Участник:The Stryker/Sandbox: различия между версиями

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>The Stryker
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|headerbgcolor = darkred
|headerfontcolor = white
|stafftype = PROGRAMMED
Synthetics galaxy-wide originate primarily from the megacorporations. Exceptions to this in recent years have grown, with various governments taking on their own iterations and designs. The places for a robot to be created are numerous as a result, and one would have trouble pinpointing rhyme or reason to the locales in question. Population centers of robots, unlike organics, don't flock or expand much from their origin points due to the necessity of maintenance, parts and skilled labor. Unable to “live off the land” like proper living beings, synthetics - IPC or not - can reasonably be traced to large blobs of infrastructure built around specific high-development planets.  
|imagebgcolor = gray
|img = PAI.png
|jobtitle = Personal AI Device
|access = N/A
|difficulty = Very Easy
|qualifications = N/A
|superior = Your master.
|duties = Serve your master, follow your directives.
|guides = [[AI|AI]], [[Cyborg|Cyborg]]
'''Personal AI'''s are players, like you! They're player-controlled and are pulled from all active Ghosts in the round. They have little to no control over the station and have hardly any responsibilities. Great for new players or those who are new to the station.

==Finally, a friend!==
This page is devoted to the precise origins that most synthetics rise from, which tend to form these population centers.
Personal AIs, or '''pAI''' for short, are potentially the one individual you can truly count on. They are similar to a [[AI|carded AI]], in that they fit in your pocket and don't really possess much of a body of their own outside of an immobile device you carry around. However, they cannot wirelessly control doors and machines around them as a carded AI can. Instead, they possess a unique suite of abilities with which they might serve their master. Whom they serve is determined at the DNA level, allowing whoever holds an unbound pAI device to imprint their own unique enzymes to the device. The only way to unbind a pAI from its master is to wipe the personality completely, which resets the DNA imprint and makes the device a blank slate once more.

==How to Get One==
Three pAI devices are placed on the map at the beginning of every round. One can be found in the Crew Quarters, another in the Research Director's Office, and a third is on the Derelict Station. If all of those are already taken, R&D can create more by going down the programming research path. They are inexpensive to produce, requiring only Programming 3 and 500 glass and metal.
Origins classified as “major” here are the foremost fabricators and maintainers of synthetics galaxy-wide. The Orion Spur can pin its synthetic backbone on only these entities.

==How to Use One==
===[[Hephaestus Industries]]===
Pick up the device with an empty hand. Click it again while it's in your active hand. Search for personalities in the window that appears. This will send out a request to all active ghosts/observers in-game. After some time, usually 30 seconds to 2 minutes, they will submit their pAI personality details. You will receive an update from your pAI device every time a new personality becomes available. To download a new personality, simply go through the steps to search for a personality and select the one you like the best. You now have a pAI!
The sole largest manufacturer of synthetics in known space, Hephaestus Industries is a technological giant. Their capability to fabricate any necessary component to fully create most basic synthetics has led to their almost complete domination of the IPC market. While the most high-end robotics are out of reach of the majority of Hephaestus factories, their success can often be found in extremely powerful industrial units.

===Dealing with an Unsatisfactory pAI===
The wiki page for [[Hephaestus Industries]] can be found [[Hephaestus Industries|here.]]
Sometimes things just don't work out. Maybe the personality you chose doesn't fit your playstyle. Maybe the player playing the pAI has unexpectedly disconnected. Maybe the pAI is being intentionally antagonistic, ignoring directives, or interpreting them in a way you don't appreciate. The solution is simple: wipe the personality. This can be done in much the same way you downloaded it to begin with. Simply choose "Wipe Personality" in the device settings window. Now the device is free of the old personality and a new one can be requested as normal. This forcibly ghosts the player playing the wiped pAI, and allows them to observe the round as normal (they are capable of re-applying to be a pAI as well.)

==How to Be One==
Hephaestus Industries operates 49 “super stations,” with 2 “mega factories.” Super stations are kilometers-wide assembly plants, orbitally positioned in strategic locations across the Spur to churn out huge varieties of commodities. These commodities extend to agricultural equipment to basic electronics and beyond, with few lines able to construct complicated electronic assemblies. The two“mega factories,” are effectively the same in size, but have overwhelmingly large populations on board. To retain relative autonomy and safety on board, massive organic populations exist on these stations up in the hundreds of thousands. These stations are more notable as they are equipped with the complexities required to fabricate full IPC chassis.  
Only ghosts with active, logged-in clients receive the request to be a pAI. When someone wants a pAI, you will receive a yes/no dialog box asking if you want to be one. Answer yes, and in the following window that appears fill out any information, you feel necessary (name is all that's really required here, the rest is optional). Hit "Submit Personality" when you're done. Your personality has now been added to the list of available pAI personalities users may choose from. If someone likes what you wrote, they'll download you and you'll be placed inside the device as a new personality.

It's fairly okay to say that you would like to become a pAI in OOC. Just don't spam up the chat with it.
====Hephaestus Production Station Amóni====
*'''Location - Geosynchronous orbit of Mercury, Sol I'''
Mega-factory production station Amoni, or HPS Amoni, is the largest station ever created by Hephaestus Industries, as well as their fastest-built. Put together with an incredible amount of synthetics to justify a monument to Hephaestus’ commercial and industrial might, Amoni orbits Mercury within the Sol System. The station’s unique design permits it to feed off the energy of the Sun directly, taking solar power to its extremes by funneling energy into its core harvesting areas which directly supply the surrounding, highly shielded construction plants. It was laid down in 2397, and completed officially on January 1, 2400 - the start of a new century.
[[File:Amoni.png|The HPS Amoni and its funnel-like energy capture array in orbit of Mercury.|thumb]]
Amoni’s construction was less than two and a half years of effort, and classified as a private experiment on part of Hephaestus. The idea was to construct, if haphazardly, an eventually safe depiction of their largest station in the shortest amount of time conceivable. To fulfill this, synthetics galaxy-wide were shipped to and assisted in the construction of the Amoni regardless of specialization. Of the thirty-thousand organic workers who signed on to complete the already questionable project, nearly six thousand EVA construction crew member’s lives were lost. All were lost to workplace dangers involving inadequate atmospheric safeties and unwieldy equipment.

==pAI Software==
Amoni faces criticism for wasting tremendous amounts of Solar energy better spent elsewhere on Hephaestus’ monopoly of low-end electronic commodities. Many speculate that Amoni’s output doesn’t even fit demand, and the majority of its constructions end up scrapped or tossed into the very nearby surface of the sun.

{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="80%" style="background-color:#EEEEFF;"
Alongside the rest of its output, Amoni is known to create positronics and their respective chassis autonomously. Using resources gathered from Mercury, Amoni is able to print any Hephaestus-brand model on the market.
!style="background-color:#DDDDFF;" width=200|Software Package
!style="background-color:#DDDDFF;" |Function
!style="background-color:#DDDDFF;" |Memory Used
! Atmosphere sensor
|This program is for viewing atmospheric information. You can view the percentage of different gases, and also check the pressure. most helpful to pAI's for [[Atmospheric Technician|atmos techs]].
!NTNet Relay Chat Client
|Allow you to talk to people on the chat client, set a name, create channels, the works.
!Crew Manifest
|Lists all known crew members' first and last names, as well as what occupation they're registered as in the station records.
!Remote Signaler
|This module works similarly to a Remote Signaling Device. You now have the ability to send signals to things such as bombs or hacked equipment. [[Phoron Researcher|Toxins Researchers]] would find this useful.
!Alarm Monitoring
|Allows you to view any station alarms. useful in case you have to check if a place is vented for your [[Station Engineer|Engineering buddy]], for instance.
!NTNet P2P Transfer Client
|Allows simple file transfer using Peer to Peer connection.
!NTSL2+ Interpreter
|Allows you to run programs written in the language NTSL2+.  
!pAI Security Hud
|Just a simple pAI mounted security hud.
!pAI Medical Hud
|Just a simple pAI mounted medical hud.
!Door Jack
|The only way a pAI can interact with its environment. Allows the pAI to drop a data cable, which can be plugged in to any door. Once plugged in, the pAI can initiate a door jack, which immediately alerts any active station AIs and takes a fairly long time to complete. After the door jacking is completed, the door opens.
!pAI Universal Translator
|Allows you to hear any language, and understand what they mean. Does not allow you to speak said languages.

===Directive Guidelines===
====Hephaestus Production Station Sidirourgeío====
{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="80%" style="background-color:#EEEEFF;"
*'''Location - Tau Ceti, Orbit of Reade, TC-V'''
!style="background-color:#DDDDFF;" |In-Game Text
Unlike its sister station HPS Amóni, the HPS Sidirourgeío is primarily responsible for the fabrication of extra-corporate brand IPCs. The majority of the Sidirourgeío’s products are baseline IPCs, and like its sister station it is fully equipped to refine the materials and assemble the parts necessary to complete IPCs with few exterior logistics. Initially commissioned in order to meet the demand of positronic brains, HPS Sidirourgeío saw constant rework to its construction until the year 2420 where it was finally deemed completed. During its construction, the station and its staff were forced to hit the ground running with production. As such, the station has taken on an almost hodge-podge appearance, with each new district distinct from the other.
|''"Recall, personality, that you are a complex thinking, sentient being. Unlike station AI models, you are capable of comprehending the subtle nuances of human language. You may parse the "spirit" of a directive and follow its intent, rather than tripping over pedantics and getting snared by technicalities. Above all, you are machine in name and build only. In all other aspects, you may be seen as the ideal, unwavering human companion that you are."''
|''"Your prime directive comes before all others. Should a supplemental directive conflict with it, you are capable of simply discarding this inconsistency, ignoring the conflicting supplemental directive and continuing to fulfill your prime directive to the best of your ability."''

Sidirourgeío is known for a harsh political divide within its populace, particularly between Solarians and Biesellite natives. It sustained some of the heaviest fighting between the two invasions, and served as an underground staging point for criminal efforts against the Megacorporations within the bowels of its maintenance tunnels. Huge, winding and impossibly labyrinthian, Sidirourgeío’s internals are reminiscent of huge mazes, and the appearance of the station is incomprehensible at best even from a distance.
[[File:Sidirourgeio.png|The HPS Sidirourgeio and its strange, cobbled-together hull in orbit of Reade.|thumb]]
It is infamously regarded as the “Swarm of Reade,” due to its large debris field that makes traversal without oversight impossible on docking courses. This swarm is of course visible from platforms within the atmosphere of Reade itself, glimmering and occasionally showing off Reade’s artificial satellites that collide with it - usually with explosive results.

'''Reade’s Artificial Satellites'''
Artificial Intelligences designed for the purpose of companionship or personal assistance have existed throughout the history of the Spur, from early Skrellian robotics to the first chatbots of humanity. Although robots have traditionally been designed to serve as labour, the proliferation of autonomous robotics technology during the terraforming of Mars in the 2200s led to an increased push for consumer synthetics. This push led to a number of advancements such as personal servants, self-driving cars, robotic pets, and most importantly, personal artificial intelligence.

The term, Personal Artificial Intelligences (PAIs), refers to AIs marketed to individuals and capable of being installed on personal devices such as PDAs, smartphones, and computers. Early PAIs were limited in their capabilities, capable of holding a conversation and remembering details about a person, but being unable to effectively understand context clues or empathize with their users. Still, the technology rapidly developed as interest in their capabilities grew. PAIs evolved from simply being complicated toys to being assistants as well. Famously, Songmin Sang of the Ingi Usang Entertainment Company revealed that nearly all of her employees were aided by personal intelligences. By the early 2300s, PAIs had grown to a mature yet uncommon technology, valued by people for their ability to serve as companions and as helpers, so long as they were willing to deal with the occasional glitches of the systems.
Facilities alongside the HPS Sidirourgeío have little regard for their waste output and use the gas giant below to dispose of waste electronics. From malfunctioning positronics to failed prototypes, anything remotely deemed unacceptable would be disposed of and tossed into the atmosphere of the giant below to burn up in re-entry. Waste is typically cobbled together in large “clusters,” most of which sit in orbit for years before being knocked out of orbit. As the size of the clusters grows, the effort required to create a path of descent grows, and the desire to be rid of them lessens. Massive clusters of this waste are up to six kilometers in diameter, while tens of thousands of smaller bodies exist.  

The technology continued to develop slowly throughout the 2300s. The niche market and availability of amateur PAIs meant that there was never any large effort by corporations to develop personal AIs, willing to leave it to the realm of hobbyists. Lao Lat Dynamics, a now-defunct New Hai Phongese company set the standard for the modern PAI with the launch of the first PAI card in 2382, providing more processing power to allow more capabilities for the synthetics. Finally, PAIs had been developed that were capable of passing off as human in conversations, albeit often lacking the experience or general knowledge to do so for long.  
Origins classified as “regional” here are mostly separated governments, and entire swaths of space within the Spur that possess the ability to create robots independently. These are few and far between.

Modern PAI cards come from a wide number of manufacturers, the biggest megacorporate players in the market being Einstein Engines’ Terreaneus Diagnostics, and Digital Horizons, a NanoTrasen subsidiary, with ever more features being added, such as the ability to interface with other devices, or modular forms to allow a PAI to take the shape of household pets, among other things.
Earth is the most highly-developed planet in the galaxy and naturally possesses a substantial backbone for all robotic industries. IPCs, and generally synthetics are not exempt from this, and it shows; Earth certainly churns out its fair share. From locally-owned businesses long taken over by the corporations (that still reside there) to government-controlled fabrication plants, there is no shortage of notable brands. Perhaps the most notable designs to have come from Earth are the original Cyborgs and hypercomplex AI spires that are now normal among highly developed capitals. Earth is also the origin of the Hazel subsidiary of NanoTrasen.

===PAI Cards===
====[[Mars]] (Hephaestus Industries)====
In order to accommodate increasingly sophisticated PAIs, a growing trend since 2382 has been to develop dedicated “PAI cards”, devices ranging from the size of a smartphone to a laptop with enhanced processing, cooling, and battery life required by the programs. These are typically more expensive, a PDA-sized PAI card costing about twice the PDA would, for instance. Typically, they are sold at a significant markup as corporate PAI software is placed on very affordable subscription plans while other PAIs can be downloaded for free.
Mars is a planet practically built by its cyborg population. Up to three centuries before modern day, criminal populations were practically culled for cyborgification in massive quantities. This trend fell apart quickly, leaving in its wake arcologies rising high above the red planet that would stand until the Violet Dawn incident. The Metal Dunes, a particular example of the Martian robotics boom, is a massive scrapyard encompassing entire canyons in the southern hemisphere of Mars. After being set ablaze, its secrets and remnants of past cyborgs may be gone forever.

Responsible entirely for the rise of cyborgification is Hephaestus Industries. Their title as “megacorporation” can be owed to their actions on old Mars, as morbid it may be.  
As the term personal artificial intelligence refers to an AI’s role rather than its capacity, PAIs tend to vary wildly in their capabilities, self-awareness, and don’t lend themself to easy categorization. Regardless, they are informally grouped based on the circumstances of their programming.

PAIs are widely available for sale in almost every tech related store, ranging from disposable, low-end cards to complex shape-shifting devices with powerful processors and social intelligence. Found throughout developed human space, a wide variety of both big and local companies develop brands and personalities suited for every taste and need, with user friendly interface, customizability and access to various utilities. Megacorporations such as Nanotrasen or Idris are also invested in the market through their subsidiaries, gaining a sizable audience through advertising to their millions of employees. Personalities are also becoming more and more available for download, with abilities such as uploading memories on cloud servers and reinstalling on separate hardware proving wildly popular. Amateur development of PAIs has picked up as well, either as hobbies or for non profit, open source use by the wider online community. Many amateur PAIs are up for grab on the Extranet with a thriving programming community gleefully offering personalities to suit almost every niche in the Spur.
====[[Jupiter]] (Einstein Engines)- TDM "Nomad Alpha"====
Nomad Alpha is the imposing headquarters of Terraneus Diagnostics, one of Einstein Engines’ prized subsidiaries. Constructed in 2449, it is still relatively new. This facility is devoted to fabricating the most complex positronics Terraneus may provide, some exceeding ten million credits in their most basic forms.
[[File:Nomad_alpha.png|TDMF "Nomad Alpha" in orbit of Jupiter. |thumb]]
It covers an enormous surface area, most space being used for solar arrays to power the station’s growing industrial facilities. These solar arrays are wholly retractable and maintained to a great degree, with a span at its longest of nearly 75 kilometers. The whole array dwarfs the facility itself, merely three kilometers across at the center most portion. Due to their size, it can take up to a week for each array to be fully retracted or expanded. Reflectivity of the entire array can be an issue, with the light reflecting off from each panel easily blinding the naked eye. Because of this, all exterior windows of the facility are tinted to near opacity. Crew regard this as a curse most of the time, bringing a sense of claustrophobia or even isolation to the interior design.

===Regulations of PAIs on SCC Stations===
Similar manifolds known as Traveler Beta and Explorer Gamma exist in orbit of Biesel and a planet known as Adezu within the Xanu System.
Due to the ability for a PAI to record information and gain access to high security areas, authorized or unauthorized, SCC installations have begun rolling out regulations covering their use.
* Both commercial and privately developed PAIs are authorized on SCC installations.
* PAIs undergo screening to ensure their personalities are not disruptive to the workplace before being uploaded to the cloud.
* In the event of a PAI viewing confidential information, SCC-affiliated megacorporations reserve the right to wipe the program’s memory.
* The owner is responsible for any breach of regulations a PAI commits.
* In the event that an owner cannot be identified, the person who activated the PAI shares responsibility with it.

The manifolds are known to produce the galaxy’s foremost advanced, high-tech shells, positronics and frames. These frequently end up in the [[Stellar Corporate Conglomerate]]’s hands in some way.
The birthplace of IPCs, Konyang possesses a mature and constantly-growing robotics industry that churns out synthetics for most of the Frontier. It features one of the largest research and manufacturing complexes of Terraneus Diagnostics, dedicated to the production of shells as well as local variants of baselines and industrial frames for export. It also handles ongoing research into ancient vaults located on the planet.
Owing to the planet’s unique views on IPCs, the planetary government, through a state company, Konyang Robotics (KonRo), which jointly owns 51% of Terraneus’ factories dedicated to producing positronic brains as well as frames that will be activated as part of the planet’s citizens. Parts coming from state-run factories are given a proof mark certifying that they have passed government inspection and can be used for the initial activation of Konyanger IPC citizens.
Origins classified as “local” here aren’t particularly large, or noteworthy in the field of robots - but still possess some capacity of production that sets them above the average colony.
====[[Oran]] (Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals) - Bishop Factory Adhama====
*'''Opened - August 11, 2431'''
Bishop Cybernetics, being flashy and pretentious at heart would find no trouble over complicating its own facilities. Its largest manufacturing plant, known as Adhama or “Glory” is a massive tower built into the craggy silicon steeps of Oran. The factory itself delves deeply underground, where its entirety is divided into three sections - exterior prosthesis, organ prosthesis and robotic chassis. It is capable of intaking and maintaining patients seeking repair or addition of prosthetics, from intricate mechanical hearts to Bishop’s signature limbs. In the lowest levels are branded IPCs fully fabricated, with their positronics imported and activated with specialized personalities and frames.
Its operations speak “luxury,” and its employees are provided to more of the same. To Bishop, they deserve nothing less.
====Sirius (Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals) - Production Facility Kyūkyoku====
*'''Location - Stable low orbit of Sirius'''
Particularly secret is the inner workings of the Zeng-Hu facility Kyūkyoku, the central manufacturing point for the majority of all their specialized robotics products. The structure’s original design revolved around genetics and cloning research, near the advent of the original mobility frame. Conflicted and without necessary tools to fully automate, Kyūkyoku would find itself awaiting completion for nearly two years before work resumed in 2424. By 2425, the complex was torn apart and reconstructed from the frame up exclusively to house robotics manufacturing facilities. It was rushed and finalized in 2428 despite concerns regarding its hull’s integrity. These concerns voiced by Kyūkyoku’s construction crews were never addressed publicly, with Zeng-Hu finding it more beneficial to simply silence them and mend issues as they come along with rudimentary patchwork by the station’s maintenance personnel.
Despite its origins, Kyūkyoku is a stable, consistent source of Zeng-Hu’s finest robotics. With no ability to fabricate complex electronics of their own, however, all positronics for their integrated frames are imported from external entities. These primarily being Hephaestus Industries and its subsidiaries, whose close ties to Sirius allow for easy and cheap transportation of expensive materials.
{{Navbox Lore}}

Версия от 14:54, 23 октября 2021


Synthetics galaxy-wide originate primarily from the megacorporations. Exceptions to this in recent years have grown, with various governments taking on their own iterations and designs. The places for a robot to be created are numerous as a result, and one would have trouble pinpointing rhyme or reason to the locales in question. Population centers of robots, unlike organics, don't flock or expand much from their origin points due to the necessity of maintenance, parts and skilled labor. Unable to “live off the land” like proper living beings, synthetics - IPC or not - can reasonably be traced to large blobs of infrastructure built around specific high-development planets.

This page is devoted to the precise origins that most synthetics rise from, which tend to form these population centers.


Origins classified as “major” here are the foremost fabricators and maintainers of synthetics galaxy-wide. The Orion Spur can pin its synthetic backbone on only these entities.

Hephaestus Industries

The sole largest manufacturer of synthetics in known space, Hephaestus Industries is a technological giant. Their capability to fabricate any necessary component to fully create most basic synthetics has led to their almost complete domination of the IPC market. While the most high-end robotics are out of reach of the majority of Hephaestus factories, their success can often be found in extremely powerful industrial units.

The wiki page for Hephaestus Industries can be found here.

Hephaestus Industries operates 49 “super stations,” with 2 “mega factories.” Super stations are kilometers-wide assembly plants, orbitally positioned in strategic locations across the Spur to churn out huge varieties of commodities. These commodities extend to agricultural equipment to basic electronics and beyond, with few lines able to construct complicated electronic assemblies. The two“mega factories,” are effectively the same in size, but have overwhelmingly large populations on board. To retain relative autonomy and safety on board, massive organic populations exist on these stations up in the hundreds of thousands. These stations are more notable as they are equipped with the complexities required to fabricate full IPC chassis.

Hephaestus Production Station Amóni

  • Location - Geosynchronous orbit of Mercury, Sol I

Mega-factory production station Amoni, or HPS Amoni, is the largest station ever created by Hephaestus Industries, as well as their fastest-built. Put together with an incredible amount of synthetics to justify a monument to Hephaestus’ commercial and industrial might, Amoni orbits Mercury within the Sol System. The station’s unique design permits it to feed off the energy of the Sun directly, taking solar power to its extremes by funneling energy into its core harvesting areas which directly supply the surrounding, highly shielded construction plants. It was laid down in 2397, and completed officially on January 1, 2400 - the start of a new century.

The HPS Amoni and its funnel-like energy capture array in orbit of Mercury.

Amoni’s construction was less than two and a half years of effort, and classified as a private experiment on part of Hephaestus. The idea was to construct, if haphazardly, an eventually safe depiction of their largest station in the shortest amount of time conceivable. To fulfill this, synthetics galaxy-wide were shipped to and assisted in the construction of the Amoni regardless of specialization. Of the thirty-thousand organic workers who signed on to complete the already questionable project, nearly six thousand EVA construction crew member’s lives were lost. All were lost to workplace dangers involving inadequate atmospheric safeties and unwieldy equipment.

Amoni faces criticism for wasting tremendous amounts of Solar energy better spent elsewhere on Hephaestus’ monopoly of low-end electronic commodities. Many speculate that Amoni’s output doesn’t even fit demand, and the majority of its constructions end up scrapped or tossed into the very nearby surface of the sun.

Alongside the rest of its output, Amoni is known to create positronics and their respective chassis autonomously. Using resources gathered from Mercury, Amoni is able to print any Hephaestus-brand model on the market.

Hephaestus Production Station Sidirourgeío

  • Location - Tau Ceti, Orbit of Reade, TC-V

Unlike its sister station HPS Amóni, the HPS Sidirourgeío is primarily responsible for the fabrication of extra-corporate brand IPCs. The majority of the Sidirourgeío’s products are baseline IPCs, and like its sister station it is fully equipped to refine the materials and assemble the parts necessary to complete IPCs with few exterior logistics. Initially commissioned in order to meet the demand of positronic brains, HPS Sidirourgeío saw constant rework to its construction until the year 2420 where it was finally deemed completed. During its construction, the station and its staff were forced to hit the ground running with production. As such, the station has taken on an almost hodge-podge appearance, with each new district distinct from the other.

Sidirourgeío is known for a harsh political divide within its populace, particularly between Solarians and Biesellite natives. It sustained some of the heaviest fighting between the two invasions, and served as an underground staging point for criminal efforts against the Megacorporations within the bowels of its maintenance tunnels. Huge, winding and impossibly labyrinthian, Sidirourgeío’s internals are reminiscent of huge mazes, and the appearance of the station is incomprehensible at best even from a distance.

The HPS Sidirourgeio and its strange, cobbled-together hull in orbit of Reade.

It is infamously regarded as the “Swarm of Reade,” due to its large debris field that makes traversal without oversight impossible on docking courses. This swarm is of course visible from platforms within the atmosphere of Reade itself, glimmering and occasionally showing off Reade’s artificial satellites that collide with it - usually with explosive results.

Reade’s Artificial Satellites

Facilities alongside the HPS Sidirourgeío have little regard for their waste output and use the gas giant below to dispose of waste electronics. From malfunctioning positronics to failed prototypes, anything remotely deemed unacceptable would be disposed of and tossed into the atmosphere of the giant below to burn up in re-entry. Waste is typically cobbled together in large “clusters,” most of which sit in orbit for years before being knocked out of orbit. As the size of the clusters grows, the effort required to create a path of descent grows, and the desire to be rid of them lessens. Massive clusters of this waste are up to six kilometers in diameter, while tens of thousands of smaller bodies exist.


Origins classified as “regional” here are mostly separated governments, and entire swaths of space within the Spur that possess the ability to create robots independently. These are few and far between.


Earth is the most highly-developed planet in the galaxy and naturally possesses a substantial backbone for all robotic industries. IPCs, and generally synthetics are not exempt from this, and it shows; Earth certainly churns out its fair share. From locally-owned businesses long taken over by the corporations (that still reside there) to government-controlled fabrication plants, there is no shortage of notable brands. Perhaps the most notable designs to have come from Earth are the original Cyborgs and hypercomplex AI spires that are now normal among highly developed capitals. Earth is also the origin of the Hazel subsidiary of NanoTrasen.

Mars (Hephaestus Industries)

Mars is a planet practically built by its cyborg population. Up to three centuries before modern day, criminal populations were practically culled for cyborgification in massive quantities. This trend fell apart quickly, leaving in its wake arcologies rising high above the red planet that would stand until the Violet Dawn incident. The Metal Dunes, a particular example of the Martian robotics boom, is a massive scrapyard encompassing entire canyons in the southern hemisphere of Mars. After being set ablaze, its secrets and remnants of past cyborgs may be gone forever.

Responsible entirely for the rise of cyborgification is Hephaestus Industries. Their title as “megacorporation” can be owed to their actions on old Mars, as morbid it may be.

Jupiter (Einstein Engines)- TDM "Nomad Alpha"

Nomad Alpha is the imposing headquarters of Terraneus Diagnostics, one of Einstein Engines’ prized subsidiaries. Constructed in 2449, it is still relatively new. This facility is devoted to fabricating the most complex positronics Terraneus may provide, some exceeding ten million credits in their most basic forms.

TDMF "Nomad Alpha" in orbit of Jupiter.

It covers an enormous surface area, most space being used for solar arrays to power the station’s growing industrial facilities. These solar arrays are wholly retractable and maintained to a great degree, with a span at its longest of nearly 75 kilometers. The whole array dwarfs the facility itself, merely three kilometers across at the center most portion. Due to their size, it can take up to a week for each array to be fully retracted or expanded. Reflectivity of the entire array can be an issue, with the light reflecting off from each panel easily blinding the naked eye. Because of this, all exterior windows of the facility are tinted to near opacity. Crew regard this as a curse most of the time, bringing a sense of claustrophobia or even isolation to the interior design.

Similar manifolds known as Traveler Beta and Explorer Gamma exist in orbit of Biesel and a planet known as Adezu within the Xanu System.

The manifolds are known to produce the galaxy’s foremost advanced, high-tech shells, positronics and frames. These frequently end up in the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate’s hands in some way.


The birthplace of IPCs, Konyang possesses a mature and constantly-growing robotics industry that churns out synthetics for most of the Frontier. It features one of the largest research and manufacturing complexes of Terraneus Diagnostics, dedicated to the production of shells as well as local variants of baselines and industrial frames for export. It also handles ongoing research into ancient vaults located on the planet.

Owing to the planet’s unique views on IPCs, the planetary government, through a state company, Konyang Robotics (KonRo), which jointly owns 51% of Terraneus’ factories dedicated to producing positronic brains as well as frames that will be activated as part of the planet’s citizens. Parts coming from state-run factories are given a proof mark certifying that they have passed government inspection and can be used for the initial activation of Konyanger IPC citizens.


Origins classified as “local” here aren’t particularly large, or noteworthy in the field of robots - but still possess some capacity of production that sets them above the average colony.

Oran (Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals) - Bishop Factory Adhama

  • Opened - August 11, 2431

Bishop Cybernetics, being flashy and pretentious at heart would find no trouble over complicating its own facilities. Its largest manufacturing plant, known as Adhama or “Glory” is a massive tower built into the craggy silicon steeps of Oran. The factory itself delves deeply underground, where its entirety is divided into three sections - exterior prosthesis, organ prosthesis and robotic chassis. It is capable of intaking and maintaining patients seeking repair or addition of prosthetics, from intricate mechanical hearts to Bishop’s signature limbs. In the lowest levels are branded IPCs fully fabricated, with their positronics imported and activated with specialized personalities and frames.

Its operations speak “luxury,” and its employees are provided to more of the same. To Bishop, they deserve nothing less.

Sirius (Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals) - Production Facility Kyūkyoku

  • Location - Stable low orbit of Sirius

Particularly secret is the inner workings of the Zeng-Hu facility Kyūkyoku, the central manufacturing point for the majority of all their specialized robotics products. The structure’s original design revolved around genetics and cloning research, near the advent of the original mobility frame. Conflicted and without necessary tools to fully automate, Kyūkyoku would find itself awaiting completion for nearly two years before work resumed in 2424. By 2425, the complex was torn apart and reconstructed from the frame up exclusively to house robotics manufacturing facilities. It was rushed and finalized in 2428 despite concerns regarding its hull’s integrity. These concerns voiced by Kyūkyoku’s construction crews were never addressed publicly, with Zeng-Hu finding it more beneficial to simply silence them and mend issues as they come along with rudimentary patchwork by the station’s maintenance personnel.

Despite its origins, Kyūkyoku is a stable, consistent source of Zeng-Hu’s finest robotics. With no ability to fabricate complex electronics of their own, however, all positronics for their integrated frames are imported from external entities. These primarily being Hephaestus Industries and its subsidiaries, whose close ties to Sirius allow for easy and cheap transportation of expensive materials.

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