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{{Navbox Human Lore}}
{{Navbox Human Lore}}

Dominian culture has evolved significantly from that of its colonizers in the 22nd century. Bearing the influence of hundreds of years of isolation, warfare, and fervent belief, Imperial culture and society is quite distinct from that of other human nations. Dominian society and culture is sharply divided between that present on its core worlds such as Moroz -- often referred to as "core" Dominia -- and its colonial holdings, such as Sun Reach. Differences between parts of Dominian culture are not only found between planets or regions, but additionally between the Empire's social classes -- the Primaries, Secondaries, and Ma'zals.
'''IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of these factions will be quite difficult to play on the station due to the chaotic nature of the wildlands! FOLLOWERS OF THE SOLARIAN RESTORATION FRONT, IN PARTICULAR, WOULD NOT BE TOLERATED WITHIN THE REPUBLIC OF BIESEL DUE TO ITS EXTREMELY XENOPHOBIC NATURE!'''

In the chaotic aftermath of the Solarian Alliance’s retreat from its Middle and Outer Rings much of the now-leaderless rings were swept up by the Coalition of Colonies and the grotesquely enlarged Republic of Biesel, providing some measure of stability to a region that the previous hegemon of the Orion Spur had simply left to burn due to crippling [[KING OF THE WORLD|internal issues]] that left it unable to hold onto its more distant, and less loyal, territories. But the Coalition and Republic were not able to reach every system abandoned by the Sol Alliance in its retreat giving rise to the anarchic sectors referred to as the human wildlands. The '''human wildlands''' are bisected by the [[Republic of Biesel]] and are divided into the '''northern''' and '''southern wildlands''', with the northern wildlands being significantly larger than the southern wildlands.

Dominians, unlike other humans in the Orion Spur, take honor extremely seriously, and following a strict code of honor is required by every individual. Many Dominian houses and peoples have different metrics for honor, but all share certain key traits which place a Dominian under the code of honor, here exemplified in the most well-known Codex of Imperial Honor published in 2447. Honor can also be considered to be a family or house's face. To lose honor is to lose face, and it can lower a person or houses standing with its peers. A Dominian behaving dishonorably can also lose face, lowering their status which makes honor as much of a political asset and liability as it is a personal code of conduct. Dominians of all types follow the Honor Codex, but adherence to it is generally strongest in the Imperial core worlds such as Moroz and gradually weakens as one moves further and further out from the Imperial core.
The human wildlands are home to a variety of '''successor states''' often colloquially referred to as post-Solarian '''warlords''' in the galactic press. These successor states can control everywhere from one planet to multiple systems, though many have debatable levels of control over their claimed areas and are not recognized as legitimate governments by the greater Orion Spur. While the vast majority of these successor states control very little territory several have come to relative prominence in the months following the Solarian retreat, and have become relatively well-known in the wider Orion Spur thanks to media coverage of them. The following seven successor states are the most widely-known and prominent factions within the human wildlands, but are by no means the only ones in the wildlands.

'''Understanding Dominian honor is a key part of playing any good Imperial citizen, particularly nobles. Read this section before playing a Dominian!'''
==The Solarian Restoration Front==
[[Image:Solarian Restoration Front.png|thumb|The flag of the Solarian Restoration Front, one of the major successor states in the northern human wildlands. The anchor-in-sun featured on this flag was a common symbol of the 35th Fleet before its collapse.]]
Extremely nationalistic even by the standards of the authoritarian Solarian Alliance, the Solarian Restoration Front is often rightfully viewed as the most militaristic of the Solarian successor states that now jockey for control of the “wildlands” that now make up the former Middle and Outer Rings of the Solarian Alliance. The Front believes that the Alliance’s third tajara ban was both not enough and too soft on aliens in the Alliance, and they view this softness as the main cause for its collapse. This the Front strives to create a highly-militarized, extremely authoritarian, and human only state in the wildlands as a basis for purifying the Sol Alliance itself of degenerating alien influence, no matter the cost.

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The ultranationalist xenophobia of the Front can be traced to its origins in a very specific Solarian fleet: the 35th. Even before its invasion of Tau Ceti the 35th Fleet was considered to be one of the most rabidly nationalistic fleets of the Sol Alliance, and its bloody invasion of Tau Ceti and chaotic retreat into the wildlands following Admiral Özdemir’s death further radicalized the Fleet. Rear Admiral Anton Verglas, the new commander of the 35th Fleet’s remnants, had a great amount of time to ponder what, exactly, had gone wrong during the chaotic final months of the Sol Alliance that he had grown up knowing. His ultimate conclusion was a typical one for Solarians, particularly after the collapse: the government had been too soft on alien fifth columnists, particularly tajara, including their human patsies, despite signs they were stirring unrest and the only solution was deportation. But Verglas went further than the typical Solarian: instead of pushing for the removal of solely tajara, he seeks to create a section of the wildlands free of aliens and entirely populated by humans in preparation for what he describes as the “purification” of the decrepit Solarian Alliance. The whisperings of his badly-injured fleet intelligence officer, Florentina von Keyserling, likely had an influence upon this very radical stance.
===The Codex of Dominian Honor===
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What follows is the most well-known codex of Dominian honor and etiquette, first compiled in 2304 by Kristyan Langver, and then edited by Zalze Han'San in 2447 to reflect more modern views.
The areas under the control of the Front are ruled with an iron fist. All resources that can be directed towards waging a war of reunification are utilized, and all non-human residents - and their human associates - are swiftly dealt with through whatever means are deemed necessary. The scarred von Keyserling has been a major driving force behind the Front’s so-called “hunts” for nonhumans, seeing them as parasites living off of the success of humanity. With the 35th Fleet badly scarred by the disastrous invasion of Tau Ceti, much of its effective strength is made up of defectors from other fleets that have chosen to align themselves with the Front’s stance on aliens within the territory of the Alliance - with the 33rd Fleet, previously under the command of Admiral Michael Frost, making up much of the Front’s effective strength thanks to defections. The Front also has access to a great amount of Solarian Navy equipment, thanks to many officers simply looking the other way when Front vessels requisition supplies. Thanks to its external support by the Sol Alliance’s Navy, the Front is in a better position than most rivals to establish itself in the wildlands - and perhaps the Alliance itself, someday.

'''I. Conduct toward Equals'''
In no place is the Front’s control more obvious than its provisional capital of Lycoris, which has been under Front control since the Solarian Collapse. Lycoris is a heavily industrialized world with an agricultural moon where much of its richer population resides known as Lycoris Minor. The planet itself is known for its large orbital facilities which, until the Collapse, primarily constructed ships for Hephaestus Industries. Now these facilities serve the ships of the Front and, rarely, retrofit Front vessels with modern Suzuki-Zhang engines which have somehow ended up in the Wildlands. Life on Lycoris has become one of constant fear under Front control: aliens, foreign humans, and suspected traitors are rounded up by local authorities who have long collaborated with the Front, and rapidly disappear. Citizens of the planet are expected to be slavishly loyal to the Front despite its increasingly rampant looting of the planet’s key industries and must attend rallies in support of the Front or suffer the consequences, which are inevitably disappearing or being conscripted into penal units. Many attempt to escape but few succeed thanks to a pervasive culture of collaboration, and those that do flee the Wildlands are often viewed as complicit in the atrocities of the SRF.

An honorable person will conduct himself in a manner that recognizes rich or poor, young or old, all are morally equal. Birth and wealth do not convey honor and a good reputation, your actions do. It is not what one thinks, but one does. Thus, a gentle-being of good repute and standing should avoid conducting himself untowardly to their fellow, that they may avoid unnecessarily coming to blows. Politeness and civility are the hallmarks of a reputable person. Thus, unless a person is known to of low repute and lacking honor, act civilly to all you meet.
==The League of Independent Corporate-Free Systems==
[[Image:League.png|thumb|The flag of the League of Independent Corporate-Free Systems, one of the major successor states in the northern human wildlands. The red star surrounded by gold is a symbolic representation of the League's goal of a Solarian successor state free of corporate influence.]]
Many radical political changes followed the retreat of the Solarian Alliance from its Middle and Outer Rings. In most areas this political change was accompanied by a reckoning over what, exactly, had caused the once-great Solarian Alliance to slowly atrophy, decay, and then abandon the majority of its outlying territories. In some areas the answer was that the Alliance had been too soft on the Republic of Biesel, or that it had been tainted by alien influence, or that it had been too ambitious and large. But in the human wildlands close to the former Alliance Neutral Zone, another explanation emerged: that the Alliance had collapsed due to the meddling of corporations and if only the Alliance had stood against the forces of interstellar capitalism, it would have never collapsed. Thus from the ashes of the Alliance’s colonies emerged something truly unforeseen in the Orion Spur: a left-leaning, anti-corporate “successor state” to the Alliance in the region.

'''II. Dueling Etiquette'''
The resulting League of Independent Corporate-Free Systems is something of an oddity. As the union of many disparate (and, perhaps, desperate) systems in the wildlands unified only by their shared hatred of corporations, the League is hardly a truly unified force. Instead it is governed in a manner similar to the Coalition of Colonies, though with a more militant purpose in mind: individual planets and former Solarian fleets loyal to the League make up the anti-corporate council, the nearest thing that the League has to a governing body. This council is further divided into a civilian and military wing, with the military wing - made up of anti-corporate Solarian naval and army officers - generally taking priority over the civilian wing, due to the threats posed to the young League by corporate mercenaries and other successor states alike.

There is no justice in the court of law for an offense of Slander, and to be Slandered is worse than death. To live a life of shame and ill repute is the lowest fate one can receive. It is thus that affairs of honor are brought to the contest of the duel – to satisfy both parties, defender, and accuser. In a duel, a second for both sides must be present, as well as a physician. In some cases, a legal notary may be present to ensure its validity.
The anti-corporate stance of the League has cut it off from much of the outside support other factions in the wildlands enjoy, but it is not without its supporters and sponsors. The United Syndicates of Himeo and the United Planetary Defense Council of Gadpathur have both stated their intent to support the League, and have provided aid. The Himeans seek to establish a powerful anti-corporate state aligned with their interests, with the eventual intent of allowing them into the Coalition to swing the balance of power out of Xanu Prime’s favor, while Gadpathur simply seeks to create a buffer zone between Sol and the Coalition. Regardless of the intents of their sponsors, the League is slowly gathering its power in order to bring about its vision for the northern wildlands. As the main regional rival of the Solarian Restoration Front, a showdown over control of the wildlands seems all but inevitable.

In the cases of duels between or people of differing ages and physical capabilities, to ensure the uprightness, fairness, and honor of the duel, guns may be used. These shall be inspected by both seconds upon being presented by the defendant in the duel. In a contest between two of equal physical ability, swords are preferable in use, as they do not necessarily inflict a mortal wound when one is not necessary to satisfy the Honor of the two parties.
Unfortunately the League’s patchwork politics are on full display in its capital, New Atlantica. Not technically a planet at all, New Atlantic is instead a  moderately large naval base complete with multitude of sensor relays, all of which were pointed towards the Coalition prior to the Collapse, New Atlantica has now become known as a kind of miniature Konyang where Sol and the Coalition have culturally collided, though in a far messier manner than its synthetic-producing counterpart. Fights between League members — and, occasionally, their Coalition advisors — over the future of the League are common, and what civilian residents remain on the station have tried to keep their heads down. Many of the original inhabitants, most of whom were offworlders, have since fled for less chaotic environments. Only limited repairs can be performed in New Atlantica’s facilities, and the League’s attrition rate has steadily climbed as a result.

''Editor’s Note: In some outer areas of the empire, duels are often simply a contest of who can draw their weapon, in most cases a handgun, first. While shooting isn’t always involved, it can often turn deadly.''
==The Middle Ring Shield Pact==
[[Image:Shield-Pact.png|thumb|The flag of the Middle Ring Shield Pact, one of the major successor states in the northern human wildlands. Each star on this flag represents a signatory member of the original Shield Pact.]]
Unfortunately located between the Solarian Restoration Front and the League of Independent Corporate-Free Systems is a loosely-aligned cluster of fairly wealthy Middle Ring planets that have banded together to form what they refer to as the Middle Ring Shield Pact, a defensive alliance designed to protect them from their neighbors. The Pact was formed shortly after the collapse of Solarian authority within the Middle Ring, and it was one of the first powers to emerge in the warlordism following said retreat of Solarian authority. This, combined with a robust (if arguably megacorporate-owned) local bureaucracy, has led to the Pact becoming an island of relative stability in the anarchy of the northern wildlands. But the Pact has hardly become a successful military power in the region, with most defecting Solarian fleets instead casting their luck with the Restoration Front or the League. Aside from their mediocre military situation the decentralized leadership of the pact has led to decision-making becoming increasingly awkward and difficult as the situation around them has worsened.

'''III. Conduct of a Soldier'''
The decentralized nature of the Pact, combined with the lack of a full battlegroup under its command, has made its situation quite desperate indeed. On one side, the League looks at it as a catspaw of corporate interests that has persisted despite the collapse of Solarian authority in the region due to its megacorporate sponsors and views defeating it as the first step towards the creation of a space free of the meddling interests of the ruinous megacorporations. On the other side the Restoration Front views the Pact as a rich and weak power that will serve its goal of creating a region free of the degenerating influence of aliens that destroyed the Alliance’s glory. With many megacorporations more concerned with exploiting the (more stable) recently-acquired territories of the Republic of Biesel, the situation of the Pact looks more and more dire by the day. Even with the mercenaries of the Free Solarian Fleets on their payroll (for as long as the Credits continue to flow into their vessels) it is doubtful that both the League and the Front can be held off by the Pact.

Soldiers, of all professions, have the greatest responsibilities in society to be fair and gentle in some cases, and be harsh and punishing in others. Looting, bawdiness, pillaging, a lack of appropriate mercy, cruelty in killing, all hallmarks of a dishonorable soldier. A soldier must be dedicated to their task, dedicated to becoming a master of their task, and willing to die to complete it. A soldier in defeat, if they have given their all, is a soldier who has learned. No soldier should be afraid of defeat – for no soldier can win every battle – they should be afraid to not learn from it.
But this doubt has not stopped the Pact from fortifying its capital, San Colette, for the inevitable war which draws inexorably closer as the Front and League become more and more aggressive. As one of the rare worlds aside from Tau Ceti and Medina graced with naturally-occurring phoron deposits, San Colette has no shortage of funds and sponsors. Its government has used these funds to create a system flush with defenses and regularly patrolled by mercenaries and corporate assets. Life in San Colette’s surface has proceeded much in the way it did before the Collapse — though with larger populations of refugees — thanks to its wealth, and the ruling Council of San Colette is responsible for much of the ties that bind the Pact together. But this wealth is acquired from a source outside the planet itself: D’Anzin, a small and ice-covered rock that happens to hold the system’s only existing phoron deposit. D’Anzin is mostly populated by offworlders, but has seen a recent population boom as desperate refugees have begun working in its mines to meet ends meet — and to make the Pact able to fund its defense.

'''IV. On High and Low'''
War will come to the Pact. It is not a question of if anymore, but a question of when - and the victor will have the northern wildlands at their fingertips.

The Goddess, in Her wisdom, sees fit to place some souls high and some souls low. This does not make them any less equal in matters of honor. A powerful individual, if they have been seen fit to be head over another, must not, in any case, abuse their authority or position. An individual, if they have been seen fit to be placed under another's authority, must be dedicated and true in their work. There is no greater stain to a person of honor than to be a cruel task-master or an abuser of the weak and powerless. They have a responsibility to ensure those under him work efficiently, and they have a responsibility to not cheat their master.  
==The Free Solarian Fleets==
[[Image:Epic WerBell Moment.png|thumb|The primary ensign of ships under the command of the Free Solarian Fleets, the largest singular mercenary force in the human wildlands.]]
Unique amongst the major successor states in the wildlands are the former Solarian battle fleets of the Free Solarian Fleets. The reason for this uniqueness relate to the Fleets’ origins and goals: while they, like many successor states, were formerly a Solarian fleet group (in this case, the 8th Middle Ring Defense Group), the Free Solarian Fleets do not rule over any planets or claim any greater goals beyond making money hand over fist as mercenaries in the wildlands. They have an utter disinterest in conquering and holding territory of their own, instead opting to serve as a mercenary fleet for the highest bidder in the wildlands. While some may call them cowards and opportunists, it cannot be denied that the Free Solarian Fleets’ focus on profits rather than planets has made them into one of the most powerful military forces in the wildlands, and a reliable military force (as long as the Credits keep coming).

'''V. Behavior amongst Foreigners and Enemies'''
Much of this attitude can be traced to the leader of the Free Solarian Fleets: Pieter van der Rensburg, a former Solarian Fleet Admiral in command of the Fifth Middle Ring Battlegroup consisting of the 138th, 139th, 140th, 141st, and 142nd fleets. As the phoron crisis worsened and the Sol Alliance became less and less stable van der Rensburg’s four fleets were initially placed upon limited patrols, then withdrawn from patrols, then dry docked until further notice, and then ordered to retreat from their berths in the Middle Ring to the Sol System itself following the disastrous invasion of the Republic of Biesel by the 35th Fleet. This proved to be the last straw for Fleet Admiral van der Rensburg and the ships under his command, leading to the mutiny and defection of all five fleets. As the Middle and Outer Rings descended into anarchy around them, the former battlegroup remained mostly cohesive thanks to the charismatic leadership of van der Rensburg, who quickly realized that the fleets would need a new source of supplies following the retreat of the Sol Alliance.

When among foreigners, an honorable and respectful soul must be honorable and respectful of their customs as much as he can, unless they are themselves against the code of Honor and the Edicts. Do not expect them to know or recognize our higher Code of Conduct. They, someday, will be brought under its reach – but until then, be as polite and respectful to them as they deserve. When amongst your enemies, be polite. If they are enemies in war, they are doing their duty as you are. Respect and honor your enemy unless they prove themselves unworthy of it. In all cases, show that you are a better individual than they are.  
With his fleets mostly intact - and definitely more intact than most other forces in the wildlands - van der Rensburg could have easily set up a military fiefdom in the wildlands and why he did not may remain a mystery forever. Perhaps the sixty-five year old flag officer was tired of constantly grinding his forces down for what felt like nothing, or perhaps he simply wanted to make as much money as possible from a horrific situation. Regardless of his motivation the outcome was that the battlegroup was reformed into the Free Solarian Fleets, and would now fight for the highest bidder and only the highest bidder. With their berth safely secure in the Middle Ring Shield Pact thanks to generous payments, the Fleets - and van der Rensburg - now treat the wildlands as their personal money-making safari, paying little heed to the consequences of their actions - and the ruins they often leave during their contracts.

'''VI. On Duty to Family and Goddess'''
The Free Solarian Fleets control no real territory and call no system their home. However, many FSF vessels can be found in the Middle Ring Shield Pact’s capital of San Colette, which has become the arguable home of its fleets. FSF ships, which can travel as far afield as the Corporate Reconstruction Zone and the Sparring Sea, often return to San Colette to repair, rearm, and resupply after their latest job. Authorities in San Colette have become known to look the other way regarding the more eccentric crewmembers of the Fleets — including free positronic sans aliens — as a kind of reward for the continued contract they have woty the Fleets.

A genteel and honorable person, in all cases, is loyal first to Goddess first, their family second, king third, country fourth, and themselves last. Your family is your closest friends, allies, and compatriots: you must rely upon them, and they must rely upon you. If a person has no family, they have nothing. Be upright and honest with your family, loyal, and keep your promises in all things – such as your dealings are with other men. Be loyal to the Goddess first and foremost – for if a soul is without the Goddess, it is not living. It is Goddess that gives us this opportunity to be honorable and just people.
==The Southern Solarian Military District==
[[Image:SSMD.png|thumb|The ensign and flag of the Southern Solarian Military District, one of the major successor states in the southern human wildlands. Curiously, the SSMD utilizes a red ensign commonly associated with the Solarian Army rather than the Solarian Navy's white ensign.]]
While many of the fleets assigned to the area that would become the southern badlands, such as the Tenth Middle Ring Battlefleet, were considered second or even third-rate organizations, one formation stood above the rest in terms of quality. The First Middle Ring Battlefleet - made up of the 103rd, 104th, 105th, 106th, and 107th fleets - under the command of Fleet Admiral Klaudia Szalai was considered to be the best fleet in the sector before it was lost during the chaos of the Solarian collapse due to a lack of phoron for its dated engines. Most observers wrote the First off as having collapsed as an effective force during the collapse, due to a lack of communication from the battlegroup. It came as quite a shock for many external observers when, nearly a full month after the collapse, Admiral Szalai finally reestablished communications with the outside world and declared that the First had formed the Southern Solarian Military District, and was intent on stabilizing the southern wildlands pending their reintegration with the Alliance.

'''VII. On Duty to Country and Emperor'''
While the District’s main counterpart, the Solarian Provisional Government, promotes itself as a democratic state Admiral Szalai and the District have no such pretentions: the District is a military state through and through and, unlike the SPG, has lukewarm relations with corporations at best. Admiral Szalai is a dogged supporter of the Alliance’s recent anti-corporate efforts, believing that the meddling of NanoTrasen and its sycophants in other corporations was the largest single factor leading to the collapse of the Alliance as she knew it. Thus many formerly corporate assets in the District have found themselves hastily taken over by the First regardless of protests. This has led to it having little backing from the remnants of the civilian government of the Solarian Alliance, while making the District steadfast allies in the Solarian Navy forces stationed on the border between the wildlands and the Alliance proper. This, combined with the First’s already stellar reputation for anti-piracy operations, gives the District a significant chance at being the successor state that manages to stabilize the southern wildlands.

Dutiful should describe any honorable person. A person everyone knows will keep their word, honor their word, and faithfully fulfill their word. And no more important word is given than an oath to King, and to Country. While some argue the Emperor is the Country, this codex is not one of philosophy. Obey the Emperor faithfully, serve him faithfully, and your country will prosper for it. Respectfully question the Emperor at the appropriate time if necessary and obey him in all right and honorable things.
However some of Admiral Szalai’s comments have been seen as alarming by outside authorities, particularly those in the Republic of Biesel. The Admiral views the stabilization of the southern wildlands as only the first step towards her goal of reclaiming the Alliance’s former position as the human hegemon of the Orion Spur, and the First has been known to engage ships flying the Republic’s flag on sight in addition to launching raids from their territory into the Republic’s poorly-controlled and recently-acquired territories. Whether this talk is simply militaristic bluster or a legitimate desire to begin a second Interstellar War remains to be seen. For now, effective control of the wildlands remains enough of a challenge for any force - even one as effective as the District.

'''VIII. On Duty to Self'''
The seat of power of the Military District is [[Visegrad]], a former Solarian world seized by Szalai and the First during the initial chaos of the Solarian Collapse. Despite some protests at the Military District’s shutdown of Zeng ahi’s operations on Visegrad — which employed many residents of the planet — the stability brought by the ruling military government is welcomed by many on the planet due to the chaos of the Southern Wildlands. Due to Szalai’d strong links to the Solarian admiralty the SSMD— and Visegradi by extent— receive a great amount of aid from the Alliance, though much of this aid is more concerned with stabilizing the Southern Wildlandsthan it is woty ensuring the civilian population lives comfortably. The leader of the Southern Fleet Administration, F.R. Beauchamp, was executed on Visegrad.

Your body, your mind, your honor – these three are the trinity of life. An honorable person keeps themselves in as good shape as they can and abstains from things such as overuse of hard liquors and substances which cloud the mind and hamper the body. Without a sound body and mind, nobody can maintain their honor and reputation.
==The Solarian Provisional Government==
[[Image:SPG.png|thumb|The ensign and flag of the Solarian Provisional Government, one of the major successor states in the southern human wildlands. Much like the Provisional Government itself, this flag is an odd combination of the government and the navy.]]
In the southern human wildlands lies the Solarian Provisional Government, the remnants of the Solarian Alliance’s massive bureaucratic apparatus that once lorded over the vast majority of the Middle Ring. While it is a mere rump state compared to the titanic bureaucracy that once managed planets from Mictlan to New Hai Phong and most of its skilled bureaucrats have fled to the what remains of the Alliance, the SPG has managed to hold onto a small amount of ground near the Solarian border with the wildlands thanks to the presence of the Sixth Middle Ring Battlegroup and unofficial support from the Alliance itself. The SPG aligns itself closely with the Alliance and, while there has not yet been an official statement of support, the Alliance has responded by offering “humanitarian” aid to the region under the SPG’s control. In response the provisional government has stated its clear intentions to rejoin the Alliance when the region around it is stabilized.

==Interspecies Relations==
The provisional government is an unusual form of dual authority in the human wildlands. On paper the Solarian Provisional Government is a functional, if unrecognized, democratic republic along the lines of the Solarian Alliance itself that intends to hold regular elections and transfer power as any successful republic does. The current Provisional Governor is Anderson MacPherson, previously the region’s elected Governor before its collapse into warlordism and anarchy. The Provisional Governor’s cabinet and staff are primarily formed from bureaucrats left over from the old administration, leaving the SPG with a more stable system of governance than most other regions in the human wildlands. Prov. Governor MacPherson has managed to keep the SPG’s territories together through his local popularity and charm, though he now faces an unexpected threat: the navy.

Though Unathi have joined Dominia’s rise to the international scene, points of contention exist between humans and Unathi in the budding country. A sect of humans, a noteworthy amount being Fisanduhian, resent Unathi being accepted into the country. For some, this can be attributed to xenophobic roots; isolation from the greater galaxy for some time could explain this general behavior. Alternatively, their allegiance is sworn to the Emperor could be seen as a form of meddling in an internal conflict the Unathi should never be a part of. The problem still exists either way, and discrimination and hate crimes targeting Unathi are a significant problem within the empire.
The Solarian Sixth Middle Ring Battlegroup is responsible for much of the SPG’s stability and all of its defense. Under the command of Fleet Admiral Myo Yunso, a Konyanger naval officer that has - unlike her homeworld - remained loyal to the Sol Alliance. Admiral Yunso commands the five fleets of the Sixth Middle Ring Battlegroup, one of the largest - if not the largest - remaining cohesive naval units in the southern human wildlands, and stands as Prov. Governor MacPherson’s greatest ally and worst rival in the SPG. While the timely arrival of the Admiral and her fleet helped ensure the region that the SPG now controls (though it claims the entire southern wildlands) remains stable, Yunso and MacPherson have differing opinions on how the provisional government should be run. While MacPherson champions continuing democracy, Yunso wishes for an emergency military government until the situation is stabilized.

Another sizable distinction between these two different groups is their views on religion. While it is true the fanatical Unathi contributed some of their religious ideals to the Morozi religion, various people of either species struggle with a singular and unifying interpretation of the religion. The Han’sans and the Strelitz lean towards traditional, stricter interpretations of the Kaelkahist denomination, whereas many Dominians within the Empire -- particularly those affiliated with Houses Volvalaad and Zhao -- and the Kazhkz go by more liberal Jakakhist interpretation. Religious disputes often flare over decisions in faith as a result. More interestingly, however, is the tendency for some Unathi to revere the Aspects of the Goddess and the Goddess herself as great powers in a pantheon rather than singular parts of a whole. With this, a few Unathi even recognize and venerate powerful spirits, whether ancestors or those of lore, and pay regular tribute to them. The Han’sans are more prone to this traditional worship, stemming from their Th’akhist practices and both admirable and stubborn dedication to the old ways. Compared to the overly devout practices of the Unathi, most worship towards the Tribunal from humans remains seemingly tokenistic and unenthusiastic for most, merely going through the motions to satisfy the state-mandated religion rather than having faith. In either case, the clashing perspectives on the Morozi faith have yet to be settled and reconciled, and likely will not for some time.
As the two most powerful figures in the provisional government clash over direction and influence, it remains to be seen whether the Solarian Provisional Government has any hope of stabilization and reunification. With its rivals growing more powerful by the day, and the divide between MacPherson and Yunso growing wider and wider, the situation of the legitimate successor to Solarian control in the southern wildlands remains quite precarious indeed. However, with the recent victory over Beauchamp and more aid flowing in from the Alliance, it seems MacPherson may be pulling ahead. Yunso, however, remains dominant in more chaotic area closer to the border with the SFA — particularly in those limited regions the SPG managed to gain control over following Beauchamp’s death.

Between the two species, despite their differences, developments in culture see them both coming together. House Caladius in particular enjoys close relationships and collaboration with House Kazhkz; while they are not nearly as established as the other Great Houses, the Unathi house is seeing quicker development thanks to House Caladius’ abilities with infrastructure development. In turn, some Unathi see service within Caladius as religious acolytes or, should they feel their talents are away from battle, banking and management. Though there is some disdain between them, the Houses usually see some interplay and “swapping” of members, with House Kazhkz and Zhao seeing the most resistance to exchanging talents between them. The Kazhkzs hold open arms to those who wish to make a little more money and “have a little more fun” as they would impishly put it, and similar minds craving adventure (and that are more liberal in nature) often venture to House Volvalaad.
The Provisional Government has a uniquely stable capital system, Sankt Frederick, due to its location on the border with the Alliance itself. With the Alliance itself merely one warp gate away much of Sankt Frederick’s government has remained operational and functional, which has significantly strengthened MacPherson’s position in the Wildlands. The close position has additionally assisted in ensuring Yunso’s battlegroup has remained cohesive, and many supplies which eventually make their way to the Military District pass through Sankt Frederick. The planet has become a hub for refugees fleeing from the anarchy of the Southern Fleet Administration’s territories and MacPherson’s government has opened their arms to them, as long as they are human. Many of these refugees eventually find employment in the large orbital facilities Sankt Frederick is known for, or find their way into the Alliance proper.

Unathi have taken a liking to most Dominian pastimes— fencing and martial arts were both contests of skill and prowess on Moghes, and even the Emperor remarked on their skills before they swore into the Empire. However, the most surprising of these activities was their interest in video games. Due to Unathite physiology though, special controllers and grips have to be ordered custom made for anyone seriously into the hobby.
==The Southern Fleet Administration==
[[Image:Admiral's_Regime.png|thumb|The ensign of the Southern Fleet Administration, one of the major successor states in the southern human wildlands. The gas giant featured in the upper left of this ensign is the fleet's berth.]]
Even before the total collapse of Solarian authority in much of the Middle and Outer Rings, the Tenth Middle Ring Battlegroup under the command of Fleet Admiral F.R. Beauchamp was considered to be the absolute bottom of the Solarian Navy’s figurative barrel. With much of its enlisted being made up of prisoners conscripted or enlisted into the Navy for a reduced prison sentence and the vast majority of its officers being washouts deliberately reassigned to the Tenth due to their failings, discipline was lax even before the phoron crisis. Many Solarian naval officers doubted the Tenth could even muster itself to fight off even a minor incursion by pirates. But the Solarian collapse has been a time of many surprises, including the Tenth’s shocking rallying under Admiral Beauchamp to form the so-called Southern Fleet Administration shortly after the general Solarian withdraw from the region now known as the southern wildlands.

Usually, if anything, humans lean towards the storyteller-attitude most of these former pirates have. Traveling Unathi, whether Kataphracts, merchants, or Lords and their diplomats, have a knack for storytelling and weaving a great tale. The ability to orate is nothing special or unique to them, but the passion with which some of them regale others with their victories, losses, and battles is enough to inspire others to similar practices and engagements.
Despite its bureaucratic name and Admiral Beauchamp’s claims of being the only legitimate Solarian authority to be found in the southern wildlands the area once controlled by the Southern Fleet Administration was and remains a poorly-administered and uncoordinated zone, with the SFA having essentially existed as a despotic kleptocracy under the control of Beauchamp and a small clique of loyal officers. Contrary to the nearby Solarian Provisional Government the SFA was only interested in enriching itself, and Admiral Beauchamp was solely interested in living as hard and fast as possible until his clique - and regime - collapsed. The territories once under the “protection” of the Tenth remain in state of chaos with the fleet’s remnants having collapsed into roving bands of pirates and marauders, with most passing ships forced to pay for “protection” provided by the fleet. The begrudging alliance between the Tenth and the Republic of Biesel has since collapsed and the Corporate Reconstruction Zone had found itself infested by the well-equipped ex-Navy pirates who once swore allegiance to Beauchamp, with some planets in the southern section of the Zone being arguably completely controlled by the Republic’s former allies.

Integration of the Unathi has largely been a stable endeavor. Despite this, tensions between lower-class Dominians and these freshly-indoctrinated aliens remain on edge. Only time will tell if their cultures will converge or reject each other.
The skrell are seen as the primary enemy of the remains of the kingdom of bandits that was the SFA. Skrell unlucky enough to find themselves in the hands of the pirates that once made up the Tenth do not survive for long, and are often subjected to profane cruelties at the hands of the rogue fleet the Jargon Federation once declared destroyed. Ships loyal to the Southern Solarian Military District fare no better, with both the SSMD and ex-SFA bandits refusing to offer the other any mercy. While the Federation and Alliance may have hoped cutting the head from the snake would make the southern wildlands more peaceful, it seems the territory once controlled by Beauchamp has only sunken further into a quagmire following their efforts.

As the SFA has devolved to being little more than pirates following the death of Beauchamp there is no “capital,” planet of the contemporary SFA. Some of the more prominent leaders of the SFA have retained some amount of authority following Beauchamp’s death and now serve as warlords in their own right. These warlords are all that pass for authority in the area formerly controlled by the SFA.
Holidays in the Empire can be broken down into two types: religious holidays, usually feast days, and government or social holidays. The first are widely celebrated social occasions that provide rare occasions for all social classes to mix. Feasts are often the largest communal event of the calendar year. Of the non-religious holidays, some are officially celebrated holidays, while some may only be official in certain regions or planets.
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===Dominian Holidays===
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January 1st, New Year's Day <br>
February 3rd, Feast of Devotion - A feast dedicated to those in lower stations or classes, it celebrates all those who work to keep society functioning from the bottom up. <br>
April 3rd, Feast of Faith - A feast especially dedicated to the Goddess, this holiday is celebrated widely across all social classes, especially priests. <br>
May 22nd, Worker's Day - A holiday similar to the Feast of Devotion, but more widely celebrating all who work in some way. <br>
June 3rd, Feast of Loyalty - This feast celebrates soldiers and all professions that rely upon loyalty and fealty to something higher.  <br>
July 7th, Founding Day - One of the oldest holidays celebrated in the Empire, especially on Dominia, it remembers the first time colonists set foot on the planet. <br>
July 29th, - Victory Day - The official Army holiday, it celebrates the victory over the Confederacy and the creation of the Empire of Dominia. July 29th is recognized as a National Day of Mourning in Fisanduh, and conflict in the region is known to flare up around this date. <br>
August 3rd, Feast of Remembrance - This feast remembers all who have passed on to the Goddess. It is a somber holiday spent with close friends and family. <br>
September 3rd, Feast of Joy - The largest celebration of the Dominian year. This holiday is occasioned by massive feasts, tournaments, and social gatherings. <br>
October 29th, Day of Crossroads - A government holiday celebrating the completion of the first major section of the Imperial Railroad. <br>
November 17th, Navy Day - The Navy's official holiday, this holiday is primarily celebrated by those affiliated with the Navy in some way. A fleet review is traditionally held on this date by the Emperor. <br>
December 3rd, Feast of Renewal - A feast to celebrate the past year and look with hope toward the coming year, with prayers and praises often given to this effect.  <br>
December 25th, Giving Day - A feast day involving the giving of gifts to friends and family. This holiday was heavily influenced by Christmas, which was celebrated by the original colonists. <br>
Dominian cuisine is, like much of Imperial society, a product of the harsh conditions that the original settlers of Moroz were first met with upon their landing on the planet. These original settlers quickly discovered that aquaculture and water-based techniques were the best way to grow large amounts of food on Moroz due to the planet’s short growing season and lack of easily farmable land. As a result Dominian cuisine is often fish-based, and most plant-based cuisine tends to derive from crops that take less space to grow -- or those that are hardier or have been genetically-modified by the Volvalaads, with rice a common crop throughout Moroz and the broader Empire. The expansion of Dominia beyond Moroz and into its greater colonial empire has allowed for the Empire -- and Moroz -- to have a much more diverse diet, and the modern Empire’s culinary scene is quite unlike that of its original colonists. Many Dominians see their vastly-improved culinary scene (and diets) as a mark of pride for the Empire, and Imperial holidays -- particularly the Feast of Renewal on December third -- are often very extravagant culinary affairs.
'''Morozian brudet''' is a common dish found throughout the Empire that, as the name suggests, originated upon the Imperial capital world. Its fairly simple ingredients -- fish, vegetables, spices, and wine or vinegar (depending upon one’s wealth) -- and ease of preparation (as it requires only a single pot to make) have made it a staple of Imperial cuisine from the poorest frontier settlements to the palatial residences of Moroz.
'''Imperial scallops''' are rumored by Dominians to be the absolute best in the Orion Spur, but Silversunners would likely disagree.  Traditionally these scallops are boiled in saltwater and served with only limited herbs, reflecting the austere nature of early Morozian cuisine. Contemporary scallops retain their saltwater boiling but are typically garnished lavishly, often with previously-rare ingredients such as olive oil. Genetically-modified scallops are often exported by House Volvalaad, and are consumed throughout the Orion Spur.
'''Imperial pots''' are traditional festival and holiday meals of the Empire that originated upon Moroz shortly after the end of the War of Moroz. The size of the postwar celebrations overcame the amount of serving dishes in many Dominian communities, and large wooden pots were employed to serve celebrating Morozians. Contemporary Imperial pots are communal meals primarily consisting of seafood and rice that are served on Imperial holidays, and are intended to be shared between a family or the residents of a given building.
'''Morozian flatbread''' is, much like Morozian brudet, a commonly-consumed dish throughout the entire Empire. Morozian Flatbread is dry and thin, and is typically made of a mix of flour, salt, and eggs -- though some mix in fat before it is baked. The ease of its creation has allowed the flatbread to spread far beyond Moroz itself to the greater Empire and even beyond its borders, where it is typically referred to as “Imperial flatbread.”
'''Jadrican flatbread''' is, as the name implies, a regional variation upon its Morozian counterpart from the Imperial colony of Novi Jadran that is commonly consumed by the Ma’zals of the planet. Until its final stage Jadrican flatbread is prepared in exactly the same manner of its Morozian counterpart, but upon the completion of its baking the flatbread is fried in fat to improve its taste and nutritional value. The flatbread is able to stay edible -- and tasty -- for weeks after this frying, which makes it ideal travel food for traversing the frigid surface of the rural planet.
'''Jadrica''' is a braised beef dish from the Imperial colony of Novi Jadran commonly seen at the feasts that the planet throws Imperial dignitaries, though it has travelled well beyond the planet itself over its decades in the Empire. Due to its composition of beef (not an easy meat to raise on the frigid world), cloves, carrots, and bacon in addition to enough vinegar to marinade it for an entire night traditional Jadrica is a time-consuming and complicated dish to prepare and those that are able to properly prepare it can find themselves rapidly in the employ of a visiting dignitary’s culinary staff.
'''Netoriclie''' is a meat-heavy dish from the Imperial colony of Novi Jadran. Most commonly consumed by the planet’s Ma’zal population, netoriclie is composed of marinated meat and fresh potatoes (a fairly common crop on the planet), both of which are then grilled before being placed into a cauldron filled with water before being served as a hearty soup or individual meat chunks. While typically consumed during celebrations, netoriclie is a common travel food on the Imperial frontier. If not immediately consumed the meat is removed from its stew and heavily salted for preservation, and can last several weeks on the road before spoiling.
Dominian fashion is, like its wider society, generally divided between the core worlds and its colonial possessions. In the core worlds of the Empire fashion is often focused around extravagance and opulence in an attempt to show the glory of the Empire, and bright colors -- often those of one's house -- are very common. While some conservative Tribunalists preach modesty, most of the Imperial aristocracy attempt to be as eye-catching as possible in their dress -- though those of House Strelitz are an exception, due to generally being seen in only the officer uniforms of the Imperial Army that their house proudly serves. In the Empire's colonies (and in Fisanduh) clothing tends to be much more practical and utilitarian, though some in the Empire's core worlds decry it as simply boring. Much of the clothing found on the Imperial frontier can trace its origins back to Imperial expeditions into the Lyod -- the vast ice caps of Moroz -- and their experiences with the Lyodii that inhabit it.
==Sports and Pastimes==
Popular sports in Dominia, while varying depending on income and class, include martial arts (particularly fencing, which has been sponsored as a pastime by the royal family), tournaments, and horse racing. Video games are often played as a sport and pastime throughout the social classes of the Empire, both amongst commoners and the nobility. Dominians, while primarily associated with fencing abroad, are proficient players of esports through the Orion Spur - even in Tau Ceti. The most unique sport in Dominia is Talcrac, a sport that involves using a whip made of leather or synthetic material to hit targets. Points are awarded for the difficulty of hitting the target as well as the flair involved in doing so. Various forms of card games are popular in the Empire, with the peculiarity that only Priests can deal cards, and the dealer cannot participate in the game. Success in gambling games is often attributed to the Goddess's favor.
Dueling is a venerable pastime and respected career in the Empire and particularly on the capital planet of Moroz. Prominently featured in Her Majesty Empress Lei’s Royal Fencing Society, a number of leagues, académies, and varying societies in Nova Luxembourg, Domelkos, and beyond— dueling is a matter of not only competition, but status and honor, and each great house places a personal stake in their own training, dueling styles, and placings. It’s commonly understood that grander, broad-stroke arguments can be mediated through this form of competition.
Largely a departure from Terran Olympic fencing, Dominian dueling opts for more traditional and less “protective” styles and rules. More advanced rankings opt to discard appropriate protections and armors as well, considering the earning of legitimate scars an honorable feat; much more so than the earning of a trophy. Duels are popularly to first blood, leading to extended fights where passions can fly and careful calculations must be made.
In Her Majesty Empress Lei’s Royal Fencing Society, there are two leagues. The first is the Geneboosted League, which is populated almost exclusively by Primaries. Viewing this league is a pastime more for nobles and matches are often more subdued as they end incredibly quickly. The second is the Non-Geneboosted League, which features non-geneboosted Primaries, Secondaries, and a minority of Ma’zals. This league is more popular than its counterpart due to the accessibility of the league and its slower matches, which showcase more tact and technique.
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'''Débutant, “Beginner”''' -- Commonly younger duelists— with some as young as ten — who have not yet mastered a weapon. Strelitz and Zhao children often make up the majority this class.
'''Intermédiaire, “Intermediate”''' -- Those in the Intermédiaire class have proven their worth and proficiency of at least one weapon class. They are not allowed to duel with sharp-edge rapiers. Two years of consistent practice is often required to reach this class.
'''Adepte, “Adept”''' -- Mastery of at least one weapon— a feat which typically takes four years to achieve — is required to advance to this rank. They are allowed introductory training with sharp-edge rapiers.
'''Compagnon, “Journeyman”''' -- After the mastery of two weapons, which typically takes six to eight years, a duelist rises to this rank.
'''Maître d'armes, “Master of Arms”''' -- After the mastery of at least three weapons or two styles, and having fought their way through rankings, a duelist may finally achieve the coveted rank of master of arms. Considered the peak of Imperial fencing, masters of arms typically have accumulated well over a decade of experience before reaching their rank.
===Honor and Family===
Honor is a vital part of dueling. Even at Intermediate levels, participants are expected to maintain a level head, treat their opponents with respect, and face one another in relatively even matches. An effect on one’s honor from a duel, whether in competition or otherwise, can last generations in one’s family as the art of dueling is passed down through families. Honorable behavior, even in defeat, can determine respect among noble society, the opportunities one receives, the chance at potential ennoblement as an Imperial Knight; through dishonorable behavior even in victory, one can lose these things, be legally charged for a break of honor in the case of brutalistic combat, and even be banned from dueling societies.
Despite this obsession with honor, certain reputations exist, such as the infamy of young, short-tempered Strelitz scions— typically conservatives by nature— to take offense to even the smallest slights. There is currently a House-wide ban on any tournaments qualified by first blood in the Imperial frontier, given a lack of official oversight and the origins of many dueling requests in bitter, petty quarrels. Touch dueling – dueling until a blade touches the opponent –  is allowed by permission of one’s superiors.
Some families, however, use these competitions as a method of climbing the Empire’s social ladder. Perhaps the best example of this is Baronet Séraphine Rosencrantz, a Secondary who functions as a career proxy for House Volvalaad, famous for thrilling bouts in both competitions and legitimate duels alike. Only a handful of combatants have beaten the Baronet, and it is soon expected her sponsors aim to petition for her ennoblement. Popular dueling critics anticipate House Volvalaad providing her permission to participate in His Majesty Godwin’s Royal Dueling Tournament, as it’s highly anticipated a duelist of her advanced skill could be one of the few Secondary-born champions to hold the title of Royal Duelist, a crowning achievement for her career.
There are a number of other Secondaries and Ma’zals that function as proxies for noble families, representing Houses and individuals alike with their talent. Many of these proxy families pass the career down through generations in order to pay their Mo’ri’zals, and even become ennobled as reputations and abilities grow. But to become a notable enough duelist to be ennobled is no small feat, and involves crushing amounts of training and constant practice. Those that become nobles through dueling ability must often subject themselves to intensive therapy as they grow older in order to avoid the long-term physical impacts of their intense training as they age, and many retired ennobled duelists are known to suffer from physical impairments such as arthritis and long-term limb issues related to torn muscles, particularly in their arms.
===His Majesty Godwin's Royal Dueling Tournament===
Throughout the month of November, the largest dueling tournament in the Empire captivates nearly every demographic of Imperial society. His Majesty Godwin's Royal Dueling Tournament, or simply  “the Tournament,” is an annual tournament involving both leagues that showcases the apex of athleticism in the Empire. The Tournament was established in 2387 by then-emperor Godwin Keeser to distract from the rebellion in Fisanduh, and it was named in his honor. Citizens from the furthest corners of the Empire tune in to watch the proceedings and see who is crowned Royal Duelist. The title, received in a ceremony conducted by Lei Keeser herself, gives the winner several perks. Royal Duelists become celebrities overnight in the Empire, with things like advertising deals with Zavodskoi and dinners with the Royal Family being frequent. However, the most lucrative prize of all is the fact that the winner and their immediate family’s Mo’ri’zals are paid off by House Keeser itself, and the victor is elevated to Primary status, as well as receiving a lesser noble title. All Royal Duelists reign for exactly one year— referred to as their Victory Year— ending at the crowning of the new Royal Duelist. There have been 126 Royal Fencers to date, nearly all of them born Primaries. Only human Journeyman and Masterclass duelists may participate, the former being admitted by preliminary placement matches.
===Dominian Dueling Styles===
There are three main styles of dueling within the Empire, though only two are widely practiced.
The first, dubbed ‘'''Jabgi''',’ was established by Lord-Admiral Eun-Kyung Zhao along with the renowned Eun-Kyung Zhao Imperial Naval Académie on Moroz in the late 2390s. Jabgi is an evolution of the naval combat techniques that made the Lord Admiral famous within the Imperial Navy, and as such, it incorporates many techniques found in ship-boarding melee combat. The most popular weapon used by Jabgi duelists is the saber, followed closely by the epee. Jabgi is characterized by its aggression, and is the more offensive style of the three. Jabgi is the foremost style of dueling taught at all Zhao-affiliated institutions.
'''Chevalerie''', popular among House Streliz, evolved from the Morozian Order of the Hallowed Treutdoro and is a dueling style that incorporates elements of the knightly order from which it was founded. The Holy Treutdoro, founded by Imperial Knight and Governor Emil Johannes Strelitz in the early 2400s, originated as a primary-only Order dedicated to physical fitness and honor-bound virtue. However, as the Empire shifted slowly towards relative liberalization, the Order was forced to charge. It allowed citizens of all castes into the order, and began to spread a new form of combat— Chevalerie— to Moroz and abroad with the intent of teaching a more refined form of combat to the masses. Chevalerie is considered the more traditional form of dueling, and is characterized by its defensive, precise and ‘showy’ nature. This style of combat is taught by most Strelitz institutions, in particular the Dorothea-Frieda Strelitz Académie on Moroz. The Académie, and House Zhao’s Imperial Naval Académie have a fierce rivalry which reaches its boiling point every November with His Majesty Godwin's Royal Dueling Tournament.
'''Kirihide''' is a relatively new style developed within the Empire, and is of itself a direct product of the Empire’s love of dueling. For as long as geneboosting has existed in the Empire, tournament-devotees have sought ways to close the gap between those with gene-editing and those without. Kirihide was originated by Lord Melchior Caladius, a prominent tournament financier who was known for sponsoring skilled Secondaries and even Ma’zals and turning them into regional tournament champions. After watching a local Ma’zal custom that involved wrestling on an occupied world, Caladius had an epiphany: what if grappling was allowed in official tournaments? It was thus that Kirihide was born, named for the translation of “inner strength” in the local language. Kirihide is a demanding fighting style designed for grappling with larger and stronger opponents in mind, using their own strength against them. It is considered the most difficult to learn of the three mainstream forms of Dominian dueling, and is often looked down upon for its origin. The style is usually only practiced by duelists who anticipate fighting larger, typically geneboosted opponents.
Due to the prolific spread of dueling within the Empire, the sport is accessible in one form or another to nearly everyone. Most if not all Dominian schools and universities have their own teams, and it is extremely common for communities to have recreation centers with rentable equipment. However, to compete at a higher level other than hobbyist, one will encounter several issues. Many Academy-affiliated teams and orders have prohibitive fees which increase with rank, as well as the cost of tournament-grade equipment. There are also fees for maintenance, the tournaments themselves, and other costly expenses that add up with time. The end result is that poorer Secondaries and many Ma’zals are unable to compete at professional levels, and many of them join with a Great House or convince a rich benefactor to patronize them in order to cover costs. House Caladius in particular, lacking the martial fame of Houses Zhao or Strelitz, often seeks out  prospective duelists and offers to finance their careers. Patronizing is not without its downsides, however, as the sponsoring House receives most of their prize money and part of the credit for any of their victories. Many poorer duelists find themselves in increasing debt to their noble financiers, and it is said that many of House Caladius’s security staff were forced to take their jobs after being unable to win enough money to pay off their debts.
Like much in the Empire, music enjoyed by Dominians varies across their social classes. Amongst Ma'zals music played with stringed instruments, particularly guitars, usually accompanied by folk lyrics is very popular due to low cost of effective string instruments and the ease with which they can be constructed. These songs are typically sung in Vulgar Morozi (a local dialect of Solarian Common) or, more rarely, in Freespeak on the Empire's frontier worlds. Among Secondaries that make up the Empire's middle class opera and similar classical works are prominently enjoyed, due to being seen as a marker of one's class and good tastes. Many Dominian orchestras are primarily made up of Secondaries, and performing in a successful orchestra or choir can bring a Secondary -- and their family -- significant prestige. The Imperial aristocracy have similar tastes to their Secondary counterparts, and are the primary funders of the musical arts in the contemporary Empire.
Dominian music is perhaps most well-known beyond the Empire's borders for its religious hymnals and the musicians that perform them. These choirs and orchestras can, if they are successful, tour throughout the Empire and even travel to locations well beyond its borders in the greater Orion Spur to perform. The Empire of Dominia's embassy in Mendell City is well-known for hosting such performances, with local notables often attending its open-air theater in order to see the Empire's best classically-trained performers (even if they themselves do not speak High Morozi Tradeband, the dialect and language most Dominian vocal performers are trained to perform in).
Two major schools of architecture exist: the Morozian Deco style, a more somber variant of the now classical Art Deco style, and Balteu Gothic, a mix of gothic, deco, and classic themes. The most prominent building constructed in the first style is the Imperial Palace of Moroz, and the Temple of the Ancestors on Ignotum Balteum for the latter. The former utilizes modern themes and materials, often with a militaristic theme, while the latter is a more harsh and religious-inspired style.

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  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Many of these factions will be quite difficult to play on the station due to the chaotic nature of the wildlands! FOLLOWERS OF THE SOLARIAN RESTORATION FRONT, IN PARTICULAR, WOULD NOT BE TOLERATED WITHIN THE REPUBLIC OF BIESEL DUE TO ITS EXTREMELY XENOPHOBIC NATURE!

    In the chaotic aftermath of the Solarian Alliance’s retreat from its Middle and Outer Rings much of the now-leaderless rings were swept up by the Coalition of Colonies and the grotesquely enlarged Republic of Biesel, providing some measure of stability to a region that the previous hegemon of the Orion Spur had simply left to burn due to crippling internal issues that left it unable to hold onto its more distant, and less loyal, territories. But the Coalition and Republic were not able to reach every system abandoned by the Sol Alliance in its retreat giving rise to the anarchic sectors referred to as the human wildlands. The human wildlands are bisected by the Republic of Biesel and are divided into the northern and southern wildlands, with the northern wildlands being significantly larger than the southern wildlands.

    The human wildlands are home to a variety of successor states often colloquially referred to as post-Solarian warlords in the galactic press. These successor states can control everywhere from one planet to multiple systems, though many have debatable levels of control over their claimed areas and are not recognized as legitimate governments by the greater Orion Spur. While the vast majority of these successor states control very little territory several have come to relative prominence in the months following the Solarian retreat, and have become relatively well-known in the wider Orion Spur thanks to media coverage of them. The following seven successor states are the most widely-known and prominent factions within the human wildlands, but are by no means the only ones in the wildlands.

    The Solarian Restoration Front

    The flag of the Solarian Restoration Front, one of the major successor states in the northern human wildlands. The anchor-in-sun featured on this flag was a common symbol of the 35th Fleet before its collapse.

    Extremely nationalistic even by the standards of the authoritarian Solarian Alliance, the Solarian Restoration Front is often rightfully viewed as the most militaristic of the Solarian successor states that now jockey for control of the “wildlands” that now make up the former Middle and Outer Rings of the Solarian Alliance. The Front believes that the Alliance’s third tajara ban was both not enough and too soft on aliens in the Alliance, and they view this softness as the main cause for its collapse. This the Front strives to create a highly-militarized, extremely authoritarian, and human only state in the wildlands as a basis for purifying the Sol Alliance itself of degenerating alien influence, no matter the cost.

    The ultranationalist xenophobia of the Front can be traced to its origins in a very specific Solarian fleet: the 35th. Even before its invasion of Tau Ceti the 35th Fleet was considered to be one of the most rabidly nationalistic fleets of the Sol Alliance, and its bloody invasion of Tau Ceti and chaotic retreat into the wildlands following Admiral Özdemir’s death further radicalized the Fleet. Rear Admiral Anton Verglas, the new commander of the 35th Fleet’s remnants, had a great amount of time to ponder what, exactly, had gone wrong during the chaotic final months of the Sol Alliance that he had grown up knowing. His ultimate conclusion was a typical one for Solarians, particularly after the collapse: the government had been too soft on alien fifth columnists, particularly tajara, including their human patsies, despite signs they were stirring unrest and the only solution was deportation. But Verglas went further than the typical Solarian: instead of pushing for the removal of solely tajara, he seeks to create a section of the wildlands free of aliens and entirely populated by humans in preparation for what he describes as the “purification” of the decrepit Solarian Alliance. The whisperings of his badly-injured fleet intelligence officer, Florentina von Keyserling, likely had an influence upon this very radical stance.

    The areas under the control of the Front are ruled with an iron fist. All resources that can be directed towards waging a war of reunification are utilized, and all non-human residents - and their human associates - are swiftly dealt with through whatever means are deemed necessary. The scarred von Keyserling has been a major driving force behind the Front’s so-called “hunts” for nonhumans, seeing them as parasites living off of the success of humanity. With the 35th Fleet badly scarred by the disastrous invasion of Tau Ceti, much of its effective strength is made up of defectors from other fleets that have chosen to align themselves with the Front’s stance on aliens within the territory of the Alliance - with the 33rd Fleet, previously under the command of Admiral Michael Frost, making up much of the Front’s effective strength thanks to defections. The Front also has access to a great amount of Solarian Navy equipment, thanks to many officers simply looking the other way when Front vessels requisition supplies. Thanks to its external support by the Sol Alliance’s Navy, the Front is in a better position than most rivals to establish itself in the wildlands - and perhaps the Alliance itself, someday.

    In no place is the Front’s control more obvious than its provisional capital of Lycoris, which has been under Front control since the Solarian Collapse. Lycoris is a heavily industrialized world with an agricultural moon where much of its richer population resides known as Lycoris Minor. The planet itself is known for its large orbital facilities which, until the Collapse, primarily constructed ships for Hephaestus Industries. Now these facilities serve the ships of the Front and, rarely, retrofit Front vessels with modern Suzuki-Zhang engines which have somehow ended up in the Wildlands. Life on Lycoris has become one of constant fear under Front control: aliens, foreign humans, and suspected traitors are rounded up by local authorities who have long collaborated with the Front, and rapidly disappear. Citizens of the planet are expected to be slavishly loyal to the Front despite its increasingly rampant looting of the planet’s key industries and must attend rallies in support of the Front or suffer the consequences, which are inevitably disappearing or being conscripted into penal units. Many attempt to escape but few succeed thanks to a pervasive culture of collaboration, and those that do flee the Wildlands are often viewed as complicit in the atrocities of the SRF.

    The League of Independent Corporate-Free Systems

    The flag of the League of Independent Corporate-Free Systems, one of the major successor states in the northern human wildlands. The red star surrounded by gold is a symbolic representation of the League's goal of a Solarian successor state free of corporate influence.

    Many radical political changes followed the retreat of the Solarian Alliance from its Middle and Outer Rings. In most areas this political change was accompanied by a reckoning over what, exactly, had caused the once-great Solarian Alliance to slowly atrophy, decay, and then abandon the majority of its outlying territories. In some areas the answer was that the Alliance had been too soft on the Republic of Biesel, or that it had been tainted by alien influence, or that it had been too ambitious and large. But in the human wildlands close to the former Alliance Neutral Zone, another explanation emerged: that the Alliance had collapsed due to the meddling of corporations and if only the Alliance had stood against the forces of interstellar capitalism, it would have never collapsed. Thus from the ashes of the Alliance’s colonies emerged something truly unforeseen in the Orion Spur: a left-leaning, anti-corporate “successor state” to the Alliance in the region.

    The resulting League of Independent Corporate-Free Systems is something of an oddity. As the union of many disparate (and, perhaps, desperate) systems in the wildlands unified only by their shared hatred of corporations, the League is hardly a truly unified force. Instead it is governed in a manner similar to the Coalition of Colonies, though with a more militant purpose in mind: individual planets and former Solarian fleets loyal to the League make up the anti-corporate council, the nearest thing that the League has to a governing body. This council is further divided into a civilian and military wing, with the military wing - made up of anti-corporate Solarian naval and army officers - generally taking priority over the civilian wing, due to the threats posed to the young League by corporate mercenaries and other successor states alike.

    The anti-corporate stance of the League has cut it off from much of the outside support other factions in the wildlands enjoy, but it is not without its supporters and sponsors. The United Syndicates of Himeo and the United Planetary Defense Council of Gadpathur have both stated their intent to support the League, and have provided aid. The Himeans seek to establish a powerful anti-corporate state aligned with their interests, with the eventual intent of allowing them into the Coalition to swing the balance of power out of Xanu Prime’s favor, while Gadpathur simply seeks to create a buffer zone between Sol and the Coalition. Regardless of the intents of their sponsors, the League is slowly gathering its power in order to bring about its vision for the northern wildlands. As the main regional rival of the Solarian Restoration Front, a showdown over control of the wildlands seems all but inevitable.

    Unfortunately the League’s patchwork politics are on full display in its capital, New Atlantica. Not technically a planet at all, New Atlantic is instead a moderately large naval base complete with multitude of sensor relays, all of which were pointed towards the Coalition prior to the Collapse, New Atlantica has now become known as a kind of miniature Konyang where Sol and the Coalition have culturally collided, though in a far messier manner than its synthetic-producing counterpart. Fights between League members — and, occasionally, their Coalition advisors — over the future of the League are common, and what civilian residents remain on the station have tried to keep their heads down. Many of the original inhabitants, most of whom were offworlders, have since fled for less chaotic environments. Only limited repairs can be performed in New Atlantica’s facilities, and the League’s attrition rate has steadily climbed as a result.

    The Middle Ring Shield Pact

    The flag of the Middle Ring Shield Pact, one of the major successor states in the northern human wildlands. Each star on this flag represents a signatory member of the original Shield Pact.

    Unfortunately located between the Solarian Restoration Front and the League of Independent Corporate-Free Systems is a loosely-aligned cluster of fairly wealthy Middle Ring planets that have banded together to form what they refer to as the Middle Ring Shield Pact, a defensive alliance designed to protect them from their neighbors. The Pact was formed shortly after the collapse of Solarian authority within the Middle Ring, and it was one of the first powers to emerge in the warlordism following said retreat of Solarian authority. This, combined with a robust (if arguably megacorporate-owned) local bureaucracy, has led to the Pact becoming an island of relative stability in the anarchy of the northern wildlands. But the Pact has hardly become a successful military power in the region, with most defecting Solarian fleets instead casting their luck with the Restoration Front or the League. Aside from their mediocre military situation the decentralized leadership of the pact has led to decision-making becoming increasingly awkward and difficult as the situation around them has worsened.

    The decentralized nature of the Pact, combined with the lack of a full battlegroup under its command, has made its situation quite desperate indeed. On one side, the League looks at it as a catspaw of corporate interests that has persisted despite the collapse of Solarian authority in the region due to its megacorporate sponsors and views defeating it as the first step towards the creation of a space free of the meddling interests of the ruinous megacorporations. On the other side the Restoration Front views the Pact as a rich and weak power that will serve its goal of creating a region free of the degenerating influence of aliens that destroyed the Alliance’s glory. With many megacorporations more concerned with exploiting the (more stable) recently-acquired territories of the Republic of Biesel, the situation of the Pact looks more and more dire by the day. Even with the mercenaries of the Free Solarian Fleets on their payroll (for as long as the Credits continue to flow into their vessels) it is doubtful that both the League and the Front can be held off by the Pact.

    But this doubt has not stopped the Pact from fortifying its capital, San Colette, for the inevitable war which draws inexorably closer as the Front and League become more and more aggressive. As one of the rare worlds aside from Tau Ceti and Medina graced with naturally-occurring phoron deposits, San Colette has no shortage of funds and sponsors. Its government has used these funds to create a system flush with defenses and regularly patrolled by mercenaries and corporate assets. Life in San Colette’s surface has proceeded much in the way it did before the Collapse — though with larger populations of refugees — thanks to its wealth, and the ruling Council of San Colette is responsible for much of the ties that bind the Pact together. But this wealth is acquired from a source outside the planet itself: D’Anzin, a small and ice-covered rock that happens to hold the system’s only existing phoron deposit. D’Anzin is mostly populated by offworlders, but has seen a recent population boom as desperate refugees have begun working in its mines to meet ends meet — and to make the Pact able to fund its defense.

    War will come to the Pact. It is not a question of if anymore, but a question of when - and the victor will have the northern wildlands at their fingertips.

    The Free Solarian Fleets

    The primary ensign of ships under the command of the Free Solarian Fleets, the largest singular mercenary force in the human wildlands.

    Unique amongst the major successor states in the wildlands are the former Solarian battle fleets of the Free Solarian Fleets. The reason for this uniqueness relate to the Fleets’ origins and goals: while they, like many successor states, were formerly a Solarian fleet group (in this case, the 8th Middle Ring Defense Group), the Free Solarian Fleets do not rule over any planets or claim any greater goals beyond making money hand over fist as mercenaries in the wildlands. They have an utter disinterest in conquering and holding territory of their own, instead opting to serve as a mercenary fleet for the highest bidder in the wildlands. While some may call them cowards and opportunists, it cannot be denied that the Free Solarian Fleets’ focus on profits rather than planets has made them into one of the most powerful military forces in the wildlands, and a reliable military force (as long as the Credits keep coming).

    Much of this attitude can be traced to the leader of the Free Solarian Fleets: Pieter van der Rensburg, a former Solarian Fleet Admiral in command of the Fifth Middle Ring Battlegroup consisting of the 138th, 139th, 140th, 141st, and 142nd fleets. As the phoron crisis worsened and the Sol Alliance became less and less stable van der Rensburg’s four fleets were initially placed upon limited patrols, then withdrawn from patrols, then dry docked until further notice, and then ordered to retreat from their berths in the Middle Ring to the Sol System itself following the disastrous invasion of the Republic of Biesel by the 35th Fleet. This proved to be the last straw for Fleet Admiral van der Rensburg and the ships under his command, leading to the mutiny and defection of all five fleets. As the Middle and Outer Rings descended into anarchy around them, the former battlegroup remained mostly cohesive thanks to the charismatic leadership of van der Rensburg, who quickly realized that the fleets would need a new source of supplies following the retreat of the Sol Alliance.

    With his fleets mostly intact - and definitely more intact than most other forces in the wildlands - van der Rensburg could have easily set up a military fiefdom in the wildlands and why he did not may remain a mystery forever. Perhaps the sixty-five year old flag officer was tired of constantly grinding his forces down for what felt like nothing, or perhaps he simply wanted to make as much money as possible from a horrific situation. Regardless of his motivation the outcome was that the battlegroup was reformed into the Free Solarian Fleets, and would now fight for the highest bidder and only the highest bidder. With their berth safely secure in the Middle Ring Shield Pact thanks to generous payments, the Fleets - and van der Rensburg - now treat the wildlands as their personal money-making safari, paying little heed to the consequences of their actions - and the ruins they often leave during their contracts.

    The Free Solarian Fleets control no real territory and call no system their home. However, many FSF vessels can be found in the Middle Ring Shield Pact’s capital of San Colette, which has become the arguable home of its fleets. FSF ships, which can travel as far afield as the Corporate Reconstruction Zone and the Sparring Sea, often return to San Colette to repair, rearm, and resupply after their latest job. Authorities in San Colette have become known to look the other way regarding the more eccentric crewmembers of the Fleets — including free positronic sans aliens — as a kind of reward for the continued contract they have woty the Fleets.

    The Southern Solarian Military District

    The ensign and flag of the Southern Solarian Military District, one of the major successor states in the southern human wildlands. Curiously, the SSMD utilizes a red ensign commonly associated with the Solarian Army rather than the Solarian Navy's white ensign.

    While many of the fleets assigned to the area that would become the southern badlands, such as the Tenth Middle Ring Battlefleet, were considered second or even third-rate organizations, one formation stood above the rest in terms of quality. The First Middle Ring Battlefleet - made up of the 103rd, 104th, 105th, 106th, and 107th fleets - under the command of Fleet Admiral Klaudia Szalai was considered to be the best fleet in the sector before it was lost during the chaos of the Solarian collapse due to a lack of phoron for its dated engines. Most observers wrote the First off as having collapsed as an effective force during the collapse, due to a lack of communication from the battlegroup. It came as quite a shock for many external observers when, nearly a full month after the collapse, Admiral Szalai finally reestablished communications with the outside world and declared that the First had formed the Southern Solarian Military District, and was intent on stabilizing the southern wildlands pending their reintegration with the Alliance.

    While the District’s main counterpart, the Solarian Provisional Government, promotes itself as a democratic state Admiral Szalai and the District have no such pretentions: the District is a military state through and through and, unlike the SPG, has lukewarm relations with corporations at best. Admiral Szalai is a dogged supporter of the Alliance’s recent anti-corporate efforts, believing that the meddling of NanoTrasen and its sycophants in other corporations was the largest single factor leading to the collapse of the Alliance as she knew it. Thus many formerly corporate assets in the District have found themselves hastily taken over by the First regardless of protests. This has led to it having little backing from the remnants of the civilian government of the Solarian Alliance, while making the District steadfast allies in the Solarian Navy forces stationed on the border between the wildlands and the Alliance proper. This, combined with the First’s already stellar reputation for anti-piracy operations, gives the District a significant chance at being the successor state that manages to stabilize the southern wildlands.

    However some of Admiral Szalai’s comments have been seen as alarming by outside authorities, particularly those in the Republic of Biesel. The Admiral views the stabilization of the southern wildlands as only the first step towards her goal of reclaiming the Alliance’s former position as the human hegemon of the Orion Spur, and the First has been known to engage ships flying the Republic’s flag on sight in addition to launching raids from their territory into the Republic’s poorly-controlled and recently-acquired territories. Whether this talk is simply militaristic bluster or a legitimate desire to begin a second Interstellar War remains to be seen. For now, effective control of the wildlands remains enough of a challenge for any force - even one as effective as the District.

    The seat of power of the Military District is Visegrad, a former Solarian world seized by Szalai and the First during the initial chaos of the Solarian Collapse. Despite some protests at the Military District’s shutdown of Zeng ahi’s operations on Visegrad — which employed many residents of the planet — the stability brought by the ruling military government is welcomed by many on the planet due to the chaos of the Southern Wildlands. Due to Szalai’d strong links to the Solarian admiralty the SSMD— and Visegradi by extent— receive a great amount of aid from the Alliance, though much of this aid is more concerned with stabilizing the Southern Wildlandsthan it is woty ensuring the civilian population lives comfortably. The leader of the Southern Fleet Administration, F.R. Beauchamp, was executed on Visegrad.

    The Solarian Provisional Government

    The ensign and flag of the Solarian Provisional Government, one of the major successor states in the southern human wildlands. Much like the Provisional Government itself, this flag is an odd combination of the government and the navy.

    In the southern human wildlands lies the Solarian Provisional Government, the remnants of the Solarian Alliance’s massive bureaucratic apparatus that once lorded over the vast majority of the Middle Ring. While it is a mere rump state compared to the titanic bureaucracy that once managed planets from Mictlan to New Hai Phong and most of its skilled bureaucrats have fled to the what remains of the Alliance, the SPG has managed to hold onto a small amount of ground near the Solarian border with the wildlands thanks to the presence of the Sixth Middle Ring Battlegroup and unofficial support from the Alliance itself. The SPG aligns itself closely with the Alliance and, while there has not yet been an official statement of support, the Alliance has responded by offering “humanitarian” aid to the region under the SPG’s control. In response the provisional government has stated its clear intentions to rejoin the Alliance when the region around it is stabilized.

    The provisional government is an unusual form of dual authority in the human wildlands. On paper the Solarian Provisional Government is a functional, if unrecognized, democratic republic along the lines of the Solarian Alliance itself that intends to hold regular elections and transfer power as any successful republic does. The current Provisional Governor is Anderson MacPherson, previously the region’s elected Governor before its collapse into warlordism and anarchy. The Provisional Governor’s cabinet and staff are primarily formed from bureaucrats left over from the old administration, leaving the SPG with a more stable system of governance than most other regions in the human wildlands. Prov. Governor MacPherson has managed to keep the SPG’s territories together through his local popularity and charm, though he now faces an unexpected threat: the navy.

    The Solarian Sixth Middle Ring Battlegroup is responsible for much of the SPG’s stability and all of its defense. Under the command of Fleet Admiral Myo Yunso, a Konyanger naval officer that has - unlike her homeworld - remained loyal to the Sol Alliance. Admiral Yunso commands the five fleets of the Sixth Middle Ring Battlegroup, one of the largest - if not the largest - remaining cohesive naval units in the southern human wildlands, and stands as Prov. Governor MacPherson’s greatest ally and worst rival in the SPG. While the timely arrival of the Admiral and her fleet helped ensure the region that the SPG now controls (though it claims the entire southern wildlands) remains stable, Yunso and MacPherson have differing opinions on how the provisional government should be run. While MacPherson champions continuing democracy, Yunso wishes for an emergency military government until the situation is stabilized.

    As the two most powerful figures in the provisional government clash over direction and influence, it remains to be seen whether the Solarian Provisional Government has any hope of stabilization and reunification. With its rivals growing more powerful by the day, and the divide between MacPherson and Yunso growing wider and wider, the situation of the legitimate successor to Solarian control in the southern wildlands remains quite precarious indeed. However, with the recent victory over Beauchamp and more aid flowing in from the Alliance, it seems MacPherson may be pulling ahead. Yunso, however, remains dominant in more chaotic area closer to the border with the SFA — particularly in those limited regions the SPG managed to gain control over following Beauchamp’s death.

    The Provisional Government has a uniquely stable capital system, Sankt Frederick, due to its location on the border with the Alliance itself. With the Alliance itself merely one warp gate away much of Sankt Frederick’s government has remained operational and functional, which has significantly strengthened MacPherson’s position in the Wildlands. The close position has additionally assisted in ensuring Yunso’s battlegroup has remained cohesive, and many supplies which eventually make their way to the Military District pass through Sankt Frederick. The planet has become a hub for refugees fleeing from the anarchy of the Southern Fleet Administration’s territories and MacPherson’s government has opened their arms to them, as long as they are human. Many of these refugees eventually find employment in the large orbital facilities Sankt Frederick is known for, or find their way into the Alliance proper.

    The Southern Fleet Administration

    The ensign of the Southern Fleet Administration, one of the major successor states in the southern human wildlands. The gas giant featured in the upper left of this ensign is the fleet's berth.

    Even before the total collapse of Solarian authority in much of the Middle and Outer Rings, the Tenth Middle Ring Battlegroup under the command of Fleet Admiral F.R. Beauchamp was considered to be the absolute bottom of the Solarian Navy’s figurative barrel. With much of its enlisted being made up of prisoners conscripted or enlisted into the Navy for a reduced prison sentence and the vast majority of its officers being washouts deliberately reassigned to the Tenth due to their failings, discipline was lax even before the phoron crisis. Many Solarian naval officers doubted the Tenth could even muster itself to fight off even a minor incursion by pirates. But the Solarian collapse has been a time of many surprises, including the Tenth’s shocking rallying under Admiral Beauchamp to form the so-called Southern Fleet Administration shortly after the general Solarian withdraw from the region now known as the southern wildlands.

    Despite its bureaucratic name and Admiral Beauchamp’s claims of being the only legitimate Solarian authority to be found in the southern wildlands the area once controlled by the Southern Fleet Administration was and remains a poorly-administered and uncoordinated zone, with the SFA having essentially existed as a despotic kleptocracy under the control of Beauchamp and a small clique of loyal officers. Contrary to the nearby Solarian Provisional Government the SFA was only interested in enriching itself, and Admiral Beauchamp was solely interested in living as hard and fast as possible until his clique - and regime - collapsed. The territories once under the “protection” of the Tenth remain in state of chaos with the fleet’s remnants having collapsed into roving bands of pirates and marauders, with most passing ships forced to pay for “protection” provided by the fleet. The begrudging alliance between the Tenth and the Republic of Biesel has since collapsed and the Corporate Reconstruction Zone had found itself infested by the well-equipped ex-Navy pirates who once swore allegiance to Beauchamp, with some planets in the southern section of the Zone being arguably completely controlled by the Republic’s former allies.

    The skrell are seen as the primary enemy of the remains of the kingdom of bandits that was the SFA. Skrell unlucky enough to find themselves in the hands of the pirates that once made up the Tenth do not survive for long, and are often subjected to profane cruelties at the hands of the rogue fleet the Jargon Federation once declared destroyed. Ships loyal to the Southern Solarian Military District fare no better, with both the SSMD and ex-SFA bandits refusing to offer the other any mercy. While the Federation and Alliance may have hoped cutting the head from the snake would make the southern wildlands more peaceful, it seems the territory once controlled by Beauchamp has only sunken further into a quagmire following their efforts.

    As the SFA has devolved to being little more than pirates following the death of Beauchamp there is no “capital,” planet of the contemporary SFA. Some of the more prominent leaders of the SFA have retained some amount of authority following Beauchamp’s death and now serve as warlords in their own right. These warlords are all that pass for authority in the area formerly controlled by the SFA.

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