Dionae Integration

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  • Расы

  • Dionae can be found throughout the vast majority of known space, with many being integrated into the many societies and nations that can be found throughout the Spur. Each nation tends to have a differing policy on how to treat Dionae, with some granting them full citizenship and rights while others may completely bar them from permanent residency.

    Unless otherwise stated Dionae are also subject to policies on gaining citizenship as written here

    Dionae Chipping

    Due to how difficult it can be to regulate and keep track of Dionae splittings and mergers, much of the galaxy has adopted a policy of chipping Dionae. These chips, usually referred to as Nymph Registration Chips, are small microchips installed into the back of a nymph that contains information related to the nymph, any gestalts the nymph was a part of, and some minor information on those gestalts. The chip costs roughly 30 credits to be installed and can be updated remotely. Chips are generally recommended to be changed every ten years. The Solarian Alliance, Republic of Biesel, and Nralakk Federation all use the same kind of registration chip, meaning Dionae traveling from one nation to the other will not need to be rechipped, although they will need to quickly register it with the nation they visit or move to.


    Dionae can find employment in most of the major megacorporations, however, are restricted from employment within the EPMC and PMCG due to their more pacifistic tendencies. Dionae can generally expect to be paid a lower wage compared to their human counterparts, as well as being barred from some higher-up positions, however, generally may still work medium-level positions such as working in the command structure of an independent ship or station. Notably, the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate does hire Dionae in some command positions but still does pay them a somewhat reduced wage.

    In general, NanoTrasen offers Dionae the greatest amount of opportunity to receive promotions and climb up the cooperate ladder but does not pay them overly high compared to the other megacorporations. Hephestus Industries offers the highest pay for Dionae compared to the other megacorporations but may have them working in more hazardous working conditions compared to their human counterparts. Notably, Zeng-Hu does pay Dionae from the Nralakk Federation more than their brethren born in Human-space.

    Human Nations

    Republic Of Biesel

    Generally considered to be one of the better nations for a Dionae to call home, the Republic of Biesel allows Dionae to apply for citizenship and work visas, however, they are required to be chipped and may need to serve in the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion for a year. Dionae born within the Republic are not automatically granted citizenship, but can easily apply for it so long as they’re chipped and considered sentient. Dionae born outside the Republic requires a sponsorship by either a Biesel citizen or from one of the megacorporations, with the latter generally being a part of a contract that requires them to work for said megacorporation for several years.

    While Dionae are not discriminated against as heavily as they are in some other nations, Dionae within the Republic still do face some discrimination when it comes to laws surrounding them as well as with employment. Crimes related to violence against Dionae will generally result in a lesser criminal sentence compared to violence against other organic species, with multiple nymphs in a gestalt needing to be killed for a special variation of murder to be applicable, with it still being a lesser sentence compared to the murder of a human. While nowhere near impossible, it can also be difficult for Dionae to find employment outside of being hired by one of the megacorporations, doubly so if in an area populated by mostly former Solarians.

    Sol Alliance

    Whilst Dionae are allowed in the SOL Alliance, they can expect to face heavy discrimination. Higher forms of employment are rarely afforded to Dionae, with most jobs available to them being menial labor. Dionae grown within the SOL Alliance are automatically forced into a contract in which they must stay employed in some form or another within the Alliance, this contract is meant to serve as a form of reparations for the Rueltab Incident from decades past.

    The only way Dionae can get citizenship within Sol is if it was grown there and its growers were Sol citizens, or the gestalt they came from had Sol citizenship. The gestalt in question requires permission from government officials before spawning any more nymphs; the punishment for ignoring this is extreme. If permission is given, the nymph in question will still require a harsh application process requiring the Standard Sentience Examination.

    Eridani Federation

    Dionae are not capable of gaining Eridian citizenship, however, they are capable of gaining temporary visas to visit or for work purposes. The environment on the vast majority of the planets within the Eridani Federation’s borders can make life incredibly difficult for Dionae to survive and thrive in, with the vast majority of its minuscule Dionae population being found on the more favorable planet of Eridani II as workers in the entertainment industry. A very small population of Dionae does exist on some of the other worlds of the Federation, with a notable population existing in the underbelly of Eridani I, mostly being influenced by and working with Dregs.

    Coalition Of Colonies

    The treatment of Dionae within the CoC can vary incredibly depending on the planet or region, however, overall are treated fairly well within CoC space so long as they’re sentient. It is incredibly easy for Dionae to gain citizenship with the CoC, although finding residency on a planet largely depends on its own internal policies regarding Dionae. Wild Dionae tend to have a much harder time within CoC borders as they’re generally hunted for minerals stored within them, although in more recent decades this practice has died down, with more and more wild Dionae being integrated into the CoC.

    Republic Of Elyra

    While Dionae are not completely barred from entering Elyran space, Dionae are completely disallowed from gaining citizenship or permanent residency. Throughout Elyra’s history, no wild Dionae have ever been integrated within Elyran society, the few wild gestalts that have ventured into its borders have either been removed from the lands or terminated. Visas are also rarely given to Dionae outside of being part of another nation’s diplomatic venture.

    Alien Nations

    Nralakk Federation

    Being the first species discovered by the Skrell, Dionae have a relatively high standard of living within the Nralakk Federation and find themselves facing a minimal amount of species discrimination compared to most other nations. More information can be found, here


    Moghes does contain a sizeable population of Dionae on the planet, with most being found populating the Moghes Wasteland, aiding the Unathi known as the Spirits of the Oasis. A symbolic bond has formed between these Dionae and the local Unathi, with the Dionae helping clear and absorb Radiation to allow for safer crop growth, and the Unathi providing protection and blood. More information on Dionae in the wastes can be found, here


    As a result of Adhomai’s long nights and overall cold temperature, the planet has no Dionae population to speak of. The very few that find themselves on the planet are generally visiting as part of an organization such as with the Interstellar Aid Corps or as a diplomatic aide.