Skrell: различия между версиями

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== Mechanics ==
== Mechanics ==

*Slimes are naturally passive to skrell for a [[Skrell_History#Recovery_and_the_Second_Federation|mysterious reason]] science has yet to find out.
*Skrell have their own language that can be used by typing ''',k''' before anything you say, and can also be used over the radio.

*Skrell can enter [[Skrell#Telepathic|a Dream]] with other skrell when they sleep, allowing communication and lucid dreaming.
*Skrell can send a telepathic message out to a single person in eyesight using the abilities tab, however, it's deemed criminal to do to non-consenting non-Skrell.

*Skrell have their own language that can be used by typing,k before anything you say, and can also be used over the radio.
*Skrell can enter [[Skrell#Telepathic|Srom] with other Skrell when they sleep, allowing communication and lucid dreaming.
*Slimes are naturally passive to skrell for a [[Skrell_History#Recovery_and_the_Second_Federation|mysterious reason]] science has yet to find out.

*Skrell can send a telepathic message out to a single person in eyesight using the abilities tab, however, it's deemed criminal to do to non-consenting non-Skrell.

*Skrell have the ability to breathe underwater due to them being amphibious.
*Skrell have the ability to breathe underwater due to them being amphibious.

Версия от 13:50, 18 декабря 2020

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  • Расы

  • Skrell
    S. Sapiens
    Home System: Jargon (Nralakk)
    Homeworld: Jargon IV (Qerrbalak)
    Language(s): Skrellian (Nral'Malic), Tau Ceti Basic
    Political Entitie(s): Jargon Federation

    An amphibious species whose passion lies in the field of the combined sciences, the Skrell are the oldest and most advanced known species present on the galactic stage. The Skrell evolved on a planet covered in vast swamps and freshwater seas, hence their amphibious qualities. These include moist, pliant, and nearly translucent skin, as well as their internal gills allowing them to breathe underwater.

    Although humans have fractured heavily in their expansion, Skrell have remained in a largely singular government through strict reinforcement of education and laws, working as a democratic meritocracy. Social media is maintained by the Federation government, who gag unacceptable discussions or thoughts and instead encourage people to be like the Idols that they reward with credits, high quality housing, and fine living.

    Heads of Staff

    Skrell can be the following heads of staff:

    • Captain
    • Head of Security
    • Chief Engineer
    • Head of Personnel
    • Chief Medical Officer
    • Research Director
    • Internal Affairs Agent


    • Skrell have their own language that can be used by typing ,k before anything you say, and can also be used over the radio.
    • Skrell can send a telepathic message out to a single person in eyesight using the abilities tab, however, it's deemed criminal to do to non-consenting non-Skrell.
    • Skrell can enter [[Skrell#Telepathic|Srom] with other Skrell when they sleep, allowing communication and lucid dreaming.
    • Slimes are naturally passive to skrell for a mysterious reason science has yet to find out.

    • Skrell have the ability to breathe underwater due to them being amphibious.
    • Due to their advanced vestibular system, Skrell maintain a good balance, and never slip.

    Non-Mechanic Traits

    • The Federation has been allied with human states for longer than any other alien government has; as such, many of the most valued specialists in human space are Skrell. They are suitable for any role on station, but they're most commonly seen in white-collar roles, and older Skrell typically possess a multitude of qualifications. However, Skrell do not lightly dip into jobs, instead fully committing themselves to mastering a field of education before moving onto another. This involves the Skrell in question typically spending quite a while working in the field, gaining experience; after all, degrees are only half of it. After quite a bit of work, the Skrell may move onto another field entirely.
    • Skrell lack teeth and instead have hardened gums; this leads to them being big advocates on soft foods such as bread, or liquid foods such as soup. Skrell are largely considered to be omnivorous, sticking mainly to meat native to Jargon, however.
    • Skrell have large heads with protruding head tails and due to this they cannot wear normal hardsuit helmets but instead need to wear Skrell hardsuit helmets (found in EVA). Their head tails also make it uncomfortable to wear normal headwear such as hats so most Skrell opt-out of that.


    An excellent government-sponsored informational guide depicting typical Jargon gestures.

    Physically Skrell have an average height ranging from 4’5” to 5’5”. Skrell faces are quite plain which makes it hard for other species to find emotion, and their eyes completely black due to a pigment in their tear ducts. Adapted for aquatic life, Skrell are fully amphibious, and are capable of breathing underwater while also possessing superior underwater vision. Their hands and feet are very similar to that of humans, except for a lack of nails and the presence of strong webbing in-between each digit. Due to their amphibian nature, the Skrell lack any real teeth and instead possess hardened gum lines. Typically if these gums are not used to 'chew', Skrell otherwise swallow their foods whole, or grind them into a softer form, some carrying around mortars and pestles. Instead of a developed nose, Skrell smell through two simple slits sitting in the middle of their face. Skrell bear tentacle-like "head-tails", typically hanging down over their shoulders. The purpose of these tentacles is to keep the skin close to the neck damp for the incubating of eggs. These headtails typically contain muscle tissue, although there are Skrell whose headtails cannot move for various reasons. This muscle control does not include fine control, though one can generally raise, position, and often wiggle their tentacles. Tentacles grow throughout their whole life at various speeds, with the oldest Skrell typically having very long headtails - and being the least likely to modify their length at spas with headtail-treatments. Tentacles are often adorned with jewels, cloths, chains or plates, as a fashion statement. These are also used for emotional displays and gesturing, Skrell outside of Federation space tending to overemote with them. Gestures can vary from system to system.

    Their diet mostly consists of Qerrbalak-native algae, plants and insects.

    Skrell, dissimilar to other sophonts in the Orion Spur, do not possess two distinct biological sexes. They are synchronous hermaphrodites, possessing the ability to both lay and fertilize eggs. Due to this, Skrell have neither secondary sexual characteristics/dimorphism, or any mental concept of gender. There is no social concern for gender, which Federation Skrell typically view as another label other races have they do not understand. Some younger Skrell may 'identify' with a certain gender, adopting different pronouns or attempting to conform (often poorly) to various alien notions of gendered clothing, but they most often do not really feel it; their psychology not supporting it. Some view it as a more trendy thing similar to uses of a Zodiac sign. Skrell unfamiliar with galactic customs can confuse the sexes of other species and struggle to adapt to the gendered pronouns of Tau Ceti Basic, instead calling someone gender-neutral terms, ex. “They/them”. This has led to the adaptation of a newer personal pronoun to areas like Tau Ceti Basic as a loanword from Nral'malic, taking the form of vi/xil/xilself. This form is actually a heavily simplified version of the Nral'malic word, the original widely regarded by Skrell and the aliens that use it as too much to expect non-Skrell to remember.

    Although Skrell reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the Skrell understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to include experience. A Skrell usually reaches 'adulthood' after getting out of their second college, around age 30-50. A healthy Skrell can naturally live up to 200 years, but current medical technology in the Federation allows them to increase their lifespan to an impressive 300 to 500 years.

    Due to the lingering effects of Glorsh's attempts to genetically manipulate Skrell, a sizable percentage of Skrell are completely sterile. Thanks to the intense research efforts of Skrellian doctors and scientists, modern Federation specialists have the capability to at least partially reverse these effects in half of all Skrell. The extensive treatments and investments needed to undergo the treatments for the genophage give the reality that only about a third (33%) of Skrell are able to have children. These Skrell can have 1-3 children in their lifetime, whereas pre-genophage Skrell could have 8 eggs hatch at a time. Without treatments, effected eggs remain inert, not developing.

    Physical Appearance

    Whilst gelatinous in appearance, Skrell skin in fact has a second layer of a less translucent flesh under the surface. In dry climates it may get itchy, and even start to slightly crack. To prevent this, a Skrell may self-moisturize by dumping bottles of water on themselves, taking a hot shower, or swimming in available pools. Although exact time varies from individual to individual, NanoTrasen stations' climate control is equipped to allow their Skrell personnel to work without additional moisturizing for up to four hours without suffering negative effects on skin health. Wealthier Skrell, on the other hand, may purchase expensive genetic treatments to stay comfortable for up to a week without moisturizing. Skrell skin notably contains glands which secrete mucus. While it is not sticky or poisonous, it serves an important role in allowing Skrell to avoid being grappled by potential predators, protecting their skin, and keeping them moist. The sliminess of an individual Skrell can vary based on genetics, some being extremely dry to the point of flaking, others nearly dripping with the stuff. It's generally described as damp, slippery, but not unpleasant to touch.

    Genetic engineers have worked with physical appearance to accelerate natural changes in skin colour and headtail length, and are capable of giving a 'Spa treatment' to change hue and saturation in the skin over the course of a month, while changing headtail length takes about a year, as well as an increased appetite. This type of physical alteration is natural in society, and is compared to humans dyeing their hair a different colour. Also notable is the fact that physical disorders and abnormalities are not seen as disgusting, but worthy of study and interest.

    See also: Skrell Ethnicities


    Skrell psychology and their mindset are set far apart from humans; this primarily concerns their wiring towards long-term thinking, cyclical brain expansion, and high emotional variability and sensitivity.

    One of the mechanisms behind this longer timeframe is that Skrell brain-matter undergoes cyclical expansions over decades, a ‘mental version’ of human growth spurts. These cycles are marked by the individual suddenly feeling much more competent and capable of learning; these expansions typically coming in a predictable timeframe. Showing signs of reaching these milestones can lead to acknowledgement by elder Skrell as a peer, rather than a subordinate. These cycles go on for a Skrell’s entire lifespan, though they often experience ‘plateaus’, stall periods that are typically around twenty five to fifty years in length between intellectual spurts. Coping with these plateaus are a cornerstone of Skrell psychology, much like human athletes. One part of these growth spurts is not only the increase of intellectual processing capacity, but also an increase in memory. With memory not being scarce and valuable, some Skrell might waste it on the very minor things, including slights. A healthy use would be remembering the scent of a flower a Skrell was given seventy years ago, unhealthy uses can be remembering the exact words a superior said to them, that they might say the same to their superior’s grandchild when the child is denied a spot on an escape pod.

    This can make Skrell excellent plotters and planners. Many young Skrell in the Federation trying to make their way have to contend with elder Skrell from previous Eras with outdated social mores and startling things to say about centuries-old events; weaving intricate plots over centuries of time only for insignificantly small gains and to carry out deep-set grudges. Social games and near-backstabbing that their subordinates would never understand, but still find themselves playing into. Quid-pro-quo ‘tag, you’re it’ games that have significant consequences over the lives of everyday people. One day, jealousy and contempt between two Lu'Poxii might lead to a scientific, medical, or cultural advances being suppressed or even banned because one stole another's' research two centuries ago. Though, sometimes these might turn out positive; one may have a huge research grant suddenly dropped on their super-niche and passion-based research project because someone old and influential owed a family member.

    As a whole, Skrell generally have difficulty with viewing events that take place over short timeframes like mere “months” or “years” with the same importance that shorter-lived races do. Consequences lasting less than a decade are felt far less. They are higher tolerance for momentary ‘human’ worries; such as temporary social rejection, or having to wait for things to come to fruition. On the other hand, Skrell have a lower tolerance for actual long-term worries. Existential threats, trauma, social alienation and paranoia, etcetera. This also applies to their entertainment; Skrellian television programs can typically have forty seasons of content, movies are rarely less than at least eight hours long. Some more traditional music can be equally long, older stuff containing nearly-day-long symphonies made of subtle, droning aquatic noises only detectable over a long expanse of time. Their longer timeframe also gives them a higher resilience to accumulating stress, but relieving stress is notoriously complicated. Normally, every once in a decade or few, Skrell go to ‘therapy camps’, a year or two spent at an analog of a rehab facility in relative isolation to process their feelings, confronting decades of pent-up experiences. Alternatively, some go on their own to the ‘wilderness’, sometimes uninhabited exoplanets, perhaps even doing activities such as disintegrating rocks with energy weapons. They typically come out of the experiences almost frighteningly ‘zen’, a paragon of calmness and sanity at least until they build it up again. While this is something unquestioned in Jargon society, Skrell typically not wanting to set someone off by asking why they’re taking a gap year, it is difficult for Skrell that have emigrated to human society. Megacorporations are typically not found automatically granting Skrellian employees a year-long leave, so they can end up overdue and a bit ‘twitchy.’


    The Wake

    All Skrell have a general “thought field” called the Psionic Wake or Nlom - the thoughts of an individual are influenced by thoughts of others, and the thoughts of others are, in turn, influenced by thoughts of an individual. It forms an echo chamber of sorts, where the same thoughts resonate over and over, new ideas being introduced very slowly into the Skrell society. Skrell share the Wake across great distances, its reach often enveloping entire planets - however, the Wake's main barrier is outer space. Signals that the Wake is comprised of can be voluntary and concentrated, which is what telepathy is - accessing the thought field directly.

    There are two main types of Skrell based on how they perceive the Wake - receivers and listeners. Receivers’ thoughts are influenced by the Wake directly, while listeners simply “listen in”. The Skrell as a whole are split into these groups roughly 50/50. It is unknown whether this difference is biological or environmental, and many Skrell report feeling attuned differently to the Wake at different points in their lives, while others filmly maintain they are one or the other. Federation personality testing often determines a Skrell is one or the other before they are permitted to work in human space, so this difference would be mentioned on medical and security records. Although most listeners tend to crumble under pressure anyway, the receptiveness to the Wake differs for both listeners and receivers; with some being more or less sensitive to it. Current radical thinkers such as Glorsh supporters in Skrell society are often listeners who are less attuned to the Wake, and because of it, listeners are sometimes looked upon with more suspicion.

    Human scientists have connected the phenomenon of the Wake to many Terran animals. Zona bovinae, a part of the brain first discovered in a domesticated cow in 2256, and then in almost all other species inhabiting the Earth, was previously presumed to be responsible for some form of communication - with herd animals having it clearly developed and active, and solitary predators having it as but a rudiment. When first contact with Skrell was made, however, it was discovered to be definitely responsible for psionics. Although most other various species do not perceive the Wake, they can still be affected by direct influences, as the part itself is still present. The effects of long-term exposure of direct Wake signal transfer to other species have been tested, but results have shown that unaugmented members of other species can suffer effects from long-term, prolonged exposure to active telepathy. Cooperation between Jargon and the Sol Alliance has resulted in laws against harmful usage of psychic powers. While sending only 'verbal information' is legal, sending anything other than that such as imagery is illegal if explicit consent has not been granted. Nonconsensual usage of mind reading is also entirely illegal, falling under privacy laws; search warrants do not extend to cover mind reading.

    The Dream

    When a Skrell's body enters ‘deep’ sleep, it stops transmitting signals of the Wake, instead entering the Dream, or Srom. Here, their thoughts connect to others on a deeper level than the Wake can allow, transmitting emotions and memories. This psychic space is much like a human lucid dream, but on a much wider scale.

    The size of any given Srom dreambubble is dependent on the amount of psychics recently occupying a location. A small number will generally keep their dreams to themselves, perhaps picking up only scarce traces from one another. Smaller dreambubbles can widely vary in appearance, generally the strongest memory or lucid concept dreamt up. Larger dreambubbles, such as on Homeworld, resemble the environment they’re built around.

    Psychic individuals can lucidly alter and adjust things in Srom based on skill, effort, and power. Typically, the most common move is to alter one's dream body; some claim the process is easier if one sleeps wearing a costume. Overuse of lucid dreaming causing various levels of unpleasant physiological and psychological effects. It takes a keen mind to perfectly replicate how a dreamed up object would realistically act. Lastly, stress can cause objects to spontaneously apparate in the Srom or change it.

    Curiously enough, the 'ghosts', 'memories' or 'echoes' of particularly psionically-attuned individuals can remain in dreambubbles after their waking body’s death - with some effort. These typically act somewhat esoterically. These thought projections are ephemeral, never lasting very long.

    It is difficult to keep ones lips sealed in the Dream, with inhibitions that often keep ones thoughts to themselves easily melting away. However, it is also much easier to create and brainstorm in Srom. This often extends to the waking world, the body mumbling recent excerpts from their dreamspeech. Ways to hide from the dreamclutter of a dreambubble are somewhat numerous. Distancing yourself inside the Dream is the most common tactic, but it is also known that aluminum (typically headpieces, blankets, or plated walls) blocks off sections of a Dreambubble entirely.

    Skrell who don't have the luxury of aluminum-plated walls must remain in light sleep or awake entirely. This means most who hold secrets have the telltale sign of being constantly tired, however you can train yourself to enter a meditative trance, keeping the mind active while the body rests. Scientists frequently isolate themselves from the general populace in aluminum sealed laboratories and dorms, speaking and dreaming with each other in private.

    Some Skrell fall into the categories of an oversleeper or an undersleeper. Some find themselves addicted to the near-limitless potential of lucid dreaming, others shy away from the Srom for various reasons. Oversleepers are seen as reclusive and sometimes lackadaisical individuals, and undersleepers are seen as holders of deep and potentially dangerous secrets.

    It is known that Skrell only need to sleep for minutes at a time, being able to lapse in and out of consciousness almost on-command. However, they are able to remain asleep for incredibly long periods, even weeks or months at a time. Many take sixty-second naps throughout their day to remain refreshed.

    Due to the sometimes chaotic nature of thousands on thousands of individuals sharing a space that more than just a few can alter, there is a dedicated division of the Federation law enforcement just for the Srom. Called Sromkala, translating to Dream Enforcement, their roles are to ensure that major planetary dreambubbles are safe from wild lucidity. Agents are recruited from Skrell with very high psychic potential. The Dream Enforcement are also in charge of ensuring no illegal or anti-Federation activities are being dreamt, particularly the malicious use of Nlom-capable devices.

    These Nlom devices are often two-way interfaces within a dreambubble, and dreamers can learn to interact with them to operate machinery in the waking world. With the right setup, a scientist can continue his work into his sleep. One example of practical application is an interface between a bluespace navigation drive and three Skrell pilots, who will plot bluespace trajectories at the same speed, or faster than an AI from human space. It's very difficult to concentrate in the Dream, which means you require a large amount of training and practice to operate Nlom interfaces while in it.


    Active communication while awake requires an immense amount of focus, and stimulation of the temples. This allows for Skrell to send messages to other species and creatures, but the Federation has deemed using this on non-consenting alien species to be a criminal offense akin to assault, as to dissuade mind-probing being outlawed in other systems. Skrell will use this form to gossip or send secrets, communicating without others knowing - which was used historically to hide information during the Synthetic Rebellion. The effects of long-term exposure to other species haven't been tested yet, as scientists are exceedingly empathetic to the volunteers pain and end up canceling the studies. Rare studies have been conducted, however Idol Scientists who have attempted to delve into it have often lost their Idol status for 'unethical research'.


    Federation Social Interactions

    Two scientists after debating over a hypothesis. One revels in glory, while the other is reworking their weeks study. Both of them are being recorded for their studies to be shown on social media, where the victorious one might even gain a reward. Skrell often try to one-up others to try and gain more prestige and fame: However it is still seen as co-operative to compete.

    When interacting with a new person, some Skrell ask probing questions to understand what to say and what not to say - and often, if they should even relate with that person. This stems from a long-time divide between more well-off artisians and researchers, and the 'lazy' laborers. For example, asking how old they are and their career. When knowing the age of another Skrell, depending on their current job, you might gain or lose respect for them. A 89 year old Skrell Research Director would be instantly more popular than a 190 year old cargo technician, and that old Skrellian cargo tech would be berated for being lazy, because they're expected to do better. The disadvantaged outside of Federation space will often try to befriend Federation skrell to gain the benefits of Jargon technology that they're not allowed to bring outside of Skrell space.

    Skrell display intimate emotions by touching the heads (or head-tails) of their close friends or partners, or touching their own forehead and gesturing, as if blowing a kiss from their brain. Some verbal displays of emotions include comparing someone to a named star, or even naming an unnamed star after them if they have enough reputation in the scientific community.

    An important social norm in Jargon; seemingly hardwired in Skrell, is that one must never enter anothers’ bedroom without explicit permission. This is followed nearly everywhere; primarily for the reason that while Skrell do not require much sleep at all, they are extremely picky about their resting conditions. They might want their hibernation fluid in a liquid-based bed chilled to exactly thirty five degrees fahrenheit, or want no fluid at all and prefer a localized gravity generator set exactly to 1.62 m/s. Interrupting a Skrell while they are sleeping is one of the most grievous offenses in Jargon culture, and in fiction the invasion of someones’ inviolable cozy sanctuary against their will is a way for Skrell storytellers to establish that someone has more than a few screws loose. Though, of course, it is nowhere near unheard of for some Skrell to sleep in the same room or even in the same bed, providing their tastes align. Naturally, humans do not understand this; some merely thinking that Skrell are highly opposed to not knocking first. Some Skrell in liquid-based sleeping solutions, can feel a compulsion to carry water from their home environment (typically from where they hatched) and sleep in it. This is often attributed to an old biological holdover, like matching the pH content. However, Skrell view it as simply ‘something you do.’


    Skrell faces are extremely plain, and have next to no expression or difference between faces of different individuals. While this leads many people to believe that Skrell are heartless and have no emotions, the truth is actually quite the contrary. Skrell convey emotions the same way humans do, through movement, tone of voice and language used.

    Due to Humans' limited audial receptors, however, the many tones a Skrell can project are lost to all non-Skrell, and thus Skrell have a very difficult time expressing emotion to other species. In contrast, when matched with another of their kind with telepathy and Nral'Malic, communication is so seamless that two parties involved in a discussion would almost be able to guess each others' thoughts at times, simply through the variety of vocal tones used in conversation. When feeling extreme emotions, Skrell may begin to cry - however their tears are an inky black. Skrell who cry will have black near their eyes, and if they do so for a long time it will stain the skin. This makes it easily identifiable for those who require consoling, however the stains can be removed with treatment.

    One thing that can heavily affect a Skrell’s mindset and emotions are tidal cycles, their psychology as sea creatures being heavily attuned to such. This can vary from Skrell to Skrell, some feeling like garbage on a new moon, others feeling rejuvenated and full of energy. Some strange cosmic phenomena that can affect tides and gravity are easily noticed by them as well. This can lead to some Skrell being rather reluctant to migrate from planet to planet; the size of a moon, how many there are, and even a lack of any moon can even cause full-scale personality shifts, at the very least a bit of ‘shuttle lag.’

    The most common racial slurs that are used against Skrell are “Frog”, “Squid”, “Waterboy”, and various other creatures that have aquatic reaction. However, responding to insults is often considered very improper in Skrell etiquette. Losing face through confrontation would be interpreted as a sign of hostility and low intelligence, and would smear one’s reputation significantly if done in public.


    Skrell sense of humor is very different from its human variety. While both human and Skrell humor is a nervous reaction to unexpected outcomes, in Skrell, good jokes bring a very mild pain, comparable to hot foods or an itchy roof of the mouth in severity, being a fuzzy, slightly heavy feeling inside of their head. Outwardly, they may react to it by a series of chirrups just like humans would react with laughter.

    The fuzzy feeling is enjoyed by many, especially youngsters, but disliked by others, especially the very elderly. Older Skrell find very few things humorous because of how much they have seen and experienced, and some even take comedy as an insult, pointing at their limited knowledge. Telling even a mild joke is considered to be fairly impolite in formal skrell settings.

    While human humor highly relies on words, and is mostly a subject to linguistic study, skrell tend to be more visual in their jokes, and quite different. They only take humor in its most literal form - unexpected situations. There is no “setup” and “punchline” in Skrell jokes - the absurdity of the setup is the joke, and as such, quite difficult to do with good timing in verbal form. Think, for example, the cursed food images - “guys, imagine ketchup on banana” and actually seeing ketchup on a banana is very different. Naturally, skrell laugh nervously all the time when confronted with the scarily weird and unexpected. A skrell may chirrup in response to being startled. This, just like nervous laughter, is not very pleasant.

    Fear and humor go hand in hand for Skrell, and just like military soldiers learn to suppress fear, they also learn to suppress humor. Nowadays, this is done with robust genetic treatments, especially for Tup, but in much earlier times, soldiers underwent rigorous training to achieve this fully. The ancient forms of training are still sometimes done as a self-improvement exercise.


    To a human, Nral'Malic would sound like a series of warbles, croaks, and weird crackling-like sounds that seem to not resonate in the ear, but in the neck or the jaw. This is due to Skrell having a range of pitches beyond human perception. These sounds are crucial to understanding the language properly as they elicit specific responses in a Skrell's brain, allowing for both easy and correct transmission of emotion, and because of this, there are no records of humans or individuals of any other species besides Skrell who would be proficient in speaking Nral'Malic.

    The language was created in 1593 by the scientific community when the Skrell first began to colonize other planets. The government enforced a widespread adaptation of the language, disallowing any colonists from entering a shuttle if they couldn't speak it fluently. As scientific communities exclusively used Nral'malic, the use of other languages became less and less common, only being used in poetry and other forms of art. Amazingly, these strict rules enforced by the Federation has allowed the language to survive almost a thousand years with the same diction used then. Nowadays, languages of the old are simply history, and all scientific and literary work is written or translated into Nral'Malic.

    Notable Information

    Political Structure

    Following the Skrell's long tradition of political councils, the Jargon Federation operates as a centralized union of solar systems. Councillors represent Skrell interests at various levels organized in a clear hierarchy, which ranges from systems, to planets, to countries, to states. Overseeing it all is the Grand Councillor, which governs the entire federation and is elected every decade. The current Grand Councillor is Weashbi Jrugl.

    Members of the Federation are elected through popular vote, and given weight proportional to the amount of population they represent. Regions and countries in the Federation are given a relatively high level of autonomy, as they are expected to make reasonable and informed decisions regarding the governance of their assigned territories (the Grand Councillor doesn't have time to oversee hundreds of planets!) Matters of colonization, space exploration, and inter-species diplomacy are currently overseen on a federal level.

    Research and travel are highly monitored and regulated by the Federation Government. It is considered good citizenship to report any crimes of anti-Federation sentiment, which includes but is not limited to AI research.


    Although Skrell have not had thousands of years of warfare experience like humans, they've mastered infiltration, espionage, kidnapping, and stealth. While the Federation Navy is only two thirds the size of the Sol Alliance's, the Skrell's incredible technological advances have made their military the most effective in the known galaxy, also having the best victory-defeat ratio in the Galaxy. Most of the Skrell's strength is derived not from numbers, but from the advanced technology and firepower of their ships, and from their mastery of logistics, information, and sabotage - using patrol and scouting ships to scan through every inch of a vessel for weak points and advantages before attacking. Their vat-grown Tup commandos are especially feared for their infiltration capabilities and combat prowess.


    Jargon Federation as a whole operates as an authoritarian planned economy. Instead of individual establishments, Jargon's economic system features working facilities with hierarchical managers being installed by the government. They do not own these facilities per se, but the highest in the chain of command has essentially full of control of the facility they are assigned to.

    For example, where a human would just own a restaraunt, a Jargon Skrell would basically be entrusted to run and manage a restaraunt that is technically government-owned, and get a salary for it. Government officials can intervene at any time, or replace the top manager entirely if they deem the current one unsuitable. There is also a high potential for promotion, which is the government entrusting the individual with more facilities to manage, up to being ministers for whole fields of production.

    This system is far from the ones humans know as communism and socialism however, as the Jargon Federation understands that its citizens are not equal. Money exists as a medium for exchange with the government, and different job positions are rewarded according to their required qualifications - scientists would afford to buy much, but menial workers would need to settle for less. This unit of currency is called the Jargonian Uux. When a need to travel abroad arises, particularly wealthy or privileged Skrell may request "subsidies" from the government, which is essentially exchanging uux for galactic credits.

    When dealing with other Skrellian factions, Jargon usually employs barter. It also keeps a stock of galactic credit which is acquired via import/export in order to deal with other galactic powers.


    Skrell hospitals and medical research facilities are considered to be the best in the Orion Spur, and quite justly so. Skilled doctors, geneticists and chemists work wonders that can seem almost like magic to non-Skrell.

    One example of such is the technology of "flash-cloning" - growth of perfectly genetically identical limbs and organs in span of mere minutes, and with no particular degradation - used widely to replace limbs and diseased organs alike - although prosthetics are still used as a measure for the poor or the remotely-located. However, it would seem as if the secrets of flawlessly copying a functional brain still elude the Federation.

    Another example are widely used "youth serums", anti-aging medication with almost no side-effects and administration as easy as simply injecting oneself with it regularly. While it definitely does not allow a Skrell to live forever, boosting a lifespan by 200-300 years has never been easier - though, less modern methods still exist.

    The Jargon Federation seems to be secretive about this line of study, and no documented research has been conducted (or at least funded by the government) to adapt this, or many other pieces of genetic and medical technology employed by Skrell, to be usable for other species.

    Skrell Outside the Federation

    While most Skrell live and have been born in Jargon Federation, there is a notable number of skrell who are not Jargon citizens. A significant number of Skrell currently reside in independent systems, cut off from the rest of the galaxy by both technology and culture. In the Radiant Era, Skrell born outside Jargon space also started to appear, especially in major trade hubs such as Mars, Eridani Federation and Tau Ceti to name a few. These children of traders and diplomats do not enjoy Jargon citizenship by birth and often struggle to gain it - the Federation checks the background of citizenship applicants extensively, and only accepts those deemed worthy to represent Jargon and its interests despite being brought up in a largely non-Skrell space. Thus, many of these outliers choose to never bother with it and continue living where they were born, enjoying Skrell's reasonably good level of integration into human society.


    Slimes mysteriously appeared following the end of the Glorsh Rebellion, currently hypothesized to be the result of a massive bluespace anomaly, and they still continue to mysteriously appear wherever bluespace or phoron is involved. Slimes had never been seen before the Tri-Qyu incident, and are highly debated in the scientific community of the Federation. Massive efforts are made to contain and research slimes across the galaxy, with the Federation even working with non-allies to ensure slimes do not harm themselves or others. The slimes are still a heated topic of discussion in research, with multiple conspiracies and debates about how they should be treated, dealt with, or included. Some Skrell view them as remnants of those that died in the Rebellion, while others call them bioweapons leftover by Glorsh.

    Federation law disallows the smuggling of slimes to other nations, and requires effective culling to ensure research can continue without slime outbreaks into local ecosystems. Slime research facilities in the Federation are equipped with state of the art flooding systems, and most slime facilities are located underwater to take advantage of the slimes natural water and cold intolerance.

    Implants and Genetic Modification

    Augments are commonplace for Skrell. Most, if not all, have tried procedures that modify fertility rates due to the genophage, and there are various other modifications available that serve practical purposes.

    Members of the Jargon Navy, for example, are highly modified. Footsoldiers and Tups alike are equipped with various augments that better their prowess in combat, improving upon their speed, cognitive abilities, reaction time, and even hand-eye coordination. Soldiers in high positions are also equipped with electronic implants not unlike the "loyalty implants" used by Nanotrasen, and is seen as a necessary precaution despite tests and other preventative measures taken by the Jargon Federation to ensure that soldier's loyalty.

    Many of these augments are also available to civilians, though not requisite as they would be for soldiers. The civilian population is generally more fond of more simple improvements, such as ambidexterity, genetic hearing and eyesight repair, in addition to the aforementioned modifications to have children. The younger generation has developed a fondness for cosmetic implants and body modification, counter to the Skrellian culture of prioritization of constructive endeavors. There is a recent trend where skrell can have small, colourful LED lights implanted just under the skin, forming designs that range from simple dots in a line to elaborate tattoo-like images. The procedures surrounding these are more expensive than other implants would be, but the end results are unique and impressive.

    The Aliose University of Medical Sciences is a big player in prosthetics, cloning, and augments.