Timeline of Humanity: различия между версиями

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(Pre-2nd Space Age background.)
(→‎The Twentieth Century: Typo discovered and eliminated.)
(не показано 40 промежуточных версий 12 участников)
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While Human history is long and diverse, with multiple perspectives and a myriad of details that vary between accounts, here is a more succinct summary of the events stretching from hundreds of years ago, to the most recent of which events are set.
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== Pre-Second Space Age ==
'''This is the primary timeline for Humanity, and goes into greater detail in a wider timeframe than the galactic timeline.'''

'''1984:''': The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics declares war upon the United States of America on August 13th, igniting Cold War tensions and animosity between the two superpowers into full-scale modern war. The war would become to be known officially as the Proxy War.
While Human history is long and diverse and filled with [[Notable Humans]], the Aurora's timeline diverges in '''1969''' and this history will focus on events from that date on. For events taking place prior to 1969, it is best to assume that they follow the conventional history of Earth.

'''1985:''': The first armed conflict between American and Soviet forces is engaged on Afghani territory, in mid-February. The People's Republic of China begin talks with the USSR to form an alliance against the United States to prevent invasion from the Pacific fronts, and officially join Russia by November.
===The Twentieth Century===

'''1986:''': North Korea declares war on South Korea during the month of March, igniting the Second Korean War. SK receives troops from the UN and detachments from the US military to assist in defending the nation. Kim Il-sung is assassinated due to an internal coup within the first two months of the conflict, forcing North Korean aggressors into a position of demoralization. The South Korean forces, backed by UN and US detachments, quickly overrun and claim Pyongyang. A new nation is borne by the end of the year, the United Korean Republic.
Through a period of thirty-one years of technological advances, new materials found across the Earth make great leaps to assist acceleration into the space age. In this timespan, the first true exoskeletal machines are created for Human use. Medical fields make steps toward incredible discoveries, as well as the first instances of genetic cloning in a contained laboratory. Without necessary energy or knowledge to proceed, many growing fields are given only time until the next step is taken. Some major events of the latter 20th century are listed below.

'''1987:''': The United Korean Republic and most of the western European nations join the United States in the Proxy War. The Chinese, several puppet East Asia nations, Japan, Indonesia and the Balkan states rallied to support the USSR. The Middle East has become a common battleground between both sides, civilian casualties as a result of crossfire were high.
*'''1969:''' The Sino-Soviet border dispute goes hot in July, resulting in a full-scale war with limited nuclear exchanges.

'''1990:''': Private military contractors from multiple spectrums of the Proxy War enter the field, with real estate megacorporations pulling their strings. Samuel's Grey Feathers (SGF, American-aligned) and Tesova Employed Contractors (TEC, Russian-aligned) were the two most prominent that benefited from the ongoing war economy. Mercenary detachments regularly trained their sights on the other to destroy offshore facilities and sabotage military operations.
*'''1970:''' The Sino-Soviet War ends in a resounding defeat for the People’s Republic of China. Humiliated by a loss of territory and life, it quickly begins to fall apart internally and collapses into the Second Chinese Civil War. The Soviet Union successfully lands on the Moon.

'''1994:''': First introduction of combat exoskeleton suits (officially, combative exoskeletal units), the precursor to modern-day RIGs. Initially designed by the US Army, as an answer to the mass of light infantry deployment on the Russian side of the Proxy conflict. After significant field-testing in actual live-fire scenarios in Iran against Russian outpost detachments, CXSUs were mass-produced, and a whole sixteenth of the standing US armed forces would be deployed in CXSUs.
*'''1971:''' The United States and Soviet Union intervene in the Second Chinese Civil War, leading to a proxy war that quickly eclipses Vietnam.

'''1995:''': The Chinese deploy CXSUs against the United States forces in Iraq, forcing US occupation out of Iraq and Iran. It would later be concluded that the prevalence of CSUs in the Chinese army was due to an internal leak in the R&D department for the US armed forces, reaching to the incumbent president, Roger A. Noch. He would be impeached and  later executed for high treason. Later in the year, the Chinese leak CXSU designs to the USSR. USSR CXSUs would prove to be much less effective than the Chinese variants, and no match for US CXSUs.
*'''1974:''' The USSR shifts to an even more hardline stance following the resignation of Leonid Brezhnev and ascension of Yuri Andropov to General Secretary. The Andropov Doctrine, designed to bring the USSR into more prominence on the world stage, rapidly sees the Union involved in proxy wars in Africa and Asia.

'''1997:''': M1 Abrams tanks replaced with M5 Highlanders, all-terrain bipedal tank units designed to counter CXSU units and other heavy armor. Highlanders were armed with prototypical compacted railgun prototypes, which turned the tide of conflicts in which Highlanders were deployed. Unfortunately, only a scarce 300 of them ever made it out of American factories due to their cost and lack of interchangeable parts, and their effect was minimal on the war.
*'''1977:''' The Presidency of George McGovern is challenged by a pro-Soviet revolution in Iran, leading to the Iranian War - a massively unpopular U.S. policing action that will eventually see the end of the draft, an action that will lead to a rise in the amount of private military contractors employed by the United States.

'''1999:''': The Proxy War ends officially on June 5th after significant losses were suffered in the Middle East. A total of 300,000 combative operators were killed or missing in action, and a total of 40,000 civilians were killed due to collateral damage, crossfire and as a resultant of war crimes by the end of the war. Neither side paid a cent for war reparations, even several decades into the future, though predictive analyzing of statistics claim a staunch majority of civilian casualties were a result of PMC involvement. PMC and megacorp exploitation of the Middle East is ongoing in spite of the end of the war.
*'''1979:''' Escalating warfare in Namibia, Angola, and Zambia sees the Republic of South Africa relying more and more upon mercenary companies to plug gaps in its military.

'''2004:''': Analysts throughout the globe predict a crippling energy crisis to occur within the next 100 years. The UK is bailed out by the UN two months after this prediction, causing an economic scare. The United States develops fusion technology, sharing it with superpowers all around the world. Megacorporations eventually seize this opening and exploit the demand for energy by way of monopolizing the fusion trade, buying out facilities everywhere.
*'''1983:''' The Iranian War ends in an unexpected defeat for the U.S. and a stunning victory for the USSR, demonstrating to the world that the Soviet Union is here to stay. Anti-communist Democrat Henry M. Jackson wins the 1984 presidential election in a landslide, demonstrating the United States’ continuing commitment to anti-communism abroad.

'''2005:''': Economic scare causes stock market to briefly plunge due to waves of investors selling their stocks to preemptively cut losses. World markets recover by December.
*'''1990:''' Despite the South African Border War ending in a grinding stalemate, the Republic of South Africa’s growing mercenary and arms sectors continue to expand. Eventually these mercenary companies and their weapon supplies will form the basis of Necropolis Industries (now known as Zavodskoi Interstellar).

'''2015:''': The EU declares bankruptcy and is summarily dissolved at its final summit. European stocks crash heavily, the Euro becoming worth less than a dime. The United States, the USSR and China remain to have on-the-edge but stable economies, albeit their time was running out. Non-natural resources were drilled for and consumed at a greedy and unnatural rate by corporations and government agencies alike.
*'''1997:''' The death of Mobutu Sese Seko and collapse of Zaire leads to the Second Congo Crisis, the largest war to engulf Africa in its history. Private mercenaries play a large role in the conflict, and postwar Congo is dominated by the interests of business conglomerates backed up by mercenaries. The utter domination of the Congo by corporations would set a precedent for corporate control of unstable regions during the 21st century.

'''2020:''': Remaining world leaders assemble the Conference for System-Spacefaring Expansion. Resolutions are discussed to launch humanity into space and seek new options for colonization.
*'''1999:''' As the end of one millennia approaches, the world stands on an arguable brink. Proxy wars between the Soviet Union and United States of America have continued almost unabated for decades, and resources -- particularly fuel -- are beginning to run low. Entire swaths of the Third World lie devastated by the constant back-and-forth of the world's two superpowers, and the twenty-first century seems an uncertain future at best.

== The Second Space Age ==
===The Twenty-First Century===

'''2070''': The Supercarriers "Santa María", "Niña" and "Pinta" are launched to colonize Venus, Mars, and the Moon.
*'''2000s:''' A fully rebuilt and newly invigorated Federal Republic of China re-enters the global economy, and rapidly becomes one of the world’s largest economies. The FRC’s pharmaceutical industry, in particular, becomes one of the Republic’s most profitable industries. Eventually these companies, alongside others from Asian countries such as Japan and Singapore, will go on to form Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals.

'''2125:''': While Humanity has faced success in colonizing Mars and the Moon with their respective populations reaching the millions, Earth itself is facing its greatest economic crisis as resources begin to run out, yet the population has grown to reach 10 billion inhabitants.
*'''2010s:''' A major string of proxy wars in the Middle East between the USA and USSR shakes the international oil market, leading to a drive for alternative sources of power.

===The Discovery of Warp===
*'''2025:''' The European Union votes to unify in response to an increasingly powerful USSR.  French scientists successfully activate the first fusion reactor in 2027, shortly after unification. While the technology is expensive, it promises to solve Earth's ongoing energy problems.

'''2130:''': Scientists in orbit discover Warp Technology, marking the start of the Interstellar Era. Within ten years, the technology is refined and installed on probes that will be sent out to map the stars surrounding Sol. The technology allows travel to other star systems within weeks, but the energy required to keep the warp engine running is massive.
* '''2028:''' The EU along with China, the United States, Mexico, and Canada form ''United Orbital Enterprises'' in order to counter the USSR's space program (Cosmonaut Enterprises). A push begins to return to the Moon and establish permanent colonies.  

== The Founding of the Sol Alliance ==
*'''2035:''' The Pacific Alliance, an evolution of NATO, is founded in 2035 in response to further Soviet expansion into South-East Asia.

'''2140:''': The United Nations officially forms the [[Sol Alliance]], which becomes the new government of humanity. It oversees Earth and the colonies in the solar system, effectively bringing all of humanity under one banner.
*'''2040s:''' Tensions between the EU and the Soviet Union continue to escalate, coming dangerously close to boiling over during several incidents in the 2040s.

===The Discovery of Biesel===
*'''2050s:''' The Cold War seeps further into South America, which will become the primary theater of the Cold War until the Crisis of 2127.  The West African Union forms following decades of regional economic success.

'''2147:''': [[Biesel]] is discovered in [[Tau Ceti]] by Sol Alliance probes, promising new resources for the desperate Earth. In orbit, colony ships are constructed as efforts begin to colonize this habitable world. With the trip expected to take months with current warp travel technology, it is considered a one-way trip for the colonists.
=== The Second Space Age ===

'''2152:''': A second habitable world is discovered in the Epsilon Eridani system, bringing even more possibilities of expansion for humanity.
*'''2070:''' United Orbital Enterprises launches three ships to colonize Venus, Mars, and the Moon. They form small science outposts, with over a dozen residents each officially becoming the first human colonists in space. The USSR's own space agency faces setbacks in colonizing the surface of planets or the moon but finds itself remarkably adept at deep space constructions thanks to its focus on heavy industry.

== The First Trans-stellars ==
*'''2095:''' A habitable world is discovered in the Epsilon Eridani system, leading to a brief bidding war over the rights to settle it that the West African Union ultimately wins.

'''2155:''': Habitable planets closest to Earth see their population steadily increase as colony ships make round trips between the settlements and Sol. Einstein Engines becomes the first Transstellar corporation, specializing in producing Warp engines and supplying colonists with affordable equipment to tame and exploit the new worlds they inhabit. Despite this growth, it's not yet possible for the Earth to see a true profit emerge from this. With the growing instability, Earth itself has age-old feuds break out on its surface while Einstein Engines continues to profit.
====The Crisis of 2127====

'''2166:''' Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals is founded by Zeng-Hu. It has patents on many new medicines and drugs distilled from the natural flora of the new colony worlds, as well as performing research in the power of cloning.
*'''2127:''' While there has been success in tentatively spreading across the Solar System, Earth itself faced increasingly dire ecological crises throughout the 21st and 22nd centuries. In 2127 Earth's ongoing ecological woes became too severe too ignore for longer when New York City, long the crown jewel of the United States of America, was almost completely flooded during its annual hurricane season. The damage to the city would ultimately cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars, but there was a far worse consequence: the collapse of Wall Street, then the fiscal hub for humanity. Markets and currencies fluctuated wildly across the Earth, and economic anarchy reigned for much of the rest of the 2120s. Only in the early 2130s did the United Nations manage to restore a modicum of order, though some would instead argue that it was the movement of Earth's fiscal hub to Chicago over the intervening five years that instead helped stabilize the situation.

===The New Galactic Economy===
====The Discovery of Warp====
[[File:Sol Alliance Flag.png|The flag of the Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations, originally established in 2132.|thumb]]
*'''2130:''' Soviet scientists in orbit successfully prove the existence of practical warp travel, marking the start of the Interstellar Era. With the financing and support of the United Nations -- which had seen its influence grow following the Crisis of 2127 -- the technology is refined and installed on probes that will be sent out to map the stars surrounding Sol. The technology allows travel to other star systems within weeks but the energy required to keep these early warp engines running is massive, and humanity quickly becomes reliant on mining, refining, and shipping vast amounts of Helium-3 from the moon and asteroids within the Oort Cloud. The Soviet Union's early start with Helium-3 will eventually result in it colonizing [[Pluto]].

'''2200:''' The Martian Terraforming Project begins, transforming the barren surface into lush plains and having ancient riverbeds flow for the first time in millions of years. Mars sees a huge immigration boom, with former inhabitants of Earth craving the perceived freedom and prosperity available on this new frontier. With interstellar trade now becoming a huge market, the complexities of currency exchanges becomes more trouble than its worth. The Sol Alliance creates the Credit, a standardized currency that all of human space will use.
*'''2132:''' The Crisis of 2127 is regarded by most historians as ending in this year, and its end brought a great amount of prestige to the United Nations. Seen by many as the main force fighting against the disastrous aftermath of the Crisis, the supranational organization had become a key source of deliberation, peacekeeping, and humanitarian assistance to the beleaguered nations of Earth. The rest of the decade would be defined by intense negotiations that ultimate helped to transform the United Nations into the Sol Alliance. [[Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals]], which will eventually become the main medical corporation of the Orion Spur, is founded in 2132.

===The Second Great Depression===
====The Founding of the Sol Alliance ====

'''2260:''' A massive recession strikes the Sol Alliance as the largest stock exchanges see a sudden collapse, effectively tanking the entire economy. The trans-stellar corporations nearly go bankrupt, and desperately use their influence to reap massive bail-outs.  
*'''2140:''' The United Nations officially reforms into the [[Sol Alliance]], which becomes the new government of humanity. This new one world government oversees Earth and the colonies in the solar system, effectively bringing all of humanity under one banner. Its early years usher in a new era of optimism, expansion, and greed.

'''2265:''' With no end of the "Great Depression" in sight, a desperate and bankrupt Earth establishes extortionary taxes on its colony worlds. This leads to anger, and questions over the credibility of the Sol Alliance's claim of representing all of humanity.
====The Discovery of Biesel====

'''2275:''' Fighting breaks out in the outer colonies, spurred on by extremist elements and anti-Alliance sentiments. The Sol Alliance is slow to respond, paralyzed by confusion and uncertainty. As a result, other Colonies on the fringe begin to break away, forming the Coalition of Colonies.
*'''2147:''' [[Biesel]] is discovered in [[Tau Ceti]] by Sol Alliance probes, promising new resources for the desperate Earth. In orbit, colony ships are constructed as efforts begin to colonize this habitable world. With the trip expected to take months with current warp travel technology, it is considered a one-way trip for the colonists.

== The First Interstellar War ==
====The First Trans-Stellars ====

'''2278:''' The Coalition of Colonies is still not recognized by the Sol Alliance, and in anger the Coalition attacks Sol Alliance military forces who refused to leave systems that had seceded. The Coalition fleet is drastically smaller and less equipped than the Sol Alliance, but the massive size of their territory and the slow response times of Sol means they enjoy a very successful, defensive guerrilla war.
*'''2155:''' Habitable planets closest to Earth see their population steadily increase as colony ships make round trips between the settlements and Sol. A multitude of Chinese industrial firms merge to form [[Einstein Engines]], becoming the first trans-stellar corporation. By the end of the decade Einstein produces most of the warp engines humanity relies upon, giving it unparalleled economic power.

'''2286:''' Many Megacorporations profit from the war, selling arms to one or both sides, trading in dangerous systems and staking claims in otherwise dangerous locations. Despite all the chaos, humanities' population has risen to 22 billion people.
*'''2164:''' In an effort to remain competitive in the face of Einstein Engines' increasing dominance of the inter-stellar marketplace, a conglomerate of American and European defense and heavy industry companies opt to coalesce into a "mega" corporation known as [[Hephaestus Industries]]. Despite protests from the Soviet Union, the United States' influence allows the newly-formed Hephaestus Industries to prosper. While it will later be known for its massive orbital stations, most early Hephaestus projects are sea walls intended to stop storm surges from destroying coastal cities and island nations.  

'''2287:''' The First Interstellar War is said to have ended on this date with a ceasefire between the Sol Alliance and the Coalition of Colonies. But despite the formal peace, skirmishes continue to break out, and the frontier remains lawless and untamed...
*'''2172:''' An effort is undertaken by the Alliance to revitalize the failing biosphere of Earth, and Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals takes the lead. The megacorporation begins reintroducing previously extinct animals back into the wild, using clones created from the animal's genetic information. The climate restoration initiative will last into the 25th century, and some parts of it continue to this very day.

===The New Capital of Humanity===
====The New Galactic Economy====

'''2300:''' The administration of the Sol Alliance is moved to the newly constructed Unity City, a space station in Earth orbit. The new capital is intended to increase ease of access while also better reflecting the Alliance’s stated mission to represent all of humanity, not just any single nation or planet.
*'''2200:''' The Martian Terraforming Project begins, transforming the barren surface into lush plains and having ancient riverbeds flow for the first time in millions of years. Mars sees a huge immigration boom, with former inhabitants of Earth craving the perceived freedom and prosperity available on this new frontier.

== Formation of Nanotrasen ==
*'''2204:''' The Sol Alliance creates the Credit, a standardized currency that all of human space will eventually come to use, in an effort to standardize trade between its colonies, many of which still relied upon currencies descended from original colonizers.  With interstellar trade now a huge market, the complexities of currency exchanges necessitated such a currency.

'''2346:''' Formation of Nanotrasen by Xavier Trasen. Initially specializes in advanced gene therapy. It eventually becomes a more broadened scientific company, rivaling Einstein Engines.
====The Second Great Depression====

== The Warp Gate Project ==
*'''2260:''' A massive recession strikes the Sol Alliance as the largest stock exchanges see a sudden collapse, effectively tanking the entire economy. Its trans-stellar corporations nearly go bankrupt, and desperately use their influence to reap massive bailouts.

'''2355:''' The [[Bluespace|Warp Gate project]] begins with the goal of connecting humanity's most populated and profitable systems with permanent, mammoth structures that cut travel time to mere days. The work itself is contracted out to Einsten Engines, with the Sol Alliance shouldering most of the cost.
*'''2265:''' With no end of the "Great Depression" in sight, a desperate and bankrupt Earth establishes extortionary taxes on its colony worlds. This leads to anger, and questions over the credibility of the Sol Alliance's claim of representing all of humanity.

'''2384:''' The Warp Gate Project is completed. While Einstein Engines now enjoys the immense profits from controlling the most effective and commonly used method of intergalactic travel, the Sol Alliance is facing a new economic crisis as the project has put a heavy load on their coffers. Desperate and facing a new potential recession, the Sol Alliance grants major concessions to both trans-stellar corporations and its colony worlds over the next decade, effectively granting both factions independence in many areas.
*'''2275:''' Fighting breaks out in the outer colonies, spurred on by extremist elements and anti-Alliance sentiments. The Sol Alliance is slow to respond, paralyzed by confusion and uncertainty. As a result, other Colonies on the fringe begin to break away, forming the Coalition of Colonies.

'''2390:''' The Warp Gates bring an influx of wealth to the inner-colonies closest to them, but disrupt several established trade routes, leading to economic decline in several systems. The Sol Alliance, largely bankrupt from the Warp Gate project, is forced to grant independence to a number of border systems. These worlds quickly join the loosely organized Confederation of Colonies, or strike it out on their own.
===The Great Interstellar War ===
[[File:Space nam pixel.png|thumb|right|The Interstellar War was a massive turning point in human history, and its effects can be seen to this day.]]
*'''2278:''' The Coalition of Colonies is still not recognized by the Sol Alliance, and in anger the Coalition attacks Sol Alliance military forces who refused to leave systems that had seceded. The Coalition fleet is drastically smaller and less equipped than the Sol Alliance, but the massive size of their territory and the slow response times of Sol means they enjoy a very successful, defensive guerrilla war. Many megacorporations profit from the war, selling arms to one or both sides, trading in dangerous systems and staking claims in otherwise dangerous locations.

== The Rise of Nanotrasen ==
*'''2287:''' The Great Interstellar War is said to have ended on this date with a ceasefire between the Sol Alliance and the Coalition of Colonies. Late in the year a formal treaty referred to as the Treaty of Xansan is signed in Geneva, bringing the bloodiest conflict in human history to its official end. But despite the formal peace, skirmishes continue to break out, and the frontier remains untamed.

'''2400:''' Trans-stellars capitalize on immense profits from the past decades, diversifying to a great degree. Some begin swearing allegiances to these corporations, making them nations in their own rights that rule in the fringes of known space, while lobbying for even more benefits from the Sol Alliance. Their power is divided almost equally between Einstein Engines, Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, and Hephaestus Industries.
====The New Capital of Humanity====

'''2403:''' NanoTrasen acquires the mining rights to the Romanovich Cloud in the Tau Ceti system (an Inner-inner colony system).
*'''2300:''' The administration of the Sol Alliance is moved to the newly constructed Unity City, a space station in Earth orbit. The new capital is intended to increase ease of access while also better reflecting the Alliance’s stated mission to represent all of humanity, not just any single nation or planet.

== First Contact ==
====First Contact ====

'''2413:''' First contact is made with the [[Skrell]]. Sends shockwaves throughout human space. Over the next few years, these two species come closer and begin to cooperate on developing new technology. The Sol Alliance, optimistic about this new alien race, creates an alliance with them while the trans-stellar corporations compete to reverse-engineer Skrellian technology for various fields.
*'''2332:''' First contact is made with the [[Skrell]], sending shock-waves throughout human space. Over the coming century these two species come closer and begin to cooperate on developing new technology, with [[Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals]] developing a particularly close relationship.

'''2415:''' First contact is made with the [[Vox]]. This contact has remarkably less fanfare due to the fact the Vox immediately begin raiding and scamming human settlements.
====Formation of Nanotrasen ====

== Discovery of Plasma ==
*'''2346:''' Formation of Nanotrasen by Xavier Trasen. Initially specializes in advanced gene therapy. It eventually becomes a more broadened scientific company, rivaling Einstein Engines.
'''2417:''' In the Romanovich Cloud in the outer edges of Tau Ceti, NT discovers the resource ‘plasma’. This element becomes an immensely efficient fuel source, effectively ending the growing energy crisis that humanity was facing, while further research quickly proved that it can make bluespace travel safe, efficient, and profitable. Plasma quickly becomes the prefered fuel and energy generating commodity. NT becomes excessively wealthy, using its exclusive patents on plasma refining and generation to become the single most powerful corporation in the known galaxy.

'''2420:''' Earth is made effectively self-sufficient, with plasma effectively ending its energy crisis. Now the stagnation reverses completely, and Earth is revitalized. Terraforming efforts are made, funded by the Sol Alliance, to bring quality of life to a world covered in urban sprawl and ruined eco-systems. Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals begins reintroducing previously extinct animals back into the wild, using clones created from the animal's genetic information.
====The Warp Gate Project ====

== The Age of Bluespace ==
*'''2355:''' The [[Bluespace|Warp Gate project]] begins with the goal of connecting humanity's most populated and profitable systems with permanent -- and titanic -- structures that cut travel time from weekks to mere days. The work itself is contracted out to Einstein Engines, with the Sol Alliance shouldering most of the cost.

'''2425:''' Bluespace Link gates begin to pop-up in the most developed systems across Human and Skrell space. The Alliance Sol Warp Gates are upgraded with Bluespace technology, greatly increasing their efficiency and giving Nanotrasen control of all travel throughout the Sol Alliance; dethroning Einstein Engines.
*'''2384:''' The Warp Gate Project is completed. While Einstein Engines now enjoys the immense profits from controlling the most effective and commonly used method of intergalactic travel, the Sol Alliance faces a new economic crisis: the project has put a heavy load on their coffers, and megacorporations -- particularly Einstein Engines -- are more powerful than ever. Desperate and facing a new potential recession, the Sol Alliance grants major concessions to trans-stellar corporations over the next decade in return for financial kickbacks, effectively granting them the ability to operate in many areas without the oversight of the Alliance.

'''2450:''' Tau Ceti, a Sol Alliance system in the inner colonies, has Nanotrasen dominating nearly every facet of life. Sentiment is pro-Nanotrasen, with politicians praising the corporation's efforts to improve the local economy, while ignoring the many morally questionable actions that Nanotrasen has taken.
*'''2403:''' NanoTrasen acquires the mining rights to the Romanovich Cloud in the Tau Ceti system. The inhospitable environment of the Romanovich Cloud makes the puchase fairly cheap by the megacorporation's standards.

===The Lawless Frontier===
====Modern Robotics====

'''2452:''' The Coalition of Colonies suddenly dissolves over a disagreement on the Coalition's relationship with trans-stellar corporations, with claims of many outer colonies being corporate police states rather than true colonies. The frontier of human space become a lawless expanse with pirates and mega-corporations becoming the new law of the lands. It becomes very much a "Wild West" in space.
*'''2407:''' Following the discovery of preserved, assumed Glorsh-era, mining drones on the planet Konyang, a Terraneus Diagnostics research team worked in secret inorder to study the drones. In mid-2407 the team successfully deciphered the AI algorithms, granting humanity the secret of artificial intelligence. Months later, the first positronics were manufactured.

== Present Day ==
====Discovery of Phoron ====

'''2458:''' Current Date. NT is an economic powerhouse which the Sol Alliance relies on for plasma to keep its trade routes to the outer colonies alive and satisfy the energy needs of its largest colonies. Anti-NT sentiment grows in Tau Ceti, but many others continue to support the megacorporation keeping the gears of the (human) galactic economy going.
*'''2417:''' In the Romanovich Cloud -- far in the outer edges of Tau Ceti -- NT discovers phoron. This element is revealed to be an immensely efficient fuel source when refined, and presents a practical alternative to long-used Helium-3 warp engines. Further research quickly proved that it could make bluespace travel safe, efficient, and profitable. Phoron quickly becomes a widely-used fuel and energy generating commodity and NanoTrasen becomes excessively wealthy, using its exclusive patents on phoron refining and generation to become a massively powerful corporation.

However, the Syndicate continues to position itself to strike back against the NT on a larger scale; and many more exotic, fantastical elements of the universe such as the Vox, undiscovered alien life, extremists, even ancient powers beyond comprehension may be moving to strike at arguably the most powerful organization in human space.
====The Age of Bluespace ====
*'''2425:''' Bluespace Link gates begin to pop-up in the most developed systems across human and skrell space. The Alliance Sol Warp Gates are upgraded with Bluespace technology, greatly increasing their efficiency and giving NanoTrasen control over significant amounts of travel throughout the Sol Alliance; ending Einstein Engines' longstanding monopoly on faster than light travel.
*'''2438:''' The Scarab fleet, a group of long-lost colonists and pioneers, reappears in Sol Alliance territory. These space adapted humans find it difficult to reintegrate with a humanity that has pushed on in their absence, and align themselves with the Coalition of Colonies.
===The Republic of Biesel Forms===
[[Image:Republicofbieselflag.png|thumb|right|The flag of the Republic of Biesel, established in 2452 as part of the Tau Ceti Accords.]]
*'''2450:''' Tau Ceti, a Sol Alliance system in the inner colonies, has NanoTrasen dominating nearly every facet of life. Sentiment is pro-corporate: politicians praise the corporation's efforts to improve the local economy while ignoring the many morally questionable actions that it has taken. NanoTrasen's stranglehold on Tau Ceti will only increase as time goes on.
*'''2452:''' In the face of growing instability and a worsening recession, the Sol Alliance caves to the pressure of both NanoTrasen and Tau Ceti politicians in the pocket of the mega-corporation. Tau Ceti is officially granted independence and becomes the Republic of Biesel. The Tau Ceti Free Trade Zone is formed as well, giving NanoTrasen considerable power and influence directly in the center of Sol Alliance space. With Biesel seen as little more than a puppet of NanoTrasen, it becomes the target of considerable ire from disaffected citizens.
====The Conflicted Frontier====
*'''2452:''' The Coalition of Colonies experiences a period of internal strife over a disagreement between the United Syndicates of Himeo and the Xanu Free League on the Coalition's relationship with trans-stellar corporations, with claims of many outer colonies being corporate police states rather than true colonies. Some areas of the frontier of human space become a lawless expanse with pirates and mega-corporations becoming the new law of the lands as some systems depart the Coalition, yet the Coalition itself persists.
==== Present Day ====
*'''2458:''' NT is an economic powerhouse which the Sol Alliance relies on for phoron to keep its trade routes to the outer colonies alive and satisfy the energy needs of its largest colonies. Anti-NT sentiment grows in Tau Ceti, but many others continue to support the megacorporation keeping the gears of the (human) galactic economy going. However, many exotic, fantastical elements of the universe such as undiscovered alien life, extremists, even ancient powers beyond comprehension may be moving to strike at arguably the most powerful organization in human space.
*'''2458:''' The Sol Alliance blockades Biesel due to pressure from the Skrellian Federation amid their concerns of Biesel using combat droids for their navy. The blockade fuels not just Sol-Biesel hatred, but synthetic hatred as well. Prices in Biesel skyrocket to accommodate these new economic strains.
*'''2459:''' The Sol Alliance fleet dedicated to the blockade, the 33rd led by Admiral Frost, goes against orders and invades the free Republic of Biesel. In a bloodless invasion, Frost had numerous free synthetics sold back into slavery or scrapped, captured the President of Biesel, and then crushed any opposition towards him. Eventually, the 25th fleet of Sol was sent to stop Admiral Frost. Frost then hid on the NSS Exodus and awaited a raider gang to deliver him to the frontier. 25th Fleet Marines attempted to capture Frost, but were slaughtered by loyalist 33rd Marines. Frost then abandoned his men to flee to the frontier.
*'''2461:''' Admiral Frost returns to the Solarian Alliance to much fanfare following his successful rescue of Solarian civilians taken captive during a recent pirate raid in the Jewel Worlds. He is quickly -- and under suspicious circumstances -- sworn in as Prime Minister despite political opposition from more liberal members of the Solarian Parliament. Frost quickly resorts to harsh political measures to retain his grip, and the Solarian political scene is thrown into chaos by him. The Solarian Navy, long a powerful ally of Frost, gains more political power than it has ever held before.
*'''2462:''' The Alliance's economy buckles under the strain of the 2462 phoron crisis. When attempts to grow synthetic phoron on Mars result in the Violet Dawn disaster, destroying most of the planet's surface, much of the Middle and all of the Outer Rings collapse into anarchy or defect to other human nations as the Alliance retreats inwards to consolidate itself and lick its wounds.
*'''2463:''' With the phoron crisis still ongoing and many human powers in the Orion Spur suffering from its effects, the political climate of 2463 is far from stable. The great powers of humanity await a solution with bated breath, but none can say when one may arrive...

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  • This is the primary timeline for Humanity, and goes into greater detail in a wider timeframe than the galactic timeline.

    While Human history is long and diverse and filled with Notable Humans, the Aurora's timeline diverges in 1969 and this history will focus on events from that date on. For events taking place prior to 1969, it is best to assume that they follow the conventional history of Earth.

    The Twentieth Century

    Through a period of thirty-one years of technological advances, new materials found across the Earth make great leaps to assist acceleration into the space age. In this timespan, the first true exoskeletal machines are created for Human use. Medical fields make steps toward incredible discoveries, as well as the first instances of genetic cloning in a contained laboratory. Without necessary energy or knowledge to proceed, many growing fields are given only time until the next step is taken. Some major events of the latter 20th century are listed below.

    • 1969: The Sino-Soviet border dispute goes hot in July, resulting in a full-scale war with limited nuclear exchanges.
    • 1970: The Sino-Soviet War ends in a resounding defeat for the People’s Republic of China. Humiliated by a loss of territory and life, it quickly begins to fall apart internally and collapses into the Second Chinese Civil War. The Soviet Union successfully lands on the Moon.
    • 1971: The United States and Soviet Union intervene in the Second Chinese Civil War, leading to a proxy war that quickly eclipses Vietnam.
    • 1974: The USSR shifts to an even more hardline stance following the resignation of Leonid Brezhnev and ascension of Yuri Andropov to General Secretary. The Andropov Doctrine, designed to bring the USSR into more prominence on the world stage, rapidly sees the Union involved in proxy wars in Africa and Asia.
    • 1977: The Presidency of George McGovern is challenged by a pro-Soviet revolution in Iran, leading to the Iranian War - a massively unpopular U.S. policing action that will eventually see the end of the draft, an action that will lead to a rise in the amount of private military contractors employed by the United States.
    • 1979: Escalating warfare in Namibia, Angola, and Zambia sees the Republic of South Africa relying more and more upon mercenary companies to plug gaps in its military.
    • 1983: The Iranian War ends in an unexpected defeat for the U.S. and a stunning victory for the USSR, demonstrating to the world that the Soviet Union is here to stay. Anti-communist Democrat Henry M. Jackson wins the 1984 presidential election in a landslide, demonstrating the United States’ continuing commitment to anti-communism abroad.
    • 1990: Despite the South African Border War ending in a grinding stalemate, the Republic of South Africa’s growing mercenary and arms sectors continue to expand. Eventually these mercenary companies and their weapon supplies will form the basis of Necropolis Industries (now known as Zavodskoi Interstellar).
    • 1997: The death of Mobutu Sese Seko and collapse of Zaire leads to the Second Congo Crisis, the largest war to engulf Africa in its history. Private mercenaries play a large role in the conflict, and postwar Congo is dominated by the interests of business conglomerates backed up by mercenaries. The utter domination of the Congo by corporations would set a precedent for corporate control of unstable regions during the 21st century.
    • 1999: As the end of one millennia approaches, the world stands on an arguable brink. Proxy wars between the Soviet Union and United States of America have continued almost unabated for decades, and resources -- particularly fuel -- are beginning to run low. Entire swaths of the Third World lie devastated by the constant back-and-forth of the world's two superpowers, and the twenty-first century seems an uncertain future at best.

    The Twenty-First Century

    • 2000s: A fully rebuilt and newly invigorated Federal Republic of China re-enters the global economy, and rapidly becomes one of the world’s largest economies. The FRC’s pharmaceutical industry, in particular, becomes one of the Republic’s most profitable industries. Eventually these companies, alongside others from Asian countries such as Japan and Singapore, will go on to form Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals.
    • 2010s: A major string of proxy wars in the Middle East between the USA and USSR shakes the international oil market, leading to a drive for alternative sources of power.
    • 2025: The European Union votes to unify in response to an increasingly powerful USSR. French scientists successfully activate the first fusion reactor in 2027, shortly after unification. While the technology is expensive, it promises to solve Earth's ongoing energy problems.
    • 2028: The EU along with China, the United States, Mexico, and Canada form United Orbital Enterprises in order to counter the USSR's space program (Cosmonaut Enterprises). A push begins to return to the Moon and establish permanent colonies.
    • 2035: The Pacific Alliance, an evolution of NATO, is founded in 2035 in response to further Soviet expansion into South-East Asia.
    • 2040s: Tensions between the EU and the Soviet Union continue to escalate, coming dangerously close to boiling over during several incidents in the 2040s.
    • 2050s: The Cold War seeps further into South America, which will become the primary theater of the Cold War until the Crisis of 2127. The West African Union forms following decades of regional economic success.

    The Second Space Age

    • 2070: United Orbital Enterprises launches three ships to colonize Venus, Mars, and the Moon. They form small science outposts, with over a dozen residents each officially becoming the first human colonists in space. The USSR's own space agency faces setbacks in colonizing the surface of planets or the moon but finds itself remarkably adept at deep space constructions thanks to its focus on heavy industry.
    • 2095: A habitable world is discovered in the Epsilon Eridani system, leading to a brief bidding war over the rights to settle it that the West African Union ultimately wins.

    The Crisis of 2127

    • 2127: While there has been success in tentatively spreading across the Solar System, Earth itself faced increasingly dire ecological crises throughout the 21st and 22nd centuries. In 2127 Earth's ongoing ecological woes became too severe too ignore for longer when New York City, long the crown jewel of the United States of America, was almost completely flooded during its annual hurricane season. The damage to the city would ultimately cost the United States hundreds of billions of dollars, but there was a far worse consequence: the collapse of Wall Street, then the fiscal hub for humanity. Markets and currencies fluctuated wildly across the Earth, and economic anarchy reigned for much of the rest of the 2120s. Only in the early 2130s did the United Nations manage to restore a modicum of order, though some would instead argue that it was the movement of Earth's fiscal hub to Chicago over the intervening five years that instead helped stabilize the situation.

    The Discovery of Warp

    The flag of the Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations, originally established in 2132.
    • 2130: Soviet scientists in orbit successfully prove the existence of practical warp travel, marking the start of the Interstellar Era. With the financing and support of the United Nations -- which had seen its influence grow following the Crisis of 2127 -- the technology is refined and installed on probes that will be sent out to map the stars surrounding Sol. The technology allows travel to other star systems within weeks but the energy required to keep these early warp engines running is massive, and humanity quickly becomes reliant on mining, refining, and shipping vast amounts of Helium-3 from the moon and asteroids within the Oort Cloud. The Soviet Union's early start with Helium-3 will eventually result in it colonizing Pluto.
    • 2132: The Crisis of 2127 is regarded by most historians as ending in this year, and its end brought a great amount of prestige to the United Nations. Seen by many as the main force fighting against the disastrous aftermath of the Crisis, the supranational organization had become a key source of deliberation, peacekeeping, and humanitarian assistance to the beleaguered nations of Earth. The rest of the decade would be defined by intense negotiations that ultimate helped to transform the United Nations into the Sol Alliance. Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, which will eventually become the main medical corporation of the Orion Spur, is founded in 2132.

    The Founding of the Sol Alliance

    • 2140: The United Nations officially reforms into the Sol Alliance, which becomes the new government of humanity. This new one world government oversees Earth and the colonies in the solar system, effectively bringing all of humanity under one banner. Its early years usher in a new era of optimism, expansion, and greed.

    The Discovery of Biesel

    • 2147: Biesel is discovered in Tau Ceti by Sol Alliance probes, promising new resources for the desperate Earth. In orbit, colony ships are constructed as efforts begin to colonize this habitable world. With the trip expected to take months with current warp travel technology, it is considered a one-way trip for the colonists.

    The First Trans-Stellars

    • 2155: Habitable planets closest to Earth see their population steadily increase as colony ships make round trips between the settlements and Sol. A multitude of Chinese industrial firms merge to form Einstein Engines, becoming the first trans-stellar corporation. By the end of the decade Einstein produces most of the warp engines humanity relies upon, giving it unparalleled economic power.
    • 2164: In an effort to remain competitive in the face of Einstein Engines' increasing dominance of the inter-stellar marketplace, a conglomerate of American and European defense and heavy industry companies opt to coalesce into a "mega" corporation known as Hephaestus Industries. Despite protests from the Soviet Union, the United States' influence allows the newly-formed Hephaestus Industries to prosper. While it will later be known for its massive orbital stations, most early Hephaestus projects are sea walls intended to stop storm surges from destroying coastal cities and island nations.
    • 2172: An effort is undertaken by the Alliance to revitalize the failing biosphere of Earth, and Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals takes the lead. The megacorporation begins reintroducing previously extinct animals back into the wild, using clones created from the animal's genetic information. The climate restoration initiative will last into the 25th century, and some parts of it continue to this very day.

    The New Galactic Economy

    • 2200: The Martian Terraforming Project begins, transforming the barren surface into lush plains and having ancient riverbeds flow for the first time in millions of years. Mars sees a huge immigration boom, with former inhabitants of Earth craving the perceived freedom and prosperity available on this new frontier.
    • 2204: The Sol Alliance creates the Credit, a standardized currency that all of human space will eventually come to use, in an effort to standardize trade between its colonies, many of which still relied upon currencies descended from original colonizers. With interstellar trade now a huge market, the complexities of currency exchanges necessitated such a currency.

    The Second Great Depression

    • 2260: A massive recession strikes the Sol Alliance as the largest stock exchanges see a sudden collapse, effectively tanking the entire economy. Its trans-stellar corporations nearly go bankrupt, and desperately use their influence to reap massive bailouts.
    • 2265: With no end of the "Great Depression" in sight, a desperate and bankrupt Earth establishes extortionary taxes on its colony worlds. This leads to anger, and questions over the credibility of the Sol Alliance's claim of representing all of humanity.
    • 2275: Fighting breaks out in the outer colonies, spurred on by extremist elements and anti-Alliance sentiments. The Sol Alliance is slow to respond, paralyzed by confusion and uncertainty. As a result, other Colonies on the fringe begin to break away, forming the Coalition of Colonies.

    The Great Interstellar War

    The Interstellar War was a massive turning point in human history, and its effects can be seen to this day.
    • 2278: The Coalition of Colonies is still not recognized by the Sol Alliance, and in anger the Coalition attacks Sol Alliance military forces who refused to leave systems that had seceded. The Coalition fleet is drastically smaller and less equipped than the Sol Alliance, but the massive size of their territory and the slow response times of Sol means they enjoy a very successful, defensive guerrilla war. Many megacorporations profit from the war, selling arms to one or both sides, trading in dangerous systems and staking claims in otherwise dangerous locations.
    • 2287: The Great Interstellar War is said to have ended on this date with a ceasefire between the Sol Alliance and the Coalition of Colonies. Late in the year a formal treaty referred to as the Treaty of Xansan is signed in Geneva, bringing the bloodiest conflict in human history to its official end. But despite the formal peace, skirmishes continue to break out, and the frontier remains untamed.

    The New Capital of Humanity

    • 2300: The administration of the Sol Alliance is moved to the newly constructed Unity City, a space station in Earth orbit. The new capital is intended to increase ease of access while also better reflecting the Alliance’s stated mission to represent all of humanity, not just any single nation or planet.

    First Contact

    • 2332: First contact is made with the Skrell, sending shock-waves throughout human space. Over the coming century these two species come closer and begin to cooperate on developing new technology, with Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals developing a particularly close relationship.

    Formation of Nanotrasen

    • 2346: Formation of Nanotrasen by Xavier Trasen. Initially specializes in advanced gene therapy. It eventually becomes a more broadened scientific company, rivaling Einstein Engines.

    The Warp Gate Project

    • 2355: The Warp Gate project begins with the goal of connecting humanity's most populated and profitable systems with permanent -- and titanic -- structures that cut travel time from weekks to mere days. The work itself is contracted out to Einstein Engines, with the Sol Alliance shouldering most of the cost.
    • 2384: The Warp Gate Project is completed. While Einstein Engines now enjoys the immense profits from controlling the most effective and commonly used method of intergalactic travel, the Sol Alliance faces a new economic crisis: the project has put a heavy load on their coffers, and megacorporations -- particularly Einstein Engines -- are more powerful than ever. Desperate and facing a new potential recession, the Sol Alliance grants major concessions to trans-stellar corporations over the next decade in return for financial kickbacks, effectively granting them the ability to operate in many areas without the oversight of the Alliance.
    • 2403: NanoTrasen acquires the mining rights to the Romanovich Cloud in the Tau Ceti system. The inhospitable environment of the Romanovich Cloud makes the puchase fairly cheap by the megacorporation's standards.

    Modern Robotics

    • 2407: Following the discovery of preserved, assumed Glorsh-era, mining drones on the planet Konyang, a Terraneus Diagnostics research team worked in secret inorder to study the drones. In mid-2407 the team successfully deciphered the AI algorithms, granting humanity the secret of artificial intelligence. Months later, the first positronics were manufactured.

    Discovery of Phoron

    • 2417: In the Romanovich Cloud -- far in the outer edges of Tau Ceti -- NT discovers phoron. This element is revealed to be an immensely efficient fuel source when refined, and presents a practical alternative to long-used Helium-3 warp engines. Further research quickly proved that it could make bluespace travel safe, efficient, and profitable. Phoron quickly becomes a widely-used fuel and energy generating commodity and NanoTrasen becomes excessively wealthy, using its exclusive patents on phoron refining and generation to become a massively powerful corporation.

    The Age of Bluespace

    • 2425: Bluespace Link gates begin to pop-up in the most developed systems across human and skrell space. The Alliance Sol Warp Gates are upgraded with Bluespace technology, greatly increasing their efficiency and giving NanoTrasen control over significant amounts of travel throughout the Sol Alliance; ending Einstein Engines' longstanding monopoly on faster than light travel.
    • 2438: The Scarab fleet, a group of long-lost colonists and pioneers, reappears in Sol Alliance territory. These space adapted humans find it difficult to reintegrate with a humanity that has pushed on in their absence, and align themselves with the Coalition of Colonies.

    The Republic of Biesel Forms

    The flag of the Republic of Biesel, established in 2452 as part of the Tau Ceti Accords.
    • 2450: Tau Ceti, a Sol Alliance system in the inner colonies, has NanoTrasen dominating nearly every facet of life. Sentiment is pro-corporate: politicians praise the corporation's efforts to improve the local economy while ignoring the many morally questionable actions that it has taken. NanoTrasen's stranglehold on Tau Ceti will only increase as time goes on.
    • 2452: In the face of growing instability and a worsening recession, the Sol Alliance caves to the pressure of both NanoTrasen and Tau Ceti politicians in the pocket of the mega-corporation. Tau Ceti is officially granted independence and becomes the Republic of Biesel. The Tau Ceti Free Trade Zone is formed as well, giving NanoTrasen considerable power and influence directly in the center of Sol Alliance space. With Biesel seen as little more than a puppet of NanoTrasen, it becomes the target of considerable ire from disaffected citizens.

    The Conflicted Frontier

    • 2452: The Coalition of Colonies experiences a period of internal strife over a disagreement between the United Syndicates of Himeo and the Xanu Free League on the Coalition's relationship with trans-stellar corporations, with claims of many outer colonies being corporate police states rather than true colonies. Some areas of the frontier of human space become a lawless expanse with pirates and mega-corporations becoming the new law of the lands as some systems depart the Coalition, yet the Coalition itself persists.

    Present Day

    • 2458: NT is an economic powerhouse which the Sol Alliance relies on for phoron to keep its trade routes to the outer colonies alive and satisfy the energy needs of its largest colonies. Anti-NT sentiment grows in Tau Ceti, but many others continue to support the megacorporation keeping the gears of the (human) galactic economy going. However, many exotic, fantastical elements of the universe such as undiscovered alien life, extremists, even ancient powers beyond comprehension may be moving to strike at arguably the most powerful organization in human space.
    • 2458: The Sol Alliance blockades Biesel due to pressure from the Skrellian Federation amid their concerns of Biesel using combat droids for their navy. The blockade fuels not just Sol-Biesel hatred, but synthetic hatred as well. Prices in Biesel skyrocket to accommodate these new economic strains.
    • 2459: The Sol Alliance fleet dedicated to the blockade, the 33rd led by Admiral Frost, goes against orders and invades the free Republic of Biesel. In a bloodless invasion, Frost had numerous free synthetics sold back into slavery or scrapped, captured the President of Biesel, and then crushed any opposition towards him. Eventually, the 25th fleet of Sol was sent to stop Admiral Frost. Frost then hid on the NSS Exodus and awaited a raider gang to deliver him to the frontier. 25th Fleet Marines attempted to capture Frost, but were slaughtered by loyalist 33rd Marines. Frost then abandoned his men to flee to the frontier.
    • 2461: Admiral Frost returns to the Solarian Alliance to much fanfare following his successful rescue of Solarian civilians taken captive during a recent pirate raid in the Jewel Worlds. He is quickly -- and under suspicious circumstances -- sworn in as Prime Minister despite political opposition from more liberal members of the Solarian Parliament. Frost quickly resorts to harsh political measures to retain his grip, and the Solarian political scene is thrown into chaos by him. The Solarian Navy, long a powerful ally of Frost, gains more political power than it has ever held before.
    • 2462: The Alliance's economy buckles under the strain of the 2462 phoron crisis. When attempts to grow synthetic phoron on Mars result in the Violet Dawn disaster, destroying most of the planet's surface, much of the Middle and all of the Outer Rings collapse into anarchy or defect to other human nations as the Alliance retreats inwards to consolidate itself and lick its wounds.
    • 2463: With the phoron crisis still ongoing and many human powers in the Orion Spur suffering from its effects, the political climate of 2463 is far from stable. The great powers of humanity await a solution with bated breath, but none can say when one may arrive...

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