Tajaran Cold War Arc

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Версия от 06:15, 17 апреля 2020; >Alberyk (Creates the cold war arc page)
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2020 Event Timeline
Galactic Events KING OF THE WORLD
Major Events Tajaran Cold War Arc · Warbling : The Musical
Minor Events Tag Replacement Arc · Bad Moon on the Rise Arc

This is the overview and timeline page for the Tajaran Cold War Arc which began on January 31, 2020 and pertains largely to Tajaran lore.

It is centered around the developments of post-war Adhomai in the modern age, its struggles, as well as the effects it will have on Tajara in Tau Ceti as a whole.

Below is a summary of the arc's events, applicable news articles, and additions.

Crime on the Rise in District Six

News Article


Writer : ALBERYK


Crime rates skyrocket in District Six of Mendell City.

Data released today by Mendell City police officials indicates that there has been an upward tick in crime since the previous year’s report. The crime rate skyrocketed across District Six, with record highs being reached in cases of burglary, gun violence, and homicide. The department’s Gang Intelligence Unit warned of growing organized crime in Little Adhomai. Experts claim that a higher percentage of crimes still go unreported.
Already plagued by factionalism between its inhabitants, the situation in District Six has worsened with the arrival of more Tajaran immigrants after the end of the Civil War on Adhomai. Reports indicate that gangs are becoming more prolific and bold, acquiring more territory through often violent turf wars. 
Many law enforcement agents have started to avoid this part of the city due to its hostile nature. Several citizens, speaking on the condition of anonymity, have confirmed the existence of widespread protection rackets that threaten the remaining business in the district. Despite attempts by Mendell police officials, most locals refuse to collaborate with investigations and prefer to rely on community leaders to solve their disputes. 
Tau Ceti administration has promised extra funding to the Police Department in hope of solving this situation. Tajaran embassies offered no official statement on the situation when contacted by our journalists.

First Episode: Fly Me To The Moon

Server Event



Smugglers disguised as merchants board the station.

The station was visited by tajaran smugglers claiming to be merchants. They were later revealed by central command as criminals. Security, aided by FBI agents, attempted to arrest them, causing them to take a crewmember hostage inside their ship. The smugglers were able to escape, after releasing the hostage.

Jurors Opt for Death, Not Life in Prison for Captured Smugglers

News Article




The smugglers of the previous event face the death penalty.

Nazir Mo’fazad and his crew should face the death penalty and not a lighter sentence of life in prison, a jury said Wednesday. State prosecutors from the Ministry of Justice had been seeking the death penalty for illegal smuggling linked to the captured crewmen, charging them with transporting weapons and supplies to Hro’zamal and thus enabling remaining rebel cells to continue their futile fight against allied forces. They were also accused of profiteering off the transport and sale of exotic creatures native to Hro’zamal.
Just moments after the jury had handed down it’s verdict, Senior Magistrate Muzaam Falal summarily sentenced Captain Mo’fazad and his crew to execution by firing squad for their crimes against the state. He and his co-defendants were found guilty last week, which led to the sentencing phase of the trial today. Captain Mo’fazad was reportedly stunned by the sentencing, and collapsed into his chair in shock when the verdict was read aloud.
Captain Mo’fazad’s defense team declined to be interviewed by our reporters. During the trial, Mo’fazad’s lead lawyer claimed that his troubled upbringing - in which his mother and sister were killed in a Republican offensive - left him without the maturity and loyalty that a citizen of the Republic demands. However, State prosecutor Hakim Ch’url painted a much darker picture of the accused, laying full bear the severity of his actions - both against the State, and our citizens. One where the disgraced Captain raped and pillaged and stole to carve out his wretched path with no concern for the consequences of his actions.
Representatives for the Ministry of Justice had this to say when asked about the recent uptick in arrests and sentencing for smugglers operating in Hro’zamal’s vicinity:
“Clearly, the only way these pirates and lawbreakers will see the error of their ways is with the harsh penalties imposed by a court of law. Hro’zamal is trying to recover after being so thoroughly pillaged by these misguided rebels. Now, opportunists are trying to profit off of the suffering of our hard-working colonists. This sort of criminal behavior will not be tolerated. Hopefully these strong sentences will remind our fellow Tajara of the gravity of the crimes they commit. With Biesel’s inability to secure these wretched criminals in their own space, now more than ever the Republic needs to forcefully show how we deal with their kind.”
Their executions have not been postponed while the defense team appeals the decision. The Ministry of Justice has asked us to remind citizens that some of Captain Mo’fazad’s crew are still at large after escaping a boarding attempt by the Kosmostrelki. Be on the lookout for Arif Mrrazhughran, Aleksandra Mrrzauraugh and Ruhan Mroven, last spotted in port on the borders of the Srand’marr system. Concerned citizens may find their photos and further information on the Republic’s Most Wanted holonet site. 

Second Episode : Raiders of the Lost MacGuffin

Server Event



A Tajaran artifact finds its way to the Aurora. Chaos ensues.

A Tajara artifact that was sent to Tau Ceti, for further carbon/date analysis, was shipped to the station by accident. A large shipment of dynamite is also sent. A New Kingdom museum curator boards to find the object. The crew manages to find the missing relic.