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The Longbow

The Longbow is the primary offensive armament installed aboard the Horizon, firing 406mm customizable shells that can deal significant damage, even to larger ships. The Longbow can be found on Deck Three, east of the bridge control room, past the Journalist's Office. It is best used as a medium to long range offensive armament against large/armored vessels, and takes a significant time to load.

Ammunition types and loading:

The Longbow's shells start disassembled at the beginning of every shift for safety purposes, as the explosive compounds used in both the warheads and primer are unstable. Each shell is comprised of three parts, a warhead, casing, and primer. The casings and primers are stored in the same room as the weapon itself, with two specialty primers, low power and high power. The specialty primers change the speed of the warhead as it travels through space, with high power making it faster, and low power making it slower.

There are three possible warheads for any shell; High Explosive Warheads, Armor Piercing Warheads, and Bunker Buster Warheads. High Explosive warheads do little against armor but will cause extensive damage to unarmored hulls or already weakened sections. Armor Piercing Warheads, as the name suggests, are designed to punch through armor plates, but have less explosive power compared to HE warheads. The Bunker Buster Warhead is a pure armor piercing shell, with no explosive power at all, however, it can punch through nearly any plating in the spur. These shells can be assembled by taking a primer and using it on a casing, before doing the same with your warhead of choice. Due to the weight and size of the shells, they must be loaded with the Mech located in the Longbow compartment. The assembling of and loading of Longbow shells should be done by Hangar Technicians. TREAT LONGBOW WARHEADS, PRIMERS, AND SHELLS WITH CARE, THEY ARE PRONE TO EXPLODE IF THROWN OR OTHERWISE MISMANAGED.

Assembling and loading a Longbow shell:

Putting Longbow ammunition together and loading it might not appear straightforward, so in order to do so, here are some steps to follow.

1. Select the relevant Warhead from ammunition storage. These can be picked up without an Exosuit. An Exosuit for loading Warheads is only required if you are pre-assembling multiple Casings. If in an Exosuit, pick up the relevant Warheads with the clamp.

2. Bring the Warhead(s) to the Longbow weapon room.

3. Next to the Longbow weapon itself, find and drag a Casing off the rack by ctrl+clicking/pulling it off the rack. You cannot pick them up by hand without an Exosuit clamp.

4. Select a Primer of any type. These can be picked up by hand. Pick one up, and then left click on the casing to apply it. This will take a moment.

5. (Optional) If carrying Warheads in an Exosuit, enter the Exosuit once again, and alt+click on the clamp to drop the Warhead from the exosuit's cargo hold. This will put the Warhead on the floor underneath the Exosuit. Do not move the Exosuit, and do not walk back on top of the Warhead inside it if you do.

6. Take the Warhead in-hand, and left click on the casing to apply it. This will take a moment.

7. Enter the Exosuit, and pick up the assembled Casing with the clamp. You may now load the Longbow as you would any other gun. Only one Casing may be loaded in the Longbow at a time.