Security Officer

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Security Officer

Руководители: Head of Security
Сложность: Hard
Обязанности: Stop crime, enforce Corporate Regulations.
Руководства: Corporate Regulations
Доступ: Security, Brig Timers, Maintenance
Альтернативные названия: Отсутствуют


Security Officers are the main force behind Security on the station. They are responsible for dealing with security complaints and arresting those who break Corporate Regulations.

Cadets can vary from an experienced officer just getting oriented on station, to new recruits from NanoTrasen Security/other private or public academies, or even those currently receiving schooling to be an Security officer.

The Hierarchy

The Head of Security holds authority over the entire department.

The Warden holds authority over the brig and the armoury. They can authorize equipment and order officers within the Brig, unless otherwise overridden by the Head of Security. The Warden is also responsible for the upkeep and treatment of prisoners, an is responsible for their well-being, injury, or death, even if caused by other officers.

Know Your Place

  • NanoTrasen Security functions first and foremost as a mediator to conflict, for better or worse, your job encompasses keeping the majority of the Staff (and the Station) safe and productive while disciplining troublemakers or more serious criminals. Your top priority is the protection of NanoTrasen assets.
  • Your training dictates that attempting to resolve issues without threats or physical force works best as a first resort in Standard situations, failing that you are also trained to handle situations with less subtlety when diplomacy either falls flat or is unlikely to work.
  • You've been trained to respect the chain of command, but the orders of your lineleader, the Head of Security, are your priority first until the Station Captain chooses to overrule them.
  • Remember to follow Standard Security Procedure, because you can't call yourself an enforcer of Corporate Regulations if you can't respect the same rules you're supposed to uphold.

The Law

Corporate Regulations is a summary of most crimes with some suggested sentence times. The Captain is sometimes able to set his own guidelines in exceptional circumstances, such as code red emergencies and stationwide threats.

Unless a member of security (including the detective) directly witness a crime, or are responding to an immediate crime via a radio call, they require an arrest warrant.

Any search of departments or individuals on green alert require a search warrant stamped by the Head of Security. If there is no HoS then the Warden's signature is also valid. If none of these roles are occupied then just do your best.

Alert Levels

There are currently 4 alert levels, each of which change, in most circumstances, the way you conduct your job. The following is a summary of said alert levels:

  • Code Green - All Clear.

Default operating level. No immediate or clear threat to the station. All departments may carry out work as normal. You are expected to follow standard security procedures at all times during Code Green. You can wear the standard vest available in your security locker, but not the armor found in the armory. Failing to follow standard procedure during Code Green may end up with you violating Corporate Regulations.

This is how the round starts, and you should do everything in your power to keep it that way.

  • Code Blue - Suspected Threat.

Raised alert level. Suspected threat to the station. Issued by Central Command, the Captain, or a Head of Staff vote. Security personnel are authorized to wear armor vests, helmets and display weaponry at all times. Random searches of crew are permitted within reason. Locational searches are also permitted with probable cause, however Command Staff may shut down a locational search of an area under their authority. This includes but is not limited to: their own department, the bridge, vault or any other shared command-restricted location. In both cases, it is the right of the department head, or the individual receiving the search to know the reason of said search.

  • Code Red - Confirmed Threat.

Maximum alert level. Confirmed threat to the station or severe damage. Issued by Central Command, the Captain, or a Head of Staff vote. Martial law. Suit senors are mandatory and everyone is required to stay in their workplace unless needed elsewhere. Security may detain suspects without a warrant. You are expected to deal with the threat in a way that keeps casualties to a minimum, the same goes for collateral damage to the station. Lethal ammo may be used to achieve this, but should only be used if necessary and if the Head of Security, Captain or another command member if those stated previously are unavailable.

  • Code Yellow - Biological Hazard

The station is now under an elevated alert status due to a confirmed biological hazard. All crew are to follow command instruction in order to ensure a safe return to standard operations.

Code Yellow is used for biological hazards such as carp, spiders, bears, drones, blobs or any other biological hazard on the station. It will give Command and any relevant departments the required flexibility (for example allowing officers to carry weaponry during a spider outbreak) to deal with any biological hazard threats, without sacrificing privacy rights or giving you, the Security Department, the means to arrest/search crew without a warrant. A warrant will still be required to arrest/search crew on Code Yellow.

Security controlled locations

Arrivals Checkpoint: This checkpoint is near the arrival shuttle. It has an ID computer which the HoP can man as well as other security computers. There is also a locker with security gear. Late-joining security officers might find it to be a good idea to take the equipment from here.

The Brig

For more detailed instructions, see Standard Security Procedures. For a summary read below.

The Warden runs this within this area. He has authority over Security Officers within this area. The Brig itself has cells and cell timers.

As the arresting officer, you have certain responsibilities. As always, following the protocol will keep you safe, the station secure, and the criminals in line. Follow it closely.

1. While the prisoner is still handcuffed, search them. Repeat offenders or those charged with extremely serious crimes should be stripped and redressed in the prison orange. Inform the prisoner and the other security personnel what is happening, and what the prisoner's charges are. Evidence goes in the evidence locker, hazardous chemicals should be stored to later be spaced, and all other materials go in the brig locker with the prisoner. The headset should only be taken if the prisoner is using it to incite rebellion, harassing other crew members, or as an additional punishment for repeat offences.

2. Lock the Locker with your identification, remove your prisoner's handcuffs, and stand in the doorway to prevent escape while you set the time. The doors will not close and lock if a time has not been set in. Consult Corporate Regulations for proper sentencing. If the prisoner makes to escape, flash them with the brig's flash controls. They will even reach to just outside the cell doors. Remember that escape attempts are an additional crime under Corporate Regulations. Do NOT leave the prisoner handcuffed in his cell, unless you have very good reason to believe they are dangerous.

3. Never open the cell door when the prisoner is standing right on the other side. Require them to step back to the bed. This will allow you to react if they attack or attempt to escape. Even trustworthy prisoners may turn at any second. When in doubt, flash the cell.

4. You must be there when the prisoner's time is up to return their gear and escort them out of the brig. Failure to do this may in some cases result in your dismissal or attack.

Security Office and Armory

Security’s home base. The armory contains additional weapons and armor which the HoS and Warden have access to. They should hand out this additional equipment as the situation escalates aboard the station. The security lockers with equipment are found here as well as the Head of Security’s Office and the Briefing Room/Lounge. Within the Breifing Room/Lounge is a SECTech machine. Contained within are several pieces of equipment useful to security officers (flashes, flash bangs, handcuffs, evidence bag boxes, and doughnuts).

The Escape Shuttle

In the event that a shuttle is en route (either transfer or escape), your job will be to ensure that everyone proceeds on the shuttle in an orderly fashion. No foul play. Any dangerous behavior should be treated as such. Prisoners in the brig should only be held in the security area of the shuttle.

The Equipment

First, you are already equipped with a soft cap and other attire, two handcuffs and your blue jumpsuit.

  • Stun Baton - Your weapon of choice. It deals HALLOSS damage, similar to tasers. Use the help intent to avoid dealing brute damage to the target.
  • Tasers - Place the taser in your backpack. Replace your Baton with this in case you need the extra range and the AI/Captain/Head of Security/Warden refuse to open the armoury for better equipment. It is also good to use against runners or those equipped with a gun themselves. Use your best judgement.
  • Flashes - A good backup if your stun baton runs out of charge or you need to keep a criminal subdued. Robotics may also want these. It's usually a courtesy to give them your burnt out flashes. Throw it in a pocket or hide it in your backpack's box. Has the added benefit of stunning out of control Stationbounds.
  • Teargas - Sometimes preferred by some officers instead of flashes. These will place targets into paincrit for several seconds within a reasonable radius when thrown. To throw, simply move the teargas to your hand and click a tile on the floor. There is a small delay between throwing and detonation. It is a good idea to throw these as far away from you as possible as affect fellow officers not wearing gas masks (or yourself, if you're throwing these without wearing a gasmask), and disable them for a potentially lethal amount of time. They are also useful to help you escape a small group assailants. Keep this in your pocket and detonate in hand, this causes everyone who is caught in the cloud to get temporarily downed due to pain, be careful, as it effects on skin contact as well. Minor toxins damage is a side effect of usage.
  • Sunglasses - You need to equip these. Put them on your eyes. They are essential gear, especially if you want to man the brig and want to avoid the embarrassing result of succumbing to a flash meant only for an unruly prisoner.
  • Handcuffs - Throw these in your pockets as well. You will use these. A lot. Click on someone to start handcuffing them. You'll both need to stay next to each other for them to work. Pulling people then prevents them from running away. Be careful of bumping into people however.
  • Energy Carbine - A rare item for the average officer to possess, usually only handed out when things have really hit the fan. Has two modes, click the weapon in your inventory to switch between stun and kill. Most of the time, the weapon should be left on stun. It also makes a potent melee weapon. Firing on kill at crewmembers will often result in demotion or a potential job ban.
  • Shotgun - Another rare item for the average officer to possess, usually only handed out when things have really hit the fan. May include a box of shotgun shells or is loaded with shotgun shells. Make sure to pump before shooting at someone. Make sure the safety's off too!
  • Riot Shield - Another uncommon weapon for security personnel. Protects from melee attack in the direction you are facing. Makes a decent melee weapon.
  • Laser Rifle - Possibly the least common weapon to find in the hands of security officers, mainly due to the lack of a stun mode. While more powerful than an Energy Carbine, it makes a slightly less effective melee weapon. You should never have these unless it's a Code Red situation.

Important: When you are done using your locker, close it and lock it.

Standard Procedure

For Non-Security Personnel

  • Do not attempt to apprehend criminals. Call for security.
  • Self-defence is acceptable if escape is not possible and danger to life, limb, or critical property is present (tampering with vital equipment or physically threatening an individual).
  • Do not break police tape without good reason. Having to walk slightly further than normal is not a good reason.

For Prisoners

  • Don't be stupid. If you are incarcerated, do not attempt escape over minor offences.
  • Irritating officers for amusement is a generally poor idea. Refrain from repeatedly banging upon windows.
  • Do not attempt suicide over brig time. It is a bannable offence.
  • If you feel you have been unjustly incarcerated, contact the Warden, Head of Security, and then the Corporate Liaison(in that order).

Responding to Calls

If someone calls for security an officer should respond. Having another officer use the camera potato to check the area is also recommended. Additional officers should be dispatched as needed.

Upon arriving at the scene, the first responder is expected to gauge the exact nature at the scene.

If the scene is clear:

  • Radio in the situation at the scene.
  • Ensure the safety of any crew in the immediate vicinity.
  • Identify witnesses.
  • Secure the scene in the event of occurrences (tape off area/disallow witness to leave).
  • Proceed to 'Collecting Evidence'

If the scene is not clear:

  • Identify nature of threat.
  • If threat is able to be handled by officers on scene: Proceed with mediation/detainment.
  • If threat is unable to be handled by officers on scene: Request immediate assistance. Upon requesting assistance, await said assistance before proceeding. Ensure your safety before ensuring the safety of others on scene.

Collecting Evidence

  • Crime scenes must be sealed off for evidence to be valid. Ensure non-security personnel do not enter the scene. Avoid cordoning off high-traffic areas unless a serious crime (such as murder or mutiny) has been committed. Permission from the relevant head of staff, head of security, or captain should be gained to cordon off high-traffic areas of specific departments.
  • If possible, cordoned off areas should still allow access around it, via maintenance tunnels, less area taped off, or other methods.
  • Autopsies are secondary to cloning of non-criminal employee bodies. Autopsies should be performed within the morgue after cloning attempts have been made.
  • Disrupt standard station operation as little as possible around the crime scene.
  • Investigative staff (Detective/Forensics) should be requested. Officers on scene are expected to ensure scene security until/during the arrival of/processing of the scene by investigative staff. If no investigative staff is available, officers are expected to secure evidence on scene.
  • Witness statements should be taken (either via recorder or on paper) and physical evidence should be secured.

Handling Evidence

  • Ensure gloves are worn to prevent contamination of evidence.
  • Items that can be, must be held in evidence bags for transportation.
  • Crime scene must be preserved until all evidence is collected.
  • After evidence is collected, cadavers may be removed to the morgue and area may be cleaned up.


Proceed as follows during the event of detainment:

  • Announce intention to arrest and charges vocally.
  • Request the suspect surrender peaceably
  • If suspect resists, attempt to handcuff. Verbal disagreement or swearing is not resisting. Verbal threats of violence, damage, or death are considered resisting arrest.
  • If suspects fight back or run, apply needed force to cease flight and detain suspect. A charge of resisting arrest should be applied in this case.
  • Remove suspect to brig for processing.

For witnessed major/violent crime:

  • Immediately attempt detainment of suspect, with charges read out when suspect is secured.
  • Remove suspect to brig for processing.


  • Ensure Warden is aware of incoming prisoner.
  • Bring prisoner to processing/booking room. Leave secured if violent/repeat offender.
  • Check prisoner’s pockets (coat/jumpsuit), pack, and any containers within pack.
  • Confiscate any contraband/evidence found. Note: Evidence must have pertinence to the case. If there is no direct correlation, evidence should be returned to person or respective department.
  • Inform the prisoners superior of the arrest.
  • Proceed to ‘Jailing’.


  • Questioning should be done in the brig. Booking/Processing is to be used for ‘informal’ interviews. Interrogation should be used in the case of more in depth investigations.
  • The Detective should get preference in questioning a suspect unless there's a good reason. A standard processing interview for an open and shut case is probably not worth their time, but it's always good to ask.
  • If the person is not a suspect, do not handle them as an offender (handcuffing, stunning, or flashing them is not okay).
  • Ensure usage of recorder during interrogations; ensure the suspect/prisoner/witness is aware they are being recorded. Ensure the suspect/prisoner/witness states their or has their name/occupation stated at the beginning of an interrogation.
  • If person remains uncooperative, make note of this. Seek advice from your Head of Security.


  • Move prisoner to appropriate cell.
  • Place personal items the prisoner was deemed able to keep upon release in cell locker.
  • Set cell timer to appropriate time and secure cell.
  • Remove handcuffs from prisoner’s person within secure cell if able to do so without severe risk to own wellbeing.
  • Ensure records are properly updated to reflect prisoner’s crimes/status.


  • When timer expires, an officer should always be present to escort former prisoner from the brig.

Permanent Holding

  • Bring prisoner to Prison Processing Area.
  • Have prisoner remove all items (barring ‘safe’ [no access] Identification Cards, PDAs, Radio Headsets [ensure additional cartridges/chips are removed from radios/PDAs]). In the event a prisoner is uncooperative or cannot be allowed out of handcuffs without threat to officers’ wellbeing, officers should assist the prisoner in assuming proper garb.
  • Transfer prisoner into permanent holding.

Notes: Prisoners moved into permanent holding should be checked on regularly. Heads of staff should also be informed of their Status.


  • Application of lethal force is often not the only solution to an issue. Lethal force should only be pursued if all other routes fail.
  • Do not needlessly escalate situations, you should be working to defuse any potential hostile situation, rather then resort to your weapons.
  • You are a Corporate Security Officer not a Police Officer or Entity of a Military. Your job is to ensure the safety of your corporation’s investment (I.E. Smooth operation of your assigned station).
  • Apply escalating force as deemed necessary by suspect’s actions. Minimal force as required by a situation should be applied.
  • Minimal force should be used at all appropriate times, but not at the risk of your own life.
  • Talk first (unless the suspect lets their weapons do the talking).
  • Heads of Department have the final say over their department (barring Central Command/Captain ruling).
  • Ensure access is properly cleared with Heads of Departments barring exceptional circumstances (i.e. major crime in progress).


Traitor security is a mixed bag. You can try planting evidence on your target (though make sure you don't put fingerprints on it yourself). Try putting the item in their hand first, and then removing it while you wear gloves, then stick it in their backpack. Theft shouldn't be too hard, and if you plant evidence on other people to make you seem like the "good cop" you should be fine. If things go wrong, you always have your trusty weapons.

Security Cadet

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Security Cadet

Руководители: Head of Security, Security Officer, all of Security
Сложность: Easy
Обязанности: Assist Security, stay out of trouble, read Corporate Regulations.
Руководства: Corporate Regulations
Доступ: Security, Brig Timers, Maintenance
Альтернативные названия: Отсутствуют


Security Cadet is the learners' role of Security. You are capable of upgrading to Security Officer by passing your 1 month training. You should play Cadet until you feel comfortable in the Security Department. Established characters shouldn't jump into this position outside of very unique circumstances or staff approval.

Security Department
Head of department Head of Security
Personnel Security Officer - Warden - Investigator
Useful guides Guide to Contraband - Corporate Regulations - Guide to Forensics - Guide to Cadavers
Jobs on Aurora
Command Captain - Executive Officer - Head of Security - Chief Engineer - Research Director - Chief Medical Officer - Operations Manager
Command Support Corporate Liaison - Consular Officer - Bridge Crewman
Security Security Officer - Warden - Investigator - Security Cadet
Engineering Engineer - Atmospheric Technician - Engineering Apprentice
Medical Surgeon - Physician - First Responder - Psychologist - Pharmacist - Medical Intern
Research Scientist - Xenobiologist - Xenobotanist - Lab Assistant
Operations Hangar Technician - Shaft Miner - Machinist
Service Assistant - Off-Duty Crewman - Passenger - Bartender - Chef - Chaplain - Librarian - Janitor - Botanist - Corporate Reporter
Non-human AI - Cyborg - Personal AI
Special Merchant - Ghost Roles