The SCCV Horizon on its maiden voyage.
The Odin, home to NanoTrasen Central Command.
A recruitment poster for the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion.
Welcome to the Official Aurorastation Wiki
The wiki for the Aurorastation branch of Space Station 13 with 4514 pages (5 articles) since 28 December 2015.
Please feel free to contribute by creating a new article or expanding upon an existing one. Most content copied or edited gratefully from /tg/ station and Baystation 12. Today's date for the SCCV Horizonпонедельник, 03 март 2467
About Space Station 13Space Station 13 is a paranoia-laden roleplaying game set against the backdrop of a nonsensical, metal death trap masquerading as a space station. Read more here.
AurorastationAurorastation is a Space Station 13 heavy roleplay server that takes place on the SCCV Horizon. The setting features a progressing canon and constant development.
Current EventsKeep up to date with the canon at
ServerThe Aurorastation server is hosted by Arrow768, operating on modified Baystation12 code. Download BYOND to play. Aurorastation: Heavy Roleplay Server — SCCV Horizon : byond://