Sol Alliance: различия между версиями

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The Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations (ASSN), commonly referred to as the Sol Alliance, the Second Sol Alliance, the Second Alliance, and sometimes the Alliance, is a federal union of 23 member states, 15 Associated States, and 112 dependencies. All 23 member states and 79 of the Alliance's dependencies are located within the Inner Colonies. The remaining 33 dependencies and all 15 associated states are located within the Outer Colonies. With control over 188 systems of significant population and a population of about 20.8 billion, the Sol Alliance is by far the largest polity within all of known space. It is arguably the most culturally and linguistically diverse polity within known space, owing primarily to the age of its colonies and its control over the Sol system and Earth. The capital of the Sol Alliance is SAAS Nova Concordia, in orbit over Mars in the Sol system.
{{Navbox Lore}}
{{Navbox Human Lore}}
{{Infobox Species
|Species = Solarian
|Scientific = H. Sapiens / Human
|Image = SolCitizens.png
|System = Sol
|World  = Unity Station
|Language = Sol Common
|Politic = Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations
[[File:Sol Alliance Flag.png|Civilian/Government flag of the Sol Alliance.|thumb]]

Large-scale extraterrestrial colonization began in the 2070's, followed by the first extrasolar colonies in the 2140's. In the year 2140, the United Nations formed the Alliance of Solarian Colonies (ASC), the first incarnation of the Sol Alliance, to oversee the colonization of other star systems. Following the First Interstellar War of 2278-2286, tensions between the Earth and the Inner Colonies grew, eventually culminating in the Great War and the Holocaust of 2316. The Great War and the devastation of Earth dealt a crippling blow to the Alliance. In 2320, with the signing of the Treaty of Deimos, the Alliance of Solarian Colonies was officially disbanded and the Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations was formed. The Sol Alliance took its modern form following the Secession Crisis of 2376 and the resultant Secession Wars. Following the war, several of the more independence-minded inner colonies were granted greater autonomy within the Alliance, to avoid further conflict.
Though its power has waned following the disastrous events of late 2462, this federal union remains the home of humanity and the one of the premier powers in the Orion Spur. Formerly held back by bureaucratic corruption, administrative inefficiency, an overstretched legal system, systemic political infighting, and economic troubles that led to over a century of decline and waning influence culminating in its retreat inwards, many now look to reform the Alliance into a more effective political force.

== '''General''' ==
The Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations (ASSN), commonly referred to as the Solarian Alliance, the Sol Alliance, and sometimes the Alliance, is a federal union of 70 member state star systems, and 198 dependencies including the Eridani Corporate Federation. Dependencies vary between undeveloped star systems and outposts on asteroids, to sprawling space stations and include the capital of the Sol Alliance: the bustling Unity Station in orbit over Earth. The Sol Alliance is divided into two administrative sections known as the Inner and Middle Rings.

'''Official Title(s):''' "The Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations" (SC)
The Sol Alliance is either the most populated or second most populated in known space, though due to the lack of accurate census-taking in the Coalition of Colonies it is hard to determine. As of its retreat from the Middle and Outer Rings the Sol Alliance has between 40 and 65 billion citizens and roughly 10 billion residents, with the most recent census having been in 2454. Due to mass defection of many Middle and Outer Ring colonies, these census numbers are no longer considered to be accurate. The Alliance's next census will come in 2464 but experts regard its current population as anywhere between fifty and seventy billion individuals. By breadth of controlled territory the Alliance is the largest sovereign state with every ethnicity, religion, culture, and language found somewhere in its borders. Governed at Unity Station in orbit of Earth, hundreds of systems and dozens of member states find representation in the Alliance.

'''Motto:''' "A United Future for all of Humanity" (SC)
==The Colony Rings==
The Alliance is divided into two major administrative rings, based on time of colonization and distance from [[Sol]].

'''Capital:''' Alliance of Sol Administrative Station "Nova Concrodia"
===Inner Colonies===
Also known as the Inner Ring, these colonies lie within five light years of [[Sol]]. These planets are the oldest settlements outside of the Solar System, and have the highest quality of life. It is the most populous of the three rings. Solarians from these systems are in favor of Alliance rule, with much of Unity Station’s policies focusing on these areas. Very few aliens reside in the Inner Ring, with most being skrell. On the other hand all [[IPC]] frames can be found throughout the Inner Ring. Citizens of these areas push the most for expansion of Alliance authority over human areas outside its control.

'''Demonym:''' Solarian, Alliance Citizen,
====Notable Inner Colonies====
*[[Jupiter]] and its moons
*[[Epsilon Eridani]]

'''Official Languages: ''' Sol Common, Tau Ceti Common (dialect of Sol Common), Mandarin, Spanish, Hindi, 21 additional Recognized Minority Languages
===Middle Colonies===
Also known as the Middle Ring, these colonies lie between five and twenty light years from Sol and are the most average areas of the Alliance. Citizens of this ring felt neither the benefits of Alliance rule nor the benefits of distance from Unity Station prior to the general Solarian retreat from the Middle Ring, leading to many defecting to the Republic of Biesel or, less commonly, the Coalition of Colonies. Some simply fell into a vacuum of no control known as the Wildlands, where they remained until the end of the Solarian Civil War in July 2465. For those Middle Ring worlds remaining with the Alliance, the quality of life in this area is as high as the Inner Ring with plenty of security provided by the mighty Solarian Navy. The separatist [[Republic of Biesel]] was considered part of these middle colonies prior to its independence.

====Notable Middle Colonies====
*'''2445 Census:''' 20,835,259,000
*'''2565 Est.:''' 19,240,727,000
*[[New Hai Phong]]
*[[San Colette]]

'''Systems:''' Sol, Sirius, Altair, Procyon, Alpha Centauri, Sigma Draconis, Eta Cassiopeiae, Delta Pavonis, Epsilon Indi, Ophiuchi, Van Maanen, Barnard, Wolf, Lalande, Luyten, Groombridge, Cancri, Gliese, 170 others.
The '''Solarian Standard Credit''' (民/SSC) is essentially the Orion Spur's standard currency due to the prevalence of the [[Sol Alliance|Solarian Alliance]] prior to its collapse in 2462. Outside of the Alliance, use of the SSC is common throughout certain parts of the [[Coalition of Colonies]], the [[Empire of Dominia]], and the [[Corporate Reconstruction Zone]] of the [[Republic of Biesel]]. Within Sol's collapsed warlord states, it has lost much of its value due to the lack of central authority. The SSC is available in electronic, bankcard and traditional notes forms. Responsibility for the currency falls to the Solarian Central Bank, which is located on Unity Station in the Sol System. The Central Bank manages monetary policy and the supply of the Solarian Standard Credit for the Alliance and greater Spur, and this management of supply and interest rates ensures that the Solarian Credit is able to function as a fiat currency. The SSC is worth less than the Biesel Standard Credit.

'''Semi-Autonomous Member States:''' [[Planetary Republic of Biesel]], [[Eridani Federation]], [[Governance of Stormswrath]]  
The economy of the Sol Alliance was, prior to the recently-passed '''Industrial Reclamation Mandate of 2463''', dominated almost entirely by megacorporations. [[Hephaestus Industries]], [[Idris Incorporated]], [[Zavodskoi Interstellar]], and [[Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals]] increasingly find themselves pushed aside by the massive [[Einstein Engines]], which stands above other megacorporations in the Alliance. Due to its involvement in the Republic of Biesel and continued meddling in Solarian affairs the [[Nanotrasen Corporation]] has been banned from operating within the Alliance itself, and the majority of its assets have been seized by the Alliance. Many suspect Einstein Engines as being behind the Alliance's aggressively anti-NanoTrasen stance. Despite its retreat from the Middle and Outer Rings Sol remains the Orion Spur's second largest economy, trailing only slightly behind the Republic of Biesel.

'''Drives on the:''' Varies per System
In recent times the Alliance has pushed forward an aggressive campaign of nationalisation following its retreat from the Middle and Outer Ring. The now centralised and more authoritarian Alliance has, for the most part, managed to make good on many of its nationalistic promises but has been forced to make some compromises with the corporations that remain within its systems of control. Hephaestus Industries stands out among these corporations and has retained of its control over New Hai Phong due to compromises with Senator Hendrik Strom, one of the main drivers behind the '''Solarian Corporate Authority''', the government entity now responsible for much of the now-nationalised assets from corporations present in Solarian space.

== '''Government''' ==
The Alliance has not fully recovered from the Second Great Depression of 2260. The economic collapse and the resulting civil war left confidence in the Alliance economy extremely shaky. The Alliance has an extremely condensed cycle of boom and bust, with a brief year of growth followed by two years of recession, on average. This is partially the reason that trans-stellar corporations are so powerful and influential: With Sol Alliance bonds or ventures radically decentralized and untrustworthy, the resilient economic strength of trans-stellar corporations makes them a much more lucrative investment. The prosperity of the Alliance is extremely centralized following its retreat, and its remaining systems benefit from their proximity to the Sol System. Most remaining Solarian systems are major commercial and industrial centers, such as New Hai Phong.

'''Type:''' Federal Democracy
The retreat from its outlying colonies has dramatically shifted the nature and state of politics in the Solarian Alliance, and the political scene as it existed previously has all but disappeared following the death of Prime Minister Michael Frost and the chaos that followed it. While the Alliance remains a federal democracy on paper, with a functional upper and lower house, and its byzantine system of legal codes and regulations remains despite reforms, the Alliance is in reality controlled by an emergency government.

'''Head of State:''' Chairman of the Executive Council
* Minister of Commerce
The Alliance Provisional Military Government is the true government of the Solarian Alliance in the trying times following the retreat from the Alliance's colonies, and its governing power is split between the Navy and a small amount of government functionaries including the two most prominent candidates for the Alliance's next Prime Minister: Senators Hendrik Strom and Le Hanh Trang. While many have criticised the APMG as a mere dictatorial officer's clique tacitly supported by pro-navy politicians, it has promised a peaceful transition of power to a civilian government once the situation has become more stable in the Alliance. Whether this promise will be carried through remains to be seen.
* Head Admiral

'''Upper House:''' Alliance Senate

'''Lower House:''' Alliance Popular Assembly
The Alliance's primary method of internal governance and management, the Alliance's departments are massive, Spur-spanning entities which are often regarded as corrupt and inefficient due to their sheer sizes. Below are some of the major departments in the Alliance.

'''Judicial:''' Alliance Central Judiciary
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*Alliance Court of Justice
====Department of the Interior====
*Alliance Central Court
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== '''Politics''' ==
Perhaps the largest government entity in the entire Spur in terms of employees, the Department of the Interior (DoI) is responsible for ensuring the Alliance’s infrastructure is maintained. It is the single oldest Solarian department as its establishment was a condition for the Alliance’s formation, which ensures it is as old as the Alliance is. The DoI’s duties have gradually become more and more complex over the centuries, though colonization itself was handled by a separate department until fairly recently, which has led to its immense size and reputation for inefficiency and corruption, particularly in the Outer and Middle Rings after the Interstellar War. The War devastated the Alliance’s infrastructure and the DoI’s budget, which resulted in it neglecting much of the Alliance’s more remote infrastructure throughout the following centuries. Those who did wish for something to be done to their Outer or Middle Ring infrastructure often had to pay costly “consulting fees” to the DoI, which only led to further neglect and growing corruption.
===Administrative Divisions===
The Sol Alliance is divided into Member States, Dependencies, and Associated States.  

Member States are represented in the Alliance Senate and possess varying degrees of autonomy. They can comprise anything from one to five star systems. The Alliance Charter grants certain rights to member states, which can only be revoked by amending the Alliance Charter. The degree of autonomy varies by member, with certain members such as the Eridani Federation retaining near-complete control over internal affairs, while others such as Sol maintain only negligible autonomy.
By the 25th century the DoI had effectively split into two major sections, the Outer and Core sections, in addition to subordinate departments such as the Department of Energy — responsible for fuel production and management — and the Department of Education — responsible for Solarian education outside of private schools. The Core Section served the Inner Ring, and some sections of the Middle Ring, continuing the DoI’s reputation for excellence in these regions while remaining untangled from the Navy and other elements. The Outer Section, due to lacking the wealth, influence, or manpower of its counterpart, had the Middle and Outer Ring regions it was responsible for fall into neglect and slowly become more and more corrupt. Navy actors in the Outer Section’s areas of responsibility often dominated and bent the Section to their will, further eroding its effectiveness while increasing corruption. [[Sol Alliance History# 2460-61: Michael Frost Ascends to Power|Frost’s administration]] fired many of the Outer Section’s more qualified personnel when they protested some of his decisions and instead replaced them with loyalist flunkies, which only exacerbated the Section’s corruption problems and contributed significantly to the territorial losses of late 2463.

Dependencies contain the vast majority of Alliance systems; they are sparsely populated systems with little to no control over their internal affairs, which are subject to all Alliance laws, although day-to-day operations are left to locally elected legislatures or corporate sponsors.  
The Inner and Outer Section division is mostly irrelevant post-2462 as all of the Outer Section, aside from the area responsible for [[New Hai Phong]], was lost during the Collapse. The Inner Section has remained intact and has, perhaps due to its lesser corruption, mostly endured both the Collapse and the Frost administration’s rampant mismanagement relatively intact. The DoI is heavily involved in both [[Solarian Reconstruction Mandates]] and has promised to avoid the mistakes of its prior staff in these areas. However, only time will tell if the new regions under the DoI’s control will be more effective than their precursors.

Associated States are independent states which have agreed to turn over control of their external affairs to the Alliance in return for military protection and economic aid. Associated states reserve the right of secession and have ''de jure'' control over their internal affairs, though the prerequisites attached to Alliance aid gives the Alliance considerable influence.
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As of 2456, there are 23 member states, 112 Dependencies, and 15 Associated States.
====Department of Justice====
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===Institutions of the Sol Alliance===
The Alliance’s Department of Justice is responsible for policing and court systems across the Alliance. It is younger than the Department of the Interior as it was formed in the late 2100s due to issues between the Soviet bloc and the Western bloc’s justice systems. The DoJ supervises [[Solarian Security and Law|Solarian multi-planetary policing agencies]] such as the Solarian Interstellar Security Agency (SISA) but has no authority over the Solarian Interstellar Intelligence Bureau (SIIB), which has little oversight. Its duties of police and court supervision have remained the same throughout the centuries and the DoJ has a reputation as a relatively non-corrupt Solarian department but has often found itself brutalized by political figures seeking to undermine its authority and credibility.
====Alliance Senate====
The Senate is the 'upper house' of the Alliance Assembly. Senators are appointed for five year terms by the government of their constituency rather than by direct election. There are currently 300 seats in the Senate, with each member state sending a delegation of ten senators. Each senator has a 'voting weight' directly proportional to the population of their constituent. As only member states can appoint senators, dependencies and associated states are not represented within this chamber. Associated States are limited to sending one non-voting observer each.

Special powers accorded to only the Alliance Senate include:
By the mid-2400s the Department of Justice had found itself tested by decades of ATLAS-aligned governments which had sought to erode its authority while corrupting the Department at all possible levels, but it remained mostly independent and uncorrupted until the election of Michael Frost in 2460-61, when ATLAS finally gained a supermajority in the Solarian government. Frost’s regime furloughed or sacked much of the DoJ and replaced those it fired with loyalists. The followers of Prime Minister Frost now found themselves effectively insulated from the threat of investigation and prosecution by authorities in the Alliance. Corruption began to grow unchecked and public trust in the government sharply dropped. Ironically, many corrupt officials put into place by ATLAS and Frost readily defected to Biesel during the Solarian Collapse of 2462 despite their professed loyalty to ATLAS and Sol. Some have speculated this is due to bribes, and these individuals being more loyal to Credits than country.
*Approval of changes in borders between the member states and dependencies of the Sol Alliance;
*Approval of a decree of the Executive Council on the introduction of martial law;
*Approval of a decree of the Executive Council on the introduction of a state of emergency;
*Approval of international treaties.
*Approval of nominations for the Chairman of the Executive Council
*Approval of nominations for ministers of the Executive Council
Senators tend to be senior politicians with decades of experience. There is no term limit.

====Popular Assembly====
Anti-Frost elements in the Department of Justice were a major force behind the coup which seized power following his death in 2462. The post-Frost Department has rapidly resumed its former prestige and role as an enforcer of justice, starting with a massive purge of its ranks to remove remaining loyalists to the now-banned ATLAS. Some of these individuals then joined the Solarian Restoration Front and now find themselves the target of the DoJ once again as the Alliance re-exerts its authority over the Northern Reaches and seeks to punish those involved in the Front’s criminal actions.
The Popular Assembly is the 'lower house' of the Alliance Assembly. Assembly-persons (often called 'legislators') are directly elected for five year terms by Sol Alliance citizens with member state citizenship residing within a member state or qualifying dependency. There are 5000 seats within the Alliance Assembly, which are divided among the member seats by population. The few dependencies which surpass the minimum population threshold (currently 4.16 million) are also granted representation within the Alliance Assembly. All other dependencies go unrepresented.

The Popular Assembly is the only body able to submit spending bills. It also has the power to nominate a Chairman of the Executive Council, who must then be approved by the senate.  
The current head of the Department of Justice is '''Attorney General Henri Fontenot''' born on 24 May, 2413, in New Orleans, [[Earth]]. Fontenot rose to prominence as a stringent and incorruptible prosecutor who fought against corruption in the Solarian government’s Outer Ring. Recalled to the Sol System by Frost’s government in the summer of 2462, presumably to be punished for his role in dismantling an ATLAS-led voting machine, Fontenot’s fortunes were rapidly reversed by the coup against Frost and he has since found himself the Alliance’s Attorney General. During his tenure as AG Fontenot has continued his crusade against corruption and now finds himself leading the Alliance’s tribunals of criminals in the Northern Reaches.

====Executive Council====
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The Executive Council is the executive branch of the Sol Alliance and is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the government. It is headed by the Chairman of the Executive Council, informally known as the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is selected by the Popular Assembly and is normally the leader of the dominant political coalition. They are in charge of appointing administrators to head the various government agencies, determining the priorities of the government, and overseeing the operation of the various government agencies.
====Department of State====
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====Alliance Central Judiciary====
The oldest continuous diplomatic service within human space, the Solarian Department of State is responsible for maintaining and promoting Solarian interests and relations abroad. It is also responsible for ensuring Solarian citizens can receive the services abroad they need:its offices, and their [[Solarian Armed Forces#The Solarian Army|Solarian Army]] guards, are common sights across the Orion Spur. Employees of the Solarian Department of State are members of the Solarian Foreign Service — a government organization with an infamously difficult entry exam which requires the applicant to be at least trilingual. The Department of State is known as the least corrupt Solarian department due to its high barrier of entry and often difficult postings which can be light-years away from the Alliance’s borders.
The Alliance Central Judiciary consists of two separate institutions; the Alliance Court of Justice and the Alliance Central Court. The Alliance Court of Justice is responsible for resolving disputes between member states and on matters regarding international law.  

The Department of State is the most recently created department and was only established in 2287 after the Treaty of Zurich ended the Interstellar War and Solarian hegemony over humanity. Looked down upon by Solarian hardliners who advocated for a policy of no diplomacy with the ex-Solarian [[Coalition of Colonies]], the Department proved its worth by stabilizing relations with the Coalition and ensuring the free passage into the Alliance for all Coalitioners who wished to become Solarians. It was instrumental in ensuring the [[Republic of Elyra|Elyran]] secession did not destabilize into another all-out war and did much to normalize Sol-Coalition relations during the 2300s. However, the Department was consistently defunded and neglected by Solarian governments after the Tau Ceti Accords, which it was scapegoated for. What Foreign Service staff refer to as the “decade of humiliation” only ended in December 2462 following the death of Frost and the anti-Frost coup.

== '''Military''' ==
In the post-Frost era the Department finds itself scrambling to reassert Sol’s position in the broader Spur after a decade of diplomatic neglect and the devastating Solarian Civil War of 2462-65. Its officers are incredibly busy crisscrossing the Spur, from [[Assunzione]] to [[Moroz]] to [[Biesel]], to once again represent what seems to be an ascendant Alliance after two-hundred years of decay. Whether they can keep the Alliance’s foreign diplomacy remains to be seen, particularly with it now once again sharing a border with the Coalition.

'''Military strength:''' Strong; Superpower
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====Department of Commerce====
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'''Power Projection Ability:''' Very high
An old department which dates to the foundation of the Alliance, the Department of Commerce is responsible for managing the Solarian Credit and the overall economic policies of the broader Alliance such as trade agreements, taxation, and other forms of monetary policy. One of the largest Departments by sheer number of staff, it was nearly destroyed by the Second Great Depression and the economic fallout of the Interstellar War. The secession of the Coalition arguably saved the Department as it significantly reduced its workload.

'''Superlarge/Dreadnaught class vessels:'''
However, the secession of the Coalition did not reduce the Department’s total staff as it was mostly based within the Solarian Core Worlds. In the chaotic political aftermath of the Interstellar War and the[[Sol Alliance History# 18 May, 2289: Naval Coup Attempt|Navy’s coup attempt]], the Alliance was unwilling to fight with its own department and conceded to it retaining its grossly overinflated staff. The Department quickly found itself filled with unqualified and unreliable individuals put into these positions through either bribery or nepotism, and remained inefficient as a result. Over time this inefficiency turned into corruption, such as paying benefits to avoid taxes and counterfeiting by some banks. By the time Frost seized power much of the Department was effectively rotten outside of the Solarian core, and many Department staff defected to the Republic of Biesel in exchange for retaining their positions and salaries.

'''Large/Capitol class vessels:'''
What remains of the Department after the [[Sol Alliance History#2462: The Solarian Civil War|Solarian Collapse]] is the best and brightest of its bloated staff: the Core Worlds Division. The Core Division is responsible for many of humanity’s oldest fiscal institutions and is notably less corrupt and more efficient than its counterparts due to managing space near Unity Station and the Sol System. With the collapse of Frost’s government and the subsequent anti-Frost coup by reformists it now finds itself the only division of the Department of Commerce, and has been given the monumental task of rebuilding it. To the frustration of some Department members the Solarian Corporate Authority (SCA) has been allowed to operate without any oversight from the Department of Commerce, with the Solarian government consistently stating the SCA is far too important to be restrained by checks and balances on its actions. For the moment, the SCA answers directly to the Prime Minister’s office and completely bypasses any other authorities.

'''Medium class vessels:'''
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====Department of Defense====
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'''Corvette class vessels:'''
The Solarian Department of Defense (DoD) is an entity with a long history of success, failure, and cronyism. Headquartered in Harmony City, [[Luna]], the Department is responsible for ensuring the [[Solarian Armed Forces]] — perhaps the largest organized fighting force in the Orion Spur — remain ready for duty and easily able to defeat any who would contest them. The Department is subdivided into the Department of the Army, headquartered on [[Earth]], and the Department of the Navy, headquartered on Luna. The Department has long been another arena of the Solarian Army-Navy rivalry which has defined the SAF since the Interstellar War, and the Navy has historically been the more powerful subdepartment of the Department of Defense.

== '''Economics''' ==
Established on 17 July, 2143, shortly after the Alliance’s founding it has long been allowed to act with a degree of independence from the broader Alliance and, due to being headquartered on Luna, has always been dominated by Lunarians — residents of Luna, Earth’s only moon. Historically the Department has been a breeding ground for radical Solarian nationalists such as Michael Frost and [[Sol Alliance History#8 October 2278: The Bombing of Gadpathur|Terrence Hopper]], the latter of which established much of the ideological foundations later used by ATLAS to take over the Solarian government in the late 2450s. Prime Minister Michael Frost, an ideological follower of Hopper, further empowered the radical wing of the Department at the expense of its efficiency and credibility, ultimately turning much of it into an enforcement tool for ATLAS. It was only with Frost’s death and a Navy-led counter-coup that the Department began to right its course and reckon with its more radical elements.

'''Official Currency:''' Sol Alliance Credit (''cr.'')
The contemporary Department, under Minister '''Lucien Courtois''', a Lunan and reformist naval officer, has done much to improve its efficiency and destroy the remaining loyalists of Frost and ATLAS. Massive purges carried out of Navy and Department staff have allowed it to essentially “clean house” but have left some aspects of the Department shorthanded, particularly as it now moves to assist in the Solarian Reconstruction Mandates and re-exert Solarian influence on the galactic stage. The Department has much work to do, but many — particularly its Minister — are more than willing to do whatever it takes for the Alliance’s military to succeed.

'''Accepts Sol Credit:''' Yes
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====Department of Colonization====
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'''GINI Coefficient:''' 34.0
A now-defunct department which has been integrated into the Department of the Interior, the Department of Colonization was — at its peak in 2259 — the most important part of the Solarian government as it managed colonies and colonization. Its influence stretched from Solarian Core to the [[Sol Alliance History#Historical Solarian Sectors and Regions|Solarian Frontier]], and it managed the welfare of thousands of worlds ranging in size from the populous [[Xanu Prime]] to refueling stations staffed by under a hundred Solarian citizens. Its personnel could be found nearly anywhere in the Spur, and were renowned for their dedication and efficiency.

'''Standard of Living:''' Very high
The decline of the once-mighty Department of Colonization began with the [[Sol Alliance History#18 June, 2260: The Second Great Depression Begins|Second Great Depression]] and was accelerated by the [[Sol Alliance History#25 March, 2278: Outbreak of the Interstellar War|Interstellar War]]. At the War’s end the Department was a shadow of its former self and unable to carry out any major colonial efforts or expeditions, such as the expedition which eventually would become the nomadic [[Scarabs|Scarab Fleet]]. Ultimately it was integrated into the Department of the Interior and faded into history as the Alliance became more corrupt and insular, forgetting its hegemonic era and eventually collapsing into civil war in 2462. The Department of Colonization is, for most, a distant memory and a reminder of better times for the Alliance.

== '''Societal''' ==
==[[Solarian Armed Forces|Sol Alliance Military]]==
[[File:Sol Navy.png|thumb|alt=Flag of the Navy of the Sol Alliance.|The ensign of the Sol Alliance Navy, once flown from Earth to the human frontier.]]
The Solarian Armed Forces has a history going as far back as the onset of the [ new mandate]. Although originally created as a peacekeeping force it developed over time into a professional military force with fleets capable of projecting the Solarian Alliance’s power on a galactic scale. While the Alliance has significantly reduced its size its military is hardly a shadow of its former self, and the Solarian Navy's one-hundred fleets - freed of their obligations to patrol seemingly endless amounts of space - now stand perhaps stronger than ever. The only military entity capable of rivaling the Solarian Navy is the Nralakk Federation’s Navy.

'''Ethnic Groups:'''
A standard Solarian Navy fleet consists of roughly one-hundred ships for a main fleet, and fifty ships for a patrol fleet. A Solarian battlefleet is one of the most intimidating organizations in the Orion Spur, and consists of four main fleets with one supporting patrol fleet. Though many Solarian Navy vessels are presently hamstrung by their lack of phoron thanks to an ongoing phoron embargo by the Republic of Biesel they are increasingly being retrofitted with the Einstein Engines-produced [[Einstein Engines#Products|Suzuki-Zhang Hammer Drive]], a recently-invented Helium-3 burning engine that is advertised as rivalling the best phoron-fueled bluespace engines. With Einstein Engines continuing to support the Alliance, the matter of a fully-modernized Solarian Navy is one of when not if.
* 17% Han Chinese
* 14% Hindustani
* 15% Arab
* 11% Bengali
* 12% Various European
* 31% Other

'''Religion:''' Secular; Religious Freedom; Variety of Religions
While the Sol Alliance has shrunk dramatically in recent years, it remains the strongest human naval power in the Orion Spur even after its retreat to its core worlds. If anything its military is, arguably, stronger than ever - territorial consolidation and constant combat experience along the borders with the human wildlands have dramatically increased the effectiveness and readiness of the Solarian Navy's hundred fleets. However the Navy remains plagued with political factionalism, with many supporting warlords in the wildlands and others dueling over power in the current emergency military government.

== '''History''' ==
The Sol Alliance sees the independence of Biesel as a serious mistake; during a crisis where there was a very real prospect that the entire human galactic economy would cease to exist, NanoTrasen used its considerable influence and power to coerce the Alliance to grant independence to Tau Ceti in 2452.

The Sol Alliance, often just addressed as “The Alliance” or sometimes just “Sol” is a strong federation of the core colony worlds originally settled by the Humans from Earth. It is a democracy de jure, however power within the Alliance often falls into the hands of a number of influential and wealthy 'inner worlds' which serve as a sort of Aristocracy, having the largest populations in human space after Earth was abandoned. Until recently, these families have held power nearly since the Alliance's founding. But, in the last election Salvatore Abbiati, from the Jovian moons won in a landslide. The Alliance is emerging from an marked era of economic stagnation and territorial contraction. This period was headed by the isolationist “Sol” party, which has since been ousted by Abbatis' “Oath” party.
==IPCs in the Sol Alliance==

The Alliance began as an evolution of the UN designed to administer all colony worlds. As the inner-colonies grew, the Alliance gained more power until it gained enough political and military clot to declare itself ''the'' governing body of humanity. Alliance politics during these first couple centuries of Alliance rules are best described as 'Earth' vs the 'Inner-Colonies'. Earth was by far the most populated place is human space, but relied on the colonies for raw resources to keep it alive. Earth also viewed the colonies as 'hers' and a strong sense of 'Earth-planetism' ensured that Earth was always draining more and more resources from the colonies. The Alliance became split on colony and Earth lines, eventually culminating in the first Alliance Civil War. Earth was rendered uninhabitable by orbital bombardment following the launching of Kinetic Kill Vehicles on Inner Colony Worlds. Additionally, a mysterious virus on Earth continues to crop up, killing off whole communities of survivors. The surviving Earth population mostly spread out into the stars, many settling in slums on Mars or Luna, some radical elements fleeing into the fringe. Today, the Alliance is a 'Inner-colony centric' government, reflecting the prestige of the most developed, populated and prosperous planets in human space.
The Sol Alliance is the birthplace of [[IPC|integrated positronic chassis]] and they have found a place in almost every level of society, offering relatively cheap, autonomous, and skilled labour. The discovery of ancient drones in 2406 led to the development of the [[Positronic_Brain#Software|positronic brain]] which provided manufacturers with a processor capable of holding AI that could consume knowledge and control a humanoid body with the same level of competence as a human. Owing to their cost, the majority of the Alliance’s robotics’ needs are fulfilled by simpler, human-designed AI or unreliable and controversial cyborg processors. Positronic intelligences are instead used in roles which require a high degree of autonomy and adaptability, or simply replace humans directly, especially in dangerous fields.

The Alliance is an extremely diverse society, with no specific ethnic group of any kind making up a majority, at most holding a plurality. More than 31% of the population is composed of minority ethnic groups spread across the Sol system and the colonies, both in major population centers and in a handful of ethnic enclaves. Socially, the Alliance is a rather pleasant place to live as-long as you’re not too insistent on being involved in the political system.  It is among the more liberal of the empires, with tolerance, social equality and opportunity seen as the birth-right of all mankind, not just those citizens of the Alliance. The Alliance is by far the most powerful of all Human governments, with only the Skrellian Confederation being near an equal in power, wealth and technological advancement. Religious Freedom is also viewed by Solarians as being integral to Human rights, and as such Sol is a secular society where government interference with personal religion is not just frowned upon, but outright forbidden by law.
IPCs, alongside all synthetic life in the Sol Alliance are exclusively property, either owned by individuals, companies, or the government itself. Although not standardized, most government synthetics and IPCs work with a basic restriction that prevents them from harming people or damaging property to avoid accidents. Most local governments, particularly those with reservations about the spread of IPCs obligate the usage of similar directives for IPCs. Directives act as a more relaxed version of laws in order to capitalize on adaptability of positronic brain-based AI, outlining the objectives of an IPC. They are often chosen for their ability to be quickly modified by their end-consumer towards specified behvaiors.  

Politically, the Sol Alliance is a quagmire. With two centuries of codified laws complicating the electoral process to an almost byzantine degree. Furthermore, the vast majority of politicians come from a pseudo-aristocracy from the inner-most worlds which over the centuries has gained a fearsome foothold in matters political and governmental.  While officials outside of these ‘families’ are somewhat common, they usually are found in lower ranking positions. Most seats on the Sol Senate are held by the 'political families' or those affiliated with them.
In the case that an IPC malfunctions or commits a criminal offense, the responsibility is placed firmly on the owner of the machine and the manufacturer is often fined. The machine itself is then frequently reset, repossessed by the state, or in some cases, recycled for parts. An IPC without an owner is repossessed by the government. In cases where the IPC isn’t in a condition to be readily used, they are often sold back to the public at a substantially cheaper price.

The executive branch of the Alliance divests its power into three individuals. While usually being referred to as an executive Councillor.  The three Councillors are, the leader of the majority/plurality party (Chief Councilor), The High-Admiral of the Alliance navy, and the Minister of Commerce. The leader of the majority party takes the role of head of the executive council, while the two unelected officials are viewed as subordinate, though both other councils can, together, veto an action of the Chief Councilor. Though this method, an unstable or otherwise unreliable leader can have his power checked by the other two Councillors, mitigating the damage they are capable of inflicting. On the reverse, this can render an otherwise talented head counselor incapable of doing his duties if he is not well-liked by the other Councillors.  
With the fracture of Sol, IPCs find themselves in increasing use by the government and military in order to make up for losses of skilled labor and to cut through perceived rivalries between officials. In order to prevent potential dissent or uprising among the machines, personality wiping, loyalty programming, and strict directives are often employed by the government.

The Sol Alliance is the most advanced and technologically sophisticated entity in Human space, with possibly only the Skrell exceeding them in their technological advancement.  A specific piece of technology that is critical to what the Alliance is today is the Warp-gate network present in low orbit of each and every garden or developed core world.  This network of transit stations connected to their host-worlds by orbital elevators. Each has anywhere from one, to twenty wormhole-gates which can connect to any other gate in the network allowing for near-instantaneous travel to any other gate. These gates are roughly 3 meters tall and 3 meters wide, with a small tram and rails connected into its horizon. Allowing a tram of 20 people to cross 60 light years from one side of the Alliance to the other in mere moments 
IPCs have their movement restricted, being forbidden from travelling alone without written authorization, and without passing through a mile of red-tape and checkpoints. Free IPCs, as well as those belonging to companies not based in Sol space often find themselves captured and nationalized or auctioned off to new owners if they cannot escape. All IPCs from out of Sol are barred entirely unless they are owned and have someone present and accountable for them. Outside IPCs that are owned which cannot produce a supervisor, or free IPCs trying to smuggle themselves in are subject to capture and sale or confiscation for use by the government.
==IPC in the Sol Alliance Military==

The wormhole network is integral to how the Alliance is today.  With this invention, cheap, nearly instantaneous travel across the Alliance's wealthiest worlds is available to all. An average trip through the gate costing less than 100Cr. Taking advantage of the superior arcology technology, Alliance worlds manage to achieve low population densities despite its massive population. The Alliance prides itself on building comfortable settlements while simultaneously leaving the vast majority of nature on settled planets untouched.  The relative peace and prosperity of humanity's most powerful nation was the main factor allowing the development and creation of these wonders of modern technology, as they are far too expensive, advanced, and tempting a target in the less-developed outer-colonies. 

Though the Alliance was isolated politically and economically until extremely recently. They are now gearing up for heightened trade with both the outer and fringe colonies, powered by bluespace drivers. The Alliance is by far the highest exporter in Human space, trading medical supplies, ship-parts and industrial equipment and luxury goods for foodstuffs, refined plasma and other natural resources.  
Technological progress has seen Humanity starting to employ all sorts of machines and especially robotics, especially since the creation of the Positronic brain. Self thinking synthetics have been recognised as offering unique solutions to complicated problems in a military setting, making them a powerful asset when coupled with the robustness of an artificial chassis. As such, the Alliance Army and Navy was bound to adopt them. Today, IPCs are utilised as specialised equipment in a variety of dangerous and demanding settings, mostly in a technical and auxiliary role rather than frontline combat. From spaceship maintenance to clearing minefields, synthetics are favoured in these circumstances due to being less important than the well-being of human service members. The majority of positronic frames in the military is dominated by Baselines and Industrials, though Mobility and Shell frames are also encountered as paramedics and clerks.

The Alliance was founded early in the recent era, as a combined effort of Humanity to successfully leave the planet spurned by fears of economic collapse due to resource depletion.  Slowly however, the Alliance began assuming more duties until it declared itself the governing body of humanity.

Shaped over time by a series of extremely damaging civil wars, the Alliance has retreated from her outer-most colonies, slowly shrinking over the centuries. The Alliance has set down her border at a roughly 75 ly bubble around Sol. It's borders are ferociously guarded by elements of the Alliance Navy and few rival navies has attempted to brake the border. However, an invasion of the Alliance sin't all that necessary: For the past several centuries, the outer-most Alliance systems have been braking away, joining various outer-colony empires.
Positronics in both the Army and Navy are not considered equal to their human counterparts, and are officially classified as equipment, much like a weapons system belonging to the ship or military formation under which they are assigned. As such, they are enlisted under the rank of '''Synthetic Auxiliary''', clearly distinguished from the rest by gray highlights attached to their uniform, a standardised designation across the Alliance's branches. These IPCs are tightly controlled by human operators, but in cases where contact is expected to be hampered or severed, a trusted synthetic may be put in command of a squad or detachment of synthetics. These are "promoted" to '''Synthetic Lead''', receiving a gray chevron on their shoulder as a mark of seniority. Indeed, many years of service and experience are usually required for a positronic to achieve this position, in a conservative Solarian culture that both distrusts and undermines self-thinking IPCs.
Solarian Military Synthetics use a standard format of a designation followed by a singular name for identification. Whilst the assigned names of IPC can be greatly varied their designation is chosen based on their branch of service. With the Navy using NU (Navy Unit), Army AU (Army Unit) and Marines MU (Marine Unit).
Positronics serving within the Solarian Military experience harsh treatment in accordance with their designation as equipment rather than personnel. Accommodations are kept to a bare spartan minimum and luxuries are unheard of amongst IPC service members, with only the equipment required for their tasks being provided, while free time is minimized. This attitude also affects the standards positronics are held to in terms of presentation and behavior, being even more strict than those given to human personnel, with deviations from expected behavior being seen as a sign of potential disloyalty or future trouble. Social interactions between Human and IPC service members are discouraged and monitored. Human service members are instructed to view these synthetics as tools to be used, and considering them otherwise will likely result in disciplinary action.
Punishments inflicted on Positronics range from slaps on the wrist to mind-wiping or forcible retirement, however more extreme disciplinary measures are considered very rare and often only used in cases of outright disloyalty. Despite the harsh line the Solarian Military takes towards their Synthetic service members, there is some good for those IPC who end up in this environment. The Solarian Military ensures that its Synthetics are well-maintained, powered and repaired as they would any other piece of equipment and abandonment of IPC personnel is only done when there is no other option available, and significant risk to human life would be present in attempting to recover them.
'''In the Warlord States'''
Since the breakup of large swaths of Alliance space from the main core, military synthetics were included as part of the naval formations that came to rule these areas. A general breakdown in communication, coupled with the lack of proper maintenance facilities and spare parts have made the upkeep of these Positronics a costly affair, while generally casting them fully to the mercy of local officers. Indeed, Solarian military IPCs in Warlord jurisdiction are met with different and unexpected fates. In what was the '''Southern Fleet Administration''', IPC units were either quickly sold off for profit or worked to destruction, the disorganised and bandit-like vessels having few resources to put towards their proper maintenance. In the '''Southern Military District''' on the other hand, treatment of synthetics remains in line with proper Solarian guidelines, with machinist depots on Visegrad being utilized by the fleet.
==Alliance Anthem==
“Our United Alliance” - ASSN Anthem
Our Solarian Sovereignty undisputed
Our vision, transcendent
Our heads high, our will strong
Arise my Alliance, for we are supreme
From Sol to the frontier, our right
We are humanity, our vision great
The stars, our destiny manifest
Through the toil of our people
We expand to the horizon
For our Humanity, we expand
Our Solarian Sovereignty undisputed
Our vision, transcendent
Our heads high, our will strong
Arise my Alliance, for we are supreme
From Sol to the frontier, our right
We are humanity, our vision great
Proud people under your leadership
Through the blood of our people
Always ready to give our due
For our unity, we stand strong
Sol Common is, shockingly, the dominant language of the Sol Alliance across all classes of society. Tau Ceti Basic is commonly available in schools, though it is generally regarded as a second language for Solarians. Tradeband is uncommon outside certain areas such as the Sol System and the Eridani Corporate Federation but, thanks to the economic power of these systems, remains a common language for interstellar trade. Freespeak, otherwise known as Gutter, is viewed as the language of lower-class individuals, such as now extinct Martian separatists and dregs and barely-civilised frontiersmen from the Coalition of Colonies. Solarian Sign Language is a popular elective course in higher education in the Sol Alliance and can be found throughout the Alliance itself, in addition to forming the basis of modern Galactic Sign Language.
==[[Sol Alliance History]]==
The Sol Alliance's relatively long history holds the origins of many of the current nations, megacorporations, and current conflicts within it. For a detailed overview, see the [[Sol Alliance History|Sol Alliance history page]].  
{{Navbox Human Lore}}
{{Navbox Lore}}

Since the election of Salvatore Abbiati, things have changed in the Alliance.  With the loyalty and support of the High Admiral and Minister of Commerce, Abbiati has been able to force reforms through the Alliance Senate, crippling the power of the old families and opening the upper echelons of the government to the lower-class.  However, the Alliace is coming to realize the uncomfortable reality that not only do they rely on NanoTransen to keep the economy going, they may be exerting a dangerous amount of influence over Alliance affairs. The current administration is also highly suspicious of the conditions behind the forming of the Tau Ceti Free Trade Zone, not to mention what amounts to the loss of one of it's core systems.

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  • Расы

  • Solarian
    H. Sapiens / Human
    Home System: Sol
    Homeworld: Unity Station
    Language(s): Sol Common
    Political Entitie(s): Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations
    Civilian/Government flag of the Sol Alliance.

    Though its power has waned following the disastrous events of late 2462, this federal union remains the home of humanity and the one of the premier powers in the Orion Spur. Formerly held back by bureaucratic corruption, administrative inefficiency, an overstretched legal system, systemic political infighting, and economic troubles that led to over a century of decline and waning influence culminating in its retreat inwards, many now look to reform the Alliance into a more effective political force.

    The Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations (ASSN), commonly referred to as the Solarian Alliance, the Sol Alliance, and sometimes the Alliance, is a federal union of 70 member state star systems, and 198 dependencies including the Eridani Corporate Federation. Dependencies vary between undeveloped star systems and outposts on asteroids, to sprawling space stations and include the capital of the Sol Alliance: the bustling Unity Station in orbit over Earth. The Sol Alliance is divided into two administrative sections known as the Inner and Middle Rings.


    The Sol Alliance is either the most populated or second most populated in known space, though due to the lack of accurate census-taking in the Coalition of Colonies it is hard to determine. As of its retreat from the Middle and Outer Rings the Sol Alliance has between 40 and 65 billion citizens and roughly 10 billion residents, with the most recent census having been in 2454. Due to mass defection of many Middle and Outer Ring colonies, these census numbers are no longer considered to be accurate. The Alliance's next census will come in 2464 but experts regard its current population as anywhere between fifty and seventy billion individuals. By breadth of controlled territory the Alliance is the largest sovereign state with every ethnicity, religion, culture, and language found somewhere in its borders. Governed at Unity Station in orbit of Earth, hundreds of systems and dozens of member states find representation in the Alliance.

    The Colony Rings

    The Alliance is divided into two major administrative rings, based on time of colonization and distance from Sol.

    Inner Colonies

    Also known as the Inner Ring, these colonies lie within five light years of Sol. These planets are the oldest settlements outside of the Solar System, and have the highest quality of life. It is the most populous of the three rings. Solarians from these systems are in favor of Alliance rule, with much of Unity Station’s policies focusing on these areas. Very few aliens reside in the Inner Ring, with most being skrell. On the other hand all IPC frames can be found throughout the Inner Ring. Citizens of these areas push the most for expansion of Alliance authority over human areas outside its control.

    Notable Inner Colonies

    Middle Colonies

    Also known as the Middle Ring, these colonies lie between five and twenty light years from Sol and are the most average areas of the Alliance. Citizens of this ring felt neither the benefits of Alliance rule nor the benefits of distance from Unity Station prior to the general Solarian retreat from the Middle Ring, leading to many defecting to the Republic of Biesel or, less commonly, the Coalition of Colonies. Some simply fell into a vacuum of no control known as the Wildlands, where they remained until the end of the Solarian Civil War in July 2465. For those Middle Ring worlds remaining with the Alliance, the quality of life in this area is as high as the Inner Ring with plenty of security provided by the mighty Solarian Navy. The separatist Republic of Biesel was considered part of these middle colonies prior to its independence.

    Notable Middle Colonies


    The Solarian Standard Credit (民/SSC) is essentially the Orion Spur's standard currency due to the prevalence of the Solarian Alliance prior to its collapse in 2462. Outside of the Alliance, use of the SSC is common throughout certain parts of the Coalition of Colonies, the Empire of Dominia, and the Corporate Reconstruction Zone of the Republic of Biesel. Within Sol's collapsed warlord states, it has lost much of its value due to the lack of central authority. The SSC is available in electronic, bankcard and traditional notes forms. Responsibility for the currency falls to the Solarian Central Bank, which is located on Unity Station in the Sol System. The Central Bank manages monetary policy and the supply of the Solarian Standard Credit for the Alliance and greater Spur, and this management of supply and interest rates ensures that the Solarian Credit is able to function as a fiat currency. The SSC is worth less than the Biesel Standard Credit.

    The economy of the Sol Alliance was, prior to the recently-passed Industrial Reclamation Mandate of 2463, dominated almost entirely by megacorporations. Hephaestus Industries, Idris Incorporated, Zavodskoi Interstellar, and Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals increasingly find themselves pushed aside by the massive Einstein Engines, which stands above other megacorporations in the Alliance. Due to its involvement in the Republic of Biesel and continued meddling in Solarian affairs the Nanotrasen Corporation has been banned from operating within the Alliance itself, and the majority of its assets have been seized by the Alliance. Many suspect Einstein Engines as being behind the Alliance's aggressively anti-NanoTrasen stance. Despite its retreat from the Middle and Outer Rings Sol remains the Orion Spur's second largest economy, trailing only slightly behind the Republic of Biesel.

    In recent times the Alliance has pushed forward an aggressive campaign of nationalisation following its retreat from the Middle and Outer Ring. The now centralised and more authoritarian Alliance has, for the most part, managed to make good on many of its nationalistic promises but has been forced to make some compromises with the corporations that remain within its systems of control. Hephaestus Industries stands out among these corporations and has retained of its control over New Hai Phong due to compromises with Senator Hendrik Strom, one of the main drivers behind the Solarian Corporate Authority, the government entity now responsible for much of the now-nationalised assets from corporations present in Solarian space.

    The Alliance has not fully recovered from the Second Great Depression of 2260. The economic collapse and the resulting civil war left confidence in the Alliance economy extremely shaky. The Alliance has an extremely condensed cycle of boom and bust, with a brief year of growth followed by two years of recession, on average. This is partially the reason that trans-stellar corporations are so powerful and influential: With Sol Alliance bonds or ventures radically decentralized and untrustworthy, the resilient economic strength of trans-stellar corporations makes them a much more lucrative investment. The prosperity of the Alliance is extremely centralized following its retreat, and its remaining systems benefit from their proximity to the Sol System. Most remaining Solarian systems are major commercial and industrial centers, such as New Hai Phong.


    The retreat from its outlying colonies has dramatically shifted the nature and state of politics in the Solarian Alliance, and the political scene as it existed previously has all but disappeared following the death of Prime Minister Michael Frost and the chaos that followed it. While the Alliance remains a federal democracy on paper, with a functional upper and lower house, and its byzantine system of legal codes and regulations remains despite reforms, the Alliance is in reality controlled by an emergency government.


    The Alliance Provisional Military Government is the true government of the Solarian Alliance in the trying times following the retreat from the Alliance's colonies, and its governing power is split between the Navy and a small amount of government functionaries including the two most prominent candidates for the Alliance's next Prime Minister: Senators Hendrik Strom and Le Hanh Trang. While many have criticised the APMG as a mere dictatorial officer's clique tacitly supported by pro-navy politicians, it has promised a peaceful transition of power to a civilian government once the situation has become more stable in the Alliance. Whether this promise will be carried through remains to be seen.


    The Alliance's primary method of internal governance and management, the Alliance's departments are massive, Spur-spanning entities which are often regarded as corrupt and inefficient due to their sheer sizes. Below are some of the major departments in the Alliance.

    Department of the Interior

    Perhaps the largest government entity in the entire Spur in terms of employees, the Department of the Interior (DoI) is responsible for ensuring the Alliance’s infrastructure is maintained. It is the single oldest Solarian department as its establishment was a condition for the Alliance’s formation, which ensures it is as old as the Alliance is. The DoI’s duties have gradually become more and more complex over the centuries, though colonization itself was handled by a separate department until fairly recently, which has led to its immense size and reputation for inefficiency and corruption, particularly in the Outer and Middle Rings after the Interstellar War. The War devastated the Alliance’s infrastructure and the DoI’s budget, which resulted in it neglecting much of the Alliance’s more remote infrastructure throughout the following centuries. Those who did wish for something to be done to their Outer or Middle Ring infrastructure often had to pay costly “consulting fees” to the DoI, which only led to further neglect and growing corruption.

    By the 25th century the DoI had effectively split into two major sections, the Outer and Core sections, in addition to subordinate departments such as the Department of Energy — responsible for fuel production and management — and the Department of Education — responsible for Solarian education outside of private schools. The Core Section served the Inner Ring, and some sections of the Middle Ring, continuing the DoI’s reputation for excellence in these regions while remaining untangled from the Navy and other elements. The Outer Section, due to lacking the wealth, influence, or manpower of its counterpart, had the Middle and Outer Ring regions it was responsible for fall into neglect and slowly become more and more corrupt. Navy actors in the Outer Section’s areas of responsibility often dominated and bent the Section to their will, further eroding its effectiveness while increasing corruption. Frost’s administration fired many of the Outer Section’s more qualified personnel when they protested some of his decisions and instead replaced them with loyalist flunkies, which only exacerbated the Section’s corruption problems and contributed significantly to the territorial losses of late 2463.

    The Inner and Outer Section division is mostly irrelevant post-2462 as all of the Outer Section, aside from the area responsible for New Hai Phong, was lost during the Collapse. The Inner Section has remained intact and has, perhaps due to its lesser corruption, mostly endured both the Collapse and the Frost administration’s rampant mismanagement relatively intact. The DoI is heavily involved in both Solarian Reconstruction Mandates and has promised to avoid the mistakes of its prior staff in these areas. However, only time will tell if the new regions under the DoI’s control will be more effective than their precursors.

    Department of Justice

    The Alliance’s Department of Justice is responsible for policing and court systems across the Alliance. It is younger than the Department of the Interior as it was formed in the late 2100s due to issues between the Soviet bloc and the Western bloc’s justice systems. The DoJ supervises Solarian multi-planetary policing agencies such as the Solarian Interstellar Security Agency (SISA) but has no authority over the Solarian Interstellar Intelligence Bureau (SIIB), which has little oversight. Its duties of police and court supervision have remained the same throughout the centuries and the DoJ has a reputation as a relatively non-corrupt Solarian department but has often found itself brutalized by political figures seeking to undermine its authority and credibility.

    By the mid-2400s the Department of Justice had found itself tested by decades of ATLAS-aligned governments which had sought to erode its authority while corrupting the Department at all possible levels, but it remained mostly independent and uncorrupted until the election of Michael Frost in 2460-61, when ATLAS finally gained a supermajority in the Solarian government. Frost’s regime furloughed or sacked much of the DoJ and replaced those it fired with loyalists. The followers of Prime Minister Frost now found themselves effectively insulated from the threat of investigation and prosecution by authorities in the Alliance. Corruption began to grow unchecked and public trust in the government sharply dropped. Ironically, many corrupt officials put into place by ATLAS and Frost readily defected to Biesel during the Solarian Collapse of 2462 despite their professed loyalty to ATLAS and Sol. Some have speculated this is due to bribes, and these individuals being more loyal to Credits than country.

    Anti-Frost elements in the Department of Justice were a major force behind the coup which seized power following his death in 2462. The post-Frost Department has rapidly resumed its former prestige and role as an enforcer of justice, starting with a massive purge of its ranks to remove remaining loyalists to the now-banned ATLAS. Some of these individuals then joined the Solarian Restoration Front and now find themselves the target of the DoJ once again as the Alliance re-exerts its authority over the Northern Reaches and seeks to punish those involved in the Front’s criminal actions.

    The current head of the Department of Justice is Attorney General Henri Fontenot born on 24 May, 2413, in New Orleans, Earth. Fontenot rose to prominence as a stringent and incorruptible prosecutor who fought against corruption in the Solarian government’s Outer Ring. Recalled to the Sol System by Frost’s government in the summer of 2462, presumably to be punished for his role in dismantling an ATLAS-led voting machine, Fontenot’s fortunes were rapidly reversed by the coup against Frost and he has since found himself the Alliance’s Attorney General. During his tenure as AG Fontenot has continued his crusade against corruption and now finds himself leading the Alliance’s tribunals of criminals in the Northern Reaches.

    Department of State

    The oldest continuous diplomatic service within human space, the Solarian Department of State is responsible for maintaining and promoting Solarian interests and relations abroad. It is also responsible for ensuring Solarian citizens can receive the services abroad they need:its offices, and their Solarian Army guards, are common sights across the Orion Spur. Employees of the Solarian Department of State are members of the Solarian Foreign Service — a government organization with an infamously difficult entry exam which requires the applicant to be at least trilingual. The Department of State is known as the least corrupt Solarian department due to its high barrier of entry and often difficult postings which can be light-years away from the Alliance’s borders.

    The Department of State is the most recently created department and was only established in 2287 after the Treaty of Zurich ended the Interstellar War and Solarian hegemony over humanity. Looked down upon by Solarian hardliners who advocated for a policy of no diplomacy with the ex-Solarian Coalition of Colonies, the Department proved its worth by stabilizing relations with the Coalition and ensuring the free passage into the Alliance for all Coalitioners who wished to become Solarians. It was instrumental in ensuring the Elyran secession did not destabilize into another all-out war and did much to normalize Sol-Coalition relations during the 2300s. However, the Department was consistently defunded and neglected by Solarian governments after the Tau Ceti Accords, which it was scapegoated for. What Foreign Service staff refer to as the “decade of humiliation” only ended in December 2462 following the death of Frost and the anti-Frost coup.

    In the post-Frost era the Department finds itself scrambling to reassert Sol’s position in the broader Spur after a decade of diplomatic neglect and the devastating Solarian Civil War of 2462-65. Its officers are incredibly busy crisscrossing the Spur, from Assunzione to Moroz to Biesel, to once again represent what seems to be an ascendant Alliance after two-hundred years of decay. Whether they can keep the Alliance’s foreign diplomacy remains to be seen, particularly with it now once again sharing a border with the Coalition.

    Department of Commerce

    An old department which dates to the foundation of the Alliance, the Department of Commerce is responsible for managing the Solarian Credit and the overall economic policies of the broader Alliance such as trade agreements, taxation, and other forms of monetary policy. One of the largest Departments by sheer number of staff, it was nearly destroyed by the Second Great Depression and the economic fallout of the Interstellar War. The secession of the Coalition arguably saved the Department as it significantly reduced its workload.

    However, the secession of the Coalition did not reduce the Department’s total staff as it was mostly based within the Solarian Core Worlds. In the chaotic political aftermath of the Interstellar War and theNavy’s coup attempt, the Alliance was unwilling to fight with its own department and conceded to it retaining its grossly overinflated staff. The Department quickly found itself filled with unqualified and unreliable individuals put into these positions through either bribery or nepotism, and remained inefficient as a result. Over time this inefficiency turned into corruption, such as paying benefits to avoid taxes and counterfeiting by some banks. By the time Frost seized power much of the Department was effectively rotten outside of the Solarian core, and many Department staff defected to the Republic of Biesel in exchange for retaining their positions and salaries.

    What remains of the Department after the Solarian Collapse is the best and brightest of its bloated staff: the Core Worlds Division. The Core Division is responsible for many of humanity’s oldest fiscal institutions and is notably less corrupt and more efficient than its counterparts due to managing space near Unity Station and the Sol System. With the collapse of Frost’s government and the subsequent anti-Frost coup by reformists it now finds itself the only division of the Department of Commerce, and has been given the monumental task of rebuilding it. To the frustration of some Department members the Solarian Corporate Authority (SCA) has been allowed to operate without any oversight from the Department of Commerce, with the Solarian government consistently stating the SCA is far too important to be restrained by checks and balances on its actions. For the moment, the SCA answers directly to the Prime Minister’s office and completely bypasses any other authorities.

    Department of Defense

    The Solarian Department of Defense (DoD) is an entity with a long history of success, failure, and cronyism. Headquartered in Harmony City, Luna, the Department is responsible for ensuring the Solarian Armed Forces — perhaps the largest organized fighting force in the Orion Spur — remain ready for duty and easily able to defeat any who would contest them. The Department is subdivided into the Department of the Army, headquartered on Earth, and the Department of the Navy, headquartered on Luna. The Department has long been another arena of the Solarian Army-Navy rivalry which has defined the SAF since the Interstellar War, and the Navy has historically been the more powerful subdepartment of the Department of Defense.

    Established on 17 July, 2143, shortly after the Alliance’s founding it has long been allowed to act with a degree of independence from the broader Alliance and, due to being headquartered on Luna, has always been dominated by Lunarians — residents of Luna, Earth’s only moon. Historically the Department has been a breeding ground for radical Solarian nationalists such as Michael Frost and Terrence Hopper, the latter of which established much of the ideological foundations later used by ATLAS to take over the Solarian government in the late 2450s. Prime Minister Michael Frost, an ideological follower of Hopper, further empowered the radical wing of the Department at the expense of its efficiency and credibility, ultimately turning much of it into an enforcement tool for ATLAS. It was only with Frost’s death and a Navy-led counter-coup that the Department began to right its course and reckon with its more radical elements.

    The contemporary Department, under Minister Lucien Courtois, a Lunan and reformist naval officer, has done much to improve its efficiency and destroy the remaining loyalists of Frost and ATLAS. Massive purges carried out of Navy and Department staff have allowed it to essentially “clean house” but have left some aspects of the Department shorthanded, particularly as it now moves to assist in the Solarian Reconstruction Mandates and re-exert Solarian influence on the galactic stage. The Department has much work to do, but many — particularly its Minister — are more than willing to do whatever it takes for the Alliance’s military to succeed.

    Department of Colonization

    A now-defunct department which has been integrated into the Department of the Interior, the Department of Colonization was — at its peak in 2259 — the most important part of the Solarian government as it managed colonies and colonization. Its influence stretched from Solarian Core to the Solarian Frontier, and it managed the welfare of thousands of worlds ranging in size from the populous Xanu Prime to refueling stations staffed by under a hundred Solarian citizens. Its personnel could be found nearly anywhere in the Spur, and were renowned for their dedication and efficiency.

    The decline of the once-mighty Department of Colonization began with the Second Great Depression and was accelerated by the Interstellar War. At the War’s end the Department was a shadow of its former self and unable to carry out any major colonial efforts or expeditions, such as the expedition which eventually would become the nomadic Scarab Fleet. Ultimately it was integrated into the Department of the Interior and faded into history as the Alliance became more corrupt and insular, forgetting its hegemonic era and eventually collapsing into civil war in 2462. The Department of Colonization is, for most, a distant memory and a reminder of better times for the Alliance.

    Sol Alliance Military

    Flag of the Navy of the Sol Alliance.
    The ensign of the Sol Alliance Navy, once flown from Earth to the human frontier.

    The Solarian Armed Forces has a history going as far back as the onset of the new mandate. Although originally created as a peacekeeping force it developed over time into a professional military force with fleets capable of projecting the Solarian Alliance’s power on a galactic scale. While the Alliance has significantly reduced its size its military is hardly a shadow of its former self, and the Solarian Navy's one-hundred fleets - freed of their obligations to patrol seemingly endless amounts of space - now stand perhaps stronger than ever. The only military entity capable of rivaling the Solarian Navy is the Nralakk Federation’s Navy.

    A standard Solarian Navy fleet consists of roughly one-hundred ships for a main fleet, and fifty ships for a patrol fleet. A Solarian battlefleet is one of the most intimidating organizations in the Orion Spur, and consists of four main fleets with one supporting patrol fleet. Though many Solarian Navy vessels are presently hamstrung by their lack of phoron thanks to an ongoing phoron embargo by the Republic of Biesel they are increasingly being retrofitted with the Einstein Engines-produced Suzuki-Zhang Hammer Drive, a recently-invented Helium-3 burning engine that is advertised as rivalling the best phoron-fueled bluespace engines. With Einstein Engines continuing to support the Alliance, the matter of a fully-modernized Solarian Navy is one of when not if.

    While the Sol Alliance has shrunk dramatically in recent years, it remains the strongest human naval power in the Orion Spur even after its retreat to its core worlds. If anything its military is, arguably, stronger than ever - territorial consolidation and constant combat experience along the borders with the human wildlands have dramatically increased the effectiveness and readiness of the Solarian Navy's hundred fleets. However the Navy remains plagued with political factionalism, with many supporting warlords in the wildlands and others dueling over power in the current emergency military government.

    The Sol Alliance sees the independence of Biesel as a serious mistake; during a crisis where there was a very real prospect that the entire human galactic economy would cease to exist, NanoTrasen used its considerable influence and power to coerce the Alliance to grant independence to Tau Ceti in 2452.

    IPCs in the Sol Alliance

    The Sol Alliance is the birthplace of integrated positronic chassis and they have found a place in almost every level of society, offering relatively cheap, autonomous, and skilled labour. The discovery of ancient drones in 2406 led to the development of the positronic brain which provided manufacturers with a processor capable of holding AI that could consume knowledge and control a humanoid body with the same level of competence as a human. Owing to their cost, the majority of the Alliance’s robotics’ needs are fulfilled by simpler, human-designed AI or unreliable and controversial cyborg processors. Positronic intelligences are instead used in roles which require a high degree of autonomy and adaptability, or simply replace humans directly, especially in dangerous fields.

    IPCs, alongside all synthetic life in the Sol Alliance are exclusively property, either owned by individuals, companies, or the government itself. Although not standardized, most government synthetics and IPCs work with a basic restriction that prevents them from harming people or damaging property to avoid accidents. Most local governments, particularly those with reservations about the spread of IPCs obligate the usage of similar directives for IPCs. Directives act as a more relaxed version of laws in order to capitalize on adaptability of positronic brain-based AI, outlining the objectives of an IPC. They are often chosen for their ability to be quickly modified by their end-consumer towards specified behvaiors.

    In the case that an IPC malfunctions or commits a criminal offense, the responsibility is placed firmly on the owner of the machine and the manufacturer is often fined. The machine itself is then frequently reset, repossessed by the state, or in some cases, recycled for parts. An IPC without an owner is repossessed by the government. In cases where the IPC isn’t in a condition to be readily used, they are often sold back to the public at a substantially cheaper price.

    With the fracture of Sol, IPCs find themselves in increasing use by the government and military in order to make up for losses of skilled labor and to cut through perceived rivalries between officials. In order to prevent potential dissent or uprising among the machines, personality wiping, loyalty programming, and strict directives are often employed by the government.

    IPCs have their movement restricted, being forbidden from travelling alone without written authorization, and without passing through a mile of red-tape and checkpoints. Free IPCs, as well as those belonging to companies not based in Sol space often find themselves captured and nationalized or auctioned off to new owners if they cannot escape. All IPCs from out of Sol are barred entirely unless they are owned and have someone present and accountable for them. Outside IPCs that are owned which cannot produce a supervisor, or free IPCs trying to smuggle themselves in are subject to capture and sale or confiscation for use by the government.

    IPC in the Sol Alliance Military


    Technological progress has seen Humanity starting to employ all sorts of machines and especially robotics, especially since the creation of the Positronic brain. Self thinking synthetics have been recognised as offering unique solutions to complicated problems in a military setting, making them a powerful asset when coupled with the robustness of an artificial chassis. As such, the Alliance Army and Navy was bound to adopt them. Today, IPCs are utilised as specialised equipment in a variety of dangerous and demanding settings, mostly in a technical and auxiliary role rather than frontline combat. From spaceship maintenance to clearing minefields, synthetics are favoured in these circumstances due to being less important than the well-being of human service members. The majority of positronic frames in the military is dominated by Baselines and Industrials, though Mobility and Shell frames are also encountered as paramedics and clerks.


    Positronics in both the Army and Navy are not considered equal to their human counterparts, and are officially classified as equipment, much like a weapons system belonging to the ship or military formation under which they are assigned. As such, they are enlisted under the rank of Synthetic Auxiliary, clearly distinguished from the rest by gray highlights attached to their uniform, a standardised designation across the Alliance's branches. These IPCs are tightly controlled by human operators, but in cases where contact is expected to be hampered or severed, a trusted synthetic may be put in command of a squad or detachment of synthetics. These are "promoted" to Synthetic Lead, receiving a gray chevron on their shoulder as a mark of seniority. Indeed, many years of service and experience are usually required for a positronic to achieve this position, in a conservative Solarian culture that both distrusts and undermines self-thinking IPCs.

    Solarian Military Synthetics use a standard format of a designation followed by a singular name for identification. Whilst the assigned names of IPC can be greatly varied their designation is chosen based on their branch of service. With the Navy using NU (Navy Unit), Army AU (Army Unit) and Marines MU (Marine Unit).


    Positronics serving within the Solarian Military experience harsh treatment in accordance with their designation as equipment rather than personnel. Accommodations are kept to a bare spartan minimum and luxuries are unheard of amongst IPC service members, with only the equipment required for their tasks being provided, while free time is minimized. This attitude also affects the standards positronics are held to in terms of presentation and behavior, being even more strict than those given to human personnel, with deviations from expected behavior being seen as a sign of potential disloyalty or future trouble. Social interactions between Human and IPC service members are discouraged and monitored. Human service members are instructed to view these synthetics as tools to be used, and considering them otherwise will likely result in disciplinary action.

    Punishments inflicted on Positronics range from slaps on the wrist to mind-wiping or forcible retirement, however more extreme disciplinary measures are considered very rare and often only used in cases of outright disloyalty. Despite the harsh line the Solarian Military takes towards their Synthetic service members, there is some good for those IPC who end up in this environment. The Solarian Military ensures that its Synthetics are well-maintained, powered and repaired as they would any other piece of equipment and abandonment of IPC personnel is only done when there is no other option available, and significant risk to human life would be present in attempting to recover them.

    In the Warlord States

    Since the breakup of large swaths of Alliance space from the main core, military synthetics were included as part of the naval formations that came to rule these areas. A general breakdown in communication, coupled with the lack of proper maintenance facilities and spare parts have made the upkeep of these Positronics a costly affair, while generally casting them fully to the mercy of local officers. Indeed, Solarian military IPCs in Warlord jurisdiction are met with different and unexpected fates. In what was the Southern Fleet Administration, IPC units were either quickly sold off for profit or worked to destruction, the disorganised and bandit-like vessels having few resources to put towards their proper maintenance. In the Southern Military District on the other hand, treatment of synthetics remains in line with proper Solarian guidelines, with machinist depots on Visegrad being utilized by the fleet.

    Alliance Anthem

    “Our United Alliance” - ASSN Anthem

    Our Solarian Sovereignty undisputed Our vision, transcendent Our heads high, our will strong Arise my Alliance, for we are supreme From Sol to the frontier, our right

    We are humanity, our vision great The stars, our destiny manifest Through the toil of our people We expand to the horizon For our Humanity, we expand

    Our Solarian Sovereignty undisputed Our vision, transcendent Our heads high, our will strong Arise my Alliance, for we are supreme From Sol to the frontier, our right

    We are humanity, our vision great Proud people under your leadership Through the blood of our people Always ready to give our due For our unity, we stand strong


    Sol Common is, shockingly, the dominant language of the Sol Alliance across all classes of society. Tau Ceti Basic is commonly available in schools, though it is generally regarded as a second language for Solarians. Tradeband is uncommon outside certain areas such as the Sol System and the Eridani Corporate Federation but, thanks to the economic power of these systems, remains a common language for interstellar trade. Freespeak, otherwise known as Gutter, is viewed as the language of lower-class individuals, such as now extinct Martian separatists and dregs and barely-civilised frontiersmen from the Coalition of Colonies. Solarian Sign Language is a popular elective course in higher education in the Sol Alliance and can be found throughout the Alliance itself, in addition to forming the basis of modern Galactic Sign Language.

    Sol Alliance History

    The Sol Alliance's relatively long history holds the origins of many of the current nations, megacorporations, and current conflicts within it. For a detailed overview, see the Sol Alliance history page.

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