Corporate Reconstruction Zone

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    Formerly Solarian space, the Corporate Reconstruction Zone is the name for all systems occupied by the Republic of Biesel that are not within Tau Ceti's gravity well. These were occupied during the King of the World arc and its finale, and after the Solarian Alliance retracted all necessary support to them. Essentially, the Alliance cut these colonies' lifelines off, and only the Republic would step up to fill the void.

    The Zone, or the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, is an area of instability and logistical chaos where once-Alliance colonies exist in relative peace compared to the adjacent Human Wildlands. This is owed to two factors: the presence of the lingering Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, and the federal authority of the Republic of Biesel backing them up. To avoid the ire of the Conglomerate as well as dealing with its allies, warlords and other major antagonistic factions refrain from entering these territories.

    Within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, slow progress is being made to restore order and rebuild the territories under a Biesellite banner. Not all of the colonies here are fully subservient to the Biesellite rule. In fact, this varies purely on an individual basis. Many find the collapse of the Alliance to be pinned on Republic scheming, while others accept the newfound administration with open arms.

    Peacekeeper Mandate

    The announcement of the Peacekeeper Mandate by President Dorn in mid-October 2463 sparked demonstrations across the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, voicing their concerns over the deployment of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion. Largely considered to be one of the more controversial decisions made by the Dorn Administration, the Peacekeeper Mandate was introduced to wrangle the Corporate Reconstruction Zone under control, and ensure their loyalty to the Republic of Biesel, and subsequently the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. They were opposed by several insurgency groups, namely the Samaritans, and encountered mounting casualties across the Corporate Reconstruction Zone.

    Initially meant to operate for a definite period, the Peacekeeper Mandate has since been decided to operate indefinitely until the unrest experienced has been quelled. Whilst the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion was able to resist the insurgency groups, the Private Military Contracting Group was hired to support their operations, and have been contributing to the Peacekeeper Mandate significantly since their introduction to the Corporate Reconstruction Zone. It is unknown how the Corporate Reconstruction Zone will respond in the long run to the imperialist occupation of their planets, but the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has already begun to exploit its resources and inhabitants.

    Megacorporation Influence

    The Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has made strides in expanding itself within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, utilizing Mictlan as its regional headquarters within the somewhat stable territories. While there still exists some resistance to their presence, most have been satiated by the lucrative deals negotiated between the colonial governments and the megacorporations that dominated the Orion Spur. Development of infrastructure increased financial assistance, and much more have all been promised to those that align themselves with the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. Already, thousands of small businesses across the Corporate Reconstruction Zone have been cannibalized by the megacorporations - utilizing their manpower to fuel their expansion across the newly acquired territories.

    Insurgent Organizations

    • The Samaritans of Mictlan are an insurgency group founded on Mictlan shortly after the introduction of the Peacekeeper Mandate. They are led by Xiomara Salvo, previously enlisted within the Mictlan Defense Force, but was dishonourably discharged after having been discovered to be the primary proliferator of the seditious ideology that has engulfed the group. They are against both the Republic of Biesel, as well as the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, and have vowed to ensure that Mictlan does not become beholden to the megacorporations as Biesel has. They proved themselves a significant threat to the stability of the Corporate Reconstruction Zone after engaging with the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion several times, even managing to acquire military equipment from raided depots.
    • Yuyuan Neo-Anarchists are an anti-corporate organization that primarily engulfs New Yuyuan, and protested the Peacekeeper Mandate through civil disobedience; boycotts, sit-ins, marches and more. Despite their peaceful demonstrations, they were once engaged by the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, who responded with riot equipment. The New Yuyuan Riot quickly became ammo for those against the Republic of Biesel, with videos of brutalities committed by those within the organization being shared across several social media sites. The Neo-Anarchists have continued their civil disobedience attempts, claiming that continued demonstrations not of violent nature would garner more sway than militant behaviour seen on Mictlan with the Samaritans.
    • Renegades of Sekai are yet another seditious body of individuals that claim the Republic of Biesel is enforcing their way of life, violating the cultural traditions of Sekai’s natives. They engage in civil disobedience but have begun to undertake militant behaviours after the introduction of the Peacekeeper Mandate on Port Sekai. Dissimilar to the Samaritans, the Renegades of Sekai have instead opted to primarily commit clandestine attacks on the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, such as hacking and sabotaging the organization’s equipment and hardware. Port Sekai has become a considerable threat to control of the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, the ideologies within spreading to other colonies within close proximity. Despite the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion’s best attempts to quell the Renegades of Sekai, they have ultimately failed at every step of the way.

    Notable Locations

    • Mictlan is a regional superpower within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone, housing the central administrative headquarters of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate and their operations within the area. Despite this, Mictlan has also become a notable breeding ground for an insurgency group known as the Samaritans, an organization that has previously engaged the forces of the Peacekeeper Mandate as a sign to show their resistance to the occupation of their planet. More information regarding Mictlan can be located here.
    • The agricultural garden world of New Yuyuan has risen to prominence within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone due to a combination of its abundance of natural resources and the proliferation of an anti-corporate group that engages in civil disobedience in order to convey their wishes, referred to as the Yuyuan Neo-Anarchists. The Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has established several facilities across New Yuyuan, specifically Hephaestus Industries and Nanotrasen Corporation. Hephaestus Industries has invested heavily into resource extraction operations, mostly aimed at exploiting the titanium deposits on New Yuyuan, whilst Nanotrasen Corporation has begun investing in agricultural production to supply its subsidiary Getmore! Corporation, and ultimately the rest of the burdened colonies within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone.
    • Port Sekai is an underdeveloped oceanic world within the Corporate Reconstruction Zone on the border of the Coalition of Colonies and the Republic of Biesel, that mostly survives off of its tourism industry. It has become somewhat notable due to the Renegades of Sekai, a seditious group that wishes for Port Sekai to either secede to the Coalition of Colonies or become independent. They have made it significantly harder for the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate to establish a presence on the planet, but Idris Incorporated has already devoted itself to uplifting the fledgling tourism industry into something that may even rival Silversun.