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=H'uus, The Irenicworld=
H'uus, the fourth planet in the system of Aunala, which suffered a catastrophic event that led to a large portion of life to be snuffed out. Previously home to over a billion Dionae - now, a mere few hundred thousand dot the landscapes of H'uus. The planet has slowly begun to recover, with assistance from various interstellar nations pledging support.
===The Precursor Epoch===
The bygone era of Dionae on H’uus, where not much is known. It is believed that the Dionae during this period were unawakened, where they have more primitive and primal instincts that guided them. However, there is a unified belief that the Dionae came to H'uus through the asteroid that rests within the Impact, where the Exonem founded their Grand Cathedral dedicated to the Eternal.
===The Celestial Era===
It has been said that the Celestial Era was the beginning of recorded life on H’uus - when the Dionae began to archive their discoveries, advancements and history. During this period strife became common, be it for religious reasoning or cultural differences, the reason didn’t matter. Each faction recorded their own series of events.

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==Notable Systems==
The Archerum
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The formation of the Archerum began shortly after the end of the Precursor Epoch. Previously ‘tribes’ of Dionae, eventually joining after a series of successful conflicts, the Archerum sprung from the united tribes. The creation of the Archon’s Citadel cemented foundation of the Archerum Empire and a city-state developed around the Archon’s Citadel, calling itself Bribri.

The proximity to the coast, and the naturally rich earth of Hebb Island, allowed for trade to boon in its early days. Agricultural output flourished and the ability to provide for a regiments capable of not only defending their borders, but expanding it as well, allowed for the Archerum to grow across Neemono and Hebb.  
===Epsilon Ursae Minoris System===
[[File:Epsilon Ursae Minoris.jpg|thumb|alt=EUM.|Epsilon Ursae Minoris has only one settlement, Qerr'Naal.]]
Epsilon Ursae Minoris is known across the Orion Spur, not only for its untouched wilderness, but also that it was discovered to have been harbouring a Dionae Colony. It is currently a well-known site for pilgrimages for the followers of Dienabi.

Unfettered growth, combined with innovation and discoveries, allowed the Archerum to soar above the communities across H’uus. Technology designed to aid agricultural outputs, and to increase martial prowess of the Empire saw the rise of the levels of prosperity. Trade became common, and the formation of trade routes with the other factions on H'uus began in the late Celestial Era.  
===Rueltab System===
The Rueltab System is currently where the now Dionae-infested [https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Dionae_History#Human_Discovery SASV Ophion] floats derelict. The Rueltab System is located within the Outer Ring of the [https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Sol_Alliance Solarian Alliance]. Majority of the Dionae in the Alliance originate from this System.

===Aunala System===
The Aunala System contains the largest population of Dionae. With numerous Dionae Colonies dotting the landscape on H'uus, there are varying histories and cultures each unique in their own right.
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The Uulga
More information on Aunala
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==Notable Locations==
The Dakryan
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The Exonem
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===Age of Ashes===
It was recorded that shortly before the annual merging of the Archivists, H'uus faced an extinction-level event, with one of its six moons colliding with a sizable celestial object - shattering the moon. This caused sizable chunks on the moon to plunge into H'uus, causing various environmental dangers such as; Tsunamis, Earthquakes and eventually causing a planet-wide ashfall. H'uus was said to have suffered greatly during this time - with millions of Dionae dying due to the lack of exposure to light, as well as an ecological disaster causing the majority of the fauna and flora to die out.
===The Extinction Aeon===
The Ashfall sent the population of H'uus back hundreds, if not thousands of years. With the majority of the Dionae having died, and the planet reeling back from the ecological damage done to it - it made survival almost impossible for those that remained. With only two original archivists surviving the event - they were forced to merge with non-archivists in an attempt to ensure that their history was not lost. Records state that during this period, although no definitive date was given, the small groups of Dionae that had survived reconstructed  ‘Monuments of Light’ severely improving their chances of survival.
===Era of Recovery===
H'uus is currently in the Era of Recovery, where there are few pockets of survivors and with the majority of the ecological damage being repaired over the last few millennia - however, the survivors can still feel the damage from the Age of Ashes. The various settlements across H'uus have slowly begun to expand over the last few centuries will varying success thanks to innovative and tactical decision making by the Overseers of the population centres.
==The Survivors and their Cities==
The majority of the cities dotting H'uus are ruins. Those still operating are considered 'Survivor Clusters' - essentially pockets of surviving Dionae after the '''Age of Ashes'''. There are four major Survivor Clusters, however, there are many more that have yet to reconnect with their surviving brethren.
*'''Bribri''' is one of the '''[[Archerum]]''' settlements that recovered after the '''Age of Ashes'''.  Located along the Isle Canal on the Island of Hebb, Bribri used to be the Capital of the Archerum Empire. Containing the Archon's Citadel, which was refitted to host a majority of the population of Bribri in the '''Era of Recovery'''.
*'''Thes'narr''' is the only settlement of the '''[[Uulga]]'''. Surrounded by mountains, located near the Death Lands of H'uus, Thes'narr survived only thanks to its unique placement. Whilst bordering the twilight zone of H'uus, the Uulga managed to maintain a '''Monument''' throughout, and even after, the '''Age of Ashes'''. Thes'narr is relatively isolated from the vast majority of H'uus and communication between the other factions is limited.
*'''Dakrya''' is essentially the Atlantis of H'uus. Submerged in the Sunken Seas bordering the Broken Lands, shortly after the beginning of the '''Age of Ashes''', the settlement of Dakrya scraped by. The '''[[Dakryan]]''' attached themselves to hydrothermal vents full of radioactive elements to survive and with such poor prospects of survival, splitting became deadly. 
*'''Eternalis''' is the Grand Cathedral of the '''[[Exonem]]'''. Carved within an asteroid that collided with H'uus billions of years before, Eternalis is a monument to the Eternal Faith. The Exonem survived thanks to the Grand Cathedral, which sheltered and offered the Dionae hope. Unlike the other settlements, Eternalis grew exponentially during the '''Age of Ashes'''. The Community within the asteroid grew not only inside it, but surrounding it thanks to having survived on the Searing Barrens - the area of H'uus exposed to Aunala consistently.
[[File:H'uus.PNG|thumb|alt=H'uus|A map of H'uus, with the outlines of the various oceans and islands.]]
H'uus is extremely mountainous, and is home to various flora and fauna that have adapted to the planet's unique circumstances. The atmospheric make-up of H'uus is similar to that of Earth, however, H'uus experiences an atmosphere of 67% oxygen, 14% nitrogen, 10% dihydrogen oxide and 9% carbon dioxide. The crust and mantle of H'uus is extremely valuable thanks to various celestial objects impacting the landscapes - with deposits of Titanium, Bauxite and solid Hydrogen being found across the tidally-locked planet. 
Zones of different climates would occur depending on how far one is from the centre of the side that consistently faces Aunala. Temperatures within the Barren Wastes reach well over 80°C with an extreme lack of life. The earth is cracked due to the lack of exposure to moisture and craters littering the area are common. Along the coasts, huge thunderstorms occur dubbed 'Wraith of the Eternal', when in reality the storms are due to the rapid evaporation of the water.
Further away from the sub-solar point, Aunala would begin to get lower in H'uus' sky and gradually cooler climates would prevail. A small ring that is deemed the most habitable sections of H'uus. These sections will experience a weak, cool wind that consistently be detected due to the Coriolis force of H'uus rotating so slowly. The intense heating of the sub-solar point and the surrounding areas would begin circulating in the atmosphere and transport heat away from the equator. There is an overwhelming presence of various flora which has spread in the small habitable ring of H'uus.
The far side of H'uus is frigid and dark. The only source of warmth is the circulation of the Bleak Chain. Whilst deemed the most dangerous wasteland on H'uus, the amount of life along the coasts is noticeable thanks to the presence of lichens, mosses, grasses and shrubs.
==Flora and Fauna==
Majority of the flora, and fauna, native to H'uus have evolved to survive in the unique circumstances they have found themselves within. A combination of the varying climates due to being tidally-locked, and having survived the '''Age of Ashes''', left the vast majority of ecosystems across H'uus to develop into extremely volatile states. Despite this, some plants and animals have retained their presence of H'uus.
===Shzths (Crusted Monster)===
Shzths, are coastal dwelling crustaceans that measure upwards in size of 30 metres and can weigh as much as three hundred kilogrammes. They have been known to attack naval vessels on the coasts of Bribri, taking not only the vessel but the lives of the crew with it. Their chelipeds are capable of exerting a crushing force of almost half of their weight, making them an incredibly dangerous species. The Shzths usually tend to diet on the aquatic life on H'uus, but it is not unheard for them to feast on isolated Dionae that stray too close to their nests on the coasts of Neemono Island.
===Stztkr (Sky-Dwellers)===
Stztkrs, are creatures that have found a home within the habitable ring's jungles. They are bipedal, with legs spanning 1.2 metres that assist the Stztkr is quickly advance through the treetops located in H'uus' jungles. Primarily feasting on the various pests, as well as on fruit-bearing trees, located within their territory the Stztkr are hardly ever seen out of their habitats within the Broken Lands.

===Krzts (Bottom Feeder)===
===The Royal Garden of Moroz===
Krzts are mosculoids that dwell amongst the Dakryan on the floor of the Sunken Sea. Hosting a large shell, with little to almost no bone within, they have begun to form a symbiotic relationship with the Dakryan. In exchange for Ambergris, the Krzts will allow the Dionae to travel to a from the various islands that make up the Broken Lands. They feed primarily on the plankton within H'uus' oceans, as well as aquatic flora.  
The Royal Garden of Moroz is a Biosphere connect to the Emperor's Palace, and it is also where all of the Dionae found within the [https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Empire_of_Dominia Empire of Dominia] originate from. Due to the unsuitable environment on Moroz, it is extremely paramount that a biosphere exists in order for Dionae to survive.  

===Hstkr (Ice-Dweller)===
===The Abandoned Labs of Xrim===
Hstkr, are small creatures that survive on the coasts of the Death Lands. Their blubber is extremely useful to help insulate against the cold, combined with their ability to burrow within the ice, they have essentially evolved to survive within the arctic regions of H'uus. Although primarily used to burrow within the ice their beak, which protrudes straight up from their head, has also allowed for the Hssh to leave a nasty bite if attacked. They diet on the various lichens and mosses around the Death Lands.  
There are many laboratories through-out the jungles of Xrim - which are now home to hundreds, if not thousands, of Dionae. The Dionae have reconstructed many of the laboratories with their own bodies, and enjoy a high quality of life alongside the Skrell.  

===Hsshu (Ice-Killer)===
Tzschu, are large carnivores with hundreds if not thousands of razor-sharp teeth. Primarily aquatic, they are capable of beaching themselves for a short period of time if need be. They span roughly 60 metres in length, and the most striking detail is their flat head akin to that of a circular plate. Whilst not nautically dynamic, it acts as a shield to break through the ice. They feast on Hstkr and will often linger around their territories.
Qerr'Naal is the only settlement found on Epsilon Ursae Minoris. It is said to have a population of roughly a thousand - the majority being that of Dionae. It is currently governed by [https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Notable_Dionae Director Memoirs Of Those Passed].

===The Eternal Temple===
There is no unified culture on H'uus.
The Eternal Temple is a steel temple dedicated to the Divine Eternal. The outer shell of the building is made of green coloured steel sheeting, welded and formed into natural forms giving the temple an almost organic look. A central, smooth spire rises upwards towards the sky. Internally, the temple is much the same visually. It is extremely well lit and houses a Dionae community centre as well as a large hydroponics bay for the growth of new Dionae nymphs and the mesh weave factories. It can be located in District 11 of Mendell City.
===Life on H'uus===

Текущая версия от 10:01, 1 октября 2020

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  • User:Caelphon/Sandbox/4

    Notable Systems

    Epsilon Ursae Minoris System

    Epsilon Ursae Minoris has only one settlement, Qerr'Naal.

    Epsilon Ursae Minoris is known across the Orion Spur, not only for its untouched wilderness, but also that it was discovered to have been harbouring a Dionae Colony. It is currently a well-known site for pilgrimages for the followers of Dienabi.

    Rueltab System

    The Rueltab System is currently where the now Dionae-infested SASV Ophion floats derelict. The Rueltab System is located within the Outer Ring of the Solarian Alliance. Majority of the Dionae in the Alliance originate from this System.

    Aunala System

    The Aunala System contains the largest population of Dionae. With numerous Dionae Colonies dotting the landscape on H'uus, there are varying histories and cultures each unique in their own right.

    More information on Aunala

    H'uus Lore Pages
    System Information Aunala · H'uus
    History & Culture H'uus History · H'uus Culture
    Factions & Other Information H'uus Factions

    Notable Locations

    The Royal Garden of Moroz

    The Royal Garden of Moroz is a Biosphere connect to the Emperor's Palace, and it is also where all of the Dionae found within the Empire of Dominia originate from. Due to the unsuitable environment on Moroz, it is extremely paramount that a biosphere exists in order for Dionae to survive.

    The Abandoned Labs of Xrim

    There are many laboratories through-out the jungles of Xrim - which are now home to hundreds, if not thousands, of Dionae. The Dionae have reconstructed many of the laboratories with their own bodies, and enjoy a high quality of life alongside the Skrell.


    Qerr'Naal is the only settlement found on Epsilon Ursae Minoris. It is said to have a population of roughly a thousand - the majority being that of Dionae. It is currently governed by Director Memoirs Of Those Passed.

    The Eternal Temple

    The Eternal Temple is a steel temple dedicated to the Divine Eternal. The outer shell of the building is made of green coloured steel sheeting, welded and formed into natural forms giving the temple an almost organic look. A central, smooth spire rises upwards towards the sky. Internally, the temple is much the same visually. It is extremely well lit and houses a Dionae community centre as well as a large hydroponics bay for the growth of new Dionae nymphs and the mesh weave factories. It can be located in District 11 of Mendell City.