Eridani Federation Military: различия между версиями

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==Eridani Federal Navy==
==Eridani Federal Navy==

Версия от 01:11, 28 июля 2019

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Eridani Federal Navy

The Eridani Federal Navy signifies the offensive capabilities of the Eridani Federal Military. During the era of the Eridani Corporate Conglomerate, this capability was provided by a dozen smaller contractor groups operating a variety of military vessels within the Epsilon Eridani system. Their primary purpose was the dcircumstancesefence of trade-routes and trade vessels.

Following the formation of the Eridani Corporate Federation, these smaller firms were all nationalized, and gathered under the singular banner of the Eridani Federal Navy, or disbanded. Initially, the purpose of protecting corporate interests and ensuring in a safe trade space was retained, however, the duty of providing an offensive capability slowly rose onto an equal plane.

Until the first major armed conflict involving the Eridani Federal Navy, the insurgency on Epsilon Eridani 4, doctrine was relatively underdeveloped. Following the disastrous attempt at launching a full occupation of the planet, the Eridani Federal Navy developed a doctrine to match that of the insurgent’s: gather intelligence, locate targets, and surgically neutralize said targets. Such ideas required the creation of the Navy Expeditionary and Special Operations Task Force, as well as other modifications to the organization and training of the Eridani Federal Navy personnel. The emphasis of mech forces grew out of a focus on this doctrine.

The general intent is to keep a comparatively small force of specialized troops, with fleet assets to provide support. By the year 2456, the Eridani Federal Navy is able to field three designated fleets, all with their set purpose, and muster a ground combat force capable of conducting offensive operations in a variety of . Following the end of the Epsilon Eridani 4 insurgency in the year 2450, majority elements of the Eridani Federal Navy have been occupied in counter-insurgency and counter-piracy operations within their home system.

Ground Combat Command

Ground Combat Command represents the Navy’s ability to deploy onto terrafirma, and conduct offensive operations. Elements of the Ground Combat Command are spread out between different vessels, with the largest Combat Groups, containing two to five Divisions each, residing on board assault carriers and individual Divisions being deployed on smaller capital ships and cruisers. The mainstay for the Ground Combat Command is the utilization of a combat mech force. Divided into Lances of four to six mechs, they provide an extremely practical tool of force multiplication. A usual composition of a mech detachment contains four Troops, with three prioritizing mech deployment, and the fourth infantry support. Another oddity which has arisen within the Ground Combat Command is the utilization of infantry detachments designated as Salvage and Recovery (SAL/REC). These detachments rose out of a direct necessity to facilitate mech repair, salvage, and if required, decommissioning in an active battlefield environment. SAL/REC squads are usually deployed with a supporting squad from the Marine Combat Group, or a number of standard infantry squads, depending on the situation.

Navy Expeditionary and Special Operations Task Force

The Navy Expeditionary and Special Operations Task Force serves as the elite of the Eridani Federal Navy. N.E.S.O.T.F., often simply referenced as NEST, was created out of a demand for more intricate operations to be carried out in foreign territory. At first, such operations usually involved the gathering of surface intelligence, meteorological information, and pathfinding. Over a few decades, NEST evolved into something greater. From a single cruiser carrying an infantry operations division, it became to encompass a set of purpose-built spacecraft, and specially trained personnel, suited both for overt and covert operations. NEST now serves as the prime force in the Federal Navy’s arsenal for delicate operations, its training and equipment providing options which the large fleets simply cannot facilitate.

A normal NEST Division consists of three Brigades, each outfitted with two reconnaissance detachments, two assault detachments, and a single SAL/REC detachment. Due to the more compressed nature of NEST, the heaviest of mech chassis are not utilized, instead, a near even balance of infantry and light to medium combat mechs exists even in the most offensive of formations. These ground forces are supported by dedicated flight wings.

Eridani Federal Army

Unlike the Eridani Federal Navy, which had no exact forerunner, the Eridani Federal Army was formed out of the assets and personnel of Atrix Security Incorporated, a large private security firm which was responsible for providing a majority of the installation security forces for mining and other terra-based activities.

Rank Structure

The different branches of the Eridani Federal Military use, at heart, a universal ranking system to facilitate improved logistics and other applicable systems. This system recognizes three tiers of servicemen and women: enlisted, officers, and specialists.

Enlisted Ranks

The enlisted form the bulk of any army, starting from the lowliest of recruits to the most senior of operators who carry the burden of leadership. The exact titles for the enlisted ranks are dependant on the exact branch of service, but remain directly comparable and carry equal weight.

The status of a Non-Commissioned Officer is awarded once a soldier reaches the paygrade of N0-4 or higher. All NCOs, regardless of branch, must complete a 4 week course held by the Eridani Federal Navy and Marine Combat Group aboard SEN Apex station. The training there is built to brace the mind of a leader for frontline leadership, focusing heavily on decisionmaking under heavy strain. It is rumored that certain portions of training are conducted by NEST operatives.

Where the Eridani Federal Navy recognizes Sailors as its base enlisted men, and Chiefs as the senior most non-commissioned officers, the Federal Army recognizes Soldiers and Sergeants, and the Marine Combat Group Riflemen and Sergeants.

Officer Ranks

Officers, usually numbering fewer than the enlisted they are in command of, are heavily integrated into front line duties. While the lowest of the officers, paygrades N1-1 and N1-2, usually serve as commanders for Troops, it is not uncommon to notice a single stripe sprayed onto the hardsuit of a squad leader instead of the expected chevrons.

All officers of the Eridani Federal Military earn their commission by passing through the 12 week training hosted by the Eridani Federal Army in Fort Sunder. The training is composed of a curriculum which focuses on core leadership criteria and general warfare, meaning that all officers must, at a later date, pass through more specialized schooling for their respective duties. Unlike enlisted ranks, officer ranks are universal in the Eridani Federal Military.

Specialist Ranks

Specialists exist as a requirement for highly trained operatives to fill a very specific requirement in a billet. Duties of a specialist usually demand a high technical aptitude, such as system specific maintenance, operation of very specialized weapon systems, etcetera.

The Division

A Division is the standard unit of organization within the Eridani Federal Military. A single Division consists of anywhere from 2000 to 5000 personnel, depending on purpose and exact composition. Divisions may further be organized into Combat Groups, and which point they will contain anywhere from two to five Divisions with differing task focuses. Primary task focus is assigned at Division level as well, with the primary specializations being the following:

AS - Assault Division

Assault Divisions are well rounded, capable of executing most military operations, and operating within most parametres. Emphasis would be on the deployment of medium mech lances, armoured units and their sustainment with infantry units and lighter/heavier mech lances.

RC - Reconnaissance Division

Reconnaissance Divisions are kept smaller, usually encompassing only two Brigades, as opposed to the three or four of an Assault Division. A usual Reconnaissance Division is primarily composed of light mech lances, and infantry squads geared towards the gathering of intelligence and minor offensive operations.

IO - Infantry Operations Division

Infantry Operations Divisions, for the Eridani Federal Navy, are a rarity. This is due to the high degree of specialization that they have adopted, and as such, are kept in lower numbers. Most usually a carrier carries only a single Infantry Operations Division, with the no further ones existing in active service.