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(Thruster guide HOLY SHIT IT'S HERE)
>La Villa Strangiato
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= Foreword =
It should be noted that '''it isn't required - or even a good idea - for you to read this entire page before you get started with thrusters'''. Much of the guide has been written to serve as reference material as you progress on your journey with the thrusters, especially the advanced guide. However, if you’re a new atmos tech, it’s definitely advised to read through the Basic Guide in its entirety.
'''NOTE: The contents of this page were gratefully copied from the Baystation 12 wiki, as the INDRA is more or less a 1-1 port of the RUST. Some attached images may have alternate names until proper images can be acquired.'''

Generally, only [[Atmospheric Technician|atmospheric technicians]] should be expected to know how to utilize the burn chamber, as the thrusters are their responsibility. [[Engineer|Regular engineers]] should never be held to the same standard as atmos techs in regards to thrusters, and can't be relied on to do anything advanced. Remember, regular engineers should really only be setting up the thrusters in the absence of an atmos tech, and even then they're only expected to do a simple Cold Gas Setup.
The '''INDRA''' is an experimental fusion reactor that acts as an alternative power source on the Horizon. It consists of a fusion core, fuel injectors, a gyrotron and a few control consoles. Fuel comes in two forms, as a fuel rod that is injected directly or by gas injection into the chamber via an injector pump. If mismanaged the INDRA can cause extreme amounts of destruction to the adjacent decks and surrounding area.
As for what INDRA stands for, that's a subject of much debate. Some say it stands for INDependent Reactor, Aneutronic. Others say it stands for INDRA. Who knows, really?

= Basic Guide =
Priming, starting, and maintaining the Horizon is the job of the engineering department. However, some [[Scientist|scientists]] may be brought in for certain collaborative efforts with the permission of the engineering department.
=== Overview ===
Knowing how thrusters function is important to understand why you're doing what you're doing, and it's not too hard.
Whenever someone on the bridge presses a movement button, the thruster nodules burners - the little things sticking out the back of the ship that look like rocket engines - shoot out a bit of whatever gas is inside them and (sort of) their connected pipe network. The type of gas and its pressure affect how much the ship accelerates each time a movement button is pressed.
Any gas in the thruster will move the ship a little bit, but the higher the pressure the faster the gas shoots out and the higher the [[Guide to Atmospherics#Moles|molar mass]] the more force you provide to move in the direction you want.  

As far as molar mass goes, it's all about equal and opposite reactions - the best way to illustrate this is to the difference between throwing a less massive item (a pen) and a more massive item (a crowbar) when the ship gravity goes out. Obviously, throwing the crowbar will move you more in the opposite direction from where you threw it.
== Basic operating principles ==
The INDRA is about as complex as the Supermatter Engine. The basic operating principles are as follows:

For pressure, it's important to remember that, at least for our purposes, pressure refers to the force that a gas exerts on its container from the inside. This means that when an opening is made in a container, the pressure is proportional to how much force the gas escapes the container with. With the increase in force comes an increase in thrust per burn. If that's too difficult to understand right away, you can get a basic idea of gas pressure by thinking of a big balloon: when you blow a balloon really full and let it go, it at first moves quite quickly and steadily slows down as the pressure inside it diminishes.
=== The Fusion Core ===
The fusion core is the centerpiece of the INDRA, all reactions take place there and it is where the power is generated.  

Getting back on track, mass is the larger factor here, and so gases with higher molar masses are essential (hence the frequent use of phoron with its chunky molar mass). As for pressure, the unmodified thruster design allows for a maximum thruster line pressure of 15,000kPa. Whenever the thrusters are fired, some gas is expelled from the thrusters resulting in acceleration for the ship and a decrease of thruster line pressure as some gas escapes.
First a note on safety - the reactor may produce large quantities of radiation when operational depending on the reaction. Ensure that you wear appropriate protective gear if necessary.

=== Layout ===
The INDRA is capable of creating a devastating EMP if operated improperly. Do not exceed the limits specified in this guide, or it will instantaneously destroy itself and make most of the crew very upset at you - if they survive. The INDRA will create this EMP when its instability reaches 100% or if it is turned off without being allowed to cool below 1000K first. Instability will be discussed below.
Regardless of method, fuel and oxygen are moved from large supply tanks to the thruster rooms through fuel supply lines. Starboard and Port thrusters have separate phoron and hydrogen supply lines from each other, though they share the same oxygen supply line.  

Each thruster also has an airlock to the exterior. Both thrusters are found in the aft of deck one, and are identical in layout. Starboard Propulsion can be entered directly through maintenance by all of engineering. Port Propulsion must be accessed through a segment of atmospherics called Air Mixing. Unlike the rest of atmospherics, regular engineers have access to this area through maintenance near the living quarters lift.  
=== INDRA Control Interface ===
[[File:INDRA control console.png|thumb|INDRA control console in an operational mode.]]
The fusion core is controlled by the INDRA core control console in the control room. As you can see from the image, this tracks many properties of the fusion core.

The far ends of the starboard and port wing frames on deck two each have a maneuvering thruster, as well. They are very low power (together offer only 0.05 gm/h acceleration per burn) but only require power to operate. You won’t ever have to worry about touching these, but it’s good to know they’re there.
* Power Status - This tells you the current power output and power draw of the Fusion Core. Power draw is dependent on the field strength, and power output is dependent on the fusion reactions taking place within the core.
* Field Strength - This determines the field size of the fusion core; this is important for catching fuel pellets and can be set to 20 or higher for the default INDRA configuration. Field strength '''must not''' exceed 50 tesla. If it exceeds 50 tesla then the field size will exceed that of the INDRA chamber, causing a catastrophic rise in instability and near-instantaneous destruction of the INDRA. Increasing the field strength makes the INDRA take more power, but this is negligible compared to the INDRA output when it is operating.
* Instability - Instability is raised by two things, the fusion reactions taking place and the fusion core field touching machinery or objects. It is controlled by using the Gyrotron to fire a beam of energy into the fusion core field that maintains its containment. If your instability is rising above 1% then you must '''immediately''' adjust the Gyrotron settings and/or reduce the amount of reactants being added to the field.
* Plasma temperature - This determines the reactions that can take place. Initially your fusion core will be at room temperature, and it will take some time to warm up. Once it is above a few thousand kelvin the rest of the reactions will kick in and it will keep itself stable. When turning off the fusion core this value '''must''' be below 1000K or it will cause an EMP and destruction of the INDRA containment, likely flooding Deck 2 with extremely hot gas. To cool this down stop adding reactants and turn the gyrotron power up, then wait.
* Reactants - This is a list of all current reactants in the field. Every tick of the INDRA, it will try and react these reactants together and create some radiation, instability and power based on what reactions are possible. Reactants exceeding 10,000 total reactants will be removed and turned into radiation (this is not something to worry about, just don't try to add more reactants if you are consistently hitting this threshold).

Below, you can see a color coded map of a nacelle and the important things inside it.
=== The Fuel Injectors ===
These are used to add solid fuel into the INDRA. They are controlled using the Fuel Injection Control Computer within the control room. They must be provided with a fuel rod that can be created by putting solid fuel types into the Fuel Compressor, and then toggled on from their control computer. They will then start firing pellets through the glass into the fusion core field and be absorbed. There are a few different types of fuel materials, but the most common are tritium and deuterium. Iron may be used for other purposes.

[[File:Thrusterguidepic.png|right|thumb|A diagram of port propulsion.|500x420px]]
== The setup process ==
Now that you understand the important components of the INDRA, we will discuss how to set it up at the start of the shift. It is initially in a completely inoperational state.

*<span style="color:#13DD2F">'''Fuel Supply Monitors:''' </span> One for phoron, one for hydrogen, these consoles allow you to pressurize a thuster’s phoron/hydrogen supply lines (purple/red pipes) anywhere up to 15,000kPa. The gas is drawn directly from their respective 3x3 storage tanks through vents, which act like pumps. (This means there is no backflow into the tank)
* The fusion core and gyrotron have a heavy power drain when operational. If the round start SMES are not producing enough power, you may need to bring a PACMAN in to jumpstart it.
*<span style="color:#B3EA2C">'''Atmosphere Monitoring Console:''' </span> This console provides live readouts of the combustion chamber’s pressure, temperature, and gas composition, as well as allowing you to fully control both the chamber’s input and output.
* Create five deuterium and one tritium fuel rod using the fuel compressor and insert these into the fuel injectors, one per injector. Be wary of radiation.
*<span style="color:#C6311E">'''Ignition Switch:''' </span>Exactly what it sounds like. Pressing this will strike a spark in the combustion chamber, igniting any gases if possible.
* Set the gyrotron to fire delay 2, power 50. There may be an initial burst in instability when turning the reactor on - if you have allowed fuel to build up. So we set the gyrotron to a high-power mode for the initial startup. '''Do not walk infront of the gyrotron while it is active.'''
*<span style="color:#0A0995">'''Fuel Mixer:''' </span>Creates your fuel mix for the combustion chamber. You may set any ratio of phoron/hydrogen/oxygen you wish here. Draws phoron from the north purple pipe, hydrogen from the west red pipe, and oxygen from the south cyan pipe.
* Turn on the fusion core and adjust the field strength to 20 tesla.
*<span style="color:#499AF1">'''Mixer Fuel Pumps:''' </span> One for phoron, one for hydrogen, these pumps draw from their respective supply lines and control the mixer’s access to these fuels. They start offline.
* Turn on all the fusion fuel injectors.
*<span style="color:#49F1ED">'''Mixer Oxygen Regulator:''' </span> Best to leave untouched. Controls the mixer’s oxygen supply, and is automatically set to 15,000kPa. Takes its input directly from the output of the Oxygen Supply Tank in Atmospherics.
* Watch the temperature and power rise on the fusion core console. Make sure that the instability is being managed by the gyrotron (less than 1%).
*<span style="color:#EE99D8>'''Chamber Fuel Injector:'''</span> Acts as the chamber’s input. The injector pumps fresh fuel mix into the combustion chamber to be burned at a rate of up to 700 L/s. Unlike most devices, the injector has no pressurization limit, but its effectiveness will still be significantly impacted by any large difference between input and output pressures.
* Once the power output is 250kW or higher, return to the INDRA room and turn off the PACMAN-generator, if applicable. It may explode if you leave it running for too long.
*<span style="color:#EF3B1C"> '''Chamber Vents:''' </span> Acts as the chamber’s output. These three vents draw gas from the chamber at a rate of up to 200 L/s each, and can pressurize their connected pipeline up to 15,000kPa. It’s important to note that these vents only pump gas to the thruster pumps, not directly into the thruster line.
* You can now adjust the gyrotron power to a lower setting, such as fire delay 3, power output 3. '''Check that the instability is staying low after adjusting the gyrotron.'''
*'''<span style="color:#E3E3A6">Exterior Blast Door:''' </span> In any emergencies involving a fiery death in propulsion, this is your best friend. Opening the exterior blast doors will vent the chamber very quickly.
*'''<span style="color:#F09F25">Thruster Pump/Regulator:''' </span> These are what actually allow the heated burn mix into the thruster line itself. They draw from the output of the chamber’s vents.
*<span style="color:#DC0CF3">'''Phoron Bypass Regulator:'''</span> Allows flow of phoron from the phoron supply line directly into the thruster line itself, if desired.
*<span style="color:#F3D70C"> '''Thrusters:''' </span> Vroom-vroom. Thrusters are what make the ship go. They act as 200 L containers, open to their connected pipe network (the thruster line). There’s no way to physically interact with these except to destroy them, and they cannot be rebuilt or replaced in-game. Don’t lose them!

=== Methods ===
You have now set up the INDRA for a deuterium-tritium reaction, which is the simplest power-positive reaction.

==== Cold Setup ====
The power from the INDRA will not be fully utilized until you adjust the SMES. Make what upgrades you desire, but if nothing else at least make sure input and output are maximized.
The cold gas setup propels the ship by expelling pure, cold (20C) phoron out the thrusters. This setup is by far the quickest and simplest there is, and provides considerable thrust. This makes it a very appealing option for those who don’t care to spend much time or effort on thrusters, and should be your main go-to if you’re just a [[Engineer|regular engineer]].  

These steps should be performed on both the starboard and port thrusters for full effect:
=== Emergency Shutdown Procedures ===
*Set target output pressure on <span style="color:#13DD2F"> '''Phoron Supply Monitor''' </span> to 15,000 kPa.
In the event that you need to shutdown the INDRA quickly follow these steps:
*Set <span style="color:#DC0CF3"> '''Phoron Bypass Regulator''' </span> target pressure to 15,000 kPa, and toggle valve to “Unlocked”.

That’s it, really. If done correctly, you will see the meter in front of the pressure regulator begin to fill up to 15,000 kPa.  
* Set the gyrotron to maximum power and minimum firing delay.
* Toggle the Chamber Exhaust switch, opening the INDRA chamber to space and venting any gaseous reactants.
* Turn off all fuel injectors.
* Turn on the PACMAN generator to make sure that the gyrotron keeps operating.
* Turn off the gyrotron when there are no more reactions taking place.
* The INDRA will now start to cool over time. Once it is below 1000K it can be switched off on the fusion core control console, then turn off the PACMAN.

It's worth noting that this is the least fuel efficient method of propelling the ship, but if the SCC didn't want you doing it, it wouldn't be the recommended basic option. Despite the inefficiency, this setup can provide more thrust than a standard hot gas setup ever possibly could, providing the ship with an acceleration of ~1.34 Gm/h per burn when the thrusters are filled to 15,000 kPa.
=== More Power! ===
There are several possible fusion reactions in the INDRA and the output can be raised to approximately 2-3MW with the right setup. Not all of these reactions produce positive net power.

==== Hot Setup ====
The setup above uses the basic deuterium-tritium reaction, which follows this path:
The hot gas setup propels the ship by igniting a fuel rich mixture of phoron and oxygen which is then pumped into and expelled out of the thrusters. This typically produces superheated phoron and CO2, which provides ample pressure just from the high temperatures. Contrary to intuition, this setup does not produce more thrust than the cold gas setup, but it does make a much more efficient use of phoron. Why is covered here in depth.
[Link to The Pressure Limitation]

These steps should be performed on both the starboard and port thrusters for full effect:
* Deuterium + Tritium -> Helium + 1 Power + Radiation
*(Optional) In Atmospherics just outside of Port Propulsion, set the max output pressure on the Oxygen Supply Monitor to 15,000kPa. This will help speed up fuel mixing.
* Deuterium + Helium -> Nothing + 5 Power
*Set the max output pressure on the <span style="color:#13DD2F"> '''Phoron Supply Monitor''' </span> to 15,000kPa.
*Open the <span style="color:#0A0995"> '''Fuel Mixer'''</span>, click configure, then click on the green button next to the port corresponding to the red pipeline. This will disconnect the Hydrogen line from the mixer, as it will not be used here. Leave the ratios kept at 80% North (Phoron), and 20% South (Oxygen). Once done, turn the Fuel Mixer back on.
*Turn on the <span style="color:#0A0995"> '''Mixer Phoron Pump''' </span> just to the north of the mixer, and MAX its target pressure to 15,000kPa. Fuel mix should start filling the Chamber Fuel Injector line now.
*On the <span style="color:#B3EA2C">'''Atmosphere Monitoring Console'''</span>, set input flow rate limit to 700 L/s and toggle power to “Injecting”. You should now see the chamber filling up with fuel mix on the console readout.
*Once the chamber reaches 500-1,000kPa, hit the <span style="color:#C6311E">'''Ignition Switch'''</span>.
*Watch the <span style="color:#B3EA2C">'''Atmosphere Monitoring Console'''</span>. Once the temperature has stopped increasing dramatically, and O2 composition is ~2-3%, you can now toggle the chamber output ON. Set the target output pressure to 15,000kPa.
*Turn the <span style="color:#F09F25">'''Thruster Pump/Regulator''' </span> on and MAX their target pressure to 15,000kPa.

If done correctly, you should see the meter in front of the thruster pump/regulator begin filling.
A more productive setup involves adding hydrogen gas to the fusion core. The procedure for this is as follows:

It is strongly advised to keep an eye on the phoron supply, as leaving this setup to mix and inject new fuel mix indefinitely can and will empty the entire phoron tank into the combustion chambers. Once in the chamber, this phoron cannot feasibly be retrieved. A good time to shut off a thruster's <span style="color:#13DD2F"> '''Phoron Supply Monitor's''' </span> output would be when the chamber pressure approaches 12,000 kPa - 15,000 kPa after ignition.
* Allow the fusion reactor to reach >10,000K temperature with a deuterium-tritium reaction.
* Turn on the pump on the side of the fusion reactor, setting it to around 10kPA and add a full hydrogen canister.
* Turn off the tritium fuel injector now. You can replace the fuel rod in this injector with a deuterium one if you wish.

==== Emergency Procedure ====
Your fusion reaction now follows this path:
Oh no, that damn meddling apprentice somehow totally screwed the thrusters, and everything is on fire! Oh, the humanity! Grab your voidsuit, some inflatables, and prepare to die a fiery death!

Most thruster accidents involve a rather hot phoron fire, or the superheated leftovers of one. Atmos voidsuits can handle up to 40,000 Kelvin, but regular engineering voidsuits can’t withstand more than 5,000 Kelvin, which some thruster fires can surpass. This means that unless you’re an atmos tech, you may need to act quickly once inside. For that reason, it’s advised that you check the damages on camera before approaching, and have a plan beforehand. Remember to check emergency shutter readings, too!
* Hydrogen + Hydrogen -> Helium + 2 Power
* Deuterium + Helium -> Nothing + 5 Power

Luckily, most thruster related catastrophes can be handled with a quick two-step plan!
You will need to check up on the hydrogen canister and replace it occasionally, depending on the pressure you set the pump to.
TURN OFF CHAMBER INJECTION. If it’s off, leave it. The only thing that can sustain long lasting thruster room fires is the injection of new fuel mix through the combustion chamber. In the likely case of the chamber walls melting, the thruster room will be acting as part of the chamber.
VENT THE AFFECTED AREA. If the chamber walls have melted, or if the problem is otherwise related to the chamber, simply OPEN THE <span style="color:#E3E3A6"> '''EXTERIOR BLAST DOOR'''</span>. Otherwise, pry out some floor plating, or force open the thruster airlock. Don’t forget your magboots, or Sir Isaac Newton might be sweeping you off your feet.

==== Afterword ====
If you know the above, congratulations! You have the basic certifications of an atmospheric technician. There's more to learn, of course, but most players can stop here. Even if you do want to go further, though, remember that experimentation is half the fun of atmospherics. Still want more? If you're certain you're ready, then go on to the advanced guide.
= Advanced Guide =
This section of the guide is for those who want to take a much deeper dive into thrusters or wish for a better understanding of everything that’s going on behind the scenes. The concepts covered from here on are NOT at all required to be understood for most thruster operations, but can be useful if you intend to experiment with thrusters. It is mostly included for reference, but it can fast track you to advanced thruster knowledge without having to do some painstaking code dives and experiments on your own.
This section of the guide is, to tell the truth, a lot. Don’t let that discourage you if you have a particular interest in thrusters. You don’t need to know everything here to start experimenting with thrusters, but the more you know, the better you’ll know how to approach them in your own shenanigans. Always remember, even failed thruster experiments are good so long as you learned something from it. Just try not to blow up the ship in the process!
'''Again, this is advanced material. Do not discourage yourself if you can't learn everything at once.'''
== Thrusters ==
=== Thrusters and Thruster Lines ===
While not always identical in sprite, all thrusters are mechanically identical. Thrusters are 200 L containers which act as part of the network they’re attached to. This means that the pressure in the thrusters will always be the same as the pressure in the thruster line. When a thruster is fired, it expels 15 L from that container, multiplied by the engine’s thrust limiter modifier (0-1). By default, thrust limiters are set to 100%, corresponding to a value of 1. It’s the gas inside the expelled portion that ultimately determines the thrust.
The thruster line itself can have a significant impact on the performance of the thrusters. The larger the thruster line, the larger the volume of the thruster network. A larger volume network takes more burns to drain to a certain pressure than a smaller volume network, allowing the thruster line to better maintain higher pressures throughout extended use even if no new gas is being pumped in. Likewise, it takes more time to pump a larger network to those higher pressures.
=== Ideal Thrust ===
As mentioned earlier, thrust is determined by the mass and pressure of the propellant. For ideal thrust, we want to maximize both factors. Mass is the larger factor here, by no small margin. To be precise, let’s look at the thrust equation. This equation allows you to calculate the thrust given by a single thruster when provided the propellant mass and pressure within the thruster.
'''Mass:''' Total mass in the 200 L container of the thruster, not the mass used per burn. Can be found by solving for moles with the [[Guide_to_Atmospherics#Math|Ideal Gas Law]], and multiplying by molar mass of gas (make sure to account for gas composition). Measured in kg.<br>
'''Pressure:''' Pressure in the thruster, measured in kPa. (Remember that 1 MPa = 1000 kPa)<br>
'''ThrustLim:''' Thrust limiter setting. The bridge controls this from the engine consoles on a range from 0% - 100%, corresponding to values of 0 - 1. Set to 100% by default.
The molar mass of your propellant is crucial to how much thrust you get. Just to compare the gases you might see in the thrusters, the molar mass of phoron is about 10x that of CO2, and 200x that of hydrogen. Ship mass affects how much force it needs to move and is a coded variable. Most ships and shuttles can get by with just CO2, but for a ship as massive as the Horizon, phoron is a necessity for moving at any reasonable pace.
As can be seen in the thrust equation, pressure is a relatively insignificant factor compared to mass. This isn’t to say it's not relevant, however. With a combustion chamber at our disposal, achieving incredibly high pressures is almost trivial. Unfortunately, our ability to utilize that benefit is severely limited by other equipment.
=== The Pressure Limitation ===
No matter what pressure the combustion chamber might reach, '''all the devices we use in moving gas to the thruster line can only pressurize any given network to 15,000kPa at maximum.''' This includes any gas pump, as well as the vents that pull gas from the combustion chamber and phoron supply tank. The only notable exceptions are gas mixers and filters, but they also tend to struggle past 15,000kPa.
It’s very important to recognize how you reached that 15,000kPa point. In a fixed volume environment such as the thrusters, pressure can be raised in two ways. One, force more gas in. Two, increase the temperature of the gas. <br>
So, what does this mean? Why is this so important?
It means that a hot molecule of any given gas will always produce more thrust than a cold one of the same type due to its higher pressure. '''However, between two pipelines of identical pressure, the cold one will have a higher density of gas due to most of its pressure coming from the quantity of gas, not temperature.''' Recall the significance of mass in determining thrust. Since we can ensure that the thrusters can always reach 15,000kPa regardless of setup, using cold gas will always provide higher levels of thrust than hot gas of the same type, though suffering in fuel efficiency.
This doesn’t mean that high temperatures are eternally doomed to provide low thrust, however. There are ways to modify the thrusters to bypass the normal pressure limitations and allow for both high mass density and high pressures.
==Combustion and Gasses==
Whilst the happenings of the combustion chamber are rather self evident, it can still help to take a closer look at precisely what’s going on in there.
=== Fuel and Oxidizers ===
Much like in real life, combustion on Aurora follows the combustion triangle, meaning you require heat, fuel, and oxidizer for a fire. However, for better or worse, the similarities end there.
Contrary to all known laws of science and common sense, all combustion produces CO2 exclusively. It doesn’t matter what combination of fuel and oxidizer you have, you will always get CO2 as a result. It doesn’t make any sense, but that’s just how it works here.
[[File:Phoron_canister.png]] '''Phoron (Ph)'''. Has a molar heat capacity value of 200, and a molar mass of 0.405 kg/mol.<br>
[[File:Hydrogen_canister.png]] '''Hydrogen (H2)'''. Has a molar heat capacity value of 100, and a molar mass of 0.002 kg/mol.
[[File:Oxygen_canister.png]] '''Oxygen (O2)'''. Has a molar heat capacity value of 20, and a molar mass of 0.032 kg/mol.<br>
[[File:Nitrous_canister.png]] '''Nitrous Oxide (N2O)'''. Has a molar heat capacity value of 40, and a molar mass of 0.044 kg/mol.
[[File:Carbon_canister.png]] '''Carbon Dioxide (CO2)'''. Has a molar heat capacity value of 30, and a molar mass of 0.044 kg/mol.
=== Burn Ratio ===
Similarly, the stoichiometric fuel-oxidizer ratio is the same between all gases. Burning a mixture of 40% fuel to 60% oxidizer will always use up all components, leaving behind pure CO2. This means that burning any mixture with more than 40% fuel will result in extra fuel left over while burning any mixture with more than 60% oxidizer will result in extra oxidizer left over. <br>
The basic equation goes like this:<br>
<div style="text-align: center;"> 2'''Fuel''' + 3'''Oxidizer''' = 3'''Product''' </div><br>
<center><div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
The farther you are from the 40/60 ratio, the more extra oxidizer or fuel you’ll have, as well as a lower temperature combustion. To better display this relationship, this collapsible has a table of the results of some phoron-oxygen burns at several different ratios.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
'''Notice how as the burn ratio approaches 40/60, not only is the temperature increasing dramatically, but the high concentrations of phoron are being replaced with CO2, a much lighter gas. This has a two-pronged negative impact on thrust levels under the 15,000 kPa limitation.'''
=== Combustion ===
There are a couple more aspects to combustion that are rarely seen or touched, but are worth covering as they have plenty of potential for more creative projects.
The temperature that a combustion reaches depends strictly on the fuel-oxidizer ratio, as well as the combustion component’s temperature and molar heat capacity. What this means is that if you preheat the fuel or oxidizer beforehand, you can reach higher temperatures than are possible with regular 20C components. Otherwise, the final temperature for a given fuel-oxidizer mix will always be the same. It should be noted that the quantity of fuel mix has no importance here.
This also ties into flash points. You don’t always need a spark to cause combustion. If there’s already enough heat, combustion will occur spontaneously. This can occur not just within the combustion chamber, but also within closed systems such as pipes and canisters.
Autoignition temperature for all mixtures is 125C.
===Combustion Chamber Handling ===
The combustion chamber walls are tough, but reinforced plastitanium alloy isn’t indestructible. When exposed to flames at 6,000 K or higher, the chamber walls start to take damage. They aren’t quick to melt, but they will eventually.
So, how do you keep from turning the thruster room into the sector’s largest bonfire? There’s two ways.
The first is to simply make sure that your fuel mixer isn’t creating too hot of a mix. As a general rule of thumb, the higher the oxygen concentration, the hotter the burn. The highest concentration of oxygen you can have in your burn mix without burning hotter than 6,000 K depends on what fuel you're using. For phoron, it's 48% O2. For hydrogen, it's 41% O2.
The second way is to simply turn off the injection once the combustion starts. Without new fuel mix being injected, the combustion will run out of either fuel or oxidizer and simmer out. Both flame and sufficient temperature is required to melt the chamber walls, so the superheated gas alone is safe to hold.
Additionally, for the sake of efficiency, it can sometimes be beneficial to fill the chamber with a large amount of cold burn mix before ignition rather than ignite almost immediately. This is because pump performance dramatically suffers when pumping lower pressures to higher pressures. When you ignite a burn mix, the pressure will rapidly shoot up and make any further injection of fresh burn mix much slower.
== Modifications and Experimentation ==
=== Foreword ===
Well done for making it this far; at some point you probably began wondering what the practical application of all this knowledge was. This section is dedicated to covering that, with a caveat: It's not here to give you all the answers. Part of the fun of atmospherics is testing and putting things together in different ways, and if a wiki guide were to tell you how to do 99% of every advanced setup you'd want to do, then a lot of the fun would be lost. <br>
However, it's also no fun to be left in the dark, so this section collects some general ideas on what you could do without getting in to too many specifics.
First things first, though: '''it is strongly advised to perform any pipe related modifications before the pipes are filled.''' When you unwrench a pipe segment, the contents of that particular segment are released into the air. If a pipe is full of phoron, that can be a problem. There are some exceptions; notable pieces of equipment that are safe to remove at any time include pumps, regulators, valves, and connectors.
If you’re experimenting with thrusters, try to be mindful of the ship's needs as well. Experimentation tends to be a large time commitment, and the bridge typically won’t want to wait the whole round for thrust. If you’re delving into uncharted territory, you might want to set one side of the ship up with a cold setup while you focus on messing with the other side. Otherwise, if you already have a solid idea on what you’re trying to do, great! Go get ‘em, champ.
==== Improved Gas Flow ====
The simplest kind of modification you can make to the thrusters. The flow from the combustion chamber to the thruster line itself is bottlenecked by the <span style="color:#F09F25">'''Thruster Pump/Regulator'''</span>. The regulator itself isn’t very useful here, as it can’t work as a pump. Maybe you could find some way to increase efficiency.
==== Increased Thruster Line Volume ====
Another simple modification. While it’s not as useful as it once was now that <span style="color:#EF3B1C"> '''Chamber Vents'''</span> can output at 15,000kPa instead of 5,000kPa, it can sometimes be beneficial to increase the volume of the thruster line to make it easier for thrusters to maintain higher or more stable pressures during extended use. There are plenty of ways to do this - use your imagination.
==== CO2 Filtering ====
This is more of an intermediate modification. The idea is to simply filter out the CO2 from the thruster line, leaving you with a line of pure phoron. How you handle that superheated CO2 is where you have to get a little creative. The main thing you'll want to be mindful of is to make sure the filtering process doesn't clog up the flow to the thrusters too much, or you may have difficulty sustaining any reasonable pressure throughout extended use.
==== Heat Exchangers ====
Heat exchanger related designs are on the advanced end of modifications, and as such are one of the more difficult but productive modifications to tackle.<br>
Heat exchangers are devices that equalize temperatures between two networks or systems without allowing their contents to mix together. They come in two forms:
*'''Heat Exchangers''': Also known as heat exchanger plates. In order to operate, a pair of these must be wrenched down facing each other. Each has an end for a pipeline to merge into. The attached pipe networks will automatically exchange heat with each other until their temperature equalizes.
*'''Heat Exchange Pipes''': Also known as radiators. These act just like regular pipes in terms of flow. Instead of equalizing two pipelines, these equalize the temperature of the pipe’s contents with the surrounding air. Essentially, heat transfer between an open and closed environment.
As for heat exchangers, recall above the discussion on the relationship between heat and pressure under The Pressure Limitation, and some ideas might jump in to your head.
==== Checking Your Work ====
If you plan to experiment with your own designs, it’s important to be able to measure your work and compare it to your other efforts to see if you’ve made an improvement, or if you’ve messed up in some way.
Besides keeping a close eye on your pipes with a gas analyzer, the best way to check your work is to confer with the bridge. Ask for a thrust and acceleration reading! Simply ask them to turn on the thrusters for a minute, and take a look at the acceleration on a navigation console instead. Note that if the bridge reports an acceleration of 1.0 gm/h, it’s likely to be more in reality, as the helm’s default acceleration limiter is set to 1.0 gm/h. Furthermore, they'll likely try to tell you total thrust, propellant mass, etc from the engine console; this information is worthless to you as you can already calculate most of that from the thruster bay. Insist upon the acceleration value if you want an accurate measurement.
If you’ve been working on just a single set of thrusters, you might want to ask the bridge to turn on/off specific thrusters to get the readings you want.

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NOTE: The contents of this page were gratefully copied from the Baystation 12 wiki, as the INDRA is more or less a 1-1 port of the RUST. Some attached images may have alternate names until proper images can be acquired.

The INDRA is an experimental fusion reactor that acts as an alternative power source on the Horizon. It consists of a fusion core, fuel injectors, a gyrotron and a few control consoles. Fuel comes in two forms, as a fuel rod that is injected directly or by gas injection into the chamber via an injector pump. If mismanaged the INDRA can cause extreme amounts of destruction to the adjacent decks and surrounding area. As for what INDRA stands for, that's a subject of much debate. Some say it stands for INDependent Reactor, Aneutronic. Others say it stands for INDRA. Who knows, really?

Priming, starting, and maintaining the Horizon is the job of the engineering department. However, some scientists may be brought in for certain collaborative efforts with the permission of the engineering department.

Basic operating principles

The INDRA is about as complex as the Supermatter Engine. The basic operating principles are as follows:

The Fusion Core

The fusion core is the centerpiece of the INDRA, all reactions take place there and it is where the power is generated.

First a note on safety - the reactor may produce large quantities of radiation when operational depending on the reaction. Ensure that you wear appropriate protective gear if necessary.

The INDRA is capable of creating a devastating EMP if operated improperly. Do not exceed the limits specified in this guide, or it will instantaneously destroy itself and make most of the crew very upset at you - if they survive. The INDRA will create this EMP when its instability reaches 100% or if it is turned off without being allowed to cool below 1000K first. Instability will be discussed below.

INDRA Control Interface

INDRA control console in an operational mode.

The fusion core is controlled by the INDRA core control console in the control room. As you can see from the image, this tracks many properties of the fusion core.

  • Power Status - This tells you the current power output and power draw of the Fusion Core. Power draw is dependent on the field strength, and power output is dependent on the fusion reactions taking place within the core.
  • Field Strength - This determines the field size of the fusion core; this is important for catching fuel pellets and can be set to 20 or higher for the default INDRA configuration. Field strength must not exceed 50 tesla. If it exceeds 50 tesla then the field size will exceed that of the INDRA chamber, causing a catastrophic rise in instability and near-instantaneous destruction of the INDRA. Increasing the field strength makes the INDRA take more power, but this is negligible compared to the INDRA output when it is operating.
  • Instability - Instability is raised by two things, the fusion reactions taking place and the fusion core field touching machinery or objects. It is controlled by using the Gyrotron to fire a beam of energy into the fusion core field that maintains its containment. If your instability is rising above 1% then you must immediately adjust the Gyrotron settings and/or reduce the amount of reactants being added to the field.
  • Plasma temperature - This determines the reactions that can take place. Initially your fusion core will be at room temperature, and it will take some time to warm up. Once it is above a few thousand kelvin the rest of the reactions will kick in and it will keep itself stable. When turning off the fusion core this value must be below 1000K or it will cause an EMP and destruction of the INDRA containment, likely flooding Deck 2 with extremely hot gas. To cool this down stop adding reactants and turn the gyrotron power up, then wait.
  • Reactants - This is a list of all current reactants in the field. Every tick of the INDRA, it will try and react these reactants together and create some radiation, instability and power based on what reactions are possible. Reactants exceeding 10,000 total reactants will be removed and turned into radiation (this is not something to worry about, just don't try to add more reactants if you are consistently hitting this threshold).

The Fuel Injectors

These are used to add solid fuel into the INDRA. They are controlled using the Fuel Injection Control Computer within the control room. They must be provided with a fuel rod that can be created by putting solid fuel types into the Fuel Compressor, and then toggled on from their control computer. They will then start firing pellets through the glass into the fusion core field and be absorbed. There are a few different types of fuel materials, but the most common are tritium and deuterium. Iron may be used for other purposes.

The setup process

Now that you understand the important components of the INDRA, we will discuss how to set it up at the start of the shift. It is initially in a completely inoperational state.

  • The fusion core and gyrotron have a heavy power drain when operational. If the round start SMES are not producing enough power, you may need to bring a PACMAN in to jumpstart it.
  • Create five deuterium and one tritium fuel rod using the fuel compressor and insert these into the fuel injectors, one per injector. Be wary of radiation.
  • Set the gyrotron to fire delay 2, power 50. There may be an initial burst in instability when turning the reactor on - if you have allowed fuel to build up. So we set the gyrotron to a high-power mode for the initial startup. Do not walk infront of the gyrotron while it is active.
  • Turn on the fusion core and adjust the field strength to 20 tesla.
  • Turn on all the fusion fuel injectors.
  • Watch the temperature and power rise on the fusion core console. Make sure that the instability is being managed by the gyrotron (less than 1%).
  • Once the power output is 250kW or higher, return to the INDRA room and turn off the PACMAN-generator, if applicable. It may explode if you leave it running for too long.
  • You can now adjust the gyrotron power to a lower setting, such as fire delay 3, power output 3. Check that the instability is staying low after adjusting the gyrotron.

You have now set up the INDRA for a deuterium-tritium reaction, which is the simplest power-positive reaction.

The power from the INDRA will not be fully utilized until you adjust the SMES. Make what upgrades you desire, but if nothing else at least make sure input and output are maximized.

Emergency Shutdown Procedures

In the event that you need to shutdown the INDRA quickly follow these steps:

  • Set the gyrotron to maximum power and minimum firing delay.
  • Toggle the Chamber Exhaust switch, opening the INDRA chamber to space and venting any gaseous reactants.
  • Turn off all fuel injectors.
  • Turn on the PACMAN generator to make sure that the gyrotron keeps operating.
  • Turn off the gyrotron when there are no more reactions taking place.
  • The INDRA will now start to cool over time. Once it is below 1000K it can be switched off on the fusion core control console, then turn off the PACMAN.

More Power!

There are several possible fusion reactions in the INDRA and the output can be raised to approximately 2-3MW with the right setup. Not all of these reactions produce positive net power.

The setup above uses the basic deuterium-tritium reaction, which follows this path:

  • Deuterium + Tritium -> Helium + 1 Power + Radiation
  • Deuterium + Helium -> Nothing + 5 Power

A more productive setup involves adding hydrogen gas to the fusion core. The procedure for this is as follows:

  • Allow the fusion reactor to reach >10,000K temperature with a deuterium-tritium reaction.
  • Turn on the pump on the side of the fusion reactor, setting it to around 10kPA and add a full hydrogen canister.
  • Turn off the tritium fuel injector now. You can replace the fuel rod in this injector with a deuterium one if you wish.

Your fusion reaction now follows this path:

  • Hydrogen + Hydrogen -> Helium + 2 Power
  • Deuterium + Helium -> Nothing + 5 Power

You will need to check up on the hydrogen canister and replace it occasionally, depending on the pressure you set the pump to.

Engineering Department
Head of Department Chief Engineer
Personnel Engineer - Atmospheric Technician
Useful Guides Guide to Atmospherics - Supermatter Engine - Guide to the INDRA - Guide to Thrusters - Telecommunications - Integrated Electronics
Guides of the Aurora
Game Mechanics Getting Started - Guide to Combat - Guide to EVA - Guide to Piloting - Guide to Communication - Corporate Regulations - Stellar Corporate Conglomerate Occupation Qualifications
Command Guide to Command - Guide to Paperwork - Guide to Standard Procedure - Guide to Faxes
Security Guide to Security - Guide to Contraband - Corporate Regulations - Guide to Cadavers
Engineering Guide to Construction - Guide to Advanced Construction - Hacking - Guide to Atmospherics - Supermatter Engine - INDRA Engine - Setting up the Solar Array - Telecommunications - Shields
Medical Guide to Medicine - Guide to Surgery - Guide to Chemistry
Research Guide to Research and Development - Guide to Xenobiology - Guide to Xenobotany - Guide to Xenoarchaeology - Guide to Robotics - Guide to Telescience
Operations Guide to Mining - Guide to Robotics
Civilian Guide to Food - Guide to Drinks - Guide to Hydroponics - Guide to Piloting
Non-human cyborg - AI - Guide to Psionics
Special Mercenary - Ninja - Changeling - Vampire - Raider - Revolutionary - Cultist - Technomancer - Guide to Improvised Weapons - Uplink