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Offship Roles

With the Horizon operating in mostly civilized and explored space, it will throughout the course of it's mission encounter people who are unassociated with the Horizon, whether it be the crew of an Orion shipping vessel, or the low-paid workers of a space bar near local mining areas. These people will be played by other players, and the positions fall under the category of offship roles, as suggested by the title of this section. There are many different offship roles, but all of them have the same basic idea which governs how they interact with the ship.

Things to know

Before we get to what roles there are, and how they should be played, there are some things that need to be made clear, both from the perspective of the ship and those playing the offship roles.

    • This is very important to understand - while some ghostroles can fall into an antagonistic pattern - pirate ships being the main example, keep in mind that you are not an antagonist and expected to behave as a reasonable character, the same as on the Horizon. A group of pirates might see the Spark on its own and decide to jump it, but they're not crazy enough to attack a ship the size of the Horizon unless the Horizon strikes the first blow.
  • The SCC doesn't want harmful incidents on its flagship, and most roles don't want to piss off the SCC
    • Some off-ship roles, depending on location, might have a degree of authority in the region. Keep in mind, however, that most of these factions have some relation with the SCC, and would not want to jeopardize that. A Coalition ranger group who tries to board the Horizon for an 'inspection' is going to get a talking-to from their bosses.
    • In addition, remember that the Horizon is considered the territory of the Republic of Biesel, regardless of where it is - attempting to mess with its operations could not only be a corporate issue, but a diplomatic one. As always, if in doubt, ahelp.
  • You're there to Roleplay.
    • While you're not required to interact with the Horizon, it is a nice thing to do. Tell a story with them, this could be stopping for supplies, asking if you could use their facilities to relax after a long journy, or anything your mind can think of, given the previous two points.
    • Don't stunt roleplay either, dogpiling antagonists and getting involved in security situations when you're presence is unnecessary will be considered valid-hunting in the eyes of administrators and moderators.
    • Sometimes the ship might also be dealing with too much to be able to tell a story with you as an offship role, there could be an active bloodcult aboard currently escalating with security, and they don't want to engage in the amazing idea you had of telling war stories by the bar as TCFL soldiers. Part of playing offship roles is understanding that there may be times where the ship does not require assistance, but also does not want you aboard to tell a story with them, and realizing that there will be rounds where the only interaction you get with the Horizon is limited and over holo-comms.

Orion Express Courier Ship

AKA "We have a delivery!"

Supervisors: Orion Express

Sectors: All except for Elyran sectors and Light's Edge

Available Species: Any

Tasked with delivering a multitude of packages across the spur, the OX courier ship can be found in most regions of space, delivering it's packages. It's crewed by a captain and team of couriers, who, like the ship, have travelled around the spur.

TCFL Patrol Corvette

AKA "Keep our light of liberty shining!"

Supervisors: The Republic of Biesel

Sectors: Tau Ceti, Romanovich Cloud, Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale, Badlands

Available Species: Any

You are a team of Tau Ceti Foreign Legion Peacekeepers, under the command of your Prefect. You patrol the Republic's space and borders against pirates, insurgents and smugglers, as well as occasionally reaching beyond the Republic's borders into sectors such as Valley Hale or the Badlands. Despite the Horizon technically being Bieselite space, and the friendly relationship between the SCC and the Republic, keep in mind that you are not an ERT, and should not be involving yourself in the Horizon's affairs without a good reason such as a distress beacon.

Free Solarian Fleet Corvette

AKA "Y'all got some credits?"

Supervisors: Admiral Pieter van der Rensburg

Sectors: Tau Ceti, Romanovich Cloud, Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale

Available Species: Human

Mercenaries for hire, the Free Solarian Fleets patrol Tau Ceti's space on contract with the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate and Biesel Government. You hunt pirates and look for any work that might net you another payday. You are commanded by a former Lieutenant of the Solarian Navy, now your superior within the Free Solarian Fleets.

Space Bar

AKA "Who wants a drink?"

Supervisors: Yourself!

Sectors: Tau Ceti, Romanovich Cloud, Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Weeping Stars

Available Species: Any

Seen in all areas of space, Space Bars have a simple goal. To serve drinks to their customers! They may be miners, travelers, or anyone! You don't care, as long as they don't do anything untowardly to you or your bar.

Southern Fleet Administration Survivors

AKA "Put the phoron in the fucking bag!"

Supervisors: They're all dead man!

Sectors: Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale, Badlands

Available Species: Human

You represent the scattered remains of the former Southern Fleet Administration. You managed to escape the utter destruction of your battlefleet by the angered Nralakk Federation, and the dividing up of your territory by rivals. Now you reside in dark corners of the Orion Spur, never venturing beyond it. Your only goal is to survive by whatever means necessary, raiding and plundering in the hope of scraping out another day of existence.

NOTE: The SFA are known pirates, and almost all civilised space will treat them as such. Due to their defeat by Biesel and the SCC during the Consequences of the Future arc, it makes sense to treat the Horizon as a threat, and steer clear of any potential confrontation with them.

Coalition of Colonies Rangers

AKA: "Rangers lead the way!

Supervisors: The Coalition of Colonies

Sectors: Badlands, Weeping Stars

Available Species: Human

You represent the Rangers of the Frontier Protection Bureau, assigned to patrol the sector for pirates and respond to distress calls. As with the TCFL, keep in mind that you are not an ERT, and should not be attempting to act as one without being explicitly requested by Horizon command. You serve the interests of the Coalition and its citizens - protecting vessels travelling through COC space, eliminating pirate vessels, and ensuring that the sector stays safe.

Diona Voidtamers

AKA: "Hey, you. Yeah, you. Want a pet carp?"

Supervisors: Yourselves

Sectors: Badlands, Gakal, Uueoa-Esa

Available Species: Diona

You are Dionae of either the Rokz or Serz clan of Voidtamers, Dionae who specialize in the taming and trade of space-dwelling xenofauna. Due to their close proximity to Unathi, these gestalts will often resemble Unathi to a degree, with horns, tales or reptilian body shapes. Trade the tamed xenofauna aboard your asteroid for supplies, or seek to tame new ones. If you do not have the Diona whitelist, information about roleplaying a gestalt can be found here

==Imperial Fleet Patrol==.

AKA: "For the Goddess!"

Supervisors: Empire of Dominia

Sectors: Badlands

Available Species: Human

You are voidsmen of His Majesty's Imperial Fleet, tasked with patrolling the Badlands. Mostly, you will be members of the caste known as Ma'zal's, working to pay off your blood debt to the Empire through military service. Though you may encounter vessels from other nations, remember that the Empire is not at war with any of them, and you should do your best to avoid a potential diplomatic incident with another power.

People's Volunteer Spacer Militia

AKA: "Comrade, arm the torpedoes!"

Supervisors: Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai

Sectors: Badlands, Gakal, S'rand'marr

Available Species: Tajara

You are the crew of a Hailstorm-class vessel of the People's Volunteer Spacer Militia, the navy of the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai. Your primary duty is to protect the DPRA's interests, as well as gaining experience in space operations. Keep in mind that you are part of a military - listen to your captain and advisor, and try not to start a war. Aliens and corporations may be suspicious and to be mistrusted, but starting a conflict with a major power is best avoided. Characters should have a Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai background.

Elyran Navy Strike Craft

AKA: "Get your hands off our phoron"

Supervisors: Serene Republic of Elyra

Sectors: Valley Hale, Badlands, New Ankara, Aemaq

Available Species: Human

You are crew of an Elyran Navy vessel, assigned to patrol in and around the Serene Republic's borders. Protect Elyran interests, both against pirates and other ne'er-do-wells encroaching on Elyran space. Elyra-SCC relations are somewhat frosty following the events of the Dreary Futures arc, but the two groups are not actively hostile - even if they are suspicious of one another. You may encounter vessels from nations unfriendly to the Serene Republic, such as the Empire of Dominia, but remember that your nations are not at war, and you should try and avoid starting a fight if possible. Characters in this ghostrole must be of Elyran background and ethnic origin.


AKA: "Hey, man. You got any of that phoron?"

Supervisors: Yourselves

Sectors: All

Available Species: Any

You are the crew of an independent freighter, wandering the Spur in the hopes of payday. Whether that comes through trade, salvage, mining or straight-up piracy is entirely up to you and your captain - though try and avoid picking a fight you can't win. Characters of almost any species or background can be found aboard this vessel.

Hegemony Corvette

AKA: "Honor, fire, burn thy fear!"

Supervisors: Izweski Hegemony

Sectors: Badlands, Uueoa-Esa

Available Species: Unathi, Vaurca

You are warriors of the Izweski Hegemony Navy, patrolling the sector to protect Izweski interests against pirates, smugglers and enemies of the Hegemony. Remember to act with honor, obey your captain, and follow the Warrior's Code to the best of your ability. Though Hegemony-corporate relations are good, remember that you are not an ERT and should not be acting as such without a good reason such as a distress beacon from the Horizon.

Hegemony Miners' Guild Station

AKA: "Phoron crisssisss? Warsss? Whatever, we've got rocksss to break."

Supervisors: Miners' Guild, Hephaestus Industries

Sectors: Badlands, Uueoa-Esa

Available Species: Unathi

You are the crew of a mining station run by the Miners' Guild, now a subsidiary of Hephaestus Industries. Mine the planets and asteroids of the sector, keep yourself alive and listen to your foreman.

Interstellar Aid Corps Rescue Ship

AKA: "Where does it hurt?"

Supervisors: The Interstellar Aid Corps

Sectors: Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale, Badlands, S'rand'marr, Nrrahrahul, Weeping Stars

Available Species: Any

You are the crew of a rescue ship from the Interstellar Aid Corps, sent to provide medical assistance to those in need across the Spur. Respond to medical emergencies and distress calls, and try to raise funds and donations. Your vessel is unarmed, and you only have basic weapons for self-defense - so try to stay out of trouble! Remember, you can't help anyone if you're dead

Kataphract Knights

AKA: "Upon my honor, you will face me!"

Supervisors: Kataphract Guild, HONOR

Sectors: Tau Ceti, Romanovich Cloud, Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale, Badlands, Uueoa-Esa, Weeping Stars

Available Species: Unathi, Vaurca

You are warriors and hopeful warriors of the Kataphract Guild, working as mercenaries until the Hegemon calls you to war once again. Remember, a Kataphract must always act with honor in battle, and seek to defend the defenseless - though that doesn't mean that you can't get paid to do so. As a Kataphract-Hopeful, obey the orders of the Knight-Captain and Specialist, and try to prove to them you are worthy of being named a Kataphract in our own right.

New Kingdom of Adhomai Mercantile Flotilla

AKA: "He is sanctioned by Her Majesty to sell these guns - what do they mean, 'permit'?"

Supervisors: New Kingdom of Adhomai

Sectors: Tau Ceti, Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale, Badlands, S'rand'marr

Available Species: Tajara

You are crewmembers of Her Majesty's Mercantile Flotilla - the New Kingdom of Adhomai's merchant navy. Travel, trade, keep your cargo and crew intact and seek to make a profit. Remember, you are merchants, not soldiers - try and stay out of trouble, and rely on your hired PMCG security to keep you safe.

People's Republic of Adhomai Database Freighter

AKA: "Hadii's grace, comrade! They are here to survey this planet."

Supervisors: People's Republic of Adhomai

Sectors: Badlands, S'rand'marr, Nrrahrahul

Available Species: Tajara

You are the crew of a survey vessel of the PRA Orbital Fleet - conducting scientific research and survey expeditions for the furthering of the Hadiist cause. Though you are technically part of the Orbital Fleet, your primary goal is not military, but scientific. Engage in surveys, xenoarchaeology and other scientific research in the sector, and make sure to focus on anything that could give the PRA a potential advantage over its rivals on Adhomai! Characters should have backgrounds from the People's Republic of Adhomai.

People's Republic of Adhomai Headmaster Ship

AKA: "Hadii's grace, comrade! Could he see that one's papers, please?"

Supervisors: People's Republic of Adhomai

Sectors: Badlands, S'rand'marr, Nrrahrahul

Available Species: Tajara

You are a patrol vessel of the PRA Orbital Fleet - patrolling within and around the People's Republic's borders. Your role is to protect the PRA, its interests and its citizens, as well as to follow the orders of the captain and commissar aboard your vessel. Though you may encounter vessels from other Tajaran factions, try to avoid directly doing anything that could reignite the cold war. Though you have friendly relations with the SCC, remember that you should not act as an ERT unless explicitly asked for help by the Horizon. Characters should have backgrounds from the People's Republic of Adhomai.

Ti'Rakqi Freighter

AKA: "Officer, of course this cargo is legal. Would I lie to you?"

Supervisors: Ti'Rakqi (Free Smugglers)

Sectors: Tau Ceti, Romanovich Cloud, Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale, Badlands

Available Species: Skrell

You are a vessel of the Skrell criminals known as the Ti'Rakqi, or the Free Smugglers. Smuggle, lie, cheat and profit to keep your ship and crew running. Though your ship is small and fast, it is unarmed - you're smugglers, not pirates. Try to avoid violent confrontation where possible, as most of the ships you'll run into out here outgun you.

Southern Solarian Military District Corvette

AKA: "Sir yes sir oohrah!"

Supervisors: Southern Solarian Military District

Sectors: Badlands

Available Species: Human, IPC

You are soldiers of the Southern Solarian Military District - one of the fractured states of the Sol Alliance, though one that remains loyal to the Alliance proper. Patrol for both pirates and remnants of other warlord states, obey your commanding officer, and work to keep the region stable and free from danger. Though the SSMD and the SCC are not hostile, and the Horizon outguns you severely, be wary of corporate influence - after all, that might well be the reason your country's in this mess. Characters should have Solarian backgrounds, usually from planets in the southern Alliance such as Visegrad.

Tajaran Circus

AKA: "They look like they could use a break - step inside, and see the wonders of Adhomai!"

Supervisors: Yourselves

Sectors: Tau Ceti, Romanovich Cloud, Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale, Badlands, S'rand'marr, Gakal, Nrrahrahul

Available Species: Tajara

You are circus performers with an interstellar travelling circus. Feats of strength, occult fortune-tellers, hilarious clowns and more - you might just have the greatest show in the Spur! Put on your performance for whoever's interested, make a profit, and remember - the show must go on!

Tajaran Smugglers

AKA: "Hey, man. He's got some real shit here - bona fide Raskara Dust. Legal? Sure, if he wants to be a narc about it."

Supervisors: Yourselves

Sectors: Romanovich Cloud, Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale, Badlands, S'rand'marr, Gakal, Nrrahrahul, Weeping Stars

Available Species: Tajara

You are Tajaran smugglers, out to make a profit in the wider Spur. Lie, cheat, scam, smuggle and do whatever you can to make a profit. Ty to sell your ill-gotten goods, and avoid potential run-ins with the local law enforcement - remember, jettison the cargo if you're caught!

Tramp Freighter

AKA: "We're out of fuel again, captain."

Supervisors: Yourselves

Sectors: All

Available Species: Any

You are the crew of an independent freighter, trying to make a living. Mining, salvage, trade - whatever keeps the ship running and you in one piece. Listen to your captain, try to keep the ship in one piece, and survive another day in the Spur.

Civilian Station

AKA: "Make sure to check out the gift shop!"

Supervisors: Yourselves

Sectors: Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale, Weeping Stars

Available Species: Human, Skrell, IPC

You are either a worker or a visitor on a civilian station - keep the gift shop stocked, make sure the food court is operational, and help guests have a good time!

Grand Romanovich Casino

AKA: "Try their luck! Never know, they could be a big winner. It has been three years since the last murder on Grand Romanovich property!"

Supervisors: The casino's owners.

Sectors: Romanovich Cloud

Available Species: Tajara

You are the staff and patrons of the Grand Romanovich Casino, a Tajaran-style casino station in Tau Ceti. Keep the clients coming in and gambling, and make sure anyone trying to cheat or steal is promptly ejected!

Tajaran Mining Jack

AKA: "Come on, get the drill - they're behind on quota again."

Supervisors: Yourselves

Sectors: Badlands, S'rand'marr, Nrrahraul, Gakal

Available Species: Tajara

You are miners on a Tajaran mining station. Fly to planets and asteroids in the sector, strip them of minerals, and process them back at your station.

Tajaran Scrappers

AKA: "Oh, this is his ship? This one swears it was a derelict when he found it..."

Supervisors: Yourselves

Sectors: Badlands, S'rand'marr, Nrrahraul, Gakal

Available Species: Tajara

You are Tajaran scrappers and salvagers. Hunt and strip derelicts of their valuables, and sell your repair services to passing ships. Make sure a ship's actually derelict when you start scrapping, though - unless you want the angry crew shoving a gun in your face.

Tajaran Migrants

AKA: "It will be better when they get to Tau Ceti, right?"

Supervisors: Yourselves

Sectors: Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Valley Hale, Badlands

Available Species: Tajara

You are Tajaran migrants, fleeing their homeworld of Adhomai for a better life in the Republic of Biesel. You have found shelter in a safehouse of the Tajara Revolutionary Army, where you can rest on your way to Tau Ceti. Survive, stay out of trouble, gather supplies to keep yourselves alive and hope that you can make it to safety.

Izharshan's Raiders

AKA: "Right, me lovelies. We'll be relieving you of your credits now, if you don't mind."

Supervisors: Your captain

Sectors: Badlands, Gakal, Nrrahrahul, Uueoa-Esa

Available Species: Unathi

You are Unathi pirates, from the fleet known as Izharshan's Raiders. Loot and plunder wherever you can - though be careful of picking fights with those who outgun you. Obey your captain, work with your crew, and do your best to earn your split of the loot.

Tarwa Conglomerate

AKA: "You best start believing in ghost stories..."

Supervisors: Your captain

Sectors: Badlands, Gakal, Light's Edge, Weeping Stars

Available Species: Unathi, Diona

You are pirates of the fleet known as the Tarwa Conglomerate - the rumored "fleet of the living dead" that haunts the southern frontier. Leverage your supernatural reputation to survive, plunder and make a profit - though remember that despite the strange symbiosis your fleet has formed with Diona gestalts, you are still very much vulnerable to bullets.

Jobs on Aurora
Command Captain - Executive Officer - Head of Security - Chief Engineer - Research Director - Chief Medical Officer - Operations Manager
Command Support Corporate Liaison - Consular Officer - Bridge Crewman
Security Security Officer - Warden - Investigator - Security Cadet
Engineering Engineer - Atmospheric Technician - Engineering Apprentice
Medical Surgeon - Physician - First Responder - Psychologist - Pharmacist - Medical Intern
Research Scientist - Xenobiologist - Xenobotanist - Lab Assistant
Operations Hangar Technician - Shaft Miner - Machinist
Service Assistant - Off-Duty Crewman - Passenger - Bartender - Chef - Chaplain - Librarian - Janitor - Botanist - Corporate Reporter
Non-human AI - Cyborg - Personal AI
Special Merchant - Ghost Roles