Mictlan: различия между версиями

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>Sparky hotdog
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(The Mictlan rewrite. Everything was changed from all previous iterations of the page in all sections of the page.)
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[[File:mictlan_flag.png|Government flag of Mictlan.|thumb]]
[[File:Mictlan flag new.png|thumb|The flag of Mictlan as a planet in the Republic of Biesel.]]
Mictlan is one of the jewel worlds of the Sol Alliance with a unique, self-developed culture and Earth-like properties across the entirety of its surface.

Measuring proved the planet has a standing temperature of earth circa 226 BC.
A primarily aquatic world with jungle-speckled Islands making up all of its geological landmasses. Mictlan’s poles are insignificant compared to Earth’s This, and other evidence, leads scientists to believe that the planet was originally not aquatic in nature but more Earth-like in the past.

Mainland is majorly focused in the upper tropical ring, it was estimated that on average it rains twelve to twenty times a month. Measuring proved the planet has a standing temperature of earth circa 226 BC. The small lands are mainly split islands, with plant life in its initial stages of evolution the planet is mostly compromised of invasive human species. The polar ice caps are so far barren of any life.
The planet is a democratic state with the highest echelons being dominated by local corporate and Idris money and power, while not as extreme as Eridani or Biesel, it was an outlier among the Solarian planets. This has led to stratification, with most of the population living on oceanic installations while tourists and corporate sponsors enjoy their life on the little mainland there is.

The surrounding sea is also home to majorly invasive species steadily pushing the home populace away. Underwater plant life however has proven resilient and remains the only majorly non-invasive demographic. They have quickly adapted to invasive aquatic life and work in suspiciously well coordinated symbiosis which baffles marine biologists to this day. The atmosphere is rich on oxygen and low on nitrogen resulting in sporadic growth of insects and other Arthropods.
==Flora and Fauna==

==Population and Society==
Although initially a worry of some scientific communities, the native species of Mictlan have formed symbiotic relationships with the foreign species, baffling the settlers. Those that haven’t are considered protected, and it’s illegal to hunt them or attempt to domesticate them. Xenobiology is a popular field in Mictlan, with the Tupac Amaru University having coordinated efforts with the Skrell to study many of them that hide deep in the jungles and swamps.

As of the most recent census in 2457, the population of Mictlan is 2,851,000 billion.
The official animal of Mictlan is referred to as the Aztlanian llama. This animal is the most characteristic species of Mictlan with a longer neck than its human counterpart, an affinity for submerging in baths almost daily, and a protective layer of water-resistant fur covering their soft and heat-insulating wool. Another important species is Buxton’s Alpaca, a hybrid of llama and alpaca: with their willingness to work, nutritious meat, and luxurious wool, even the poorest settlers of Mictlan found their place on the planet. Both the hybrid and the common Mictlanian llama have thermic adaptive properties, which are known for being fresh in the summer and retaining the heat in the winter. The popularity has also created a growing industry of textiles in Mictlan with many corporations competing to dominate this market galaxy-wide.

A native domesticated animal is the Arequipan cow.  While only vaguely resembling their earth counterpart, they are similar in that they provide the settlers with milk. This milk has unique properties that even lactose-intolerant individuals can ingest without issue. The main crux is the Arequipan bull, a male member of the species that are extremely territorial and aggressive. According to polls, Arequipa bulls are responsible for 15% of deaths in the farming industry.

Societal breakdown is as follows:
Flora-wise the large amount of insects present on Mictlan seem to have contributed to their assimilation into the local ecosystem. Establishing evolutionary links that would have otherwise taken millions of years to develop in less than a century. This allowed Mictlan to produce harvests much sooner than other settlements and acquire food independence early on. Currently, the largest harvests come in the forms of wine and coconut oil.

54% Mictlanian
==Population and Society==

34% Other Human Ethnicities
According to the most recent polls conducted in 2457, Mictlanian society boasted the largest amount of Xenos in Solarian society but with their inclusion in the Republic of Tau Ceti, they have been trumped by Biesel. Regardless, Mictlan remains very popular among all alien species and the society and government of Mictlan are much less judgemental of these foreign immigrants, though the majority of the planet's population is human. Among the most numerous are Skrell, followed by Unathi, Dionaea, and finally Vaurcae.

0.9% Skrell
Most of the population lives on metallic oceanic constructions that have been established since the first settlers arrived. These sturdy buildings have been expanded over time and now entire cities rest on their plasteel shoulders. While breakdowns are not uncommon, a major accident has not occurred in 50 years and these cities are just as safe as any other. The mainland, the little there is, is mostly reserved for natural reserves, agriculture, and rich corporate sponsors and tourists. Most Mictlanians never step on the soil of Mictlan throughout their lives.

0.2% Unathi
Mictlan was not the original target for the South and Central American colonists whose descendants now inhabit it, instead, it became an accidental one after they were forced into an emergency landing. The captain of the original colonization fleet, codename: Tlaloc, whose name has been removed from the records to protect his descendants, excessively mishandled the allocation of resources during their long voyage, focusing more on the comfort of the first-class clientele. This had resulted in a lack of fuel, food, and other resources that forced them to make an emergency landing two years prior to reaching their intended target.  

0.1% Tajara
The colonists already lacked the expertise and technology to comfortably adapt to an aquatic planet, and with the captain’s refusal to change his behavior casualties mounted. An attempt was made to challenge the captain’s leadership by contacting the Sol government, however, the continued failures of the colonists to meet quotas led to them being largely ignored. Thus a revolution was inevitable. During this insurrection, the captain alongside other colony heads was murdered, and the newly appointed government began calling itself the Movimiento Fundación this explosion of violence finally caught the interest of the Sol government, who immediately sent out an armed force to rescue the survivors and re-establish law and order.

'''Administration:''' Mictlan is governed as a democratic republic with a presidential system.
The movement did not last long against such an overwhelming force and democracy was re-established. A new head for the colony was chosen and with the continued efforts the possibilities of underwater logging and uranium mining became apparent, corporations began to invest in Mictlan, building up infrastructure and worker force. During this time, the newly established colonial government led a “War on Waste”, to preserve the natural beauty of Mictlan. This included the nationalization of small private businesses that created too much waste, higher fees to secure intellectual property rights, and the introduction of new fines targeting the Mictlanians for littering. It was clear to the colonists at the time this was a transparent attempt to prevent a surge of small-time businesses but with an armed force present, the concerns went unvoiced.

==Major Cities==
Today, Mictlan is a democratic state like many others and until recently one of the Jewel Worlds of Sol. Its beautiful and verdant landscapes, largely undisturbed by the usual tinkering and biome modification, provide a great source of rich tourists who wish to see nature in its rawest and also safest state. Bountiful aquaculture and agriculture create an environment of rich harvests and excess fruit production and the great Uranium deposits allow for constant streams of credits to enter the economy. Still, the planet is plagued with hostile laws targetting those who would wish to strike out big, most of the excess food is exported and very few of the locals get to live in the luxurious hotels dotting the large cities. This issue has only increased in recent years, as misleading marketing has led to many aliens hoping for a better future in Mictlan, ultimately ending up stuck in the lower rings. With a corporate structure choking out any attempts to ascend the social classes.

A mainland city and one of the shining jewels of Mictlan, Arequipa houses the national museum, governing body of Arequipa and one of the few spaceyards on Mictlan capable of holding a Zhukov-class carrier.
Arequipa isn’t constructed as a traditional city, instead being a collection of large towers called “Canopies”, which can hold upwards of 80 000 people each along with large-scale farms, electro-car parking spaces and cattle farms.
Arequipa has an extremely small poverty rating, as most blue-collar workers live out on the sea city platforms having taken to aquaculture, the few that do live in the city usually find themselves in farming and maintenance jobs, which makes their unions quite the political force, due to the fact that Arequipa would simply stop functioning without them.

On the other hand, Arequipa sports a large amount of white-collar workers, office workers, celebrities, entrepreneurs and influencers due to being one of the very few cities on Mictlan directly connected to space. This, however, has also had a large-scale impact on the city's culture. Influenced by outsider ideas, many Arequipa citizens are starting to lose the characteristic interest in recycling and reusability that Mictlan holds. As a result, most Arequipians are often titled as “Ladicios” or “wasters”. Thus many Arequipians find themselves leaving the planet despite their good standing, hoping to escape this “bigoted and restrictive place” and find a new personal freedom among the stars. Many companies including Nanotrasen are happy to oblige, for a small fee.
Mictlanian culture is strongly based on its South American roots. As such, Mictlan is known for large-scale and colorful parades, strong religious beliefs, exotic cuisine, and well-established artists. These experiences are often provided to tourists, however safely packaged and toned down, to not disturb the façade of corporate professionalism. Thus one can’t really claim they have been part of the Mictlanian life if their only experience with the culture was from a polished hotel. The native life can be found in the metallic streets of the oceanic constructs. While one might assume these metallic structures are drab, depressing, and boring, Mictlanians have made them their own. Upon entry, the streets explode in colors as artists and sprayers are encouraged to fill the walls and roofs with designs. Frequent motifs being caricatures of political figures, hopeful messages, large elaborate paintings, and other comical or positive art. Mictlanians who travel off-world frequently carry this habit with them, turning their streets or neighborhoods into colorful tapestries.

The Mictlanian household is built around community and many families often live together in interconnected houses with greenhouse roofs, that are framed around large cemented patios. These host huge celebrations, music, food, and drinks are provided and consumed freely by all present, although everyone is expected to add even a little bit to the menu. The celebrations can range from grandiose weddings or religious holidays to a simple meetup at the grill to unwind after work. Frankly, to a Mictlanian, any day is a good day to spend with your loved ones. A frequent sight at these celebrations is the Mictlanian pulque. This alcoholic beverage boasts a higher alcohol content than its Earthen counterpart as the environment of Mictlan allows for a much stronger agave extract. In closing, family and community are everything to a Mictlanian, and a Mictlanian will rarely emigrate without their family.
A less popular aspect of Mictlanian life is their view on the concept of “intellectual property”. With high fees following the copyright law reforms the relationship of the locals with the idea of an idea belonging to one person has shifted. The unintentional side-effect being that regardless of how well you attempt to secure your idea or intellectual property, someone on Mictlan will copy it and repackage it as their own. Initially, the police cracked down on these cases when it came to their large corporate clients, but as this sentiment spread it has become impossible to contain this wave of bootlegging. Now even the biggest corporations are not safe and even their own private corporate forces fail to enforce the law. This means that Mictlan is a pirate’s haven: “cracked” games, pirated movies, and homemade VR are sold both on the street and in official stores, the owners being just as likely to put “Swam Nebulas” and “Swimstars” on the same shelf. And alongside the destruction of intellectual property rights, came a sky-high rate of cyber-crime. Over 12% of all cyber-attacks in the universe are traced back to Mictlan and both large and small entities find themselves as the sharp end of a variable. This being one of the few, or only, avenues on Mictlan where a single man can make a fortune and climb from nothing.

A sea-rig city, the largest and one of many dotting the surface of Mictlan. Despite it being whipped by torrential rains and large waves daily, Sikunda still manages to boast a sizeable population. Its large platforms are dotted with small buildings, factories and primarily, slums.
But with underhanded deals comes political violence and a group calling themselves the “Founding Movement”, referencing the “Movimiento Fundación” has begun a series of political campaigns and attacks. Their initial memo was attacking Sol websites, sabotaging local elections, and leaking government files, their statement was clear, no more Sol dependency and the protection of artist’s rights and intellectual properties. But recently, as violence in Sol escalated, they carried out multiple physical terrorist acts. The most prolific being the murder of Marlene Pessoa, a pro-Sol actress and a Mictlanian local. The authorities hoped that after the collapse of Sol and integration into Biesel their actions would cease, but they have only escalated. The group now seeks complete independence and refuses to take no for an answer.
While jobs are practically everywhere, the amount of money made from fishing, harvesting coral, underwater wood or aquaculture is not large. While Sikunda does have free healthcare and education as does mainland, its large size means these facilities are often filled over their maximum capacity, with the staff often finding themselves burnt out.

However, with the coming of a new chief of police, Lukas Torres, who is regarded by many as a figure of justice and law, the crime rate on Sikunda is steadily decreasing along with it’s overall corruption rate. It is also a host to large scale festivals and parties, with people often coming from mainland to be “Taken by the waves of Sikunda”, as Mictlanians like to say. It’s also been a prime target for contractors, primarily Nanotrasen, hoping to bank on the Mictlanian ideal of re-usability coupled with the low average wage that might seem appealing to the poor city's government.

There is a long-standing tradition of masks on Mictlan, usually made of wood and in varied expressions. Mictlanians use these masks for important events, painted in bright colors for celebrations, while black and white are used for mourning, be it personal or public. Protestors, rebel groups, and Founders have also adopted these masks, often giving them a terrifying visage. Wearing a mask is certainly not a daily thing, and a person’s celebratory or mourning masks are viewed as extremely personal, being one of the few things considered taboo to copy and replicated en-mass. Early on, corporations attempted to levy a ban on them, but their cultural significance resulted in planet-wide backlash. Thus, the only requirement is that masked employees wear their identification visibly.

The original colonists of Mictlan never intended to land on this planet, instead, it served as a crash site for their ships, which ran out of resources two years before they were supposed to due to overindulgence and overuse of materials. Ever since then, the government and people of Mictlan had reframed their lifestyles and rebuilt into a new nation that could be proud not because they come from the original earth, but because they're better than their ancestors.
Tattoos and piercings are very popular in Mictlan and are considered the standard among the locals. Even the cleanest corporate will often sport at least a few tattoos on his face if he is a Mictlanian local, to them, it is a form of self-expression, a way to non-verbally communicate their allegiances, beliefs, or values. Sometimes removal is unavoidable, however, as Eridanian suits will often press any Mictlanians under their employ to remove their tattoos completely. The abundance of aquatic life has led to tattoo ink solutions based on Grumbo Squid ink becoming widespread and popular, even endorsed as healthy by certain "physical therapists" and "health gurus". The most popular motif is the coloring of the whole upper face, right above the nose, with the most popular color being red, but white and blue are also frequently used. Piercings are often used in combination with these tattoos, septum and lip piercings being the most popular. Stainless steel is used the most often, gold being actually quite unpopular among the locals as it’s seen as a mark of corporatism on a person. Indeed, all designs that appear too “contemporary” or “mainstream” are very unpopular with native Mictlanians, usually only see on corporatists who don’t mind having a brand etched onto their face. This means that most tattooing businesses are run by the locals, as corporates have found little success in their own tattoo parlors.

The effort started with large crackdowns on consumption and overuse of non-reusable resources, the blame was mostly placed on the megacorporations, brands, and companies which had come along with the settlers. A general strike led to the nationalization of these companies during the early years of the settlement, during which they also began to build the first infrastructure on this wet rock.
==Major Cities==
Establishing communications with the Sol Alliance came a few years later, and already a local democratic government was formed, along with many industries which invested heavily into aquaculture and recyclable materials, these two industries would come to characterize Mictlan. This coupled with the efforts of the government to establish Mictlan not as a product of Earth but as its own, strong colony, citing the works and ideals of the ancient Simón Bolívar put Mictlan into an unfavorable light with the Sol Alliance, who demanded Mictlan to re-settle to the planet they were originally intended to settle and stop purposefully avoiding the use of phoron and other new technologies.
The government of Mictlan answered with a large shipment of Uranium, which they had little use for, and a general statement that the planet was very rich in coal, fish, uranium, and coral and they'd be happy to establish good trade relations with the Sol Alliance. Content with the output of goods, the Sol Alliance fully recognized the colony of Mictlan and has had nothing but good relations with them ever since.
A mainland city and a self-proclaimed shining jewel of Mictlan, Arequipa houses the national museum, the governing body of Mictlan, and one of the few spaceyards on Mictlan capable of holding a Zhukov-class carrier. Arequipa isn’t constructed as a traditional city, instead being a collection of large towers called “Canopies”, which are interconnected through a series of sound-proof glass tunnels. This allows the fauna beneath these cities to travel undisturbed while the many white-collar and tourist citizens are graced with a day-to-day view of these beasts. This of course comes at the cost of transportation as the only way around is hyper-elevators and self-driving trams.
Arequipa is often called the “cultural heart” of Mictlan, with a large number of white-collar workers, artists, singers, and dancers present to entertain the visiting tourists. The general population would regard this as a blatant farce, as the “Mictlanian experience” one gets at Arequipa is about as authentic as the glass walls of their towers. The culture in Arequipa is packaged and presented in a safe and easily digestible way, not to scare away the shareholders and companies. Still, even a well-presented and well-oiled machine needs workers to maintain it, and the closest one gets to Mictlanian culture inside of Arequipa is when visiting the slums situated in the maintenance tunnels and worker apartments of the Canopies.

An ocean city, the largest and one of many dotting the surface of Mictlan. Sikunda is considered the second (by some the real) capital of Mictlan and boasts higher population numbers than its official capital, Arequipa. Its large platforms are dotted with maze-like interconnected housing structures, factories, and production facilities. Jobs are available everywhere on Sikunda, but the vast majority are low-skill which also means providing little pay. And while the population managed under the Solarian government, the assimilation into the Republic of Biesel is now threatening the welfare and healthcare laws that kept the population of Sikunda relatively safe.
Mictlan culture is a culture of resourcefulness and recycling. While their crime, pollution and health risk rates are one of the lowest in the whole galaxy, they rank very low in terms of well-being, due to the refusal to use technology that requires phoron in a larger scale than required. Coupled with a hefty tax on anyone importing things such as oil, plastic or other non-recyclable goods this has made Mictlan a very undesirable trade partner for most companies. As a result majority of the population works in aquatic industries, mainly fishing and harvesting of the coral reefs or carbonized wood, leaving a very large lower class which face daily danger on their arcologies as they cannot afford to live on the mainland which is relatively flood-free.
One might imagine Sikunda to be a large grey maze, depressing and drab, full of sunken faces akin to the slums of Eridani, yet the exact opposite is true. Mictlanians have made the rig truly theirs, each street boasts a painted landscape, graffiti, or colorful slogan. Colorful tapestries hang from the windows and small shrines dot the dead-ends of streets. Sikunda teems with life during the night, families and communities celebrating on their shared patios and drinking together into the late hours of the night. Sikunda also seems to be the center for cybercrime, as the majority of all attacks come from said city. While the local authorities and corporate sponsors consider this an issue, locals to Sikunda rarely snitch on these pirate stations.
In spite of this, people on Mictlan wouldn't have it any other way, as the living conditions are slowly improving due to heavy investment and effort to make re-usable technology as useful as non-reusable. The recent invention of bioplastic has marginally improved the living conditions on Mictlan although corporate lobbyists are preventing its spread onto other planets as it requires materials native mostly to Mictlan.
Mictlanian citizens are some of the most mindful in regards to resources and the environment and have been a strong case for environmentalists everywhere. They are proud of being a colony and have a real drive to remain self-sustaining. As a result, the colonists of Mictlan can come off as cold to plights of other colonies, usually being unsympathetic when other people claim they "need" something non-reusable for their survival.
Mictlanian culture is strongly inspired by its South American roots while considering themselves their own colony, mirroring the relationship between Brazil and Spain in the days of old.
Mictlan is thus known for large scale parades and colorful parades despite the pouring rain. Celebrations such as Independence Day or the Day of Founding are almost always completely crowded. The fact that there is a low amount of tourism is welcome by the native population as they severely dislike tourists, due to their usually disruptive behaviour and tendency to litter and disregard the trash laws.
The idea of re-using and recycling is not a simple action for Mictlanians, but a way of living. Thus even arts and music find themselves recycled, Mictlanian movies, games, arts and musics tend to be remixes, recycles or rehashes of already preexisting media from other systems. To the anger of the creators, this is considered perfectly legal on Mictlan and the Sol Alliance does not find it enough of an issue to warrant an intervention. This often means that while a Tau Cetian might hear about the famous franchise "Pigface" a Mictlanian would most likely hear about a certain "Hogface" with strikingly similar characteristics. One of the most famous instances was a popular rewrite of Romeo and Juliet becoming so famous that it replaced the original book in required reading of Mictlanian schools.
This has led to a near dead digital and software scene on Mictlan, as developers don't see a point in creating anything since it'll get remixed, remade and recycled anyways.
However, not everyone is on-board with this idea and an anti-cultural group calling themselves, Liberdade de Ganância, who propagate that people should be entitled to their trash, litter and products. Oftentimes they'll purposefully litter or dirty the environment, stating that the government is using the recycling excuse as a way to restrict the freedoms of men and women. For a long time they were considered unpopular punks, but they're starting to pick up with the younger generation. As Liberdade de Ganância are strong proponents of anti-piracy and digital anti-theft laws, many artists and young influencers have come to them for help as they're known for creating a digital protection service, which encodes data, corrupting it if it's downloaded or reposted illegally.

===Lago de Abundancia===
Fashion has always been a part of humanity and the Mictlanians are no exception.
[[File:Lago de Abundencia.png|thumb|The skyline of Lago de Abundencia.]]
With a strong culture of "re-use and recycle" the average worker is actually going to be wearing a temporary clothing mesh, designed to degrade in a week specifically so it can be dropped in an in-home recycler, decomposed into basic materials and re-used into clothing once again.
Lago de Abundancia is a coastal city that was built with older earth architecture in mind during the early years of settlement. Its presence was never very well established as it mostly existed for agricultural reasons, however, in 2412 Idris invested heavily into Lago de Abundancia, transforming it into a proper competitor of Arequipa. Lago de Abundancia is now the second biggest tourist haven on the planet, promising wide beaches, big waves, and warm waters. Lago de Abundancia boasts the Spur's biggest and most diverse aquarium in the form of an entertainment park dubbed, Ocean Planet™.
Upper echelons of pay is where issues arise, while many agree that material over-use it bad, plenty of Mictlanian celebrities wear clothing imported from other areas of space. Ultimately however, this issue is so minor and hidden under the fame of those celebrities that plenty of people are willing to excuse such behaviour. While the government punishes such offenses with fines, but the kind of people who can buy a dress from Biesel can easily pay off a few hundred credit fine.

This created a need for individuality, but no means to provide it in the clothing industry.
The people of Lago de Abundancia hold themselves in high regard, being proud of their achievement to turn their small coastal town into a bustling metropolis with a skyrocketing economy but these boasts hide a very insidious truth, that Lago de Abundancia has an issue with crime. Idris' refusal to boost the funding for public police while handling all security privately has led to the outside communities of farmers and workers being harassed daily by large criminal organizations and loan sharks. It is also the central operating area of the Founding Movement.
And so people expressed themselves in three ways, masks, piercings and tattoos.

==Foreigners on Mictlan==
There is a long standing tradition of masks on Mictlan, usually made of wood and in varied expressions. Mictlanians use these masks for important events, happy ones, painted in bright colors for celebrations or black and white ones, with a sad expression for tragedies both in the family or in public.
Protestors, rebel groups and pirates native of Mictlan often adopt these masks, usually with angry expressions, to scare and intimidate their opponents while also hiding their identity while keeping their alignment and intent very clear.
Mictlanians have a reputation as friendly people, a reputation that can be quite misleading to outsiders as instead of an open welcome they’re more likely to get cautious looks shortly after immigration. It is, however, true that the public is much more accepting of outsiders, and humans who decide to settle in Mictlan are integrated into their communal society quite speedily. The same, however, cannot be said of tourists, who can find it off-putting and even dangerous to wander the streets outside of their luxurious canopy hotels. The locals are also not particularly welcoming of military forces or soldiers on leave, the past military interventions of Sol leaving a multi-generational scar. This includes even the TCFL, who are often surprised to not be welcomed as heroes when they decide to choose Mictlan for their leave.

Piercings made of smeltable materials are very popular on Mictlan. However, one won't find nose-rings or classic ear-rings on Mictlan, due to the dangers of Mictlan itself the risk of snagging on something is very real and has resulted in studs in particular being very popular.
Skrell have found it very easy to adapt to Mictlan, the environment is after all a perfect fit for their species. Yet, they can find it very difficult to fit in, mainly the older generations. While yes, skrell also lead communal lives, they’re much more different than the more energetic and exciting bustle of the Mictlanian streets. Residing skrell can often find the constant physical contact, gratingly positive atmosphere, and energetic drinking, exhausting. Still, Mictlanian skrell are known as some of the most communal, no doubt a result of the environment. The largest Mictlanian university [Name Here] is actually run by [Skrell name]. Many Skrell originating from Mictlan choose the medical field or one of the many xeno-ology fields.
Piercings are also viewed as something for young people, literally, usually at around the age of 25-30 a person is expected to remove their piercings otherwise they might be viewed as "childish". Thus underage piercing is common and even encouraged. Some disagree with this, however, as they view it unfair to the children and a way for parents to "bedazle" their kids without their permission.

Tattoos are viewed as the best way for someone to express themselves. The abundance of aquatic life has lead to tattoo ink solutions based on squid ink become widespread and popular, even endorsed as healthy by certain "physicians" and "health gurus".
After skrell the second most numerous species and also the one that fits in the best. Unathi clan structure slots right into the family and community-oriented dynamics of Mictlan and thus many Unathi immigrants choose to stay on Mictlan permanently, living lives not too dissimilar from their homeland. They are frequently contracted by researchers as their biology makes them perfect at scouting through the jungles and leading research expeditions through the small but fertile mainlands. Unathi from Mictlan are often seen as excellent officers and ranchers.
The most popular motiff is coloring of the whole upper face, right above the nose. It is speculated this originates from an old earthen south american tribe called the Mayoruna. It also bears the same intent, transformation, coloring the upper face in particular is supposed to signify the transformation into a fearsome jaguar.
However, other tattoos are also very popular, namely the idea of a "full-body" tattoo, these usually take multiple years and are usually done part by part as the person gets older, each new tattoo denoting some achievement in their life.
Phosphorescent tattoos, eye tattoos or even internal organ tattoos are other very popular variants.

==Foreign Relationships==
Tajara have always struggled on Mictlan due to the heat, and their own prejudiced views of humans did not help them accommodate, instead, they have created isolated ghettos where they continue to live out their own personal cultures. This issue was only exasperated with the third Tajara ban, the narrow streets of the steel-rigs leading to much collateral damage which resulted in a lower opinion on the Tajara immigrants, as well as a negative view of the natives by the Tajara. Still the mills of time affected even these people, and slowly but surely their communities are opening up to Mictlan, with the youngest generations leading the charge to trans-species cooperation. Still, there is a long road ahead of them and the two cultures, one family-oriented and open, the other likewise but closed off, often come at heads with each other. Tajara from Mictlan are often experienced engineers, being initially employed to handle and maintain the cooling devices keeping the cities in live-able conditions.

Mictlan suffers from heavy discrimination to anyone outside their immediate planet as for many people it's hard to understand the purpose of recyclable materials. This makes Mictlanians seem short-sighted and backwards when in reality they're simply focusing on a new venue of re-usable and environmentally friendly technologies. This however makes Mictlan quite technologically impaired compared other human colonies. Mictlan is disgusted by the flagrant and wasteful use of phoron and compel other governments to focus on a more long-term solution, like attempting K'ois related phoron harvesting.
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Версия от 09:57, 27 сентября 2021

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  • The flag of Mictlan as a planet in the Republic of Biesel.

    A primarily aquatic world with jungle-speckled Islands making up all of its geological landmasses. Mictlan’s poles are insignificant compared to Earth’s This, and other evidence, leads scientists to believe that the planet was originally not aquatic in nature but more Earth-like in the past.

    The planet is a democratic state with the highest echelons being dominated by local corporate and Idris money and power, while not as extreme as Eridani or Biesel, it was an outlier among the Solarian planets. This has led to stratification, with most of the population living on oceanic installations while tourists and corporate sponsors enjoy their life on the little mainland there is.

    Flora and Fauna

    Although initially a worry of some scientific communities, the native species of Mictlan have formed symbiotic relationships with the foreign species, baffling the settlers. Those that haven’t are considered protected, and it’s illegal to hunt them or attempt to domesticate them. Xenobiology is a popular field in Mictlan, with the Tupac Amaru University having coordinated efforts with the Skrell to study many of them that hide deep in the jungles and swamps.

    The official animal of Mictlan is referred to as the Aztlanian llama. This animal is the most characteristic species of Mictlan with a longer neck than its human counterpart, an affinity for submerging in baths almost daily, and a protective layer of water-resistant fur covering their soft and heat-insulating wool. Another important species is Buxton’s Alpaca, a hybrid of llama and alpaca: with their willingness to work, nutritious meat, and luxurious wool, even the poorest settlers of Mictlan found their place on the planet. Both the hybrid and the common Mictlanian llama have thermic adaptive properties, which are known for being fresh in the summer and retaining the heat in the winter. The popularity has also created a growing industry of textiles in Mictlan with many corporations competing to dominate this market galaxy-wide.

    A native domesticated animal is the Arequipan cow. While only vaguely resembling their earth counterpart, they are similar in that they provide the settlers with milk. This milk has unique properties that even lactose-intolerant individuals can ingest without issue. The main crux is the Arequipan bull, a male member of the species that are extremely territorial and aggressive. According to polls, Arequipa bulls are responsible for 15% of deaths in the farming industry.

    Flora-wise the large amount of insects present on Mictlan seem to have contributed to their assimilation into the local ecosystem. Establishing evolutionary links that would have otherwise taken millions of years to develop in less than a century. This allowed Mictlan to produce harvests much sooner than other settlements and acquire food independence early on. Currently, the largest harvests come in the forms of wine and coconut oil.

    Population and Society

    According to the most recent polls conducted in 2457, Mictlanian society boasted the largest amount of Xenos in Solarian society but with their inclusion in the Republic of Tau Ceti, they have been trumped by Biesel. Regardless, Mictlan remains very popular among all alien species and the society and government of Mictlan are much less judgemental of these foreign immigrants, though the majority of the planet's population is human. Among the most numerous are Skrell, followed by Unathi, Dionaea, and finally Vaurcae.

    Most of the population lives on metallic oceanic constructions that have been established since the first settlers arrived. These sturdy buildings have been expanded over time and now entire cities rest on their plasteel shoulders. While breakdowns are not uncommon, a major accident has not occurred in 50 years and these cities are just as safe as any other. The mainland, the little there is, is mostly reserved for natural reserves, agriculture, and rich corporate sponsors and tourists. Most Mictlanians never step on the soil of Mictlan throughout their lives.


    Mictlan was not the original target for the South and Central American colonists whose descendants now inhabit it, instead, it became an accidental one after they were forced into an emergency landing. The captain of the original colonization fleet, codename: Tlaloc, whose name has been removed from the records to protect his descendants, excessively mishandled the allocation of resources during their long voyage, focusing more on the comfort of the first-class clientele. This had resulted in a lack of fuel, food, and other resources that forced them to make an emergency landing two years prior to reaching their intended target.

    The colonists already lacked the expertise and technology to comfortably adapt to an aquatic planet, and with the captain’s refusal to change his behavior casualties mounted. An attempt was made to challenge the captain’s leadership by contacting the Sol government, however, the continued failures of the colonists to meet quotas led to them being largely ignored. Thus a revolution was inevitable. During this insurrection, the captain alongside other colony heads was murdered, and the newly appointed government began calling itself the Movimiento Fundación this explosion of violence finally caught the interest of the Sol government, who immediately sent out an armed force to rescue the survivors and re-establish law and order.

    The movement did not last long against such an overwhelming force and democracy was re-established. A new head for the colony was chosen and with the continued efforts the possibilities of underwater logging and uranium mining became apparent, corporations began to invest in Mictlan, building up infrastructure and worker force. During this time, the newly established colonial government led a “War on Waste”, to preserve the natural beauty of Mictlan. This included the nationalization of small private businesses that created too much waste, higher fees to secure intellectual property rights, and the introduction of new fines targeting the Mictlanians for littering. It was clear to the colonists at the time this was a transparent attempt to prevent a surge of small-time businesses but with an armed force present, the concerns went unvoiced.

    Today, Mictlan is a democratic state like many others and until recently one of the Jewel Worlds of Sol. Its beautiful and verdant landscapes, largely undisturbed by the usual tinkering and biome modification, provide a great source of rich tourists who wish to see nature in its rawest and also safest state. Bountiful aquaculture and agriculture create an environment of rich harvests and excess fruit production and the great Uranium deposits allow for constant streams of credits to enter the economy. Still, the planet is plagued with hostile laws targetting those who would wish to strike out big, most of the excess food is exported and very few of the locals get to live in the luxurious hotels dotting the large cities. This issue has only increased in recent years, as misleading marketing has led to many aliens hoping for a better future in Mictlan, ultimately ending up stuck in the lower rings. With a corporate structure choking out any attempts to ascend the social classes.


    Mictlanian culture is strongly based on its South American roots. As such, Mictlan is known for large-scale and colorful parades, strong religious beliefs, exotic cuisine, and well-established artists. These experiences are often provided to tourists, however safely packaged and toned down, to not disturb the façade of corporate professionalism. Thus one can’t really claim they have been part of the Mictlanian life if their only experience with the culture was from a polished hotel. The native life can be found in the metallic streets of the oceanic constructs. While one might assume these metallic structures are drab, depressing, and boring, Mictlanians have made them their own. Upon entry, the streets explode in colors as artists and sprayers are encouraged to fill the walls and roofs with designs. Frequent motifs being caricatures of political figures, hopeful messages, large elaborate paintings, and other comical or positive art. Mictlanians who travel off-world frequently carry this habit with them, turning their streets or neighborhoods into colorful tapestries.

    The Mictlanian household is built around community and many families often live together in interconnected houses with greenhouse roofs, that are framed around large cemented patios. These host huge celebrations, music, food, and drinks are provided and consumed freely by all present, although everyone is expected to add even a little bit to the menu. The celebrations can range from grandiose weddings or religious holidays to a simple meetup at the grill to unwind after work. Frankly, to a Mictlanian, any day is a good day to spend with your loved ones. A frequent sight at these celebrations is the Mictlanian pulque. This alcoholic beverage boasts a higher alcohol content than its Earthen counterpart as the environment of Mictlan allows for a much stronger agave extract. In closing, family and community are everything to a Mictlanian, and a Mictlanian will rarely emigrate without their family. A less popular aspect of Mictlanian life is their view on the concept of “intellectual property”. With high fees following the copyright law reforms the relationship of the locals with the idea of an idea belonging to one person has shifted. The unintentional side-effect being that regardless of how well you attempt to secure your idea or intellectual property, someone on Mictlan will copy it and repackage it as their own. Initially, the police cracked down on these cases when it came to their large corporate clients, but as this sentiment spread it has become impossible to contain this wave of bootlegging. Now even the biggest corporations are not safe and even their own private corporate forces fail to enforce the law. This means that Mictlan is a pirate’s haven: “cracked” games, pirated movies, and homemade VR are sold both on the street and in official stores, the owners being just as likely to put “Swam Nebulas” and “Swimstars” on the same shelf. And alongside the destruction of intellectual property rights, came a sky-high rate of cyber-crime. Over 12% of all cyber-attacks in the universe are traced back to Mictlan and both large and small entities find themselves as the sharp end of a variable. This being one of the few, or only, avenues on Mictlan where a single man can make a fortune and climb from nothing.

    But with underhanded deals comes political violence and a group calling themselves the “Founding Movement”, referencing the “Movimiento Fundación” has begun a series of political campaigns and attacks. Their initial memo was attacking Sol websites, sabotaging local elections, and leaking government files, their statement was clear, no more Sol dependency and the protection of artist’s rights and intellectual properties. But recently, as violence in Sol escalated, they carried out multiple physical terrorist acts. The most prolific being the murder of Marlene Pessoa, a pro-Sol actress and a Mictlanian local. The authorities hoped that after the collapse of Sol and integration into Biesel their actions would cease, but they have only escalated. The group now seeks complete independence and refuses to take no for an answer.


    There is a long-standing tradition of masks on Mictlan, usually made of wood and in varied expressions. Mictlanians use these masks for important events, painted in bright colors for celebrations, while black and white are used for mourning, be it personal or public. Protestors, rebel groups, and Founders have also adopted these masks, often giving them a terrifying visage. Wearing a mask is certainly not a daily thing, and a person’s celebratory or mourning masks are viewed as extremely personal, being one of the few things considered taboo to copy and replicated en-mass. Early on, corporations attempted to levy a ban on them, but their cultural significance resulted in planet-wide backlash. Thus, the only requirement is that masked employees wear their identification visibly.

    Tattoos and piercings are very popular in Mictlan and are considered the standard among the locals. Even the cleanest corporate will often sport at least a few tattoos on his face if he is a Mictlanian local, to them, it is a form of self-expression, a way to non-verbally communicate their allegiances, beliefs, or values. Sometimes removal is unavoidable, however, as Eridanian suits will often press any Mictlanians under their employ to remove their tattoos completely. The abundance of aquatic life has led to tattoo ink solutions based on Grumbo Squid ink becoming widespread and popular, even endorsed as healthy by certain "physical therapists" and "health gurus". The most popular motif is the coloring of the whole upper face, right above the nose, with the most popular color being red, but white and blue are also frequently used. Piercings are often used in combination with these tattoos, septum and lip piercings being the most popular. Stainless steel is used the most often, gold being actually quite unpopular among the locals as it’s seen as a mark of corporatism on a person. Indeed, all designs that appear too “contemporary” or “mainstream” are very unpopular with native Mictlanians, usually only see on corporatists who don’t mind having a brand etched onto their face. This means that most tattooing businesses are run by the locals, as corporates have found little success in their own tattoo parlors.

    Major Cities


    A mainland city and a self-proclaimed shining jewel of Mictlan, Arequipa houses the national museum, the governing body of Mictlan, and one of the few spaceyards on Mictlan capable of holding a Zhukov-class carrier. Arequipa isn’t constructed as a traditional city, instead being a collection of large towers called “Canopies”, which are interconnected through a series of sound-proof glass tunnels. This allows the fauna beneath these cities to travel undisturbed while the many white-collar and tourist citizens are graced with a day-to-day view of these beasts. This of course comes at the cost of transportation as the only way around is hyper-elevators and self-driving trams. Arequipa is often called the “cultural heart” of Mictlan, with a large number of white-collar workers, artists, singers, and dancers present to entertain the visiting tourists. The general population would regard this as a blatant farce, as the “Mictlanian experience” one gets at Arequipa is about as authentic as the glass walls of their towers. The culture in Arequipa is packaged and presented in a safe and easily digestible way, not to scare away the shareholders and companies. Still, even a well-presented and well-oiled machine needs workers to maintain it, and the closest one gets to Mictlanian culture inside of Arequipa is when visiting the slums situated in the maintenance tunnels and worker apartments of the Canopies.


    An ocean city, the largest and one of many dotting the surface of Mictlan. Sikunda is considered the second (by some the real) capital of Mictlan and boasts higher population numbers than its official capital, Arequipa. Its large platforms are dotted with maze-like interconnected housing structures, factories, and production facilities. Jobs are available everywhere on Sikunda, but the vast majority are low-skill which also means providing little pay. And while the population managed under the Solarian government, the assimilation into the Republic of Biesel is now threatening the welfare and healthcare laws that kept the population of Sikunda relatively safe. One might imagine Sikunda to be a large grey maze, depressing and drab, full of sunken faces akin to the slums of Eridani, yet the exact opposite is true. Mictlanians have made the rig truly theirs, each street boasts a painted landscape, graffiti, or colorful slogan. Colorful tapestries hang from the windows and small shrines dot the dead-ends of streets. Sikunda teems with life during the night, families and communities celebrating on their shared patios and drinking together into the late hours of the night. Sikunda also seems to be the center for cybercrime, as the majority of all attacks come from said city. While the local authorities and corporate sponsors consider this an issue, locals to Sikunda rarely snitch on these pirate stations.

    Lago de Abundancia

    The skyline of Lago de Abundencia.

    Lago de Abundancia is a coastal city that was built with older earth architecture in mind during the early years of settlement. Its presence was never very well established as it mostly existed for agricultural reasons, however, in 2412 Idris invested heavily into Lago de Abundancia, transforming it into a proper competitor of Arequipa. Lago de Abundancia is now the second biggest tourist haven on the planet, promising wide beaches, big waves, and warm waters. Lago de Abundancia boasts the Spur's biggest and most diverse aquarium in the form of an entertainment park dubbed, Ocean Planet™.

    The people of Lago de Abundancia hold themselves in high regard, being proud of their achievement to turn their small coastal town into a bustling metropolis with a skyrocketing economy but these boasts hide a very insidious truth, that Lago de Abundancia has an issue with crime. Idris' refusal to boost the funding for public police while handling all security privately has led to the outside communities of farmers and workers being harassed daily by large criminal organizations and loan sharks. It is also the central operating area of the Founding Movement.

    Foreigners on Mictlan


    Mictlanians have a reputation as friendly people, a reputation that can be quite misleading to outsiders as instead of an open welcome they’re more likely to get cautious looks shortly after immigration. It is, however, true that the public is much more accepting of outsiders, and humans who decide to settle in Mictlan are integrated into their communal society quite speedily. The same, however, cannot be said of tourists, who can find it off-putting and even dangerous to wander the streets outside of their luxurious canopy hotels. The locals are also not particularly welcoming of military forces or soldiers on leave, the past military interventions of Sol leaving a multi-generational scar. This includes even the TCFL, who are often surprised to not be welcomed as heroes when they decide to choose Mictlan for their leave.


    Skrell have found it very easy to adapt to Mictlan, the environment is after all a perfect fit for their species. Yet, they can find it very difficult to fit in, mainly the older generations. While yes, skrell also lead communal lives, they’re much more different than the more energetic and exciting bustle of the Mictlanian streets. Residing skrell can often find the constant physical contact, gratingly positive atmosphere, and energetic drinking, exhausting. Still, Mictlanian skrell are known as some of the most communal, no doubt a result of the environment. The largest Mictlanian university [Name Here] is actually run by [Skrell name]. Many Skrell originating from Mictlan choose the medical field or one of the many xeno-ology fields.


    After skrell the second most numerous species and also the one that fits in the best. Unathi clan structure slots right into the family and community-oriented dynamics of Mictlan and thus many Unathi immigrants choose to stay on Mictlan permanently, living lives not too dissimilar from their homeland. They are frequently contracted by researchers as their biology makes them perfect at scouting through the jungles and leading research expeditions through the small but fertile mainlands. Unathi from Mictlan are often seen as excellent officers and ranchers.


    Tajara have always struggled on Mictlan due to the heat, and their own prejudiced views of humans did not help them accommodate, instead, they have created isolated ghettos where they continue to live out their own personal cultures. This issue was only exasperated with the third Tajara ban, the narrow streets of the steel-rigs leading to much collateral damage which resulted in a lower opinion on the Tajara immigrants, as well as a negative view of the natives by the Tajara. Still the mills of time affected even these people, and slowly but surely their communities are opening up to Mictlan, with the youngest generations leading the charge to trans-species cooperation. Still, there is a long road ahead of them and the two cultures, one family-oriented and open, the other likewise but closed off, often come at heads with each other. Tajara from Mictlan are often experienced engineers, being initially employed to handle and maintain the cooling devices keeping the cities in live-able conditions.

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