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REGION - Traverse | ||
This location is centred in the Traverse region. | ||
The Traverse is the frontier of Federation society. Research and mining outposts, newly-established colonies, and manufacturing facilities can be found dotted throughout this large-spanning section of Federation space. While the quality of life and purpose of settlements in the Traverse vary drastically, they will all follow similar trends based on which district they are in. The Traverse is also home to independence movements, resistance cells, and other criminal organisations that operate in Federation space. |
First colonised in 2260 CE, the swamp planet of Tattuqig is located in orbit around a large gas giant in the Ghialok System, found within the Pluat Ven’qop region of the Traverse. It is the first location where Skrell discovered evidence of other sentient life existing within the Orion Spur - not including Dionae. The tropical, boggy environment of Tattuqig provides ample conditions where signs of life have been preserved for millennia, allowing for many sites of interest to the archaeological community to be found across the planet. The unique atmospheric conditions of the planet have allowed for an almost permanent fog to exist across it, within which psionic predators reside and often unleash havoc on the Skrell colonists. Its hostile wildlife and perilous weather make Tattuqig one of the few planets not on the frontiers of the Traverse that is considered dangerous to live on.
Despite the planet being discovered prior to the Era of Synthetic Oppression, Tattuqig was only colonised post-Glorsh in 2267 CE, with pre-Glorsh colonisation plans being postponed due to the rise of Glorsh-Omega, as well as the chaos caused by the Tri-Qyu Incident that ended its reign. Tattuqig was one of the first colonies to be established post-Glorsh to employ newer Federation colonial policies; the issue of losing colonists to unknown dangers, and the species still coming to terms with the X'Lu'oa, resulted in a policy of cautious development that relied on manned drones and prefabricated habitats to be constructed before the colonists even land.
Pre-Glorsh probe missions showed that Tattuqig had a much stronger electromagnetic field than that of the Homeworld or any other planet colonised by the species to date - although this information was lost by the time first attempts at colonisation began in 2254 CE. The rediscovery had delayed the colonisation of the planet by years, as manned drones and unshielded equipment began to malfunction before the first settlers even arrived. New designs had to be developed that could withstand the electromagnetic interference, and more equipment had to be shipped from the inner systems before construction could resume and the colonists could safely make landfall.
In 2267 CE the colonists finally arrived at the landing site and began to familiarise themselves with their new home. At first intended to be a transportation hub, with the aim of lessening the logistical burden that supplying the outer colonies brought on the strained supply lines of the Federation, the establishment of the first outposts revealed one of the Skrell’s biggest discoveries before first contact with Humanity: evidence of other sentient life developing within the Orion Spur.
While the discovery did not overshadow first contact with and the integration of Dionae, it did confirm hypotheses proposed by the Skrell scientific community that intelligent life has or had developed closer to home; while Diona are considered sentient, it is believed by most that Dionae - due to their lack of zona bovinae compared to other lifeforms - did not originate in the Orion Spur, which still made the evidence found on Tattuqig a monumental discovery for Skrellian scientists. The science team embedded with the colony was quick to respond to the discovery, and expeditions were organised with haste to discover more sites belonging to this long-gone civilisation.
Deep within the peat swamps of Tattuqig, near-perfectly preserved tribal villages were found by Skrell scientists. Thanks to the preservation of these villages, archaeologists have been able to gain insight into the culture, society, and technological level of the planet’s old inhabitants with a clarity previously thought impossible by the scientific community at large. Although the remains of this civilisation were well-preserved, no bodies were discovered at any of the sites, an anomaly that is still debated in the modern era by Federation anthropologists.
Alongside the discovery of sentient life on the planet and its strong electromagnetic field, the colonists came across another distinct feature: a thick fog that covers the majority of the landmass of the planet. At first, the fog was considered only an obstacle to visibility, but it soon became evident that the fog was home to a sinister threat to the Skrell and the future of the colony; after a string of disappearances in the months post-landing, it was determined that some sort of hostile creature was preying on the colonists. The creature was described by eyewitnesses as "monstrous", "burly", and with "skin of grey marble". This creature would stalk unaware Skrell as they wandered too far from their homes, the only sign that the creature was even there being a terrifying bellow just before they pounced on their prey. Using a Neara, one of the more docile animals of Tattuqig, as bait, a specimen was captured for study.
Now known as the Fog Crawler by Tattuqig locals, this hulking reptilian species utilises psionics to stalk and hunt its prey while using the planet’s fog as cover. It is theorised that the sudden influx of Skrell made a shift in the planet’s Nlom, inadvertently resulting in the Fog Crawlers targeting Skrell in particular because of their psionic signature being greater than that of other beings found on the planet. While no, hostile xenofauna is not an issue unheard of by Skrell, the combination of thick fog causing visibility issues and the strong electromagnetic field making most advanced forms of machinery unavailable meant that options were limited. The discovery of the Fog Crawlers led to Tattuqig being given exemption from Federation gun laws, allowing the colonists to organise patrols and sentries that kept the settlements from being targeted by Fog Crawler prides. The unique situation the settlers found themselves in led to the establishment of the Roaming Routes, a mapped series of constantly ebbing and flowing paths through the fog that the Skrell could utilise to move around the planet, as well as the Ubulreak Corps, an organisation tasked with tracking and keeping the Fog Crawlers from attacking inhabited areas or the safe routes between settlements.
Other than the occasional science team, Tattuqig was more or less left to its own devices by the Federation until 2332 CE, following first contact with Humanity. Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals took a notable interest in Tattuqig's ecosystem, proposing a deal with the Nralakk Federation that allowed them to establish a presence on the Tattuqig in exchange for aiding the funding of any and all scientific endeavours conducted on the planet. While initially only interested in the flora and fauna of the planet Zeng-Hu was quick to also focus on Tattuqig's ruins, setting up their own xenoarchaeological branch on the planet. The sudden influx of outside groups on Tattuqig influenced the establishment of Fog Wardens, an unofficial group that dedicates itself to protecting the planet from potentially damaging practices by the humans working here.
Tattuqig was one of many colonies in the Traverse that was involved in the exodus following Grand Councillor Weashbi Jrugl's victory in the 2463 primary elections. Many disgruntled colonists followed candidate Kalq'Qi Weibii on their journey to the Republic of Biesel, and took part in the founding of the Starlight Zone. While the actual number of Tattuqigan colonists that left was small, the impact the exodus had on the planet was still noticeable. Scientists, educators, labourers, and many others with the skillsets needed for a functioning colony left in droves, causing many fragile settlements to collapse as they were no longer able to support themselves. Those who remained on Tattuqig resent the exodus for its impact on the planet, especially by those who had to abandon their homes, and today the exodus is seen as being responsible for the overall pro-Federation alignment of the planet - a view that is at odds with the colony's lack of support by the inner systems and its generally poor status.
Tattuqig's capital is the city of Aujaq'wesi, one of the largest settlements on the planet and one of the first landing sites, located on the planet's central island. Governor Tarqi Plaqo has governed the colony since its inception, although in practice holds little power outside of the capital due to the fog covering the planet. This is exacerbated by the planet's electromagnetic field making more advanced technology such as long-range communication or travel unavailable, meaning that by and large, the other islands work autonomously from the central government of the planet.
The planet consists of four regions:
Aujaq Region - Named after the planet's capital, this region consists of the two central islands of the planet and includes the capital and the city of Qaroq'xlip. It is responsible for the administration and cross-planetary infrastructure of the Tattuqig, with its central location making it ideal for its role. The two major cities work together against the isolating conditions the colony deals with; Aujaq'wesi, being the capital, is responsible for administrating and coordinating with the other islands, while Qaroq'xlip is a vital port that ensures long-distance sea travel is possible.
Mo'qa'Noa Region - Named after the Mo'qa'Noa ice sheets and the two islands closest to it, the region sees the most Zeng-Hu activity due to the number of ruins surrounding it. The investment by Zeng-Hu has allowed the inhabited parts of the area to be more well-developed compared to the other regions, giving it a semblance to life that would be typical of other colonies within the Pluat Ven'qop region of the Traverse. It is considered much safer than most areas of Tattuqig, but the terrain on these islands means that outside of Sura'zlip there is not much room for expansion.
Kanosak Region - This region is named after the Kanosak mountain range on the northern island. The region includes Kanosak Point, a dormant volcano, and Ublureak'qwip. The region has a higher-than-average number of Fog Crawler sightings and is most known for the Ublureak Corps, which considers the region their home and the city of Ublureak'qwip their headquarters. Kanosak Point and Ublureak'qwip act as markers for the most northern and southern points where Skrell can safely inhabit the island; most of the land from the Kanosak mountain range northwards is considered too inhospitable, while the lands south of Ublureak'qwip are too encased in fog for permanent settlements to be built.
Tartok Mesa Region - Consisting of Tartok'qlip and the surrounding area, this region is mostly undeveloped outside of the city, and acts as a vital link between Tattuqig and the rest of the Federation. The mesa on which Tartok'qlip is built is high enough to not be encased in fog, and allows for safe travel to and from the planet.
Its position relative to its star, combined with its atmospheric composition, has resulted in a tropical wetland environment spanning across the globe of Tattuqig, along with an encapsulating fog that lifts and falls similar to the tides of an ocean. The planet has an overall high fertility rate, with nutrient-rich soil and a diverse range of flora and fauna providing it with a highly active ecosystem. Unfortunately, many of these resources are unable to be exploited by the Federation in any meaningful capacity due to the fog that encompasses the planet. The oceans of Tattuqig, while not deeply explored, are thought to be as diverse as the land. Due to the fog preventing most resource extraction, the planet’s swamp gases are the biggest export that Tattuqig has to offer; its availability and relatively simple method of extraction make it one of the most available resources on Tattuqig, and as a result, the planet has quickly become one of the biggest suppliers of natural gas in the region. While natural gas isn’t a resource that sees much use in most parts of the Orion Spur, it sees common usage within underdeveloped colonies, making it a lucrative export for settlements on the fringes of the Traverse that do not have ready access to the technologies of the 25th century. These natural gasses are also heavily used domestically for the same reasons.
Oom’Tiiriq (Fog Crawlers)
An infamous creature well-known and rightly feared by the populace, this reptilian species can reach almost 2.4 meters in height when stood upright and can weigh as much as 110 kilograms. Zeng-Hu scientists on the planet have described the skin of the creatures as similar to that of the Solarian Alligator found on Earth. Fog Crawlers are bipedal and have four arms which they use to clutch their prey. When not hunting, they can be observed in prides of ten to twelve individuals, with the pride dividing itself into hunting pairs that coordinate through their primal psionic abilities. A carnivorous species, the Oom'Tiiriq is considered a threat to the continued existence of Skrell on Tattuqig, and is the reason why the planet has been given permission to allow private gun ownership to its inhabitants.
Neaera (Tree Lurkers)
Tree Lurkers are one of the most commonly observed animals found across Tattuqig, and closely resemble an amphibious version of the Solarian chimpanzi. They are a little over a meter in height and on average weigh about 20 kilograms. It makes its home in the dense forests of the planet, utilising its powerful leap and sticky grips to avoid the ground where it could be hunted by Fog Crawlers or other predators. They are usually sighted in troops of twenty to thirty. They are herbivorous species. The species has seen success outside of Tattuqig, where it is raised for its meat or used in animal experimentation similar to monkeys.
Tupiq’Sir-Qii (Root Grazers)
Root Grazers are speculated to be quite plentiful across the planet, but their natural ability to camouflage themselves and their small stature make it a challenge to determine whether they’re endangered or not. They are approximately thirty centimetres in length and collected specimens appear to weigh roughly one kilogram. The species closely resembles crustaceans seen elsewhere in the Federation such as the buurgis, or the Solarian horseshoe crab. They feast primarily on roots, and sometimes insects. While solitary outside of the mating season, they have been observed congregating around fresh corpses, leading to biologists to theorise that they are also carrion-feeders.
Ar'vr Teferb (Screaming Bulbs)
The screaming bulbs are a treasured specimen of flora for the Skrell of Tattuqig. When flowering, it will produce six bright blue bioluminescent bulbs on each of its three stalks, which slowly balloon to massive size before popping with a loud, drawn-out scream. Cultivated specimens are grown for the gasses they produce, which when ignited produce a vibrant blue flame. These gasses are used to light lampposts along the Roaming Routes or on sea vessels, their bright light being able to cut through the fog and make it easier to navigate between settlements.
Gikiluak (Qhulyin Mushrooms)
Gikiluak is a rather bright red fungus that grows atop foliage, normally found in particularly dark and damp regions of the planet. It hardens around its host plant before drawing nutrients and using it as structural support. After suffocating its host, the mature fungus begins to produce tall outcroppings that regularly release spores to be carried by the wind. It is considered highly invasive and has been declared a pest by the Tattuqig Colonial Government. It is notorious for nearly destroying early settlements on Tattuqig by invading farmland and eating away at crops.
Her’qla’vrii (Hanging Pendula)
A large, thin tree that grows along the coasts, the Hanging Pendula produces low-hanging fruit, part of its evolutionary strategy that has ensured its continued survival. Whilst the fruit is edible, it also contains a poison that quickly paralyses those that eat it. While it varies, the poison tends to kill smaller animals or cause larger animals to starve to death, providing the tree with nutrients. While not commonly cultivated, the fruit of the hanging pendula is carefully harvested and used by the Ubulreak Corps as a poison against intruding Fog Crawler prides.

Tattuqig has a 9 month year, with 37 days in each month, totalling 340 days. The temperature of the planet does not change much throughout the year, with the planet's Qu-Paalq averaging a temperature of 39 degrees and a humidity of 80%. The planet's "Lu-Paalq" season is only mildly colder and drier, averaging around 30 degrees and a humidity of 72%, but has noticeably calmer sea weather. The Qu-Paalq season lasts for the first three months of the year, with the Lu-Paalq season taking up the later months.
The fog of Tattuqig ebbs and flows with the year, allowing for a certain degree of prediction. Safe routes through the fog will open and close as the year progresses and entire regions may become accessible or inaccessible for months at a time. Expeditions to remote archaeological sites are planned around predicted changes in the fog, and the flow of trade changes depending on if the routes between settlements become available or unavailable.
The seas of the planet experience violent weather during its Qu-Paalq. This, combined with the sea's notorious rock formations, the lack of advanced technology, and the fog only compounds the dangers of travelling between the islands. Most travel by sea is done during the Lu-Paalq season, although there can be short spells of calm weather during the warmer months which are readily taken advantage of.
Cities and Landmarks

Nestled inside a mountain range, Aujaq'wesi is the capital of Tattuqig, chosen for its central location and lack of permanent fog. The city was unknowingly built on top of a large mine belonging to the original inhabitants of the planet, which once found was renovated and expanded upon for the colony's own mining operation.
Aside from mining, the city is focused entirely on the governance of Tattuqig. Aujaq'wesi's role as the administrative hub for the colony is much more difficult when compared to other planetary capitals; the fog and lack of access to technology that would allow for safe long-distance travel or communication have resulted in the inhabitants being more isolated than what is typical for a modern Skrellian colony. Its central location and access to Qaroq'xlip help alleviate this, but news still travels slow to the capital, and the city is in a constant state of tackling administrative and bureaucratic issues that would otherwise be considered minor issues elsewhere in the Federation.
The city is quite small, and suitable land for farming is not common in its surrounding area. The nearby bay acts as a minor source of fish, but the city is almost completely reliant on Qaroq'xlip for its food needs. With that said, Aujaq'wesi is one of the few sources of domestic minerals, which has ensured that it is kept well supplied by the rest of the planet; the Federation's policies with regards to the Traverse result in many planets, Tattuqig included, being forced to rely on their own industry to supplement what the Federation provides them.
Found at the northern entrance to the strait between its island and Aujaq'wesi's, Qaroq'xlip shares the responsibilities of Aujaq'wesi in keeping the colony connected. As the city is the halfway point between east and west its port is vital for long-distance travel, as well as relaying information between the islands. While the city's port is primarily a hub for trade and travel it is also an important source of food for the region, with Qaroq'xlip fishing vessels being renowned for their ability to navigate the treacherous waters of Tattuqig and comfortably feed both islands.
Qaroq'xlip is responsible for maintaining the water routes between islands. During the Lu-Paalq months, when the weather is much calmer, water buoys are set up at key points and act as signposts, allowing vessels to safely traverse the oceans. These buoys are moved as the fog changes and eventually are removed entirely once the violent storms of the Qu-Paalq begin again.
On the outskirts of Qaroq'xlip, there are multiple ruins that have been extensively explored. While the planet does not have a tourist industry, these ruins come close as scientists from Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals or elsewhere in the Federation come to these ruins as part of their orientation before setting out for active archaeological sites. Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals' biggest presence in Qaroq'xlip is within these ruins, which they maintain in order to properly orientate their staff who come to work on the planet.
Known for the extensive system of ruins it's surrounded by, Sura'zlip is a small village on one of the southern islands making up the Mo'qa'Noa Region. Up until first contact, the village was withering because of its isolated location, only just being propped up by the science groups who came to the island as part of their research. Following Zeng-Hu's investment into the planet, Sura'zlip suddenly became a bustling centre for research into the ancient ruins of Tattuqig. The village went from a few houses and a small communal lodge for visitors to a well-developed colony in just under a few years, all paid for using Zeng-Hu money.
The investment into Sura'zlip has also resulted in it becoming the headquarters for Zeng-Hu interests on the planet; the village is home to the majority of Zeng-Hu employees on Tattuqig, and as a side-effect, this means that Sura'zlip is considerably safer and more developed as the megacorporation wishes to protect its primary investment here.
Its importance to Zeng-Hu's presence on the planet also means that the actual colonists of Tattuqig are a minority within the village; the majority of those living here are Zeng-Hu employees, and most work opportunities in the region are only available for those that take Zeng-Hu contracts. This arrangement disgruntled many, who felt as if they were being pushed out of their home and exploited. This eventually led many of the original inhabitants of Sura'zlip to leave for other settlements, and became one of the reasons for the establishment of the Fog Wardens, a group founded by those who left Sura'zlip.
Tattuqig's northeastern island has a large mesa that overshadows it, which made for an ideal landing site when the colony began. The mesa now hosts the city of Tartok'qlip, a sprawling town that has become the lifeline between Tattuqig and the rest of the Federation. The elevation makes the mesa relatively clear of fog, and the terrain is suitable enough for ships to land without difficulty compared to elsewhere on the planet, making Tartok'qlip the obvious choice for a spaceport.
The ships used are civilian vessels that could be found anywhere else in the Federation, except heavily modified to accommodate for Tattuqig's electromagnetic field. These ships sacrifice mobility and most electrical systems in exchange for being able to operate on Tattuqig, and will ferry goods and passengers between incoming vessels and the planet. Their use outside of this is limited due to safety concerns regarding their lack of onboard systems, and there has been no attempt to use the ships for cross-planetary travel.
Tartok'qlip is considered tied with Sura'zlip as being one of the better places to live on the planet, with those wishing to avoid the corporate influences of the Mo'qa'Noa region coming here instead. Job opportunities are lacking however as the city and its surrounding communities are geared towards supporting the spaceport and not much else. With that said, Tartok'qlip does have a service industry that caters to visitors, typically corporate or Federation representatives that have come to oversee one of the many archaeological projects currently underway on Tattuqig.
Ubulreak'qwip can be found within a valley on the westernmost island of the planet. The settlement is mostly inhabited by xenobiologists who wish to study the native Fog Crawlers, due to the density of their population within the valley and the surrounding area. Both Zeng-Hu and Federation scientists can be found here, with a lot of the research done focusing on the Fog Crawler's use of psionics.
The city was where the existence of the Fog Crawler was confirmed, and where the most suffering was experienced in the months preceding their discovery; the large population of Fog Crawlers in the valley means that even today the city sees the most Fog Crawler attacks out of any other settlement, which influenced the Ubulreak Corps to establish their headquarters here.
While Ublureak'qwip is considered the southernmost point where living on the island is possible, there are often excursions into the valley or the surrounding area. These excursions are normally performed by Ublureak Corps looking to train recruits, but scientists are known to organise their own expeditions - although even then they are escorted by Corpsmen, who are trained specifically to combat Fog Crawlers and other threats posed by the native wildlife.
Holai Bay
Holai Bay is a large coastal region close to Ublureak'qwip. The Bay has very little fog preventing travel or permanent habitation within it, which has allowed the establishment of a port that connects the island to the rest of Tattuqig. Other than the port, the location has several small villages and outposts dotted along its coastline, making it one of the more populous regions of the island. Holai Bay was affected greatly by the exodus of Skrell headed by Weibii in 2463, with many of the settlements that were abandoned due to lack of essential workers located in the bay area.
Kanosak Point
To the north of the same island as Ublureak'qwip, there is a vast mountain range known as the Kanosak Mountains. The tallest is Kanosak Point, a dormant volcano which at its base holds one of the most intact ruins currently known on Tattuqig. The fog around Kanosak Point is thick, and the surrounding terrain makes it nearly impossible to travel to. The ruins are so vast that when the fog recedes, they can just be observed from the nearby Holai Bay.
Founding Day - Compared to planets found within the inner systems, Tattuqig's Founding Day celebrations are quite humble; the planet is poorer than most, with the only two cities being able to properly celebrate being Tartok'qlip and Sura'zlip. Celebrations usually involve local gatherings in one of the communal buildings, where colonists will share food and celebrate. In Tartok'qlip, festivities are considerably more extravagant, with decorations and art displays being common ways of celebrating. Despite its wealth, Sura'zlip's festivities are practically non-existent due to the village only having a small number of colonists, and the Zeng-Hu employees living here not being locals to the planet.
Lu'Nioh-Weibii - Translated to "Stardust of Weibii", this holiday marks Kal'Qi Weibii's exodus to the Republic of Biesel and those who left Tattuqig to join them. The name is derived from the relationship term of the same name and signifies that while no ill-will is held, the friends and family that left to join the exodus are no longer considered welcome to Tattuqig. Sky lanterns are constructed that day, while the actual ceremony is performed at night. The lanterns are lit and are observed as they float off into the night's sky, representing the exodus and the perceived abandonment of those who stayed on Tattuqig.
Paalq'triq - Directly translated to "Change of the Currents", Paalq'triq is a celebration of the end of the Qu-Paalq season and the start of the planet's Lu-Paalq season, when the sea weather becomes much calmer. The holiday is held mostly by coastal settlements, with Qaroq'xlip being the most notable. Festivities usually involve large gatherings along the coastline, with the larger settlements taking boats out into the water to celebrate. This time of year is also the start of Qaroq'xlip's work setting up buoys, allowing safe travel between the islands.
Tattuqig has a relatively small population in comparison to other colonies in the region as a result of its relatively recent establishment, along with living space being difficult to claim from the fog that encompasses the majority of the planet. The habitable parts of Tattuqig are usually small, isolated pockets that are clear of fog or have a minimal amount of fog through most of the year, and are therefore considered safe to inhabit. The majority of Skrell that were part of the initial colonisation effort were Xiialt, followed by Axiori, then finally by Xiiori.
Non-Skrell on Tattuqig consists mainly of Dionae who were part of the colonisation effort, with Human and Vaurca Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals employees making up the rest of the non-Skrell population. The non-Skrell population is significantly higher and more diverse on Tattuqig as a result of Zeng-Hu investment in the colony.
Skrell Demographics
Skrell make up roughly 81.7% of the total population. The percentages below are of the Skrell population only.
- Xiialt: 60.8%
- Axiori: 30.9%
- Xiiori: 8.3%
Non-Skrell Demographics
Non-Skrell make up roughly 18.3% of the total population. The percentages below are of the non-Skrell population only.
- Dionae: 60.8%
- Humans: 22.1%
- Vaurcae: 17.1%
Culture and Life on Tattuqig
The encapsulating fog that has enveloped Tattuqig, the extreme weather of its seas, and the abnormal electromagnetic activity of the planet have made life here vastly different from Skrell colonies found elsewhere in the Orion Spur. Travel options are limited by lack of access to technology and the dangers of the fog, resulting in settlements becoming isolated from one another. Population centres rely on a network of safe routes, known as Roaming Routes, that allow passage through the fog. These routes must be constantly maintained and patrolled by town militias or the Ublureak Corps as these routes can stretch for miles between populated areas, still making them dangerous for unaware travellers. This isolation can be felt most by those in charge of the planet, as they struggle to make do with couriers and less advanced technology to administrate Tattuqig.
The electromagnetic activity of the planet ensures that advanced technology is rare, forcing the planet to utilise simple mechanical technology rather than electronics. The natural gases found on the planet are used for lighting, simple automobiles may be used where the terrain allows it, and sea vessels using sail or primitive engines are commonplace. Advanced technology does exist here, although expensive to produce and relegated to areas that are absolutely critical for the continued existence of the colony. The most notable examples include the retrofitted space vessels used at Tartok'qlip's spaceport; slow, clunky, and missing equipment deemed critical for safe travel, these ships are used to ferry goods between space vessels and the planet. There are also the psionic beacons, devices used by some of the larger cities along their borders and stretches of the Roaming Routes to deter Fog Crawler activity.
Most cities and settlements across the planet are simple buildings made from local materials, typically stone or brick, and can reach up to four stories in height to offset the lack of space from the fog and the lack of visibility it can cause. The verticality of the cities allows for a larger population than what could be considered feasible, often having double or triple the number of inhabitants expected to live somewhere of a similar size. Most settlements are self-sufficient, bartering with nearby settlements for goods they cannot produce themselves. There are two exceptions to this: Tartok'qlip and Sura'zlip, which have both been able to reach standards similar to that of other cities in the Traverse but by different means.
The rest of the colony is considered poor and underdeveloped by Skrellian standards, and the lack of modern technology on the planet only further reinforces the stereotype of Tattuqigan Skrell being uneducated bumpkins. This is far from the truth, however, as the planet, its ruins, and its wildlife have attracted a number of scientists from many fields following its establishment even before the introduction of Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals. The ruins, in particular, have guaranteed Tattuqig's continued existence thanks to Zeng-Hu, which has helped fund and maintain the planet's archaeological sites as part of its deal with the Nralakk Federation. There are job opportunities for non-scientists wishing to take part in the archaeological studies too, with artefact hunters, explorers, and escorts all being in high demand by the scientific community of Tattuqig. While formally discouraged and even punishable by the Government on Tattuqig, its lack of reach across the islands have allowed independent ventures into the discovery and exploration of ruins to flourish as well. These groups tend to not last long, however, due to the hostile nature of the planet and Zeng-Hu's own enforcement of the law, which is often zealous to protect the megacorporation's interests.
Tattuqig's status as an underdeveloped colony stems from the Federation's "hands-off" policy when it comes to planets in the Traverse; while holding some scientific value thanks to its ruins, the colony, much like any other planet not within the inner systems, has been left to its own devices. While at first seen as a boon to the planet, the presence of Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals has done little to change its prospects. The megacorporation's one-sided policies, lack of involvement outside of Sura'zlip, and favouritism for its own scientific endeavours have ensured that some on Tattuqig resent the megacorp's presence. With that said, many also see them as an opportunity, taking on contracts with Zeng-Hu and transferring elsewhere in the hopes of a better life.
Despite its treatment by the Federation, Tattuqig's inhabitants by and large do support it. This is mostly the result of the effects of Weibii's exodus, which forced many of the smaller settlements to be abandoned as Skrell critical to their existence left the planet. The impact the exodus had on Tattuqig along with the fact that most who held anti-Federation beliefs left had inadvertently pushed the planet further into the Federation's arms. While by no means as loyal as the inner systems are to the Federation, Tattuqig sees their own leaving for the exodus as a betrayal, and by extension considers themselves as Lu'Nioh to the Lyukal.
Roaming Routes
The Roaming Routes is a network of passages that allow safe, unrestricted travel through the fog. These paths change throughout the year, with new paths becoming available as the fog recesses or closing as the fog becomes heavier in an area. Lampposts using the bright flame produced from the gas of the Screaming Bulbs illuminate these routes and are bright enough to cut through the fog, providing more visibility for travellers using them. psionic beacons are used extensively by the Skrell of Tattuqig to deter Fog Crawler activity near the paths, and city guards are a regular sight as they patrol the paths. While the routes are safer, they are not entirely without danger; sections of the routes closest to settlements are well protected and maintained, but long stretches of the routes do not receive the same amount of attention. These sections are prone to Fog Crawler incursion as broken beacons go without replacement, visibility becomes reduced as lampposts aren't refuelled, and the further away from civilisation you are the lower your chances of seeing a patrol. These areas rely on the Ublureak Corps to keep them maintained and protected.
Travel on the Roaming Routes can be done through automobile or foot, although the lack of automobiles for most means that the latter is more common. Some stretches of the routes can go for miles before nearing civilisation, which has influenced the creation of bothies along these routes. Bothies are primitive shelters which act as accommodation for travellers, giving them safe shelter as they make their journey, and can vary wildly in size or quality. Travelling by foot for long distances is seen as too dangerous, making these bothies a welcome sight for someone finding themselves walking the Roaming Routes.
Outside of the Roaming Routes, "unofficial" paths do exist, which cut right through the fog rather than relying on pockets where the fog is light. These paths can cut travel times in half in some cases, but have poor visibility, poor terrain, and no psionic beacons. These paths are only known by a few, usually the more criminal elements of Tattuqig society. A guide is normally required for those wishing to use an unofficial path; also known as Psionic Sherpas, these guides make a hefty profit from those who require a quicker - or less patrolled - route to their destination.
Fog Wardens
Fog Wardens is the collective term for those on Tattuqig dedicating themselves to protecting the planet from who they see as "outsiders" that wish to exploit it and its inhabitants. While those who helped found the movement had Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals' impact on Sura'zlip in mind, the movement has members who will work against the Federation's own efforts on the planet and even against locals who are involved.
Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals entered an agreement with the Nralakk Federation soon after first contact with Humanity. This agreement allowed the megacorp to study the wildlife on Tattuqig and conduct its own archaeological research, but in exchange, Zeng-Hu was to fund all research conducted on the planet. Zeng-Hu quickly agreed to the deal and saw Sura'zlip and its surrounding ruins as a perfect place for it to establish its base of operations on Tattuqig. Sura'zlip soon saw itself turning from a poor village to becoming a centre for scientific research into the original inhabitants of the planet. It soon became apparent that this rapid growth was more for the benefit of Zeng-Hu than the original inhabitants; more investment was made in Zeng-Hu affairs in the village, with buildings and infrastructure focusing on what was needed for their operations rather than to help the village as a whole, and most work opportunities were only available to those that took Zeng-Hu contracts. The arrangement made the Tattuqigan Skrell living here disgruntled, and many felt compelled to leave their home.
Those that left told their story and many agreed that what happened to Sura'zlip was an outrage, only feeling more strongly on the matter when Federation officials responded with indifference to the issue; despite the villagers' feelings, the Federation saw no issue with what they saw as subsidised development of one of their colonies and saw the complaints as just another form of anti-Federation sentiment. The lack of support compelled these Tattuqigans to take matters into their own hands, leading to the official founding of Fog Wardens. These groups vary on aims and methods, but all campaign against foreign involvement in or the exploitation of Tattuqig and its resources. The more peaceful groups will take to peaceful demonstrations, petitioning cities to invest more resources into overseeing Zeng-Hu or Federation research teams, and attempting to recruit more Skrell into their movement. Militant groups exist but are ostracised by the rest of the Fog Wardens for their violent methods, which include attacking researchers and destroying dig sites.
Ublureak Corps
The Ublureak Corps is an official organisation established to protect the settlements from intrusions by Fog Crawlers or other predators, patrolling and maintaining the Roaming Routes, and escorting scientists on their expeditions into the swamps of Tattuqig. The Corps takes its name from Ublureak'qwip, a city that experienced the most Fog Crawler attacks before their discovery and even today sees a higher-than-average number of Fog Crawler-related incidents due to their high population in the area. The city was chosen as the Ublureak Corps' headquarters and is where the Corps trains recruits and plans its operations throughout the planet. The Ublureak Corps' corpsmen will typically work in teams of three while deployed, with most citizens observing them as they travel between the villages; large sections of the Roaming Routes can be miles away from civilisation, leaving it up to the Corps to patrol and maintain these stretches as settlements are either unable or unwilling to do it themselves.
The scientific community of Tattuqig regularly interacts with the Ublureak Corps as well, hiring them as escorts as they travel to remote dig sites; the scientists at Ublureak'qwip itself enjoy having ready access to corpsmen for escorts, an arrangement that benefits the Corps as they are able to use these expeditions as training exercises for their recruits. The organisation also performs its own training excursions into the valley close to Ublureak'qwip, usually with the aim of monitoring Fog Crawler activity or culling the population if needed.
The Ublureak Corps emphasises survival in its members, teaching recruits how to use the terrain, flora and fauna, and the fog to their advantage. Most members of the corps will know how to extract the paralytic agent from the fruit of the Hanging Pendula, which is used by the group to great effect on Fog Crawlers. Recruiting standards are strict due to the dangerous nature of the group's mission, with many Skrell looking to join being rejected for one reason or another. This is not seen as a failure, however, as those who aren't accepted have still been taught some of the skill required to survive in the wilds of Tattuqig. The act of signing up with the Ublureak Corps is seen as a rite of passage on the planet, with being accepted into its ranks being seen as a bonus.