Leto, The Seeker

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  • Ta'Akaix'Leto'yahkt'zor K'lax, The Seeker

    Her brood is identified amongst other K'lax by their scent and exoskeletal color.

    Unbound of any type: (RGB 0, 80, 60)
    (RGB 0, 80, 60)

    Bound Warriors: (RGB 21,81, 51)

    Bound Workers: (RGB 41, 59, 26)

    The second youngest of the K'laxan queens, Leto'yahkt'zor's brood is home to the hives general Ka population. Food production and logistics are common duties for the bound. Still more bound and unbound get shipped out of system for work throughout known space. To other broods amongst the Klax, Leto'yahkt'zor spawn share a furtive mania of digging up the past that is often seen as annoying. Even 2000 years removed from their native area of space, Leto'yahkt'zor and her brood still try to trace any artifacts found back to the Era of Augments or even further. Citing a long discredited and disbelieved theory that ancient aliens interfered with their species so long ago. While dueful to their hive, the Ka and Za of Leto'yahkt'zor's brood tend to share her obsession with the past, seeing it as the only way to return to the glory of old. Letyk'aht'zor herself believes much the same, and has come to the conclusion that older races of the galaxy need to be examined.

    Upon Tret itself Leto's brood takes the task of logistics upon themselves, making sure the rest of the broods get supplies and tools that they need. This causes her brood to be more or less all around the place, with Vaurca from Leto's brood being found everywhere in areas the K'lax inhabit, including Moghes as the Hegemony often uses the K'lax for labor and levies alike. Tasks Ka from this brood tend to end up doing include transportation, construction, agriculture, terraforming, and scavenging the wasteland.

    The small amount of Ka not dedicated to upholding the logistics of the hive, however, are tasked with unraveling the species' past that took place well over 2000 years ago. These Ka tend to be spread out throughout space, including Biesel and the CoC, in an attempt to find any clues as to their history that are not already in Leto's archives. Any artifacts from Sedantis are prized highly and meticulously studied both in real life and her VR simulation for information.

    Leto's VR consists mainly of a colossal archive, filled to the brim with both information regarding the history of the Vaurca species as a whole and other portions dedicated to the other species' of the Orion Spur, as they have been deemed as potentially important in the search for Sedantis. This is visualized as a vast library with various books being the manifested concepts of information on bookcases stretching far above where the eye can actually see. This library is maintained by a small army of archivists, carefully looking over said "books" for anything they may have missed as well as combing through new information flooding in at a constant rate.

    Recent Events

    Leto'yahkt'zor's brood have of late been working to reduce the shortage of food across Vaurcan colonies, namely the ones on Tret. She was unable to successfully create large k'ois farms on Tret itself due to a number of reasons, chief among them being the fact that the predominantly human population of Tret, albeit small, would be at risk of contracting phoron poisoning, and even mycosis. Thus Leto'yahkt'zor's brood had to take a rather unorthodox method of agriculture, asteroid farms.

    Leto'yahkt'zor herself had the idea of utilizing an asteroid field near Pid, Tret's only natural satellite, as an area for growing k'ois. Due to the nature of k'ois, being that it can grow virtually anywhere except for places that are overly wet, planting the spores on the asteroids was not only possible, but rather simple. The process is rather uniform and is typically maintained by bound Ka along with a breeder acting as a supervisor. The process itself involves hurdling spores onto a selected asteroid, with numerous bound then examining the asteroid to make sure the spores actually stuck. Then over the course of a couple of days, the spores are left to grow freely, usually enveloping the entire asteroid with ease. Bound workers are then sent to examine the final product, and ultimately harvest them all, leading to a large amount of k'ois being available for consumption.

    There is one major complication with this form of agriculture however, that being solar radiation. This is a problem due to the fact that, without shielding from it, k'ois and its spores are incinerated. This means that k'ois can only be planted and grown on the side of asteroids not facing the sun. The main problem with this, other than the fact that much of the asteroid is unfarmable, is that ships passing by are usually unawares of the nearby farm. What appears to be a harmless asteroid field (as harmless as one can be, anyway) on one side, is then found to harbor a ghastly yellow glow on the other. Said ships are usually infected with spores by the time the pilots or passengers lay eyes on the harrowing sight, leading this particular asteroid field to be known as "The Cursed Asteroids".