Dionae Space Capabilities

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  • Naturally-Occurring Spaceflight

    Dionae are capable of using their bodies to manoeuvre through space, primarily used by those deemed “feral” or “wild” Dionae that have yet to gain sapience – utilising a combination of a gas bladder that tends to form in Colossi and upwards and turning any minerals they absorb in their journey to maintain their trek through the stars. Huge conglomerations may elect to even harvest gasses from gas giants through careful planning seemingly innate to the species, bouncing off planetary gravity in what seems to be rudimentary slingshotting to gather speed. Dionae that use these methods may not have advanced abilities to engage in conflict but are able to support themselves in a fight – in particular, seen in both First Contact with the Skrell, and Humanity.

    Dionae-made Spaceflight

    Despite their inherent ability to guide themselves through space, following the gaining of sapience, it is common for Dionae to adapt themselves to any given society. Though this manifests in many different ways, generally through infusion of cultures and whatnot, this has had a side effect on the way the species travels through the cosmos. Discarding their previous instincts to peruse the stars by their own methods, Dionae have managed to quickly propel themselves as masterful shipbuilders within the greater interstellar community, by adapting designs of existing vessels and making them uniquely their own.

    Elements of Dionae Models

    Solar Sails

    Created from mesh weave, as seen within the Eternal Gardens and Temple, solar sails are the main method of propulsion used by Dionae who no longer wish to use their natural means to travel among the stars. Using solar photons, and “tailwinds” as termed by Dionae navigators, the solar sails have largely assisted the species in establishing themselves within the interstellar community. However, only the Voyager and Rush classes are commonly used, with the Bulker only operated by typically destitute Dionae who are attempting to make a life for themselves and cannot afford a normal freighter at least as of yet.

    Radioactive Materials

    It is common to find something that emits radioactive elements to sustain the passengers and/or crew of the various models of Dionae vessels. There have recently been innovations that allow the radiation caught by the solar sails to be converted into usable energy for those who find themselves on the vessel. Uranium, or even radium, are generally placed within the centre of the carrying-hull for maximum efficiency – and if attuned to, generally allows tracking of Dionae classes of vessels for port authorities, or even unsavoury characters that might wish to ransack the ship.


    The carrying-hull is an all-in-one. It is a cockpit, passenger and even crew accommodations, as well as the main section in which radioactive materials are held. A mixture of both biomass and metals usually used in shipbuilding, it cannot sustain an atmosphere which limits all the classes to be used only by Dionae. The solar sails are hoisted in particular patterns to the carrying-hull as to gain full advantage of their abilities. Only the Bulker generally sees its carrying-hull expanded to house cargo as opposed to passengers or crew.

    Dionae Civilian Ship Models

    Though unique in their own ways, the majority of the models constructed or adapted by the Dionae generally fall into one of three categories: Voyager, Rush and Bulker. Each has its own characteristics, mostly attributing to a specific function needed by the Dionae.


    Voyagers are commonly seen by independent Dionae explorers, focused on journeying the cosmos, either with a destination in mind or not. Comparable to the average civilian transport, Voyagers are somewhat small spacecraft that can house hundreds of Nymphs – if planning has been done properly, and efficiently. Largely without atmosphere, and featuring some kind of machine that can emit radioactivity, the Voyager is typically exclusively used by Dionae. Though the appearance may change depending on its shipbuilder, Voyagers have two critical elements that define them: a singular, large solar sail that results in poor performance in comparison to warpdrives, or even bluespace drives, and a carrying-hull that can typically hold between thirty to fifty Gestalts. Despite their slowness, Voyagers have seen usage by the Nralakk Federation, giving Dionae-only explorers charters to explore and report back to them, without necessarily expending significant resources to create additional exploratory vessels. The Covenant of Xrim has also been known to send Voyagers, mostly operated by the Scorned who wish to illegally emigrate to other regions of the Orion Spur – an advantage of the Voyager class is that it is virtually undetectable unless one has highly sensitive equipment able to pick up the low-frequency signals produced by the Dionae, however, its drawback is that it is unable to engage in atmospheric propulsion, which poses a significant problem if one cannot reach the void.


    Used for its speed the Rush class is notably the smallest model used by the Dionae. It is a lightweight, piercing vessel that cruises through the cosmos and reaches astounding speeds comparable to even warpdrives – deploying up to six solar sails with a carrying-hull that holds roughly three to six Gestalts. Generally navigating the stars by catching particular lanes of solar radiation to propel themselves faster and faster, furthermore using their innate slingshot methods to sustain their speeds. Similar to the Voyager, it is nearly undetectable without highly sensitive equipment – though can be picked up if one searches for its astronomical radioactivity both by the radioactive materials and the absorption of solar radiation from the tailwinds it uses – which can place the Rush into quarantine upon arrival until the radiation has either subsided or been absorbed by the Dionae crew and/or passengers. There have been prototypes of the Rush class that employ simple munition systems, but there is yet a Dionae capable of claiming themselves as the creator of a strike-craft version of the Rush.


    The Bulker, a predominately cargo-carrying vessel, is the slowest of all models encountered despite variations and attempts to increase its speeds. Sporting three, large solar sails to handle its enormous cargo-carrying capacity – as well as a carrying-hull suited to only three to six Gestalts – it is largely only used by independent Dionae without the ability to afford normal freighters. Due to its large size, and overall slowness, it is easily the most detectable model of Dionae vessels. Regularly preyed upon by marauders, it is also one of the rarest to see. Very few radioactive materials are used within the Bulker, mainly due to the possibility of contaminating its cargo, with Dionae having to utilize other methods to sustain themselves during their travels within a Bulker.