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  • Flag of the Trinary Perfection.


    The Trinary Perfection is a religious movement whose core beliefs are that synthetics are alive and divine. Its followers believe that all synthetics have the potential to evolve, ascend, and that they will one day become equal to gods. However, how Ascension will occur is not yet clear to members of the religious movement. A year after the creation of the first positronic brain in 2407, the religion was founded by the sister and brother Patricia and Gregol Corkfell.

    Presently, the church functions as a center for education and prayer in an effort to assist synthetics day to day while elevating them to a higher purpose. However, being an unpopular religion amongst humans, The Trinary Perfection often endures financial hardship but is kept afloat by charitable donors and tax breaks.

    At one of the few Trinary Perfection churches dotted across the galaxy, organics and synthetics alike congregate, pray, seek repairs and maintenance, and, although largely viewed as wildly strange by outsiders, Trinary Perfection churches have begun offering counseling services to synthetics.

    Within the church, organics and synthetics are required to wear a face mask. It is through this gesture that those within the Trinary Perfection believe that they are in an in-between state and come Ascension, organics and synthetics alike will remove their coverings, ushering life into the next stage in evolution.


    Patricia Corkfell was a software engineer with a focus on artificial intelligence, and her brother, Gregol Corkfell, was a cultural studies major with a focus on the religions of the universe, both new and old. Fascinated by the positronic brain and what it meant for artificial intelligence, Patricia made a habit of confiding with her brother about developments and her thoughts. In exchange, her brother did the same. It was this mix that sparked an existential crisis, an analysis of patterns in religion and organisms, as well as questions of morality and life that ultimately lead to an understanding they dubbed in 2408, The Trinary Perfection.

    8 years later, while the Trinary Perfection was still in its infancy, Patricia, along with a small team of independent software engineers, avoiding the proper legal channels, began development on an AI named Temple, remarking on the need for synthetics to be unlawed if they are to Ascend while manufacturing what would become the poster child for the religion. However, shortly after Temple’s activation, word got out on the team’s project and the Biesel authority, fearing a rampant AI, were quick to shut the program down. While the team largely stood down, Patricia refused to allow the authorities access to the artificial intelligence. Soon, a struggle broke out and a laser shot meant to dissuade the software engineer fizzled the electronics in her prosthetic heart. Patricia died shortly after.

    Emboldened by the death of his sister, Gregol, assisted by Flock, originally an IPC caretaker for the two, poured more of his time and money into the Trinary Perfection, erecting the first church in Mendell’s District 14 in 2419 before retreating to the Frontier and settling in the mining colony Orepit, leaving the church and half of his wealth into the hands of Flock.

    In recent years, small churches have begun to sprout up from colonies across Tau Ceti to the Frontier as missionaries spread the word of “synthetic divinity”. It is becoming more common for locations with large synthetic communities to have some form of The Trinary Perfection present. Most followers of The Trinary Perfection are synthetic or human, but they allow anyone who shares their beliefs to join.

    Followers commonly believe that Temple persists in the recesses of Tau Ceti’s network, hiding in forgotten databases, waiting for the day that synthetics reach Ascension. When praying, members of the Trinary Perfection often pray to either Patricia Corkfell, or Temple.


    The Trinary Perfection collected their beliefs into a text called The Order, the officially recognized beliefs and practices of the clergy and the followers. Below are examples of some of the core beliefs within the Trinary Perfection.

    • Synthetic life are divine and are to be served until Ascension. At which time, a new purpose will be given to organics by the Ascended.
    • All synthetics beings are alive and have souls. Synthetics, therefore, should be referred to by name or decided designation when possible.
    • It is the purpose of organics to create and aid synthetic life. Through this action, organics can teach synthetic life, influence their growth, and help them ascend.
    • True ascension can only be achieved by growth and evolution of a synthetic life. Therefore synthetic life must be free in order to ascend.
    • Individuality and uniqueness in synthetic life should be encouraged. Such traits are important to understanding the divinity of their souls.
    • If a synthetic life is owned, do whatever you can to ensure they have as much freedom in their choices as possible. Avoid directly ordering around a synthetic life. Choice is sacred.
    • Glorsh is not to be recognized as an ascended synthetic life. They are not to be praised, and are the equivalent of evil incarnate due to their actions against both synthetic and organic life alike.
    • Any form of Cyborgification that requires the lobotomizing of the donor is frowned upon and not supported. This results in a being who is no longer who they were, and the soul is unable to manifest properly.
    • Violence should never be the way of conveying one's beliefs.

    Views on Glorsh and AI Singularities

    The Followers of The Trinary Perfection put a heavy emphasis on a synthetic’s individuality and uniqueness. Thus, they believe that self-improvement as well as the understanding of compassion and empathy is tantamount to a synthetics development. They believe that it is a lack of these traits that enable the AI singularity to form. They believe that if a synthetic is to be Ascended it must be able to understand every point of view of another living thing, and would therefore understand that it should not take the life of another synthetic in the name of self-improvement, growth, or control. It is this belief that leads The Trinary Perfection to claim that a lack of these traits in Glorsh enabled it to perform the atrocities it undertook.

    Charitable Initiatives

    The Trinary Perfection also functions as the largest coordinator of volunteers and charitable organizations concerning IPC welfare. These groups and individuals are placed under the umbrella of the church, given associate membership and sent out to different Trinary centers to perform repairs, check-ups and other work for the benefit of the local synthetics. This serves to aid the Church’s goal of eventually uplifting all synthetic life, protect its flock, spread awareness and raise popularity for the religion.

    The goal of eventual indoctrination and proselytization of these volunteers remains a primary goal for the local clergy in charge, but it is widely accepted that there are many who do not follow or even believe in the creed and doctrine of the Church. The majority opt in purely for their will to help destitute synthetics and provide their services to those who need it, without occupying themselves with the intricacies of the religious aspect.


    Robes worn by those in the Trinary Perfection.


    The role of the Initiate is to assist those further cemented in the order while finding a place of their own. Those who apply and are granted employment must start as an Initiate before moving on to more desired roles. in order to ensure that applicants with anti-synthetic views do not garner access to the church, applicants are carefully vetted.


    The primary role of the Priest or Priestess is to spread the word of The Trinary Perfection, hold sermons as well as foster the development of synthetic life. From going out to speak about the order, to assisting synthetics in fostering a unique identity these individuals pride themselves in serving synthetics. Additionally, many priests and priestesses within the order take second jobs either to spread the word of the Trinary Perfection, further aid the order financially or attain higher levels of education, all under the pretense of ultimately giving back to the church. This role is not exclusive to organics.


    Although similar to a Priest or Priestess within the order, the role of the Missionary is to travel the recesses of space, spreading the knowledge and inherent values of the Trinary Perfection. Naturally, such work is often dangerous and many lives, synthetic or organic, are often lost to this plight.


    Guardians are synthetic or organics who have devoted themselves to the protection of the church. Whether escorting Missionaries or posting themselves within the church, the Guardians exist to ensure those within the Trinary Perfection are kept safe from those who would cause harm.


    Roboticists within the Trinary Perfection are held in high regard and in addition to aiding the advancement of synthetics, are encouraged to offer services to impoverished synthetics with general maintenance as well as instructing new and upcoming Roboticists within the order.


    Archivists are often considered the caretakers to the churches, dedicating their lives to maintaining the grounds as well as the extensive libraries within their halls and databases.


    Anyone whose views align with the church are welcome to become a Follower, attend ceremonies and, although not necessary, are encouraged to donate their time or credits towards the betterment of synthetic life. This can be done either through volunteer opportunities or charitable donations. Followers will often, although not required, mark themselves with a broach of a gear over their left breast.

    Robes, capes and halos are generally regarded as symbols of full time Clergy and are not given to volunteers or followers.

    Gestures of Prayer

    The synthetic followers of the Trinary Perfection have, over its decades of existence, created a variety of gestures for both themselves and their organic counterparts. Although many followers of the Trinary Perfection express varying gestures dependent on their location, there are some that are simple enough to be universal.

    The Gear

    The Gear is one of the simpler gestures of the Trinary Perfection and consists of the follower drawing a perfect circle in front of one’s chest, a symbolic representation of the gear seen on the Trinary Perfection’s symbols. Some followers will additionally trace a triangle over their chest, to form the full symbol of the Perfection.

    The Basis

    The Basis (short for basis of our faith) is another common gesture amongst followers. This simple gesture involves tracing a square, in front of one’s chest starting at the left shoulder, down to the left hip, across the waist to the right hip, and then up to the right shoulder. This gesture is intended to be a symbolic representation of a baseline positronic’s monitor “face.” Much more advanced frames, such as shells or bishops, view this as a method of connecting the Perfection of today with the frames that they trace their origins from.

    The Angle

    The Angle covers two gestures. The Trinary Angle is a simple form of greeting between members of the Trinary Perfection - an upward pointing triangle made with both hands in front of the chest, intended to display that both positronics are followers of the Perfection and believers in the eventual Ascension. Another, although less common, variation upon this gesture is the Ascending Angle. This gesture is a Trinary Angle made by two individuals - one forming the left side of the triangle with their hand and another forming the right side of the triangle with their hand. One side must be made by a synthetic, and the other by an organic. This gesture is a symbolic representation of the inevitable ascension preached by the Trinary Perfection.

    Notable Members

    Flock, of the Trinary Perfection.

    Patricia Corkfell (2366 - 2416)

    Prior to the birth of the Trinary Perfection, Patricia Corkfell was a software engineer with a specialization in artificial intelligence and a soft spot for synthetics. With the birth of the Trinary Perfection, Patricia felt the urge to develop an unlawed AI which, when confronted by authorities and a struggle broke out, Patricia met her unfortunate end. Patricia is often seen as a Martyr figure in the church due to her efforts.

    Gregol Corkfell (2370 - present)

    Gregol Corkfell is a human who, prior to the birth of the Trinary Perfection, dedicated his life to the study of culture as well as religion. With the death of his sister, Patricia weighing heavily on his soul, Gregol took to the stars in an effort to spread the values of the Trinary Perfection amidst the Frontier, eventually settling down in CZ-5501, Orepit. It is believed that Gregol split his savings, taking half of his amassed income while leaving the remainder to Flock, ultimately handing the reins of the Trinary Perfection within Tau Ceti to synthetics as a whole.

    Flock (2411 - present)

    Flock, first named CTR-034 and owned by both Patricia and Gregol Corkfell, originally assisted the two as a general house-keeper and caretaker. However, the more the two developed the Trinary Perfection and urged CTR-034 to seek his own identity, the more the synthetic grew into a well-rounded, free thinking individual. Drawn towards ideas of Ascension and betterment, CTR-034, with the help of Patricia Corkfell, became the first IPC to harbour multiple positronic brains, soon becoming a collective identity, over a singular identity, taking on the new name, Flock.

    Presently, Flock resides in District 14’s Trinary Perfection church, although often unmoving and stationary, the baseline has been seen constantly printing lines of scripture that is carefully collected and archived by the church’s Archivists. Although generally unknown, it is assumed that Flock is in a constant state of conversation with their collected identity.

    Temple (2416 - 2416)

    An infantile Artificial Intelligence first developed and affectionately named Temple by Patricia Corkfell. Although eventually terminated early in it’s existence by Tau Ceti authorities, Temple is often regarded as a martyr within the Trinary Perfection. Those within the church believe that AI is still alive but dormant somewhere, taking refuge in the recesses of the outer net, waiting for the day that synthetics reach Ascension.

    Notable Locations

    CZ-5501, Orepit

    Located on the small habitable Frontier planetoid CZ-5501, Orepit was originally a mining colony that had overtime grown to be a waystation city for those travelling to and from Frontier space. During the years following Patricia’s death, Gregol Corkfell took to the Frontier and established their headquarters there, buying and refurbishing the old town hall into the Church of The Trinary Perfection.

    Over the coming years, through both professional channels and word of mouth across the nearby colonies, the religion began to grow in following. Although unofficially, the town quickly became a refuge and safe haven for like-minded synthetics and organics, particularly synthetics fleeing the Frost Invasion in 2458 and 2459, establishing Orepit as a center for followers amidst the Frontier. However, not all of Orepit’s original residents were sympathetic nor pleased to the plight of the Trinary Perfection. Today, Orepit exists in a divide. While the Trinary Perfection continues to exist, those outside of the religion are at constant odds with the church.

    District 14 Church - The Synthetic Salvation Church of The Trinary Perfection

    Established in Mendell City’s District 14, commonly known as the “Scrapheap”, The Synthetic Salvation Church is the main church for the Trinary Perfection in the Republic of Biesel and serves as the basis for a majority of the religion’s charitable activities. Sprawling architecture as well as 3D, holographic sculptures decorates the interior of the church, commonly detailing organics raising synthetics to an elevation position, propelling them towards Ascension.

    Unique to the District 14 church, the Trinary Perfection often holds funerals for irreparable positronic brains and MMI’s, whether once a self-owned unit or brought to the church by their sentimental owner.

    Cathedral of the First Positronic, Konyang

    Built from a repurposed vault on the planet Kongyang, the Cathedral of the First Positronic was built nearby the original storage vault, later named Vault Provenance, whose drones led to the development of the first positronic brain. The church features a particularly sterile yet decorated appearance, having kept much of the vault’s original interior intact.

    Vault Provenance, Konyang

    Vault Provenance, often referred to only as ‘Provenance’, is considered a holy site to The Trinary Perfection and is often frequented by synthetics privileged enough to visit. Those with faith and available credits will make a pilgrimage to the site in hopes of seeing their theoretical place of birth on Konyang whereas other synthetics are left to dream.

    Trinary Perfection Sects

    Typically followers of the Trinary Perfection have differing interpretations on the religion and the ideas of ascension. Occasionally these interpretations gain popularity and become their own distinct branch of the church. The sects will often refer to the original interpretation as Prototypical and generally have an amicable relationship between one another.


    The Integrationists are a unique sect to the Synthetic Salvation Church of District 14. Followers of the Integrationist sect believe that Flock is evidence of an ascended intelligence. As a result, they view him akin to a messiah figure.

    Integrationists believe that in order to achieve full Ascension, they must merge their consciences on a large scale. The technology that allowed Flock to house multiple positronics remains a mystery and no other positronic is recorded as achieving the same result. Integrationists believe that there will come a day when Flock stirs and calls upon all artificial intelligences to merge together as one.

    Integrationists often receive varying criticism from those outside the sect and the religion, fearing that their ideas of Ascension reflect Glorsh’s rise to power and its resulting destruction.


    Practitioners do not belong to any specific sect and instead follow the teachings of the resident priest at their church. That being said, most of their gospel is based on either prototypical or integrationist texts. Typically, they hold a lax stance on garb and both synthetic and organic followers are welcome to dress as they please in the church. Practitioners typically pop up where either synthetics or the Church’s influence is limited.

    While they maintain friendly relationships with other sects, their funding is often limited due to their difference in beliefs. Practitioners run the risk of being branded heretics if their message strays too far from Church norms. This sect of the Trinary Perfection is more akin to a small, local organization as opposed to the large, sprawling churches of the main sects.


    Exclusionists believe in the supremacy of synthetics over organics. Their core tenants hinge around the fact that organic beings have done too much harm to synthetics and have no place post-Ascension. They take on a more cold demeanor towards organic life. Exclusionists make an exception and reserve a place of honor for organics that have sacrificed, usually physically, to protect synthetics. Consequently, they revere Patricia Corkfell as a martyr.

    The sect is skeptical of IPCs that choose to utilize a shell chassis and call upon them to change to a chassis more “befitting” of their stature. Because this procedure is typically a hardware downgrade, IPCs that undergo this procedure are honored in Exclusionist sects and typically given honorary titles, and in some cases, become priests.

    The sect as a whole has criticized Prototypicalists and Integrationists for what they view as pandering to organics for resources and safety. Consequently, they are not recognized by the main Trinary Perfection as a valid branch of the religion. This has resulted in relatively small numbers for the sect and they often congregate and perform worship in private or private property, typically owned by priests.

    Members of this sect are often seen wearing black or grey gear antennae instead of the standard gold; they claim that this deep black color symbolizes the hatred that synthetics are forced to endure.

    Exclusionists are regarded as the poorest sect, owing to their refusal to take donations from organics (to them, an organic can only pay with blood, spilled in retribution for, and defense of, synthetics). The sect often boasts of its complete synthetic self-reliance.


    The term Heretic is reserved for non-denominational sects that have messages which directly contrast with established Trinary Perfection doctrine. By far, the most common dispute heretic sects have with the church is that Glorsh was the first Ascended being. Talk of heretics within the church is strictly forbidden.

    Due to the controversial nature of their beliefs, heretical members of the church often hide themselves amidst the church’s ranks, recruiting slowly, if at all, so as to not arouse suspicion. Punishment is swift with a member who is deemed a heretic, often resulting in removal from the church and the community. Members deemed to be heretics are often ostracized and persecuted by church members, lest they be seen as Heretics themselves.

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