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[[File:Medina Flag.png|thumb|The flag of Medina, with its brown, white, and violet colors respectively representing the planet's terrain from where its wealth came, the purity of its peoples' ideals, and the color of phoron.]]
'''Medina''', nicknamed the Republic’s Prize, is a planet located within the Jedeed-Isfahan star system. Considered one of the core worlds of the [[Republic of Elyra]], it is one of the most populated planets in the nation. Medina’s population lives atop city-sized, hovering land vehicles that float over a constantly-shifting landscape. These hovering vehicles are supported by magpulse drives, a technological marvel supported by the Republic’s investment in phoronic research. Over weeks, no single location remains the same, as the entire tectonic assembly of the planet shifts. The largest industry on the planet is the export of fine goods and valuable commodities. The second largest is a unique bounty list referred to as the Phoron Bulletin, where the Elyran government contracts experts from across the galaxy to hunt phoron as it is uprooted across the planet’s ever-churning surface.
== History ==
[[File:Medina.png|An image of Medina from orbit, displaying its rather dull features from a glance.|thumb]]
<center>''“I think there are better ways to build a society than draining the life and light from its best citizens.”'' - Mahmud ibn Amin (2328 - 2419), physicist and second team lead of “Project Hubris”</center>

Isfahan I was marked for development in 2360 for a very specific reason; the absurdly high levels of phoron concentration under its surface. Geologists and engineers touching down on the surface soon realized the unfortunate side to the planet’s obscene mineral wealth; the constant earthquakes and frequent dust storms would make it next to impossible for a permanent settlement to be constructed on the surface.
<center>[[File:Mendell pixel.png]]</center>

While brief excursions on the planet’s surface made it possible to mine, thanks to low-flying shuttles and jetpacks, it was still inconvenient, hazardous, and resource-intensive to continue orbital mining operations. The size of Isfahan I and its abundance of precious materials merited a dedicated colonization effort. Thus, the Republic tasked a group of engineers and researchers to develop a way for a stable colony to exist on the planet’s surface. The project was originally led by Misha Khouroshi, an electrical engineer from Bursa employed by Osman Electronics. As the scale grew larger and the Republic’s demands grew more ambitious, the team expanded to include not just engineers and geologists, but physicists, mechanical engineers, and architects. They would go on to nickname themselves and their work “Project Hubris”, in sarcastic reference to the grand demands that their government was making of them.
'''Biesel''', or [[Tau Ceti]] III, is the capital planet of the [[Republic of Biesel]] and the seat of its power. It was one of the first habitable exoplanets discovered by humanity, seventeen years after the [[Timeline#The Discovery of Warp|development of the Warp Drive]]. As a result of its sustained terraforming effort and colonization, Biesel has become one of the most wealthy and influential planets in human space.

It was Khouroshi who originally proposed the concept of hover technology, though the rest of the team was skeptical of the idea owing to the massive amount of resources, planning, and construction it would take, beyond the point of practicality. Khouroshi managed to easily convince the Republic, and less easily convince her team, that the money and resources that went into developing large-scale, working hovercraft technology could be compensated with Isfahan I’s rich natural resources.
Following the aftermath of the economic collapse of the [[Sol Alliance|Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations]], the Federal Republic of Biesel and the Tau Ceti System achieved independence in 2452. Its independence was heavily assisted by [[NanoTrasen]], and Biesel continues to be the main base of operations for the [[Stellar Corporate Conglomerate]] in the aftermath of the establishment of the Solarian Corporate Authority, which saw NanoTrasen expelled from Sol territories entirely.
[[File:BieselSolOldFlag.png|thumb|Biesel's flag prior to independence, still sporting the Solarian insignia. The circle in the middle represents Valkyrie, which had not been recognised by the Sol Alliance as a "separate colony or entity", only gaining such after the Republic's declaration. ]]
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“Project Hubris” was developed over the course of twenty-one years. Setbacks, failures, political unrest, and poor communication between both the team and the Republic were common. The greatest setback was the death of Misha Khouroshi in 2372, at age 49, from an aortic dissection. Mahmud ibn Amin, her successor, would remark that Khouroshi was “the hardest worker of any of [Project Hubris], and noted that it was a death most likely caused by intense, ongoing stress.
Tau Ceti had long been suspected by astronomers to be a home to super-Earths; Earth-like planets with a larger mass that boasted a similar climate. its first colony was established in 2147. The planet consisted of simple flora in the pre-human era, and small furry gopher-like animals called Barks by early colonizers. Then humans colonized and introduced animals and plants from [[Earth]]. Despite conservation efforts, these animals quickly disappeared due to being out-competed by earth animals entering the wild and because they were viewed as pests for their loud, obnoxious barks and insatiable desire to chew wires.

Despite all these setbacks, it was April 18th, 2381, when the magpulse drive had its first test runs. The first platform, Drifa, was established in the southern hemisphere of the planet, and thousands of miners, medical personnel, and researchers were finally able to call the planet home. The planet was newly-christened Medina by the Republic. While the first prototypes of the magpulse drive were rudimentary and overpowered to contrast the planet’s Earth-like gravity, the warp technology they harnessed would go on to develop more efficient drives that permitted the rapid expansion of the planet’s surface colonies.
== Environment ==
Biesel is a planet slightly larger than Earth, with a more temperate climate; it takes thirty-five days for the planet to make a full orbit around its star, and its rotational period is twenty-two hours. Its icecaps on its poles are far smaller than that of [[Persepolis]], another Earth-like exoplanet, and it has very limited deserts at its equator. Snow is rare on Biesel, with its winter seasons being marked by cold rains. As such, most coastal cities on Biesel are fortified to reduce infrastructural damage from flooding, particularly in the aftermath of the Craterview Flood in 2396. Despite flood risks, there is very little risk of tsunamis on Biesel because of almost non-existent tectonic activity. In the summer, tropical storms form with a similar frequency to Earth, but because of the smaller land area, the tropical storms can be much stronger. Many coastal cities have detection systems that sound an alarm if the correct atmospheric conditions are met.
The planet has a rich resource base, attributed to a collision with a large celestial body early in its development. From the time Biesel was colonized, geologists have been studying Peterdiezel Crater closely. According to theories, the crater was created by the collision of a moon with the planet. This collision not only brought Biesel's moon, Valkyrie, into existence, but also created a wealth of resources. A part of Valkyrie is thought to be Biesel, while the other is thought to be the celestial body responsible for creating Peterdiezel Crater.  

By 2388, individuals from across the Republic of Elyra were migrating to Drifa and other newly-founded extraction platforms, and in this rush, the planet became a phoron boomtown. Khouroshi was correct; the mineral extraction and economic benefit that the magpulse platforms assisted in paid back the debt on Project Hubris thousands of times over. With limited failures, the floating cities of Medina continue to hover over the planet’s surface to this day.
As settlers colonized the planet, they introduced plants and animals brought over from Earth into the ecosystems of the planet. Unlike the introduced species of plants and animals that immediately followed human settlement, local species had historically thrived in Biesel before human settlement. After a total transformation, the habitat in Biesel resembles Earth with its flora and fauna.  

== Environment ==
A variety of species of animals, including deer, elk, wolves and bees, can be found in coniferous and temperate forests. There are also earth species found in deserts and on the ocean. As a result of the terraforming work carried out on Biesel, nearly all native alien species have disappeared. Few native rodents, insects, and fish have managed to adapt to the new ecosystem and have prospered. Only a few large animals remain in zoos for public viewing.  
Medina is the only planet within the binary star system of Jedeed Isfahan. It is orbited by six moons; Hubal, Manat, Ruda, Quza, Al-Uzza, and Allatu. The surface of Medina is hot and arid, with daily temperatures averaging at 35 degrees Celsius. Medina’s median pressure is typically 80 kilopascals, meaning even short trips outside of the safety of its floating cities require oxygen gear. The weak atmosphere produces a pinkish-red sky, and the planet’s beautiful yet desolate vistas are famed across the Republic.

Most notable about the planet’s landscape is its constantly shifting surface, dotted in purplish-white sand dunes of silica and tiny granules of phoron. The six moons exert constant pressure on the planet, and tectonic activity is unstable and actively prohibitive to attempts to build a settlement on the surface. The moving plates, however, ensure that minerals deep within the planet’s core never stay hidden for long. Some parts of the planet’s crust will, given enough time, produce towering spikes of phoron pointed at blood-red skies.
=== Continents ===
[[File:BieselV3.png|400px|thumb|right|A labeled map depicting Biesel.]]
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Because of the unstable surface and phoron toxicity, no native life exists on Medina. Yet time and the careful observations of geologists have uncovered evidence that, millions of years ago, there were once living organisms on Medina’s surface. It primarily seemed to be arthropodic, similar in shape to isopods, and these fossils have developed a culture of fascination around them due to limited knowledge and their intriguing history. Some claim to have seen "Madani sandcrawlers" on the shifting dunes, and some tales have been spun about mysterious insectoid cryptids that feed on phoron beneath the surface of the planet.
Astraeus is the most affluent of Biesel's three continents and is home to the capital, Mendell City. Even today, it remains the most heavily populated area in Biesel, largely due to the availability of natural resources and the low-lying plains that were easily colonized by early settlers. Many of their homesteads soon turned into cities, dotting the landscape around the two mountain ranges in the north, the Grattle, and in the south, the Uratines. In its long history, the Grattle range has evolved from a mining zone to a destination recognized for its top-performing ski resort that can lure visitors from the furthest reaches of Orion Spur. Its other major population centre is Cape City.

All Madani cities have robust energy shielding and self-perpetuating atmospheric systems for the eventuality of dust and sandstorms. A far more dangerous occurrence also presents itself to those who excavate the surface without proper protection; the violet haboob. It is the local nickname for the phenomenon of phoron particulates being swept up in a sandstorm, sending clouds of poisonous dust whirling across the surface. Unprepared miners seeking glory with the Phoron Bulletin can quickly find themselves in danger when caught outside, and many more have gone missing when a haboob kicks up in the fields.
==== Mendell City ====

== Economy ==
See: [[Mendell City]]
So well-off is the average Madani native that a divide between rich and poor is something of a foreign concept. Citizens have strong social support networks, supplemented by well-planned and highly-accessible cities.

While Medina’s best-known exports are the production of artisanal goods, such as furniture, cookware, glassware, and sculpture, it also is heavily industry-based. Resource extraction, not limited to phoron but also glass, gold, silver, and gems, factors heavily into the planet’s bountiful economy. The Elyran citizens under the direct employ of Elco can hope for a job as drill operators, equipment technicians, and machinists who keep the automated conveyor belts, drills, sorting machines, and foundries operating. Jobs given to Elyran citizens are usually safe, subsidized, and well-paying; any hard or dangerous labour is shunted on the shoulders of non-citizen persons, [[Synthetics|drones]], or [[IPC|IPCs]].
Known as the most affluent city in all of space, [[Mendell City]] is the capital of Biesel. There are countless educational institutes where people of all backgrounds can hone their intellect and reach new heights before they are eagerly hired by corporate giants. However, the city has low-income neighbourhoods that exist on the outskirts of its more wealthy neighbourhoods. These low-income areas are home to a large population of non-humans used by Nanotrasen in exchange for cheap labour. In reality, very few people are actually living in abject poverty since basic utilities and public services are available, though these are infrequently reliable and there are very few higher education institutions available.

Tourists from all over the Spur, and typically young people from more conservative planets in the Republic, also flock to the floating cities for the nightlife and youth culture. The service industry is booming on Medina, from luxury hotels that specialize in holding parties and events, to cheaper hotels for the mercenary seeking the Phoron Bulletin. Unusually for the Orion Spur, all of [[Idris Incorporated|Idris Incorporated's]] previous attempts to break into the service industry have failed or been blockaded by the Republic's strict economic controls, citing an unwillingness to allow the foreign megacorporation to operate.
=== The Phoron Bulletin ===
=== Selene ===
The Phoron Bulletin is a relatively new feature to the Madani economy, having been introduced by Elco in early 2430. However, since then, it has been responsible for countless millions of people from all over the Orion Spur seeking the planet’s rich resources.

The bulletin is a bounty system established by the Elyran government for the sake of outsourcing massive workloads to external parties of all varieties. These workloads include but are not limited to phoron location and extraction, and is extremely dangerous work. The average Madani usually avoids Bulletin work, with the dangers of working on the planet’s surface readily apparent to them. While forms of travel are granted by Elyran officials in the way of hover-barges and extraction vessels, the usual Bulletin hunter is found using their own ships or even daring to make expeditions on foot.
The second-largest continent of Biesel, Selene, is situated north of Astraeus. In spite of its size, Selene is the continent with the lowest population density of the three, with almost all of its inhabitants living in coastal towns. Those not biding their time on the coasts are usually tending the inland plains that often are lined with farmsteads. The Greatkrag range that runs across Selene has come to symbolize the Biesel Escarpment, an area consisting of steep slopes that transition into arctic plateaus, which entice those seeking to escape civilization.

Outside of the floating cities, the planet is exceptionally hazardous. The Elyran government keeps a close watch via surveillance cameras on government-issued helmets on the various teams they contract out to find phoron, and has explicitly forbidden armed conflict between phoron hunters over deposits on the planet's surface. Harsh penalties await those who break the sacred “violet peace”, ranging from heavy fines and a stripping of phoron-hunting licenses, to even field execution.
=== Eos ===

Despite these risks, some phoron hunters still take their chances both with the Elyran state and other hunting parties. Law is difficult to enforce in remote areas, and fighting over deposits is not unheard of. The Medina Bureau of Economics patrols around areas with high known phoron concentrations to both protect hunting parties and uncover the remains of those that have been lost to Medina, either through natural causes or conflict. Even so, the Elyran government has been known to overlook the transgressions of some hunting parties or dismiss their charges. Coincidentally, those parties are usually the ones with the largest phoron hauls or the strongest connections to government or Elco officials.
The largest continent of the three, Eos resides mostly within the eastern hemisphere of Biesel and is the most industrialized. The large amount of coastal flatlands, supplied by rugged inlands, rich with minerals and resources of all varieties has led to most of the cities doting Eos to form along with the two major mountain ranges. They are the northern Latra range, which is heavily mined for its abundance of copper and iron, and the southern Sevul range, mined for its large quantities of heavy metals. Eos is also known for its sports fanatics, who host regular tournaments between the major population centres on Biesel.  

Those from off the planet seeking the Phoron Bulletin are often surprised by the cutthroat nature of other phoron hunters. Others are warned and come prepared, knowing full well that the next deposit may spell disaster in the form of accidents or even illegal ambushes by foreign parties.

== Culture and Demographics ==
== Culture and Demographics ==
<center>''“If you value your lover, don’t vacation on Medina.”'' - Damascene saying</center>

Medina is considered something of a heartland for supporters of the [[Elyran Government and Politics|League of United Republicans]], the Republic’s center-left party. Most cities are quite socially liberal, with a “live and let live” attitude common in the nightlife culture. Decency laws are fairly relaxed compared to [[Damascus II]], and loose, colorful clothing adorned with embroidery, eye-catching jewelry, and oxygen equipment customized and adorned with personal effects can be seen across all floating cities. EVA equipment, such as helmets and suits, are also usually dyed bright colors and embroidered, or encrusted with jewels (real or fake) or metals.
=== Entertainment ===
*'''Peterdiezel Boat Racing''' is an annual competition that begins in Craterview. The race is a three-day excursion and is usually recorded through observation drones following the individual boats racing against the clock. There are several routes all across Peterdiezel Crater, some more dangerous than others. While anyone can participate, most of the competitors are city teams such as the Mendell City Boat Club or the Cape Cods.
*'''Eos Sporting Tournaments''' are an annually held, international series of sporting events in which megacorporation-sponsored athletes participate in competitions involving human and alien sports. Every team or participant will represent a corporation during the competitions. Due to the corporate nature of the event, every participant must be employed in the megacorporation they represent. It is common for corporations to offer better salaries and benefits to notorious athletes in an attempt to poach them from their original employers. Games are usually hosted in any of Eos' cities except New Marfa.
*'''Belle Cote Fashion Show''' is a series of designer presentations held annually in Belle Cote. Sponsored by Idris, a variety of venues are used throughout the city to display the best-performing styles and themes of the year. Both Chief Executive Officers of Caishen Jewellers and Le Soleil Royal are regular hosts of the show, their fashion lines the staple of the event.
=== Festivals and Celebrations ===
*'''Republic Day''' (also known to some as Xavier’s Gala) is a holiday which commemorates the declaration of independence of Tau Ceti from the Solarian Alliance.  The crippling economic recession experienced by the Solarian Alliance allowed the Republic of Biesel to leverage their independence, and ultimately be awarded it. It is hosted on May 5th of each year, and usually involves total rejection of both Solarians and Megacorporations. Fireworks, parades, fairs and concerts are often commonly associated with Republic Day.
*'''Tribuisti de Colonis''', or Festival of the Settlers, is a massive Carnival celebration marking Biesel’s colonization. The festivities usually begin on the third Friday of October, through to the Sunday. Mendell City has become the most well-known celebrator of the festival, parading through the streets of the various districts with eccentric clothing and massive floats (usually of the planet’s native species). Other popular cities include Craterview, which celebrates the festival with dazzling fireworks and displays of lights, and Belle Cote, which throws its annual fashion show over the weekend the festival takes place.
*'''Heritage Day''' is a holiday that recognizes and celebrates the cultural wealth of the Republic of Biesel. Celebrations differ from person to person and usually depends on their cultural heritage and the remembrance of such. Some believe the wearing of cultural garments is enough, while others may partake in cultural festivities hosted across Tau Ceti. It is usually held every September 24th.
==Mendell City==
==Other Major Cities==
'''Cape City:''' Otherwise known as the “City of Splendor” by many Biesellites, is a city focused heavily on entertainment, production of holovids, and exorbitant tourist attractions. Situated around and on the side of Mount Nevermeet in the midst of the Cape Sea, the entertainment centre sits comfortably by scenic vistas, large themed resorts, and studios for filming and recording. However, due to unique labor laws, it has gained a bad reputation among non-humans for being exploitative and predatory in their practices. Any xenos looking to gain entry into fields like animation, studio production, acting, and the like face harsh stereotypes and discrimination, poorer qualities of living, and shop and drop contracts (hiring someone, forcing them to work an unusually high amount of hours a week, then “dropping” them if they protest or request different hours after a short period contract expires). Nonetheless, Cape City is on the up-and-up, and only time will tell its rise to the intergalactic stage as a media giant or not.

On Medina, there is a strong emphasis placed on not just artistry, but also perfection in artistry. The planet itself has built an astounding reputation for quality in its exports. While Madani goods are valued in the Republic of Elyra, they are sold for very expensive prices in the greater Orion Spur. The quality of goods can be attributed to the immediate availability of many precious gems, metals, and ores. Certain types of wood, stone, and animal products such as fur and leather are more expensive and rare due to importing costs, and thus Madani art is primarily centered around glasswork, sculpture, and jewelry. The further automation of its mining industry means that creation and artistry is becoming increasingly ubiquitous among the populace. The Republic’s greatest artists find themselves often starting out on Medina, drawn to the freedom present in such a culture, and the novelty of its ideas.  
'''Phoenixport:''' In a similar way to Mendell City, Selene's capital, Phoenixport, is located along the inner coast of its continent along Severson's Rift. After rebranding as a "successor" to Mendell City, the city gained prominence and briefly achieved its goal. Phoenixport was briefly successful, but fell off the radar and eventually became a breeding ground for nefarious behaviour. In another effort to revive interest in the city, government officials introduced replicas of various ancient architectural wonders. Examples include the Eiffel Tower and the Parthenon. Overall, the construction scheme did improve the quality of the city and even attracted large numbers of tourists eager to see the wonders rebuilt far from the dire conditions on Earth. [[Einstein Engines]] recent acquisition of Phoenixport has left many wondering whether the city will see yet another revival.  

Individuals born planetside tend to grow on a colorful mindset, seeing artistic liberties as an absolute necessity to take when confronting invention. Every invention, from the most luxurious hovercar to a simple kitchen appliance is seen as its own contained canvas upon which the absolute boundaries of the creator’s imagination must be pushed. This mindset usually boils down to “If something cannot be beautiful, why make it?”
'''Unfortunately, NanoTrasen has not taken the transfer of ownership idly - any NanoTrasen employees within Phoenixport have been given until March of 2463 to relocate or be summarily fired, Phoenixport residents found outside of the city’s limits are often summarily stopped and searched by NanoTrasen-owned police officers, and Phoenixport-flagged spacecraft are similarly “randomly” searched by SCC patrol vessels. Yet despite this the prospect of having a business not owned by NanoTrasen continues to attract new capital to Phoenixport.'''

Naturally, Madani art culture and its focus on beauty and perfection has spawned a counterculture. Called ''ghul-anata'' in Elyran Standard, and typically translated to “ghoulpunk” in Tau Ceti Basic, the artists of this subculture prefer to create works that are deliberately ugly, off-putting, or uncomfortable. This includes noisy, grating music, visual media designed with garish colors or deliberately skewed perspectives, and fashion designed to be grungy and ill-fitting. While typically disparaged as edgy youth culture, native Madani illustrator Noor Amari has found great success and popularity in the wider Orion Spur for her sketchy, garishly-colored illustrations of modern life in Elyra, often with a darkly humorous spin.
'''After an appeal by NanoTrasen in 2464, which proved that Einstein Engines had illegally acquired assets within Phoenixport, much of the corporate assets found themselves up for grabs yet again. Despite assistance from Idris Incorporated, NanoTrasen failed to secure a majority holding within Phoenixport, with Einstein Engines continuing its hegemony over the city. Subsequently, the discrimination faced by those in Phoenixport by local law enforcement has decreased significantly, as well as the "random" searches of Phoenixport-flagged spacecraft. Some of those forced from their homes during the original dispute have since begun to slowly return.'''

The floating cities of Medina generally contain a healthy variety of people from all walks of life. While there is no major distinction between those not from the planet and people born planetside, the lifestyles may vary tremendously. Most of the planet’s long-term residents are Elyran citizens, though there is a significant population of elderly Elyrans, usually from [[Persepolis]] or [[New Suez]], moving to the planet in their retirement.
'''Belle Cote:''' Situated at the southernmost edge of the Pandeia Penisula, hedged in by the Greatkrag ranges, Belle Cote is considered Biesel’s centre of finance, fashion and arts. The Selenian Moth, an insect that produces a resilient fibre that is common in textile manufacturing, was discovered by colonists early on in the development of the colony. A result of this discovery was the rapid decline of fishing and the emergence of the fashion industry. With an annual show, Belle Cote pushed the boundaries of fashion vogue and still does so to this day. Those living in Belle Cote are often considered to be a bit stuck up, looking down on others who don't keep up to date with their trendy outlandish trends. Even the poorest dress themselves in their eccentric styles. It is a popular honeymoon and wedding destination, which the artisanal community has begun franchising upon.  

About 85.6% of the population of Medina are practitioners of varying sects of Islam. Religious doctrines are quite loose, however, and interpretations of the Quran among Madani are considered more liberal and progressive. Notably in the past two decades, a movement has spread among the younger populace where pre-Abrahamic faiths such as Zoroastrianism, Arabian polytheism, and Turkic spiritism are beginning to be practiced and ritualized in small groups. However, only a very small percentage of citizens are actually registered as having a non-Abrahamic faith as their religion, and data on how widespread the movement actually is is inconclusive.
'''Ashton:''' In the heart of Selene, Ashton sits among miles of rolling farmlands that are home to dozens of different species of flora, including some that are native to Biesel. Due to its dominant agricultural industry, the community's economy has become centred on agriculture, as illustrated by its bimonthly Ashton farmer's market, which draws residents from surrounding cities alike and has become a cornerstone of the community's economy. As a whole, Ashtons are noted for being incredibly welcoming and cheerful.  

=== Non-Citizen Persons ===
'''Scottsdan:''' The continental capital of Eos and the industrial giant of Biesel. Its abundance of raw resources, provided by the Sevul Range, and the refinery processing capabilities has resulted in megacorporations expanding their operations within the city. There is a growing robotics industry, with Hephaestus Industries, Confiance Technologies and Terranius Diagnostics locked in a perpetual war of dominance. Most of the goods produced within Scottsdan are transported via monorails designed to carry freight to Ports-Ville, the closest port to both Mendell City and Phoenixport on Eos. Citizens of Scottsdan are remarkably hard-working according to the megacorporations, however, some prefer to call them stuck up doormats due to their snooty, sycophant tendencies.  
Behind Medina's rich bounty, idyllic society, and booming economy, non-citizen persons on the planet are similar, if not worse off, than their counterparts elsewhere in the Serene Republic. The NCP population is considerably smaller in size than other planets, owing to not just the cloistered nature of the floating cities but the high rates of injury and death that plague their professions. A lucky non-citizen may be able to find work as housekeepers, dishwashers, or line cooks in one of Medina's many hotels. An unlucky non-citizen may have to find work with Elco on the planet's surface, maintaining machinery and resource extraction efforts on temporary platforms and mining shafts. Exposed to far more pressing dangers than their Elyran counterparts, the non-citizens who may end up pursuing the Phoron Bulletin usually do so out of desperation, lacking the preparation and skill of their more mercenary counterparts.

Most of the NCP population are humans of various origins; the most notable group are former residents of Middle Ring planets, such as Lhokogan, Sankt Frederick, and [[San Colette]], and refugees from the [[Empire of Dominia]].  
'''Top of the World:''' Previously a sleepy town with little going for it, Lakeside has now shot to prominence after Miranda Trasen’s funding into the borough. After clearing several acreages lined along the coast of Griff’s Lake, inhabitants suffered round the clock cacophonies echoing from the construction equipment now infesting the demolished meadows. Eventually, it became evident what was being constructed by the Orion Spur’s wealthiest woman. The acreages were not longer vast empty fields, but instead the entrance to a gated community floating along the lake. Construction at long last was completed, and yielded what is now known to be “Top of the World”.

Non-citizen [[IPC|IPCs]] are usually put to work with the Phoron Bulletin; almost always, these IPCs are manufactured in Elyra, and synthetics from other nations are rarely permitted within the core worlds. Like the rest of the synthetic population, they tend to congregate in their own groups due to widespread mistrust of synthetics. While Medina’s culture is more libertine, and there are rare elements of synthetic sympathy among the younger populace, this does not change that it is still monumentally difficult for an IPC to gain citizenship. In cities such as Drifa, there are rare underground groups and some ghul-anata groups that accept IPCs into their circles, seeking new perspectives on Elyran life.
It is uniquely populated by those who are gifted access by Miranda Trasen herself, or those able to afford the ridiculously expensive “warranty”. Only the highest of echelons exist within the man-made island. Beneath its surface exists an experimental fusion reactor, one of unprecedented scale. On particularly bad days, those residing in Lakeside are warned from partaking in aquatic activities.  

[[Unathi]] formerly of the Izweski Hegemony are also a rare but unremarkable sight on Medina. Typically, former Gawgaryn or Guwan make their way off [[Moghes]] towards Medina, seeking the riches found in the planet’s crust. Unlike Unathi on New Suez, Madani Unathi typically have little interest in assimilating into Elyran culture, and they are reputed to be untrustworthy and criminal in the cities.
Majority of the labour force was previously comprised of IPCs, resulting in the creation of an entire community of positronics that existed purely to maintain and provide both the grand structure and its inhabitants. However, as of 2463, these IPCs have been made obsolete after the introduction of a triumvirate of artificial intelligences; Exteriores, Interiorem and Centrum. They coordinate with an array of bound drones, completing the tasks previously assigned to hundreds of independent positronic bodies, a cost-saving measure as cited by sceptics when comparing the value to ageing IPCs.  

In recent years, Medina has seen rising discontent among the civilian populace regarding the treatment of NCPs, and the dangerous conditions of their work. A notable demonstration in Drifa in 2464 called for worker protections for Madani NCPs; these demands have largely been ignored by the planetary government, even by the League of United Republicans representatives.
The integrated positronic chassis’ of Top of the World, who used to labour in a warm and maintained community of privileged construction and endless labour, all suffered redundancy and were put into other jobs or positions within NanoTrasen if owned. Free IPCs were often dumped to the curb and labelled as obsolete. The quality of life between Top of the World and Lakeside is stark. Poverty grips the majority of the population nestled within the backwater town. Dilapidated houses are a common sight within Lakeside, even entire houses sunken into the growing marsh. Free IPCs that previously called Top of the World home still remain in the area, stripped of any corporate identification in an often haphazard fashion, with clear signs of decay on their chassis.

== Floating Cities ==
'''Ports-Ville:''' Ports-Ville was originally established as a fishing and shipbuilding hub when Biesel was originally settled. For decades, the city was prosperous, supplying the planet with massive cargo ships to traverse its great blue oceans. After Biesel’s independence from the Alliance, however, Solarian subsidies for the industry disappeared and NanoTrasen found that shipbuilding was now cost-inefficient due to the continuing decrease of shipping goods by shuttle or spacecraft. The company withdrew most of its investment in the city’s heavy industry nearly overnight, causing the local economy to recede and the city itself to gradually decay into a patchwork of run-down apartment blocks, abandoned shipyards, and fishing ports in desperate need of maintenance.  
'''Drifa:''' The floating capital of Medina, Drifa is home to over sixty million people and rests on the back of over a thousand magpulse drives. Due to the seemingly endless profits phoron has brought to the planet, Drifa is overwhelmingly middle-and-upper-class. It is populated with luxurious SuezBank resorts and other get-aways, and is known for artificial greenhouses that produce upscale goods such as high-end coffee, chocolate and dates. As one of the more liberal planet capitals, Drifa’s abundant nightlife is popular with local youth and those visiting the planet from offworld, wishing to get away from the more restrictive law of their homeworlds. The current mayor of Drifa and governor of Medina is Layla Bint Hussein Al-Shahi of the League of United Republicans party. The city has a sizable synthetic population, where the precision and skill of IPC workers are highly prized in achieving the obsessive levels of perfection that the planet is known for. Detractors believe that as IPCs lack souls, they do not have the ‘human touch’ required to produce competent works of art.

'''Najada:''' A city where fortunes are made and lost overnight, Najada is unusual in the fact that its local governance is almost entirely Artisan free synthetics. Najada began as a simple shuttleport established early on in the planet’s history by a group of ambitious positronic settlers, wishing to seek their fortunes in reaping the ripening fruits of the phoron industry. The city has since sprawled from their port during the planet rush and now caters to the phoron mercenary population of Medina, being widely regarded as one of the seedier cities in the Republic as a whole. With a local government that is interested in profiting from the needs of the Phoron Bulletin above all else, almost anything goes in Najada provided it does not attract the ire of the Medinian Planetary Authority, who turn a blind eye to most of the goings-on of the city due to it’s high phoron yield. The headquarters for most of Medina’s mercenary companies are found here amidst the luxurious high-rises and mercenary bunk-housing, with its thriving black market providing all of the equipment required for their bloody work and more. The Najadi “Banafsaji District” is famous for its high-stakes gaming, where rich clientele gamble with the rights to mine entire deposits of mass quantities of phoron over dice-games and blackjack. The careful balance of Najada has been recently disturbed by the arrival of “danger tourists from” the rest of the Elyran Core, following the dramatized depiction of the city in the hit Elyran series Blood on The Sands.
Recently, however, [[Hephaestus Industries]] has brought up much of these abandoned facilities with hopes of retooling the city into a spaceship production centre on Biesel. This has also coincided with the megacorporation inviting many Martian refugees fleeing from the [[Mars#The Violet Dawn Explosion|Violet Dawn disaster]] to resettle in the city to work at these new facilities. Ports-Ville itself is unprepared for this great migration of people and is in the middle of a severe housing shortage, with many new arrivals finding themselves living in makeshift tent-town camps as a result. It is yet to be seen if this new investment by Hephaestus Industries will pay off and revitalise the city once more, as the influx of Martian refugees has so far only continued to strain the city’s already declining economy.

'''Harba:''' More a fortress than a city, the floating enclave of Harba is among the most secure on Medina, and is where the EAF Command for the entire Jedeed-Isfahan System resides. Harba is closely connected to the Madani capital, and acquiring property here is notoriously difficult. The city is directly governed by the Planetary Authority rather than any local authority, and housing is typically reserved for government officials and their families, or occasionally awarded to exceptional soldiers for their service. Regardless of one’s background, government clearance is required to enter the city at all due to security concerns, and most civilians come to Harba for work from elsewhere on Medina, inevitably finding themselves under a strict NDA. Harba is the main vector of getting Medinian Phoron off-world and into the rest of the Republic, and it is fiercely protected with a military exclusion zone for all ground and air activity. It is rumored that Osman Electric Industries has a government-contracted facility here which is in the process of developing military AI for the Elyran Navy, but OEI has repeatedly claimed that it is just another factory developing QQs.
'''New Marfa:''' Established along the eastern coastline of Eos, New Marfa is one of few cities on Biesel without megacorporate dominance, which is largely attributed to its status as a hub for [[Republic of Elyra|Elyran]] migrants; half if not most of the citizens are either Elyran immigrants and expatriates or directly descended from one. Elyran culture is dominant in the city, to the point that at a glance, it has become nearly indistinguishable from a city in Persepolis. Elyran megacorporations retain a minority over the market with the SCC megacorporations, and the competition has led to a flourishing synthetic development sector. With a thriving glass refining industry and healthy technology sector, New Marfa’s advancements in the fields of robotics are said to be at least a year ahead of everything else on Biesel.  

'''Turaif:''' Turaif is the academic heartland of Medina, home to several learning institutions and the headquarters of one Elyran Megacorp. Turaif’s primary export is phoron research and education. The headquarters of Osman Electric Industries is found here in the grand Burj Osman, a tower known first for its many amenities, and second for its unique quirk in that it also functions as a research facility. The Burj Osman’s lower floors open to the public and present a typical offering of shopping malls, high-end restaurants, spas, and even hotels. The upper floors, however, are access restricted and home to OEI’s most prominent phoron research facilities, where all manner of phoron technology is researched and presented to the wider Republic. Also in Turaif, the Khalil Osman Institute for Applied Phoronics is Elyra’s foremost learning institute for phoron sciences, and many of the Spur’s greatest phoron researchers graduate from the institute. The rest of Turaif is home to closely-packed city housing, with most residents working in education or research fields. A local student art collective dubbed The Turaif School produces popular work that regularly pushes the boundaries of Elyran Futuro-Impressionism, much to the government’s annoyance. Their latest work is a series of 24 murals across Turaif showing the struggle of Medina’s NCP populace, and was widely published on Elyran social media despite the government’s attempts to the contrary. The League of United Republicans expressed quiet approval for the works, though local Republican Revolutionary Society members disapproved it for “rocking the boat.
'''Craterview:''' Craterview has managed to become the vacation and resort city of the Republic of Biesel, with large [[Idris Incorporated|Idris]] Hotels lining the interior perimeter of the beaches and small family-run motels dotting the plots of land surrounding the beaches. Crime rates soar the farther one strays from the city centre, as locals defraud and steal from tourists drawn to their slice of Biesel. Other than the tourism industry, the fishing industry also does well, leading to a growing presence of local seafood hibachi restaurants. In addition to year-round sunshine and tropical climate, Craterview is occasionally interrupted by tropical storms. It is no wonder that boat races have become an attraction, even becoming an event for betting. In the rich suburbs, marinas line beachfront estates where [[Eridani Federation Military|Eridani Private Military Contractors]] are often spotted. It is well known that residents of Craterview are both competitive and sceptical of the wealthy.  

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[[Category:Planets and Systems]]

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  • Biesel, or Tau Ceti III, is the capital planet of the Republic of Biesel and the seat of its power. It was one of the first habitable exoplanets discovered by humanity, seventeen years after the development of the Warp Drive. As a result of its sustained terraforming effort and colonization, Biesel has become one of the most wealthy and influential planets in human space.

    Following the aftermath of the economic collapse of the Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations, the Federal Republic of Biesel and the Tau Ceti System achieved independence in 2452. Its independence was heavily assisted by NanoTrasen, and Biesel continues to be the main base of operations for the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate in the aftermath of the establishment of the Solarian Corporate Authority, which saw NanoTrasen expelled from Sol territories entirely.

    Biesel's flag prior to independence, still sporting the Solarian insignia. The circle in the middle represents Valkyrie, which had not been recognised by the Sol Alliance as a "separate colony or entity", only gaining such after the Republic's declaration.


    Tau Ceti had long been suspected by astronomers to be a home to super-Earths; Earth-like planets with a larger mass that boasted a similar climate. its first colony was established in 2147. The planet consisted of simple flora in the pre-human era, and small furry gopher-like animals called Barks by early colonizers. Then humans colonized and introduced animals and plants from Earth. Despite conservation efforts, these animals quickly disappeared due to being out-competed by earth animals entering the wild and because they were viewed as pests for their loud, obnoxious barks and insatiable desire to chew wires.


    Biesel is a planet slightly larger than Earth, with a more temperate climate; it takes thirty-five days for the planet to make a full orbit around its star, and its rotational period is twenty-two hours. Its icecaps on its poles are far smaller than that of Persepolis, another Earth-like exoplanet, and it has very limited deserts at its equator. Snow is rare on Biesel, with its winter seasons being marked by cold rains. As such, most coastal cities on Biesel are fortified to reduce infrastructural damage from flooding, particularly in the aftermath of the Craterview Flood in 2396. Despite flood risks, there is very little risk of tsunamis on Biesel because of almost non-existent tectonic activity. In the summer, tropical storms form with a similar frequency to Earth, but because of the smaller land area, the tropical storms can be much stronger. Many coastal cities have detection systems that sound an alarm if the correct atmospheric conditions are met.

    The planet has a rich resource base, attributed to a collision with a large celestial body early in its development. From the time Biesel was colonized, geologists have been studying Peterdiezel Crater closely. According to theories, the crater was created by the collision of a moon with the planet. This collision not only brought Biesel's moon, Valkyrie, into existence, but also created a wealth of resources. A part of Valkyrie is thought to be Biesel, while the other is thought to be the celestial body responsible for creating Peterdiezel Crater.

    As settlers colonized the planet, they introduced plants and animals brought over from Earth into the ecosystems of the planet. Unlike the introduced species of plants and animals that immediately followed human settlement, local species had historically thrived in Biesel before human settlement. After a total transformation, the habitat in Biesel resembles Earth with its flora and fauna.

    A variety of species of animals, including deer, elk, wolves and bees, can be found in coniferous and temperate forests. There are also earth species found in deserts and on the ocean. As a result of the terraforming work carried out on Biesel, nearly all native alien species have disappeared. Few native rodents, insects, and fish have managed to adapt to the new ecosystem and have prospered. Only a few large animals remain in zoos for public viewing.


    A labeled map depicting Biesel.


    Astraeus is the most affluent of Biesel's three continents and is home to the capital, Mendell City. Even today, it remains the most heavily populated area in Biesel, largely due to the availability of natural resources and the low-lying plains that were easily colonized by early settlers. Many of their homesteads soon turned into cities, dotting the landscape around the two mountain ranges in the north, the Grattle, and in the south, the Uratines. In its long history, the Grattle range has evolved from a mining zone to a destination recognized for its top-performing ski resort that can lure visitors from the furthest reaches of Orion Spur. Its other major population centre is Cape City.

    Mendell City

    See: Mendell City

    Known as the most affluent city in all of space, Mendell City is the capital of Biesel. There are countless educational institutes where people of all backgrounds can hone their intellect and reach new heights before they are eagerly hired by corporate giants. However, the city has low-income neighbourhoods that exist on the outskirts of its more wealthy neighbourhoods. These low-income areas are home to a large population of non-humans used by Nanotrasen in exchange for cheap labour. In reality, very few people are actually living in abject poverty since basic utilities and public services are available, though these are infrequently reliable and there are very few higher education institutions available.


    The second-largest continent of Biesel, Selene, is situated north of Astraeus. In spite of its size, Selene is the continent with the lowest population density of the three, with almost all of its inhabitants living in coastal towns. Those not biding their time on the coasts are usually tending the inland plains that often are lined with farmsteads. The Greatkrag range that runs across Selene has come to symbolize the Biesel Escarpment, an area consisting of steep slopes that transition into arctic plateaus, which entice those seeking to escape civilization.


    The largest continent of the three, Eos resides mostly within the eastern hemisphere of Biesel and is the most industrialized. The large amount of coastal flatlands, supplied by rugged inlands, rich with minerals and resources of all varieties has led to most of the cities doting Eos to form along with the two major mountain ranges. They are the northern Latra range, which is heavily mined for its abundance of copper and iron, and the southern Sevul range, mined for its large quantities of heavy metals. Eos is also known for its sports fanatics, who host regular tournaments between the major population centres on Biesel.


    Culture and Demographics


    • Peterdiezel Boat Racing is an annual competition that begins in Craterview. The race is a three-day excursion and is usually recorded through observation drones following the individual boats racing against the clock. There are several routes all across Peterdiezel Crater, some more dangerous than others. While anyone can participate, most of the competitors are city teams such as the Mendell City Boat Club or the Cape Cods.
    • Eos Sporting Tournaments are an annually held, international series of sporting events in which megacorporation-sponsored athletes participate in competitions involving human and alien sports. Every team or participant will represent a corporation during the competitions. Due to the corporate nature of the event, every participant must be employed in the megacorporation they represent. It is common for corporations to offer better salaries and benefits to notorious athletes in an attempt to poach them from their original employers. Games are usually hosted in any of Eos' cities except New Marfa.
    • Belle Cote Fashion Show is a series of designer presentations held annually in Belle Cote. Sponsored by Idris, a variety of venues are used throughout the city to display the best-performing styles and themes of the year. Both Chief Executive Officers of Caishen Jewellers and Le Soleil Royal are regular hosts of the show, their fashion lines the staple of the event.

    Festivals and Celebrations

    • Republic Day (also known to some as Xavier’s Gala) is a holiday which commemorates the declaration of independence of Tau Ceti from the Solarian Alliance. The crippling economic recession experienced by the Solarian Alliance allowed the Republic of Biesel to leverage their independence, and ultimately be awarded it. It is hosted on May 5th of each year, and usually involves total rejection of both Solarians and Megacorporations. Fireworks, parades, fairs and concerts are often commonly associated with Republic Day.
    • Tribuisti de Colonis, or Festival of the Settlers, is a massive Carnival celebration marking Biesel’s colonization. The festivities usually begin on the third Friday of October, through to the Sunday. Mendell City has become the most well-known celebrator of the festival, parading through the streets of the various districts with eccentric clothing and massive floats (usually of the planet’s native species). Other popular cities include Craterview, which celebrates the festival with dazzling fireworks and displays of lights, and Belle Cote, which throws its annual fashion show over the weekend the festival takes place.
    • Heritage Day is a holiday that recognizes and celebrates the cultural wealth of the Republic of Biesel. Celebrations differ from person to person and usually depends on their cultural heritage and the remembrance of such. Some believe the wearing of cultural garments is enough, while others may partake in cultural festivities hosted across Tau Ceti. It is usually held every September 24th.


    Mendell City

    Other Major Cities

    Cape City: Otherwise known as the “City of Splendor” by many Biesellites, is a city focused heavily on entertainment, production of holovids, and exorbitant tourist attractions. Situated around and on the side of Mount Nevermeet in the midst of the Cape Sea, the entertainment centre sits comfortably by scenic vistas, large themed resorts, and studios for filming and recording. However, due to unique labor laws, it has gained a bad reputation among non-humans for being exploitative and predatory in their practices. Any xenos looking to gain entry into fields like animation, studio production, acting, and the like face harsh stereotypes and discrimination, poorer qualities of living, and shop and drop contracts (hiring someone, forcing them to work an unusually high amount of hours a week, then “dropping” them if they protest or request different hours after a short period contract expires). Nonetheless, Cape City is on the up-and-up, and only time will tell its rise to the intergalactic stage as a media giant or not.

    Phoenixport: In a similar way to Mendell City, Selene's capital, Phoenixport, is located along the inner coast of its continent along Severson's Rift. After rebranding as a "successor" to Mendell City, the city gained prominence and briefly achieved its goal. Phoenixport was briefly successful, but fell off the radar and eventually became a breeding ground for nefarious behaviour. In another effort to revive interest in the city, government officials introduced replicas of various ancient architectural wonders. Examples include the Eiffel Tower and the Parthenon. Overall, the construction scheme did improve the quality of the city and even attracted large numbers of tourists eager to see the wonders rebuilt far from the dire conditions on Earth. Einstein Engines recent acquisition of Phoenixport has left many wondering whether the city will see yet another revival.

    Unfortunately, NanoTrasen has not taken the transfer of ownership idly - any NanoTrasen employees within Phoenixport have been given until March of 2463 to relocate or be summarily fired, Phoenixport residents found outside of the city’s limits are often summarily stopped and searched by NanoTrasen-owned police officers, and Phoenixport-flagged spacecraft are similarly “randomly” searched by SCC patrol vessels. Yet despite this the prospect of having a business not owned by NanoTrasen continues to attract new capital to Phoenixport.

    After an appeal by NanoTrasen in 2464, which proved that Einstein Engines had illegally acquired assets within Phoenixport, much of the corporate assets found themselves up for grabs yet again. Despite assistance from Idris Incorporated, NanoTrasen failed to secure a majority holding within Phoenixport, with Einstein Engines continuing its hegemony over the city. Subsequently, the discrimination faced by those in Phoenixport by local law enforcement has decreased significantly, as well as the "random" searches of Phoenixport-flagged spacecraft. Some of those forced from their homes during the original dispute have since begun to slowly return.

    Belle Cote: Situated at the southernmost edge of the Pandeia Penisula, hedged in by the Greatkrag ranges, Belle Cote is considered Biesel’s centre of finance, fashion and arts. The Selenian Moth, an insect that produces a resilient fibre that is common in textile manufacturing, was discovered by colonists early on in the development of the colony. A result of this discovery was the rapid decline of fishing and the emergence of the fashion industry. With an annual show, Belle Cote pushed the boundaries of fashion vogue and still does so to this day. Those living in Belle Cote are often considered to be a bit stuck up, looking down on others who don't keep up to date with their trendy outlandish trends. Even the poorest dress themselves in their eccentric styles. It is a popular honeymoon and wedding destination, which the artisanal community has begun franchising upon.

    Ashton: In the heart of Selene, Ashton sits among miles of rolling farmlands that are home to dozens of different species of flora, including some that are native to Biesel. Due to its dominant agricultural industry, the community's economy has become centred on agriculture, as illustrated by its bimonthly Ashton farmer's market, which draws residents from surrounding cities alike and has become a cornerstone of the community's economy. As a whole, Ashtons are noted for being incredibly welcoming and cheerful.

    Scottsdan: The continental capital of Eos and the industrial giant of Biesel. Its abundance of raw resources, provided by the Sevul Range, and the refinery processing capabilities has resulted in megacorporations expanding their operations within the city. There is a growing robotics industry, with Hephaestus Industries, Confiance Technologies and Terranius Diagnostics locked in a perpetual war of dominance. Most of the goods produced within Scottsdan are transported via monorails designed to carry freight to Ports-Ville, the closest port to both Mendell City and Phoenixport on Eos. Citizens of Scottsdan are remarkably hard-working according to the megacorporations, however, some prefer to call them stuck up doormats due to their snooty, sycophant tendencies.

    Top of the World: Previously a sleepy town with little going for it, Lakeside has now shot to prominence after Miranda Trasen’s funding into the borough. After clearing several acreages lined along the coast of Griff’s Lake, inhabitants suffered round the clock cacophonies echoing from the construction equipment now infesting the demolished meadows. Eventually, it became evident what was being constructed by the Orion Spur’s wealthiest woman. The acreages were not longer vast empty fields, but instead the entrance to a gated community floating along the lake. Construction at long last was completed, and yielded what is now known to be “Top of the World”.

    It is uniquely populated by those who are gifted access by Miranda Trasen herself, or those able to afford the ridiculously expensive “warranty”. Only the highest of echelons exist within the man-made island. Beneath its surface exists an experimental fusion reactor, one of unprecedented scale. On particularly bad days, those residing in Lakeside are warned from partaking in aquatic activities.

    Majority of the labour force was previously comprised of IPCs, resulting in the creation of an entire community of positronics that existed purely to maintain and provide both the grand structure and its inhabitants. However, as of 2463, these IPCs have been made obsolete after the introduction of a triumvirate of artificial intelligences; Exteriores, Interiorem and Centrum. They coordinate with an array of bound drones, completing the tasks previously assigned to hundreds of independent positronic bodies, a cost-saving measure as cited by sceptics when comparing the value to ageing IPCs.

    The integrated positronic chassis’ of Top of the World, who used to labour in a warm and maintained community of privileged construction and endless labour, all suffered redundancy and were put into other jobs or positions within NanoTrasen if owned. Free IPCs were often dumped to the curb and labelled as obsolete. The quality of life between Top of the World and Lakeside is stark. Poverty grips the majority of the population nestled within the backwater town. Dilapidated houses are a common sight within Lakeside, even entire houses sunken into the growing marsh. Free IPCs that previously called Top of the World home still remain in the area, stripped of any corporate identification in an often haphazard fashion, with clear signs of decay on their chassis.

    Ports-Ville: Ports-Ville was originally established as a fishing and shipbuilding hub when Biesel was originally settled. For decades, the city was prosperous, supplying the planet with massive cargo ships to traverse its great blue oceans. After Biesel’s independence from the Alliance, however, Solarian subsidies for the industry disappeared and NanoTrasen found that shipbuilding was now cost-inefficient due to the continuing decrease of shipping goods by shuttle or spacecraft. The company withdrew most of its investment in the city’s heavy industry nearly overnight, causing the local economy to recede and the city itself to gradually decay into a patchwork of run-down apartment blocks, abandoned shipyards, and fishing ports in desperate need of maintenance.

    Recently, however, Hephaestus Industries has brought up much of these abandoned facilities with hopes of retooling the city into a spaceship production centre on Biesel. This has also coincided with the megacorporation inviting many Martian refugees fleeing from the Violet Dawn disaster to resettle in the city to work at these new facilities. Ports-Ville itself is unprepared for this great migration of people and is in the middle of a severe housing shortage, with many new arrivals finding themselves living in makeshift tent-town camps as a result. It is yet to be seen if this new investment by Hephaestus Industries will pay off and revitalise the city once more, as the influx of Martian refugees has so far only continued to strain the city’s already declining economy.

    New Marfa: Established along the eastern coastline of Eos, New Marfa is one of few cities on Biesel without megacorporate dominance, which is largely attributed to its status as a hub for Elyran migrants; half if not most of the citizens are either Elyran immigrants and expatriates or directly descended from one. Elyran culture is dominant in the city, to the point that at a glance, it has become nearly indistinguishable from a city in Persepolis. Elyran megacorporations retain a minority over the market with the SCC megacorporations, and the competition has led to a flourishing synthetic development sector. With a thriving glass refining industry and healthy technology sector, New Marfa’s advancements in the fields of robotics are said to be at least a year ahead of everything else on Biesel.

    Craterview: Craterview has managed to become the vacation and resort city of the Republic of Biesel, with large Idris Hotels lining the interior perimeter of the beaches and small family-run motels dotting the plots of land surrounding the beaches. Crime rates soar the farther one strays from the city centre, as locals defraud and steal from tourists drawn to their slice of Biesel. Other than the tourism industry, the fishing industry also does well, leading to a growing presence of local seafood hibachi restaurants. In addition to year-round sunshine and tropical climate, Craterview is occasionally interrupted by tropical storms. It is no wonder that boat races have become an attraction, even becoming an event for betting. In the rich suburbs, marinas line beachfront estates where Eridani Private Military Contractors are often spotted. It is well known that residents of Craterview are both competitive and sceptical of the wealthy.

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