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  • Hieroaetheria, from an off-world perspective.


    The history of Hieroaetheria is a tapestry woven with threads of mystery, resilience, and evolution. From the enigmatic Time of Forgetting to the transformative Era of Banners, the Dionae of Hieroaetheria have navigated through epochs that have shaped their civilization in profound ways. The Time of Forgetting stands as a cryptic enigma in the annals of Hieroaetheria. A period shrouded in obscurity, where the Dionae, despite their longevity, find themselves unable to recall the origins of their arrival on the planet. This era, characterized by a collective amnesia, fuels the intellectual curiosity of the planet's inhabitants, driving them to seek answers amidst the veil of forgetfulness.

    The Time of Forgetting (Before 42 BCE)

    The first, and most mysterious period of Hieroaetherian history. No Dionae that is alive or coherent can remember how or when they as a people touched down on the planet. Most species in the spur are much more accustomed to having forgotten eras, but for those of the Commonwealth, the drive to chronologise their history spans as infinitely as their lifespan; that nothing, nothing at all can be gleaned from the time of forgetting to the time of awakening is a significant anomaly, and one that irritates and seduces the intellectuals of the planet in search for answers.

    The Time of Awakening (42 BCE - 221 CE)

    The Time of Awakening in the history of Hieroaetheria marks a pivotal era that commenced around 42 BCE and extended until 221 CE. This period represents the genesis of the Dionae civilization on the planet, characterized by an emergence from the earth itself. As the Dionae surfaced from the cavern systems beneath Mede, they were met with a harsh and unforgiving environment, leading to high attrition rates among the First Generation. Initially naive and unprepared for the challenges of the planet, the Dionae of the First Generation faced a daunting reality where they perceived the land as rejecting them, viewing their existence as a form of torment. In response to this perceived rejection, the First banded together in defiance, constructing Epigenia, a fortified city that served as both a sanctuary and a bastion against the adversities of their surroundings. The Time of Awakening witnessed the unity and resilience of the Dionae as they navigated through a period of uncertainty and adaptation. The establishment of Epigenia symbolized a collective resolve to confront the mysteries and adversities of their newfound existence, laying the foundation for the subsequent epochs of Hieroaetheria's history. This era of awakening set the stage for the Dionae to forge their identity, culture, and societal structures amidst the enigmatic backdrop of their planet's landscape.

    The Abandonment (221 CE - 500 CE)

    The Abandonment was a period in the history of Hieroaetheria that was a critical juncture that reshaped the trajectory of the Dionae civilization on the planet. By this time, Epigenia had been ruled over by a Gerontocracy composed of those first few Dionae that rose from the soil several hundred years ago. It had been characterized by internal strife, ideological divergence, and the fracturing of unity among the Dionae population, leading to a mass exodus from the fortified city. A rift emerged between factions loyal to the Gerontocracy, advocating for the preservation of traditional structures, and those seeking new horizons beyond the city walls, yearning for exploration and independence. This ideological schism deepened as debates over governance, resource allocation, and the future of the Dionae society intensified.

    As the divide widened, factions within Epigenia began to coalesce around divergent visions for the future. Those advocating for exploration and expansion beyond the confines of the city sought to break free from the Gerontocracy's control, envisioning a nomadic lifestyle that embraced the unknown frontiers of Hieroaetheria. The mass exodus from Epigenia marked the culmination of the Abandonment, symbolizing a definitive break from the past and a bold step into the uncharted territories of the planet. The departure of Dionae from the fortified city heralded a new chapter in the history of Hieroaetheria, characterized by exploration, independence, and the quest for identity beyond the confines of Epigenia.

    The Abandonment left a profound impact on the societal structure of Dionae civilization. The exodus from Epigenia led to the dispersal of clusters across the planet, giving rise to nomadic lifestyles, decentralized governance structures, and a diversity of cultural practices. The legacy of the Abandonment reverberated through subsequent epochs, shaping the geopolitical landscape and social dynamics of Hieroaetheria. Culturally, this decision has always carried the weight of finality to it: the Dionae of Hieroaetheria were no longer one unified body of kindred, and things would never be the same.

    The Era of Banners (500 CE - 1500 CE)

    The Era of Banners represented a transformative period characterized by exploration, factionalism, and the emergence of distinct cultural identities among the Dionae population. This era followed the Abandonment, marking a shift from unity to fragmentation as Dionae clusters dispersed across the planet, competing for resources and territory amidst the challenges of their environment. These clusters, driven by the need for survival and the quest for habitable lands, ventured into uncharted territories, navigating through the planet's diverse landscapes and encountering both natural obstacles and rival factions. The competition for resources and territory intensified, shaping the dynamics of interaction and conflict among the dispersed Dionae communities.

    Amidst the nomadic lifestyle prevalent during the Era of Banners, the Dominion emerged as a significant entity, establishing roots in specific regions and laying the foundation for a more settled existence. The relative safety and navigability of certain regions attracted Dionae, leading them to establish settlements and communities that would later evolve into centers of cultural and political significance. The scarcity of industrial resources in these areas did not pose an immediate challenge, allowing for a gradual expansion and consolidation of the Dominion’s presence.

    In contrast to the exploration and expansion of nomadic clusters, the Gerontocracy of The First Generation experienced a period of stagnation during the Era of Banners. The councilship class within the Gerontocracy secluded themselves further, relying on intermediaries to manage affairs and oversee operations. The overpopulation and squalor within the capital city of Epigenia prompted the Gerontocracy to expand slowly, focusing on district expansions rather than establishing new settlements. This conservative approach to growth and governance reflected a deep-rooted adherence to tradition and a reluctance to embrace change.

    It wasn’t until the latter part of the Era of Banners that Hieroaetheria witnessed significant technological advancements and the onset of the industrial revolution within Hieroaetheria. Originating from Epigenia, the drive to innovate and improve resource extraction methods became essential for sustaining the growing population and infrastructure. The utilization of Dionae's unique properties in resource extraction not only enhanced production but also provided new sources of sustenance and growth for the population. This technological progress led to the expansion of settlements into regions like Gla’orr, driven by the need to access vital resources such as oil, tar and sulfur.

    The Triumph of Smoke and Steel (1500 CE - 2000 CE)

    Marked by the industrial revolution and the emergence of technological innovations that reshaped the landscape of the planet, the Triumph of Smoke and Steel is the name given to the industrial revolution of Hieroaetheria. It was driven by the pressing need to innovate and improve resource extraction methods to sustain the growing population and infrastructure. Originating from Epigenia, this era saw the development of advanced technologies that utilized the unique properties of Dionae for resource extraction, food production, and population growth. The utilization of Dionae's biological properties in machinery and resource extraction not only enhanced production but also provided new sources of sustenance and growth for the population.

    During this era, the Dionae expanded into regions like Gla’orr, primarily to access vital resources such as oil and sulfur fields. The expansion into Gla’orr, driven by the need for resources and growth, led to a period of turmoil in Epigenia. The benefits reaped from technological advancements were concentrated within the first city of Epigenia, leading to discontent among the population. In 1630 CE, Epigenia’s infrastructure ground to a halt in protest against the Gerontocracy's rule, culminating in a civil war that ended in 1700 CE with the Gerontocracy's acceptance of the terms set by the opposing side. The First were reinstalled as advisors to a democratically elected board of representatives, and by 1800 CE the Affiliated was born.

    Simultaneously, the Dominion underwent a transformation into an independent entity, trading technology from Epigenia and consolidating banner tribes into a unified organization. They faced internal conflicts and external pressures, engaging in constant wars and negotiations with itself. The Dominion’s evolution into an independent nation and their interactions with the Consortium and external forces shaped the political landscape of Hieroaetheria during the Era of Triumph and Steel.

    The Biochemical Computation Revolution (2000 CE - 2300 CE)

    The Biochemical Computation Revolution was propelled by the discovery of protein chains and nucleotide sequences within life on Hieroaetheria. This discovery led to the birth of biomechanics, a unique scientific field that aimed to apply biochemistry in mechanical and computational contexts. Numeromancers and Biochemists specializing in this field utilized their gestalt intelligences as a multithreaded program to algorithmically process combinations and applications of protein chains and nucleotide sequences. This technique enabled the cracking of genomes of various organisms, both within and outside the planet, leading to the emergence of organic machinery with unprecedented capabilities.

    One of the most significant outcomes of the Biochemical Computation Revolution was the development of biomechanical computers and machinery fueled by biomass or the operator's metabolism. These innovative technologies represented a fusion of existing concepts from analog and digital hardware, harnessing the unique properties of Dionae biology to create advanced computational systems. The utilization of biomass as a source of energy and the integration of organic components into machinery marked a paradigm shift in technological evolution, enabling the creation of highly efficient and sustainable systems that surpassed traditional mechanical and computational devices.

    The specialized techniques employed by Numeromancers and Biochemists during the Biochemical Computation Revolution allowed for the rapid processing and application of complex biological data in mechanical and computational systems. By leveraging their gestalt intelligences and algorithmic processing capabilities, researchers and engineers in Hieroaetheria were able to unlock the full potential of Dionae biology for technological innovation. This led to the development of advanced biomechanical computers, machinery, and systems that enhanced productivity, efficiency, and computational power across various sectors of society.

    The legacy of the Biochemical Computation Revolution continues to shape the technological trajectory of Hieroaetheria, setting the stage for further advancements in biomechanics, organic machinery, and computational systems. The fusion of biochemistry and technology during this era not only enhanced the civilization's capabilities but also paved the way for future innovations and discoveries. As Hieroaetheria navigates the challenges of resource depletion and environmental sustainability, the lessons and advancements of the Biochemical Computation Revolution serve as a testament to the ingenuity and adaptability of the Dionae civilization in harnessing the power of their biology for technological progress.

    The Last Vociferation, and the Sundering of The Exospheric Barrier (2300 CE - 2380 CE)

    By this point, Numeromancers across the planet begin to realize that the Commonwealth is set to deplete its natural resources and biosphere in under an eon. For several decades, the political organs of the world remained stuck in a gridlock of policy: Whether or not resources should be allocated to slower, sustainable growth, or to continue rapid expenditure in favor of an accelerated space program.

    The Last Vociferation, a monumental event that shook the population of Hieroaetheria to their core, occurred in 2378 CE, heralding a moment of profound revelation and realization for the Dionae. This cosmic transmission, distorted by the interference from their star, conveyed two crucial messages that reverberated across the planet. Firstly, it revealed the existence of more Dionae beyond the atmospheric veil of their planet, hinting at an unimaginable scale of their species' presence in the cosmos. Secondly, the transmission was interpreted as a death scream, indicating the presence of a colossal and potentially dangerous entity capable of threatening the consciousness of the Dionae

    The Last Vociferation triggered a paradigm shift in the political and technological priorities of Hieroaetheria. The revelation of more Dionae beyond their planet's boundaries instilled a sense of urgency and unity among the population, prompting the Consortium to push for a joint program aimed at fortifying the homeworld while pursuing an accelerated space program. This decision was driven by the realization that the planet's natural resources and biosphere were at risk of depletion, necessitating a strategic balance between sustainable growth and rapid technological advancement to ensure the civilization's survival and expansion.

    These outcomes led to the Consortium pushing for a joint program of fortifying the homeworld whilst pursuing a space program, the latter achieved with relative ease thanks to the gravity of their planet and the inherent resilience of the species.

    The Extraterrestrial Intervention (2380 CE - 2390 CE)

    The Extraterrestrial Intervention, spanning from 2380 CE to 2390 CE, set the stage for the historic encounter between the Dionae and the Skrell. In 2383 CE, a Skrell survey team, while charting through the system, intercepted communications from the burgeoning satellite network in orbit of Hieroaetheria, sparking curiosity and prompting further investigation. The Consortium's scientific body engaged in a dialogue with the Skrell vessel, initiating a series of inquiries and exchanges that laid the groundwork for formal contact five years later. The legacy of first contact between the Dionae and the Skrell resonates throughout the annals of Hieroaetheria, shaping the civilization's trajectory towards interstellar cooperation, technological advancement, and cultural exchange.

    The Start of the Conglomeration (2391 CE - 2445 CE)

    Following the establishment of first contact with the Skrell in 2390 CE, the Ekane region of Hieroaetheria experienced a period of rapid change and ideological transformation. The Eternal Republic of the Ekane emerged as a unifying force, blending religious authority with political governance to uplift Dionae civilization and safeguard it against external interference. The Dominion, a dominant conglomerate within the region, transitioned from a despotic hegemony to an autocratic theocracy, consolidating power and influence under the banner of the Eternal Republic. Between 2395 CE and 2430 CE, the Eternal Republic of the Ekane expanded its reach and influence across Hieroaetheria, extending its teachings and doctrines to other conglomerates within the region. Missionaries disseminated the ideals of the Eternal, attracting followers and consolidating power under a unifying religious authority. The Ecclesiarchs played a pivotal role in guiding the transformation of the Dominion into the Eternal Republic.

    Simultaneously, the Consortium underwent significant evolution and growth during the Start of the Conglomeration. Originally known as the Affiliated, the Consortium expanded its borders and influence, harnessing advanced bio-technological innovations to propel itself technologically ahead of other civilizations within Hieroaetheria. The Consortium itself began to rely heavily upon the Nralakk Federation for support, but this did not sit well with everyone in the Consortium, who were a few years prior bunkering their planet up for a potential invasion. Now, the planet was being probed and shaped by extraterrestrial interests, both in distant Ekane and on the homefront with the Skrell. When the Consortium formally accepted the Skrell-named Nral’daaq as a joint name for Epigenia, this was considered the final straw for the hardliners, and the Gla’orr territories broke off to form their own union. The Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria established in 2445 CE aimed to maintain transparency and cooperation among the factions, while advancing their colonization programs and safeguarding their interests against external threats.

    The Unknown Future of Titan’s Rapture (2446 CE - Now)

    The Independence of the Republic of Biesel (2452 CE)

    The Independence of the Republic of Biesel brought forward significant changes to the political foundation of the Orion Spur. Though the Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria had largely been diplomatic with the Solarian Alliance thanks to their relationship with the Nralakk Federation, and the presence of megacorporations within their borders, the establishment of the Republic threw a wrench into the works. Though having not publicly announced any support or opposition to the Republic of Biesel’s founding, the years after were crucial in fostering a friendly relationship between the two, primarily originating from the presence of megacorporations within the Consortium’s on-and-off-world territories. However, the relationship with the Solarian Alliance was still considered of importance, especially to appease their Nralakk Benefactors.

    First Solarian Invasion of the Republic of Biesel (2458 CE)

    The Invasion of the Republic of Biesel by the Solarian Alliance, in particular by Michael Frost, led to a cooling of relations between the Commonwealth, Solarian Alliance and the Republic of Biesel. Fearing to incur the wrath of the sleeping giant, and lacking any ability to project power, the Commonwealth maintained neutrality inspite of the Nralakk Federation decrying the usage of both integrated positronic chassis and artificial beings in military applications. By the end of the occupation of the Republic of Biesel, the Commonwealth had once again begun maintaining their diplomatic relationship with both the Solarian Alliance and the Republic of Biesel, though with less vigour than prior to the First Invasion.

    Second Solarian Invasion of the Republic of Biesel (2462 CE)

    The Second Solarian Invasion went similarly to the first for the Commonwealth; with an inability to project any meaningful power, they sought to retain their neutrality to the matter. Despite a closer relationship with the Republic of Biesel, more owing to the increased presence of the Eternal and the Omnivirate, they remained out of any direct interference alongside the Nralakk Federation. However, this did result in some mild tension with many of the interstellar agents of the Orion Spur, there was also an understanding that the Commonwealth had to ensure any action taken was in the best interests of its own. The establishment of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate had wide-ranging effects on the Spur, and despite their neutrality, the Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria was not exempt. Changes to the operation of the megacorporations present within their borders were felt, and economic changes were necessary to rectify any gaps that began to form.

    Phoron Scarcity (2462 CE - Ongoing)

    For the nations of Titan’s Rapture, the phoron scarcity of the early 2460s CE has had little impact on their operations, having most of their production and infrastructure on the home planet, and their presence as a spacefaring power is still developing. The only shortage sustained by the nation was that of equipment, materials, and personnel required to modernize Rapture as a spacefaring system. A setback measured in decades is trivial for most Dionae, and the Consortium sought to instead promote a reliance on Helium-3 and Warpdrives – with several plans presented before the Commonwealth to begin seeking out deposits of Helium-3 within Titan’s Rapture and exploiting it.

    Solarian Collapse (2462 CE - 2465 CE)

    During the Balkanization of the Solarian Alliance, Rapture’s territory bordered that of the Solarian Restoration Front. Expansion and scouting beyond the Commonwealth’s territory ground to a halt, as SRF frigates would engage or take pot shots at Dionae vessels at any opportunity. While Rapture prepared for an invasion that would hopefully never come, refugees, political dissidents, and wild or otherwise displaced Dionae filtered in and out of the Consortium’s cities. These temporary arrivals were barred entry into Gla’orr, and with the exception of willing Dionae converts, Ekane. To maintain the Commonwealth, Gla’orr and Ekane instead provided food, resources, and materials to the Consortium. Of these refugees, most were human, and by the conflict’s end, most had filtered out aside from a few interested parties and a handful of political refugees taking advantage of Rapture’s relative neutrality. Significantly more Dionae chose to remain.

    Second Colonial Conflict of the Nralakk Federation (2464 CE)

    The so-called Second Colonial Conflict of the Nralakk Federation that resulted in a somewhat reconciliation of old ideals with new ideals, ending in a more “democratic” Federation, had astonishing impact on the Commonwealth of Hieroaetheria. Its close proximity to the borders of the frontier of the Nralakk Federation placed the Commonwealth in an awkward positions where they began to ramp up development of the Commonwealth Naval Authority for the slight chance that they may be called to contribute to stabilising the frontier – at least framed as such by the Consortium, the Eternal Republic and Union of Gla’orr instead saw it as a possibility of an outbreak of war – and saw it necessary to ensure their defensive capabilities. The culmination of the conflict in a somewhat unsteady peace between the Federation and its colonies has not resulted in the Commonwealth decreasing their naval presence in the Galactic North, if anything, has encouraged it to begin developing a robust defensive capability in the event it cannot rely on the Nralakk Federation.


    The Titan’s Rapture System

    The system of Titan's Rapture.

    Born from what scientists suspect were multiple, simultaneous supernovae of high-mass stars in close proximity, Titan’s Rapture is the largest observed system within the Spur, boasting a stunning 8 stars and making it the only categorised octal star system in and close to the Orion Spur – for how long it will remain stable is debated. A number of dionae scientists have gone as far as to suggest the system is a result of the intentional triggering of multiple supernovae by a single or group of supermassive Titans. Adhering to the universe’s natural order, these stars form a hierarchy around the octal system’s barycentre. Due to the great distances between each pair of stars, the system can be broken down into three subsystems; these subsystems have been ascribed various meanings by the various factions on Hieroaetheria, based on their appearance from the planet.

    The Dance of Stars, Home System

    An intricate web of structured albeit precarious orbits containing many stars, including the superluminous blue supergiant – dubbed Eternal Radiance – the dionae of Hieroaetheria call their home. Opposite the supergiant’s orbit are three stars named Dancer’s Rhythm which all revolve around one another. From the ground on Hieroaetheria, the giant Eternal Radiance star fills the day sky, blanketing the surface in intense light. Even during the night, the star’s light reflected off the moon is capable of clearly lighting up the surface. Its constant and reassuring light has led to its universal meaning of stability.

    The Dancer’s Rhythm stars in this system are similarly constant, visible during both the day and night where they appear together as a small red star slowly circling the larger pair which appear almost fused together in the sky. However, once every week, these three stars are occluded by Eternal Radiance, disappearing for one day – their absence is felt more strongly than their presence, as a small decline in UV radiation is felt by dionae on the planet. For the Gla’orr, these three stars symbolise the importance of working as one unit and the harm felt by others for failing to do so; for the Ekane, the occlusion of the three stars is marked as a day of rest, that not all beings can shine bright constantly; for the Consortium, they represent inclusivity and the importance of everyone’s view and how a best-functioning system requires everyone’s input.

    • Brazen Greed

    An inhospitable sea of molten rock, Brazen Greed closely hugs the Home System’s star, broiled by intense heat and never to be looked at again due to the blinding light that obscures it from view. For those who view the planet, it is a warning to temper one’s wealth and ambition.

    • Sagely Pneuma

    Sagely Pneuma is a giant planet composed primarily of water, flocked by two small moons – both barren rocks home to some mineral wealth where mining operations are conducted. The planet and it’s moon are regarded fondly by those on Hieroaetheria, viewed as the protectors of the planet; the large gravitational well of Sagely Pneuma attracts asteroids that glide into the Home System, preventing them from reaching past and hitting Hieroaetheria, the water giant’s moons further shield Sagely Pneuma itself, sacrificing their surfaces for their pneuma, as a Geras’ duty is to aid it’s pneuma.

    • Bellstep IV

    A gas giant orbiting the yellow star of the Dance of Stars subsystem lies both rich in hydrogen and helium. Orbiting it is its lifeless and barren moon, Bellstep IVα, that has caught the interest of the Union of Gla’orr who see it as a prospective foundation for their off-world ambitions. The Union of Gla’orr seeks to secure the vital resources - Helium-3 in particular - to ensure self-sufficiency for not only itself, but the greater Commonwealth. Debates are still ongoing within the Union of Gla’orr as to whether the moon’s colonisation should be pursue

    Opposite the Eternal Radiance star lies three other stars in the Dance of Stars subsystem, all similarly rich in heavy and radioactive metals. These fuel large mining operations conducted across these planets and asteroid fields, primarily by independent and private organisations. Unfortunately, the distance from the Eternal Radiance star system had resulted in a gradual increase in pirate activity due to the sparse presence of law enforcement.

    • Cavernlantern’s Gem

    A small, uninhabitable arctic planet far out in the Home System. Cavernlantern’s Gem is the icy opposite of Hieroaetheria, with constant blizzards eager to knock over and bury those who are brave the surface and which, combined with the blinding supergiant’s light that is reflected by the snow, reduce visibility to nothing but what is immediately in front of you. It is not known what hidden splendours lie obscured by the blinding light and thick snowstorms of Cavernlantern’s Gem, though many folktales and myths passed down by generations gone tell of treasures, megalithic structures, or an avatar that represents Light itself that endeavours to protect the Titan’s Rapture system. So far, scientific and religious expeditions onto the planet have found nothing to confirm these tales – at least none of the parties which did not go missing in the blizzards or the parties where gestalts lost themselves in their fascination of the corrupting overabundance of light and radiation on the planet.

    The Sparring Giants Subsystem

    Central to the system is the contained cataclysmic variable binary of a flickering, dim neutron star named Vast Wellspring of Opulence (or just Opulence)and a star stripped of it’s outer layer named Light Resolute in the Face of Cataclysm (Resolute), both sharing an orbit around the system’s barycentre. Only barely within Opulence’s gravitational pull, the Resolute finds itself on the verge of ablation, it’s mass slowly drained into Opulence which, on wholly absorbing Resolute, will collapse and burst into a supernova with enough mass to create a black hole, spelling an end to the haphazardous balance of the Titan’s Rapture octal system.

    This contest is only visible from the ground on Hieroaetheria. Even during the day, Resolute can be seen enduring; a teardrop shape in the sky, its tail curling around an invisible enemy, only visible during the night when it’s menacing, rapid strobe is accompanied by strong pulses of x-rays which caress the rest of the Titan’s Rapture system. As a result, this star pair simultaneously represents beauty and chaos, order and destruction, life and birth, optimism and futility. Though this conflict’s inevitable end will spell the destruction of the Titan’s Rapture system, a new system will be born of the supernova. Though the neutron star is a destructive and chaotic force, the x-rays released alone could invigorate a Titan. Though the Resolute’s solar flares are a desperate cry for aid felt by all dionae, to artificially restore the mass of the star would only provide more fuel for Opulence as it drains it away.

    • Sparring Giants I

    Perilously positioned between Opulence and Radiance, Sparring Giants I clings on to its existence as it orbits alongside them around the subsystem’s centre, only barely avoiding either of their gravitational pulls. The most mineral rich of all the planets in the Titan’s Rapture system, Sparring Giants I boasts a core of diamond, each volcanic eruption on the planet’s black tar surface bringing forth diamond-rich material that can form glistening mountains, the then ablaze surface tar trickling down them and igniting oil fields as far as eyes can see. It’s proximity to Opulence ensures that it is constantly bathed in extreme radiation and stellar winds, such that any ships that draw near are almost torn apart, any non-Dionae crew bombarded by immediately lethal radiation only withstood by the best ship radshielding, and any ship systems or mining equipment overwhelmed. Despite all of these hurdles that prevent long-term mining operations on Sparring Giants I, elite mining crews – independent, corporate or state-sponsored – are paid handsomely for hauls from this planet, relying on incredibly durable, lead-lined exosuits, Argus-type dionae capable of boring through the ground and transporting heavy ore yields without aid, and dionae-made spaceflight that can withstand the radiation where constructed ships would fail.

    Split-Partners’ Embrace Subsystem

    A subsystem composed of a yellow and yellow-white star pair with only a gas giant to its name, these stars are only visible as slightly larger-than-normal stars in a night sky. Revolving around the barycentre, the Split-Partner’s Embrace subsystem, for half a year at a time, will be on complete opposite sides of the system to the Home subsystem, making it appear incredibly distant. For a long duration, the two stars weren’t even considered part of the Titan’s Rapture system, and eventually they may not as they continue to slowly grow further and further from the system’s barycentre, likely to find themselves ejected as a rogue binary star pair to form their own star system. The two stars represent hope and new beginnings, looked up to by Dionae leaving their home cluster or braving new territories. To the Ekane, the subsystem represents a call to proselytise, that the Eternal belief must reach new systems. For split partners, it represents the deep affection and connection they shall always share for one another, no matter the distance.

    The Planet

    The planet, orbiting a superluminous supergiant star and constantly bathed by the x-ray radiation of the neutron star, is incredibly hot, irradiated and bright to a degree non-Dionae inhabitants must always wear protective eyewear on; for Dionae, it is the perfect world to inhabit. Blanketed in a thick atmosphere composed with a high greenhouse gas content, there is no reprieve from this temperature, the average global temperature lingering at 38°C. As a result, Hieroaetheria is known for its expansive deserts and deathly humid tropics towards the poles, but also it’s permanent aurorae which streak through both the day and night sky. Weather on Hieroaetheria often only adds to the trouble. High pressure winds are common, picking up sand to create hot sandstorms which sweep across the planet; sparse rainfall provides no relief when it comes, as the sulphurous atmosphere brings with it acid rain.

    Regions and Continents

    Hieroatheria, and its moon, Anu.


    Ekane is the smallest region that exists on Hieroaetheria, with a Northern and Southern divide split by a mountain range where two tectonic plates merge. Otherwise flat, both regions are known for their shallow, rolling hills and humid grasslands which often descend into sweltering marshes and swamps. With very few resources nearby, attempts to expand beyond the Retheus River Basin have been deterred. However, with abundant resources nestled within the dividing mountain range, as well as Garoq Lake’s central location to South Ekane, industry within the area has boomed. Due to its relative isolation, the region is sparsely populated, but as the Eternal Republic continues to grow it is believed it will quickly become an overpopulated cesspit without proportional investment to maintain its growth.


    Similarly to Ekane, Gla’orr is largely occupied by extensive flatlands, albeit drier than the more humid Ekane, appearing as black, rolling dunes due to the large concentration of oil sands and precious elements to alien savanas depending on the Age. However, the presence of the Retheus River which borders much of Gla’orr has allowed life to flourish along the riverbanks, reaped by Dionae throughout the millennia of their dominance of the planet. Humidity picks up in the northern and southern crowns of Gla’orr, where the dry shrublands and savannas merge with swamps and tropical rainforests. Abundant in the centre and south of the Gla’orr Region are large oil and sulphur lakes, the sulphur dioxide within Hieroaetheria’s atmosphere condensing and raining down to fill the basins of Gla’orr’s dunes. As a result, the majority of Gla’orr’s population centres are located in the centre and south of the region to easily exploit these deposits, the north largely unexplored and untamed. Doing so is not without risk, the acid rain wearing down permanent structures and high-speed winds resulting in bituminous sandstorms – together spelling disaster as the otherwise dry oilsands that are deposited during the sandstorms break up, releasing heavy oil wherever the storms have reached.


    Separated by a West and East divide, Mede is the second largest region of Hieroaetheria but is considered the most populated. Close to where the Dionae are believed to have arrived on the planet, it has seen the most progression throughout the millennia, having experienced the prehistoric era of the Dionae and now the present era where machinery dots the landscapes. Shielded by the Retheus River and mountains on most of its sides, Mede is protected from much of the harsher weather seen on Hieroaetheria, though the rare acid rain has resulted in sulphur lakes forming, though meagre compared to Gla’orr’s. The mountains, extremely rich in minerals and very well exploited, have paved the way for the planet’s industrial revolution over the past few centuries. These high-altitude spots have also proven to be great areas to establish colonies, the mountains and valleys cooler and more humid, resulting in dense rainforests.

    Retheus Basin

    The Retheus Basin is the largest body of water outside of the ocean on Hieroaetheria. A paradise of greenery during the middle period of the planet's orbit and resilient enough to withstand the temperature increases of the close distances to Eternal Radiance, life flourishes and the banks are among the most fertile soils on the planet. Despite attempts by Dionae to expand into the area – of which there has been some success – no faction present has been able to substantiate any claim to the area where it continues to exist as a contested no-man’s-land. The Retheus Basin’s more stable conditions result in flora and fauna differing from other regions on Hieroaetheria, with lifeforms which can only be found along the banks and in close proximity to the river. As a result, scientific ventures from all of Hieroaetheria’s factions are commonplace along the river.

    The Subterranean

    Map of Hieroaetheria.

    Hieroaetheria’s notably lower gravity compared to other planets has allowed an extensive and spacious subterranean system to have formed, with five kilometres of depth from the surface having a spongy appearance made by cave chambers and caverns. Home to a whole new ecosystem, the Subterranean is made bearable to live within by a variety of bioluminescent flora and fauna which light up the dark. Arguably the most important region, it is the key to non-Dionae life on Hieroaetheria, with surface life often fleeing into the subterranean to avoid sandstorms, strong solar flares or x-ray pulses, and the acid rain. Since being discovered by the galactic community, subterranean districts of major cities have become hotspots for non-Dionae inhabitants of Hieroaetheria, with the majority of Human and Skrell residents residing in subsurface homes in cities, free of the surface conditions.

    Fauna and Flora

    Being a rather small planet, Hieroaetheria has a weak gravitational field at 0.7Gs. This weak gravity is reflected in all forms of life that inhabit Hieroaetheria. Flora, unrestricted by gravity, can grow to soaring heights, leading to tree canopies hundreds of metres high and grass that reaches a human’s waist. With mass being less of a burden on fauna, creatures will grow to great sizes with larger musculoskeletal systems. Much of the megafauna will be airborne, whether they be winged, capable of gliding or buoyant enough to float. The megafauna unable to fly may live in the tree canopies, ready to leap from the treelines to snag prey seen above or below; another megafauna may grow slender and as tall as the trees, high enough to reach any airborne prey above.


    • The Spores Which Gently Dance Across The Sky, or just Skydancers, are sesame seed-sized and shaped, radiotrophic plants which are picked up by wind currents and constantly float through the sky, both near the surface but ideally high up in the atmosphere. Skydancers absorb the x-ray radiation of the neutron star before it dissipates into thermal radiation as it passes through the thick atmosphere, not only benefitting the Skydancers themselves but, due to their great numbers, all life below too. Their colour changes based on ambient radiation levels, leading to groups of Skydancers creating dull yellow streaks in the sky during low radiation levels to bright green streaks during high radiation levels – a quick indicator of surface radiation for those on the surface. Unfortunately for Skydancers, they also form the backbone of a floating herbivore’s diet.
    • Soarspires are the most common tree on Hieroaetheria, found in any of the tropical rainforests of the planet. Unhindered by gravity, their trunks are quite thin and shoot surprisingly high, only to bloom out with a palm-tree-like branch and leaf pattern high up in the sky. They provide the perfect vantage point for the carnivorous creatures of the rainforests, high up in the sky they allow the canopy dwelling predators a fair chance at ambushing the floating sky dwelling animals.
    • The Vinous Growths That Mirror The Stars, or Starvines, are low-dwelling plants often found in the windy grasslands of the planet. Seeded in the ground, these plants slowly grow with vine-like appendages that crawl outwards from the seeding location’s central node, taking on a wide, star-like shape that provides a large surface area to absorb light for photosynthesis. As it matures, large, bioluminescent feather-like seeds fan out from the central node and its vines begin to raise it slightly from the ground, uprooting it so a strong gust of wind may lift the Starvine into the sky, gently glowing due to its feathers. There it floats in the lower gravity environment, the feather-like seeds deposited as the Starvine drifts, only to fall against where it either returns to the ground as rot or finds itself eaten by a surface or sky-dwelling creature. In the deserts of Gla’orr, a Voidvine subspecies can be found, jet black that grows only in bitumen-rich tar sands; unlike other species, the black Voidvine feather seeds do not glow.


    • Mammals Which Graze Upon The Cloud Plants, or Cloudgrazers, are large, whale-sized herbivores which are often seen slowly floating through Hieroaetheria’ skies in small packs of 4. Named after their diet, Cloudgrazers feed on aerial plants such as Skydancers and Starvines. A giant sac filled with post-digestion gasses mounted on their backs provides them the buoyancy to stay afloat, still only possible due to the planet’s low gravity, and compensates for their thick, scaled skin which can render most predators’ attempts at ambushing it folly. Most predators are very aware that simply bursting the air sac is enough to send a Cloudgrazer crashing into the ground where, losing its mobility and unable to receive aid from its pack members, it becomes helpless prey. Cloudgrazers have been domesticated throughout known Hieroaetheria history, providing a convenient long-range transport.
    • Menacing Creatures Which Rain From The Canopies, or Canopydarters, are arrowhead-shaped, omnivorous insects which conglomerate on whatever the tallest tree exists closest to them. With compound eyes which scour both the skies and ground, they can rapidly detect their prey – be it a floating creature, an animal on the ground, or a drifting Starvine – and instinctively calculate the best angle to pounce from. Using a hydraulic catapult method, they lunge at their target at great speeds, their bladed head structure impaling and tackling the target to the ground. Being omnivorous, these Canopyhoppers will target dionae, their speed as they lunge making them no match for a lone gestalt. Canopyhoppers are rarely found on their own however, and it is very common for creatures and dionae to be skewered by dozens of Canopyhoppers at once.
    • Cavernlanterns are jellyfish-like creatures which reside within the Subterranean. Radiotrophic, their diet primarily consists of radioactive rocks common on Hieroaetheria which they must latch onto and slowly digest by secreting a variety of extremely robust digestive fluids – first strong acids or bases which break up the rock, then the enzymes required to actually digest the rock once the acids or bases have done their job. Cavernlanterns are solitary and mostly passive, however if provoked – a problem for miners on Hieroaetheria – will respond by latching onto a nuisance’s head where it suffocates them, the upside being the digestive fluids it drowns them in fortunately do not corrode organic matter. Cavernlanterns can be made tame and have often been used by miners and explorers to light up the subterranean tunnels in exchange for the provision of radioactive rocks, though they never remain tame for long