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<center><i>'''The flag of the Sovereign Solarian Republic of San Colette.'''</i></center>

In what is now the Northern Wildlands and was once the northern half of the Middle and Outer Rings of the Solarian Alliance lies a system located auspiciously on the border between the Outer and Middle Rings, directly at the conflux of the warp gates that allow easy transition between the two. This system, Patria Nueva, contains one inhabitable world, and this world is known as San Colette. The '''Sovereign Solarian Republic of San Colette''' is a (now formerly) Solarian nation where many things meet: the Middle and Outer Ring, the Coalition and Alliance, and — now — the forces vying for control of the Northern Wildlands. But the Republic — which was long intended by the Alliance to be a fallback point and redoubt in a theoretical Second Interstellar War — is not without its defenses or, thanks to its still-intact phoron facilities and stockpile, protectors. But with the system now caught between the Solarian Restoration Front and the League, many in the Republic ask themselves a simple question: can San Colette weather the storm which approaches her shores, or will she be swept away like so many others?
Even after the Solarian Collapse of late 2462 the Solarian Armed Forces (SAF) remain the single largest organized human fighting force in the Orion Spur, though some argue a fully-mobilized Coalition of Colonies would have more troops. The SAF dates to the founding of the Alliance and is divided into three distinct branches: the Solarian Army, the Solarian Navy, and the Solarian Marine Corps. Aside from these three branches the SAF can also call upon System Defense Forces (SDFs), the local militaries of many Solarian member states, in times of emergency. Despite its size the SAF has been hampered by a lack of cooperation between the Navy and Army, and an ineffective amount of civilian control over some aspects of the SAF has long been of concern to the Alliance.
But despite these concerns the SAF still occupies an important place in Solarian society and in the Alliance’s government, though the Navy is considerably more influential than the Army. Recent developments have made a dent in this Navy dominance but it remains to be seen if, or when, the political environment will change — or if it will change for the better.


<center><i>“To understand the history of the Alliance, one must first understand the history of our Republic,” - President (2405-2413) Valentia Carabello, 2352 - 2454.</i></center>
<center><i>“The Solarian military is dedicated to destroying whatever it touches, and will not hesitate to destroy you if you show them weakness. Show them no mercy, for they showed your ancestors none!”</i> - Excerpt from a Gadpathian anti-Solarian booklet intended to be distributed to children age 8-10.</center>
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===Discovery and Interstellar War History===
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The system of San Colette was first discovered by astronomers from France in 2272, in the years immediately preceding the devastating Interstellar War. Its original discoverers named it after Saint Colette of Corbie, in the hopes that the system would bring about a peaceful future for the then-struggling Alliance. The system was quite desirable for the Alliance as it contained one readily habitable world, San Colette, and a small planet, D’Anzin, with Helium-3 deposits sufficient enough to justify the expensive task of colonization. The Alliance, desperate for money in the midst of the Second Great Depression, sold off the system’s colonization rights in 2274. The rights were purchased by an unexpected source: rather than a nation-state or corporation purchasing the system’s colonization rights an alliance of Spanish and Portuguese business magnates secured the winning bid with seconds on the clock. The magnates – perhaps out of patriotism or perhaps out of a desire to win the economic goodwill of the government while avoiding the true cost of colonization – gifted the rights of colonization to the governments of Spain and Portugal. Before a colonization plan could be created the Interstellar War (2278 - 2287) broke out, effectively dashing the hopes of many of the prospective settlers.
While the initial hope of an Iberian colony faded in the chaos of the Interstellar War and its economic impact, the desire of many in the region was not extinguished. By the 2330s the worst of the economic crisis had faded into the background and Iberia once again prepared to journey to the stars and in 2338 they launched the first colony ships to San Colette, and towards a new future.
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===The Early Colonial Era===
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The journey to San Colette took almost two years due to the distance traversed from Earth and the ad-hoc nature of many of the Alliance’s transportation networks, which had been ravaged by both the Interstellar War and the Second Great Depression. As the five colony ships sent to San Colette traveled across the breadth of the Alliance one of the scientists aboard the lead ship, Doctor Ernesto Castrejon, observed the sorry state of the Alliance’s warp network. Doctor Castejon was, at the time, a scientist of little importance simply sent to assist in the construction of a theoretical warp gate for San Colette which would connect it to the broader Alliance. But as the journey dragged on and Ernesto became increasingly irate, he began to form a greater idea which would transform the broader Alliance. At long last, in 2340, the first colonists arrived in the system of San Colette, ready to begin the immense undertaking of colonizing a new world for the Alliance.
These colonists who landed on San Colette found, as the reports had suggested, an Earthlike world with a pleasant, if somewhat dry, climate. The first colonists to land found themselves on the coast of the largest of San Colette’s three major continents, overlooking a vast blue sea on one side and kilometer after kilometer of grassy, fertile flatlands on the other. The colonists, ecstatic at the good fortune, decided upon a historical name for what would become their capital city: Nueva Isabela. Over time Nueva Isabela would grow and become the primary agricultural and political hub of the fledgling colony as the other four colony ships formed similar settlements. In the far north of its largest continent the settlement of Montblanc was formed, which would become its technological hub. Across the sea from Nueva Isabela the settlement of Porto de Ouro was established, later becoming a major hub for off-world travel. The settlements of Vila Nova de Norte – the most northern major settlement on the planet and one of the few able to function year-round despite the poles’ snowstorms –  and Nuevo Villaviciosa – an industrial center located at the mouth of a major river – were both founded on the same continent, the smallest of the three. The five original cities of San Colette would go on to become its hubs, and still dominate its economy today.
Within a decade San Colette had established itself as a young, though quite productive, colony. Helium-3 mining on D’Anzin kept its budget in check and a warp gate, first completed in 2344, ensured shipments of materials were never long in reaching the new colony. But for one man, who had now been promoted to the lead scientist in charge of the Coletter warp gate, it was not enough. What Doctor Castejon had in mind was far greater than one planet, one warp gate, and Helium-3 mining. The doctor had turned his mind towards the future and realized something: with San Colette’s position, which straddled the line between the Middle and Outer Rings, it had a unique opportunity to establish itself as the main point of transit between both rings. Doctor Castejon intended to turn San Colette into a transportation hub, and to transform its economy in the process.
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===The Warp Gate Project===
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Doctor Castejon took his idea for a warp gate network in the northern section of the Alliance to the then-governor of San Colette, Beatriz Rada, in 2349. What happened behind the closed doors of the governor’s residence may never be truly known, but both Governor Rada and Doctor Castejon left the meeting with a drive to see the project realized. Following six years of debate, backroom dealings, and extensive political maneuverings the Warp Gate Project – the largest project undertaken by the Alliance – was approved by the Solarian government, and the majority of the construction contracts were awarded to Einstein Engines. Governor Rada and Doctor Castejon had achieved their dream: to make San Colette the largest point of transit between the Middle and Outer Rings, and to bring immense wealth to it in the process.
But there was a catch to this deal. Despite the efforts of Rada and Castejon they were unable to proceed without the support of one of the Alliance’s most significant forces: the Navy, which had become even more powerful in the aftermath of the Interstellar War. The Navy demanded oversight of the project in San Colette’s system itself and the ability to take “reasonable precautions,” in designing a defense for San Colette. The Coletter delegation attempted to protest but rapidly found themselves shut down by the Naval delegation and, surprisingly, the Alliance’s central government. With its economy and prestige battered and bruised by the Interstellar War the civilian government of the Alliance was, at best, unwilling to argue with the Navy and often deferred to it – a trend which would continue into the 25th century, with devastating consequences.
The Navy’s demands for its support were deceptively simple on paper, and only contained one requirement: that San Colette be designated a “fallback point,” for any future conflict with the Coalition. This simple requirement would go on to define San Colette due to the factors required to meet the Navy’s standards for its fallback point. First: A large stockpile – fuel, weaponry, and assorted equipment – would have to be assembled, designated, and placed in the system. Second: Fortifications would have to be constructed to hold off the Coalition for an extended period and the Navy, rather than San Colette, would be the final judge of what constituted enough fortifications to hold off the Coalition from San Colette. Third: A local military, which San Colette had nothing resembling, would have to be formed to man the defenses and secure the system. The gravity of what would have to be done to fulfill this demand, and the impact it would have on the system’s budget, almost immediately caused a crisis in the government which only ended when the Alliance, along with the Navy, promised to subsidize much of the work. But despite the Alliance and Navy’s funding the project remained daunting and would date years, if not decades. Further negotiations ensured San Colette would not have to finish the defenses before the warp gates were built, but they were required to start as soon as possible.
In 2356, following a short period of internal debate regarding the practicality of the Navy’s demands, the warp gate project began in San Colette in earnest. By 2357 the first gate – which connected San Colette to [[Callisto]], another Alliance member state chosen for the Warp Gate Project – opened, and equipment for the creation of additional gates began to flow from the Sol System to San Colette. Gate after gate opened over the following years, bringing more materials and more wealth to San Colette. The gate network brought new industries to San Colette beyond its previous exports, which had mostly consisted of foodstuffs from San Colette itself and Helium-3 mined on D’Anzin. This economic diversification was also driven in part by desperation, as the Navy now required much of the system’s He3 production to be stored for a theoretical emergency. A local shipbuilding industry which specialized in ships designed to work in San Colette itself, rather than traveling abroad, formed as a result of the influx of trade goods. Most importantly for San Colette’s future a local artificial intelligence industry began to grow in the late 2360s. While Colettish AI would never reach the level of sophistication of IPCs on [[Konyang]] due to being based upon indigenous AI designs instead of Glorsh-derived designs, it would become very effective at carrying out the tasks needed to run dozens of warp gates in a singular system. One of the tasks commonly assigned to Colettish AI was the identifying of ships in the system and determining their destinations, which would later prove itself to be of stunning importance.
But the demands of the Navy never left the mind of the inhabitants of the system and, in 2362, work began on the first of what would eventually become four lines of defense of San Colette. The “Rock of San Colette,” as it would become known, was designed to fulfill the Navy’s demands while not destroying San Colette’s budget. At the time of its completion in 2398 the Rock consisted of a series of armed space installations. But this was not enough for the Navy and the government of San Colette was sent back to the drawing board. To the Rock was added the Tools and Field of San Collette, which would become the second and first layers of San Colette’s defensive lines. The Field itself was self-explanatory: a large section of space on the edge of the system was designated as a stellar minefield and filled with a variety of anti-vessel mines. Built from 2375 to 2405, the Tools consist of a ring of automated defenses built using Colettish AI.
While the Navy was relatively content with San Colette’s defenses there remained the matter of training and equipping a local military arm to defend San Colette in the event of a dire emergency. In 2356 the Civil Guard of the Sovereign Solarian Republic of San Colette, or simply the Civil Guard, was founded in response to the Navy’s demands. The Civil Guard, over the next few decades, proved to be a competent and relatively well-equipped force. Its size remained relatively small due to the Guard’s focus on defensive readiness and automated weapons, but constant funding ensured it was never free of willing volunteers. A sense of patriotic duty related to the Civil Guard also began to slowly develop and many Coletters began to view service in it as a way to seize some of their military autonomy back from the Solarian Navy, which had become increasingly unpopular due to its demands.
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===The Discovery of Phoron===
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By the early 2400s San Colette had become a beacon of economic stability in the outer Alliance, and served as a hub for trade flowing from much of the northern Spur into the Alliance. In 2402 it was officially declared to be the Sovereign Solarian Republic of San Colette, finally shedding its colonial roots and ascending as a full Solarian member state. As the first decade of the 25th century came to a close the Republic had one of the highest standards of living in the Middle and Outer Rings thanks to its status as a trade hub. But the relationship between the Navy and Republic remained poor and efforts by the Civil Guard to further expand their capabilities were often frustrated by the Navy. In 2415 the Navy-Guard relationship reached a new low when the Guard’s ships were banned from possessing warp engines capable of traveling without a gate, despite the protests of the Republic.
But these protests were soon drowned out in 2417 by the discovery of phoron in the system of Biesel. Coletters, ever poised to increase the prominence of their Republic, rapidly managed to carve out a niche in the growing phoronics industry by establishing processing facilities for the fuel on the surface of D’Anzin. Unused and neglected Einstein facilities were rapidly bought up by the government and converted into facilities which turned inert phoron crystals into a usable form, which was then sold to actors across the Orion Spur. Colettish facilities, while they would not reach the output of Tau Ceti, became an important link in the phoron economy between Tau Ceti and much of the outer Alliance and inner Coalition. Trade to the Coalition was initially severely protested by the Navy, and required the addition of phoron to the Colettish strategic reserve in order to appease them.
The addition of a phoronics industry to the system brought the wealth of the Republic to new levels as the 25th century progressed. The Civil Guard was equipped with domestic ship designs for the first time, another layer — the Spears of the Saint, a series of fifteen massive orbital railguns — was added to the Republic’s defenses at the Navy’s insistence, and a local arms industry began to develop in response to growing fears concerning the Solarian government’s seeming unwillingness to assist more distance colonies such as the Republic. Perhaps most importantly the AI industry of San Colette continued to develop, with more and more deadly semi-autonomous drones being created for the defense of San Colette. While skrellian dignitaries were sometimes quick to point out the dangers of such weapons, Republic officials dissuaded them by noting their semi-autonomous nature required a human hand to guide them and make final decisions, and explaining the designs — unlike typical IPCs — were based on human algorithms and technology.
During the golden years of the phoronics boom, which followed the secession of Biesel, San Colette produced much of the processed phoron consumed by the Alliance. Solarian patriotism and distaste for the Republic of Biesel fueled much of the initial boom, but tight controls by the Navy — which frowned upon selling Colettish phoron to non-Solarian customers — began to slow the boom by the late 2450s. Despite slowing in the 2450s the phoronics boom lasted until the early 2460s. By 2461 the flow of phoron gradually began to slow and many facilities opted to limit their production or entirely cease their operations. Some blamed it on NanoTrasen, which had long had a poor relationship with the Republic, while others claimed the decreasing flow was due to Elyran isolationism. Throughout 2461 and into 2462 the Republic stockpiled more and more phoron, hoping it would be able to slowly release fuel from its strategic reserve in order to preserve their economy during what many viewed as an incoming fuel crisis.
Unfortunately, few could anticipate how grim the crisis would become as 2462 neared its end and many families in the Republic prepared for Christmas.
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===The Solarian Collapse===
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Coletters often argue over when the Solarian Collapse truly became unavoidable. Some argue that the Clandestine Incident of 24 October, 2462 — which many in the Republic believe was carried out deliberately by Biesel — marked the start of the end. Others believe the end truly began on 07 November, 2462, when Mars ceased responding to interstellar communications. Or perhaps it was on 11 November, 2462, when the Prime Minister was found dead in his suite. But most argue the Collapse was truly, irreversibly set to happen on 17 November, 2462, when forces from the 58th Fleet opened fire on fellow Solarians. This, to most in the Republic, marked the decisive turning point.
Mere days after this, on 20 November, 2462, the Collapse came to the Republic. The garrison fleet stationed in San Colette, the 67th Fleet, attempted to seize the system for itself. The 67th Fleet, much like its Konyanger counterpart — the 58th — was a smaller fleet loyal more to its admiral, Frederich Müller, than the Solarian government. Admiral Müller demanded the civilian government surrender and hand over the phoron stockpile to him. They refused, and the Battle of San Colette began between the Civil Guard and the 67th Fleet. The Civil Guard and San Colette’s defenses, aided by deserters from the 67th and a home field advantage, eventually routed the 67th and chased them from the system at little cost to themselves. But, due to their inability to pursue them, the 67th was eventually able to find its way to New Atlantica, where its remnants formed the basis of the Anti-Corporate League.
With the defeat of the 67th Fleet the immediate danger had passed for the Republic. However, the chaos of the Solarian Collapse was far from over and during the final two months of 2462 chaos reigned throughout the region San Colette called home. To its galactic west Konyang seceded and the Anti-Corporate League filled the vacuum left by the collapse of Solarian authority in the region. To its east Lycoris, which had at one point helped build the Colettish warp gate network, fell to the Solarian Restoration Front, which began to brutally purge all non-humans from its territory. Solarian fleets collapsed entirely, defected, resorted to piracy, and sometimes became roaming mercenary bands. Refugees began to flow into the Republic from both sides, and the systems around San Colette — many of them too small or otherwise unable to maintain their own fleets — looked to it for aid and some form of protection in this desperate time.
In January 2463 the Republic answered the call of its neighbors by forming a defensive Alliance known as the Middle Ring Shield Pact. The Pact, unfortunately, quickly ran into problems. Many of its systems, while wealthy, were reliant on the Solarian Navy for protection prior to the Collapse and had no appreciable navies of their own. Most, aside from San Colette, additionally suffered from high degrees of megacorporate domination in their local economies. None had the defenses of San Colette and the Civil Guard was unable to patrol every system vying for membership due to its small size and lack of independent warp engines. Even worse was the economic situation: many gates into Sol itself had been damaged or otherwise closed during the months of the Collapse and the businesses of the Republic now had a desperate need to find new markets before an economic meltdown began.
Salvation would arrive later in January in an unusual form: the former 5th Middle Ring Battlegroup, now better known as the Free Solarian Fleets, under the command of Fleet Admiral van der Rensburg. The mercenaries of the Fleets were tempted by the Republic with a rare prize: phoron from its stockpile and a port to call home. The current President of the Republic, Maribel Sarmiento,  and van der Rensburg have a very amiable relationship but many in the Republic — particularly in its Civil Guard — know the loyalty of the Fleets, despite the privileges granted to them, only goes as deep as the Republic’s pockets. Whether they will stand and fight against the enemies of the Pact remains a matter of great concern, particularly for those beyond the reach of San Colette’s defenses.
Resolving the economic crisis caused by the Collapse was simpler than many in the Pact and Republic originally expected. With the collapse of Solarian authority in what became the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, much of the food supply line was interrupted and a new need for weaponry emerged. San Colette, stripped of many of its more high-end export routes, has fallen back onto exporting two mainstays of humanity to the CRZ via Tau Ceti in the meantime: foodstuffs and weaponry. By summer 2463 the economic crisis was resolved. However the necessity to maintain good trade relations with Biesel has led to the SRF and League becoming more vitriolic in their rhetoric towards the Pact, but what can one do? To trade with the Alliance means trade must go through the SRF, and to trade with the Coalition one must go through the League. Coletters have thus been forced into an awkward, perhaps temporary, economic relationship with Biesel.
As the Republic looks forwards towards what many in its view as an inevitable, existential war against its regional rivals in the Northern Wildlands, many in it dread what the future may hold. While it maintains a better standard of living than most of the Wildlands — and a significant amount of the frontier — it remains teetering on a knife’s edge, pressed between two warlord states which despise it and forced to trade with a corporate state which desires to dominate it. The Republic and its people must chart a steady course through the waves of the Collapse, or be swamped and drown in it.
<center><i>“Oh, San Colette! My homeland so fair! The land of our own, and no others compare!”</i> - Excerpt from the Anthem of the Sovereign Solarian Republic of San Colette (2408)</center>
===The System of San Colette===
The system of San Colette consists of four major stellar bodies including its star, Nueva Hispaniola. The nearest stellar body to Nuevo Hispaniola is a small and barren planet known as San Felipe. Due to its closeness to the star San Felipe is entirely uninhabitable and its only man-made features are a neglected series of solar power facilities built by Einstein Engines during the Warp Gate Project which exist both in the orbit of San Felipe and on its surface. The rusting hulks of these facilities are occasionally used for target practice by the Civil Guard but otherwise rarely receive visitors due to their proximity to Nuevo Hispaniola and the presence of unexploded firing range munitions aboard them.
Further out from Nuevo Hispaniola lies the temperate world of San Colette, where the vast majority of the system’s population can be found. San Colette’s surface is defined by its three large continents and large ice cape at its poles. The planet is remarkably hospitable and relatively Earthlike, with no major meteorological phenomena occurring on its surface. It has one natural satellite, San Colette Minor. The moon of San Colette is a barren rock without any major settlements. Scattered Civil Guard facilities and private mining platforms can be seen across its surface. But no reasonable Coletter would describe San Colette Minor as their home.
Thousands of miles beyond San Colette, towards the edge of its system, lies the frozen planet of D’Anzin. The thick layers of ice and rock which cover the surface of D’Anzin are rich in deposits of Helium-3, the fuel which powers the warp gates of the Republic. For nearly as long as humans have called the system home there have been mining operations on the surface of D’Anzin and the planet is covered in a variety of mines, in various states of repair and functionality, as a result. Recently D’Anzin had become home to a new form of energy production: phoronics. The planet’s remote location and lack of large settlements has made it the ideal location to process raw phoron into usable fuel, and all of the Republic’s processing facilities can be found on D’Anzin itself or in its orbit.
Beyond the orbit of D’Anzin and the massive warp gates near it lies the Colettish Belt, a sizable ring of asteroids which surrounds the system. Asteroids and comets found in the Belt contain little of value and much of the Belt itself is designated as a restricted military zone due to the presence of the Republic’s second layer of defense: the Tools of the Saint. Automated defenses are scattered throughout the Belt and wandering into it, or deliberately tampering with the defenses, often results in injury, death, or time in a prison on San Colette. The extent to which the Belt is fortified remains a secret of the Republic few are aware of.
===The Planet of San Colette===
The climate of San Colette is temperate and relatively Earthlike, which helped ease its colonization. Its surface is defined by three continents — Maria, Nueva Norte, and Morro — separated by large seas and covered in a variety of climates. The planet’s poles are covered in ice caps which have shrunk following colonization by an insignificant amount, and San Colette Minor provides enough of a gravitational pull to create a system of tides. San Colette is relatively free of freak meteorological phenomena and has four seasons which roughly correspond to their earthbound counterparts.
The continent of Maria is the largest of the three and is home to the capital of Nueva Isabela and the industrial center of Montblanc, which is in its more northern regions. Maria is easily divided into two major regions: a large, grassy flatland called the Colettish Plains known for its rich soil which has long been the agricultural heartland of San Colette and the more northern forests of Cristobal. The Colettish Plains are home to Nueva Isabela and are dotted by many smaller towns, ranging from cities of thousands to villages of mere hundreds. It is separated from Cristobal by the uncreatively named Northern Range, a old and quite short mountain range which bisects the continent and is home to many mining operations. Cristobal is colder and criss-crossed by various rivers, eventually transitioning into taiga and then polar ice in its north. Montblanc, a Colettish industrial center, sits at the mouth of one of these rivers, which allows it to easily receive minerals from the Range and lumber from further inside Cristobal.
Across the sea from Maria, to its west, lies the mostly unpopulated continent of Morro. The continent is dominated by a large, arid scrubland known as the Hinterlands which often suffers from droughts and fires. It is home to the settlement of Porto de Ouro, which is unique among San Colette’s major settlements as it mostly lies off of the shore of Morro on a series of island chains — some natural and some artificial. The flat planes near it have been mostly cleared of plant life by Coletters and now serve as a major offworld hub. Much of Morro is poorly explored aside from satellite photography and rumors of mineral wealth have long motivated expeditions into it — though few return with much of value.
The third, and smallest, of the continents is Nuevo Norte, a highly-populous region home to two major settlements. Nuevo Norte is the furthest north of the three continents and is mostly defined by taiga and tundra, though some regions in its south are more hospitable. In its far north lies Vila Nova de Norte, a scientific hub which is known for its freezing temperatures and frequent snowstorms. Vila Nova stands on the edge of a large, flat tundra known as the Guard’s Tundra due to its use as a proving ground for Civil Guard weaponry. To the south of the continent in one of its few temperate regions is Nuevo Villaviciosa, the planet’s major shipbuilding center. Nuevo Villaviciosa is one of the few locations in the Middle Ring to feature a functional space elevator, which lies slightly offshore and is visible from almost anywhere on Nuevo Norte.
==Life on San Colette==
<center><i>“I swear to defend the Republic, its people, and its values at any cost. I will uphold the values of freedom enshrined in our constitution, even if it costs me my life.”</i> - Except from the Colettish Oath taken by Civil Guard personnel prior to beginning training.</center>
The culture and daily life of a typical Coletter is informed by both the planet’s past as a planet settled by the nations of Iberia and its more recent history as a trade hub for the broader Alliance. Coletters value familial bonds, duty to the Republic, and are often seen as friendly and outgoing people by the broader Alliance. Coletters are known to be very talkative abroad and often stand very close to their conversation partners, which can result in some awkward encounters for those unused to Colettish conversation customs.
To a typical Coletter familial bonds are very important, and several generations of the same family will often live very close to one another — occasionally even in the same house! Holidays are viewed as a chance to catch up with one’s family and, prior to the Collapse, Coletters abroad would often return home for major holidays even as the cost of travel increased due to the phoron crisis. These holiday celebrations are often accompanied by the traditional dance of San Colette: the flamenco.
One of the key cultural tenets of Colettish life is a sense of duty to the Republic which has been ingrained in Colettish culture for several generations. Initially starting as a reaction to the anger many felt at the Solarian Navy, this feeling has helped cement the Civil Guard as a key cultural pillar of the Republic. Enlistment, particularly enrolling as an officer, is seen as a prestigious duty and many middle class Coletter families will try to enroll at least one child into the Civil Guard. In many Colettish households it is a common sight to see a photo of a relative in the uniform of the Civil Guard placed prominently on a wall or above a fireplace.
The Republic celebrates a multitude of holidays throughout the year. Some are derived from historical events while others are rooted in the historical culture and religion of the original Iberian settlers of San Colette. Listed below are some of the more notable holidays in the Republic:
* The Beatification (23 January): A celebration of the beatification of Colette of Corbie, whom the Republic derives its name from. Perhaps the most important holiday in the Republic, the Beatification is often marked by celebrations of the previous year and public carnivals.
* Holy Week (movable — generally falls in late March or early April): A religious, cultural, and social event combined into one, the Holy Week has its roots in both Catholicism and the Spanish roots of San Colette’s settlers. Holy Week celebrations vary based upon the region of the planet they take place in but often involve distinctive costumed processions, many of which date back to Earth.
* Republic Day (15 June): A celebration of San Colette being officially declared the Sovereign Solarian Republic of San Colette.

* Civil Guard Day (22 June): A celebration of the establishment of the Civil Guard, San Colette’s local military force. Traditionally, Civil Guard officer candidates officially graduate from the Naval Academy of Nueva Isabela on this day.
The Solarian Armed Forces have a history which stretches back to 17 July 2143, shortly after the founding of the Solarian Alliance. Its origin was not a happy one. While it took almost a decade to agree to the terms of the Alliance and most parties, Switzerland excepted, on Earth agreed to join it by 2140, the idea of surrendering military autonomy to a supranational government was a point of concern for many members of the newly-formed Alliance. In particular the two superpowers of Earth, the USA and USSR, were extremely hesitant to surrender their spacebound military capabilities to the Alliance. Further compounding issues, both argued that they deserved to be the location of the Alliance’s military command structure.

* Colonization Day (5 October): The day the first settlers landed on the surface of San Colette. Officially made a holiday in 2421, shortly after the Republic was declared. This holiday is often viewed as a chance to reflect upon San Colette’s past and future, and has become quite solemn following the Solarian Collapse.
It took three grueling years of back-and-forth negotiations between the Alliance and its members to resolve the issue of the SAF. Ultimately a compromise was reached regarding the Alliance’s military command which settled the pressing issue of who would host the admiralty, and thus be able to influence, what was now known as the Solarian Navy. The compromise placed the admiralty on a place where no Earth nation could, in theory, influence it: Harmony City, Luna. While the US and USSR were not happy, they were both content to accept it. While they weren’t able to control it, their rivals weren’t either. The position of the admiralty on Luna and the relative independence offered to it due to this would, in the decades and centuries to come, have had dire consequences.

* Christmas Day (December 25): Christmas in San Colette arguably starts with the drawing of the Christmas lottery on 22 December, which itself has its own traditions around its first prize (locally referred to as “the Big One,”) and “luck pilgrimages,” made to the lottery booty which sold the last year’s first prize ticket. Christmas itself has changed little from its Earther roots and serves as a day to celebrate with one’s family and relatives.
In the century between the Alliance’s formation and the Interstellar War the SAF experienced an interservice rivalry between the Solarian Army and Solarian Navy which, while never turning to violence, defined much of the SAF’s trajectory before 2275. The Navy claimed it was of more importance due to securing Sol’s interstellar lanes of commerce and policing piracy, while the Army claimed it was of more importance due to protecting the colonies themselves and ensuring the Alliance was internally stable. The Army-Navy conflict prior to the Interstellar War has been viewed by some Solarian scholars as a microcosm of the future civil war: the Navy tended to be dominated by Inner Ring citizens, particularly those from Luna, and the Army tended to draw its personnel locally, leading to a large proportion from the Outer Ring and further afield colonies.  

* Saint Sebastian’s Day (December 26): Often considered to be a continuation of Christmas, this holiday has similar religious and cultural roots. It is typically treated as a quiet day to spend time with family and reflect upon the previous year.
This conflict, and the broader schism in the Alliance, would be brought to its bloody conclusion in 2275 with the start of the Interstellar War, the SAF’s largest and most costly conflict even two centuries later. It would tip the Army-Navy struggle decisively in the Navy’s favor as many Army units, recruited locally and unpaid for months due to the ongoing financial crisis, defected to the Coalition while few Navy units did the same, and those that did were often swept under the rug or otherwise disowned. While the Navy, and loyal units of the Army, fought fiercely — and in some cases, such as Gadpathur, committed horrific crimes in the name of Solarian unity — they were unable to defeat the Coalition due to its dogged defensive fighting and a peace treaty, the Treaty of Xansan, was ultimately signed in Geneva in 2287, bringing over a decade of warfare to a close and permanently shattering Solarian hegemony over humanity.

To the Navy, which believed it could have won the Interstellar War, the Treaty of Xansan was seen as a betrayal of the venerable Navy by spineless politicians — a slap to the collective faces of Navy officers who had put their lives on the line defending the Alliance by cowardly politicians obsessed with their careers who had never spent a day in uniform. It incensed them, and they began to plot against it in secret. Decisive action was needed to ensure Sol remained intact, and who better to take it than the Navy, its most venerable institution?

Most current residents of the Republic who are not native Coletters are instead refugees from other sections of what is now the Northern Wildlands. These refugees are a diverse group of Solarians, and other citizens, drawn to San Colette by its relative stability in the maelstrom of the Solarian Collapse. The refugees are a diverse group due to their variety of origins: some come from the industrial world of Lycoris and have opted to flee the violence of the SRF, while others are offworlders from stations cannibalized by the League for spare parts. Rarely non-human refugees — skrell, the rare tajara, and handfuls of IPCs — trickle into the system from territory now controlled by the SRF, exhausted from a harrowing journey barely ahead of the Front’s internal police.
While it ultimately failed in its goal of revoking the Treaty of Xansan the Revolt of the Officers on 18 May 2289 forever ensured the Navy would have a voice in politics. The coup attempt’s goals were simple: overthrow the civilian government and declare the Treaty of Xansan null and void, then resume the Interstellar War and fight until the Alliance’s hegemony was once again established. It began to fall apart almost immediately due to one factor the Navy officer in charge of it, Admiral Terrence Hopper, had not accounted for: that the Army guard stationed at the Alliance’s then-capital in New York City did not go along with their conspiracy, and that an active gunfight began outside the capitol building between Army guards and Navy marines. Ultimately the Army, with support from local member state forces and ordinary civilians, repulsed the attack and the coup was seemingly aborted. But it was not as simple as it seemed as the admiralty, in the days after the coup, cut a backroom deal with the civilian government: the Revolt of the Officers would be swept under the metaphorical rug by being blamed on radical elements and the Navy would be given a political voice. In exchange the Navy would continue to protect the Alliance from interstellar threats. Hopper himself, the Butcher of Gadpathur, would avoid justice once again and remain active in politics until his death on Luna in the 24th century, and ultimately shaped Solarian fascist thought up until the present day.

When they arrive most are sent to refugee settlements on San Colette — hopefully temporary arrangements on the edge of Colettish cities — where they are given a residence and the option of work. Most of these refugees follow two career paths: the more common option is to enlist in the Civil Guard, which desperately requires troops to defend San Colette. The second path is to work in the phoron refineries of D’Anzin, which few choose to do. Those who do opt to work on the phoronics facilities can find themselves away from their families for weeks at a time due to the remote location of D’Anzin and the difficulties of travel due to fuel rationing. IPC refugees, due to their status in Sol, do not have the liberty to choose. They are conscripted into the Civil Guard upon arrival in the Republic, regardless of ownership status, and given a chance to earn freedom, in the form of transport to Biesel or another system of choice, through two years of military service.  
Effectively, the Navy had used its position to extort the government. Emboldened by this, and how close they had come to controlling the government through violence, the Navy became more and more influential as the decades continued on. It also became more corrupt and less efficient as political connections became more important than ability and Caesarism infected its ranks. Ultimately the decision to place it on Luna, where it could not be controlled by a power on Earth, had made the Navy accountable primarily to itself rather than the civilian government based upon Earth and, post-2300, Unity Station. Its pet project, the Solarian Marine Corps, was hardly any better. For many Solarians the Navy has failed them time and time again as an institution, and nowhere is this more clear than in the Solarian Collapse of 2462. Rather than protecting the Alliance many Navy forces, more loyal to their Admirals than their nation, defected and have rampaged across the Middle and Outer Rings.

Not all refugees have found San Colette welcoming. Resources are often limited due to the economic malaise inflicted by the Collapse and native Coletters often receive goods before their refugee counterparts, who must depend on the government for support. Policing in refugee camps is often a difficult matter due to the small size of San Colette’s domestic police force and the exponentially-increasing number of refugees. Many are concerned that the Republic will soon be entirely unable to accept refugees due to their sheer number, but the flow of desperate people fleeing warlords shows no sign of stopping in the immediate future.
The Army, meanwhile, did have civilian authorities to answer to due to being headquartered on Earth. Post-Interstellar War the Army was placed through multiple reforms which transformed it from a sluggish, inefficient institution which lost much of its strength to defections into a force capable of defending the Alliance’s planets and government from all enemies — whether they be foreign or domestic. Where the Navy failed the Army has succeeded, particularly upon Mars where it — in mere weeks — brought the red planet back into nominal Solarian control.

As the Alliance bleeds following the Collapse its military is, in many sectors, in desperate need of reforms.While the Navy, under the direction of a now-dominant reformist school of thought, has begun the slow and often-painful process of reforming itself, only time will tell if the SAF shall weather the storm. But most know that to restore some of the territories lost in the humiliation of 2462, some reforms must be undertaken, lest the SAF simply collapse under the weight of its own faults.

The primary language of San Colette is the Colettish dialect of Tradeband, which is often simply referred to as Colettish Tradeband. This variant of Tradeband has been heavily influenced by its Iberian roots but has its own unique twists. The name of the system, San Colette, is typically rendered in Colettish Tradeband rather than in its original names of Sainte-Colette and Santa Coleta.
==Non-Humans in the Solarian Armed Forces==

Solarian Common is the typical secondary language for most Coletters out of necessity, and is taught in Colettish primary schools. Other human languages, such as Elyran Standard and Freespeak, are rarely spoken by natives of the Republic. Freespeak is the more common of the two due to the Republic’s status as a trade hub of the northern Alliance, but is rarely spoken by native Coletters.
<center><i>“As far as I’m concerned? The Ban didn’t go far enough! We should carpet bomb their whole [censored] planet, really give them a [censored] taste of what they did to us here! Send the Navy in and have them clean it up! Get those [censored] lizards too!”</i> — Anonymous New Hai Phonger speaking to the Solarian Alliance News Network in the aftermath of bombings carried out by the Tajara Revolutionary Army. Unaired due to foul language.</center>

No branch of the Solarian Armed Forces aside from rare System Defense Forces has, at any time, recruited an alien species into its ranks. The reasons for this are rooted in both simple practicality and the entrenched xenophobia common in much of the Solarian Alliance, which contributes to a belief that aliens are simply not to be trusted. Practically speaking the three SAF branches are massive organizations which would only marginally benefit from alien recruits and would have to incur an expensive cost as different species demand wildly different equipment, such as fitted voidsuits and armor, and different accommodations.

===The Defenses of San Colette===
On the less practical side the Solarian culture of alien distrust has been applied to each species and also argued. To the typical SAF official even the most trustworthy alien is less reliable than the worst human recruit . The SAF is not, and will never be, a force for alien tolerance in the Alliance. From an outright less xenophobic perspective, the Solarian Armed Forces' traditions place a great deal of ideological and cultural importance on the idea of the military as the protector of Solarian humanity. To allow aliens into its ranks has long been considered a betrayal of that ideal, and that compromising this deeply-held tenet would be an unacceptable transgression against the Alliance itself, its human citizens, and the fundamental values of the Alliance's military.

<center><i>“We must form a wall of steel around our Republic. We must ensure no invader is able to seize San Colette. We must be ready to die for our Republic if necessary.”</i> - Admiral Emerico Tolentino (2403 - ), Commander of the Civil Guard (2455 - Present)</center>
Positronics, on the contrary, are highly valued in the SAF. Having had a long history of using drones, the adoption of positronic intelligence was viewed as the next step in a long line of military robotics. For the longest time, however, IPC and other synthetics have been relegated to support and logistics roles due to mistrust and concerns over their ability to survive in combat scenarios. The collapse has led the SAF to begin looking at IPC in order to fill the gap in its manpower, with the Navy in particular eagerly adopting them in combat roles, placing the machines as both gunners and pilots, and employing traditional shipborne AI to assist and in some cases replace crewmembers. Although assuring the public that combat IPC are a temporary measure given the crisis, some observers note that funding towards further research of combat AI has increased since their adoption.

The defenses of the system of San Colette are a complex, multi-layered ring of defenses which completely surround the system on all sides. Built by both the Republic and Navy over the course of decades, the Bastion of San Colette cost a massive amount of Solarian Credits to construct and stands as a contemporary marvel of spaceborne engineering. The Bastion has four layers, with the first being the most outer, which have their own names and purposes. The garrison of the Bastion has long been the Civil Guard, the Republic’s local military force.
==The Solarian Navy==

The first layer of the Bastion is the most simple one. Typically referred to as the Field of San Colette, the first layer consists of a wide arrangement of anti-ship mines intended to slow and deter potential attackers. The mines themselves can often be decades old due to the sheer amount used, but remain an effective deterrent for all but the most organized attackers. A recent addition to the first layer are the destroyed husks of several 67th Fleet vessels which were lost inside it during the Battle of San Colette. As removing them was deemed too risky, the husks, for now, simply remain in the Field of San Colette as grim warnings for any warlord who wishes to assail the Republic. The first layer is the only defensive layer beyond the Colettish belt, the asteroid field at the end of San Colette’s system.
<center><i>“Before the Interstellar War, the Solarian navy was the largest and most perfect fighting force in the galaxy. That is, on the surface level. The admiralty of those years made the greatest mistake of pursuing strength in infinite numbers – a decision that would culminate in the Solarian Civil War.”</i> – Excerpt from Lucien Courtois’ graduation thesis, <i>How David Defeated Goliath: The First Interstellar War</i>.</center>

After the minefields lies the Colettish Belt, which is home to the second layer of the Bastion: the Tools of San Colette. The Tools which this layer derives its name from are a series of automated defenses spread throughout the asteroid belt which switch online if given the appropriate signal by operators further inside the Republic. Many of the defenses in this layer have been built into asteroids and are very difficult to spot from a distance. The second layer is not intended to stop an invader on its own, and its primary purpose is to delay them for the next layers.
The largest single branch of the SAF is the Solarian Navy. With millions of uniformed personnel scattered across dozens — if not hundreds — of planets, garrisons, starbases, fleets, and other facilities it may very well be the largest organized fighting force in the galaxy, and has the influence to match. The Navy has long held significant sway over Solarian politics due to both its size and its vital role in securing safe interstellar commerce and travel in the Alliance. This sway has long ensured the Navy is well-funded, perhaps overfunded, and viewed positively by most citizens of the Alliance with some notable exceptions such as Callisto, which has long been at odds with the Navy over the policing of trade and commerce flowing in through the moon’s spaceports.

The third of the Bastion’s layers is the Rock of San Colette. This layer consists of a large number of stellar facilities, many of which are considered to be stellar fortresses, intended to hold off any attacker until they exhaust themselves or reinforcements arrive. The majority of the Civil Guard serves in these fortifications, which also serve as a berth for the Guard’s fleets. While intimidating, the Rock is the oldest of the Bastion’s defensive lines and many of its fortifications were originally constructed in the mid 24th century. Modernization efforts began in the mid 25th century but slowed in the years leading up to the Collapse due to a lack of Navy funding. Following the Collapse the Republic has begun a rapid effort to modernize the Rock in order to hold off a theoretical attack by both the League and SRF. But fortunately for the fortifications of the Rock another layer lies beyond them which can easily support the third layer.
But despite this approval not all was well in the Navy prior to the Solarian Collapse in 2462. The broad powers granted to the Navy to ensure the vast Alliance remained safe and secure combined with limited oversight of the Navy allowed for a culture of graft, corruption, and rampant Caesarism to take hold in its ranks. These problems only worsened as one traveled further and further from the Inner Ring as more reliable officers were inevitably kept in the more strategically important (and influential) Inner Ring while less reliable officers, and underperforming ones, were sent to the Outer Ring to keep them out of public view. These admirals were given similarly poor troops and nearly no oversight from the admiralty, which effectively allowed them to become their own masters — and to shape their assigned fleet into a force loyal to them first and the Alliance second.

The fourth, and technically smallest, layer of the Bastion are the appropriately-named Spears of Saint Colette. A modern array of fifteen defensive stations equipped with massive Magellan-class interstellar railguns, the Spears are able to target and destroy an enemy vessel in any of the Bastion’s layers. The Spears are staffed by the best troops of the Civil Guard and require an immense amount of power to fire their tungsten rod projectiles, which can weigh up to several tons. As a result of their power requirements the Spears have large solar arrays which provide them with enough power to charge their railguns. The Spears are able to hold enough power for several sequential shots before recharging is required, but the size of their projectiles — which must be moved into place by massive machines — naturally limits their rate of fire. But when the Spears do strike true, they bring devastating consequences. The railgun station El Conquistador impacted a Taipei-class vessel during the Battle of San Colette, disabling it in one hit and causing its reactor to go critical, eventually consuming the entire ship in a massive explosion.
Recent events have shaken much of the Navy’s historical public approval. Defections and attrition associated with the Collapse have taken the Navy from 200 fleets to 120 and, multiple years later, it still finds itself ruling over the Alliance as an increasingly-unpopular junta. Beyond the Inner Ring and what remains of the Middle Ring the Navy, in the eyes of most Solarians, has done little to retake what the Alliance has lost. Recent scandals, such as a discovery many officers were funneling supplies to radical warlords, have further impacted the Navy’s reputation in the eyes of the public. Recent reforms by Navy command, particularly under recently-appointed Minister of Defense Lucien Courtois, have done much to solve the Navy’s ongoing issues. But concerns regarding the “Wildlands,” still remain, and only time will tell if Courtois’ reforms have turned the Navy into a force able to take back what has been lost.

The railgun stations of San Colette have been given nicknames by their crew and are often referred to by said nicknames in the press. Below are the nicknames of the Spears of San Colette.
===Solarian Navy Structure===

The Solarian admiralty has long devoted a significant amount of its time to the logistics and operation of the increasingly-massive Navy, which peaked at 200 fleets — each, in theory, consisting of 100 ships — shortly before the Solarian Collapse of 2462. These fleets were, prior to the Collapse and Courtois’ reforms which followed it, organized into battlegroups of five fleets for greater cohesion in the event of war, with each fleet led by an Admiral and each battlegroup led by a Fleet Admiral. However, many “battlegroups” in the Outer and Middle Rings were spread across vast distances or contained disloyal elements which prevented them from functioning properly, with only a few — such as the Visegrad-based 1st Middle Ring Battlegroup (1MRB, sometimes referred to as a “Battlefleet” locally) — able to maintain both cohesion and loyalty as the Alliance spiraled towards the Collapse. Reforms by Courtois have reduced the total number of battlegroups by increasing the number of fleets per formation to ten, which has greatly assisted in command due to reducing the number of often-bickering Fleet Admirals by half.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
'''The Railguns'''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* El Conquistador
* El Cid
* O Matadeira
* El Rey Charles III
* La Lanza Sagrada
* Vasco da Gama
* Esmeralda
* Dom Henrique
* Reina Isabela
* Médico Castrejon
* Governadora Rada
* Senhor Presidente
* La Mano de Dios
* Rey de la Guerra
* Dedo do Destino

===The Civil Guard===
Navy fleets themselves are divided into three categories by the admiralty to represent their readiness in the event of an interstellar conflict. These categories are combat battlegroups, patrol battlegroups, and garrison battlegroups. Combat battlegroups are, as the name implies, fully-equipped and ready for combat at a moment’s notice. This classification generally only applied to Inner Ring battlegroups in the months before the Collapse. Standing slightly below combat battlegroups are patrol battlegroups: understrength, but otherwise combat-capable, formations fit for patrol duties but not for engaging full enemy formations. Below this swells the garrison battlegroup: an understrength formation so named as it is only trusted to hold a position and is not expected to perform complicated maneuvers. A fourth, though officially unrecognized, formation is the “ersatz” battlegroup. These formations are improvised and consist of whatever units were available at the time for the area’s Fleet Admiral. Last seen in the Interstellar War, ersatz battlegroups have returned in the Wildlands.
[[File:Civil_Guard.png|thumb|The coat of arms of the Civil Guard of the Sovereign Solarian Republic of San Colette, adopted shortly after its creation.]]
<center><i>“Hold, Fight, Win.”</i> - Official motto of the Civil Guard of San Colette, adopted in 2435. </center>

The uniformed military of San Colette is the Civil Guard of the Sovereign Solarian Republic of San Colette, often simply referred to as the Civil Guard. Prior to the Solarian Collapse the Civil Guard was a local militia branch of the Solarian Navy tasked with defending San Colette itself which was not expected to travel beyond its borders for any serious duties. As with many militias the ships of the Civil Guard were not equipped by the Navy with warp engines in order to make a rebellion by the Republic harder to carry out. Despite this limit placed upon it the Civil Guard has always been looked upon as a way to minimize Navy influence in the Republic and its government has cut no corners in funding and equipping it. Service in the Civil Guard has always been viewed as an honorable duty by Coletters, due to the popular view of it as a way to keep the Republic’s defense free of Navy influence. The overall commander of the Guard holds the rank of Admiral, in order to theoretically never outrank any Navy fleet commander. The Guard’s officers, and most of its enlisted, are drawn from San Colette’s population and the Republic has never instituted a draft in its history.
Unlike the Army the personnel of the Navy are heavily divided by class and background thanks to the Luna-centric nature of its admiralty and officer class, and are even further divided based upon the Ring they are located in — an ironic echo of the Interstellar War. High-ranking officers are almost always Lunan by birth, and graduation photos from the Solarian Naval Academy are dominated by the tall, thin, and pale appearances of Lunans who have grown up in the moon’s characteristically lower gravity. These Lunan officers generally settle into command roles in the Inner, and sometimes Middle, Rings due to their perceived loyalty and familial connections — some families on Luna have served the Navy since its conception and hold significant influence over it. Officers of “lesser” importance, such as those in the Middle and Outer Rings, such as Fleet Admiral Klaudia Szalai, are often recruited and educated locally, and can be of wildly varying quality and loyalty.

The soldiers and officers of the Civil Guard are well-equipped, well-trained, and well-motivated to defend their home. Civil Guard officers are easily distinguishable from their Solarian counterparts by their blue-and-white uniforms and peaked “crusher” caps. The marines of the Guard wear green fatigues and grey armor which is entirely atmospherically sealed— a design intended to assist in actions in the Republic’s phoronics facilities. Despite this training and funding, San Colette’s lack of a draft, and an unwillingness to implement one, has led to something of a manpower shortage during the Collapse. These experienced troops are supported by a robust network of semi-autonomous systems and drones which do much of the menial work for them. These robots are desperately needed now as the Civil Guard has, for as long as it has existed, been a relatively small organization and Navy personnel who were expected to fill in its gaps during a crisis have either defected, died, or turned mercenary.  
Much of the Navy’s enlisted personnel is recruited locally out of convenience and its enlisted ranks are overwhelmingly dominated by those of poorer economic backgrounds, particularly when compared to its Lunan officers, such as Martians, Jintarians, and residents of the Outer and Middle Rings. The men and women which make up the vast majority of the Navy’s fighting force are, like their officers, often of debatable quality due to corruption, graft, and the megalomaniac tendencies of many officers. Prior to the Collapse most of the best enlisted— regardless of their origins — were eventually transferred out of the Outer and Middle Rings and into the Inner Rings due to the Admiralty placing a greater emphasis upon the Inner Ring.

Fortunately for the Civil Guard a readily-available source of personnel exists in the Republic: its growing refugee population, many of which are desperate for work and motivated to hang onto what little peace they have managed to find in the Wildlands. These refugees are most often human Solarian citizens from elsewhere in the Middle and Outer Rings and are given heavy incentives to join the Civil Guard, which desperately wishes to not be seen as press-ganging refugees into joining its forces. Those that do join are often given menial work in order to free up Coletters and their automated drones for more important work. Easily distinguished from their Coletter counterparts by their drab brown uniforms the enlisted refugees of the Civil Guard are given as much training as time can spare and sent off to the Guard to serve in it as low-ranking enlisted. Many serve as staff on the myriad defensive installations of the Republic in a variety of roles, where they are often desperately needed.
Fleet formation was, prior to the Collapse, marred by similar issues. Some fleets were recruited using the “Alliance-wide,” model where ships and personnel were recruited from across the Alliance and trained in the Sol System and its surroundings in order to ensure the best performance. These fleets were then deployed to strategic areas (generally in the Inner or Middle Rings) and placed under the command of a Solarian Naval Academy graduate to ensure the greatest possible quality. While expensive and often taking an extended period to train, these Alliance-wide fleets proved their mettle during the Collapse: no systems garrisoned by them were lost and none defected.

But despite these refugee soldiers partially resolving the manpower problems of San Colette, many in the Civil Guard are concerned about the untested nature of these new soldiers. Others worry about the loyalty of the refugees to the Republic as historically most members of the Civil Guard are native Coletters. Some more practical members of the Republic worry about the equipment of the refugee soldiers, which is often well below the standards of Colettish officers and marines. But none can deny the necessity of the refugees for the Guard, and almost all are willing to bend traditions for the sake of survival in these increasingly desperate times.
But most Solarian fleets were not recruited using this method and were instead mobilized through the “system-wide,” method wherein a fleet’s personnel and officers were recruited and trained in the same system, and generally stationed nearby this system. In theory this was not a horrible idea: logically, military forces would fight harder for their homes than for another system. However, it did not result in the expected outcome: system-wide fleets were often shuffled from system to system and their shared origin made them more loyal to their admirals than the broader Alliance. Though many stayed loyal to the Alliance, and some managed fighting retreats to the Inner Ring, all defected — or otherwise lost — fleets during the Collapse were of the system-wide recruitment model.

===Domestic Ship Designs===
===Notable Facilities===

The Republic is, by the standards of the Outer and Middle Rings, quite a wealthy and prosperous system with a large local fleet for its own defense. Thanks to its large amounts of funding the Civil Guard is one of the few local militias to field its own combat-capable designs. While not entirely original creations due to being heavily modified versions of typical Solarian Navy vessels, the locally-designed ships of San Colette are quite capable and, prior to the collapse, were often exported to Solarian systems across the Outer and Middle Rings.
Located on Luna in Harmony City, the '''Solarian Admiralty''' serves as high command for the entire Solarian Navy. While it started its existence as a small building mostly responsible for managing armed platforms tasked with destroying asteroids and other potentially harmful celestial objects, the Admiralty has grown over the intervening decades into a massive complex which is a city District unto itself. Solarian Naval Central Command (SNCC) looks over the district at nearly a hundred stories tall and stands as one of, if not the, most important buildings in the modern Alliance. The Admiralty is rumored to have dozens, if not hundreds, of underground facilities scattered across the Admiralty containing everything from mundane paperwork to intelligence on the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate to blacksites for especially infamous prisoners. Though its reputation has been tarnished by the Collapse, the Admiralty remains an unshakable feature of Luna.

The most iconic Colettish ship design is the Castillo-class battleship. First launched in 2442 and often locally referred to as a “dreadnought,the Castillo is based upon a common Solarian battleship design dating back to the early 2430s, but trades the common “tuning fork,” design of typical Solarian Navy vessels for a boxier one. The Castillo lacks a warp drive and has a short operating range, but makes up for these drawbacks by possessing heavier weaponry and more armor than its Navy counterpart. Prior to the Collapse many ships of this class were produced on commission to be sold abroad. Following the Collapse the commissioned ships still in drydock were instead given over to the Civil Guard, customers be damned. Tourists visiting San Colette would often purchase small models of Castillo-class battleships as knickknacks. But with the Collapse this industry faded rapidly, and untold miniatures of San Colette’s iconic dreadnought now languish in the back rooms of shops across the Republic.
Located on Luna in Hangzhou, the '''Solarian Navy Academy''' is the premier — and to Lunarians, the only — institute of naval military education in the Alliance. Established in 2115 continuously functional ever since this point the Academy, as it is often simply known, has long had a reputation of producing only the finest naval officers in the Alliance. But this reputation for excellence has made the Academy an extremely difficult institution to gain entry into — particularly if one is not from the Inner Ring. Certain Lunarian families, such as the ancient Varnhagen und Langenburg family, have long held sway over the Academy’s curriculum and membership in such a family — either by blood or covenant — is a near-certain way to gain access to its halls. Academy officers, in addition to their renowned quality, are generally more loyal to the Alliance than their non-Academy counterparts. Few Academy graduates defected during the Collapse and those that have, such as the Solarian Restoration Front’s Florentina von Keyserling, have been stricken from its graduation rolls.

While less iconic than its dreadnought counterpart the Caballero-class heavy cruiser is another Colettish design which has been exported across Outer and Middle Ring. First launched in 2412 the Caballero-class is a mainstay of Civil Guard fleets and its updated 2452 version serves an important role as a screening ship for larger Castillo-class battleships. The Caballero is based on a Solarian Navy cruiser and, like its larger counterpart, trades the “tuning fork,” design for a boxier shape. It lacks a warp drive and has a much shorter operational range, but compensates for this by having heavier armor and more weaponry than its Navy counterpart. This class was commonly sold to other Solarian systems on commission prior to the Collapse and can, in a bitterly ironic twist, occasionally be seen on the battlefields of the Northern Wildlands in SRF, League, or FSF colors as a result.
In the orbit of Uranus lies the mundanely-named '''Solarian Naval Maintenance, Regeneration, and Repair Facility''' which is, thanks to its awful abbreviation of “'''SNMRRF'''” (occasionally phoneticized as “'''Smurf'''”), commonly referred to as “the Boneyard.The Boneyard is a massive facility filled with outdated and mothballed hulls ranging in size from fighter aircraft to battleships which remain on the official Navy registry but are, in reality, either too outdated or too damaged to effectively operate alongside their counterparts. Boneyard vessels are, particularly since the Collapse, often cannibalized for parts or — in rare cases — “refloated” and pressed back into service. The pirate raid which brought Frost into power as Prime Minister targeted the Boneyard and stole multiple warships the former Admiral later returned with, eventually catapulting himself into popularity. Many have long theorized this “raid” and Frost’s success after was an inside job planned by Navy officers to place one of their own in power and have pointed to a multitude of “coincidences” as evidence. The fact that the raiders were never caught but were “engaged and destroyed,” the sensors monitoring Boneyard and its defenses being off at the same time, the raiders only hitting the Boneyard rather than any civilian targets or the nearby Navy sensor stations, the fact that the raiders were able to spoof a brand-new Solarian Navy ID code, and the fact that the leaker — a reformer — was one of the only deaths in the raid.  

One design which has not been exported is the small and relatively unassuming Cabral-class light cruiser. Designed in 2427 the Cabral goes against typical Colettish ship design conventions: it is fast, able to fly long ranges without resupplying its fuel, and has few artillery pieces of its own. What it does have are large launch bays and a well-developed sensor suite to compliment its role as a drone carrier rather than a proper cruiser. A typical vessel of this class is fitted with a variety of Albatros type semi-autonomous drones which allow the vessel to punch far above its weight. The rare Civil Guard patrol fleets which can be found outside of San Colette in the wider Pact often consist of Cabral-class vessels escorted by FSF ships. Like its heavier counterparts the Cabral has no warp engines and cannot independently jump, but is capable of outrunning almost any vessels which attempt to close with it thanks to its powerful sublight engines.
===Notable Navy Forces===

The Mosquito-class corvette is the smallest of the Civil Guard’s domestic designs. It is based on the Navy’s Montevideo-class patrol ship but diverges from its Navy counterpart in several manners. First is its removal of the “tuning fork,” design in favor of a central, and more armored, crew compartment. Second is its removal of the boarding arm in favor of two drone bays, one on each side of the vessel, and several fixed artillery guns. The Mosquito was originally designed for export alone as a smaller version of the Cabral-class light cruiser but has been pressed into service with the Civil Guard due to the Collapse. It is typically commanded by a junior Coletter officer and Coletter drone technician who are assisted by a crew of refugee soldiers.
'''1st Battlegroup, “The First”'''

The most venerable and oldest of the Alliance’s battlegroups, the First has fought in every major interstellar conflict the Alliance has officially participated in. It is responsible for decisively destroying the Coalition’s naval forces in the Battle of Xanu and has long preserved the Xanusanii naval battle standard captured during the battle in the Admiralty. The first five fleets of the First are overwhelmingly Lunan. The next five, which were integrated into it following Courtois’ reforms, are five of the highest-quality Alliance-wide fleets in the Alliance. Officers of the First can easily be identified by their distinctive oak leaves, which are typically placed in the side of their caps. The First is currently commanded by Fleet Admiral Ingrid von Varnhagen und Langenburg, a Lunan graduate of the Solarian Naval Academy firmly in Courtois’ reformist faction. The Fleet Admiral of the First is issued a saber as their badge of office and is expected to wear it at all times while commanding, regardless of practicality. The sword itself, while unnamed, is a priceless heirloom which has been passed down from Fleet Admiral to Fleet Admiral since the founding of the First, and to lose it is simply inconceivable.

===Drone Warfare===
'''1st Middle Ring Battlegroup'''

<center><i>“This is Operator 77 confirming good effect of my Navaja wing on target. Looks like the reactor’s hit. Might go critical soon, going to redirect an Albatros to it. Operator 77 out.”</i> - Lieutenant Emiliana del Moral (2441 - ) minutes before the 67th Fleet’s flagship, Redoubtable, was destroyed by a reactor explosion during the Battle of San Colette (20 November, 2462).</center>
Regarded as one of the highest-quality battlegroups prior to the Collapse, the 1MRB under Fleet Admiral Klaudia Szalai has, despite never formally defecting from the Alliance, spent much of the past two years since the Collapse cut off from the broader Alliance and struggling against difficult odds. The five fleets of the 1MRB were understrength prior to the Collapse and have been worn down by fighting against pirates, traitorous Solarian Navy personnel, and — at times — the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, which it has engaged during cross-border raids by the 1MRB and border disputes with the CRZ. The 1MRB has never been defeated upon the field of battle and remains steadfast in its loyalty to Sol, though many of its personnel — almost all of which hail from Visegrad or its surrounding systems — are increasingly concerned at the Navy’s seeming lack of interest with the Wildlands.

The Civil Guard has long been limited by two things: its small size and its lack of independent warp capabilities. These limiters have turned it into a force focused on the defensive with only limited offensive capabilities. But more importantly its small size has caused it to pursue a very unusual force multiplier for interstellar combat: the use of semi-autonomous drones controlled from either ships or stations. The first combat-capable Colettish drones and AI-managed weapons platforms were produced in the 2350s and have only improved over the intervening century. Colettish AI weaponry can be roughly divided into stationary and mobile categories, with stationary weaponry primarily serving as autonomous weapons platforms found throughout the defenses of the Republic and mobile weapons forming the category of drones.
'''35th Fleet'''

The mainstay drone of the Civil Guard is the Albatros type semi-autonomous drone. The Albatros is a relatively recent design which dates back to 2442 and utilizes Colettish AI designs rather than more complicated AIs found on [[Konyang]]. Despite repeated protests by some skrellian figures the Albatros has been a commercial success due and is well-known across the Alliance due to it being exported across Alliance space by Colettish defense firms. The Albatros is a highly modular design which is cheap to produce and effective in space combat due to its powerful engines, small profile, and relatively large missile payload. As a semi-autonomous drone the Albatros requires permission from a human operator before it is authorized to go “weapons hot,and engage hostile targets. Most Guard defense installations have several wings of Albatros drones armed with a variety of weaponry up to and including anti-capital ship armaments.
One of the most infamous Solarian fleets in the Navy’s history, the 35th was formed after the Interstellar War and stationed near Tau Ceti in order to keep the strategic system safe. Tau Ceti’s defection — which many 35th officers hailed from — was viewed by the Fleet as a betrayal, and its rapid embrace of aliens after the defection was viewed as a further compromise of Solarian values. This hatred has, over the years between Tau Ceti’s defection and the Collapse, twisted the 35th into what it was prior to its invasion of Tau Ceti: one of the most xenophobic, fanatical, and nationalistic Solarian fleets. The losses it suffered during the invasion and its seeming betrayal by the broader Alliance further radicalized the 35th, which returned to its berth in Lycoris and declared the Solarian Restoration Front in 2462, and rapidly set about purging aliens — who they blamed for the Collapse — from the area they controlled. Though the Navy has officially disavowed the 35th and declared its officers traitors to the Alliance many, particularly those formerly loyal to Frost, have flocked to its banner. The 35th and its Front are a significant concern for the Solarian Navy, and for those Solarians caught in the Northern Wildlands under threat by it.

The most well-known variant of the Albatros type drone is the Navaja type semi-autonomous drone. The Navaja trades the missile payload of the Albatros for a significantly more powerful engine and a large shaped charge which makes up the main body of the drone. The purpose of this drone is quite simple: upon being authorized to engage a target by an operator it will attempt to ram the target before detonating its charge (and itself, by proxy). A Navaja is not intended for more than one mission and is often stored in a folded-up position in order to fit more of the drones into a hangar. The drone’s name comes from the distinctive click-clack noise their wings make while unfolding, which resembles that of the fighting knife bearing the same name. The Navaja is not sold abroad but many are kept in Civil Guard facilities in the event of an attack. One of these drones destroyed the flagship of the 67th Fleet, the battleship Redoubtable, when its shaped charge penetrated into the ship’s engine room and caused its reactor to go critical.
'''25th Fleet'''

The largest of the Civil Guard’s drones is the Kestrel-class gunboat. It is one of the older Guard drones still in service and dates back to 2398, though modernizations have kept it relatively viable. The Kestrel is the size of a corvette with heavy armor and more artillery than a typical ship of its size, and is typically used to patrol the defensive zones of San Colette due to its age. Like its smaller counterpart the Kestrel is very adaptable and can fulfill a variety of roles in the Guard. Like many Colettish designs the Kestrel was sold to Solarian systems across the Alliance prior to the Collapse and can be found in the hands of many formerly Solarian warlords. As a patrol vessel the Kestrel is more autonomous than most Colettish drones but still requires human authorization to engage its targets. Though scheduled for retirement in 2465, the chaos of the Collapse has forced these dated drones to remain in service as every weapon counts.
When the 25th, primarily consisting of Silversunners, was ordered into Biesel to stop rogue Admiral Michael Frost it could have never anticipated the consequences its orders would have for the Spur. Despite the apprehension its officers and enlisted felt when they were ordered into what was, at least officially, a rebellious Solarian system ruled by an illegitimate government, the 25th followed its orders. The 25th was badly mauled by the 33rd in one of the first engagements between Solarian Navy vessels since the Interstellar War, but it pushed the 33rd out of the system and returned Biesel to a modicum of normality. The population of Biesel was understandably cold towards them, but the Admiralty promised rewards for the deed. But no rewards appeared as, nearly as soon as he had been imprisoned, Frost was swept back into power and became Prime Minister. The new PM punished the 25th severely, and sent them to an ignominious duty: to serve as an auxiliary for one of the worst battlegroups in the Navy, the 10th Middle Ring Battlegroup. But the 25th was not broken by this and, thanks to its superior equipment and training, they fought their way back to their original berth of Silversun, arriving battered and bruised — yet unbowed — in summer 2463 to a hero’s welcome. Now the 25th has a new home: the prestigious 1st Battlegroup.

==The Solarian Marine Corps==

While the Civil Guard is able to secure the system of San Colette itself, its lack of warp engines and the short operational range of most of its vessels limits its ability to patrol the broader Pact. The Guard’s limited stock of ships which have defected or been captured from the 67th Fleet have warp engines and a longer operating range, but are not present in sufficient numbers to effectively secure the borders of the Pact. Non-Colettish forces are often in even worse states, with some having no local militaries to speak of. Others rely on hand-me-down Solarian Navy equipment which cannot hope to win in an even fight against the more modern ships of the SRF or League.
<center><i>“Look like you know the joke right like you have to know it come ooooon. The whole joke of like ‘you don’t have to worry about asking if somebody’s a marine since they’ll tell you!‘”</i> - Unknown Callistean bartender speaking to an Sol Alliance News Network reporter regarding the Navy’s presence on Callisto (2458).</center>

In January 2463 a deal was struck by the Republic and other members of the Pact with the recently-former Free Solarian Fleets to have their mercenaries fill in where the Civil Guard could not. The Pact exchanges goods in the Colettish strategic reserve and berths in Colettish facilities for patrols of its border and skirmishes with both the SRF and League. The arrangement has proven to be quite beneficial, particularly due to the Republic placing cash bounties on the destruction, capture, or otherwise disabling of enemy vessels. Most FSF vessels find themselves engaged in the Pact and its surrounding territories rather than in the nearby Corporate Reconstruction Zone, with some notable exceptions.
Though technically an independent branch of the SAF the Solarian Marine Corps (SMC) is regarded by most as simply an extension of the Navy. They travel in Navy ships, fight the Navy’s battles alongside it, and generally do whatever they are told to do by the Navy. Marines rarely do any operations without the assistance of the Navy and rarely set foot on planets, instead reserving such duties for the underfunded Solarian Army. The SMC’s  unofficial status as a vassal state of the Navy has brought boons to it such as funding, prestige, and eager recruits thanks to multiple lucrative deals with Cytherean media moguls. Many Solarian children and teenagers see marines as heroes who are capable of doing anything they are asked to do as long as it benefits the Alliance.

But not all appreciate the presence of the mercenaries in the Republic despite the security they offer to the Pact members outside of it. FSF mercenaries are known to become rowdy while on shore leave in the Republic and often run afoul of its authorities. Others are concerned about the loyalties of the mercenaries. Ultimately if they only fight for the Republic and Pact for money, who is to say they would not turn on it if paid a greater sum?
But the reality is often different from the glitzy, Cytherean image projected by popular culture. Marines are often recruited from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and are looked down upon by many Navy officers for this reason, and Marine officers are expected to defer to the judgement of their Naval counterparts even if they are of the same rank. The Army looks down upon Marines for a different reason: it views them a “toy army” subordinate to the Navy due to marines rarely seeing extended periods of ground combat like the Army has. The Army’s bitterness has been further compounded by the Marines consistently receiving more funding, and thus better equipment, due to Navy influence.

But despite this the morale of the Marines remains high. Most wholeheartedly view themselves as elite infantry of the SAF which do what others will not, and view the Army as an organization of complainers and losers who simply lack the gung-ho attitude needed to fight a modern spacefaring conflict. Their extensive funding has ensured most negative press, such as the amount of marines currently fighting for various warlords and the Army’s opinion of them, has remained out of the public view. Connections, and greased palms, in the Cytherean entertainment industry have served to make the reality of the situation something only the dedicated are aware of.

<center><i>“We, as the government of the Republic of San Colette, derive our legitimacy from the people, not the Solarian Navy! I will not stand idly by while Solarian officers who have never set foot in our Republic demand more and more from us!”</i> - Excerpt from a speech by Representative Leandro Resendes (2418 - ) protesting the transfer of more phoron to San Colette’s strategic reserve  (15 August, 2462).</center>
===Notable Marine Formations===

The Sovereign Solarian Republic of San Colette is, as one may glean from its name, a democratic republic which was a Solarian member state until the Solarian Collapse in late 2462. The Republic is ruled by a President elected by popular vote for a maximum of two four-year terms. Immediately below the President is the Colettish Assembly, a single-house representative body made up of Representatives elected by Colettish citizens. These representatives serve for a single six year term and cannot be re-elected — a deliberate choice by the Republic’s founders to avoid an oligarchy.
'''1st Marine Division'''

Coletters have a relatively high amount of confidence in their government when compared to their Middle Ring counterparts such as New Hai Phongers and Silversunners. The most common reasons given for this are a lack of corruption, minimal megacorporate presence in local politics, and a perception that Colettish politicians place the good of the Republic above their personal gain. Many believe this dedication to the Republic is rooted in many Colettish politicians having served with the Civil Guard prior to entering politics.
The 1st has, for countless years, been the Marine division assigned to guard the ships of the elite 1st Battlegroup of the Solarian Navy. Well-trained and well-equipped, the 1st served with distinction during the Interstellar War but has not fought in a major conflict since. Its marines are primarily recruited from the Lunan working class and are generally looked down upon by the upper and middle class Lunans which serve as the 1st Battlegroup’s officers. However, as most enlisted sailors come from similar working-class Lunan backgrounds, there is a great amount of camaraderie between marines and enlisted Navy personnel. The Army often holds the 1st Division as an example of how the Marines receive immense funding but do nothing at all as the Division was stationed near Mars but not a single member participated in the Mars Campaign.

Politically the Civil Guard is generally uninvolved and uninterested. From its creation there was an express intent to avoid the level of political tampering the Solarian Navy is known for and the consequences that have resulted from this tampering, such as — arguably — the Collapse itself. The Admiral of the Civil Guard, its overall commander, is subordinate to the President. The vast majority of Civil Guard personnel see it as their duty to serve the Republic, rather than the Republic serving them. Some theorists argue that the cultural veneration of the Civil Guard has been a major contributing factor to its comfort with being subordinate to the civilian government of the Republic. Others, however, point out that the Civil Guard tampers with politics in its own way: many politicians have a background in the Guard and have long been willing to give it preferential treatment for what they argue is the good of the Republic as a whole.
'''15th Marine Regiment'''

The current President of the Republic is Maribel Sarmiento (2412 - ). Elected in 2462 and a current member of the Colettish Progressive Party, President Sarmiento’s term has been marked by crisis after crisis. As of 2464 she has so far effectively led the Republic through the most turbulent time in its history but remains concerned she will be unable to handle everything thrown at her, particularly with the Progressive Party’s loss of an electoral majority in 2463. The President remains wildly popular and is seen by many as the Savior of San Colette in the era of the Solarian Collapse.
This marine regiment, which has since defected to the Solarian Restoration Front, served as the Marine detachment for the 35th Fleet of the Solarian Navy. Even before their defection the 15th was plagued by rumors of corruption and Caesarism in addition to a documented history of abuse towards non-humans. The 35th Fleet spent a great amount on ensuring these rumors were quashed while it was still loyal to Sol. However during the 35th’s incursion into Tau Ceti the 15th’s behavior became so open it could no longer be hidden, and flickery videos of its marines executing Legionnaires became a common sight on the Biesel extranet during and immediately following the incursion. Now, fully defected from Sol and fully dedicated to the SRF, one can only speculate as to what actions they have committed.

===Political Parties===
'''33rd Marine Regiment'''

Politics in the Republic have long been dominated by three major political parties: the Republican Unity Party, the Colettish Progressive Party, and the Socialist Party of San Colette. None of the three parties maintains absolute dominance and the status of largest party in the Republic often switches hands. As a general rule all Coletter political parties are fairly hawkish due to the deep integration of service in the Civil Guard in the system’s cultural identity. To go against this cultural trend in the Republic is to effectively commit political suicide.
Prior to his ascension as Prime Minister the 33rd served under the command of then-Admiral Michael Frost. They participated in his invasion of Biesel and, despite an internal inquiry by the Solarian Armed Forces, escaped all charges levied against them. The 33rd’s loyalty to Frost intrinsically tied their fate to his, even after his imprisonment, and saw their trustworthiness decline in the eyes of the broader SAF. Even Frost’s ascension to power, which saw him restore his loyal regiment to power and use them — at the protest of the Army — as personal guards, only served to temporarily stop the regiment’s fall from grace. After Frost’s death the regiment was pounced upon by reformist actors in the Navy and promptly disbanded, with many of its former officers shipped off to undisclosed prisons for poorly-defined crimes. Even before Frost’s body was cold the 33rd was formally struck from the Corps’ register, and will likely never return to it again.

The Republican Unity Party (PUR) is the currently dominant party in San Colette’s government. While broadly viewed as belonging to the ideological school of Solarian Conservatism the PUR differs on several points from its Lunan counterpart. It is more militant and favors greater military spending and is generally anti-corporate while being pro-Coletter businesses. These two differences, along with the PUR opting to keep social welfare policies established by their rivals in place, have allowed the PUR to successfully retain power after the Collapse when so many other conservatives lost their power.
==The Solarian Army==

The Colettish Progressive Party (PPC) is the main rival of the PUR. Widely considered a variation on traditional Callistean social democracy, the PPC is significantly more hawkish than its jewel world counterparts and is well known for establishing a robust system of social programs in the Republic during the 2410s. The PPC had the misfortune of being in power during the Collapse and quickly lost much of its influence during the elections of 2463, but has managed to retain a significant minority in the government. When it can cooperate with its more socialist counterpart, the PPC, itis fully capable of passing legislation, despite being a minority.
<center><i>“I don’t give a rat’s ass what your Admiral says marine! Unless you can get the PM down here and order me to stand aside, I’m not gonna be letting you into the building! You’re gonna stand down, now! I said now goddammit!”</i> - 1st Lieutenant Anthony “Andy” Bonaccio moments before the Revolt of the Officers devolved into a gunfight. Bonaccio would later go on to become the Alliance’s Secretary of the Army.</center>

The smallest party of the three is the Socialist Party of San Colette (PSSC). The PSSC is a strange combination of mainstream Solarian populist thought and New Hai Phongese socialist theory which abhors corporations while at the same time voicing unwavering support for the military. The eclectic stance of the PSSC has given it the least presidencies of the three parties but has turned it into an effective swing bloc in the government: PSSC representatives will typically vote with the PPC but have been known to cross the isle to vote with the PUR when matters of the Civil Guard are concerned.
The second-largest SAF branch is the often-neglected Solarian Army. Chronically underfunded, the Army has existed in the shadow of the Navy since the Interstellar War and must often make do with hand-me-down equipment passed over or otherwise discarded by the Marines. A culture of bitterness towards the Navy and the Marines, which the Army views as a subordinate branch of the Navy, has engendered a desire in the Army to do better than the Navy despite the challenges. As an institution it is significantly less corrupt and prone to Caesarism than the Navy is and, thanks to reforms undertaken after the Interstellar War, has long been viewed by the civilian government as an ally instead of an enemy. Army troops have long been used as guards by Solarian government institutions aside from Navy facilities, which utilize Marine guards, due to their loyalty to the government.

===Foreign Relations===
Unlike the Navy the Solarian Army generally recruits entire divisions from individual planets and trains them in local facilities. These units typically serve as the local garrison of a Solarian member state until they are needed elsewhere, at which point they are mobilized and shipped — much to the ire of Army command — by the Navy to wherever they are needed. Army Central Command itself has long been headquartered on Unity Station and is located within walking distance of the Prime Minister’s office. Interestingly, Central Command has no fixed unit to guard it: instead, in order to avoid favoritism, the division tasked with protecting it is rotated on a two-year basis. At the time of the Collapse the chosen unit was the 37th Martian Mechanized Division, more popularly known as the “Red Devils.” Due to the mysterious nature of Prime Minister Frost’s death and his seeming lack of care for Mars, rumors that the 37th killed him have swirled since before his body was cold. The 37th has since rotated back to Mars, where it served with distinction during the reunification campaign. While currently a volunteer-only force the Solarian Army is, in theory, able to petition the government to institute a draft in times of emergency. This draft has not been used since the Interstellar War, and few imagine it would ever pass unless a second were to begin.

The position of the Republic and the Pact more generally is an awkward one. It is sandwiched between two outright hostile warlords, the League and the SRF, to its galactic east and west and is bordered by the chaotic CRZ to its galactic south. Above it to its flaccid north lies mostly uncolonized space free of major powers. The Republic and Pact must thus play their cards very carefully or risk losing the thing they value the most: their independence from the neighboring states.
While Army equipment and training, unlike their SDF counterparts, is standardized across the board certain member states have gained a reputation of supplying the Army with higher-quality units than others. Despite its poor reputation with many figures in the broader Alliance the Army generally views Mars as providing the best units due to many seeing it as one of their only ways to get off-world. Silversun, with the Originals forming a similar group, is similarly prized as are units recruited from Venusian Jintarians. On the contrary Luna is viewed by most as providing some of the poorest-quality troops for the Army. Many have speculated as to why this is, and some Army officials have gone as far to accuse the Navy of deliberately sabotaging Army recruitment efforts on the moon. Pluto provides similarly poor-quality troops as its ruling government zealously guards its best troops for its internal security forces and only provides the Army with wash-outs and other poor troops. Very few Plutonian or Lunarian units are trusted with anything other than garrison duty.

A state of undeclared war exists between the Pact and both the Solarian Restoration Front and the League of Independent Corporate-Free Systems. The SRF despises the Pact as a weak proxy of alien-dominated corporations, while the League views it as simply dominated by corporations — and many former 67th Fleet members view San Colette with exceptional bitterness.
Recently the Army-Navy struggle seems to be shifting towards a more even playing field due to Army successes and Navy failures. During a period where the Navy was at its lowest before recent reforms the Army proved itself effective in a decisive campaign where it regained control over much of Mars. Army Central Command has viewed this as a massive victory and it has secured a great amount of positive press for the long-beleaguered and underfunded Army. Whether or not this wave of success will continue with the Navy’s recent reforms, and a promise of return to civilian government, remains to be seen.

In contrast to these twin threats is the nearby [[Republic of Biesel]]. Due to currently being gripped by the spasms of an ongoing phoron crisis Biesel, and the corporate masters which control it, have a desperate need for phoron and phoron processing facilities. San Colette can provide both and has successfully used this to open up the CRZ and Tau Ceti for trade. Colettish facilities provide a small yet significant part of the Republic’s phoron processing capabilities. While this small percentage means severing San Colette’s facilities from Biesel would not be fatal for either party, it would certainly be inconvenient and is thus best avoided. While Biesel has not yet offered military aid to San Colette and the Pact directly it has, at the least, helped to relieve its post-Collapse economic woes. But many in the Pact look to Biesel with caution, concerned of becoming another sector of the increasingly unstable CRZ. The question for the Pact is deceptively simple: at which point does cooperation become dependence, and dependence annexation?
===Notable Army Divisions===

Beyond the SRF lies the former master of the Northern Wildlands, the now-shrunken Solarian Alliance. Trade with the broader Alliance, which at one point fueled the Colettish economy, has become impossible due to having to pass through the hostile SRF. Even worse, the Alliance is seen by many Coletters as being inactive — or even complicit — with the problem of the SRF. But many look back on the era of the Alliance prior to its Collapse with great nostalgia, viewing it as a time of relative stability — or at least an era where Solarians were unified instead of killing one another over politics and fuel.
'''1st Earther Infantry Division, “Big Red One”'''

One of the oldest continuously-serving divisions in the Alliance, the 1st Infantry Division has fought in every major war the SAF has become involved in. In addition to service in the Interstellar War and the recent Mars Campaign the 1st was the Army division which thwarted the Revolt of the Officers and, as a result, has long been one of the first divisions the civilian government pulls guards from. This division is recruited from Earth and primarily draws its recruits from the United States, though it contains Earthers from across the globe in its ranks.

The civilian police of the Republic have been heavily influenced by the cultural emphasis placed upon military service in San Colette. The Planetary Police of San Colette (PPSC) are a highly-trained and very competent force by the standards of Solarian policing agencies. It almost always recruits its patrol officers from former members of the Civil Guard, leading to an older-than-average street police force as a result. Coletters have a high level of trust in the PPSC due to its reputation as a competent and incorruptible agency. PPSC officers often work alongside their still-serving counterparts in the Civil Guard, which has caused many outside observers to sarcastically refer to the PPSC as a retirement club for Civil Guard marines. Due to the difficulty of becoming a patrol officer and the high standards which must be met to remain in service, the PPSC has a relatively small number of officers on the street.
'''2nd Venusian Air Cavalry Division, “Jintaria’s Claws”'''

The small number of the PPSC’s officers has led to difficulties as the number of refugees traveling to the Republic has increased and increasingly large numbers of FSF mercenaries choose San Colette for their shore leave. Many departments have opted to loosen their infamously high recruitment standards since the Collapse in order to keep pace with the demands of post-Solarian San Colette, to varying degrees of success. Some departments have instead opted to rely on the assistance of Civil Guard military police, which is not always readily available. Whether or not the PPSC can keep the peace in the Republic’s streets and refugee settlements remains a question to be answered, and the commissioners and captains of the force hope they will not be found wanting.
Formed slightly after the Interstellar War from primarily-Jintarian units recruited on Venus during the Interstellar War, the 2nd Venusian is an elite Army division intended to be deployed from dropships into extremely tough situations. The 2nd is primarily made up of Jintarians, though some Cytherean crashouts are present. Traditionally, Jintarian 2nd Venusian recruits will give themselves a cheek scar to symbolically note their separation from appearance-obsessed Cythereans. The 2nd was not deployed to Mars due to concerns phoron in the air would choke the engines of its dropships and gunships, which has left the elite division bitter and eager for action. The 2nd Venusian is, aside from their scars, well-known for their distinctive “cavalry” hats.

'''37th Martian Mechanized Division, “Red Devils”'''

The most well-known school of higher learning in the Republic is likely the '''Naval Academy of Nueva Isabela''', located in the capital city of the same name. The Academy, as it is often simply known, has trained all Civil Guard officers since the Guard’s founding without exception. Prior to the Collapse it occasionally hosted officers from other Solarian militias and was very rarely visited by the Solarian Navy itself. The Academy has an attached AI research facility where new drones are produced for use by the Civil Guard or export beyond the Republic’s borders and is most recently known for producing the Navaja type semi-autonomous drone, which is itself a variant on the earlier Albatros type semi-autonomous drone.
The oldest continuously-serving Martian division, the “Red Devils” were originally formed from an amalgamation of pro-Sol SDF units during the Martian World War. The 37th served with distinction during the World War and earned its nickname from the large amount of dust its units would kick up on the open plains of Mars. Following the War it was formally integrated into the Solarian Army as a division and has served with distinction since. It was one of the most-engaged divisions during the Mars Campaign of 2464. Few members of the division perished in the Violet Dawn catastrophe thanks to its garrison being located in Kunlun, far in the Martian north. Despite this performance rumors that the 37th assassinated Prime Minister Frost have continued to swirl, and may haunt the division for decades to come. The traditional 37th sleeve patch is a red devil on a blue background, and is intended to show Martian unity with the Alliance.

The primary producer of Colettish AI is not the Academy but the '''Montblanc Institute of Research''', or '''MIR'''. Arguably the most prestigious university on San Colette, the MIR has produced many of the designs the Civil Guard now uses, with its most famous product assuredly being the Albatros type semi-autonomous drone. Due to the sensitive nature of much of its research, the MIR only accepts students from San Colette itself and does not permit those from other Solarian worlds, or foreigners, to attend. While this has proven to be a controversial stance, the government has always sided with the MIR, citing reasons of national security as their motivation.
'''3rd Callistean Infantry Division, “Commonwealth Marines”'''

Recruited primarily from the Port Authority of Callisto, the Commonwealth Marines are the Army’s only unit which specializes into zero-gravity combat in spaceborne objects such as stations, ships, and EVA environments. The Commonwealth Marines and the Solarian Marines have an infamously poor relationship due to the 3rd Callistean’s use of the term Marines in their name, and those of the division are known to get into off-duty brawls with Navy Marines in the Ringpole District. Callistean military police and CMPD officers generally let the Commonwealth Marines, who are quite popular on Callisto, go with barely a slap on the wrist. The division is easily recognized by their black berets with gold-and-red badges — a color choice deliberately designed to resemble the Callistean flag.

<center><i>“The main export of San Colette should be the business of trade, not bushels of wheat.”</i> - Doctor Ernesto Castrejon (2298-2386), regarding his proposed Warp Gate Project (2353).</center>
'''4th Haiphongese Armored Division, “Habs on Wheels”'''

The Republic’s economy is diverse and well-developed by the standards of the Middle and Outer Rings. However, it does not rise to the level of Jewel Worlds such as Callisto and Venus or the level of Tau Ceti. Its economy is, anyhow, large enough to support native corporations and stave off attempts by megacorporations to intrude into its native industries, which has not endeared it to some corporate actors. Trade between the Outer and Middle Ring and the Jewel Worlds has historically flown through Colettish warp gates to Callisto, which has given it the ability to punch above its weight economically. Aside from trade San Colette’s primary exports are foodstuffs, refined phoron, and weaponry.
Many Haiphongese divisions become hopelessly stuck in the quagmire of corruption which defines so much of life on the planet. Not the 4th, which has proven to be stunningly resistant to corruption since its founding in the mid-2300s. 4th tankers are primarily recruited from the crime-riddled Ton Gwai Pei, which many young Haiphongers are eager to escape. They are then trained in armored drills in the harsh deserts outside the megalopolises of New Hai Phong in the operation of the Army’s standard M35A6 tank modified for the environment of New Hai Phong. Typically of shorter builds to fit comfortably into their modified tanks, their gas masks — which they almost always wear while in their vehicles — are typically customized in the traditional Haiphongese style. Some are intended to call back to the hab the tanker came from, while others use the colors of gangs the tankers were previously affiliated with. The 4th was a major participant in the Mars Campaign, where its harsh-environment training and NHP-adapted tanks proved an unbeatable force on the Martian plains.

The state-run Colettish phoronics industry was perhaps its most profitable prior to the Collapse, which cut off many of its markets. Prior to the Collapse much of the phoron which entered the Alliance’s markets was sent to Colettish refinement facilities on D’Anzin where it was turned from useless, if flammable, crystals into gaseous phoron for use as fuel or liquid phoron for use in various industries such as the medical field. Much of this phoron went straight into the Colettish Strategic Stockpile at the Navy’s demand, to the endless frustration of Coletter businesses. But this has given San Colette an unexpected boon as the phoron in its stockpile is now a valuable, rare resource which can be used to purchase the most valuable thing in the Northern Wildlands: security. Following the Collapse and the 35th Fleet’s invasion, a surprisingly large amount of Biesel’s raw phoron is processed in D’Anzin’s facilities due to many of Biesel’s plants having been either damaged or destroyed in the incursion. But as facilities in Biesel are slowly repaired and brought back online many in the Republic fear this boon will soon expire. The economic impact of this has yet hit the Republic but many in its phoronics industry estimate that, in a year or so, San Colette’s role in Biesel’s phoronics industry will have been greatly diminished. The clock is ticking, and new markets — hopefully the Alliance — must be found before the Republic’s time is up.
12th Silversunner Coastal Infantry Division, “Mistral”

Though not as profitable as the phoronics industry, San Colette’s native armaments industry has long been a mainstay of the local economy. The industry covers everything from arms and armor produced in Montblanc to entire combat-capable space vessels produced by the dockyards associated with Nuevo Villaviciosa. Like the phoronics industry San Colette’s armaments industry has always had a significant level of government involvement, both to ensure sensitive equipment is not sold to the highest bidder and to keep the best designs for the Civil Guard itself. The exports of this industry have, aside from spaceships, spiked following the Collapse. Many Colettish small arms find their way into the Corporate Reconstruction Zone and the Southern Wildlands, where they are used for both good and ill. Accusations of Solarian Interstellar Intelligence Bureau involvement in this flow of arms have been consistently denied by Colettish corporations.
A relative oddity in the 2400s, the 12th is a unit specialized into waterborne operations due to its origins on Silversun. In addition to waterborne operations the 12th is trained to fight in harsh environments such as the jungles and rainforests of Silversun, and is often used by the local governor to track down and apprehend criminal elements — such as poachers — who believe the dense undergrowth can hide them from Solarian authorities. This duty has caused them to sometimes be referred to sarcastically as “the Army’s Park Rangers,” by other units, and this is a surefire way to become involved in a brawl if said to most 12th soldiers. Though most commonly known for the green camouflage “Silversunner” boonie caps they often wear on patrol, 12th officers prize their distinctive blue-and-silver kepis they are issued when commissioned, though few wear them in the jungle due to fears of spoiling the cap’s fabric.

===Colettish Corporations===
===Notable Army Equipment===

The most prolific Colettish corporation is '''Colettish Phoronics''', more widely known as '''PhoroCol'''. Established in 2419 and headquartered in Nueva Isabela, PhoroCol is responsible for all phoron-related activities in the system of San Colette and manages the refinement facilities on D’Anzin. The Republic’s government is the majority stakeholder of PhoroCol and, despite protests by the Trasen family, no megacorporation has been allowed to purchase a stake in it. PhoroCol is one of the only companies outside of the Republic of Biesel and Republic of Elyra which is able to refine phoron into its more usable forms, which has made it into one of the wealthiest non-megacorporate companies in the area which now makes up the Northern Wildlands.
The '''M-469 assault rifle''' is the standard assault rifle of the Solarian Armed Forces and is used by both the Army and the Marines. The rifle is rare for being designed for the Army first and then adopted by the Marines, who became fond of the design. The M-469 was originally produced by Zavodskoi Interstellar but, since the founding of the Solarian Corporate Authority, has started to be mostly produced by nationalized Solarian factories. It has a vast number of variants and is used by every Solarian Army and Marine unit, and has found use in many of the Alliance’s better-equipped System Defense Forces. Those SDFs which cannot afford it often make do with local designs or surplus weaponry, which can range from relatively recent to decades old.

'''Tiscareno y Volante Shipbuilding (TyVS)''', located in Nuevo Villaviciosa and founded in 2298, has long been the primary shipbuilding company of the Republic. A producer of everything from private vessels to Civil Guard warships, TyVS is one of the most widely recognized corporations of San Colette. Prior to the Collapse TyVS often cooperated with Hephaestus Industries during projects in the Middle and Outer Ring of Solarian space but, with the Collapse, these contracts have dried up. However, the friendship between Titaneus Aeson, Hephaestus CEO, and, Consuela Volante II, TyVS co-CEO, has remained and many speculate the Fighting Titan has sent some of his fortune to Volante in order to help TyVS remain afloat.
One of the most powerful tools available in Solarian Army operations is the '''M35A6 main battle tank'''. Though a nearly thirty year old design at this point, the M35A6 has gone through six updates which have kept it on the level of other, competing tanks such as the Dominian Imperial Army’s JA-57/2 breakthrough tank. It is, however, fairly dated compared to Marine equipment, particularly in its targeting matrix, and consumes a frightening amount of fuel. However, the relatively simple construction of the M35A6 has allowed a multitude of variants to be produced. One of the most notable is the M35A6/NHP (New Hai Phong) used by the 4th Haiphongese Armored Division, a slightly smaller variation of the typical M35A6 which notably features a large atmospherics filtering system on its rear. The M35A6/NHP’s filters, originally designed to survive the environment of New Hai Phong, allowed it to excel on the Martian surface.

The '''San Colette Interstellar Armaments Company (CAISC)''', headquartered in Montblanc and established in 2378 through a merger of several smaller companies, is responsible for the Republic’s non-spaceborne armaments industry. Firearms, protective equipment, and energy weaponry from CAISC have long provided the Civil Guard’s forces with everything from the sidearms used by its officers to the Morion armored suit used by its marines. Arms from CAISC have become even more widespread in the post-Collapse era due to a significantly greater demand for firearms. Most of these firearms are sent out of the Northern Wildlands and are sold by CAISC and its subsidiaries to actors in the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, where many eventually make their way to the Southern Wildlands.
Primarily associated with the 2nd Venusian, the '''AH-52 “Tarantula Wasp” multi-role helicopter''' is one of the Solarian Army Air Force’s most beloved designs. First used in 2452, the AH-52 is a relatively modern design and was rapidly produced for the 2nd Venusian to replace its aging helicopter fleet. It is capable of carrying up to a squad of troops and supporting them with a vigorous array of weaponry while easier enduring hits thanks to judicious armor and an on-board shield generator, but has seen little practical use so far due to the environment of Mars — the Army’s most recent major engagement — preventing most airborne operations. This has left the AH-52’s crews eager for action, and wondering when the design will finally have a chance to prove itself in combat.

The '''Basilisk Armored Exosuit''' is one of the most common Solarian Army “vehicles” in operation. Though dated in its design, as the Basilisk’s original frame dates to the late 2420s, it is capable of being surprisingly mobile thanks to its four-legged design and can be equipped with a vast array of weaponry and equipment, effectively allowing it to serve in any environment. Basilisks are also used by the Solarian Marine Corps and the Navy, and these variants are almost always more modern designs than their Army equivalents. Thanks to its flexibility and armament the Basilisk is easily capable of handling most ground-based threats short of heavy tanks on the battlefield and readily outclasses the improvised exosuits of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, which it demonstrated itself as easily capable of destroying during the 35th Fleet’s incision.

<center><i>“Sol’s Gateway to the Outer Ring.”</i> - Official motto of the city of Nueva Isabela.</center>
==System Defense Forces==

The capital and largest city of San Colette is the city of '''Nueva Isabela'''. The city is home to much of the government of the Republic, with the headquarters of PhoroCol and the Civil Guard both found inside its borders. It is also known for the large amount of architecture in the classical Iberian style which define its skyline. Nueva Isabela’s initial wealth came from the vast grasslands which surround it, known as the Colettish Plains which are still home to numerous outlying towns and villages, many of which remain dedicated to farming. Nueva Isabela’s fortunes rapidly shifted with the creation of the Warp Gate Project, as it was decided the operation would be headquartered within the city itself due to its relatively central location between the other four major cities of San Colette. Since the mid-2300s Nueva Isabela has grown into a city which scarcely resembles the agrarian hub and colonial capital of the initial colonial period: it is now a financial and cultural center where, prior to the Collapse, tourists from everywhere across the Middle and Outer Ring visited to sightsee and experience Colettish culture. Following the Collapse Nueva Isabela has become the center of the Middle Ring Shield Pact’s difficult-to-manage mutual alliance. While Coletters are confident Nueva Isabela and the Republic can hold, many are less confident in the Pact’s abilities to stay together. But none can say for certain what the future holds for them.
<center><i>“Nowhere is the state of our armed forces more obvious than in the miserable condition of many local forces. They are, seemingly as a rule, under-equipped, under-funded, and under-motivated. What I would give for every one of them to resemble San Colette!” - Fleet Admiral Ingrid von Varnhagen und Langenburg, commanding officer of the First Battlegroup, in an interview with the SANN recorded on 16 August 2462.  

At the mouth of the Riu Roig lies San Colette’s third largest settlement: the industrial center of '''Montblanc'''. The city is home to a multitude of industries ranging from automobiles to mining equipment to weaponry and is the current headquarters of CAISC, San Colette’s largest armaments company. Montblanc’s position on the Riu Roig, which has tributaries stretching to the Northern Range and into the interior of Cristobal, has historically allowed it easy access to the resources needed to fund its industrial boom. Montblanc’s industry prior to the Warp Gate Project’s completion was quite dirty by modern standards and polluted much of the area surrounding the city. During the late 2300s the air quality of Montblanc was so poor the city was nicknamed Muntanya de Cendres (Mountain of Ashes) by its residents. But protests by residents, and money from the warp gates, helped Montblanc’s industry become cleaner and diversified its economy. Decades of work, often in collaboration with Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, have done much to restore the environment in and around the city. Modern Montblanc is now known as the center of AI research in the Republic and the home of the prestigious Montblanc Institute of Research, and is rarely referred to as the Muntanya de Cendres – although tourists would often be sold souvenirs with the earlier nickname printed on them. Montblanc was relatively unaffected by the Collapse: while its Zeng-Hu facilities now stand abandoned and its small tourism industry has dried up the city’s major exports – particularly weapons – remain in high demand across the Republic and beyond. Montblanc is home to one of the largest immigrant communities in San Colette: the district of Little New Hai Phong. The district is primarily populated by New Hai Phongese immigrants who came to San Colette during the construction of the Bastion and became involved in the industries of Montblanc which supplied weaponry to the orbital installations of the Bastion. Its residents are typically referred to as Colettish Haiphongers and can be found in a variety of careers and positions throughout the city, but remain a relatively small minority in the Republic.
An institution that predates the Interstellar War, System Defense Forces (SDFs) are intended to serve as local military forces when the Navy is either unavailable or in need of additional forces to support its operations. Many SDFs defected during the Interstellar War, which greatly reduced their prestige in the eyes of the Navy and their importance in the eyes of the admiralty. Loyalist and Coalition SDFs sustained some of the highest rates of losses during the Interstellar War due to their poorer training and equipment, and many on both sides simply dissolved at the war’s end due to these losses.

The only major settlement on the continent of Morro is, ironically, not on Morro at all: '''Porto de Ouro''' instead lies off of the continent’s shores on a series of islands, some natural and many artificial, but extends onto the continent’s coastline itself thanks to its size. The second-largest city on San Colette after Nueva Isabela itself, Porto de Ouro is the planet’s major offworld port and the vast, relatively flat scrublands on the continent near to its islands are home to massive facilities designed to house everything from interstellar cargo freighters to small private vessels. The city itself is often known as the “City of Bridges,” in local slang due to Porto de Ouro’s construction on a series of small islands. Numerous bridges connect the islands of Porto de Ouro and some are long enough to stretch to the mainland and its expansive facilities. Ferries are a common form of transportation in Porto de Ouro due to necessity as many people live on the islands of the city and work in its more industrial districts on the continent itself. Prior to the Collapse Porto de Ouro was where most off-world tourists and visitors arrived on San Colette and there was a small industry dedicated to taking tourists up the rivers of Morro into its interior. With the Collapse this industry, and others like it, have dried up and forced many of their former employees to find new work – often in the continental dockyards of the city or the Civil Guard.
Modern Solarian SDFs suffer from much of the same problems their Interstellar War counterparts did: due to being funded primarily by the system they are stationed in, many have outdated equipment and poor training which causes a lack of respect from the Navy. While there are some exceptions to this rule, such as the well-funded and, as a result, well-trained and well-equipped Colettish Civil Guard, most existing SDFs prior to the Collapse were barely able to patrol and secure their immediate surroundings without Navy assistance, let alone fight off serious threats. Compounding these issues is a regulation which impacts all SDF vessels: due to the mass defections of many during the Interstellar War no SDF vessels  are equipped with warp drives capable of warping without a warp gate’s assistance. Though originally intended as a safeguard against further SDF defections, this regulation has greatly limited the capabilities of SDFs, and has rendered them only able to patrol areas with ready access to warp lanes.

In the far, far north of the continent of Nuevo Norte lies the city of '''Vila Nova de Norte''', or simply Norte or Vila Nova to its residents. Although the smallest of San Colette’s five major cities, Vila Nova has become an important research hub due to its relative isolation and the large, mostly empty, tundra around it known locally as the Guard’s Tundra. The Tundra is home to one of the Republic’s largest proving grounds: the Civil Guard compound commonly referred to as Castillo San Cristóbal, originally established in 2365. The Castillo is the primary employer of Vila Nova and supports much of the city’s economy as its employees, both Civil Guard and civilian, must live, work, and spend much of their time in Vila Nova as it is the only settlement for miles in any direction. Vila Nova is well-known across San Colette for its frequent snowstorms, which often bring work in the city to a halt. When the weather is clear residents of the city are often able to hear the distant thunder of weaponry at the Castillo as sound easily travels across the frozen tundra. Vila Nova is only reachable by boat and by plane and, despite its ability to serve as a year-round port, the city maintains a small fleet of icebreakers for emergency purposes. Those in Vila Nova not employed by the Castillo often work in its declining offshore petrochemical industry which once fed the factories of Montblanc decades ago. Many of the oil reserves found offshore have since dried up and the fuel itself has steadily declined in price, and usability, for years thanks to increased trade bringing new – and more efficient – sources of energy. The few rigs which continue to pump oil from below the ocean floor now mostly send their resources straight to the Civil Guard, and many former rig workers are now employed as low-level staff at the Castillo. This has led to some bitterness between employees of the Castillo, which the original settlers see as driving up prices in the city, and the original settlers.
During the Solarian Collapse these faults were laid bare for the entire Spur to see. Most SDFs stood no chance against emboldened pirates or rogue Navy forces as, for many of them, the largest ships they had access to were outdated and often poorly-maintained frigates, one of the smallest classes of combat-capable ships in the Solarian Navy. While some SDFs possessed larger vessels such as cruisers only a handful possessed anything capable of challenging capital ships. Faced with destruction or defection, many SDFs opted to join local warlords or occupying forces, such as Biesel, for protection and, much like their Interstellar War counterparts, steady pay. Some, motivated by patriotism or a desire to ensure the safety of those they protected, fought to the bitter end or managed to retreat to the Inner Ring.

At the near opposite end of Nuevo Norte lies the city of '''Nuevo Villaviciosa''', the most populated city on the continent. Villaviciosa has long been the home of San Colette’s shipbuilding industry and is the current headquarters of its major shipbuilding concern: TyVS. The city is in a relatively temperate region of Morro and is surrounded by a landscape of gently rolling hills and plains which are home to a scattering of smaller towns, villages, and farms. Villaviciosa itself is a heavily-industrialized town built upon a slope which gently opens into the Bay of Villaviciosa, the city’s major port. The waters outside the Bay are home to a unique structure on San Colette: the Castrejon Space Elevator. The elevator is a massive offshore structure built into the shallow seas surrounding Villaviciosa which allows for ship parts – often individually built in its drydocks – to be hauled into low Colette orbit before being placed onto the relevant hull in orbit above the city. An overwhelming majority of the Civil Guard’s ships can trace their origins to Villaviciosa’s facilities and, prior to the Solarian Collapse, the city produced many ships for export. The Solarian Collapse severely impacted the city’s economy during its initial stages as shipbuilding contracts dried up or were suddenly canceled. Only intervention by the Republic’s government and the Civil Guard’s increasing demand for ships, along with orders from the wider Shield Pact, saved Nuevo Villaviciosa’s economy from a total meltdown and many residents remain nervous of the future, fearful of another economic catastrophe should the Northern Wildlands remain unstable.
Those SDFs that survived the Collapse relatively intact, such as the Civil Guard and other forces of the Middle Ring Shield Pact or the Visegradi NDF, or successfully retreated to the Inner Ring now stand as some of the most battle-hardened naval forces of the Alliance, and many vessels which retreated to the Inner Ring have been retrofitted and integrated into the Navy itself. But few believe the SDFs which remain will be able to stabilize the Wildlands themselves and many in the Alliance are reconsidering the practicality of SDFs as a whole following their failings during the Collapse. Only time will tell if the beleaguered SDFs will snatch a modicum of redemption for themselves in the months to come or if they will wallow in their situation before withering under the weight of the Alliance’s failings.

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Версия от 02:37, 15 декабря 2022

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  • Расы

  • Even after the Solarian Collapse of late 2462 the Solarian Armed Forces (SAF) remain the single largest organized human fighting force in the Orion Spur, though some argue a fully-mobilized Coalition of Colonies would have more troops. The SAF dates to the founding of the Alliance and is divided into three distinct branches: the Solarian Army, the Solarian Navy, and the Solarian Marine Corps. Aside from these three branches the SAF can also call upon System Defense Forces (SDFs), the local militaries of many Solarian member states, in times of emergency. Despite its size the SAF has been hampered by a lack of cooperation between the Navy and Army, and an ineffective amount of civilian control over some aspects of the SAF has long been of concern to the Alliance.

    But despite these concerns the SAF still occupies an important place in Solarian society and in the Alliance’s government, though the Navy is considerably more influential than the Army. Recent developments have made a dent in this Navy dominance but it remains to be seen if, or when, the political environment will change — or if it will change for the better.


    “The Solarian military is dedicated to destroying whatever it touches, and will not hesitate to destroy you if you show them weakness. Show them no mercy, for they showed your ancestors none!” - Excerpt from a Gadpathian anti-Solarian booklet intended to be distributed to children age 8-10.

    The Solarian Armed Forces have a history which stretches back to 17 July 2143, shortly after the founding of the Solarian Alliance. Its origin was not a happy one. While it took almost a decade to agree to the terms of the Alliance and most parties, Switzerland excepted, on Earth agreed to join it by 2140, the idea of surrendering military autonomy to a supranational government was a point of concern for many members of the newly-formed Alliance. In particular the two superpowers of Earth, the USA and USSR, were extremely hesitant to surrender their spacebound military capabilities to the Alliance. Further compounding issues, both argued that they deserved to be the location of the Alliance’s military command structure.

    It took three grueling years of back-and-forth negotiations between the Alliance and its members to resolve the issue of the SAF. Ultimately a compromise was reached regarding the Alliance’s military command which settled the pressing issue of who would host the admiralty, and thus be able to influence, what was now known as the Solarian Navy. The compromise placed the admiralty on a place where no Earth nation could, in theory, influence it: Harmony City, Luna. While the US and USSR were not happy, they were both content to accept it. While they weren’t able to control it, their rivals weren’t either. The position of the admiralty on Luna and the relative independence offered to it due to this would, in the decades and centuries to come, have had dire consequences.

    In the century between the Alliance’s formation and the Interstellar War the SAF experienced an interservice rivalry between the Solarian Army and Solarian Navy which, while never turning to violence, defined much of the SAF’s trajectory before 2275. The Navy claimed it was of more importance due to securing Sol’s interstellar lanes of commerce and policing piracy, while the Army claimed it was of more importance due to protecting the colonies themselves and ensuring the Alliance was internally stable. The Army-Navy conflict prior to the Interstellar War has been viewed by some Solarian scholars as a microcosm of the future civil war: the Navy tended to be dominated by Inner Ring citizens, particularly those from Luna, and the Army tended to draw its personnel locally, leading to a large proportion from the Outer Ring and further afield colonies.

    This conflict, and the broader schism in the Alliance, would be brought to its bloody conclusion in 2275 with the start of the Interstellar War, the SAF’s largest and most costly conflict even two centuries later. It would tip the Army-Navy struggle decisively in the Navy’s favor as many Army units, recruited locally and unpaid for months due to the ongoing financial crisis, defected to the Coalition while few Navy units did the same, and those that did were often swept under the rug or otherwise disowned. While the Navy, and loyal units of the Army, fought fiercely — and in some cases, such as Gadpathur, committed horrific crimes in the name of Solarian unity — they were unable to defeat the Coalition due to its dogged defensive fighting and a peace treaty, the Treaty of Xansan, was ultimately signed in Geneva in 2287, bringing over a decade of warfare to a close and permanently shattering Solarian hegemony over humanity.

    To the Navy, which believed it could have won the Interstellar War, the Treaty of Xansan was seen as a betrayal of the venerable Navy by spineless politicians — a slap to the collective faces of Navy officers who had put their lives on the line defending the Alliance by cowardly politicians obsessed with their careers who had never spent a day in uniform. It incensed them, and they began to plot against it in secret. Decisive action was needed to ensure Sol remained intact, and who better to take it than the Navy, its most venerable institution?

    While it ultimately failed in its goal of revoking the Treaty of Xansan the Revolt of the Officers on 18 May 2289 forever ensured the Navy would have a voice in politics. The coup attempt’s goals were simple: overthrow the civilian government and declare the Treaty of Xansan null and void, then resume the Interstellar War and fight until the Alliance’s hegemony was once again established. It began to fall apart almost immediately due to one factor the Navy officer in charge of it, Admiral Terrence Hopper, had not accounted for: that the Army guard stationed at the Alliance’s then-capital in New York City did not go along with their conspiracy, and that an active gunfight began outside the capitol building between Army guards and Navy marines. Ultimately the Army, with support from local member state forces and ordinary civilians, repulsed the attack and the coup was seemingly aborted. But it was not as simple as it seemed as the admiralty, in the days after the coup, cut a backroom deal with the civilian government: the Revolt of the Officers would be swept under the metaphorical rug by being blamed on radical elements and the Navy would be given a political voice. In exchange the Navy would continue to protect the Alliance from interstellar threats. Hopper himself, the Butcher of Gadpathur, would avoid justice once again and remain active in politics until his death on Luna in the 24th century, and ultimately shaped Solarian fascist thought up until the present day.

    Effectively, the Navy had used its position to extort the government. Emboldened by this, and how close they had come to controlling the government through violence, the Navy became more and more influential as the decades continued on. It also became more corrupt and less efficient as political connections became more important than ability and Caesarism infected its ranks. Ultimately the decision to place it on Luna, where it could not be controlled by a power on Earth, had made the Navy accountable primarily to itself rather than the civilian government based upon Earth and, post-2300, Unity Station. Its pet project, the Solarian Marine Corps, was hardly any better. For many Solarians the Navy has failed them time and time again as an institution, and nowhere is this more clear than in the Solarian Collapse of 2462. Rather than protecting the Alliance many Navy forces, more loyal to their Admirals than their nation, defected and have rampaged across the Middle and Outer Rings.

    The Army, meanwhile, did have civilian authorities to answer to due to being headquartered on Earth. Post-Interstellar War the Army was placed through multiple reforms which transformed it from a sluggish, inefficient institution which lost much of its strength to defections into a force capable of defending the Alliance’s planets and government from all enemies — whether they be foreign or domestic. Where the Navy failed the Army has succeeded, particularly upon Mars where it — in mere weeks — brought the red planet back into nominal Solarian control.

    As the Alliance bleeds following the Collapse its military is, in many sectors, in desperate need of reforms.While the Navy, under the direction of a now-dominant reformist school of thought, has begun the slow and often-painful process of reforming itself, only time will tell if the SAF shall weather the storm. But most know that to restore some of the territories lost in the humiliation of 2462, some reforms must be undertaken, lest the SAF simply collapse under the weight of its own faults.

    Non-Humans in the Solarian Armed Forces

    “As far as I’m concerned? The Ban didn’t go far enough! We should carpet bomb their whole [censored] planet, really give them a [censored] taste of what they did to us here! Send the Navy in and have them clean it up! Get those [censored] lizards too!” — Anonymous New Hai Phonger speaking to the Solarian Alliance News Network in the aftermath of bombings carried out by the Tajara Revolutionary Army. Unaired due to foul language.

    No branch of the Solarian Armed Forces aside from rare System Defense Forces has, at any time, recruited an alien species into its ranks. The reasons for this are rooted in both simple practicality and the entrenched xenophobia common in much of the Solarian Alliance, which contributes to a belief that aliens are simply not to be trusted. Practically speaking the three SAF branches are massive organizations which would only marginally benefit from alien recruits and would have to incur an expensive cost as different species demand wildly different equipment, such as fitted voidsuits and armor, and different accommodations.

    On the less practical side the Solarian culture of alien distrust has been applied to each species and also argued. To the typical SAF official even the most trustworthy alien is less reliable than the worst human recruit . The SAF is not, and will never be, a force for alien tolerance in the Alliance. From an outright less xenophobic perspective, the Solarian Armed Forces' traditions place a great deal of ideological and cultural importance on the idea of the military as the protector of Solarian humanity. To allow aliens into its ranks has long been considered a betrayal of that ideal, and that compromising this deeply-held tenet would be an unacceptable transgression against the Alliance itself, its human citizens, and the fundamental values of the Alliance's military.

    Positronics, on the contrary, are highly valued in the SAF. Having had a long history of using drones, the adoption of positronic intelligence was viewed as the next step in a long line of military robotics. For the longest time, however, IPC and other synthetics have been relegated to support and logistics roles due to mistrust and concerns over their ability to survive in combat scenarios. The collapse has led the SAF to begin looking at IPC in order to fill the gap in its manpower, with the Navy in particular eagerly adopting them in combat roles, placing the machines as both gunners and pilots, and employing traditional shipborne AI to assist and in some cases replace crewmembers. Although assuring the public that combat IPC are a temporary measure given the crisis, some observers note that funding towards further research of combat AI has increased since their adoption.

    The Solarian Navy

    “Before the Interstellar War, the Solarian navy was the largest and most perfect fighting force in the galaxy. That is, on the surface level. The admiralty of those years made the greatest mistake of pursuing strength in infinite numbers – a decision that would culminate in the Solarian Civil War.” – Excerpt from Lucien Courtois’ graduation thesis, How David Defeated Goliath: The First Interstellar War.

    The largest single branch of the SAF is the Solarian Navy. With millions of uniformed personnel scattered across dozens — if not hundreds — of planets, garrisons, starbases, fleets, and other facilities it may very well be the largest organized fighting force in the galaxy, and has the influence to match. The Navy has long held significant sway over Solarian politics due to both its size and its vital role in securing safe interstellar commerce and travel in the Alliance. This sway has long ensured the Navy is well-funded, perhaps overfunded, and viewed positively by most citizens of the Alliance with some notable exceptions such as Callisto, which has long been at odds with the Navy over the policing of trade and commerce flowing in through the moon’s spaceports.

    But despite this approval not all was well in the Navy prior to the Solarian Collapse in 2462. The broad powers granted to the Navy to ensure the vast Alliance remained safe and secure combined with limited oversight of the Navy allowed for a culture of graft, corruption, and rampant Caesarism to take hold in its ranks. These problems only worsened as one traveled further and further from the Inner Ring as more reliable officers were inevitably kept in the more strategically important (and influential) Inner Ring while less reliable officers, and underperforming ones, were sent to the Outer Ring to keep them out of public view. These admirals were given similarly poor troops and nearly no oversight from the admiralty, which effectively allowed them to become their own masters — and to shape their assigned fleet into a force loyal to them first and the Alliance second.

    Recent events have shaken much of the Navy’s historical public approval. Defections and attrition associated with the Collapse have taken the Navy from 200 fleets to 120 and, multiple years later, it still finds itself ruling over the Alliance as an increasingly-unpopular junta. Beyond the Inner Ring and what remains of the Middle Ring the Navy, in the eyes of most Solarians, has done little to retake what the Alliance has lost. Recent scandals, such as a discovery many officers were funneling supplies to radical warlords, have further impacted the Navy’s reputation in the eyes of the public. Recent reforms by Navy command, particularly under recently-appointed Minister of Defense Lucien Courtois, have done much to solve the Navy’s ongoing issues. But concerns regarding the “Wildlands,” still remain, and only time will tell if Courtois’ reforms have turned the Navy into a force able to take back what has been lost.

    Solarian Navy Structure

    The Solarian admiralty has long devoted a significant amount of its time to the logistics and operation of the increasingly-massive Navy, which peaked at 200 fleets — each, in theory, consisting of 100 ships — shortly before the Solarian Collapse of 2462. These fleets were, prior to the Collapse and Courtois’ reforms which followed it, organized into battlegroups of five fleets for greater cohesion in the event of war, with each fleet led by an Admiral and each battlegroup led by a Fleet Admiral. However, many “battlegroups” in the Outer and Middle Rings were spread across vast distances or contained disloyal elements which prevented them from functioning properly, with only a few — such as the Visegrad-based 1st Middle Ring Battlegroup (1MRB, sometimes referred to as a “Battlefleet” locally) — able to maintain both cohesion and loyalty as the Alliance spiraled towards the Collapse. Reforms by Courtois have reduced the total number of battlegroups by increasing the number of fleets per formation to ten, which has greatly assisted in command due to reducing the number of often-bickering Fleet Admirals by half.

    Navy fleets themselves are divided into three categories by the admiralty to represent their readiness in the event of an interstellar conflict. These categories are combat battlegroups, patrol battlegroups, and garrison battlegroups. Combat battlegroups are, as the name implies, fully-equipped and ready for combat at a moment’s notice. This classification generally only applied to Inner Ring battlegroups in the months before the Collapse. Standing slightly below combat battlegroups are patrol battlegroups: understrength, but otherwise combat-capable, formations fit for patrol duties but not for engaging full enemy formations. Below this swells the garrison battlegroup: an understrength formation so named as it is only trusted to hold a position and is not expected to perform complicated maneuvers. A fourth, though officially unrecognized, formation is the “ersatz” battlegroup. These formations are improvised and consist of whatever units were available at the time for the area’s Fleet Admiral. Last seen in the Interstellar War, ersatz battlegroups have returned in the Wildlands.

    Unlike the Army the personnel of the Navy are heavily divided by class and background thanks to the Luna-centric nature of its admiralty and officer class, and are even further divided based upon the Ring they are located in — an ironic echo of the Interstellar War. High-ranking officers are almost always Lunan by birth, and graduation photos from the Solarian Naval Academy are dominated by the tall, thin, and pale appearances of Lunans who have grown up in the moon’s characteristically lower gravity. These Lunan officers generally settle into command roles in the Inner, and sometimes Middle, Rings due to their perceived loyalty and familial connections — some families on Luna have served the Navy since its conception and hold significant influence over it. Officers of “lesser” importance, such as those in the Middle and Outer Rings, such as Fleet Admiral Klaudia Szalai, are often recruited and educated locally, and can be of wildly varying quality and loyalty.

    Much of the Navy’s enlisted personnel is recruited locally out of convenience and its enlisted ranks are overwhelmingly dominated by those of poorer economic backgrounds, particularly when compared to its Lunan officers, such as Martians, Jintarians, and residents of the Outer and Middle Rings. The men and women which make up the vast majority of the Navy’s fighting force are, like their officers, often of debatable quality due to corruption, graft, and the megalomaniac tendencies of many officers. Prior to the Collapse most of the best enlisted— regardless of their origins — were eventually transferred out of the Outer and Middle Rings and into the Inner Rings due to the Admiralty placing a greater emphasis upon the Inner Ring.

    Fleet formation was, prior to the Collapse, marred by similar issues. Some fleets were recruited using the “Alliance-wide,” model where ships and personnel were recruited from across the Alliance and trained in the Sol System and its surroundings in order to ensure the best performance. These fleets were then deployed to strategic areas (generally in the Inner or Middle Rings) and placed under the command of a Solarian Naval Academy graduate to ensure the greatest possible quality. While expensive and often taking an extended period to train, these Alliance-wide fleets proved their mettle during the Collapse: no systems garrisoned by them were lost and none defected.

    But most Solarian fleets were not recruited using this method and were instead mobilized through the “system-wide,” method wherein a fleet’s personnel and officers were recruited and trained in the same system, and generally stationed nearby this system. In theory this was not a horrible idea: logically, military forces would fight harder for their homes than for another system. However, it did not result in the expected outcome: system-wide fleets were often shuffled from system to system and their shared origin made them more loyal to their admirals than the broader Alliance. Though many stayed loyal to the Alliance, and some managed fighting retreats to the Inner Ring, all defected — or otherwise lost — fleets during the Collapse were of the system-wide recruitment model.

    Notable Facilities

    Located on Luna in Harmony City, the Solarian Admiralty serves as high command for the entire Solarian Navy. While it started its existence as a small building mostly responsible for managing armed platforms tasked with destroying asteroids and other potentially harmful celestial objects, the Admiralty has grown over the intervening decades into a massive complex which is a city District unto itself. Solarian Naval Central Command (SNCC) looks over the district at nearly a hundred stories tall and stands as one of, if not the, most important buildings in the modern Alliance. The Admiralty is rumored to have dozens, if not hundreds, of underground facilities scattered across the Admiralty containing everything from mundane paperwork to intelligence on the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate to blacksites for especially infamous prisoners. Though its reputation has been tarnished by the Collapse, the Admiralty remains an unshakable feature of Luna.

    Located on Luna in Hangzhou, the Solarian Navy Academy is the premier — and to Lunarians, the only — institute of naval military education in the Alliance. Established in 2115 continuously functional ever since this point the Academy, as it is often simply known, has long had a reputation of producing only the finest naval officers in the Alliance. But this reputation for excellence has made the Academy an extremely difficult institution to gain entry into — particularly if one is not from the Inner Ring. Certain Lunarian families, such as the ancient Varnhagen und Langenburg family, have long held sway over the Academy’s curriculum and membership in such a family — either by blood or covenant — is a near-certain way to gain access to its halls. Academy officers, in addition to their renowned quality, are generally more loyal to the Alliance than their non-Academy counterparts. Few Academy graduates defected during the Collapse and those that have, such as the Solarian Restoration Front’s Florentina von Keyserling, have been stricken from its graduation rolls.

    In the orbit of Uranus lies the mundanely-named Solarian Naval Maintenance, Regeneration, and Repair Facility which is, thanks to its awful abbreviation of “SNMRRF” (occasionally phoneticized as “Smurf”), commonly referred to as “the Boneyard.” The Boneyard is a massive facility filled with outdated and mothballed hulls ranging in size from fighter aircraft to battleships which remain on the official Navy registry but are, in reality, either too outdated or too damaged to effectively operate alongside their counterparts. Boneyard vessels are, particularly since the Collapse, often cannibalized for parts or — in rare cases — “refloated” and pressed back into service. The pirate raid which brought Frost into power as Prime Minister targeted the Boneyard and stole multiple warships the former Admiral later returned with, eventually catapulting himself into popularity. Many have long theorized this “raid” and Frost’s success after was an inside job planned by Navy officers to place one of their own in power and have pointed to a multitude of “coincidences” as evidence. The fact that the raiders were never caught but were “engaged and destroyed,” the sensors monitoring Boneyard and its defenses being off at the same time, the raiders only hitting the Boneyard rather than any civilian targets or the nearby Navy sensor stations, the fact that the raiders were able to spoof a brand-new Solarian Navy ID code, and the fact that the leaker — a reformer — was one of the only deaths in the raid.

    Notable Navy Forces

    1st Battlegroup, “The First”

    The most venerable and oldest of the Alliance’s battlegroups, the First has fought in every major interstellar conflict the Alliance has officially participated in. It is responsible for decisively destroying the Coalition’s naval forces in the Battle of Xanu and has long preserved the Xanusanii naval battle standard captured during the battle in the Admiralty. The first five fleets of the First are overwhelmingly Lunan. The next five, which were integrated into it following Courtois’ reforms, are five of the highest-quality Alliance-wide fleets in the Alliance. Officers of the First can easily be identified by their distinctive oak leaves, which are typically placed in the side of their caps. The First is currently commanded by Fleet Admiral Ingrid von Varnhagen und Langenburg, a Lunan graduate of the Solarian Naval Academy firmly in Courtois’ reformist faction. The Fleet Admiral of the First is issued a saber as their badge of office and is expected to wear it at all times while commanding, regardless of practicality. The sword itself, while unnamed, is a priceless heirloom which has been passed down from Fleet Admiral to Fleet Admiral since the founding of the First, and to lose it is simply inconceivable.

    1st Middle Ring Battlegroup

    Regarded as one of the highest-quality battlegroups prior to the Collapse, the 1MRB under Fleet Admiral Klaudia Szalai has, despite never formally defecting from the Alliance, spent much of the past two years since the Collapse cut off from the broader Alliance and struggling against difficult odds. The five fleets of the 1MRB were understrength prior to the Collapse and have been worn down by fighting against pirates, traitorous Solarian Navy personnel, and — at times — the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, which it has engaged during cross-border raids by the 1MRB and border disputes with the CRZ. The 1MRB has never been defeated upon the field of battle and remains steadfast in its loyalty to Sol, though many of its personnel — almost all of which hail from Visegrad or its surrounding systems — are increasingly concerned at the Navy’s seeming lack of interest with the Wildlands.

    35th Fleet

    One of the most infamous Solarian fleets in the Navy’s history, the 35th was formed after the Interstellar War and stationed near Tau Ceti in order to keep the strategic system safe. Tau Ceti’s defection — which many 35th officers hailed from — was viewed by the Fleet as a betrayal, and its rapid embrace of aliens after the defection was viewed as a further compromise of Solarian values. This hatred has, over the years between Tau Ceti’s defection and the Collapse, twisted the 35th into what it was prior to its invasion of Tau Ceti: one of the most xenophobic, fanatical, and nationalistic Solarian fleets. The losses it suffered during the invasion and its seeming betrayal by the broader Alliance further radicalized the 35th, which returned to its berth in Lycoris and declared the Solarian Restoration Front in 2462, and rapidly set about purging aliens — who they blamed for the Collapse — from the area they controlled. Though the Navy has officially disavowed the 35th and declared its officers traitors to the Alliance many, particularly those formerly loyal to Frost, have flocked to its banner. The 35th and its Front are a significant concern for the Solarian Navy, and for those Solarians caught in the Northern Wildlands under threat by it.

    25th Fleet

    When the 25th, primarily consisting of Silversunners, was ordered into Biesel to stop rogue Admiral Michael Frost it could have never anticipated the consequences its orders would have for the Spur. Despite the apprehension its officers and enlisted felt when they were ordered into what was, at least officially, a rebellious Solarian system ruled by an illegitimate government, the 25th followed its orders. The 25th was badly mauled by the 33rd in one of the first engagements between Solarian Navy vessels since the Interstellar War, but it pushed the 33rd out of the system and returned Biesel to a modicum of normality. The population of Biesel was understandably cold towards them, but the Admiralty promised rewards for the deed. But no rewards appeared as, nearly as soon as he had been imprisoned, Frost was swept back into power and became Prime Minister. The new PM punished the 25th severely, and sent them to an ignominious duty: to serve as an auxiliary for one of the worst battlegroups in the Navy, the 10th Middle Ring Battlegroup. But the 25th was not broken by this and, thanks to its superior equipment and training, they fought their way back to their original berth of Silversun, arriving battered and bruised — yet unbowed — in summer 2463 to a hero’s welcome. Now the 25th has a new home: the prestigious 1st Battlegroup.

    The Solarian Marine Corps

    “Look like you know the joke right like you have to know it come ooooon. The whole joke of like ‘you don’t have to worry about asking if somebody’s a marine since they’ll tell you!‘” - Unknown Callistean bartender speaking to an Sol Alliance News Network reporter regarding the Navy’s presence on Callisto (2458).

    Though technically an independent branch of the SAF the Solarian Marine Corps (SMC) is regarded by most as simply an extension of the Navy. They travel in Navy ships, fight the Navy’s battles alongside it, and generally do whatever they are told to do by the Navy. Marines rarely do any operations without the assistance of the Navy and rarely set foot on planets, instead reserving such duties for the underfunded Solarian Army. The SMC’s unofficial status as a vassal state of the Navy has brought boons to it such as funding, prestige, and eager recruits thanks to multiple lucrative deals with Cytherean media moguls. Many Solarian children and teenagers see marines as heroes who are capable of doing anything they are asked to do as long as it benefits the Alliance.

    But the reality is often different from the glitzy, Cytherean image projected by popular culture. Marines are often recruited from economically disadvantaged backgrounds and are looked down upon by many Navy officers for this reason, and Marine officers are expected to defer to the judgement of their Naval counterparts even if they are of the same rank. The Army looks down upon Marines for a different reason: it views them a “toy army” subordinate to the Navy due to marines rarely seeing extended periods of ground combat like the Army has. The Army’s bitterness has been further compounded by the Marines consistently receiving more funding, and thus better equipment, due to Navy influence.

    But despite this the morale of the Marines remains high. Most wholeheartedly view themselves as elite infantry of the SAF which do what others will not, and view the Army as an organization of complainers and losers who simply lack the gung-ho attitude needed to fight a modern spacefaring conflict. Their extensive funding has ensured most negative press, such as the amount of marines currently fighting for various warlords and the Army’s opinion of them, has remained out of the public view. Connections, and greased palms, in the Cytherean entertainment industry have served to make the reality of the situation something only the dedicated are aware of.

    Notable Marine Formations

    1st Marine Division

    The 1st has, for countless years, been the Marine division assigned to guard the ships of the elite 1st Battlegroup of the Solarian Navy. Well-trained and well-equipped, the 1st served with distinction during the Interstellar War but has not fought in a major conflict since. Its marines are primarily recruited from the Lunan working class and are generally looked down upon by the upper and middle class Lunans which serve as the 1st Battlegroup’s officers. However, as most enlisted sailors come from similar working-class Lunan backgrounds, there is a great amount of camaraderie between marines and enlisted Navy personnel. The Army often holds the 1st Division as an example of how the Marines receive immense funding but do nothing at all as the Division was stationed near Mars but not a single member participated in the Mars Campaign.

    15th Marine Regiment

    This marine regiment, which has since defected to the Solarian Restoration Front, served as the Marine detachment for the 35th Fleet of the Solarian Navy. Even before their defection the 15th was plagued by rumors of corruption and Caesarism in addition to a documented history of abuse towards non-humans. The 35th Fleet spent a great amount on ensuring these rumors were quashed while it was still loyal to Sol. However during the 35th’s incursion into Tau Ceti the 15th’s behavior became so open it could no longer be hidden, and flickery videos of its marines executing Legionnaires became a common sight on the Biesel extranet during and immediately following the incursion. Now, fully defected from Sol and fully dedicated to the SRF, one can only speculate as to what actions they have committed.

    33rd Marine Regiment

    Prior to his ascension as Prime Minister the 33rd served under the command of then-Admiral Michael Frost. They participated in his invasion of Biesel and, despite an internal inquiry by the Solarian Armed Forces, escaped all charges levied against them. The 33rd’s loyalty to Frost intrinsically tied their fate to his, even after his imprisonment, and saw their trustworthiness decline in the eyes of the broader SAF. Even Frost’s ascension to power, which saw him restore his loyal regiment to power and use them — at the protest of the Army — as personal guards, only served to temporarily stop the regiment’s fall from grace. After Frost’s death the regiment was pounced upon by reformist actors in the Navy and promptly disbanded, with many of its former officers shipped off to undisclosed prisons for poorly-defined crimes. Even before Frost’s body was cold the 33rd was formally struck from the Corps’ register, and will likely never return to it again.

    The Solarian Army

    “I don’t give a rat’s ass what your Admiral says marine! Unless you can get the PM down here and order me to stand aside, I’m not gonna be letting you into the building! You’re gonna stand down, now! I said now goddammit!” - 1st Lieutenant Anthony “Andy” Bonaccio moments before the Revolt of the Officers devolved into a gunfight. Bonaccio would later go on to become the Alliance’s Secretary of the Army.

    The second-largest SAF branch is the often-neglected Solarian Army. Chronically underfunded, the Army has existed in the shadow of the Navy since the Interstellar War and must often make do with hand-me-down equipment passed over or otherwise discarded by the Marines. A culture of bitterness towards the Navy and the Marines, which the Army views as a subordinate branch of the Navy, has engendered a desire in the Army to do better than the Navy despite the challenges. As an institution it is significantly less corrupt and prone to Caesarism than the Navy is and, thanks to reforms undertaken after the Interstellar War, has long been viewed by the civilian government as an ally instead of an enemy. Army troops have long been used as guards by Solarian government institutions aside from Navy facilities, which utilize Marine guards, due to their loyalty to the government.

    Unlike the Navy the Solarian Army generally recruits entire divisions from individual planets and trains them in local facilities. These units typically serve as the local garrison of a Solarian member state until they are needed elsewhere, at which point they are mobilized and shipped — much to the ire of Army command — by the Navy to wherever they are needed. Army Central Command itself has long been headquartered on Unity Station and is located within walking distance of the Prime Minister’s office. Interestingly, Central Command has no fixed unit to guard it: instead, in order to avoid favoritism, the division tasked with protecting it is rotated on a two-year basis. At the time of the Collapse the chosen unit was the 37th Martian Mechanized Division, more popularly known as the “Red Devils.” Due to the mysterious nature of Prime Minister Frost’s death and his seeming lack of care for Mars, rumors that the 37th killed him have swirled since before his body was cold. The 37th has since rotated back to Mars, where it served with distinction during the reunification campaign. While currently a volunteer-only force the Solarian Army is, in theory, able to petition the government to institute a draft in times of emergency. This draft has not been used since the Interstellar War, and few imagine it would ever pass unless a second were to begin.

    While Army equipment and training, unlike their SDF counterparts, is standardized across the board certain member states have gained a reputation of supplying the Army with higher-quality units than others. Despite its poor reputation with many figures in the broader Alliance the Army generally views Mars as providing the best units due to many seeing it as one of their only ways to get off-world. Silversun, with the Originals forming a similar group, is similarly prized as are units recruited from Venusian Jintarians. On the contrary Luna is viewed by most as providing some of the poorest-quality troops for the Army. Many have speculated as to why this is, and some Army officials have gone as far to accuse the Navy of deliberately sabotaging Army recruitment efforts on the moon. Pluto provides similarly poor-quality troops as its ruling government zealously guards its best troops for its internal security forces and only provides the Army with wash-outs and other poor troops. Very few Plutonian or Lunarian units are trusted with anything other than garrison duty.

    Recently the Army-Navy struggle seems to be shifting towards a more even playing field due to Army successes and Navy failures. During a period where the Navy was at its lowest before recent reforms the Army proved itself effective in a decisive campaign where it regained control over much of Mars. Army Central Command has viewed this as a massive victory and it has secured a great amount of positive press for the long-beleaguered and underfunded Army. Whether or not this wave of success will continue with the Navy’s recent reforms, and a promise of return to civilian government, remains to be seen.

    Notable Army Divisions

    1st Earther Infantry Division, “Big Red One”

    One of the oldest continuously-serving divisions in the Alliance, the 1st Infantry Division has fought in every major war the SAF has become involved in. In addition to service in the Interstellar War and the recent Mars Campaign the 1st was the Army division which thwarted the Revolt of the Officers and, as a result, has long been one of the first divisions the civilian government pulls guards from. This division is recruited from Earth and primarily draws its recruits from the United States, though it contains Earthers from across the globe in its ranks.

    2nd Venusian Air Cavalry Division, “Jintaria’s Claws”

    Formed slightly after the Interstellar War from primarily-Jintarian units recruited on Venus during the Interstellar War, the 2nd Venusian is an elite Army division intended to be deployed from dropships into extremely tough situations. The 2nd is primarily made up of Jintarians, though some Cytherean crashouts are present. Traditionally, Jintarian 2nd Venusian recruits will give themselves a cheek scar to symbolically note their separation from appearance-obsessed Cythereans. The 2nd was not deployed to Mars due to concerns phoron in the air would choke the engines of its dropships and gunships, which has left the elite division bitter and eager for action. The 2nd Venusian is, aside from their scars, well-known for their distinctive “cavalry” hats.

    37th Martian Mechanized Division, “Red Devils”

    The oldest continuously-serving Martian division, the “Red Devils” were originally formed from an amalgamation of pro-Sol SDF units during the Martian World War. The 37th served with distinction during the World War and earned its nickname from the large amount of dust its units would kick up on the open plains of Mars. Following the War it was formally integrated into the Solarian Army as a division and has served with distinction since. It was one of the most-engaged divisions during the Mars Campaign of 2464. Few members of the division perished in the Violet Dawn catastrophe thanks to its garrison being located in Kunlun, far in the Martian north. Despite this performance rumors that the 37th assassinated Prime Minister Frost have continued to swirl, and may haunt the division for decades to come. The traditional 37th sleeve patch is a red devil on a blue background, and is intended to show Martian unity with the Alliance.

    3rd Callistean Infantry Division, “Commonwealth Marines”

    Recruited primarily from the Port Authority of Callisto, the Commonwealth Marines are the Army’s only unit which specializes into zero-gravity combat in spaceborne objects such as stations, ships, and EVA environments. The Commonwealth Marines and the Solarian Marines have an infamously poor relationship due to the 3rd Callistean’s use of the term Marines in their name, and those of the division are known to get into off-duty brawls with Navy Marines in the Ringpole District. Callistean military police and CMPD officers generally let the Commonwealth Marines, who are quite popular on Callisto, go with barely a slap on the wrist. The division is easily recognized by their black berets with gold-and-red badges — a color choice deliberately designed to resemble the Callistean flag.

    4th Haiphongese Armored Division, “Habs on Wheels”

    Many Haiphongese divisions become hopelessly stuck in the quagmire of corruption which defines so much of life on the planet. Not the 4th, which has proven to be stunningly resistant to corruption since its founding in the mid-2300s. 4th tankers are primarily recruited from the crime-riddled Ton Gwai Pei, which many young Haiphongers are eager to escape. They are then trained in armored drills in the harsh deserts outside the megalopolises of New Hai Phong in the operation of the Army’s standard M35A6 tank modified for the environment of New Hai Phong. Typically of shorter builds to fit comfortably into their modified tanks, their gas masks — which they almost always wear while in their vehicles — are typically customized in the traditional Haiphongese style. Some are intended to call back to the hab the tanker came from, while others use the colors of gangs the tankers were previously affiliated with. The 4th was a major participant in the Mars Campaign, where its harsh-environment training and NHP-adapted tanks proved an unbeatable force on the Martian plains.

    12th Silversunner Coastal Infantry Division, “Mistral”

    A relative oddity in the 2400s, the 12th is a unit specialized into waterborne operations due to its origins on Silversun. In addition to waterborne operations the 12th is trained to fight in harsh environments such as the jungles and rainforests of Silversun, and is often used by the local governor to track down and apprehend criminal elements — such as poachers — who believe the dense undergrowth can hide them from Solarian authorities. This duty has caused them to sometimes be referred to sarcastically as “the Army’s Park Rangers,” by other units, and this is a surefire way to become involved in a brawl if said to most 12th soldiers. Though most commonly known for the green camouflage “Silversunner” boonie caps they often wear on patrol, 12th officers prize their distinctive blue-and-silver kepis they are issued when commissioned, though few wear them in the jungle due to fears of spoiling the cap’s fabric.

    Notable Army Equipment

    The M-469 assault rifle is the standard assault rifle of the Solarian Armed Forces and is used by both the Army and the Marines. The rifle is rare for being designed for the Army first and then adopted by the Marines, who became fond of the design. The M-469 was originally produced by Zavodskoi Interstellar but, since the founding of the Solarian Corporate Authority, has started to be mostly produced by nationalized Solarian factories. It has a vast number of variants and is used by every Solarian Army and Marine unit, and has found use in many of the Alliance’s better-equipped System Defense Forces. Those SDFs which cannot afford it often make do with local designs or surplus weaponry, which can range from relatively recent to decades old.

    One of the most powerful tools available in Solarian Army operations is the M35A6 main battle tank. Though a nearly thirty year old design at this point, the M35A6 has gone through six updates which have kept it on the level of other, competing tanks such as the Dominian Imperial Army’s JA-57/2 breakthrough tank. It is, however, fairly dated compared to Marine equipment, particularly in its targeting matrix, and consumes a frightening amount of fuel. However, the relatively simple construction of the M35A6 has allowed a multitude of variants to be produced. One of the most notable is the M35A6/NHP (New Hai Phong) used by the 4th Haiphongese Armored Division, a slightly smaller variation of the typical M35A6 which notably features a large atmospherics filtering system on its rear. The M35A6/NHP’s filters, originally designed to survive the environment of New Hai Phong, allowed it to excel on the Martian surface.

    Primarily associated with the 2nd Venusian, the AH-52 “Tarantula Wasp” multi-role helicopter is one of the Solarian Army Air Force’s most beloved designs. First used in 2452, the AH-52 is a relatively modern design and was rapidly produced for the 2nd Venusian to replace its aging helicopter fleet. It is capable of carrying up to a squad of troops and supporting them with a vigorous array of weaponry while easier enduring hits thanks to judicious armor and an on-board shield generator, but has seen little practical use so far due to the environment of Mars — the Army’s most recent major engagement — preventing most airborne operations. This has left the AH-52’s crews eager for action, and wondering when the design will finally have a chance to prove itself in combat.

    The Basilisk Armored Exosuit is one of the most common Solarian Army “vehicles” in operation. Though dated in its design, as the Basilisk’s original frame dates to the late 2420s, it is capable of being surprisingly mobile thanks to its four-legged design and can be equipped with a vast array of weaponry and equipment, effectively allowing it to serve in any environment. Basilisks are also used by the Solarian Marine Corps and the Navy, and these variants are almost always more modern designs than their Army equivalents. Thanks to its flexibility and armament the Basilisk is easily capable of handling most ground-based threats short of heavy tanks on the battlefield and readily outclasses the improvised exosuits of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, which it demonstrated itself as easily capable of destroying during the 35th Fleet’s incision.

    System Defense Forces

    “Nowhere is the state of our armed forces more obvious than in the miserable condition of many local forces. They are, seemingly as a rule, under-equipped, under-funded, and under-motivated. What I would give for every one of them to resemble San Colette!” - Fleet Admiral Ingrid von Varnhagen und Langenburg, commanding officer of the First Battlegroup, in an interview with the SANN recorded on 16 August 2462.

    An institution that predates the Interstellar War, System Defense Forces (SDFs) are intended to serve as local military forces when the Navy is either unavailable or in need of additional forces to support its operations. Many SDFs defected during the Interstellar War, which greatly reduced their prestige in the eyes of the Navy and their importance in the eyes of the admiralty. Loyalist and Coalition SDFs sustained some of the highest rates of losses during the Interstellar War due to their poorer training and equipment, and many on both sides simply dissolved at the war’s end due to these losses.

    Modern Solarian SDFs suffer from much of the same problems their Interstellar War counterparts did: due to being funded primarily by the system they are stationed in, many have outdated equipment and poor training which causes a lack of respect from the Navy. While there are some exceptions to this rule, such as the well-funded and, as a result, well-trained and well-equipped Colettish Civil Guard, most existing SDFs prior to the Collapse were barely able to patrol and secure their immediate surroundings without Navy assistance, let alone fight off serious threats. Compounding these issues is a regulation which impacts all SDF vessels: due to the mass defections of many during the Interstellar War no SDF vessels are equipped with warp drives capable of warping without a warp gate’s assistance. Though originally intended as a safeguard against further SDF defections, this regulation has greatly limited the capabilities of SDFs, and has rendered them only able to patrol areas with ready access to warp lanes.

    During the Solarian Collapse these faults were laid bare for the entire Spur to see. Most SDFs stood no chance against emboldened pirates or rogue Navy forces as, for many of them, the largest ships they had access to were outdated and often poorly-maintained frigates, one of the smallest classes of combat-capable ships in the Solarian Navy. While some SDFs possessed larger vessels such as cruisers only a handful possessed anything capable of challenging capital ships. Faced with destruction or defection, many SDFs opted to join local warlords or occupying forces, such as Biesel, for protection and, much like their Interstellar War counterparts, steady pay. Some, motivated by patriotism or a desire to ensure the safety of those they protected, fought to the bitter end or managed to retreat to the Inner Ring.

    Those SDFs that survived the Collapse relatively intact, such as the Civil Guard and other forces of the Middle Ring Shield Pact or the Visegradi NDF, or successfully retreated to the Inner Ring now stand as some of the most battle-hardened naval forces of the Alliance, and many vessels which retreated to the Inner Ring have been retrofitted and integrated into the Navy itself. But few believe the SDFs which remain will be able to stabilize the Wildlands themselves and many in the Alliance are reconsidering the practicality of SDFs as a whole following their failings during the Collapse. Only time will tell if the beleaguered SDFs will snatch a modicum of redemption for themselves in the months to come or if they will wallow in their situation before withering under the weight of the Alliance’s failings.

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