The Fleet Of The Srom

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  • The Fleet of the Srom

    The Fleet of the Srom (FOTS) was rediscovered in 2460 CE and is a generation fleet that launched in the year 2032 CE. The original launch of the fleet included a small guidance vessel; the Zi'Quarq. The Zi'Pluax was discovered by a Qukala member who entered the Srom. Upon entry the Qukala agent noted an increased lack of activity; something that was exceedingly rare within the Traverse. This is what lead to Qukala agents scouting the surrounding area and locating the defunct Zi'Pluax. Upon re-contacting the Zi'Pluax, Jargon Qukala members were surprised to find more than three quarters of its members asleep within cryostorage and only a small number of stewards attending to the helm, cryogenic bay, and hydroponics garden. Members of the bridge crew were equally shocked to see the Qukala. Bridge crew relayed that shortly after the launch of the Zi'Pluax they experienced a major systematic failure in the majority of their equipment, including hydroponics and communication terminals; the sudden failure caused the fleet to lose the ability to sustain itself or call for aid. During this time, contact was also lost with the Zi'Quarq and it has still not been found. Due to their situation, for over 400 years the crew of the Zi'Pluax have been within rotations of cryosleep, and by extension, crewmembers have been within The Srom for extended periods of time. This has led to a newfound cultural identity forming within the Zi'Pluax and being universally adopted by all of its members.

    Since contact, the Zi'Pluax has declared independence from the Jargon Federation due to their culture and practices being declared deductive by the state, and while under Jargon law the fleet members are recognized as Jargon citizens, they experience little to no interruption from the government beyond preventative surveillance. The fleet command has declined help from the Federation outside of having their communications restored; repairs to the hydroponics bays were denied by fleet command. Members of the Zi'Pluax will often leave the fleet for mandated cultural work from the ages of 100-200, something that has recently been ordered by the bridge crew of the Zi'Pluax, in hopes of attracting more members to the fleet. This can be shocking and disorienting for the Dreamer who has been disconnected from the ship’s Srom and they will often find themselves oversleeping while performing their cultural studies abroad.

    OOC Note: Only Skrell are allowed to be from the FOTS. Members from the fleet living out in the Spur outside of the ages 100-200 are incredibly rare and will most likely be considered deserters by fleet command. Skrell from the FOTS living abroad has only been a thing for the past 4 years due to their recent discovery. Members of the FOTS are expected to take Jargon Citizenship in character set-up even though the Fleet does not recognize Jargon as their home entity.


    All members of the fleet are referred to as what is colloquially known as "Dreamers". While the crewman of the Zi'Pluax would refer to their culture as the true path of Weishii they understand and accept the name "Dreamer". Jargon does not recognize the Dreamers and has deemed their cultural practices as an unsanctioned offshoot of the Weishii faith and a deductive behaviour under the social credit system; mainly due to its practices regarding oversleeping. Zi'Pluax members focus on the Srom and its relation to the Skrell psyche and psionic capabilities. When Dreamers enter the Srom they will often ritualistically cover their faces. What started as merely affixing oxygen masks within the cryogenic systems evolved to hold great cultural importance; with Dreamers often creating their own masks. Showing an individual your own face is Srom is seen as something deeply personal to members of the Zi'Pluax and is only done with those who are deemed especially close. Many Dreamers believe that the inner-mind, the one who inhabits the Srom, is the true self while the outer-body, the one that is awake in real life, is merely a constrained vessel. This means that the face of the Dreamer when in Srom is seen as the true manifestation of their soul; something worth gaurding.

    Due to their culture, Dreamers treat the Srom very differently than the average Skrell. For instance, these Dreamers have spent such an abundance of time within the Srom that they have begun to form a rudimentary hivemind; albeit not in a literal sense. While their minds are not linked, the effects of the Srom on lying have allowed these members to know virtually everything about each other. Elder Dreamers often refer to themselves as “Disciples of the Srom” due to the amount of power they hold over the scenery and landscape within. The amount of information that is known between Dreamers allows them to easily conjure a near replica of any deceased individual through "Srom Manipulation"; something they call an "Elegy". These elegies are thought to be the true manifestation of the deceased individual's soul by the Dreamers and will not wear a mask whilst in the Srom; this is due to their sould being released from it's worldly "vessel" and becoming free. While many scientists of the Federation believe that these elegies are merely a hollow shell of memories with no proper soul, the Dreamers believe that the individual has persisted even after death; this is often also seen as a cultural reverence for their ancestors and those who passed. Dreamers are often very respectful of their elders and superiors; both living and deceased.

    The Containment Zone

    A door leading to a Containment Zone checkpoint aboard the Zi'Pluax generational ship.

    Many Skrell of the Zi'Pluax were not able to grow accustomed to the constant cryogenic stasis and developed what fleet members called the "Punished Mind". These members were actively sought out and moved to the ships detention area, something locally called the "Containment Zone", so that they would not interrupt the daily workings of the Zi'Pluax. The lower levels of the ship's detention area was converted to stop the transmission of psionics to those in the general populace above. Much like the rest of the ship, this zone has living quarters, defunct hydroponics bays, and general service corridors. Much of it has gone into disrepair due to the lack of tools and supplies that are allocated to the area. It is said that those of Punished Mind actively poisoned the Skrell psyche with their negative emotions and ideals; causing dark figures to spread throughout the Srom and anxiety to penetrate the Wake.

    Stewards of the Zi'Pluax would often have to take rotations watching over the Containment Zone entrance to ensure that none of the individuals inside were able to penetrate the barrier. They would dispense what little food and rations were designated to those contained while also seeing keeping an eye on the sub-level. Some say that the madness encased within the Containment Zone is enough to breach the metals and effect those who slumbered close to the border. Fleet command ensured that the stewards assigned to the Containment Zone were of strong psionic aptitude to resist the madness within. Stewards also noted that a crude hierarchy formed within the Containment Zone in which the strong survived and the weak were looked down upon.

    During the year 2404 CE punished minds of the Containment Zone staged a rebellion in an attempt to breach containment. Those of punished mind were able to breach the first checkpoint while all stewards in the localized area were activated and sent to the Containment Zone with weaponry from the ship's armory. Due to the overwhelming firepower and overall organization of the stewards, the rebellion was quashed. There were no losses from the Stewards; however, the Containment Zone losses have never been officially counted or released by the fleet command.

    Fleet Roles

    Fleet Command / Bridge Crew

    These members of the Zi'Pluax were afforded the bridge hydroponics system and cryogenic bay. Their quality of life is said to be above average with an equal split of time spent within the Srom and awake. Fleet command are responsible for all policy changes and fleet scheduling. To disobey the fleet command is a punishable offense that could warrant removal to the Containment Zone. Members of fleet command are either birthed into the position or have remained in the position since the ship's maiden voyage. Fleet command are not mandated to go on cultural exchange; however, some members may opt to do so.

    Disciple of the Srom

    Disciples of the Srom are members who are aged 200 or over who live in a cryogenic pod for at least 90% of the day. Once a cultural exchange member returns to the fleet they will be awarded with this title. These Disciples are considered Elders of the Zi'Pluax and are given great respect from the younger members of the fleet. Their needs and wants are taken care of by the Stewards on a day-to-day basis. Elder disciples can volunteer to head a detachment of Stewards within the Containment Zone checkpoint to guard against Srom and Wake poisoning if they see fit.

    Cultural Exchange Member

    Cultural Exchange members are all Skrell aged 100-200 who were ordered by the bridge crew of the Zi'Pluax to perform mandatory cultural exchange work in hopes of attracting more members to the fleet. Skrell who disobey this order are sent to the Containment Zone until further evaluation. This can be shocking and disorienting for the Dreamer who has been disconnected from the ship’s Srom and they will often find themselves oversleeping while performing their cultural studies abroad.

    Steward / Dreamer

    Stewards see to the daily operations of the fleet and ensure that the remaining hydroponics bays, including those on the bridge, are being as productive as possible. They will often have a 75-25 split with the majority of their time being in the general populace's cryogenic bay. Stewards of strong psionic aptitude could also be designated to keep watch over the Containment Zone to ensure that a breach, psionic or otherwise, does not happen. A steward will not disobey fleet command; if they do so, they run the risk of being sent to the Containment Zone.

    Punished Minds

    These Skrell are members of the fleet whose minds were deemed "too poisonous" to join the general population; causing dark visages to penetrate the shared dream of the fleet. Punished Minds are locked away in the Containment Zone in an attempt to curb their psionic influence. Those of the Punished Mind are evaluated every 20 years to see if their condition has improved. These evaluations take place within a checkpoint that is heavily guarded by stewards. If sizeable improvement is found they may be reintegrated into the general populace. However, reintegration is rare as the Containment Zone was not built to rehabilitate.