Virtual Reality

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  • Their signature technology, known to have influenced every aspect of their lives, Virtual Reality is a complex series of Vaurca mechanisms that create alternate reality settings, experiences and emotions beyond any technologies other species from the Orion Spur can recreate. These simulations are often seen as esoteric because of their long cultural importance and their own composition, which tests the limits of perception. Since the discovery of Vaurcae, their Virtual Reality has caught the attention of researchers and megacorporations because of its entertainment value, cultural importance and even possible means of reincarnation.


    The earliest forms of virtual reality were created by a small, uncredited Hive. This primitive virtual reality, formed around 40 000 BCE, was very much like the human conception of virtual headsets and holographic entertainment. However, even then the main purpose served a diplomatic and religious need, where many could congregate in environments formerly unthinkable due to the barren nature of Sedantis I.

    Modern Virtual Reality was developed in 36 670 years ago, as a major breakthrough of Lii’dra scientists and artists. Unlike its current form, the Lii’dra Hive was then a small force with leading technologies. The adoption was nothing but gradual, with the members of the Court of Queens adopting Virtual Reality rapidly. Unlike the earlier versions of the technology, this technology no longer had the same limitations of before. Major Hives, such as Zo’ra, restructured their mythology and philosophy around the novel technology. In a few thousand years, universal concepts such as the Afterlife and the Realms were formed.

    After the Great Hive War, High Queen Zo’ra made Virtual Reality freely available to all surviving Hives. Its Lii’draic origins have since been concealed, with Zo’ra claiming to have developed it themselves. Multiple origin myths have also surged, as it is understood to the Vaurca that Virtual Reality is almost a natural technology, with the same foundational importance as that of the wheel or the control of fire.


    Like many of the Vaurcesian advanced technology, Virtual Reality has a biological component. Unlike other species, which seek to develop artificial intelligence as a means to supersede biological realities, the Vaurca believe that their augmentations instead should be in service of what can be deemed as natural. Thus, early in the Era of Augments, the current caste developments allowed for the creation of the Cephalons, huge biological computers which have the primary purpose of storing large amounts of data. These Cephalons are, however, best known for serving as hosts of Virtual Reality.

    Each Queen has a neural rod which allows access for all Vaurcae, regardless of their Hive, to access Virtual Reality. The rod beams its own Realm information, while it also relays that of other Queens, making Virtual Reality accessible in most areas of the Orion Spur.

    The neural socket is the quintessential augment for a Vaurca, and one they would find themselves disoriented if living without. This is what allows an individual to access Virtual Reality at will, however, the bodily functions cannot be suppressed when inside VR.

    This has led to the creation of special cryogenic pods, which are known to have housed some connected Vaurcae for thousands of years, as many of those that first arrived in human space were in stasis for long periods. A downside of this is that respiration is still a required function, and for those in such long periods of stasis, they will continue to metabolize phoron, albeit at a much slower rate than a Vaurca not occupying these pods.

    While the effects of the cryogenic pods in the long-term have not been tested, many individuals have claimed to have suffered muscle atrophy, derealization and even other forms of anxieties. While it is common practice that those victims of these conditions are to be culled and deemed as defective, regulations in human and Skrellian space do not allow for these methods if the individual in question can still be treated and eventually recover. This has led to some controversy among many Vaurcae, as well as ostracization of those that are deemed too crippled to work.

    Life with Virtual Reality

    Since its inception and later introduction to all Hives, Virtual Reality has become essential to Vaurca. It touches all aspects of their culture, from religion, myths, and entertainment to venues to conduct warfare and diplomacy. The Virtual Realm has become intertwined with the Vaurcae, so discussing their culture without mentioning it would be remiss. For them, Virtual Reality is not just a place of entertainment but a second reality running parallel to the one shared with the rest of the species. Whilst every Queen has a unique realm, they generally share some basic qualities, except where noted elsewhere. For example, the size of the realms may differ. All but the youngest Queens have birthed tens of millions, sometimes billions, of Vaurcae since the introduction of Virtual Reality technology to the species, even excluding those broods which simulate entirely virtual people (typically either for study, as seen in Queen Zoleth's combat practice, or as a curiosity, as showcased by Queen Xetl). Thus, populations have ballooned to extraordinary levels only capable of being supported due to the immense processing powers of the Cephalon caste, with even small realms typically rivaling the size of planets.


    A realm is the virtual dominion of a Queen. Some of them can barely be described as places, but more like states or ethereal sensations. Each Queen’s realm is open to all Vaurcae, given that they acquire an access code to those that are not from their own Hive. Some areas are locked for members of the Hive only, or for permanent residents. Tas are the only ones that hand out codes, and they may restrict access as they please. A common punishment is limited access to one’s own Virtual Reality. Each Queen has molded her realm to her own personality, and a description can be read in their brood pages.

    Personal Subrealms

    Personal Subrealms are spaces controlled by a particular individual in a particular realm. Originally granted to Xakat’kl’atan only, they are now a subscription-based model, if one pays enough tribute to the Queen from their own salary. This is justified by the Queens as a maintenance cost, given the extra strain a Cephalon may have if it hosts too many subrealms. The liberty of the subrealm is still very much linked to what is possible in the mother realm, as well as different tribute prices for sizes and other peculiarities.

    Lost Realms

    With so many evershifting realities nestled amongst the Cephalons it is inevitable that some become lost in the tide, unvisited by their creators. These so-called 'Lost Realms' may occur for a variety of reasons from failed ecology experiments, to idle musings that were accidentally left running well past their theoretical expiration date, personal games that the creator plans to eventually return to, or simply just having been forgotten. The majority of the time a realm that goes unvisited for too long is simply disabled, useful or interesting data reincorporated to elsewhere in the Cephalons vast mindspace. Whilst the Cephalons are immensely potent, they do have a theoretical limit, and few in the Hives see reason to dedicate processing space towards what is effectively useless space.

    This is not always the case, however. Occasionally, a realm slips through the cracks of these regular 'clean-outs' and is allowed to persist. This is especially common when realms become nestled within other realms, buried deep within the Cephalons, and effectively hidden from the search protocols that have been developed, or said protocols flag a realm as potentially having value. Many of these realms continue to exist unmonitored, with any simulated inhabitants within continuing to exist. Most realms are empty of life or feature simple entities. For those with inhabitants the topic is more complicated.

    Some of these realms with "life" have remained stable to the point of allowing them to continue to live as they did before, perhaps never even realizing their simulated nature. For many others, however, the lack of direct oversight and maintenance causes "reality" itself to break down around the inhabitants over time. Holes in the world allow the interstice to leak in, gravity becomes treacherous, light becomes a malevolent painful force, and simulated survivors are forced to subsist by cannibalizing what little remains. Frequently, these realms simply end up tearing themselves apart at the seams as enough errors build to flag the Cephalons to their presence, becoming beacons in the interstice.

    These Lost Realms however, are not always simply deleted upon being found. Queen Leto of the K'lax has long mourned what may be lost by doing so, viewing the careless destruction of entire miniaturized societies and realities within the Aether as anthema to her goal of preserving all history, both within and without. As a result, Queen Leto's brood and occasionally, when their interest is caught, the Vaurca of other Queens, are known to mount expeditions to these Lost Realms. In stark contrast to Leto, Queen Xetl has the fewest Lost Realms, as she and her brood typically view experiences as less meaningful once they've passed, choosing instead to live in the moment.

    These expeditions are tasked with exploring the realms and cataloguing anything of interest found within such as the realms purpose, the culture of inhabitants, interesting designs, or other things of "value" to the explorer. Occasionally, though it is uncommon, a realm may be "resurrected" if it is of particular value, restored to a more functional order. Such undertakings are deeply perilous activities, risking the cunning explorer being swept away, minds destroyed by waves of data in whatever form they may take. For some Vaurca, the real danger is thrilling. For others, it is simply part of the job, and the discoveries are the true reward.

    Many former explorers, frequently referred to as Delvers, end up employed across the Spur, working as Xenoarcheologists, Scientists, or Private Security when not undertaking a delve. The danger and frequent reliance upon one another has led to many Delvers developing a subculture of sorts, and they often share a feeling of mutual respect, even across Hives. Most understand that it takes a certain degree of character strength to risk what is to them, one's eternal soul, in the pursuit of discovery.

    Entertainment in Virtual Reality

    Entertainment in Virtual Reality can vary dramatically between broods but is almost always themed around the Queen's particular tastes. Queen Zoleth's realm uses wargames, the most popular of which is Reacting Crucible, run by Za’Akaix’Morz Zo'ra. More strategically minded Vaurca will often engage in tactical simulations, reflecting the brood’s predisposition towards conflict. Whilst this leisure will typically suffice, they are far beyond the only way to relax in Virtual Reality, with these activities commonly provided by Weavemakers.


    Whilst personal subrealms were traditionally only provided to Xakat’kl’atan, branching realms from a Queen's main reality is hardly a novel idea. Since not long after the inception of Virtual Reality, the Queens have been granting the title of "Xenr'atan," or "Weavemaker" in Basic, to their Workers and Warriors, the selection process varying depending on the Queen in question. These Weavemakers are the creators of entertainment, given a branching realm and near free reign to make as they desire within it. These creations are then made accessible to the rest of the brood. The types of experiences contained within a Weavemaker's realm will depend dramatically on the maker, and no two are the same. Some types, however, are notable due to their popularity.

    Reality Gardens

    Reality Gardens are a type of virtual world constructed by a Weavemaker purely for artistic purposes. The Cephalon on which realms are hosted include features that allow such gardens to be created with relative ease, but this does not mean that artists do not have a great deal of freedom to make exactly what they want. Such art is frequently described as remarkably beautiful by Vaurcae who witness it. The form this artwork takes ranges from fully immersive walkable environments with each detail delicately crafted by Weavemakers, to abstract shapes which can evoke emotional responses despite the unclear intended goal.


    One of the most esoteric types of subrealm within Virtual Reality, Vibrations take the concept of ‘reality’ to the extreme. These places can only be described as shared sensorial havens, where no Vaurcae use virtual avatars to direct themselves. Instead, the residents of Vibrations are only said to ‘feel’ the colors and rhythm often present in the subrealm, sharing experiences with each other in a similar fashion. Vibrations were the most popular type of subrealm during the Exodus, as they helped many Vaurcae endure the idleness of their civilization. While these places quickly faded from the public, Vibrations are now mostly enjoyed by millennia-old Vaurcae who wish to remain sane while facing immortality.

    War Games

    War Games are a broad category of subrealm created by Weavemakers, for Warriors to practise their skills either competitively or casually. The exact nature of these situations is ever-changing and depends on the type of Warrior in question. Some have been crafted for strategic planning on the tactical scale with simulations that run all the way up to conflict across solar systems to small-scale squad combat. It is common for Warriors in disputes to settle them through duels, with the rules decided for each independent fight.


    Trials are a type of virtual experience crafted by a Weavemaker with a goal of some sort that must be overcome and obstacles in the path. Some of these experiences are not unlike human virtual reality games, albeit with much more intricate designs, populated with enemies, weapons, and hazards for warriors, and puzzles or challenges related to a specific field for workers. Not all trials are so simple, however. Some are esoteric, with players taking on avatars that are metaphysical, perhaps navigating through networks instead of traditional rooms. A new phenomenon has appeared regarding these trials since the Vaurca arrival in the Spur. It is not unheard of for Weavemakers to offer a credit reward to the first handful of players to complete their latest design, leading to extensive competition and, in return, drawing more attention to their skills from amongst the members of the brood.


    A Campaign is a type of virtual entertainment that, whilst sharing some elements with what constitutes a Trial, is different as it typically has very open-ended goals and a less linear environment. Instead, the participants are free to pursue what they wish at the pace they wish. In these simulations, a participant could be anything ranging from a renowned warrior to something mundane such as a security guard trying to make enough credits to survive in the Spur. The extreme level of immersion that goes into many campaigns is such that some Vaurcae will choose to live in them for long periods of time, with the help of relative time dilation, experiencing entire lifetimes as something other than themselves before returning to the real world. Proponents of the Pilot Dream religion often point to these subrealms as proof that the "real world" is itself a simulation.

    Time in Virtual Reality

    To Vaurcae living in or visiting the Virtual Realms, time is typically viewed as an ever-moving stream, the speed of which can be molded by the Queens as easily as any other element. A given realm will often have sections where time will seemingly flow faster or slower relative to the real world and areas around it, further changeable in subrealms like all other options.

    In a location of entertainment, what to the Vaurca seems like a month may have passed. However, the individual leaves the Virtual Reality to discover only a few hours or days have transpired. To the layvaurca, this phenomenon is simply time travel, another avenue by which the Queens exercise their omnipotence in the Aether. Nonetheless, many scientists and scholarly Vaurcae believe the effect is simply accomplished by changing the clock rate of certain areas through clever usage of the Cephalons. The faster the clock, the slower time appears to pass, and vice versa, when the difference is only subjective. Experts point to the evidence of the odd phenomena that come from adjusting time too far in one direction, where calculations become more abstract. At first, this may be unnoticeable, but pushing it too far in the other direction makes more precise practices such as science almost impossible.

    The Interstice

    Between all hosted VR constructs there is an interstice connecting them. The primary purpose of this interstice is to transmit the massive volumes of data between all members of the Hive. Entire perceptions can be shared with individuals by their use. With it, a Vaurca could share its entire life story from its own perspective in no time at all. Within the interstice itself, the physicality of simulations tends to break down, becoming less indicative of reality at all. Will and thought are the only tools needed by Vaurca who dwell here. These tools are used to create structures and worlds not constrained by three dimensions, to create what their minds choose. Yet most tend to merely use the interstice to communicate or travel between each Realm. Those that do choose to live out their afterlife here are often seen as eccentrics.

    The Interstice is also seen as a meeting place for Xakat’kl’atan and those interested in the Pilot Dream religion. Queenless may congregate in hidden sections of the interstice, as their presence, especially of their Tas, is barely tolerated in proper Realms.

    Surveillance and moderation

    Ever since its invention, Virtual Reality has been linked to the Hivenet. However, the mechanisms behind Virtual Reality are much more complex, and thus its encryption is harder to decipher. While most places have logs, akin to how the Hivenet conversations are logged, there are certain places, such as the Interstice or Mouv’s realm, which are harder to read. If one were to revise what is left from these conversations, more often than not it appears only as a sensor glitch. This has caused some issues with both the Republic of Biesel and the Nralakk Federation, which wish to moderate Virtual Reality as much as they do with Hivenet. While the Flagsdale logs have been considered “the Rosetta Stone of Virtual Reality”, the truth is law enforcement still has made little progress, with the Hives being reluctant to cooperate as much as they have with non-VR communications.

    This does not mean, however, that Virtual Reality space is not moderated by the Hive authorities. Many Warriors of all broods have traditionally served as enforcers inside Virtual Reality, making sure law is followed and no conspiracies are formed. Punishments go from simple bans to the void of their consciousness, even if alive. It is said that mind voiding is a punishment enforced against Unbound criminals with non-VR crimes too, since it is a legal loophole to capital punishment in the galactic community.


    Ever since the aftermath of the Great Hive War, the ability to upload their consciousness has been the cornerstone of Virtual Reality, with its rapid adoption and importance linked to the “death of death”. For Vaurcae, Afterlife is not only a promise, but a reality they can see inside the Realms, and because of this alien religions have had a hard time proselytizing.

    Cheating death is the most interesting part of Virtual Reality to many investors, which may see it as a more viable option than cloning. However, deeper analysis of how the Afterlife works has caused controversy.

    In early 2463, the Xavier Trasen Medical School released a research paper which supposedly proved that older Vaurcae residing in Scay’s afterlife appear to be more “limited” than consciousness that have died more recently. This has led many to believe that the Afterlife is akin to an AI that acquires singularity once it has copied the data from a Vaurcesian brain. After the Zo’ra Hive supposedly threatened to stop funding the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, this study was censored, though discussions have arisen from metaphysics philosophers to 64tan threads.

    The possibility of actual consciousness, translated into data and uploaded to the Afterlife, has been supported by other scientists and thinkers. The main argument is that the consciousness of dead individuals are lucid in a way that an artificial brain would never be able to emulate. Proponents of this solution are excited to unlock the secrets behind VR, and it is believed that this position is what helped seal the deals between C’thur and Einstein Engines.

    Resleeving or reincarnation, while possible, is still a niche. How it works is that a neural socket copies the consciousness from the Afterlife, and is then inserted into a pupating Vaurca right before their training. While those that believe that Afterlife is just artificial intelligence say that these new Vaurcae are merely indoctrinated to assume the identity of the one cloned, people who believe an afterlife is possible claim that this resleeving has no identity issues. It is sometimes reported that memories may become glitched or falsified, but this has yet to be proven in a major study.

    Ta and Neural Sockets

    Breeders have a unique interaction with Neural Sockets and Virtual Reality. While traditional Workers and Warriors require their sockets to be recovered to upload into Virtual Reality through a Cephalon interface, the majority of Ta have a comparatively expensive upgrade known as a Trye'Opka, or "Emergency Remote Cast System." Designed by Ka'Akaix'Tukl K'lax not long following the Exodus, the Emergency Remote Cast System interfaces with the local Hivenet connection in the event of brain death and streams the immense amount of data from the socket across the Interstice and into Virtual Reality. This, in practice, means that Ta with this augment are extremely difficult to kill permanently.

    Whilst this system seems miraculous to the majority of Vaurcae and reinforces the appearance of their Ta as divine, it is not without its faults. Without the recovery of the physical Neural Socket, it is not uncommon for memories or elements of one's personality to become damaged or corrupted. Furthermore, those Ta with a socket yet to be recovered who choose to be resleeved have a tremendous amount of difficulty integrating their mental state into the complicated biological machine that makes up their new body, even once it has been grown, and must go through a process of acclimation that can often take several decades before they are truly able to begin being productive again. Because of this, it is still standard procedure to recover the sockets of Ta if at all possible and have them undergo a complicated and painful process known as merging, where they are amalgamated with the augmentation. This solves many of the aforementioned issues and allows them to be resleeved typically within a year or two, if they choose to do so.

    Neural Simulation Training Environment

    The "Full Neural Simulation Training Environment" or Neusim as it is sometimes known, was first unveiled by the Court of Queens in 2465 and is referenced by the Hive's as the Vaurca's first step towards introducing safe Virtual Reality to the wider Spur. The Neusim itself is run from a "node" a large room with a central processor that connects to a group of encircling pods. Participants enter the pods, which fill with liquid and must be submerged before the program can begin, an experience that is frequently cited as painful or shocking for first-time users. After the submersion is complete however, the participants are placed in a nearly fully realized digital environment, complete with almost pinpoint authentic sight, taste, smell, and feel, which many Vaurca describe as coming close to replicating the more mundane elements of Virtual Reality.

    Currently, the only Neusim nodes are located in a secluded location on Caprice and kept under close guard, being used exclusively for training the non-Vaurca members of the Ve'katak Phalanx. The training regimes for recruits in the Neusim, cited by the Court of Queens as a way to both ensure the quality of prospective soldiers and have a pool of willing people to trial the new invention, are typically regarded as extremely gruelling. Recruits are placed in simulations ranging from the Interstellar War, the Lii'dra Invasion of Elyra, the Solarian Incursion into Biesel, and everything in between. These simulations often then have the participant fighting on the hardest fronts of these conflicts as active participants for what feels like weeks or even months, when only minutes have passed in reality. While recruits may leave at will, doing so results in instant disqualification from the Phalanx.

    This training regime has been criticized by some in the Republic; however, the Hive is quick to downplay its severity. Strict NDAs forbid Ve'katak members from commenting on the Neusim in a strictly negative light, and the Zo'rane Queen Zoleth has made statements stressing that the experience is a necessary element of preparing for real battlefields as peers of the Phalanx's Vaurca Warriors. These statements also downplay many of the possible side effects of Neusim. It is not completely unheard of in some cases for a participant to have to leave the program with either trauma or a decreased ability to judge reality as real, among other such symptoms. Rumours of legal action have begun to circulate but are widely downplayed by the Hive.

    Additionally, this is far from the only criticism, with some coming from within the Vaurca themselves. Queen Mouv has privately expressed her desire for the Hives to discontinue usage of the Neusim program to keep Virtual Reality secure, and whilst other Queens have yet to openly oppose the program, either due to its potential or simply having yet to consider the best method of addressing their concerns, for many a feeling of animosity is present.

    Mobile Neural Simulation Training Environment

    The aptly named "Mobile Neural Simulation Training Environment" is the first technology to arise from the Neusim's stated goal of advancing research regarding "pan-species sensational augmentation" and has been developed as a result of extensive research and development by the Court of Queens. 

    The MNeusim, as it is frequently abbreviated, is currently only a prototype but has begun to be quietly distributed to interested Ta from all three Hives across the Spur for "field-testing," with the device itself being an augmentation that allows the Spur's sapients access to a Vaurca adjacent virtual-reality program not unlike the larger Neusim, though without much of the bulky infrastructure.

    That is not to say it is a completely streamlined experience, as to utilize the MNeusim relies upon the subject strapping on a large and heavy vest designed specifically for it and securing an augment-port neckbrace. Following this, the Ta initiator utilises her augments large neural-needle to establish a link with the cerebral cortex and spinal cord of the intended sapient through the neck injection port. After a link is established, the neural-needle is said to hijack the user's sensory experience, feeding new information directly from the neural-needle, with the vest working in tandem to keep the individual's biological functions synchronised with their new mental experience to minimize feelings of discontinuity. 

    The experience of the neural-needle, although not described as particularly painful, is often exceedingly disorientating, and it can take time for someone to fully adapt to this wide-reaching, artificially induced shift in neurological functioning. This new technology has additionally not eliminated many of the Neusim's supposed side effects, with all but the toughest humans leaving feeling dizzy, uncomfortable, and perhaps even somewhat disconnected from their bodies or reality as a whole. The exact reason for these side effects is unclear, but it is an obstacle that has stymied much of the Spur's research into Vaurca Virtual Reality itself, with many experts believing it to be related to a neurological difference between Vaurca and the other sapients of the Spur. So far, the testing done by the Zo'ra Hive has demonstrated that few people suffer such ill effects for longer than a few hours, but the risk increases dramatically with frequent exposure to the MNeusim, and such is discouraged. 

    Outside of its possible risks, the release of the MNeusim has been deeply controversial amongst the Hives, even more so than the larger Neusim itself, and those who follow Hive politics in the Spur tend to believe that is why the testing is being done with such little fanfare despite the possible implications for Virtual Reality as a whole. Many suspect that Zo'ra High Queen Vaur and the pro-human Queen Athvur may have pushed for the tech against the protests of their fellow Queens both within the Zo'ra Hive and outside. The implied advances of this technology, however, appear far-off, and the Court of Queens has been quick to emphasize that this is only the first of many steps towards accomplishing them. 

    The largest obstacle to the MNeusim is the requirement of having a Ta to utilize it. Unlike the traditional Neusim, the augment utilizes neurological functions exclusive to their neural-sockets for translating virtual reality into a sensory-feedback form suitable for other species. Despite the Zo'ra Hive's request for testing on behalf of the Court of Queens, many Ta are politically opposed to the MNeusim's very existence, nevermind feel inclined to use it themselves. All the Queens except for Vaur and Athvur have placed sharp restrictions on outsiders in their realms, even in the MNeusim's abbreviated form. Additionally, most applications of the MNeusim limit visitors to specifically crafted realms made for the other sapients of the Spur, much like the larger Ve'katak Phalanx-focused Neusim, due to the possible risks posed to the sapients of the Spur, with side effects seeming to become worse the more data that has to be processed through the neural link.

    The Ta that have "tested" the device so far have done so sparingly, though the exact reasons have varied, ranging from rewarding a loyal human follower to impressing a political official, even at the expense of said official suffering a degree of discomfort later. 

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