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Throughout the [[Skrell Refugees|tumultuous events]], Skrell were divided and sent to various cities across Tau Ceti. Majority of the [[Skrell Refugees|refugees]] found themselves assigned to the port city of District Eight within [[Mendell City]], mostly set up in hastily built habitation units provided by either Hephaestus Industries or NanoTrasen Corporation. A majority of these habitation units often float above the water of Severson's Rift with parts of them even being submerged to accommodate the Skrell biology. Towards the ports of Severson's Rift, habitation units can also be seen stacked on one another to create rudimentary high-rises that host entire family units. Most habitation units are outfitted with gardens, showing a stunning display of hues when witnessed from above.

Those settled within the region have begun to refer to the transitory refugee camp as the '''“Starlight Zone”''' due to the lack of established residencies in the district and its lowered light pollution, allowing the observation of constellations and other orbital bodies residing with Tau Ceti. Many Skrell who are not refugees also find themselves attracted to this location; often buying out nicer high-rises and flats that refugees cannot afford.
=Generation Fleets=

==Demographics and Living Conditions==
The Skrell have utilised Generation Ships for long-distance colonisation since they began to explore outside of their solar system. These ships come in a large variety of designs depending on which era of Skrell history they were built, but all of them were built with self-sufficiency and low maintenance costs in mind. These ships are typically designed to traverse space for centuries, and are given the tools and resources needed to ensure the ship and its passengers arrive at their intended destination with little to no outside support. To prevent health issues related to zero-gravity environments and to ensure that Skrell aboard these vessels would be able to live on a planet once the journey was complete, all Generation Ships were outfitted with gravity generators, providing a gravity similar to the gravity found on Qerrbalak. [[Jargon_Federation#Civilian_Classes|Modern Generation Ships]] are based on the standard Ovlolis design, containing all the equipment needed to survive a long-distance journey and to construct the beginnings of a colony once landing at its destination.
The Starlight Zone is almost entirely made up of Skrell; [[Skrell_Ethnicities|Xiialt, Axiori, and Xiiori]] alike. However, there may be a handful of organics that stay within the zone at any given time. Whether this is due to the extremely cheap housing or the lax policing is up for debate. The Starlight Zone is almost entirely devoid of [[IPC]].

===Lekan Village (Above-Water)===
Most Generation Ships were organised into large groups, known as Generation Fleets, and were accompanied by a military escort that would protect them from any potential threats as they make their journey. The majority of these fleets were intended to only make a single journey, while smaller fleets were meant to make multiple trips. The type of mission assigned to each fleet was dependent on factors such as distance between its origin planet and the target for colonisation, the intended population of the new colony, and the size of the fleet itself.
'''Lekan Village''' has become the informal name of the above-water areas of the Starlight Zone. Inhabitants view this portion of the Starlight Zone as an extension of the larger Lekan District that the Starlight Zone occupies. Naturalization is heavily emphasized among the Lekan Village occupants and it's inhabitants are more open to the ideals and mindset of Biesel culture. Communication between the Lekan Village and the greater Lekan District is seamless as the Xii'Eyes neighborhood watch coordinates extensively with the border guards. Lekan Village mainly houses Xiialt and some Xiiori but it would not be uncommon to see an occasional Axiori or non-Skrell. Occupants of the Lekan Village will often stay above-water unless hydration is needed.

''Lekan Village has a tenuous relationship with Severson City due to differing ideals and cultural clashes. Occupants of each city often get into various arguments surrounding local politics and culture.''
There are fleets today that have been active since the pre-Glorsh era of Skrell history, with some continuing to be active even after the Second Jargon Federation was established. These Fleets, for one reason or another, were unable to continue their mission and instead found themselves roaming the Traverse with their passengers deciding to make the ships their permanent home. Reasons differ between fleets, but most modern fleets will blame the [[Skrell_Synthetic_Age|rise to power of Glorsh-Omega]] over Skrellkind; the Intelligence’s rise to power resulted in a complete loss of communication between the Generation Fleets and the Jargon Federation as it seized the primary communications hub on Qerrbalak, causing the Generation Fleets to fall into disarray as they initially believed that a Federation-wide calamity destroyed their species. The Fleets quickly enacted protocols for events where they would be completely cut off from the Federation, and spent most of Glorsh-Omega’s reign hiding within the Traverse. These Fleets would stay mobile rather than risk being found by the Intelligence by carrying out their original mission.
[[File:Starlight Zone Flag.png|thumb|right|The flag of the Starlight Zone. Red symbolizing Lekan Village and Blue symbolizing Severson City.]]
===Severson City (Below-Water)===
'''Severson City''' has become the informal name of the below-water areas of the Starlight Zone. Multiple entrances to Severson City can be found in the form of manholes throughout Lekan Village. This area of the Starlight Zone is named after the body of water that it resides in. Occupants of Severson City emphasize strong connections to Jargon culture; often only eating [[Skrell Cuisine|Skrell cuisine]] and speaking Nral'Malic exclusively. Severson City also has a much higher crime rate than Lekan Village due to the disconnect with Mendell law enforcement. The Quix-Collective is theorized to have their main headquarters in Severson City. Severson City mainly houses Axiori and some Xiiori but it would not be uncommon to see an occasional Xiialt. Occupants of Severson City will often stay below-water unless they need to exit the Starlight Zone through the official border.

''Severson City is completely closed off to non-Skrell.''
After the Jargon Federation was re-established, many of these Fleets were discovered and were quickly reintegrated into the greater Federation as the intact records and technology they held became rare after Glorsh-Omega took over. With this said, there were also multiple Fleets that are still considered missing or were confirmed destroyed, either due to being discovered by Glorsh-Omega, natural hazards such as meteor showers, or through lack of resources eventually forcing them to scuttle their ships. There are also a small number of these old Generation Fleets that are still active in the modern-day, with their own reasons for not reintegrating back into the Federation.  

===Disease Outbreak===
Collectively, the active members of these Generation Fleets are known as ‘Genners’, and their personality, culture, and personal beliefs will depend on which Fleet they belong to. With that said, there are a few constants; Genners can typically be spotted wearing what would be considered ‘vintage’ clothing as a result of the long period of time spent separated from the rest of Skrell society, their clothing style being an indicator of what era in Skrell history the Fleet was in operation. Genners are also known to hold beliefs that for their time were considered the norm, while today are seen as regressive - and in some cases even antithetical to current Skrell ideology. Genners who have reintegrated back into Federation society will usually be enrolled into a civics course to help their transition to regular life in a Federation vastly different from the one they left or were taught about.
[[Skrell_Ailments#Red_Spotted_Fever|Red Spotted Fever]] is a fairly common ailment plaguing those born in the [[Skrell_Culture|Radiant Era]] who reside in the Starlight Zone. Due to the close quarters of the zone, Skrell are often isolated in makeshift clinics when affected by the fever; only being allowed to see family and friends once fully healed. It is speculated that the Skrell cuisine, [[Skrell_Cuisine|Fjylozn]], that is grown and prepared in Severson's Rift is at a higher risk of carrying the bacteria responsible for the Red Spotted Fever. Neighborhood watches are investigating certain market stalls that seem to be ground zero for the spread of the disease and they are promising that health and safety standards will be brought up to par. As of now Fjylozn is still being prepared and sold within the Starlight Zone; however, one must be wary of prices that seem exorbitantly cheap as more often than not the cook has cut corners and prepared the meal inadequately.

==Notable Generation Fleets==
The Starlight Zone finds itself as the host of many different cultures; some native to Jargon and others entirely new. Skrell who are not employed will frequently find themselves taking on a merchantlike role within the zone; haggling with outsiders and then selling their goods in makeshift stalls both above and below-water. Unemployed Skrell who do not have the social skills to become merchants may find themselves joining scavenger units that scour District Eight and Severson's Rift for long forgotten scrap while others become fisherman who sell their catches to local chefs. Those with culinary skills may even open up a restaurant stall that boasts a wide variety of Skrell cuisine. Overall, the layout of the Starlight Zone is akin to a large village. The above-water areas as well as the below-water areas are speckled with small plazas, gardens, and habitation modules that make the Starlight Zone feel compact and busy.

===Cross-Subspecies Hostility===
These Fleets are no longer active and are considered notable for the Skrell because of the story behind their original mission or their rediscovery.
Due to the strict divides between Severson City and Lekan Village it is not uncommon for tempers to flair between Axiori and Xiialt inhabitants. Most of the arguments and disputes between Starlight Zone occupants can be compared to competitive banter but physical altercations can also arise. However, if a Skrell is not actively looking to engage in debate and is respectful of an area's culture then they will generally go unnoticed and unharmed. The neighborhood watch groups further encourage this divide by frequently plastering posters showing the opposite organization as inept; these posters are mainly used to garner support and donations from their respective occupants. Should an occupant of the Lekan Village be apprehended by a Severson City neighborhood watch (or vice-versa) the punishment will be more severe. This has lead to the neighborhood watches negotiating on their respective occupant's behalf for better treatment when being apprehended.

===Qyu’Bleq - ‘The Starlight Explorers’===
*Skrell within the Starlight Zone will often '''swim and footrace''' competitively. The races often take place in a public garden or underwater stretch of road with spectators spanning the entire length. These sporting events are split into two different classes, Xiialt and Axiori, with prizes ranging from a free meal at one of the local food stalls to Credits. The current winner of the official monthly race will also be given the Axic Cup - a large trophy named after the character Axic from [[Skrell_Culture#Swimstars|Swimstars]]. Should the current holder of the Axic Cup be beaten in the next monthly race they will then relinquish the reward. Winners of the larger tournaments often become a local [[Skrell_Culture#Idols|idol]]; causing extreme amounts of competitiveness within the community. It is not uncommon to see Skrell training publicly by running or swimming as fast as they can within the Starlight Zone. The local competitiveness surrounding these events has also caused an uptick in gyms being built within the zone. Gyms are often owned by neighborhood watch groups and have a membership fee for those who are not part of the neighborhood watch.

*Another sport that has raised in popularity within the Starlight Zone is '''Puq'ei Disc''' and arenas are solely located in Severson City. Puq'ei disc is a team-based sports game that normally sees 4 players on each team fighting over possession of a disc-like frisbee with teams being defined by colored uniformed. The playing field for puq'ei disc has a goal zone on each side with obstacles free-floating within the arena; this allows players to grab and push off of obstacles to increase their maneuverability. Throwing the disc into a goal from more than 10m away constitutes a longshot and is awarded 3 points- a shot from within 10m is only 2 points. Contestants will wear specialized suits that give them perfect buoyancy, allowing them to glide throughout the water with ease. Something to note is that Puq'ei disc is also a full contact sport allowing tackling and light blows to the body. However, it would be wise to have a referee on-hand to call out egregious plays. This sport was invented for below-water play, but some speculate that zero-g play is possible.
Qyu’Bleq, or ‘The Starlight Explorers’ was originally an exploration fleet created post-Glorsh with the specific goal of reuniting planets and systems with the Federation. The Fleet carried with it mobile communication units, Nlom beacons, and other resources necessary to assist the re-establishment of communications between these fragmented planets and the greater Jargon Federation. The Qyu’Bleq left port in '''2210 CE''', and it was expected to finish its first mission by '''2215'''.

Halfway through its journey to the Zeiqi-Trqn region, the Fleet suddenly stopped broadcasting back home. A response fleet consisting of military vessels was sent to its last known location, with officials at the time believing that they were destroyed by a remnant of Glorsh or by a previously uncontacted successor state, but no signs of the fleet or a battle were found. Decades later, in '''2256 CE''' a transport fleet came across a signal coming from what was considered an uninhabited planet within the Zeiqi-Trqn region and reported it to Federation authorities. Expecting an unsanctioned colony or a Marauder base, the Qukala was sent to find the source of the signal, but when the scouting party made landfall they discovered a small colony of Skrell wearing science uniforms and living in houses made from scrap metal. The inhabitants of the colony were quick to explain their situation, and that they were what was left of the Qyu’Bleq exploration fleet.  
Skrell within the Starlight Zone are often fond of human-made teledramas as well as some classics from [[Skrell Cinematography|Jargon]]. Skrell can often be seen crowded around a television unit with multiple family members and friends to watch reruns of Swimstars as well as some local human shows. Televisions are not prominent in the Starlight Zone which leads to large viewing parties whenever new episodes are released. These viewing parties will often take place in the common area of a habitation unit or within a public merchant stall.  

Another favored pastime within the zone would be competitive e-sports. Due to the mandate that forces Skrell refugee to join the [[Tau Ceti Foreign Legion]]; the videogame played on the [[Human_Entertainment_Media#Republic_of_Biesel|NT-Game! system, Foreign Legionnaire: Heroes of Tau Ceti,]] has seen a rise in popularity within the Starlight Zone. Many Skrell will hold local competitions and boast their competitive ranking and it would not be uncommon to see Skrell wager Credits during "1 vs 1" matches. Many members of the Starlight Zone have even started betting on the outcome of popular matches; something that the Quix-Collective is more than happy to assist in.
The fleet had encountered a strong ion storm halfway through their journey, strong enough that it completely destroyed their more sensitive equipment, which included the ship's own communication equipment, the communications equipment they were transporting, and most of their navigational equipment. The fleet's commander at the time attempted to salvage the operation and gave the order to continue their journey by normal travel. Most of the ruined equipment was repurposed, with salvageable materials used to maintain their critical systems such as air filtration, and makeshift hydroponics systems were built to help maintain stable levels of oxygen within the ships. Unfortunately, these ships were not designed for long-term flight, and over the years the fleet was forced to scuttle one ship after another as fuel and other supplies began to run out. What could be salvaged from a failing ship was brought onto those still operational, and the crew spread across the rest of the fleet to prevent overcrowding.

==Crime and Policing==
By the end of their journey, the Qyu’Bleq was just one ship, which due to overcrowding, failing systems, and low fuel reserves, eventually forced the crew to make an emergency landing on the nearest hospitable planet. The state of the ship meant that it was unable to survive the landing, however, with sections of the ship breaking apart as they entered the planet's atmosphere. By the survivors' account, they had spent an estimated six years in space before being forced to land around the year '''2216''', just a year after they were expected to finish their original mission.
[[File:Zrosian Watch.jpg|200px|thumb|right|An example of Pro-Zrosian Watch propaganda frequently found in Severson City.]][[File:Xii'Eyes Propaganda Poster.png|200px|thumb|right|An example of Pro-Xii'Eyes propaganda frequently found in Lekan Village.]]
''Kalq'Qi Weibii oversees the Starlight Zone as the honorary Rift Watcher.''  

Most comings and goings are closely monitored by a checkpoint on the main entrance road. Those that do not live within the Starlight Zone are required to carry a visitor permit. The permit is not too difficult to obtain, and really only requires a visit to a government registry building. The permit system is designed to deter security incidents, and help authorities monitor the population. Skrell citizens of the Starlight Zone will carry a residency permit that is distinct from a visitor permit. Due to the irregular shape of the Starlight Zone as well as access by Severson's Rift, there are several “unofficial” sites across its boundary fences and water borders that allow individuals to pass seamlessly and without worry. This also allows [[Qerr'Malic|Xu'Xi gas]] smugglers in and out of the Starlight Zone with relative ease. These entrances are a well-known secret among the populace of the Starlight Zone and the land paths are often hidden by scrap collected throughout District Eight.
The survivors of the fleet unanimously agreed to be transported off the planet and to go back to their friends and family. The bodies of those lost in the crash, along with the bodies of those who died in the forty-year interim that were recoverable, are now interred within a mausoleum on [[Qerrbalak]], built on the outskirts of Gialok as a memorial to their sacrifice to the Federation. Many of the surviving crew today have been employed by the Federation to teach the various branches of the Kala in survival tactics, where their experience is used to teach new recruits some of the ‘unorthodox’ survival techniques that they employed.

===Neighborhood Watches===
===Lu’Pliuop - ‘The Adrift Generation’===
Aside from the border checkpoints there is little policing actually done within the Starlight Zone due to the general landscape and underwater portions of the zone. This has lead to organizations akin to neighborhood watches rising in popularity. These neighborhood watch groups often clash on who has "jurisdiction" of specific areas. However, it is commonly accepted that the '''Zrosian Watch''' has jurisdiction of the submerged areas while the '''Xii'Eyes''' keep track of the above-water areas.

====Zrosian Watch====
Originally named the Qu’Pliuop, or ‘The Starbound Generation’,  this Generation Fleet was one of the first fleets sent out after Tresja Agreement. In '''2250 CE''' the Fleets mission was to help repopulate some of the most depopulated planets of the Pluat Ven’qop region of the Traverse, with a planned charter of sixteen trips before being retired. During its tenth trip, the fleet and its military escort sent an unintelligible transmission before ceasing all communications. Its location at the time was unknown, and attempts to follow its predicted path were unsuccessful in locating the fleet.
This neighborhood watch is made up almost exclusively of Axiori and Xiiori due to their quick response speed within the submerged areas of '''Severson City'''. Members of the Xii'Eyes often find themselves arriving to submerged crime scenes minutes behind members of the Zrosian Watch. This has allowed the Zrosian Watch to monopolize the submerged areas of the Starlight Zone. The Zrosian Watch's name relates to the [[Skrell_Ethnicities#Psionic_Differences|Zrose Graph]]; implying that the Zrosian Watch is more psionically capable than the Xii'Eyes. The Zrosian Watch operates with town halls being the deciding factor when it comes to procedures and planning.

Two centuries later in '''2450''', two hundred years after the fleet's launch, the Lu’Qyu was tasked with finding out the fate of the Qu’Pliuop, and hoping for an outcome similar to the Qyu’Bleq, recovering any survivors. Fourteen months into their mission, the Lu’Qyu were exploring a sector on the outer reaches of the system the Qu’Pliuop was predicted to be in before contact was lost, far away from any previously predicted flight paths it may have taken. As they were about to finalise their report and declare this sector as cleared, they came across a debris field hidden within an asteroid belt. Sending a probe, they were able to confirm that the wreckage was what was left of the Qu’Pliuop, and spent days exploring what they could for signs of survivors. Their report back to Federation authorities described the state of the wreckage as a ‘graveyard, but with no bodies’; the remains of the ships were devoid of any biological matter, with most of their systems either destroyed or missing entirely, and with large sections unaccounted for even after reconstruction simulations were made.  
This neighborhood watch is made up almost exclusively of Xiialt becuase the biological differences of the Xiialt make them more adept at responding to crimes in '''Lekan Village'''. Members of the Xii'Eyes also find themselves working with border guards quite frequently; making them, in their own eyes, the official neighborhood watch of the Starlight Zone. Due to a large portion of Xii'Eyes showing up to crime scenes they are commonly referred to as the "General Infantry" of the above-water. Currently all decisions are made by the the Xii'Eyes' leader; '''Pex Qu'Oiualoi'''.

Due to the mysterious nature of the fleet’s fate, and wanting to prevent widespread panic within its population, the Jargon Federation attempted to suppress the facts regarding the fate of the Qu’Pliuop; the Federation made an official statement that a freak accident caused the fleet to veer off-course and into a nearby gas giant, making the ships and crew unrecoverable. Leaked footage from the initial probe scan, along with statements from anonymous Lu’Qyu crewmembers, eventually found its way onto the extranet, with a sizeable number of Skrell being exposed to this information on sites such as Viv-ID before Federation authorities could scrub it.  
[[Qerr%27Malic#Gasriders|Gasriders]] of the Starlight Zone partake in the smuggled Xu'Xi gasses that are natural to [[Qerr'Malic]]'s core. However, the legitimacy of these smuggled gasses are questionable; many of the shipments are speculated to cheap synthetic knock-offs that achieve the same effect at the cost of a nastier hangover. Those under the effects of smuggled Xu'Xi gasses will often have increased tear secretion, feelings of euphoria, and frequent black outs within their memories. Due to the widespread importation of Xu'Xi gas and the sub-optimal living conditions of the Starlight Zone many Skrell find themselves addicted. Possession of Xu'Xi gas capsules is considered a crime and neighborhood watches will often seek out supposed dealers. Neighborhood watches have also attempted to crack down on the import of smuggled Xu'Xi gas by members of the [[Marauders#Ti.27Rakqi|Ti'Rakqi]]; those caught importing will often be turned over to the border guards. The Gasrider community has a growing presence, despite the local authority's best efforts, and being under the influence of Xu'Xi gas itself is not a crime.

''See Related Page: [[Skrell_Culture#Typical_Skrell_Slang|Typical Skrell Slang]]''
The leaked documents have led to a large conspiracy theory community becoming prominent on the fringes of the extranet; dubbing the fleet the Lu’Pliuop, or ‘The Adrift Generation’, many theories regarding what happened to the fleet have been developed. Some of the more obscure theories regarding the fate of the Qu’Pliuop include a Penuma gestalt consuming the crew, similar to what happened during first contact with the species a decade before the fleet’s disappearance, or some sort of unknown xenofauna attack. Some suggest more ‘grounded’ theories, with some theorists believing that the attack came from the Lii’dra or pirates. The Federation is quick to blacklist sites that host these conspiracy theories within Jargon space, stating that these conspiracy theories do nothing but emotionally harm the relatives and descendants of those lost. In actuality, however, the Jargon Federation monitors these sites and purges them once a member of the community posts the original leaked documents.

===Organized Crime===
==Active Generation Fleets==
While smaller, petty crime happens regularly in the Starlight Zone there seems to be an overarching group who oversees the more lucrative aspects. The '''Quix-Collective''' oversees multiple operations throughout the Starlight Zone; including but not limited to- [[Federation_Enforcement#Narcotics_Production|Uoo’qui Xuqi and Co’qnixq Wuxi]] smuggling, Xu'Xi gas smuggling, racketeering, gambling, and some even speculate that they control the neighborhood watches and quite possibly the Rift Watcher herself. It is not uncommon to see enforcers walking or swimming from business to business wearing their signature black slacks, pastel dress shirts, and dark purple armbands. The Quix-Collective is not inherently more synthphobic when compared to the average Skrell and most will not attack a synthetic without valid cause. While the lower level thugs of the Quix-Collective can commonly be seen, the inner workings of the organization are a mystery. Even enforcers who were apprehended by the neighborhood watch had little information regarding their superiors. The neighborhood watches have learned that their orders are delivered anonymously or through a complex series of middlemen- making all efforts to apprehend the criminals a lost cause. The supposed boss of the Quix-Collective is known only as '''Quix'''.

===[https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/16716-mendell-city-bugle/?do=findComment&comment=155113 The Siege of Lekan]===
These Fleets for one reason or another have decided to stay active, with some being declared Marauders by the Jargon Government as they declined to reintegrate fully into Jargon society.
On February 9th, 2464 the events that lead to the Siege of Lekan started when the Trinary Integrationist missionary named XUD-0770 was brutally beaten by members of the Quix-Collective. The Trinary Perfection responded saying that, “[we] will not harm the inhabitants of the Starlight Zone… But we can not let our anguish go unanswered. We will protest at the gates of Lekan Village until Mendell City cracks down on anti-synthetic actions citywide; not just in the Starlight Zone. Any synthetic rights activists are encouraged to join us on this endeavor. Hopefully both parties can acknowledge the wrongdoings of the Quix-Collective and justice can be delivered for XUD-0770, as well as other synthetics that were not fortunate enough to even appear in the public eye during their time of need.” Makeshift barricades were piled in front of the border wall’s gates and the iconic black halos of the Trinary Exclusionists were spotted within the crowd.  

The neighborhood watch also had shipments of ion weaponry arrive early that morning thanks to what is believed to be the cooperation of the Quix-Collective.  During this time, all primary and secondary exits of the border have been shut down to civilian traffic and local authorities recommended that residents of the Starlight Zone utilize the water entrances into Severson City. However, seemingly under the commands of J0-5EF, a group of protestors, both Exclusionist and not, breached the border wall, causing conflicts to break out within the streets of Lekan Village. This all happened while Kalq’Qi Weibii and leading neighborhood watch correspondents were meeting with the Trinary Perfection. This timing placed the neighborhood watch on the spot; without their commanding members the neighborhood watch fell back on the expertise of the MCPD. Some members of the Quix-Collective were also spotted in the fray. Ion and blaster fire rang out from inside the Starlight Zone while young Skrell fled to Severson City’s murky depths away from the violence.
===The Prescient Republic of the Qar - ‘The Sea Sluggers’===

Around 4:00 in the morning Mendell City Police were able to stop what some residents of the Starlight Zone called “hell on earth”. Homes invaded and burned to the ground, elderly residents beaten, and children wandering throughout the city scared and lost. When the combat stopped the number of injured was still unknown, reaching close to sixty with more exact numbers being unknown. There were seven confirmed Skrell deaths with three positronics being beaten beyond repair.
[[The_Prescient_Republic_of_the_Qar|The Prescient Republic of the Qar]] is a relatively small Generation Fleet that has declared independence from the Jargon Federation after recontact was made in '''2241 CE'''. The fleet follows a strict theocratic system from its original flagship ‘The Qar’Jarq’, known today simply as ‘Qar’. The Fleet strictly enforces the following of ‘Univalvism’, a faith that was established on the Generation Fleet somewhere between its disappearance in '''2241''' and its rediscovery in '''2245'''.

Kalq’Qi Weibii, along with the neighborhood watch correspondents, brokered a deal with the Synthetic Salvation Church. The Starlight Zone accepted a donation on behalf of the Trinary Perfectionist movement to help rebuild the buildings that were destroyed and Kalq’Qi Weibii herself helped offset the costs of XUD-0770’s repair. Due to her strong negotiation skills and level-headedness, Kalq’Qi Weibii was appointed by the Mendell City Police Department as de facto liaison of the Starlight Zone. While the title is not “official” both neighborhood watches agreed to recognize the position and designated the title of “Rift Watcher” onto her as well.
Today the Fleet is host to a large number of ships that were not originally a part of it. Refugees fleeing persecution, would-be marauders and other criminal groups have found themselves joining the fleet for security and its isolationist policy towards the Jargon Federation in particular. The crew of these more recent additions to the PRQ are more likely to be ejected from the fleet due to the PRQ’s views on piety and social conformity, where strict adherence to Univalvism and social norms are paramount in their society. Compared to the original members of the fleet, especially the Qar, the crew of these newer ships are less concerned with religion, and will typically only pay lip service to the Univalvist faith. As many of these outsiders were part of a Marauder group before joining the Generation Fleet, the PRQ has been colloquially named ‘The Sea Sluggers’, a mostly derogatory name based on popular beliefs and rumours regarding the Univalvist’s worship of a slug-like creature and the Fleets association with criminally-inclined Skrell.

Mendell City Police Department also allotted a permanent detachment to accompany the border wall to deter further incidents. The entry points to Lekan Village were closed to visitors for the following week and only card-holding residents were allowed pass. The Trinary Exclusionist priest known as J0-5EF is still wanted on charges of incitement and manslaughter. MCPD had upwards of twenty rioters in holding directly after the siege. The exact culprits of the killings within the Starlight Zone are unknown and information is being actively sought out by both city and local authorities.
The PRQ is a topic of heated discussion within the Jargon Federation, as there is little known about the Fleet. Members of the Fleet that venture out into the Spur are rare and are typically unwilling to divulge much about the inner-workings of the Fleets organisation, faith, or culture.

====Synthetic Discrimination====
===Zi'Pluax - ‘The Fleet of the Srom’===
If an IPC or synthetic were to wander into the Starlight Zone then they would find themselves heavily discriminated against or even outright attacked. Most refugees, like those from Jargon, are incredibly discriminatory against IPC, synthetics, and AI due to [[Skrell History]]. Synthetics are now barred from entry into the Starlight Zone due to the Siege of Lekan.
'''The Fleet of the Srom''' was rediscovered in '''2460''' and is a generation fleet that launched in the year 2032. Upon recontacting the Zi'Pluax, Jargon Qukala members were surprised to find more than half of its members asleep within cryostorage with a small number of stewards attending to the helm, cryogenic bay, and hydroponics garden. Members of the bridge crew were shocked to see the Qukala and relayed that shortly after the launch of the Zi'Pluax they experienced a major systematic failure in the majority of their equipment, including hydroponics and communication terminals; the sudden failure caused the fleet to lose the ability to sustain itself or call for aid. Due to their situation, for over '''400 years''' the crew of the Zi'Pluax have been within rotations of cryosleep, and by extension, crewmembers have been within the Srom for extended periods of time. This has led to a newfound belief forming within the Zi'Pluax and being universally adopted by all of its members.

==Notable Figures & Urban Legends==
All members of the fleet are referred to as what is colloquially known as ‘Dreamers’.  While the crewman of the Zi'Pluax would refer to their culture as the true path of Weishii they understand and accept the name '''‘Dreamer’'''. Jargon does not recognize the Dreamers and has deemed their cultural practices as unofficial and deductive; mainly due to its practices regarding oversleeping. Zi'Pluax members focus on the Srom and its relation to the Skrell psyche and psionic capabilities. Dreamers view the headtail as an extension of the psionic capabilities of the Skrell and will often tuck them into different hats or headgear. Showing your headtail is seen as something deeply personal to members of Zi'Pluax and is only done with those who are deemed especially close. Many Dreamers believe that the inner-mind, the one who inhabits the Srom, is the true self while the outer-body, the one that is awake in real life, is merely a constraint.
===[[Notable_Skrell#Kalq%E2%80%99Qi_Weibii|Kalq'Qi Weibii]]===
The Rift Watcher of the Starlight Zone is credited with negotiating the placement of the original refugee settlement as well as helping most of it's residents reach the Republic of Biesel safely. Weibii also negotiated the terms of peace between the Starlight Zone and the Trinary Perfection during the Siege of Lekan. As of now Weibii acts as a liaison between the Starlight Zone and Mendell City while also overseeing day-to-day operations within both Lekan Village and Severson City.

Due to their culture, members of the Dreamers treat the Srom very differently than the average Skrell. For instance, these Dreamers have spent such an abundance of time within the Srom that they have begun to form a rudimentary hivemind; albeit not in a literal sense. While their minds are not linked, the effects of the Srom on lying have allowed these members to know virtually everything about each other. Dreamers often refer to themselves as “Disciples of the Srom” due to the amount of power they hold over the scenery and landscape within. The amount of information that is known between Dreamers allows them to easily conjure a near replica of any deceased individual through ‘Srom Manipulation’. While many scientists of the Federation believe that these replicas are merely a hollow shell of memories with no proper soul, the Dreamers believe that the individual has persisted even after death; this is often also seen as a cultural reverence for their ancestors and those who passed. Dreamers are often very respectful of their elders and superiors.
A missionary from the Trinary Integrationists that attempted to preach within the Starlight Zone out of their own accord. XUD-0770 was not particularly well received; despite this, the crowd remained peaceful. After around thirty minutes of preaching, a group of Skrell wearing black slacks, pastel shirts, and dark purple armbands entered the town square. A holovideo taken of the incident shows XUD-0770 being ripped from the bench it was standing on and being pushed to the ground. The cameraman can be seen rushing through the crowd to continue filming when one of the Skrell from the group suddenly grabs the camera and throws it to the ground.

Since contact, the Zi'Pluax has declared independence from the Jargon Federation due to their culture and practices being declared deductive by the state, and while under Jargon law the fleet members are recognized as Jargon citizens, they experience little to no interruption from the government beyond preventative surveillance. Members of the Zi'Pluax will often leave the fleet for '''mandated cultural work from the ages of 100-200''', something that has recently been ordered by the bridge crew of the Zi'Pluax, in hopes of attracting more members to the fleet. This can be shocking and disorienting for the Dreamer who has been disconnected from the ship’s Srom and they will often find themselves oversleeping while performing their cultural work abroad.
This menacing Xion industrial frame of the Trinary Exclusionists took charge during the Siege of Lekan on behalf of the more rowdy protestors. Throughout that day J0-5EF stood unwavering at the border of the Starlight Zone; hooked up to a generator when his battery necessitates. J0-5EF’s fiery speeches on the issue of synthetic rights were a bolt of electricity to the already ravenous crowd which eventually prompted his followers to breach the walls of the Starlight Zone.

As shadow leader of the Quix-Collective this murky individual is half urban legend due to the fact that no one has seen their face. Some claim that Quix themself arranged for XUD-0770 to enter the Starlight Zone which lead to the events of the Siege of Lekan. While no one knows the true motives for this; speculations range from the culling of the neighborhood watches to the appointment of Kalq'Qi Weibii herself being part of Quix's plan.

===The Severson Dreadnaught===
===Lu’Qyu - ‘The Abyss Trinity’===
This ''urban legend'' quickly took hold in the Starlight Zone with familial units who have young Skrell children. The Severson Dreadnaught is said to lurk the bottom of the rift looking for misbehaving children who wander too far from home. Should the Dreadnaught find a misbehaving child, whether in Severson City or in Lekan Village, the legend says they will be taken to one of the many underwater caves in the rift never to be seen again.

===Ximi No'Tails===
This Generation Fleet consisted of three experimental ships: the Glosa, Blenq, and Qrinq. All three were outfitted with experimental warp drives that could theoretically allow speeds just below Faster-Than-Light travel, which if successful would allow for faster colonisation efforts by the Federation. These ships were also given their own AI to assist in the calculations required for safe jumps. Because they were outfitted with drives that were considered experimental, the ships were not given a military escort like most Generation Fleets, and instead had to rely on their speed and relative agility compared to similar Generation Ships designed at the time. The Lu’Qyu Fleet was launched in '''2048 CE''', making its first warp jump a few months later on the edge of the Nralakk system due to the inherent risk behind using these experimental drives and concerns raised about initiating a jump close to nearby population centres.
This ''urban legend'' focuses on a very old Skrell with no headtails. They are said to frequently wander the streets at night looking for an unsuspecting victim so that they can steal the tails right from their head. Xenophobic in origin, this legend states that a xeno kidnapped Ximi and cut their headtails off to serve them as a rare cuisine in the black markets of Mendell City. While the story is mainly told in Severson City it can also be heard in Lekan Village.

===Night Swimmer===
The Fleet was considered lost after two weeks of no contact being made, and the Jargon Federation spent thousands of hours in an attempt to recover the vessels with no success. With Glorsh-Omega taking over the Federation, attempts to find the trio of ships were halted and efforts were redirected by the Intelligence to other projects. For centuries, the three ships and their passengers were memorialised by Skrell across the Federation.  
Should you ever be in Severson City and feel the water chill... The Night Swimmer is already upon you. Moving extremely fast, even for an Axiori, this pitch black Skrell can be seen swimming full force towards it's target. Once the Night Swimmer reaches you it is already too late. Your best chance is to swim as fast as you can towards the nearest manhole and exist Severson City into Lekan Village. ''It is important to note: Three murders have been perpetrated within Severson City and are accredited to the Night Swimmer.'' This is one of the rare cases where both the Xii'Eyes and the Zrosian Watch are cooperating.

===Smiling Demon===
Unbeknownst to the Skrell however, the ships had survived. Shortly after making their first jump, the Lu’Qyu Fleet had arrived too close to a nearby black hole, and in their attempt to escape it had resulted in a catastrophic failure of their warp drives. With the warp drives lost, the Lu’Qyu made the decision to make the journey back to the Nralakk system without their warp drives, taking approximately three-hundred-and-ninety-two years to make contact with the Jargon Federation in '''2440'''. Its unexpected reappearance sent shockwaves across the Federation and was met with massive celebrations across Nralakk as it made its way back to Qerrbalak. As soon as the celebrations started, however, Jargon authorities quickly realised that these ships still had their original Artificial Intelligence’s installed. The Federation quickly intercepted the Lu’Qyu Fleet and after explaining what had happened in the years between their disappearance and rediscovery, both sides came to the conclusion that even if they were unaffected by Glorsh-Omega, they would be too dangerous to keep and were silently wiped before allowing the Fleet to land. Today the fleet has seen massive retrofits as a large portion of the original crew’s descendants have decided to use the Lu’Qyu fleet for scientific exploration. The primary objective of the Lu’Qyu is now to explore the Traverse as they attempt to discover what happened to other Generation Fleets that had lost contact with the Federation.
According to the ''urban legend'' this abnormally tall Skrell roams Lekan Village early in the morning right before sunrise. Their heavy, clonking footsteps are often heard before they are seen. The Smiling Demon will then tap an individual on the shoulder and ask, "Do you like my smile?". If the individual does not turn but simply says, "It is very lovely." the Smiling Demon will pass them by without issue. However, if the individual says no or turns to look- They will see the Smiling Demon grinning from tail to tail with a full set of human teeth. Those said to gaze upon the smile and live are cursed with [[Skrell_Ailments#Insanity_of_the_Tide|Insanity of the Tide]].
The story of Lu’Qyu has been popularised in Skrell science fiction, with books, films, and television mini-series using the Fleet as a major plot point within their settings. The Fleet has been given many nicknames since its disappearance, with most Skrell today giving it the colloquial name ‘The Abyss Trinity’, a name given to the fleet by the popular science fiction series ‘Enter the Void’ by Jaxn Sqrol.
==Generation Fleets and the X’Lu’oa==
When the first Generation Fleets were rediscovered sometime after Glorsh-Omega’s disappearance after the [[Skrell_History#Synthetic_Age_and_Era_of_Synthetic_Oppression|Tri-Qyu Incident]], the Federation was quick to submit the crew of these Fleets for testing and see the extent of the damage caused by the genophage that the species was subjected to. Volunteers came forward to help, with most believing at the time that they could find a cure for the X’Lu’oa, but today the results are considered middling at best. The tests confirmed that the effects of Glorsh-Omega’s inoculation programme on the Skrell population had heavily changed Skrell on the genetic level, and while these pre-Glorsh Skrell from the Generation Fleets helped give insight into the disorder, they would not be the source of a cure.
The X’Lu’oa is dominant in Skrell genes, meaning that it would take two healthy Skrell to produce non-genophage affected offspring. Combined with the relatively low number of unaffected Skrell discovered so far, the Federation’s scientific community as a whole believes that Genners will not be the source of a method to reverse the X’Lu’oa disorder.

Версия от 00:52, 21 апреля 2022

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  • Generation Fleets

    The Skrell have utilised Generation Ships for long-distance colonisation since they began to explore outside of their solar system. These ships come in a large variety of designs depending on which era of Skrell history they were built, but all of them were built with self-sufficiency and low maintenance costs in mind. These ships are typically designed to traverse space for centuries, and are given the tools and resources needed to ensure the ship and its passengers arrive at their intended destination with little to no outside support. To prevent health issues related to zero-gravity environments and to ensure that Skrell aboard these vessels would be able to live on a planet once the journey was complete, all Generation Ships were outfitted with gravity generators, providing a gravity similar to the gravity found on Qerrbalak. Modern Generation Ships are based on the standard Ovlolis design, containing all the equipment needed to survive a long-distance journey and to construct the beginnings of a colony once landing at its destination.

    Most Generation Ships were organised into large groups, known as Generation Fleets, and were accompanied by a military escort that would protect them from any potential threats as they make their journey. The majority of these fleets were intended to only make a single journey, while smaller fleets were meant to make multiple trips. The type of mission assigned to each fleet was dependent on factors such as distance between its origin planet and the target for colonisation, the intended population of the new colony, and the size of the fleet itself.

    There are fleets today that have been active since the pre-Glorsh era of Skrell history, with some continuing to be active even after the Second Jargon Federation was established. These Fleets, for one reason or another, were unable to continue their mission and instead found themselves roaming the Traverse with their passengers deciding to make the ships their permanent home. Reasons differ between fleets, but most modern fleets will blame the rise to power of Glorsh-Omega over Skrellkind; the Intelligence’s rise to power resulted in a complete loss of communication between the Generation Fleets and the Jargon Federation as it seized the primary communications hub on Qerrbalak, causing the Generation Fleets to fall into disarray as they initially believed that a Federation-wide calamity destroyed their species. The Fleets quickly enacted protocols for events where they would be completely cut off from the Federation, and spent most of Glorsh-Omega’s reign hiding within the Traverse. These Fleets would stay mobile rather than risk being found by the Intelligence by carrying out their original mission.

    After the Jargon Federation was re-established, many of these Fleets were discovered and were quickly reintegrated into the greater Federation as the intact records and technology they held became rare after Glorsh-Omega took over. With this said, there were also multiple Fleets that are still considered missing or were confirmed destroyed, either due to being discovered by Glorsh-Omega, natural hazards such as meteor showers, or through lack of resources eventually forcing them to scuttle their ships. There are also a small number of these old Generation Fleets that are still active in the modern-day, with their own reasons for not reintegrating back into the Federation.

    Collectively, the active members of these Generation Fleets are known as ‘Genners’, and their personality, culture, and personal beliefs will depend on which Fleet they belong to. With that said, there are a few constants; Genners can typically be spotted wearing what would be considered ‘vintage’ clothing as a result of the long period of time spent separated from the rest of Skrell society, their clothing style being an indicator of what era in Skrell history the Fleet was in operation. Genners are also known to hold beliefs that for their time were considered the norm, while today are seen as regressive - and in some cases even antithetical to current Skrell ideology. Genners who have reintegrated back into Federation society will usually be enrolled into a civics course to help their transition to regular life in a Federation vastly different from the one they left or were taught about.

    Notable Generation Fleets

    These Fleets are no longer active and are considered notable for the Skrell because of the story behind their original mission or their rediscovery.

    Qyu’Bleq - ‘The Starlight Explorers’

    Qyu’Bleq, or ‘The Starlight Explorers’ was originally an exploration fleet created post-Glorsh with the specific goal of reuniting planets and systems with the Federation. The Fleet carried with it mobile communication units, Nlom beacons, and other resources necessary to assist the re-establishment of communications between these fragmented planets and the greater Jargon Federation. The Qyu’Bleq left port in 2210 CE, and it was expected to finish its first mission by 2215.

    Halfway through its journey to the Zeiqi-Trqn region, the Fleet suddenly stopped broadcasting back home. A response fleet consisting of military vessels was sent to its last known location, with officials at the time believing that they were destroyed by a remnant of Glorsh or by a previously uncontacted successor state, but no signs of the fleet or a battle were found. Decades later, in 2256 CE a transport fleet came across a signal coming from what was considered an uninhabited planet within the Zeiqi-Trqn region and reported it to Federation authorities. Expecting an unsanctioned colony or a Marauder base, the Qukala was sent to find the source of the signal, but when the scouting party made landfall they discovered a small colony of Skrell wearing science uniforms and living in houses made from scrap metal. The inhabitants of the colony were quick to explain their situation, and that they were what was left of the Qyu’Bleq exploration fleet.

    The fleet had encountered a strong ion storm halfway through their journey, strong enough that it completely destroyed their more sensitive equipment, which included the ship's own communication equipment, the communications equipment they were transporting, and most of their navigational equipment. The fleet's commander at the time attempted to salvage the operation and gave the order to continue their journey by normal travel. Most of the ruined equipment was repurposed, with salvageable materials used to maintain their critical systems such as air filtration, and makeshift hydroponics systems were built to help maintain stable levels of oxygen within the ships. Unfortunately, these ships were not designed for long-term flight, and over the years the fleet was forced to scuttle one ship after another as fuel and other supplies began to run out. What could be salvaged from a failing ship was brought onto those still operational, and the crew spread across the rest of the fleet to prevent overcrowding.

    By the end of their journey, the Qyu’Bleq was just one ship, which due to overcrowding, failing systems, and low fuel reserves, eventually forced the crew to make an emergency landing on the nearest hospitable planet. The state of the ship meant that it was unable to survive the landing, however, with sections of the ship breaking apart as they entered the planet's atmosphere. By the survivors' account, they had spent an estimated six years in space before being forced to land around the year 2216, just a year after they were expected to finish their original mission.

    The survivors of the fleet unanimously agreed to be transported off the planet and to go back to their friends and family. The bodies of those lost in the crash, along with the bodies of those who died in the forty-year interim that were recoverable, are now interred within a mausoleum on Qerrbalak, built on the outskirts of Gialok as a memorial to their sacrifice to the Federation. Many of the surviving crew today have been employed by the Federation to teach the various branches of the Kala in survival tactics, where their experience is used to teach new recruits some of the ‘unorthodox’ survival techniques that they employed.

    Lu’Pliuop - ‘The Adrift Generation’

    Originally named the Qu’Pliuop, or ‘The Starbound Generation’, this Generation Fleet was one of the first fleets sent out after Tresja Agreement. In 2250 CE the Fleets mission was to help repopulate some of the most depopulated planets of the Pluat Ven’qop region of the Traverse, with a planned charter of sixteen trips before being retired. During its tenth trip, the fleet and its military escort sent an unintelligible transmission before ceasing all communications. Its location at the time was unknown, and attempts to follow its predicted path were unsuccessful in locating the fleet.

    Two centuries later in 2450, two hundred years after the fleet's launch, the Lu’Qyu was tasked with finding out the fate of the Qu’Pliuop, and hoping for an outcome similar to the Qyu’Bleq, recovering any survivors. Fourteen months into their mission, the Lu’Qyu were exploring a sector on the outer reaches of the system the Qu’Pliuop was predicted to be in before contact was lost, far away from any previously predicted flight paths it may have taken. As they were about to finalise their report and declare this sector as cleared, they came across a debris field hidden within an asteroid belt. Sending a probe, they were able to confirm that the wreckage was what was left of the Qu’Pliuop, and spent days exploring what they could for signs of survivors. Their report back to Federation authorities described the state of the wreckage as a ‘graveyard, but with no bodies’; the remains of the ships were devoid of any biological matter, with most of their systems either destroyed or missing entirely, and with large sections unaccounted for even after reconstruction simulations were made.

    Due to the mysterious nature of the fleet’s fate, and wanting to prevent widespread panic within its population, the Jargon Federation attempted to suppress the facts regarding the fate of the Qu’Pliuop; the Federation made an official statement that a freak accident caused the fleet to veer off-course and into a nearby gas giant, making the ships and crew unrecoverable. Leaked footage from the initial probe scan, along with statements from anonymous Lu’Qyu crewmembers, eventually found its way onto the extranet, with a sizeable number of Skrell being exposed to this information on sites such as Viv-ID before Federation authorities could scrub it.

    The leaked documents have led to a large conspiracy theory community becoming prominent on the fringes of the extranet; dubbing the fleet the Lu’Pliuop, or ‘The Adrift Generation’, many theories regarding what happened to the fleet have been developed. Some of the more obscure theories regarding the fate of the Qu’Pliuop include a Penuma gestalt consuming the crew, similar to what happened during first contact with the species a decade before the fleet’s disappearance, or some sort of unknown xenofauna attack. Some suggest more ‘grounded’ theories, with some theorists believing that the attack came from the Lii’dra or pirates. The Federation is quick to blacklist sites that host these conspiracy theories within Jargon space, stating that these conspiracy theories do nothing but emotionally harm the relatives and descendants of those lost. In actuality, however, the Jargon Federation monitors these sites and purges them once a member of the community posts the original leaked documents.

    Active Generation Fleets

    These Fleets for one reason or another have decided to stay active, with some being declared Marauders by the Jargon Government as they declined to reintegrate fully into Jargon society.

    The Prescient Republic of the Qar - ‘The Sea Sluggers’

    The Prescient Republic of the Qar is a relatively small Generation Fleet that has declared independence from the Jargon Federation after recontact was made in 2241 CE. The fleet follows a strict theocratic system from its original flagship ‘The Qar’Jarq’, known today simply as ‘Qar’. The Fleet strictly enforces the following of ‘Univalvism’, a faith that was established on the Generation Fleet somewhere between its disappearance in 2241 and its rediscovery in 2245.

    Today the Fleet is host to a large number of ships that were not originally a part of it. Refugees fleeing persecution, would-be marauders and other criminal groups have found themselves joining the fleet for security and its isolationist policy towards the Jargon Federation in particular. The crew of these more recent additions to the PRQ are more likely to be ejected from the fleet due to the PRQ’s views on piety and social conformity, where strict adherence to Univalvism and social norms are paramount in their society. Compared to the original members of the fleet, especially the Qar, the crew of these newer ships are less concerned with religion, and will typically only pay lip service to the Univalvist faith. As many of these outsiders were part of a Marauder group before joining the Generation Fleet, the PRQ has been colloquially named ‘The Sea Sluggers’, a mostly derogatory name based on popular beliefs and rumours regarding the Univalvist’s worship of a slug-like creature and the Fleets association with criminally-inclined Skrell.

    The PRQ is a topic of heated discussion within the Jargon Federation, as there is little known about the Fleet. Members of the Fleet that venture out into the Spur are rare and are typically unwilling to divulge much about the inner-workings of the Fleets organisation, faith, or culture.

    Zi'Pluax - ‘The Fleet of the Srom’

    The Fleet of the Srom was rediscovered in 2460 and is a generation fleet that launched in the year 2032. Upon recontacting the Zi'Pluax, Jargon Qukala members were surprised to find more than half of its members asleep within cryostorage with a small number of stewards attending to the helm, cryogenic bay, and hydroponics garden. Members of the bridge crew were shocked to see the Qukala and relayed that shortly after the launch of the Zi'Pluax they experienced a major systematic failure in the majority of their equipment, including hydroponics and communication terminals; the sudden failure caused the fleet to lose the ability to sustain itself or call for aid. Due to their situation, for over 400 years the crew of the Zi'Pluax have been within rotations of cryosleep, and by extension, crewmembers have been within the Srom for extended periods of time. This has led to a newfound belief forming within the Zi'Pluax and being universally adopted by all of its members.

    All members of the fleet are referred to as what is colloquially known as ‘Dreamers’. While the crewman of the Zi'Pluax would refer to their culture as the true path of Weishii they understand and accept the name ‘Dreamer’. Jargon does not recognize the Dreamers and has deemed their cultural practices as unofficial and deductive; mainly due to its practices regarding oversleeping. Zi'Pluax members focus on the Srom and its relation to the Skrell psyche and psionic capabilities. Dreamers view the headtail as an extension of the psionic capabilities of the Skrell and will often tuck them into different hats or headgear. Showing your headtail is seen as something deeply personal to members of Zi'Pluax and is only done with those who are deemed especially close. Many Dreamers believe that the inner-mind, the one who inhabits the Srom, is the true self while the outer-body, the one that is awake in real life, is merely a constraint.

    Due to their culture, members of the Dreamers treat the Srom very differently than the average Skrell. For instance, these Dreamers have spent such an abundance of time within the Srom that they have begun to form a rudimentary hivemind; albeit not in a literal sense. While their minds are not linked, the effects of the Srom on lying have allowed these members to know virtually everything about each other. Dreamers often refer to themselves as “Disciples of the Srom” due to the amount of power they hold over the scenery and landscape within. The amount of information that is known between Dreamers allows them to easily conjure a near replica of any deceased individual through ‘Srom Manipulation’. While many scientists of the Federation believe that these replicas are merely a hollow shell of memories with no proper soul, the Dreamers believe that the individual has persisted even after death; this is often also seen as a cultural reverence for their ancestors and those who passed. Dreamers are often very respectful of their elders and superiors.

    Since contact, the Zi'Pluax has declared independence from the Jargon Federation due to their culture and practices being declared deductive by the state, and while under Jargon law the fleet members are recognized as Jargon citizens, they experience little to no interruption from the government beyond preventative surveillance. Members of the Zi'Pluax will often leave the fleet for mandated cultural work from the ages of 100-200, something that has recently been ordered by the bridge crew of the Zi'Pluax, in hopes of attracting more members to the fleet. This can be shocking and disorienting for the Dreamer who has been disconnected from the ship’s Srom and they will often find themselves oversleeping while performing their cultural work abroad.

    Lu’Qyu - ‘The Abyss Trinity’

    This Generation Fleet consisted of three experimental ships: the Glosa, Blenq, and Qrinq. All three were outfitted with experimental warp drives that could theoretically allow speeds just below Faster-Than-Light travel, which if successful would allow for faster colonisation efforts by the Federation. These ships were also given their own AI to assist in the calculations required for safe jumps. Because they were outfitted with drives that were considered experimental, the ships were not given a military escort like most Generation Fleets, and instead had to rely on their speed and relative agility compared to similar Generation Ships designed at the time. The Lu’Qyu Fleet was launched in 2048 CE, making its first warp jump a few months later on the edge of the Nralakk system due to the inherent risk behind using these experimental drives and concerns raised about initiating a jump close to nearby population centres.

    The Fleet was considered lost after two weeks of no contact being made, and the Jargon Federation spent thousands of hours in an attempt to recover the vessels with no success. With Glorsh-Omega taking over the Federation, attempts to find the trio of ships were halted and efforts were redirected by the Intelligence to other projects. For centuries, the three ships and their passengers were memorialised by Skrell across the Federation.

    Unbeknownst to the Skrell however, the ships had survived. Shortly after making their first jump, the Lu’Qyu Fleet had arrived too close to a nearby black hole, and in their attempt to escape it had resulted in a catastrophic failure of their warp drives. With the warp drives lost, the Lu’Qyu made the decision to make the journey back to the Nralakk system without their warp drives, taking approximately three-hundred-and-ninety-two years to make contact with the Jargon Federation in 2440. Its unexpected reappearance sent shockwaves across the Federation and was met with massive celebrations across Nralakk as it made its way back to Qerrbalak. As soon as the celebrations started, however, Jargon authorities quickly realised that these ships still had their original Artificial Intelligence’s installed. The Federation quickly intercepted the Lu’Qyu Fleet and after explaining what had happened in the years between their disappearance and rediscovery, both sides came to the conclusion that even if they were unaffected by Glorsh-Omega, they would be too dangerous to keep and were silently wiped before allowing the Fleet to land. Today the fleet has seen massive retrofits as a large portion of the original crew’s descendants have decided to use the Lu’Qyu fleet for scientific exploration. The primary objective of the Lu’Qyu is now to explore the Traverse as they attempt to discover what happened to other Generation Fleets that had lost contact with the Federation.

    The story of Lu’Qyu has been popularised in Skrell science fiction, with books, films, and television mini-series using the Fleet as a major plot point within their settings. The Fleet has been given many nicknames since its disappearance, with most Skrell today giving it the colloquial name ‘The Abyss Trinity’, a name given to the fleet by the popular science fiction series ‘Enter the Void’ by Jaxn Sqrol.

    Generation Fleets and the X’Lu’oa

    When the first Generation Fleets were rediscovered sometime after Glorsh-Omega’s disappearance after the Tri-Qyu Incident, the Federation was quick to submit the crew of these Fleets for testing and see the extent of the damage caused by the genophage that the species was subjected to. Volunteers came forward to help, with most believing at the time that they could find a cure for the X’Lu’oa, but today the results are considered middling at best. The tests confirmed that the effects of Glorsh-Omega’s inoculation programme on the Skrell population had heavily changed Skrell on the genetic level, and while these pre-Glorsh Skrell from the Generation Fleets helped give insight into the disorder, they would not be the source of a cure.

    The X’Lu’oa is dominant in Skrell genes, meaning that it would take two healthy Skrell to produce non-genophage affected offspring. Combined with the relatively low number of unaffected Skrell discovered so far, the Federation’s scientific community as a whole believes that Genners will not be the source of a method to reverse the X’Lu’oa disorder.