Guide to Communication Devices
Spread throughout the Horizon, you will find multiple tools for Communication with your peers. This guide aims to help you do just that.
Hand-held Devices
The Headset is the main form of Communication on the Horizon. You will use it every round. Every Crewmember has access to one at round start. You can examine your headset to see what channels it has access to, and the identifiers.
- :c for Command
- :s for Security
- :u for Supply
- :e for Engineering
- :m for Medical
- :n for Science
- :v for Service
- :z for Entertainment
- :h for quickly speaking on your departmental channel
- :y for Hailing, which is a special channel used to contact other vessels if they are within range
- and just ; for general channel
For your convenience, ":" can be replaced with "."
PDA Messaging Server
The PDA Server is available every round through telecommunications. It can be accessed through your PDA.
- The PDA chat feature is active anywhere that Telecomms is active. If telecomms goes down, so does the messaging server.
- To access this feature, you will have to hold the PDA in your hand and click the 'Messenger' button. You will get a full list of every active PDA.
- The Messaging Server is a very unreliable form of communication, it's best used for casual conversation.
Station-bounced Radio
A station bounced radio is a small, upright green device. The station bounced radio can not be modified or attached!
- The station-bounced radio is capable of broadcasting and receiving from the vessel without Telecomms being active and powered. It is the first line of defense when it comes to emergency communication and one of the few options for communication while off the ship.
- Hold the Device in your pocket or hands and click it to enable the Microphone. The microphone must be enabled to broadcast. Keep in mind that the microphone catches and transmits everything you or others say.
- Alternatively, hold the Device in your hands and add ":r" or ":l" before your message to transmit just that message over the radio. Use ":r" if the device is in your right hand, and ":l" if it is in your left hand.
- Hold the Device in your pocket or hands and click it to enable the Speaker. The speaker must be enabled to receive communication.
- Many Departments have special frequencies accessible only by their intercomms and bounced radios. Keep an eye out for them.
- Station bounced radios can be printed from Autolathes.
Departmental Devices
AI Holopad
A floor-mounted device for projecting holographic images.
- The AI Holopad is capable of sending and receiving communication. It's most commonly used for personal communication with the AI, but the crew can call other Holopads as well to speak to each other.
- Stand on top of or next to the device, activate it, and choose to either contact the 'AI' or 'Holocomms'. Holocomms will give you a prompt to select the recipient Holopad.
- On receiving a Holocall, the recipient Holopad will ring until picked up.
- AI Holopads are found in most rooms where an intercom can be found, they are best used to contact and speak to specific Crewmembers without having to meet in person.
- A special variant of the AI Holopad can be found in certain command areas known as the Long-Range Holopad. This Holopad can only call other Long-Range Holopads and is used to contact other vessels.
Requests Console
A console intended to send requests to different departments on the vessel.
- The Requests Console is capable of printing forms, providing blank sheets of paper and sending messages to any other Request Console on the vessel.
- Move one tile away and click the device. It will bring up a menu with all of the information and buttons to operate the device.
- The Console will blink when you receive messages from it. You can link your PDA to be notified directly. To link your PDA, click the Console with your PDA in your hand.
- Request Consoles are found inside of sub-departments and exist to send out information and requests throughout the Svessel. It's a good idea to link your PDA if you want keep an eye on it.
NTNet Relay Chat Client
This is a downloadable application that any device with a Network card and Storage can access. This includes most modular computers, including Laptops, Tablets, and many Departmental Consoles.
- You can create your own Chatroom or join others. To do this, you will have to download the application on your device first, although most devices have it pre-installed.
- To access the application, you click the device that has the application, and simply click to join or create a room. You can change your nickname in the same area, as well as toggle administrative mode.
- Administrative mode is locked behind ID recognition hardware or Departmental Consoles.
More or less exactly like the Station bounced radio, the intercom ensures no department is without the ability to talk, so long as the vessel is still powered.
- The Intercomm is capable of broadcasting and receiving from the vessel without Telecomms being active and powered. It is the second line of defense when it comes to emergency communication.
- Click the Device to enable the Microphone.
- Click the Device to enable the Speaker. The speaker must be enabled to receive communication. The speaker is enabled by default.
- Many Departments have special frequencies accessible only by their intercomms or bounced radios. Keep an eye out for them.
- Intercomms are found all over the vessel, few rooms don't have one.
Ringer Terminal
A ringer terminal, PDAs can be linked to it.
- Notifies any linked PDAs upon hitting the connected
desk ringer.
- To enable or disable it, simply click it.
- Click it with your PDA in your hand to link it. The PDA should have an ID inside it, or it won't connect.
- Ringer terminals are most commonly found at department desks.