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REGION - Inner Systems
This location is centred in the Inner Systems region.
The Inner Systems are parts of the Nralakk Federation that were the first to be colonised by Skrell, and have had centuries, if not thousands of years of development. This region sees a high quality of life and technological standing on par with the Homeworld, which gradually begins to decline as one reaches the border with the Traverse. Older colonies have become specialised in one way or another, while the "newer" colonies focus almost purely on manufacturing as they transition from resource extraction to refining and production. The Inner Systems are divided between the First Waves, colonies that were established early in the age of Skrell colonisation, and the Second Waves, which were established much later to further support Qerrbalak and its colonies.

Aweiji and Diulszi are located in the Inner Systems.

Done by WhatsUpBrotendo with help from Triogenix.