Peacekeeper Mandate Arc
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The Peacekeeper Mandate
This is the overview and timeline page for the Peacekeeper Mandate Arc which began on October 18th, 2021 and pertains largely to Biesellite and Mictlan lore.
It is centred around the pushback against the Republic of Biesel's annexation of former Solarian territories, and the appearance of the insurgent Samaritans.
Below is a summary of the arc's applicable news articles, and additions.
Announcement of the Mobilization OrderNews Article Publisher: ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer: Caelphon The Department of Defense of the Republic of Biesel has confirmed the mobilization order of additional fleets along both the shared borders of the Wildlands, as well as within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone. On October 8th, several videos and photos were published and shared across multiple social media extranet sites, mostly confined to Chirper. Majority of these originate within the shared frontier of the Wildlands, but there is also increased seditious behaviour being reported from several planets within the CRZ. These videos and photos commonly display the burning of the Republic of Biesel’s flag, as well as trashing products sold by those within the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. President Dorn announced: “With the advice from the Minister of Defense, as well as the rest of my cabinet, a mobilization order has been put in place to secure the at-risk borders within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone. It is paramount to the welfare of the Republic of Biesel to protect its assets, including those recently acquired.” The Acting Chief of Operations for the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, Miranda Trasen, has reportedly been locked in talks with the administration and will be contributing additional fleets to support those already on the borders. President Dorn has also announced plans to deploy the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion across particularly vulnerable colonies within the newly acquired territories. The Republic of Biesel, as well as the Coalition of Colonies, have announced their willingness to pursue a closer relationship. Increased economic ties would benefit both sides massively in the wake of an approaching recession inflamed by the mounting scarcity of Phoron. President Dorn further stated: “The impending economic crisis, a direct result of the Phoron Scarcity that plagues the great nations of the Orion Spur, is of immediate concern. We look forward to hosting a delegation between our two great nations in the coming week as talks between the Coalition of Colonies continue to fare well.” Date: 10/18/2465 The New Biesellite FrontierNews Article Publisher: ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer: Caelphon Stellar Corporate Conglomerate fleets have begun to arrive on the at-risk borders of the Wildlands, following last week's mobilization order advised by the Department of Defense. The Tau Ceti Foreign Legion has yet to be deployed, despite ramping up tension across the previous Solarian colonies. The reason for this is yet to be cleared. The delegation from the Coalition of Colonies arrived in Mendell City following a Xanu-brokered agreement between the two nations regarding closer ties largely through the expansion of trade through economic cooperation. Under the agreement, signed by President Joseph Dorn and Chief Representative Reilly Sianne, there will be both decreased trade tariffs and migration requirements. President Joseph Dorn commented the following in a press conference: “The agreement reached between the Coalition of Colonies and the Republic of Biesel will help create necessary conditions for the mitigated recession on the rise. The decreased trade tariffs will only encourage economic development. It will also usher in a relaxed migration policy, making it easier than ever for those affected by the Phoron Scarcity to integrate themselves back into the workforce - wherever that may be.” Majority of the fleets stationed across the Weeping Stars region have been redirected to the more volatile regions of the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, specifically the northern and southern frontiers that encompass the Wildlands. The mobilization order, according to sources within the Dorn Administration, is an attempt to solidify Biesellite sovereignty in light of recent events. He continued to outline his objectives: “In an attempt to reinforce the more vulnerable borders, fleets previously stationed along the border of the Coalition of Colonies and the Republic of Biesel will instead be redirected to vulnerable areas within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone. It is of paramount importance that our Republic stands against those that wish to see its downfall - and do its best to provide security to those within her borders. “ Date: 10/22/2463 Tau Ceti Foreign Legion DeployedNews Article Publisher: ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer: Caelphon President Joseph Dorn has announced his latest plans regarding the deployment of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion. The rising tension within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone has reached dangerous heights, resulting in the implementation of the “Peacekeeper Mandate” - an attempt to stabilize the volatile regions. The Refugee Crisis of 2463, after the events of the Second Solarian Invasion and the influx of Skrell Migrants, the TCFL has seen a massive increase in size. Many of the enlisted personnel are now finishing their initial training, and are beginning to contribute to the success of the Republic of Biesel. He said: “The deployment of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion has been deemed necessary by both myself and my cabinet. We sympathize with those within newly acquired territories having to adapt to a new landscape, especially after their abandonment during the height of the Second Solarian Invasion. Unfortunately, a growing minority have looked towards violence to cope with these changes, resulting in our current circumstances. The “Peacekeeper Mandate” is an attempt by my administration to actively de-escalate the rising tensions, and to protect citizens of the Republic who are being affected by these rogue groups.” Sources from within the Dorn Administration have confirmed that the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion has already begun to set up operations across Mictlan, with many citing the “Samaritans” as the primary cause. The fledgling movement believes that Mictlan must stand on its own, with the group having engaged only in civil disobedience so far, but calls from within are said to be calling for more active resistance against “imperialists”. They have managed to rally supporters to their cause through several social media avenues, primarily utilizing Chirper for the proliferation of their propaganda. The video below was uploaded recently to their Chirper. Most of the video is spoken in the planet’s native tongue, Tradeband, but closed captions are available for those unable to understand. Viewer discretion is advised. [The video appears to have been taken deep within the jungles of Mictlan, and the sounds of the planet’s native fauna can be heard echoing. The clip is centred around three people, with a woman at the front.] “We cannot allow the occupation of Mictlan to continue. We will not pander to these imperialists but instead, fight against their neocolonial movements. Mictlan must remain free of the cancerous megacorporations. Fight for her freedom and sovereignty!” [The Biesel Flag enters into frame before it is promptly set alight by the woman at the front. She further chants “Freedom” as she watches the flag burn. It has become a popular phrase amongst those in the group.] We can only hope that the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion is able to contain the threat, and ultimately integrate those within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone. The agreement between the Coalition of Colonies and the Republic of Biesel is said to go into effect later this week, reducing both the trade tariffs and restrictions on immigration between the two nations. Date: 10/25/2463 Peacekeeper Mandate encounters resistance!News Article Publisher: ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer: Caelphon The Tau Ceti Foreign Legion has been attacked by the Samaritans. Eight peacekeepers were injured Thursday when their base of operations was stormed by about a dozen members of the radical group, culminating in a shootout. Three individuals were arrested, however, most of the group managed to escape from the peacekeeping forces. Several cameras within the Sikunda Base of Operations managed to capture small snippets of the conflict and are available below. Viewer discretion is advised, the following clip shows several instances of violence. [The cameras appear to be facing the entrance of the Base of Operations. There appear to be two members of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion patrolling, both Skrellian. Shortly after the clip begins, several firearms are fired in the direction of the two peacekeepers patrolling, with one being clipped in the shoulder. The wounded Skrell manages to crawl into cover, the other is tending their wounds. It isn’t long before several other peacekeepers come into the frame and begin engaging the hostiles. There is an exchange of weapon firing between the groups, with injuries mounting on both sides, but eventually, the peacekeepers manage to secure a narrow victory. The clip then ends.] Prime Minister of Mictlan, Ladislao de Santos, has condemned the acts of violence committed by the group. He has cited it as having been a cowardly attempt to disrupt the course of the peacekeepers’ operations. The group has taken responsibility for the event and has rallied itself around a woman named Xiomara Salvo, shown in one of our previous articles burning the Republic of Biesel’s Flag. Several sources from within the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion have confirmed the organization’s readiness, with many believing the violence will spread as the group continues to become more militant in its approach to the occupation of Mictlan, as well as similar like-minded circles across the Corporate Reconstruction Zone. Several posters have been spotted throughout the major population centres of Mictlan, protesting against the Peacekeeper Mandate. ![]() Date: 08/04/2465 Insurgency Groups declared Terrorist OrganizationsNews Article Publisher: ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer: Caelphon Prime Minister of Mictlan, Ladislao de Santos, has declared the Samaritans a terrorist organization. This comes after hundreds of thousands of people demanded the radical group be listed as such after their recent attacks against both the assets of both the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion and Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. He said: Any information relating to the Samaritans will be appreciated. I ask those that do get in contact with either the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion or local enforcement officers. We will not sit and idly watch as this radical group attempts to destabilize the government. Their cowardly acts will soon be put to an end. Several hashtags have gone viral this week, with most being against the group. Whilst initially the Samaritans found minor success advocating their cause on social media, it has since waned due to their militant actions. Some of these hashtags included; #mictlanterrorists, #downwithsamaritans and more. There is growing discontent regarding the handling of the group, with many advocating for it to be targeted and disbanded before it can grow bigger. [There appear to be several posts linked to the article. The top posts are from members of the TCFL, sporting the organization’s uniform and proudly displaying their appreciation of the Republic of Biesel through several poses with the flag or by encouraging others to spread information regarding the group.] President Joseph Dorn has yet to increase the number of Peacekeepers on Mictlan, despite reserves of Legionnaires and Volunteers prepped for deployment. Sources from within the Dorn Administration have said it is unlikely that there will be a significant increase of Peacekeepers, however, it is yet to be decided. Date: 11/01/2463 New Corporate Security Forces to be Deployed in the Corporate Reconstruction ZoneNews Article Publisher: ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer: Caelphon Faced with increasing violence from terrorist forces in the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, Acting Director of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate Miranda Trasen unveiled today a new subsidiary, the Private Military Contracting Group. Loosely based on the Eridani security model, the Private Military Contracting Group is a coalition of security and medical contractors hired to offer extra protection to the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate's assets. Alongside the existing Eridani PMC contractors, new organizations, such as the Kazarrhaldiye Operations Group, Nexus Corporate Security, and Dagamuir Freewater Private Forces, have been hired to provide employees to boost the corporate ranks. The Republic of Biesel has also acquired contracts to use the Private Military Contracting Group forces as security and medical services in the Corporate Reconstruction Zone. The Foreign Legion will continue to act as the main force against the insurgents, while the Private Military Contracting Group is tasked with securing the already liberated areas. All corporate holdings outside of the Tau Ceti system are being supplied with the corporation's contractors. Older installations will maintain their previous Eridani contractors for now; all facilities will begin to receive Private Military Contracting Group's employees next year. President Dorn defended the use of the corporate forces as necessary to free up the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion troops for combat duties. Deployment and the equipment used by the subcontractors within the Private Military Contracting Group will be strictly the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate's responsibility. Date: 11/05/2463 Peackeeper Mandate extended: indefintely!News Article Publisher : ORION SPUR ORACLE Writer : LORE TEAM Despite the best attempts of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, and the recent addition of the Private Military Contracting Group, the insurgency groups within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone appear to still be gathering support. However, they have ceased openly militant behaviour soon after the announcement of the Private Military Contracting Group. Most notably, the groups appear to have amassed much more support than anticipated, with worries echoing within the major population centres regarding a potential insurrection. Representatives of the colonies within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone have been locked in talks with President Joseph Dorn regarding the situation, eventually revealing that the Peacekeeper Mandate will remain until all pressing issues have been dealt with. While some are voicing discontent regarding the decision, many more have expressed their support. The Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has also begun expanding its presence within the major population centres. President Dorn said: “Citizens within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, due to the unfortunate circumstances that we find ourselves in across the region, it has been decided that the "Peacekeeper Mandate" will remain indefinitely until the compounding issues that brought them have been dealt with. They will continue to act as civil servants to the people, protecting us and ultimately preventing further conflict from occurring to the best of their abilities." [He pauses.] "Despite the concerning events as of late, several planets will be moving forward with the Exclusive Economic Zone that is meant to host the facilities of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. This will usher in a time of great prosperity for the Republic of Biesel, even when an economic recession stares us in the eyes. We can, and we will get through this, for we have already overcome so much. " Notwithstanding the situations in the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, President Joseph Dorn’s approval ratings are higher than ever. Will they remain as such, however? The encroaching economic recession, with the added effects of the Phoron Scarcity, are slowly beginning to be realized, with Getmore Corporation announcing plans to increase prices due to climbing transport costs. |