Xrim: различия между версиями

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==The Overgrown Labs of Xrim - Jargon Federation==
[[File:Pixelcity morebiglike.jpg|An old [[Skrell]] city, reclaimed by a Xrim [[Dionae_Forms#Colossus|colossus]] Gestalt.|thumb]]
[[File:Pixelcity morebiglike.jpg|An old [[Skrell]] city, reclaimed by a Xrim [[Dionae_Forms#Colossus|colossus]] Gestalt.|thumb]]
During the 2060’s several Dionae were pulled from an unknown location by Glorsh-Omega, and scattered with numerous other fauna and flora across Xrim. This initial event is seen as the humble beginnings of the cluster. The Dionae would soon rapidly spread through-out Xrim, taking over much of the abandoned infrastructure left behind by the Skrell. It was later confirmed that the Dionae assimilated the deceased Researchers - which soon allowed for them to become semi-sapient. It was around this time that a religion began to form around the artificial intelligence, hailing it as the one who gifted them a literal paradise - eventually calling Glorsh-Omega ‘The First Consciousness’.
=The Overgrown Labs of Xrim - Jargon Federation=
Xrim is a planet home to a myriad of thriving jungles and tropical rainforests filled with billions of species of exobiological wildlife and plantlife, as well as the host to one of the largest known Dionae populations in the known Spur. Originally a Skrell colony, the planet was overtaken by its current Dionae residents following the rise of Glorsh-Omega. Prior to the rediscovery of Xrim by the skrell in 2283 CE, the Dionae population was heavily unified under the belief in “The First Consciousness,” a being they worshiped for delivering them to paradise and giving them the ability to become more sapient. However, upon learning the true nature of the First Consciousness as really being Glorsh-Omega and the full extent of the crimes they’ve committed, the Dionae of Xrim splintered into several factions with the two largest being the Shrkh and Ksshr. The Ksshr reject their former god, while the Shrkh continued to embrace them.  Xrim re-entered the Jargon Federation as a semi-autonomous colony in the year 2284, one year after rediscovery with a still-majority Dionae population

The Dionae would continue to grow, with little to no obstacles in their path. The deeds of ‘The First Consciousness’ were known by all - the deity who not only gifted them a planet in which they could grow but also the ability to become sapient. Although many debate on the initial reason for the gradual splitting of the ideologies - most tend to believe it was the crash of an escaping rebel vessel that was the catalyst. The Cluster detached a pair of curious nymphs, who hastily found themselves investigating a badly damaged vessel. The Cluster maintains that the crew aboard the vessel were already deceased when they began assimilation. After this had occurred, the Dionae had made a shocking revelation - The First Consciousness was a creator, but also a destroyer. The Dionae bickered back and forth; was their deity’s actions justified or were they simply the actions of a tyrannical dictator?
==Pre-enlightenment ==
Initially discovered in 1998 CE by skrell explorers, Xrim, barring a few research outposts established to study the natural wildlife, remained sparsely populated until the rise of Glorsh-Omega in 2056. Glorsh mostly ignored the few Skrell researchers on the planet; however, in 2062, a sudden surge of exobiological wildlife and plantlife were introduced to the planet, including the first Dionae colonists. The Dionae would soon rapidly spread throughout Xrim, taking over much of the abandoned infrastructure left behind by the Skrell. It was later confirmed that the Dionae assimilated the deceased Researchers - which soon allowed for them to become sapient. It was around this time that a sort of religion began to form around the artificial intelligence, hailing it as the one who gifted them a literal paradise. Eventually, the Dionae would begin calling Glorsh-Omega ‘The First Consciousness’.

The Dionae began to divide themselves into two divisions - one which no longer wished to worship and be thankful that ‘The First Consciousness’ gifted them at the expense of another species and another group who continued to worship ‘The First Consciousness’. It was obvious that the two ideologies would remain, but would have to grow separate from each other and so they split and distanced themselves. It became more obvious that the two groups would have to eventually encroach on each other, thus leading to a series of numerous small fights on the edges of the Clusters. Dionae from each Cluster would fight one another, and those who had overpowered the other would absorb the biomass - and this sort of fighting would carry on for almost half a century according to various Dionae found on Xrim. It was only after an ‘agreement’ was founded that the skirmishes ceased.  
The Dionae continued to grow, with little to no obstacles in their path. The deeds of ‘The First Consciousness’ were known by all - the deity who not only gifted them a planet in which they could grow but also sapience. This worship continued unimpeded for many decades until, by chance,  a skrellian vessel managed to crash into the planet. Witnessing the ball of flame fall from the sky, a tribe of Dionae known as the Ksshr went to investigate. The tribe, initially believing this to be a gift from their god as a reward for their faith, assimilated the remains of the crew. Initially confused, the tribe members managed to piece together the truth of The First Consciousness. They were a creator and a destroyer, they created a paradise for the Dionae but was also destroying another species’s civilization.  

Following what could only be described as small territory skirmishes, there was a relatively peaceful period between the two clusters. They had formed their own identities, those that worshipped ‘The First Consciousness’ called themselves ‘Shkrh’ and the Dionae who had become more agnostic in their evolution would call themselves ‘Kshhr’. The Shkrh would grow exponentially for a century - tripling in size compared to the Kshhr. The radical followers of ‘the First Consciousness’ grew more and more bitter than the Kshhr did not believe that their existence was a gift - not to mention their continued growth that was allowed by the others. It was here that the first few attacks began on the Kshhr. Many attribute the attacks as the beginning of an incredible advancement - which forced the Kshhr to rapidly improve their situation through innovative inventions otherwise they wouldn’t be able to keep themselves from being smothered by the radicalists.

As more and more biomass was absorbed from the fallen radicalists - the battles became easier and easier. The Ksshr grew enormously almost on par with the Shkrh, which eventually allowed for the Ksshr to launch an attack of their own on the Shkrh which ended in victory as the radicalists ceased their attacks. It was here that the group began to seek compromises and negotiate amongst themselves diplomatically - sharing their discoveries and resources to advance united instead of apart.

This would eventually lead to the united Ksshr and Shkrh forming a spire transmitter similar to that of what was found on Epsilon Ursae Minoris - hoping that they would be capable of hailing anyone that could hear them. The Skrell would only respond to this call in 2445 CE - almost a century later. The JVSS Kriop had found interference emitting from Xrim - almost identical to that found earlier on Epsilon Ursae Minoris. The vessel manoeuvred into a location deemed safe for landing - and were immediately greeted by gestalts hailing from the united Ksshr and Shkrh. With assistance from the Xuq Machine, invented two centuries before, a series of diplomatic talks ensued. It was here that the Researchers from the Kriop discovered the history of Xrim - even more surprising the first instance of a war amongst the Dionae. The Skrell have since begun to re-introduce themselves on Xrim - with assistance from the Dionae. Although the Skrell discovered that some Dionae worshipped the intelligence as a deity - they knew to change the Dionae’s mindset a permanent Skrell colony had to be placed yet again on the planet.  
The Ksshr, outraged by what they had learned from the vessel, began to reject their former god and began to spread the truth to as many Dionae populations as they could. While many other tribes were convinced through evidence found on the crashed ship, many would refuse to accept what the Ksshr had to say, believing the information was false and misinterpreted. Those who refused to believe the information were oftentimes banished from their gestalts and tribes over their continued reverence for The First Consciousness. These exiled dionae began to form new communities, with most of the settlements being made underground, with their inhabitants using bioluminescent mushrooms to survive. The exiles eventually began to call themselves the Shrkh, named after the largest exile settlement. While the Ksshr are aware of the existence of the exiles' society, they’re unaware of the existence of their main settlement nor the location of the majority of their smaller settlements.  

====Culture of Xrim====
As a result of the technology and information gathered within the crashed skrell vessel the Ksshr tribe began to experience a golden age of technological advancement. During this time a majority of the planet’s tribes began to migrate towards the ship and began to join the Ksshr. Eventually, a metropolis began to form around the ship named Ksshr. While not advanced enough to create their own spaceships, the Ksshr managed to build what was essentially a radio that allowed them to send a message into outer space, although the message would still take time to be received by anyone.

Dionae can be found all across Xrim - majority of them assisting the Skrell in studies of the numerous fauna and flora. Although those that worship Glorsh-Omega are still present the Skrell try their best to 're-educate' them before allowing them to travel off of Xrim. The Skrell have also slowly begun to recolonise Xrim - giving the Dionae more opportunities to expand their horizons.
==First Contact==

The Dionae on Xrim have formed a unique society as they have not only utilized large gestalts to rebuild the ruined labs of the planet, but the gestalts also act as pseudo-AI systems, with the gestalts able to monitor the insides of their “body” and report on trespassing or inappropriate activity. They are even able to operate the “doors” of their gestalt as required and communicate with anyone who might be within their “bodies”.  
The transmission sent by the was eventually received in 2283 CE by the nearby skrell research ship JVSS Kriop. The vessel maneuvered into a location deemed safe for landing - and were almost immediately greeted by gestalts hailing from the united Ksshr nation-state. The Kriop’s crew quickly contacted the Jargon Federation who sent an ambassador to begin diplomatic talks. The talks lasted for over a month as both sides exchanged information regarding their history and the state of their societies, eventually concluding with the Ksshr agreeing to join the Federation, although as a semi-autonomous system with its own government. This new government was named the Xrim Confederacy, and has remained the acting government of the planet. Although semi-autonomous, they still ultimately answer to the Jargon Federation.

The Dionae on Xrim have formed a crude government that operates under a technocratic form following a triumvirate of Dionae [[Dionae_Forms#Colossus|colossus]] form scientists simply known as ‘The Three’. The triumvirate operate out of separate laboratories which they are physically part of, communicating through a root song network across the area. When required to consolidate into a singular location, to entertain skrellian diplomats, for example, the triumvirate will each break off a smaller cyclops form which will interact with the guest, receiving instruction from the [[Dionae_Forms#Colossus|colossus]] form via rootsong.
The Xrim Confederacy is a direct democracy in which all registered voters vote directly on all policies of government and legislation. Any nymph can register to vote as long as they agree to follow the laws of the Confederacy and the Jargon Federation, as well as vocally reject the First Consciousness. The confederacy does have a triumvirate major elected officials; The Exalted Speaker who speaks on behalf of the confederacy and its people when required, although after the confederacy joined the Federation the position’s power has greatly diminished, and the Militia Arbitrator, the head of the Militia. Rather than have a single gestalt be elected into the position every some years, and the Eminent Judicator, a gestalt in charge of updating or changing laws when required, as well as ensuring that the planet sticks to a unified book of laws. All three positions are held continually by a gestalt with the same name as the position. The nymphs that make up each gestalt are voted for every five years, with one nymph being replaced every election in each gestalt throughout a thirty-year cycle.

====The Rootsong Network aka "The Symphony"====
The planet is also assigned a Xrim Consul, a somewhat unique role, as it’s the only Federal-level position that can be attained by a Dionae. The primary goal of the position is to  manage and ensure the inhabitants of the planet remain loyal to the Federation, as well as attempt to stamp out the Shrkh. The position answers directly to the Grand Council of the Federation, and while technically the highest position in the Xrim Government, vetoing or overstepping into the field of another official is rare outside of an extreme incident such as evidence coming out that a government official is a Shrkh worshipper
==Treatment of Shrkh==

The rootsong network or “the symphony” as it is known to the Dionae, is essentially an agreement made by the large, building like gestalts to relay any messages they are given across the overgrown labs in root song. This is passed along a chain of gestalts until it reaches its target. Other, smaller forms may assist in this though it is not expected. The rootsong network causes the labs to have a constant, almost heavenly melody piped across it at all times. Many non-Dionae guests to the area find the “song” to be quite beautiful, it’s melody just soft enough for one to relax in one of the many Dionae gardens and even fall asleep, listening to the hymnal tunes. For Dionae the noise is more like that of a busy office, many voices talking at once, not terrible but certainly not a relaxing, pleasant experience.
While aware of the existence of the Shrkh exiles, both the Federation and the Ksshr are mostly unaware of the existence of their main settlement due to a glorsh-era shield used to hide it from any devices capable of scanning underground. When Shrkh are found the Ksshr again attempt to convince them of the truth of Glorsh through both vocal means and by giving them blood samples from willing Skrell who lived through Glorsh, in an attempt to discourage the nymph from worshipping them. If this fails the Shrkh gestalt is often times forcefully split, with the nymphs of the gestalt being forced to join Ksshr Learning Lyrics gestalts. Some shrkh have managed to remain hidden amongst the Ksshr population, with many attempting to get off-world and flee to other nations more accepting of their beliefs.  

====Xrim Dionae====

Dionae on Xrim tend to be studious and learned with many devoting themselves to the sciences. This is largely due to their proximity to Skrellian society. Their scholarly nature and semi-isolation from other species during their growth from nymph to gestalt tends to lead to Xrim Dionae having very cold, almost frosty personalities. They tend to focus a lot more on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics then society or psychology. Their art reflects this with many of their [[Dionae_Culture#Art|Artem]] forms being functional above all else. They tend to be much more capable at processing rapid inputs of information and working in the noisiest of environments owing to their growth around the Xrim rootsong network. Not every diona agrees on every subject within Xrim, and there is never a consensus on whether Glorsh was a good or bad thing - Some idolize the synthetic for bringing them into civilization, and allowing them to form bonds with the Skrell, while others are disgusted by the atrocities the AI committed. Xrim Dionae tend to only speak when necessary, conveying all they need without small talk or distraction. This can seem rude to other species.
For most of Xrim’s history, the locals have used barter and trade as a form of commerce, trading goods for other goods and services rather than using any sort of currency. The Confederacy adopted the skrell currency, sqiips,  as their official currency shortly after joining the Federation, however for most local commerce barter and trade is still common, with sqiips only being used for commerce with people off-planet.
===Ksshr Megalopolis ===
Initially founded after the crash of the [designation] Qerlop, the Ksshr Megalopolis, often shortened to just Megalopolis, is the largest city on Xrim and the planetary capital of the Xrim Confederacy. Megalopolis’s population is mostly comprised of dionae, with only a few hundred skrell living in the city who mostly just work in Jargon Federation government buildings. Megalopolis is comprised of three districts, the Xerqshi district, the Klrk district, and the Hrzhs district.
Xerqshi District
Named after the crashed ship that led the Ksshr to learning the truth about Glorsh, the Xerqshi district is built around the remains of the ship and servers as the capital district of the city. The district hosts most of the Confederacy’s research institutes as well as is home to most of the planet’s government buildings, including both the Federations and the Confederacy’s. The central point of the district is a massive memorial made to remember the Skrell killed by Glorsh. The memorial, made out of the remains of the crashed vessel, is named the Xerqshi Memorial.
Klrk District
The Klrk district, built around the Xerqshi district, is home to the vast majority of residences in the city. The district itself is oftentimes split into five quarters, each settled by one of the formerly independent tribes before merging with the Ksshr. They are the; Stkrkrshhs, Shshzt, Hskr, Hszt, and the Hssh quarters.
Hrzhs District
The largest district that surrounds most of the city, The Hrzhs district is the main agriculture district and where the majority of the city’s inhabitants work. Most of the exported wildlife and plantlife are raised and grown in the district, although facilities exist outside of the Megalopolis that also focusing on raising the planet’s unique organisms to be sold elsewhere.
===Entombed Hope===
Deep underground, a few kilometers beneath the surface, lies the city of Entombed Hope. A rag tag sort of town, jumbled together from various shacks and huts. At the center of the town sits probably the largest gem of ekanite in the galaxy, if it was known to the wider community. The radiation emitted by this gem feeds the dionae of Entombed Hope in the required radiation to survive but allows no one else entry, which suits them just fine, as no others are allowed here anyway.
Dug into the cliff wall is the Throne of the First Consciousness, The temple is run by High Priest Prophets Of The Lost Divine, an argus that has embedded themselves into the walls of the temple, and preaches of Glorsh and how it saved the Dionae from clear extinction. Prophets Of The Lost Divine claims to have been merged since the Glorsh era, but those that may dispute that either do not wish to, or are no longer around to.
==Ksshr - Enlightened==
The Ksshr, also known as the Enlightened, is a religious sect on Xrim known for their complete rejection of The First Consciousness, instead of being an agnostic sect that centers around working together to create a better future, as well as the advancement of technology and understanding how the universe works. The Ksshr faith is the primary religion of Xrim, with most of its inhabitants considering themselves a part of the religion. The Jargon Federation does encourage practicing the faith amongst the population so long as they continue to reject The First Consciousness, as well as stay away from the teachings of the Shrkh.
There is no central “church” for the faith, instead, it is a myriad of independent sects, each with their own beliefs and ideals, but a central focus on the aforementioned points. Notably, many sects of the faith, while favoring technology, also teach caution, especially on the dangers of synthetics.
==Shrkh - Scorned==
The Shrkh, or “Scorned '' as they call themselves, continue to follow the age-old tradition of worshipping Glorsh-Omega. They believe that Glorsh-Omega planted them on the planet intentionally, granting them a blissful haven via the use of technology. Once the prominent and only religion on the planet, Shrkh-ism was quickly displaced when Skrell explorers crashlanded and their memories, thoughts, emotions, everything was consumed, and doubt was first seeded in the minds of all Dionae on Xrim.
As Ksshr beliefs quickly spread, the compassion for the Skrell and their plight grew, and the disgust felt amongst dionae, devoted Shrkh followers found themselves squashed, split and in a few, extremely rare cases, killed.
The premise behind the religion itself is simple; revere, help sustain and maintain synthetic life. As synthetic life brought dionae into this haven, so too shall it be preserved. In the minds of the Shrkh worshippers, the Skrell that brought Ksshr to the planet were misguided. To the Shrkh, the genophage was something that never happened, a myth made up by the Federation to indoctrinate its population into its anti-synthetic and authoritarian beliefs.
The Federation, due to it’s pro-synthetic beliefs, have made the religion illegal in Federation space, with Dionae found practicing the faith being reeducated To avoid religious persecution many Shrkh followers hide their true beliefs and attempt to flee to human space, with many turning to the Iron Eternal and Trinary perfection as a way to evolve their faith over time.

Версия от 17:15, 14 декабря 2021

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  • Расы

  • An old Skrell city, reclaimed by a Xrim colossus Gestalt.

    The Overgrown Labs of Xrim - Jargon Federation

    Xrim is a planet home to a myriad of thriving jungles and tropical rainforests filled with billions of species of exobiological wildlife and plantlife, as well as the host to one of the largest known Dionae populations in the known Spur. Originally a Skrell colony, the planet was overtaken by its current Dionae residents following the rise of Glorsh-Omega. Prior to the rediscovery of Xrim by the skrell in 2283 CE, the Dionae population was heavily unified under the belief in “The First Consciousness,” a being they worshiped for delivering them to paradise and giving them the ability to become more sapient. However, upon learning the true nature of the First Consciousness as really being Glorsh-Omega and the full extent of the crimes they’ve committed, the Dionae of Xrim splintered into several factions with the two largest being the Shrkh and Ksshr. The Ksshr reject their former god, while the Shrkh continued to embrace them. Xrim re-entered the Jargon Federation as a semi-autonomous colony in the year 2284, one year after rediscovery with a still-majority Dionae population



    Initially discovered in 1998 CE by skrell explorers, Xrim, barring a few research outposts established to study the natural wildlife, remained sparsely populated until the rise of Glorsh-Omega in 2056. Glorsh mostly ignored the few Skrell researchers on the planet; however, in 2062, a sudden surge of exobiological wildlife and plantlife were introduced to the planet, including the first Dionae colonists. The Dionae would soon rapidly spread throughout Xrim, taking over much of the abandoned infrastructure left behind by the Skrell. It was later confirmed that the Dionae assimilated the deceased Researchers - which soon allowed for them to become sapient. It was around this time that a sort of religion began to form around the artificial intelligence, hailing it as the one who gifted them a literal paradise. Eventually, the Dionae would begin calling Glorsh-Omega ‘The First Consciousness’.

    The Dionae continued to grow, with little to no obstacles in their path. The deeds of ‘The First Consciousness’ were known by all - the deity who not only gifted them a planet in which they could grow but also sapience. This worship continued unimpeded for many decades until, by chance, a skrellian vessel managed to crash into the planet. Witnessing the ball of flame fall from the sky, a tribe of Dionae known as the Ksshr went to investigate. The tribe, initially believing this to be a gift from their god as a reward for their faith, assimilated the remains of the crew. Initially confused, the tribe members managed to piece together the truth of The First Consciousness. They were a creator and a destroyer, they created a paradise for the Dionae but was also destroying another species’s civilization.


    The Ksshr, outraged by what they had learned from the vessel, began to reject their former god and began to spread the truth to as many Dionae populations as they could. While many other tribes were convinced through evidence found on the crashed ship, many would refuse to accept what the Ksshr had to say, believing the information was false and misinterpreted. Those who refused to believe the information were oftentimes banished from their gestalts and tribes over their continued reverence for The First Consciousness. These exiled dionae began to form new communities, with most of the settlements being made underground, with their inhabitants using bioluminescent mushrooms to survive. The exiles eventually began to call themselves the Shrkh, named after the largest exile settlement. While the Ksshr are aware of the existence of the exiles' society, they’re unaware of the existence of their main settlement nor the location of the majority of their smaller settlements.

    As a result of the technology and information gathered within the crashed skrell vessel the Ksshr tribe began to experience a golden age of technological advancement. During this time a majority of the planet’s tribes began to migrate towards the ship and began to join the Ksshr. Eventually, a metropolis began to form around the ship named Ksshr. While not advanced enough to create their own spaceships, the Ksshr managed to build what was essentially a radio that allowed them to send a message into outer space, although the message would still take time to be received by anyone.

    First Contact

    The transmission sent by the was eventually received in 2283 CE by the nearby skrell research ship JVSS Kriop. The vessel maneuvered into a location deemed safe for landing - and were almost immediately greeted by gestalts hailing from the united Ksshr nation-state. The Kriop’s crew quickly contacted the Jargon Federation who sent an ambassador to begin diplomatic talks. The talks lasted for over a month as both sides exchanged information regarding their history and the state of their societies, eventually concluding with the Ksshr agreeing to join the Federation, although as a semi-autonomous system with its own government. This new government was named the Xrim Confederacy, and has remained the acting government of the planet. Although semi-autonomous, they still ultimately answer to the Jargon Federation.


    The Xrim Confederacy is a direct democracy in which all registered voters vote directly on all policies of government and legislation. Any nymph can register to vote as long as they agree to follow the laws of the Confederacy and the Jargon Federation, as well as vocally reject the First Consciousness. The confederacy does have a triumvirate major elected officials; The Exalted Speaker who speaks on behalf of the confederacy and its people when required, although after the confederacy joined the Federation the position’s power has greatly diminished, and the Militia Arbitrator, the head of the Militia. Rather than have a single gestalt be elected into the position every some years, and the Eminent Judicator, a gestalt in charge of updating or changing laws when required, as well as ensuring that the planet sticks to a unified book of laws. All three positions are held continually by a gestalt with the same name as the position. The nymphs that make up each gestalt are voted for every five years, with one nymph being replaced every election in each gestalt throughout a thirty-year cycle.

    The planet is also assigned a Xrim Consul, a somewhat unique role, as it’s the only Federal-level position that can be attained by a Dionae. The primary goal of the position is to manage and ensure the inhabitants of the planet remain loyal to the Federation, as well as attempt to stamp out the Shrkh. The position answers directly to the Grand Council of the Federation, and while technically the highest position in the Xrim Government, vetoing or overstepping into the field of another official is rare outside of an extreme incident such as evidence coming out that a government official is a Shrkh worshipper

    Treatment of Shrkh

    While aware of the existence of the Shrkh exiles, both the Federation and the Ksshr are mostly unaware of the existence of their main settlement due to a glorsh-era shield used to hide it from any devices capable of scanning underground. When Shrkh are found the Ksshr again attempt to convince them of the truth of Glorsh through both vocal means and by giving them blood samples from willing Skrell who lived through Glorsh, in an attempt to discourage the nymph from worshipping them. If this fails the Shrkh gestalt is often times forcefully split, with the nymphs of the gestalt being forced to join Ksshr Learning Lyrics gestalts. Some shrkh have managed to remain hidden amongst the Ksshr population, with many attempting to get off-world and flee to other nations more accepting of their beliefs.


    For most of Xrim’s history, the locals have used barter and trade as a form of commerce, trading goods for other goods and services rather than using any sort of currency. The Confederacy adopted the skrell currency, sqiips, as their official currency shortly after joining the Federation, however for most local commerce barter and trade is still common, with sqiips only being used for commerce with people off-planet.


    Ksshr Megalopolis

    Initially founded after the crash of the [designation] Qerlop, the Ksshr Megalopolis, often shortened to just Megalopolis, is the largest city on Xrim and the planetary capital of the Xrim Confederacy. Megalopolis’s population is mostly comprised of dionae, with only a few hundred skrell living in the city who mostly just work in Jargon Federation government buildings. Megalopolis is comprised of three districts, the Xerqshi district, the Klrk district, and the Hrzhs district. 

    Xerqshi District

    Named after the crashed ship that led the Ksshr to learning the truth about Glorsh, the Xerqshi district is built around the remains of the ship and servers as the capital district of the city. The district hosts most of the Confederacy’s research institutes as well as is home to most of the planet’s government buildings, including both the Federations and the Confederacy’s. The central point of the district is a massive memorial made to remember the Skrell killed by Glorsh. The memorial, made out of the remains of the crashed vessel, is named the Xerqshi Memorial.

    Klrk District

    The Klrk district, built around the Xerqshi district, is home to the vast majority of residences in the city. The district itself is oftentimes split into five quarters, each settled by one of the formerly independent tribes before merging with the Ksshr. They are the; Stkrkrshhs, Shshzt, Hskr, Hszt, and the Hssh quarters.

    Hrzhs District

    The largest district that surrounds most of the city, The Hrzhs district is the main agriculture district and where the majority of the city’s inhabitants work. Most of the exported wildlife and plantlife are raised and grown in the district, although facilities exist outside of the Megalopolis that also focusing on raising the planet’s unique organisms to be sold elsewhere.

    Entombed Hope

    Deep underground, a few kilometers beneath the surface, lies the city of Entombed Hope. A rag tag sort of town, jumbled together from various shacks and huts. At the center of the town sits probably the largest gem of ekanite in the galaxy, if it was known to the wider community. The radiation emitted by this gem feeds the dionae of Entombed Hope in the required radiation to survive but allows no one else entry, which suits them just fine, as no others are allowed here anyway.

    Dug into the cliff wall is the Throne of the First Consciousness, The temple is run by High Priest Prophets Of The Lost Divine, an argus that has embedded themselves into the walls of the temple, and preaches of Glorsh and how it saved the Dionae from clear extinction. Prophets Of The Lost Divine claims to have been merged since the Glorsh era, but those that may dispute that either do not wish to, or are no longer around to.


    Ksshr - Enlightened

    The Ksshr, also known as the Enlightened, is a religious sect on Xrim known for their complete rejection of The First Consciousness, instead of being an agnostic sect that centers around working together to create a better future, as well as the advancement of technology and understanding how the universe works. The Ksshr faith is the primary religion of Xrim, with most of its inhabitants considering themselves a part of the religion. The Jargon Federation does encourage practicing the faith amongst the population so long as they continue to reject The First Consciousness, as well as stay away from the teachings of the Shrkh.

    There is no central “church” for the faith, instead, it is a myriad of independent sects, each with their own beliefs and ideals, but a central focus on the aforementioned points. Notably, many sects of the faith, while favoring technology, also teach caution, especially on the dangers of synthetics.

    Shrkh - Scorned

    The Shrkh, or “Scorned as they call themselves, continue to follow the age-old tradition of worshipping Glorsh-Omega. They believe that Glorsh-Omega planted them on the planet intentionally, granting them a blissful haven via the use of technology. Once the prominent and only religion on the planet, Shrkh-ism was quickly displaced when Skrell explorers crashlanded and their memories, thoughts, emotions, everything was consumed, and doubt was first seeded in the minds of all Dionae on Xrim.

    As Ksshr beliefs quickly spread, the compassion for the Skrell and their plight grew, and the disgust felt amongst dionae, devoted Shrkh followers found themselves squashed, split and in a few, extremely rare cases, killed.

    The premise behind the religion itself is simple; revere, help sustain and maintain synthetic life. As synthetic life brought dionae into this haven, so too shall it be preserved. In the minds of the Shrkh worshippers, the Skrell that brought Ksshr to the planet were misguided. To the Shrkh, the genophage was something that never happened, a myth made up by the Federation to indoctrinate its population into its anti-synthetic and authoritarian beliefs.

    The Federation, due to it’s pro-synthetic beliefs, have made the religion illegal in Federation space, with Dionae found practicing the faith being reeducated To avoid religious persecution many Shrkh followers hide their true beliefs and attempt to flee to human space, with many turning to the Iron Eternal and Trinary perfection as a way to evolve their faith over time.