Warbling : The Traverse Strikes Back

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2021 Event Timeline
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Major Events Warbling : The Traverse Strikes Back · Court of Queens Arc · Peacekeeper Mandate Arc
Minor Events Ghosts of War Arc
This is the overview and timeline page for Warbling: The Traverse Strikes Back! arc, which began on 23/06/2021 and pertains largely to Skrell Lore.
The arc is centred around the Jargon Federations latest election, refugees from the Traverse fleeing to the Republic of Biesel and their ties to resistance movements, and the corruption and eventual restructuring of the Tupkala.
Below is a summary of the arc's events, applicable news articles and additions.

Commencement of the Primary Elections

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


An election begins.

Editors note: Translated to Basic.

After a long campaign trial, the Primary Election for Grand Councillor has begun. Ballots are being sent to the furthest reaches of the Jargon Federation, and political analysts are beginning to plot their predictions. Candidates Ormish Jrolk and Kalq'Qi Weibii have begun their last-minute pushes for support, taking to communication channels and live appearances. Incumbent Councillor Weashbi Jrugl seems unhindered by the upstart opponents, reportedly saying that he is going to “watch the results with a decided mind”.

Candidate Weibii has polled exceptionally well with outer systems in the weeks prior to the election and is expected to continue to do so. Weibii has announced her support undeniably to the more isolated systems in the Jargon Federation and has begun a grassroots campaign in the weeks leading up to the Primary. Political analysts expect Weibii to win the outer systems in a landslide, but skeptics are concerned whether or not this support could win Weibii the entire election.

Candidate Jrolk, accused by their opponents as being a “xenophile”, has largely been advocating for a more integrated Jargon Federation alongside other galactic contenders. As the Federation becomes more reliant on outside trade and scientific treaties, Jrolk has suggested that the Skrell needs to “lock-in” their positions as cosmic masters before they are overtaken by another alien species. Besides, Jrolk aims to focus Skrellian society on a more capitalistic economic model to benefit from their higher development and longer lifespan.

As the Grand Council Elections are every decade, the victor of this election will have unprecedented access into the skrellian political system and will be able to aim the Jargon Federation in the direction they choose for the following years to come.

Whispers of Colonial Conflict

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


Tensions rise as dissent is reported in the traverse.

Editors note: Translated to Basic.
The Primary Elections have spread far and wide throughout the galaxy and some skeptics are concerned over the arising dissent of the Skrell. Various local stations have been reporting civil disobedience and organized protests around the Traverse, calling the events a “rogue current” and overall are upset. Pockets of more organized outsiders have begun rallying around the flag of Candidate Weibii, reporting that their voice in higher Jargon echelons has been silenced.

Moreover, skirmishes and disappearances have increasingly grown in the outskirts of the Traverse, and citizens are becoming more and more concerned over what this could mean for the Jargon Federation. While the Federation has undergone a myriad of political reforms over the thousands of years, internal conflict could prove to have lasting effects on the galactic climate for years to come. Political analyst Jen’ralla-qan had this to say,

“The Skrell have always been united by their appreciation of not only each other but of the stars as a whole. It is highly concerning that the Traverse is so outspoken about the recent events that have rocked the Jargon Federation. ”

Some political insiders have expressed opinions regarding a civil war or a “colonial war”. Originally colonies of the Jargon Federation, the Traverse region has always expressed a uniquely different culture than the inside sectors. This separation could potentially fuel a lasting and brutal conflict. The Grand Councillor’s cabinet has been quiet on this issue for the time being, but that is expected to change in the coming weeks.

Tupkala Division Undergoes Massive Reforms

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


The Federation begins to look inwards as corruption is unveiled and the Tupkala revised.

Editors note: Translated to Basic.

The Grand Council of the Jargon Federation has announced their revision of the Tupkala Division of the Jargon Federation Security Forces. Following criticisms of abhorrent behaviour depicted by witnesses, both during the events that transpired a little over a year ago that resulted in the total shutdown of the Tzqul Archives, but also the detainment of an individual just hours ago on a NanoTrasen Research Facility.

At the time of this article release, approximately a dozen Tupkala have been evaluated and subsequently retired after investigations unearthed erroneous track histories that have resulted in less than pleasant outcomes for those on the receiving end. Decades of information related to those that misused their position are slowly rearing their heads.

Whilst there is no solid information affirming the suspension of the Tupkala Division, the Grand Council has released a cease-and-desist order to the various Election Officials scattered across the Orion Spur, and have mandated that they return as soon as they possibly can. It is unknown how this may affect the election, but we believe the Grand Council will do whatever it can to ensure fair and democratic elections.

With the Tupkala underfire, who are our frontline protectors against those that wish to see the Jargon Federation crumble? We will keep you updated on this developing story, with the hope that the Grand Council will prevail and continue to guide us to prosperity.

Tupkala Reformation Announcement

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


Reforms continue, the Tupkala Reformation Act is announced and the Federations Security Council is dissolved.

Editor's note: Translated to Basic.

The Grand Councillor of the Jargon Federation has unveiled their plans for the Tupkala through the Tupkala Reformation Act, legislation focused on tackling the problems within the division after evidence gathered by the Ruupkala left them with no choice but to enact such drastic measures. Grand Councillor Weashbi Jrugl addressed the nation shortly after 8 PM Tau Ceti Standard last night. Extracts of the announcement have been transcribed below:

“It brings me great displeasure to announce that the Tupkala Division of the Jargon Federation Security Forces has performed to unsatisfactory standards. The evidence presented to me, gathered by trusted intelligence officers, disappointed me greatly. Whilst not all of those belonging to the Tupkala engaged in such wanton displays of behaviour unbecoming of these highly decorated specialists, too many have. With immediate effect, all those belonging to the Tupkala are stripped of their title and forcibly retired from the Jargon Federation Security Forces. Those who engaged willingly in the violation of sentient rights will be charged accordingly. We will begin filling the positions later today, with individuals not yet tainted.”

"The Grand Council has also determined that the [Jargon Federation] Security Council has failed to achieve their primary objective -- to ensure that the Jargon Federation Security Forces uphold the ideals of the nation they serve. It is hereby that we announce the dissolution of the [Jargon Federation] Security Council. In its stead, we have created the Directory of Defense Operations. The Directory will be comprised of Six Directors, with only individuals that have forged themselves in the fire of service and battle—those whose actions elevate them above those in which they oversee. The positions will remain unfilled until such individuals prove themselves capable.”

The announcement has resulted in some questioning details regarding the evidence submitted, even more in a state of disbelief. The confirmation that the division acted against the ideals of the Jargon Federation has certainly left an impact on all citizens. For how long has this been going on? How many sentient violations have they committed? We can only put our trust in the Grand Council and hope their guidance continues to lead us to prosperity.

Results of the Primary Elections

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


A new Grand Councillor is announced, and Weashbi Jrugle announces their plans for their second term.

Editor's note: Translated to Basic.

Those who took to the polling booths (both within designated areas of the Jargon Federation, and abroad) determined to have a say on who they believe should guide the Jargon Federation, which has resulted in confirmation pouring into our offices, with verified statements concluding that Weashbi Jrugl has been sworn in for yet another term after being declared victorious in their vying for the Grand Councillor’s seat.

Despite being counted earlier this morning, the final ballots have only just now been released by the Grand Council; Weashbi Jrugl secured roughly 52.3% of the overall votes, with Ormish Jrolk being declared runner up at 26.7%, and lastly Kalq’Qi Weibii finishing off with most of her votes originating from the Traverse at 21%.

Grand Councillor Weashbi Jrugl’s first order of business within their second term has been to reshuffle the Grand Council, with Ormish Jrolk being declared the new Advisor of Economic Development.

Grand Councillor Weashbi Jrugl has yet to comment on their reasoning behind the reshuffle, and inclusion of Advisor-Appoint Jrolk, it can be speculated that the Grand Councillor is likely to loosen the restrictions in the coming months in relation to megacorporations within the Jargon Federation and begin revitalizing the economy through the usage of external contractors. It is unknown how this will affect the State-Owned-Enterprises operating already.

Candidate Weibii has seemingly disappeared off the face of Qerrbalak and has resulted in troublesome bunches grouping into demonstrations within the fringes of the Traverse, that have begun to state that election was the final hope for a re-imagined Jargon Federation despite the Grand Councillor’s recent announcement, and many still believe such is now lost without Candidate Weibii at the helm of the Jargon Federation.

Unprecedented Mass Migration of Skrell

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


A mass migration of Skrell arrives in Tau Ceti, Biesel’s Congress convenes on the matter.

Editor's note: Translated to Basic.

A dozen or so skrellian crafts, packed with hundreds of people, have arrived within Tau Ceti seeking asylum just hours ago, and after several talks and discussions with those aboard the spacecraft, has led officials to believe that the numbers will continue to rise in the coming days or even weeks. Grand Councillor Candidate Weibii is said to be spearheading the process, after being discovered in one of the fleets.

The Tau Ceti Foreign Legion is believed to have escorted over seventeen hundred individuals off of the vessels so far, and have begun transporting them to Biesel in hopes of further discussing the reasoning behind their arrival, said Biesellite Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “The arrival of so many seeking asylum is worrying,” remarks Janet Morello, who is an Agent of the BICE. “We need to begin facilitating discussions about their arrival, and subsequently begin deciding how to deal with them.” Several talks with those who arrived aboard the refugee crafts have concluded that thousands more are meant to arrive in part due to an agreement brokered amongst several Traverse colonies in which there would be a mass exodus, with hopes of being accepted within Tau Ceti due to “turbulent circumstances surrounding their place of origin”. The Dorn Administration has yet to comment on the developing situation, however, our sources have stated that the Biesellite Congress has convened to discuss the matter at hand, which prompts us to believe that a decision will be reached soon in regards to the situation.

Bureaucratic Affairs at a Standstill!

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


The influx of refugees brings bureaucracy to its knees as old systems fail and a staff shortage causes a backlog.

Editor's note: Translated to Basic.

The agency responsible for granting citizenship, providing immigration benefits and processing visa applications has come to a complete standstill after the influx of refugees hailing from the Jargon Federation arrived last week. Furthermore, the Biesellite Immigration and Customs Enforcement have confirmed that a further twenty-six hundred refugees arrived this past weekend.

Biesel Citizenship and Immigration Services, an agency within the Interior Ministry, has revealed that their systems are incapable of coping with such numbers, especially considering that almost three months ago they had to furlough a third of its workforce after budget cuts.

“We just can’t handle all these people especially as our systems are old and half the time doesn’t even work,” said Gerry McGuire who is an employee of the Biesel Citizenship and Immigration Services. “We’ve been working with pen and paper right now, just getting as much as we can do with the basics.”

The Dorn Administration has announced plans to begin overhauling the current system in collaboration with the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. The new system will also include the ability to facilitate much easier employment with the megacorporations beneath the SCC banner.

Congress is still convening on the issue, however, several law reporters are currently sitting in on the hearing of the notion, which is currently aimed at whether the Republic of Biesel should grant asylum to those seeking it, and will give us updates on any developments made during the hearing of the notion. We will continue to update you on this situation in the upcoming days.

Jargon Federation Confirms Rogue Tupkala

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


The Tupkala Commandos spotted in the Romanovich cloud are confirmed to be rogue agents. The SCC and Jargon Federation begin a full investigation into the matter.

Editor's note: Translated to Basic.

Talks between the Jargon Federation and the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate (as well as the Republic of Biesel) have unearthed that the Tupkala Commandos on a NanoTrasen corporate asset within the Romanovich Cloud had no ties with the skrellian superpower. The current hypothesis outlined during the discussions seems to allude to these intruders as being rogue agents acting independently.

Earlier this week NanoTrasen’s Phoron Research Station, the NSS Aurora, was boarded by both fleeing refugees and unmarked intruders allegedly sporting the familiar look of the Tupkala Commandos. They terrorized the NSS Aurora for roughly two hours before drones dispatched by the NDV Icarus made quick work of the hostiles and their spacecraft.

"She was speaking to one of the refugees when she had this odd feeling right before she felt her head was overwhelmed and she could barely move from the pain." says Kathira El-Hashem, "Then suddenly they were just there, one of them took the refugee and was gone again in the blink of an eye, almost faster than she could manage to notice."

The Stellar Corporate Conglomerate and the Jargon Federation (with authorisation from the Republic of Biesel) are supposedly beginning a full-blown investigation into these hostile agents. They have supposedly leased roughly a dozen “Ruupkala” (intelligence officers) to assist in the investigation with the support of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate.

The Jargon Federation has also issued a statement of condemnation regarding the acts committed by these individuals, further citing this as evidence into the disbarment and re-evaluation of the Tupkala, and possibly the Kala.

Jargon Ambassadors request mass deportations!

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


The Jargon Federation requests that Skrell refugees are deported back to the Federation

Editor's note: Translated to Basic.

Several issues have arisen within interstellar relations and internal management as a result of the arrival of a few thousand individuals seeking asylum within the Republic of Biesel. In addition, the Biesel Immigration and Customs Enforcement is anticipating the arrival of many more in the coming days.

As part of its diplomatic discussions with the Republic of Biesel, the Jargon Federation is pushing for mass deportations of these recent arrivals, citing the fact that the primary reason for their arrival [the turbulent political environment] is in fact fanciful, especially after the Primary Election. There has been no additional information provided by the Dorn Administration on this subject.

“The fact that they are allowing all these people here is just incredible like they are going to have no jobs left for those that live here," said Wei Lu, a citizen of the Republic of Biesel who resides in Mendell City. “We’ve barely recovered from the Solarian Invasion, and they expect us to somehow cater for all those people?”

The majority of asylum seekers have been detained in detention centres until Congress has concluded the idea of providing sweeping authorizations for recently arrived asylum-seekers. As reported by Law Reporters, President Dorn will address the Republic of Biesel this weekend with their decision close at hand.

Our team will keep you informed of any developments within the Orion Spur, as well as any other interstellar news. Despite the perilous times we live in, readers, stay safe.

Tau Ceti Integrates Asylum Seekers

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


The TCFL sees an influx of Skrell applicants as the Republic of Biesel refuses to deport refugees back to the Jargon Federation.

Editor's note: Translated to Basic.

BREAKING: Tau Ceti officials have reported that Skrell asylum seekers can be granted full citizenship upon enlistment in the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion. This announcement comes days after an unprecedented influx of Skrellian refugees following turbulent electoral results in the Jargon Federation, and officials are worried about what this means for the future of military politics.

“With such a strong number of Skrell now counted among the [Tau Ceti] Foreign Legion, one wonders what this means for Skrell-specific warfare,” said Prefect Mark Ynonnes, “Their psionics are a rather big one.”

In addition, Biesel authorities have reportedly been assigned planet-specific “refugee quotas”, which has resulted in at least one Skrellian family separation. Sentient-rights associations have expressed concern that the future of Skrell in Tau Ceti could closely resemble a militarized satellite population.

“It wouldn’t be unheard of for a marginalized group to be taken advantage of,” said Ynonnes, “Especially with the instability we’ve been seeing across multiple facets of the galactic stage.”

However, some economists are saying that the migrant crisis could bring new industries. Tau Ceti scientific institutes could greatly benefit from more educated Skrell, and some experts are interested in what a new Skrell population could do for their new human hosts.

Reports from various Megacorporations, including Nanotrasen and satellites of Zeng-Hu, have noted increased employment offers within pockets of these Jargon refugees. What this means for the future of Megacorps in Tau Ceti is still up for debate, but more of these Skrell in positions of labour and leadership seems to be on the horizon.

Explosion kills dozens; Embassy leveled

News Article


Writer : Caelphon

Editor : Monomyth


The Jargon Federations Embassy is bombed and dozens are killed as a link between the terrorists and Skrellian refugees is suspected.

Editor's note: Translated to Basic.

BREAKING - Mendell City officials report that the Jargon Federation Embassy has been bombed by foreign elements. A terrorist attack destroyed the Jargon Federation Embassy located within District One of Mendell City, resulting in the deaths of dozens, including many Jargon diplomatic representatives. It is believed an early warning from NanoTrasen managed to save the lives of many within the Embassy and its surrounding city bloc, however, it came too late for a full evacuation to have occurred.

An asteroid station in Aurora was also targeted in a related terrorist attack, which resulted in the theft of experimental materials; experts are now concluding those stolen materials share similar explosive properties with those used in the Jargon Embassy attack.

“It’s undeniable that this is the work of the rogue faction that held the Aurora hostage,” said Lieutenant Deputy Bernard Summers, “Our scientific investigation team has matched the same classified energy signatures from the theft to this bombing.”

Deputy Summers spoke to the press shortly after the bombing and promised “justice” against those who had conducted this heinous crime.

“Our hearts go out to the Tau Ceti citizens who were unfortunately caught in the crossfire of this foreign attack, as well as the representatives who we failed to protect.”

Tau Ceti Defense Agencies are investigating potential links between the Aurora hijackers and an influx of Skrell refugees. When questioned by the press, Deputy Summers had this to say,

“There is not a doubt in my mind that the terrorists got through our relaxed borders with the refugees. In my opinion, the TCFL has no idea who is coming or going right now.”

The Jargon Federation has expressed its deepest regrets to the diplomats and Tau Ceti citizens but declined further comment regarding terrorist cells within skrellian refugee ships.