Guide to Citizenship

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  • Расы

  • Republic of Biesel

    Visa Requirements

    • No application fee.
    • Loose background check.
    • Lasts up to 6 years for work visas, up to 3 months for tourists and visitors.
    • Tourism visas are easy to acquire.


    • Must have lived in Republic of Biesel for at least 2 years (if not a IPC), or having served in Tau Ceti Foreign Legion for at least a year.
    • Able to speak Tau Ceti Basic.
    • By Sol Alliance law, must forfeit Sol Alliance citizenship, if existent. Allows any other dual citizenships.
    • A ceremony where you pledge loyalty to Tau Ceti.
    • Dionae have additional requirements that need to be met to apply for citizenship. They can be found, here

    Note: You have to choose between a Sol or Biesel citizenship if you were a Tau Ceti resident in 2452 - if you have not moved out in 2 years after Tau Ceti's declaration of independence, your Sol citizenship is invalidated.

    Sol Alliance

    Visa Requirements

    • An application fee of 600 credits.
    • Lasts up to 2 years for work visas, up to 3 months for tourists and visitors.
    • An interview about your background and reasons for coming into Sol Alliance space. This interview is known to be very strict, and many visa applications are denied - but experienced specialists and businesspersons have preference. The interview is not required for Skrell.
    • Documents proving your reason of stay in Sol space - education certificate, proof of relatives in Sol, etc., or a visa recommendation from a certified Solarian diplomat.


    • Must have lived in Sol Alliance for at least 5 years.
    • Disallows dual citizenships except with Eridani Federation or Nralakk Federation. Getting a Sol Alliance citizenship makes your other citizenships invalid.
    • Must speak Sol Common fluently.
    • A background check. Must also have not have committed any crimes during your stay in Sol Alliance space.
    • A test on Sol Alliance law and history.
    • Tajara and IPCs need not apply.

    Eridani Corporate Federation

    Visa Requirements

    • An application fee of 600 credits per month of stay.
    • Indefinite duration as long as it is paid for.


    • An application fee of 750000 credits. You may receive discounts by working in Eridani Federation space, which can potentially reduce this fee to zero after several years of work.
    • Must sign an Eridani Federation citizenship contract.
    • Allows dual citizenships.

    Republic of Elyra

    Vaurca are not allowed to enter Elyran space.

    Visa Requirements

    • An application fee of 250 credits.
    • Lasts up to 4 years for work visas, up to 3 months for tourists and visitors.
    • Documents proving your reason of stay in Elyran space - education certificate, proof of relatives in Elyra, etc.


    • Must have lived in the Republic of Elyra for at least 3 years.
    • Must speak Tau Ceti Basic at least intermediately.
    • A background check. Must have not committed major crimes during your stay in Republic of Elyra.
    • By Sol Alliance law, must forfeit Sol Alliance citizenship, if existent. Allows any other dual citizenships.

    Empire of Dominia

    Synthetics are not permitted entry into Dominian space. Current Dominian state policy is to deport synthetics found in Dominian space, but destroying them is not illegal nor uncommon either.

    Visa Requirements

    • An application fee of 320 credits.
    • Lasts up to 5 years for work visas, up to 6 months for tourists and visitors.
    • Thorough background check.
    • Must not own synthetics.
    • Skilled workers have preference.
    • Tourism visas are easy to acquire, but require an escort at all times by a Dominian citizen.


    • May be invited to become a citizen by at least two members of a Great House who are House Nobles or higher, as well as a Priest or Priestess of the Tribunal. This also makes you an affiliate of said Great House.
    • Citizenship can also be earned by serving in the Imperial military for five years.
    • Citizens must swear an oath of loyalty to Goddess and Emperor.
    • Thorough background check.
    • By Sol Alliance law, must forfeit Sol Alliance citizenship, if existent. Allows any other dual citizenships.

    Coalition of Colonies

    A visa is not necessary to visit the Coalition of Colonies.


    • An application fee of 100 credits.
    • New citizens must reside in the Coalition of Colonies for at least 2 months out of the year for five years.
    • By Sol Alliance law, must forfeit Sol Alliance citizenship, if existent. Allows any other dual citizenships.

    People's Republic of Adhomai

    Visa Requirements

    • An application fee of 150 credits.
    • Lasts up to 4 years for work visas, up to 6 months for tourists and visitors.
    • Background check performed by government officials.


    • Any Tajara, despite their origin, is able to request citizenship, as the People's Republic claims that all members of the Tajaran species are its rightful citizens.
    • Allows dual citizenship. However, Republican citizenship can not be abdicated - which makes you permanently unable to apply for a Sol, Democratic People’s Republic of Adhomai, and New Kingdom of Adhomai's citizenship.
    • Non-Tajara are able to apply, but the applicant must be accepted by various governmental committees and pass a thorough background check.

    Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai

    Visa Requirements

    • An application fee of 150 credits.
    • Work visas, with the exception of those granted for working in Crevus, can only be issue to Tajara.
    • Lasts up to 2 years for work visas, up to 3 months for tourists and visitors. Tourists visiting Crevus can acquire visas lasting up to 7 months.
    • Background check performed by government officials.


    • Any Tajara, despite their origin, is able to request citizenship, as the Democratic People's Republic claims that all members of the Tajaran species are its rightful citizens.
    • Allows dual citizenship. However, Democratic People’s citizenship can not be abdicated - which makes you permanently unable to apply for a Sol, Republican, and New Kingdom citizenship.
    • Only Tajara are able to apply.

    New Kingdom of Adhomai

    Visa Requirements

    • An application fee of 150 credits.
    • Lasts up to 3 years for work visas, up to 5 months for tourists and visitors.
    • Background check performed by government officials.


    • Any Tajara, despite their origin, is able to request citizenship, as the New Kingdom claims that all members of the Tajaran species are its rightful citizens.
    • Allows dual citizenship. However, New Kingdom's citizenship can not be abdicated - which makes you permanently unable to apply for a Sol, Republican, and Democratic People’s Republic citizenship.
    • Citizenship can also be earned by serving in the Imperial Volunteer Alam'ardii Corps for three years.
    • Nobility are not allowed to have multiple citizenships. Abdicating any other affiliation is necessary to be granted a title.
    • Non-Tajara are able to apply, but only Tajara can be granted nobility titles.

    Izweski Hegemony

    Feudal government is always an arrangement between individuals, not between nation-states and citizens. Citizenship as it is in the rest of the galaxy is a relatively alien concept to unathi, and they've had to awkwardly integrate it into their existing systems; modern citizenship only comes into play when interacting with other civilizations outside the Hegemony.

    Visa Requirements

    • Applications are handled by Lords (or officials working on their behalf) and fees vary; usually between 0 - 2,000 depending on how the Lord wishes to control an influx of new arrivals to their fief.
    • A Hegemonic work Visa outlines a set number of hours you owe your Lord alongside the regular work you are doing with a Guild. This means that you owe X hours of labor directly to the Lord that they can call on you to do at any time. (Consider this a form of on-call community service.)
    • Documents proving that you are an upstanding person worthy of entering a Contract with a Lord; criminal records, work histories, etc. Your mileage may vary.


    • Citizenship can be given by any Lord within their fief (territory), which is almost always recognized by the Izweski who then consider that person as a citizen of the overall Hegemony, and vice versa.
    • If born to Hegemonic citizens, you inherit the citizenship status of your Clan-Lord, father, or mother, in that order, until you are 18 and negotiate your citizenship as a legal adult.
    • If applying as a foreigner, you must be 18 (or claimed by a relative, adopted or otherwise).
    • Pass the same requirements as a Visa.
    • The Hegemony allows dual citizenship, as long as you maintain your obligation to your Lord, where they can call on you to fulfill X hours of labor a month, or call you into a local Levy.
    • Guwans cannot be citizens, and becoming one strips you of all your legal rights, making anything you do ad hoc with no legal protections

    More information about feudalism and society can be found here.

    Nralakk Federation

    Visa Requirements

    • Application fee of 200 credits for non-priority work visas, no application fee for priority visas or visitor visas.
    • Extensive background checks for worker visas, average background check for visitor visas, minimal background check for visitor visas to Qerr'Malic.
    • Work visas last for ten to twenty years. Visitor visas last for a year. Qerr'Malic visas last for three months.
    • Interviews for both visas can be done at the nearest consulate or embassy, holo-vid interviews are available if this is not possible.


    • Must have lived in the Federation for no less than five years.
    • Must be able to read Nral'Malic at the minimum. If applicants are biologically unable to speak Nral'Malic, an on-person translator or translator implant is enough.
    • Must forfeit any previous citizenships not including Sol Alliance, Eridani Corporate Federation, or The Co-operative Territories of Epsilon Ursea Minoris.
    • Must pledge allegiance to the Federation and must forswear any previous morals or activities that are considered negatives by the Federation.
    • Must go through a rigorous series of background checks, civics knowledge tests, and a personality interview with a 90% or above approval rating.
    • During the application process, applicants will be given a probation officer to liaise with who will monitor their activity. Behaviour that is deemed unacceptable by Federation standards will invalidate your application. This probationary period will continue for up to two years after citizenship is received.
    • C'thur and Diona receive the same citizenship as Skrell due to their status as integrated secondary species, and other species receive a 'Non-Secondary Species' variant citizenship. IPC's are illegal within the Federation.
    • Nralakk citizenship cannot be renounced by Skrell, as the Federation considers all Skrell to be citizens. Other species can renounce their citizenship; the individual will be banned from travelling within the Nralakk Federation until they undergo a mandatory rehabilitation programme. The individual will also be put on public display.
    • Other nations offer protections to native-born Skrell, but not to those born in the Federation; in the Coalition of Colonies this varies by planet, and the Republic of Biesel requires Skrell not born within the Republic to be enlisted or have been enlisted with the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion. For more details, see below.

    Nralakk Federation and Citizenship

    All Skrell throughout the Orion Spur are considered citizens by the Nralakk Federation, and the Federation encourages Skrell born outside of its borders to take advantage of this; all Skrell are eligible to apply for a Federation passport, be enrolled in the Social Credit System, and officially become citizens of the Federation. This also comes with its own drawbacks, however, as Skrell born outside the Federation typically have protections against official actions by the Nralakk Federation, such as deportation, but officially becoming a Federation citizen puts these Skrell in the same position as those born within the Federation. Most nations do not have an official policy protecting their Skrellian citizens from Federation action, with the Sol Alliance being the most notable due to its diplomatic ties to the Federation. The Republic of Biesel requires Skrell not born within its territory to serve within the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion before being offered the same protection as its native Skrell citizens, as a way of encouraging Skrell refugees from the Federation to enlist. The Coalition of Colonies has no official policy, and protections will vary by member planet.