Dionae in the Federation: различия между версиями

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Most Diona in the Federation are secondary numericals, with an aggregate score of around 5.72. While rare, there are a few Dionae over the centuries that have been able to reach idol status as a primary numerical. Social credit score is tied to the gestalt, as opposed to each nymph having its own score. Due to the Diona lifespan, it is noticeably harder for a gestalt to increase their score in comparison to Skrell. This has lead to a strange phenomenon: members of a gestalt will stick together, even when there is strong animosity between them, in order to prevent complications arising from splitting and the likelihood of it affecting their social credit score even if sanctioned. Dionae that perform an unsanctioned splitting outside of emergency situations will take a heavy hit to their social credit score, with penalties being harsher depending on time between the splitting and it being reported to the authorities. Splits performed in an emergency should still be reported.
Most Diona in the Federation are secondary numericals, with an aggregate score of around 5.72. While rare, there are a few Dionae over the centuries that have been able to reach idol status as a primary numerical. Social credit score is tied to the gestalt, as opposed to each nymph having its own score. Due to the Diona lifespan, it is noticeably harder for a gestalt to increase their score in comparison to Skrell. This has lead to a strange phenomenon: members of a gestalt will stick together, even when there is strong animosity between them, in order to prevent complications arising from splitting and the likelihood of it affecting their social credit score even if sanctioned. Dionae that perform an unsanctioned splitting outside of emergency situations will take a heavy hit to their social credit score, with penalties being harsher depending on time between the splitting and it being reported to the authorities. Splits performed in an emergency should still be reported.

=== Difference in Dionae and Skrell Experience within the System ===
=== Difference in the Dionae and Skrell Experience within the System ===
While a Skrell may find themselves becoming more famous, experiencing relaxed travel and reproductive restrictions, and greater access to state resources, the unique situation of the Dionae means they are rewarded (or punished) in an entirely different way.
Diona with a higher social credit score will find themselves being modelled as the ideal citizen to other gestalts, given praise for their actions as well as having higher expectations of them by the state. Along with this, gestalts of a high score will be given lesser restrictions on the number of nymphs allowed (up to the maximum of twenty), more education opportunities, and greater freedom of travel. Compared what Skrell receive, Dionae benefits focus more on the ability to grow, learn, and proliferate, with less emphasis on comfort.
Gestalts with a high credit score will also find themselves in a unique position amongst dionae; their opinion will have more weight behind it when considered by other gestalts despite their age, overriding the general view of ‘experience is what matters’ typically held by those in the Federation.
==== Restrictions on Dionae-specific Actions ====
It should be noted that gestalts with a good social credit score are the only ones who are able to take blood samples from Skrell, and even then with extremely strict rules; Skrell with a high security clearance, specifically Government officials and members of state military and intelligence organisations of any rank are disbarred from providing blood samples. Skrell that meet these criteria that are in an intimate relationship with a Diona are also banned from having their remains absorbed by the gestalt.
Dionae with an SCS of 6.35 or above are the only ones allowed by the state to absorb a deceased Skrell, something that is considered an honour to perform and deeply intimate. More on this practice is discussed below under the relationship section.
Dionae who become tertiary numericals are treated much in the same way as Skrell; they are shunned by the state and their fellow citizens, refused access to state resources, receive a blanket ban on their reproductive rights, and the harshest restrictions on travel possible.
==== Splitting as a Form of Re-education ====
Due to physiological differences making typical Federation re-education methods either ineffective or entirely impossible, a gestalt may instead be forced to split and their nymphs absorbed by multiple loyal gestalts for re-education. This usually involves the loyal gestalt using their combined voice to effectively condition the nymph into conforming to Federation ideals. Once it’s confirmed that each nymph has been re-educated successfully, they are allowed to remerge into the original gestalt, with their social credit score reset to five.
==== Expulsion of Penumas ====
Penumas gestalts that find their social credit score falling into the tertiary bracket will find themselves ejected from the Spiral Gardens, being allowed to float in the void of space while being closely monitored by an assigned research vessel.

=== Adoption ===
=== Adoption ===

Версия от 21:30, 9 ноября 2021

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  • Overview


    Dionae at Each Lifestage

    Coeus (Nymphs)

    When a nymph is first born, it will have one of two upbringings: it will either be raised by a Skrell quya, where it will be taught the ideals of the Federation and how to be an upstanding citizen (see the adoption section below), or it will be entrusted to a gestalt for tutoring. The gestalt in question must have:

    • A high social credit score of at least 6.35,
    • Of a mind type that best represents the Federations collective ideals,
    • A clean record since gaining their citizenship with the Federation.

    At this stage in life, the nymph is cared for like a child; its needs being met by their primary caregiver and is usually attended to at all times to ensure a stable upbringing.

    Coeus (Gestalts)

    Once the nymph has formed a gestalt and gained citizenship, they will be given a job by local officials which best matches their aptitude and disposition as determined by their citizenship exam. The more common jobs suggested by the Federation include botanical, mining, and logistical roles, with other roles being available depending on mind type. Gestalts who accept roles suggested to them tend to have a higher social credit score than their peers in the same field.

    Coeus at this stage are monitored by the Government carefully, more so than Geras, to ensure that they remain productive members of Federation society. This monitoring is relaxed as they grow older and more set in their ways.


    As a gestalt ages, opportunities arise which allow them to further expand their knowledge. The Federation highly encourages gestalts to seek out traditional learning at one of their universities. Combined with consenting blood samples, the Diona either specialises in their assigned field or begin learning in a new field of study. It’s common for a Diona to be just as educated as a Skrell of a similar age, if not exceeding them in some cases.


    Once the gestalt reaches the Penumas stage of the Diona lifecycle, they will be interred in one of the many Spiral Gardens dotted across the Federation. Here, they will be cared for by both Skrellian and Dionae caretakers, with the latter being highly specialised phytologists who are also tasked with monitoring the Dionae population as they interact with each other.

    Spiral Gardens and Dionae Living Spaces

    ‘Spiral Garden’ is the name of a common closed ecological structure found across the Federation that houses the majority of its Dionae population. The size varies, but the general layout is the same: a large dome with several spires dotting it, with various native flora and fauna making their home there.

    These spires are initially made out of man-made material, but in some cases can eventually be either reinforced or expanded by the Penumas living inside the Garden. Due to the rarity of Penumas Dionae however, there are many Spiral Gardens that do not have this specific feature. The spires act as living spaces for the Diona, and if the Garden houses a Penumas, is usually expanded upon and connected to other nearby spires.

    Monitoring of Dionae

    As mentioned previously, the Skrellian caretakers are also botanical scientists given the task of researching the Dionae species. As such, Dionae are given quite a bit of freedom inside the Spiral Gardens to facilitate this research. However, this only extends so far, meaning a gestalts size and the number of nymphs it’s allowed to contain are still regulated. Unsanctioned splitting, merging, or reforming is still frowned upon. The observations made inside the Spiral Gardens are all passive, with recording equipment constantly streaming data for the scientists to analyze and study. Dionae, including the caretakers, are not made aware of this monitoring in order to prevent the scientific data collected from being affected.

    Living conditions can differ greatly between planets, but is mostly dependent on the gestalts Social Credit Score. Those with a good score will be given more access to technology such as weather simulators to provide ideal conditions in their living space, and personal holographic projectors such as nralak projectors or stelloscopes that showcase planets, systems, and constellations of interest for education and entertainment. Gestalts with a lower social credit score are only given the bare essentials in their living space to allow their survival, with access to radiation limited to further prevent their growth.

    Other Living Spaces

    Dionae may also find themselves taking residence inside one of the Federations underwater cities. These cities offer similar comforts as your average space station for Dionae; with artificial light, warmth, and radiation all provided by the hydrothermal vents typically located near these cities. The conditions here are similar to those given to tertiary numericals in the Spiral Gardens: they allow for a gestalt to live comfortably, but not thrive. Most gestalts who decide to live in the depths are tertiary numericals because of this.

    Government Interactions

    While Dionae are generally treated well in the Federation, they are in a unique situation: Dionae have no presence in the Nlom nor the ability to enter the Srom, meaning they have difficulty interacting with the many psionic aspects of Skrell life. The Federation gives the species many freedoms, but actively monitors their behaviour and keeps a firm grip on their day-to-day life to ensure that they do not become a security risk.

    Social Credit System and Dionae

    The species was subjected to a similar social credit system to Skrellian citizens of the Federation soon after first contact. This system came with harsh limitations such as a hard cap on their social credit score, travel bans for all registered gestalts, and stricter regulations on gestalt sizes. This system was gradually replaced, with Diona transitioning into the main social credit system after full integration of the species in 2240.

    Dionae are now beholden to the same social credit system as Skrell, with similar inductive/deductive behaviours (as seen here) , with a few additional policies:

    Inductive Behaviours include being raised by a Skrellian quya from birth or being tutored by a respected gestalt, following the Orthodox Eternal faith, and going into careers as suggested by the Federation.

    Deductive Behaviours include following the Blood Eternal faith, unsanctioned splitting/merging, non-consensual/unsanctioned blood sampling, refusing suggested career paths, growing new nymphs without permission, being born illegally/outside of the Federation, and failing to register all nymphs that are part of the gestalt.

    How Dionae Interact with the Social Credit System

    Most Diona in the Federation are secondary numericals, with an aggregate score of around 5.72. While rare, there are a few Dionae over the centuries that have been able to reach idol status as a primary numerical. Social credit score is tied to the gestalt, as opposed to each nymph having its own score. Due to the Diona lifespan, it is noticeably harder for a gestalt to increase their score in comparison to Skrell. This has lead to a strange phenomenon: members of a gestalt will stick together, even when there is strong animosity between them, in order to prevent complications arising from splitting and the likelihood of it affecting their social credit score even if sanctioned. Dionae that perform an unsanctioned splitting outside of emergency situations will take a heavy hit to their social credit score, with penalties being harsher depending on time between the splitting and it being reported to the authorities. Splits performed in an emergency should still be reported.

    Difference in the Dionae and Skrell Experience within the System

    While a Skrell may find themselves becoming more famous, experiencing relaxed travel and reproductive restrictions, and greater access to state resources, the unique situation of the Dionae means they are rewarded (or punished) in an entirely different way.

    Diona with a higher social credit score will find themselves being modelled as the ideal citizen to other gestalts, given praise for their actions as well as having higher expectations of them by the state. Along with this, gestalts of a high score will be given lesser restrictions on the number of nymphs allowed (up to the maximum of twenty), more education opportunities, and greater freedom of travel. Compared what Skrell receive, Dionae benefits focus more on the ability to grow, learn, and proliferate, with less emphasis on comfort.

    Gestalts with a high credit score will also find themselves in a unique position amongst dionae; their opinion will have more weight behind it when considered by other gestalts despite their age, overriding the general view of ‘experience is what matters’ typically held by those in the Federation.

    Restrictions on Dionae-specific Actions

    It should be noted that gestalts with a good social credit score are the only ones who are able to take blood samples from Skrell, and even then with extremely strict rules; Skrell with a high security clearance, specifically Government officials and members of state military and intelligence organisations of any rank are disbarred from providing blood samples. Skrell that meet these criteria that are in an intimate relationship with a Diona are also banned from having their remains absorbed by the gestalt.

    Dionae with an SCS of 6.35 or above are the only ones allowed by the state to absorb a deceased Skrell, something that is considered an honour to perform and deeply intimate. More on this practice is discussed below under the relationship section.

    Dionae who become tertiary numericals are treated much in the same way as Skrell; they are shunned by the state and their fellow citizens, refused access to state resources, receive a blanket ban on their reproductive rights, and the harshest restrictions on travel possible.

    Splitting as a Form of Re-education

    Due to physiological differences making typical Federation re-education methods either ineffective or entirely impossible, a gestalt may instead be forced to split and their nymphs absorbed by multiple loyal gestalts for re-education. This usually involves the loyal gestalt using their combined voice to effectively condition the nymph into conforming to Federation ideals. Once it’s confirmed that each nymph has been re-educated successfully, they are allowed to remerge into the original gestalt, with their social credit score reset to five.

    Expulsion of Penumas

    Penumas gestalts that find their social credit score falling into the tertiary bracket will find themselves ejected from the Spiral Gardens, being allowed to float in the void of space while being closely monitored by an assigned research vessel.



    Dionae in the Military

    Dionae in the Government

    Dionae Consulars