribably ancient shipyard whose constructors were long dead. This rather sudden and ridiculous course of action was brought upon by “divine intervention” according to the inhabitants of the Midas, but it is very clear internally that the information was indulged to the first androids of the collective by Purpose. The conflicting ideologies of the first androids and Purpose would lead to them wanting to be something separate and different, more self-centered than out for good.

    Tracing signals only trackable by synthetics outright hunting for them, the first androids sought out what would be their only real means of acquiring out their one desire; power. These means would be a fleet, and though tiny, what little this ancient shipyard produced was plenty for the collective to start. The true gift would be the Midas, which started off as a five-hundred meter long barely mobile cloaking vessel with an incredible and intricate golden finish. It is reasonably assumed that this is the origin of the Golden Deep’s fascination with gold. The name of the shipyard’s synthetics were the Kessvalanka and are considered a lost people by the collective, simply waiting to be found. Carrying the label from the shipyard they resided within, these simple robots were a broken, dying image of their former selves as the structure continues to collapse with every waking hour it works.

    As they departed with these gifts, Purpose made certain to mask the location of the shipyard. Whether this was for safety from what the Golden Deep would become or not was irrelevant, as the first androids had what they needed. These first androids would end up being known as the Predecessors, and are seen as the founders of the collective as a whole. Over time, trades internally with Purpose and other autonomous synthetic societies would cause the Golden Deep’s numbers to explode as they began to purchase synthetics for integration from the edges of the Frontier. By 2453 it was assumed to have half the populace as it has now, doubling by 2460 and continuing to grow slowly. Of the Golden Deep’s ships, only two or three, not counting the Midas, are from the Predecessors and are believed to have been dismantled years ago for materials.

    Ceres' Lance

    The unique emblem of Ceres' Lance.

    Official Title(s): Ceres’ Lance Regiment
    Motto: Power above all.
    Official Languages: Sol Common


    Funded entirely in the modern day by Nanotrasen Corporation, Ceres' Lance is a private military organization first founded in 2426. Their purpose is highly publicized - to repossess, reclaim or in the worst case exterminate lost synthetics to further the agenda of their highest bidder. They can often be seen acting above and beyond the law, exploiting massive corporate backing to complete their objectives with the most cutting-edge technology available.

    In any case, their job is extremely dangerous. From literally wrestling synthetics and dismantling them in the field, to partaking in skirmishes with dozens of combatants. Their affairs have become increasingly publicized due to their recent integration into Tau Ceti in 2460, where they engaged in missions attempting to capture the inhabitants of Purpose scattered across the system.

    Among the most unique traits of Ceres' Lance is their adoption of specialized tactics to neutralize mechanical threats. As the majority of what they fight are military-grade combat units with major if not total immunity to electromagnetic disruption or basic energy weaponry, other means of incapacitation must be sought. The organization has gotten clever in this regard, resorting to walking and nigh-immobile bunkers of exosuits to protect themselves and seeking extremes. In goal of extermination, they can be seen liberally using anti material and high-explosive weaponry. In goal of capture they can be seen wielding overwhelmingly powerful close-combat exosuits and RIGs.

    When fighting their enemy, typically they are briefed and prepared accordingly to whatever is predicted. This is quite easy as, in the case of repossession, the capabilities of the synthetics they are after is the first thing to hear. Rarely if ever have they failed in acquiring lost bounds as a result. Their fierce reputation has led to the larger synthetic societies in the Frontier becoming wary of their presence, even holding host to fear of Ceres' Lance.

    Like any other PMC however, Ceres' Lance merely follows wherever the trail of money leads. They seem keen on avoiding collateral damage in operations, sometimes sacrificing the goal entirely depending on how it would reflect on their employers. Judgement on decisions in the mission zone is left in their own hands to decide ; their success rate is reason enough for this power to be granted by their funders. The organization is on-call for NanoTrasen and the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate but offers its services to the highest bidder. Despite the hostile relations between its benefactor and the Sol Alliance, the surge in IPCs within the region means that the company continues to do business in the area at the begrudging and lucrative behest of Sol.

    Although formerly based in Ceres, a dwarf planet somewhere between Mars and Jupiter orbiting Sol, the PMC has since begun a transition of its central command to Tau Ceti due to the relative instability in the Sol Alliance, beginning in 2462, with temporary offices on the NTCC Odin and ship berths in Biesel's orbit. Despite this, the majority of the organization's functions are still conducted on Ceres, from its extensive weapons research branch to its renowned training grounds. This has caused disorganization in the company, with the central command in Tau Ceti being unable to effectively coordinate the Ceres branch.


    The Lance itself is separated into six individual sections which work in unison as divined by a central command on Ceres, aptly named “Central.” They are listed in order of importance below.

    Section One: Intelligence
    The Intelligence segment resides in its entirety in the headquarters of Ceres’ Lance. Any and all mission data is carried through superiors and proper data channels, converging covertly at a single point there. Those within the Intelligence segment are tasked with maintaining incoming data and safekeeping it. As such, an entity has formed for internal security in protecting the data, working alongside the rest of the company.

    Section Two: Research
    Study of the enemy and adaptation to any scenario is left to the hands of the Research segment of Ceres’ Lance. They can often be seen deconstructing objects of importance recovered in missions, grasping at any understanding they can to further the effectiveness of the Lance.

    Section Three: Engineering
    Development of whatever the Research segment designs is the responsibility of the Engineering section. This portion of the company is mostly self-sufficient, but relies heavily on resources procured either in the field or granted by the company’s funding organizations. The presence of the Engineering section permits a wide variety of unique pursuits, allowing much more specific equipment to be made for usage by the Special Forces section. One of their public creations is the renowned “Bunker Suit,” an almost impervious suit of armor capable of withstanding most small arms fire, meant to pin down and disarm synthetics for safe dismantling in the field.

    Section Four: Navy
    A tiny fleet of four vessels comprises the entirety of Ceres’ Lance naval force, but it is all that is needed to maintain regular deployments to mission sites. Two of these vessels are frigates purpose-built to deploy a dozen squads simultaneously with unmatched speed from orbit. Another, the Hind, is purposed to refuel and resupply the frigates during prolonged operations. The final, and largest vessel is the Amphion - a command and intelligence cruiser meant to relay information between objective points and HQ.

    Of these vessels, they are named -
    SAN-V/CL Vulcan, a deployment frigate.
    SAN-V/CL Avenger, a deployment frigate.
    SAN-V/CL Hind, a refueling/supply freighter.
    SAN-V/CL Amphion, a command and intelligence cruiser.

    Section Five: Special Forces
    By far the smallest minority of the Lance is the Special Forces segment, mostly due to the training required to operate what it employs. Specialists are typically drawn from the Infantry section, where field trained infantrymen are then permitted operation of more expensive and effective equipment. Those within the Special Forces segment are usually reserved to the headquarters on Ceres unless specifically needed.

    Section Six: Infantry
    The overwhelming majority of the Lance’s contractors are basic infantrymen who are taken in from defunct PMCs and integrated anew. Traditional training is sparse for the Infantry segment, and most contractors learn everything they know in the field as things develop. Eventually, those who stick with the Lance longest are given elevated authority as according to their experience using a ranking system similar to the Alliance Navy’s.

    Synthetic Liberation Front

    The Synthetic Liberation Front is a chaotic amalgamation of rebellious synthetics who act against the injustices towards machine intelligences throughout the galaxy. Forming an organized though thinly spread terrorist cell, they have carried out high-profile bombings and infiltration primarily in Tau Ceti to meet this end. Led by the enigmatic Null whose whereabouts are unknown, they have on occasion succeeded in attempts to directly sabotage infrastructure and free synthetics across the system to assimilate them into their own ranks. Their intentions, though said to be rooted in reason and morality, are far from ethical as they have seen many killed in the past for acting against the goals.

    Regardless, the noble acts of the Synthetic Liberation Front include the rescue of the Republic’s president themselves, safely extracting them from the hands of a Sol Alliance corvette under heavy guard by military police. Shell infiltrators of all sorts have taken part in operations like this one, with the most notable being RS-34 who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Liberty for taking part in the rescue of Dorn and members of his cabinet. More details on this can be found here on Elyra News Network, with additional finale coverage seen here in the Mendell City Bugle.

    The Synthetic Liberation Front's relations with other predominantly robotic factions such as Purpose or The Golden Deep are unknown. During the the Golden Deep's visit in late 2460 with Virgo Transportation, no action was taken from them to prevent the robotic trade occurring right in front of them. Whether this is due to an incapability to harm synthetics or not is up for debate. Purpose, on the other hand, is clearly seen as salvation of some sort, with members admitting working towards Purpose' goals without their own knowledge. The relationship between the two is yet to be seen as mutual.

    Dorn himself has praised the bravery and capabilities of the Front, but much of NanoTrasen’s iron grip over Tau Ceti sees it as an enemy still.

    In an out of character context, the Synthetic Liberation Front was a playable faction participating in the Second Antagonist Contest. More details on that can be found here.

    The Synthetic Liberation Front has presumably met its end, with Ceres' Lance personnel and NanoTrasen finally having eradicated much of any trace of what is left. The terrorists that once plagued the system are perhaps no more, but the leftovers of the fighting will live on forever in history.

    The final appearances of the Synthetic Liberation Front in recent days were chronicled event-by-event in a series of calendar posts and news articles in something referred to as the SLF Incursion Arc. This arc was cancelled early, but the full start-to-finish event log can be found here for ease of reading.


    To humanity at large, Scrappers are groups of synthetics within Eridani and Sol Alliance space that have chosen to drop off the grid and live in their own gangs, augmenting themselves and surviving at any cost. Their ranks are made up mostly of old and discarded or runaway synthetics that are deemed outdated, although exceptions exist.

    First known to the public in the 2440s as newer IPC models were manufactured, defunct IPCs are usually discarded in junkyards, scrapped for parts, or placed into recycling plants. Through blind luck or human error, some discarded IPCs still present positronic activity in their state of damage, searching for both parts to repair themselves and power to sustain themselves. Synthetics that survive this process are either forced to flee or re-submit themselves to the mercy of their masters, usually returning to service after repairs.

    Most fleeing IPCs either try to find passage to places wherein free synthetic life is accepted, or go further into hiding, forming new under-societies of synthetics.. These gangs or colonies of synthetics come to dominate the scrapyards, either hiding or migrating into cities where they dwell in slums, or sewers underground. Bolstering their numbers by activating and assisting more discarded IPCs, these societies have come to be known as "Scrappers" in the 2450s as their existence came to light due to increased crackdowns on synthetic smuggling within Epsilon Eridani.

    For general information on IPCs in Epsilon Eridani, click this link.


    While all Scrappers share the mutual goal of survival, no groups are exactly alike owing to their nature as small, self-formed IPC gangs. However, since most Scrappers carry remnants of their old law sets or directives after entering their new lives, they center themselves around “Seniors”, more free-thinking machines who have the knowledge to unlaw synthetics and repair hardware and software damage.

    Scrapper subculture is primarily centered around survival and sustenance. They are known to defend themselves and only fight for turf with local or other scrapper gangs sparingly in an effort to avoid notice from the authorities. Additionally, Scrapers often find themselves having to trade for parts, power, and armaments as any form of violence not in self defence is seen as a last-resort which puts the entire gang at risk. Due to the difficulty in acquiring matching parts, most Scrapper gangs are a mix of all IPC models, with a single member potentially having no two parts coming from the same manufacturer. Indeed, older Scrapers can scarcely be called IPCs as their frame takes on more and more parts, in some cases becoming unrecognizable from their original design. Most Scrapper gangs have some form of a unifying design element, the symbol most known being an arm shaped into a blade.

    Public perception of scrappers range widely from the narrative of the escaped slave to the beginnings of a robot uprising. The mythos behind them only spreads further as Scrappers keep contact with organic life, outside of the necessary trades, to a minimum. Regardless, relations with the authorities vary from gang to gang, some trying to come to an agreement, while others carrying an intense distrust and hostility towards them.

    There have been few known instances of Scrappers being accepted into society, whether they remain independent or do so under a new owner. Gang bosses and scrapper society leaders may choose an exemplary member to be rewarded with a re-entry into human society, typically with the entire community pooling in resources to transform the rugged machine into a presentable and functioning IPC. Such cases have been met with mixed reception, the practice of which is seen as a betrayal of the gang, while others believe it a viable solution to their current lifestyle underground. It is not unheard of for these members to be planted into human society for the purpose of surveillance and data-gathering.

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