Warbling : The Musical
This is the overview and timeline page for the Warbling Arc - which began on November 22nd, 2019 and pertains largely to Skrell Lore.
It revolves around the annual Tzqul Challenge - an event held in hopes of cracking the Tzqul Archives that have been sealed by Glorsh-Omega since its disappearance. Following the unexpected, and illegal, reveal of an artificial intelligence Nliix Qoiruio fled the Nralakk Federation; which subsequently pursued the supposed terrorist, resulting in the largest manhunt for a Skrell throughout history.
Below is a summary of the arc's events, applicable news articles and additions.
Crowds Gather for Tzqul Archive ChallengeNews Article Publisher : WARBLE INQUIRER Writer : RESILYN 22/11/2461 Billions prepare to watch the upcomming Tzqul Challenge. Editors note: Translated to Basic. The Federation’s greatest minds gather this week to attempt to decrypt the Tzqul Archive in this year’s challenge. Qerrbalak spaceports are flooded with tourists, largely Skrell and Human, seeking to witness what could potentially be a historic moment for the entire Skrell race. It has been reported that many are setting up camp in the islands around Ploat’nil, and many tourists are landing in the waters around the city to await the event. Such crowds are not unusual- last year’s event drew in crowds of over 15 million. This year will host the usual teams of academics, most notably the Xrim Fellowship of Scientific Progress, whom many believe will be the first to uncover this lost archive of Federation history. The team is known for their groundbreaking work of using spliced slime DNA as a means for unravelling the patterns that may have been used to encrypt the archive. “In my 100 years in the XFSP, I have never been so certain we can break the code,” says Chief Scientist Q’rrlzaoop V’mlluuk. The arrival of the XFSP team was greeted by cheers throughout the city. “The Wake was overwhelmingly positive, I am humbled by the passion Ploat’nil has for the sciences,” says V’mlluuk. Other contenders include the Aloise Code Force, the Kal’lo Future Scholars Association, and a group of C’thur who have not given a name but have placed copies of a permit which calls them ‘Nliix’s Crew’ and provides them permission to occupy the city for the week in the hands of every passerby. The event will be broadcast as far as human space. Chaos Unfolds at Tzqul Archive Event, 4 ArrestedNews Article Publisher : WARBLE INQUIRER Writer : RESILYN 23/11/2461 Unexpected reveal at the Tqzul Archive, leads to four arrests. Editors note: Translated to Basic. The annual attempt to decrypt the Tzqul archive ended early and in tragedy today as Federation Peacekeepers closed down the event to arrest four C’thur working for Skrell scientist Nliix Qoiruio. The group is being charged with possession of illegal technology, crimes against the Wake, sedition, and anti-Federation sentiment. The fifth set of contenders to take on the challenge to decrypt the archive, Qoiruio’s team reportedly attempted to upload artificial intelligence software to complete the task.`` Countless viewers inside and away from Federation space watched in horror and dismay at the last seconds of the broadcast before it was cut by the Censorship for Wake Solace board. A clip of the last 30 seconds of the broadcast has been circulating around the extranet. The transcript reads- Announcer #1: ...Qoiruio himself has elected not to make an appearance, an unusual move for the former near-idol. Four C'thur are seen operating advanced Skrell equipment attached with a series of thick wires to a port in the archive. Announcer #2: I'm surprised he's entered at all, it's been 25 years, I believe, since his last attempt- a failure, and the decline of his career, if you ask me. One C'thur delicately lowers a luminescent rod into their equipment. Announcer #1: You never know, though, this year could- A screen flickers to life on the equipment manned by the C'thur. A distant, soft warbling is heard as the equipment whirs to life with a series of colourful lights. Announcer #2: Stars, are they- Qoiruio may have done it! On the screen, something that almost looks like a face constructed of light rotates. From it comes a voice. Voice: [Unintelligible] ...Lyrii, your [unintelligible] systems- Processing... Nearing completion... Announcer #1: [Panicked] No- is that?! Stars, I- The archive itself shifts, the lights glowing from it abruptly turn red. The crowd begin fleeing, lethally armed Peacekeepers are just seen in the field of view before the camera cuts and, instead, shows a screen that reads: THIS CONTENT HAS BEEN DEEMED UNFIT BY THE CENSORSHIP FOR WAKE SOLACE BOARD, PLEASE STANDBY FOR A NEWS REPORT. “This is an affront to everything we believe in and spits in the face of all that we have endured,” said Federation Chairman of Community Progress Ji’oirup Tup’qrrioou. “We will ensure that such an affront to the Federation and its people is met with the highest punishment.” The Archive itself has entered some sort of altered state, which experts are identifying as a lockdown. “Something has changed in the code, best case scenario we are now behind an entire generation in decrypting it, worst-case scenario, our history is lost to us,” said Q’rrlzaoop V’mlluuk, Chief Scientist of the Xrim Fellowship of Scientific Progress. The archive, which contains the entire history of the Skrell race, has been encrypted since the third incident. “Without the Archive, all that is left of our history lays in our few Star Chanters- and only two of them lived before the Third Incident. I can think of no greater crime any Skrell has committed against their own people.” Qoiruio, the traitor scientist responsible for the affront, remains at large. He is known to conduct research on the traverse with a small group of Skrell, C’thur, and Dionae. A raid on his research station conducted this afternoon found it abandoned, the research taken with it. “We are offering anyone who comes forward with information about the location of or research of Qoiruio a reduced sentence for their crimes in collaboration,” said a Peacekeeper spokesperson today. Federation citizens, meanwhile, mourn the potential loss of the archive. A vigil currently stands around Ploat’nil, where millions have gathered to place antiques and fragments of their possibly lost past. Many more mourn across Federation space. Historic Visit of Federation Star Chanter in Ceti SpaceNews Article Publisher : WARBLE INQUIRER Writer : RESILYN 02/12/2461 Star Chanter Ev’ix Qeblak’nyylouuy visits Tau Ceti. Editors note: Translated to Basic. Star Chanter Ev’ix Qeblak’nyylouuy has announced her presence in Tau Ceti this week. Her visit marks the first visit of a Star Chanter in the Ceti system, and the first visit of any Star Chanter outside Federation space since first contact with the Sol System. The Star Chanter’s visit is expected to help improve the local Nlom of Skrell far from home who are mourning the possible loss of the Tzqul Archive- still locked down from its attack by the traitor Nliix Qoiruio late last month. An expert in the entire history of the Skrell and Federation space, the Star Chanter plans to visit and tell stories around the system for the next five days before returning to the Federation. Qeblak’nyylouuy is scheduled to visit Mendell City tomorrow morning, and to visit the surrounding Biesel stations and high population Skrell communities in the afternoon. In preparation of the event, the Warble Enquirer is now selling ad space. ![]() Star Chanter Speaks in MendellNews Article Publisher : WARBLE INQUIRER Writer : RESILYN 03/12/2461 Star Chanter Ev’ix Qeblak’nyylouuy speaks to Mendell City. Editor's note: Translated to Basic. Crowds of all species gathered in Mendell’s Phoenix Park to witness the historic visit of Star Chanter Ev’ix Qeblak’nyylouuy in Tau Ceti space. Her visit marks the first-ever Star Chanter visit in Tau Ceti, and the first Star Chanter in human space since the years immediately following first contact between Skrell and humans. Qeblak’nyylouuy, aged 527 this August, recounted the lives of Skrell before the third incident. “We carried the sun upon our shoulders, it was a time of joy and promise, and the present was so bright we were blinded to all that lurked in the shadows,” Qeblak’nyylouuy told the crowds gathered to listen to her speak. The speech, done in the traditional narration style of Star Chanters, lasted one hour exactly. Qeblak’nyylouuy plans to continue her tour of Tau Ceti and is scheduled to speak on New Gibson tomorrow. ![]() Historic Federation Citizenship AnnouncementNews Article Publisher : WARBLE INQUIRER Writer : RESILYN 20/12/2461 Star Chanter Ev’ix Qeblak’nyylouuy announces the Citizenship Act of 2461. Editor's note: Translated to Basic. Star Chanter Ev’ix Qeblak’nyylouuy made history today as she announced, during her speech on the NSS Upsilon, that the Federation has extended citizenship to all Tau Ceti Skrell, regardless of their birth status. “It brings me solace, in trying times where our history may be lost to us, to know that our people will not be,” Qeblak’nyylouuy said amongst the crowds of press and onlookers. There is precedent in a Star Chanter making such a monumental announcement on behalf of the Federation government- it was Star Chanter Gullyp Qeblak’Woushhuish who spearheaded diplomatic relations with the Sol Alliance and announced the trade agreements still employed between the two superpowers today. Effective immediately, the citizenship changes mean that all Skrell in Tau Ceti are offered every benefit of Federation citizenship, including universal health care, access to areas restricted to non-citizens (for example, many areas of Xrim, which are declared unsafe to non-Skrell due to the high slime population), and free education. “I have never been able to visit the home of my parents,” says 41-year-old Pliij’iau Ajiaxqwu, a young girl working as a Lab Assistant aboard the NSS Upsilon. “I’m overwhelmed, really, with all this opportunity. The Star Chanter even gave me the name of a Great Aunt I did not know still lived on Xrim, I hope I can visit her as soon as possible. This is the happiest day of my life.” While Tau Ceti Skrell rejoiced, Federation Skrell expressed their hopes for the future. “It is an honour to bring our wandering ones home,” said Vuqllaax Tup’Qerrim, security advisor to the Star Chanter. “I am deeply humbled by this opportunity to open the arms of the Federation to young Skrell born away from Qerrbalak.” Tau Ceti Skrell are asked to register their addresses and status with the Federation by the first of January. Terrorist Cell Found Aboard the NSS AuroraNews Article Publisher : MENDELL CITY BUGLE Writer : RESILYN 22/12/2461 Star Chanter Ev’ix Qeblak’nyylouuy life possibly at risk. Editor's note: Translated to Basic. ![]() Pictured: A Tup aboard the Aurora before apprehending terrorists. Provided by Jake Jarvis. The NanoTrasen Space Station Aurora is at the centre of a storm of controversy today as a routine Nralakk Peacekeeper sweep of the nearby area uncovered a group of terrorists working to undermine the Nralakk Federation and potentially take the life of the visiting Star Chanter. The terrorists included three Skrell and a human, presumably employed to guard them. All three Skrell have been arrested for their crimes. The human died from his wounds as he fired upon Federation Peacekeepers. While details of the exact terrorist collaboration are unclear, the charges filed include Crimes Against The Wake, Anti-Federation sentiment, and Attempted AI Integration. It is believed that the terrorist plot was spearheaded by Boq-Tiros Diam'ond, Glorsh supporter and infant killer. Far from his first crime, it is believed Diam’ond fled to Tau Ceti space to develop weapons against the Federation outside of Peacekeeper supervision. Also charged are Qu Shin and Froskur Vel-Rana. All three criminals have been extradited to Federation space for reeducation. Peacekeeper Overseer Vllip Qup’Nluuxop greatly attributes the discovery of this terrorist cell to Solarian Samaritan Jake Jarvis, himself a Security officer aboard the NSS Aurora. Jarvis’ reports tipped off the passing Peacekeeper vessel, which had only been in Tau Ceti space to see a speech by the Star Chanter Ev’ix Qeblak’nyylouuy. “I thought it was fair enough, them coming aboard to look for a terrorist,” said Jarvis.;; Found hidden aboard the NSS Aurora were a large sum of credits, a number of weapons seemingly developed onboard the station, and a viral sample which Federation experts have identified as the Glorsh supporters’ attempt to perfect the Genophage. “Regardless of their abhorrent crimes, we are very hopeful that their rehabilitation will go well,” said Nlom Specialist Aoosh’up Qllgiix. “Extradition was a mercy of the Federation, in Tau Ceti space, they may have been put to death. Here, we can make them productive members of the Federation again by showing them the proper path for them laid out in the stars.” The Sol Government has released a statement on the human who died in an attempt to kill the Federation Peacekeepers, disavowing his actions as the actions of a lone wolf caught in the plot of Diam’ond. The human has been identified as Necropolis Industries contractor Oscar Easter. Autopsy reports find his injuries were largely sustained from a fall after being hit by Peacekeeper stuns, further exacerbated by his attempt to teleport into space with a punctured suit. The Eridani Federation has requested their own autopsy. No connections between these crimes and the crimes of the terrorist Nliix Qoiruio, still on the run from the Nralakk Federation, have been found. Rumors of Federation Raids Dismissed, Reformed Terrorist SpeaksNews Article Publisher : WARBLE INQUIRER Writer : RESILYN 30/12/2461 A number of alarming reports of missing Skrell have cropped up all throughout Tau Ceti as Star Chanter Ev’ix Qeblak’nyylouuy travels throughout the system. Editor's note: Translated to Basic. Suggestions that the disappearances, which have largely gone unseen, are somehow the result of Federation involvement have, however, been dismissed as laughable. “I believe it stems from a somewhat exaggerated article in the human news, with the Mendell Bugle,” said the Star Chanter herself when asked by a human attending her recent speech. “In this article, they indicate that a terrorist cell was dismantled aboard the NSS Aurora- this much is true, though the details of the violence there are largely inaccurate. Regardless, I believe that article has lead to this rumor that the Federation is involved in disappearances- that event was an arrest, mind you, not a disappearance.” Federation Investigative teams have largely attributed the disappearances- now nearing 15 in the last month- to a rise in ‘xenophobic’ sentiment among Tau Ceti humans. Footage leaked this earlier this weekend shows one abduction, the abduction of 42-year-old Saxilii Lyoornush, obtained from street cameras in Hengsha. It appears to show the young girl being taken by two dark-haired human males- both short-haired, both appearing to stand around 180 cm tall. Her parents, a family of 5, have put out a reward for her safe return in the amount of 50,000 credits. “It breaks my heart that someone could take our darling girl,” cried one of her mothers. “She was studying human culture abroad- we’d do anything to get her back. All she wanted was to learn about the humans, and they took her. We share nightmares about what may have happened to our baby, it’s horrible, none of us can sleep.” In addition to these species related abductions, anti-Skrell sentiment appears rife in human space. The NFV Qurivin, a Federation Diplomatic vessel, docked with the NSS Aurora to find ‘GO HOME’ crudely scrawled on the ground and a shrine to Oscar Easter, a human member of the Diam’ond terrorist cell, just outside the docking point. ![]() The shrine to genocide advocate Oscar Easter, containing his face sock. “To think they are celebrating someone who worked for the genocide of our entire species, I can’t imagine. I have never felt so unsafe as I feel in human space,” said an anonymous NFV Crewmember. They showed a pamphlet hung at the NSS Aurora, which made outlandish claims about Skrell poisoning the water. ![]() The anti-Skrell pamphlet, which refers to Skrell as frogs, a native Sol vermin. We reached out to reformed terrorist Froskur Vel-Rana, currently being monitored in the Pryux Re-Education Center to ask about the allegations that these assaults by anti-Skrell humans are somehow instead the work of the Federation. "It is plainly false that the Nralakk Federation executes these "raids", simply because the federation is above such uncouth methods," said Vel-Rana. ""I was a violent, extremely misguided, and deeply hurt individual who needed exactly the type of expertise that the Tups have in non-lethal operations. Otherwise, I don't think I would've forgiven myself if I had completed my plans to finish Glorsh Omega's plan. I am thankful that they spared my life and gave me another chance of aspiring to the ideals of the federation." Vel-Rana also testified that none of the missing Skrell have been seen in her time at Pryux. Federation Avowal Revocation AnnouncementNews Article Publisher : WARBLE INQUIRER Writer : ROOSTERCAT 07/02/2462 It has been announced that due to the actions of various C’thur conspirators, all avowals of responsibility granted by the Nralakk Federation to C’thur citizens seeking employment outside of Federation space are immediately revoked. Editor's note: Translated to Basic. It has been announced that due to the actions of various C’thur conspirators working with terrorist Nliix Qoiruio, the one responsible for the attack on the Tzqul Archive some time ago, all avowals of responsibility granted by the Nralakk Federation to C’thur citizens seeking employment outside of Federation space, namely Tau Ceti, are to be immediately revoked. All C’thur working under corporations such as NanoTrasen who require an avowal to assume roles above civilian level jobs must re-earn their avowals effective immediately. All C’thur will receive a one month grace period to receive their new avowals before receiving a demotion. In addition, any C’thur new to the system and/or companies must earn an avowal before taking any roles above civilian level jobs. Many C’thur have spoken out against this action, even condemning those who worked with the terrorist as traitors to the hive. The following is from an interview held with Ka’Akaix’Vlekz C’thur, a Federation scientist and member of the C’thur hive. “The actions of those assisting this terrorist should not be presumed to be the will of our queen, for we have no ill will against the Federation after all they have done for us. Any of those who assisted this terrorist are traitors to the entire hive, and should be culled.” High Queen C’thur has yet to make a statement about this action. |