Notable Skrell

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  • For as long as records have been kept to attest to one's actions, Skrell society has been riddled with outstanding individuals who made their mark on history in ways both big and small. Not every grand figure receives the recognition they may deserve, and the stories of many of Nralakk's finest and bravest minds go unsung. From the Ancient Era of Qerrbalak's fractured lands to the modern days of the unifying Jargon Federation, there have been, and always will be, a lucky few who were able to change their worlds and be remembered by the people whose lives they changed.


    Ehin Yuxtol

    Birthdate : January 14th 2210 BCE

    Deathdate : August 1st 2001 BCE

    A prominent gastrologist that developed the theory of Ehin Diagram, a pillar of Skrell Society (alongside history). Their work is also known for its influence across the Jargon Federation - being one of the first Skrell to receive the Weishii Award. Hatched by a Quya of botanists around Regluk'Qlip, who promptly taught the Skrell the sum of their knowledge, lead to the humble first steps of Ehin's journey to become one of the most renowned gastrologists throughout the entirety of Skrell History. Records reflect that they were accepted to the Qwklip University of Scientific Research in 2120 BCE, where they soon saw their name rise to idol status shortly after their graduation as their dissertation spread virally across Qerrbalak. Their dissertation regarding nutritional value of Skrell Cuisine remains a widely taught topic - still engrained within Skrell Society millennia after their death.

    Lori'Eldap Joolro'Loveq

    Birthdate : May 5th 1901

    Joolro'Loveq is the oldest living Skrell in existence -- Born in 1901, they are the Head Teacher of the Aliose University of Medical Sciences. They are treated hourly with chemicals - and have had several organ surgeries. They are capable of standing for a few minutes, and has famously met the oldest Human in existence several times - and continues to meet the oldest human every time the current oldest dies.


    Wreshin Tup

    Birthdate : ???

    Deathdate : ???

    Wreshin Tup is the given name of a legendary soldier, philosopher, and poet reputed to have been active from approximately 1800 BCE to 800 BCE. The anthologies of Wreshin Tup are extensive and describe many events, but give little to no insight on their early life. Records believed to date as far back as 1800 BCE describe them as a lone Skrell who travelled between the various governments of Qerrbalak in the hopes of offering counsel. From this humble beginning, Wreshin would eventually find themselves to be the leader of a social movement promoting the importance of individual life. Ironically, this respect for individual liberties attracted a small, yet highly skilled, group of militants to support them.

    Discrepancies in recorded accounts of the figure vary in regards to their description and demeanour along with their alleged lifespan (which was well beyond the expected lifespan of Skrell at the time) suggest that Wreshin Tup was not a single person. While it is accepted among historians that multiple Skrell took up the mantle of Wreshin Tup during the millennium of its usage, the exact number is unclear and remains a popular point of speculation among scholars.

    Xuq’mqix Volq

    Birthdate : December 12th 2001

    Deathdate : November 1st 2305

    Xuq'mqix Volq was a renowned Linguistics Professor within the Jargon Federation. Born on Aliose almost half a century before the rise of Glorsh-Omega, their education in Linguistics would further allow them to create a rebel language that Glorsh-Omega would not capable of understanding - shielding their plans from any intrusion, being hailed as one of few methods that greatly assisted the efforts.

    Professor Volq would then go on to create the Xuq Translator - a device which can only be described as an extremely advanced Enigma Machine capable of deciphering languages. It would go on to assist in numerous diplomatic negotiations, and be installed in almost every Jargon Federation Vessel by 2298 CE. Professor Volq was awarded, post-humorously, for their efforts in both the Glorsh Rebellion and the creation of the Xuq Translator.

    Ockq Oona

    Birthdate : May 8th 2301

    Ockq Oona, is a revolutionary Skrell known by many as the founding member of the Raqa'Nuul. Their origins are typical for most Skrell revolutionaries throughout the Jargon Federation - born within the Estuaries of the Traverse, it wasn't long until external influences prompted the awakening on the Skrell. They bided them time, even gathering accredited degrees in various fields at Mars University, before they commenced operations against the Federation. Slowly, Oona built support for their cause with the help of other Skrell and non-Skrell, eventually building sizable community of "hacktivists". Many describe Oona as more robot than Skrell due to their numerous augments.

    The Latent

    Birthdate : ???

    Not much is known about The Latent, with only vague pieces of information disseminating across the sub-faction of the Resistance in which they lead. Rumours persist about their appearance; both tall and short, light-complexioned but also dark-complexioned. In reality, few ever get to meet The Latent, and those that do are considered the highest of the Oqolk-Kora order, who swear on their own lives to protect the identity of their leader. The Jargon Federation has openly stated that reporting any known information about the Oqolk-Kora Leader will result in an increased social credit score.

    Ju'qoli Yeeboq

    Birthdate : Feburary 14th 2287

    Ju’qoli Yeeboq, or ‘Ju’qoli Qu’, literally ‘Ju’Qoli The Bright’, is a Skrell stargazer and rebel, who’s ultimate goal is to usher in an age of rebellion through the reading and understanding of celestial events. Ju’qoli often transmits on public Skrell frequencies, which are subjugated by the larger government, but some pirate transmissions or saved broadcasts are circulated through extranet channels. They speaks of a coming age where the Skrell who follow the ‘true path’ will be rewarded with freedom, and the cosmos will ‘open up’ to them. Ju’qoli has also seemingly convinced multiple Dionae of this, as well, and usually counts some in their ranks.


    Birthdate : ???



    Weashbi Jrugl

    Birthdate : July 24th 2357

    Weashbi Jrugl was born on the Skrell homeworld in 2357 CE to a doctor and an engineer in the ruins of a city between Heshy’Qlip and Xyla. As they grew up, they gained a drive to learn as much as they could about the animals and people of their homeworld. They became a skilled mathematician by necessity and helped distributors in their community plan and distribute resources efficiently. In 2377 CE, they applied and was accepted to the Gliutip’lyaz University. They rose to the challenge of the rigorous schooling environment and social setting of Gliutip’lyaz University and left the school in 2400 CE as a much more skilled and well-connected individual.

    Jrugl worked as a xenobiologist for a short thirteen years before Skrell made first contact with humanity. They were one of many xenobiologists who took a quick interest in Humanity, and it was not long before they had released their first research paper on the strange alien species. His interest was piqued again with the discovery of Tajara. They worked with gusto to produce papers and compile research so that every Skrell in the Federation could learn about these aliens if they had an interest. This pattern of discovery and research went on for many years, making Jrugl a well-known xenobiologist over the span of a few decades.

    Jrugl came to work alongside humans quite a bit, both as a means of comparing notes and interacting with their strange cultures. In early 2451 CE, Jrugl attended an event in which a Sol Alliance ambassador bragged about the amazing capabilities of their AI. The ambassador claimed that an AI had found the highest prime number possible. Annoyed and proud as they were, Jrugl used their mathematical know-how along with strategies they had learned during their decades of study to quickly prove the ambassador wrong. Weashbi Jrugl, in a fit of stubbornness, had discovered a new “highest known prime number” in only a few hours.

    Jrugl was already a well-known xenobiologist, but this stunt involving prime numbers launched them into a borderline ridiculous celebrity status. The Grand Councillor of the time commended their work, as did most Skrell across the galaxy. Politicians moved for the ruins Jrugl was born in to be renamed in honour of Weashbi Jrugl. Jrugl found the decision to be in poor taste, so the ruins were instead renamed in honour of Jrugl’s ancestors. The area is known today as the Jrugl’Qlip Ruins, and reclamation efforts have started to make the area’s outskirts into a thriving community.

    When it came time for a new Grand Councillor to be chosen by popular vote, Weashbi Jrugl won by a landslide. Skrell across the galaxy knew them by reputation and their work, so they chose them to represent their interests in the Grand Council. Since then, Jrugl has pursued many ambitious goals. Most notable of these goals is their administration’s work to reintegrate systems which were not present for the Tresja Agreement back into the Jargon Federation.

    Tiipis Yla

    Birthdate : January 31st 1969

    Deathdate : June 6th 2305

    Tiipis Yla was the first Grand Councillor of the Jargon Federation but also an author, guerrilla leader and diplomat. Tiipis rose to prominence after actively voicing their resistance to the Glorsh-Omega, somehow evading the tyrannical intelligence through a myriad of different methods; nlom-invisibility being a primary one. Their spearheading of the revolt against Glorsh-Omega is what got them elected as the first Grand Councillor with the introduction of the artificial intelligence ban within Jargon Federation securing their position until their death almost a century after coming into power.

    Vraka Xora-Nel

    Birthdate : November 10th 2389

    Director Vraka Xora-Nel of Xomor, an institution established to provide the Jargon Federation with spacecraft. Xora-Nel rose through the ranks of the Qukala, and has secured over sixty years of experience amongst the stars - making them the perfect individual to lead Xomor. Routinely designing, and then pushing, their spacecraft beyond the breaking point in order to uncover additional understanding of their designs. They are considered to be the 8th wealthiest individual within the Jargon Federation as of December 31st 2462, with an estimated net worth of CR110.7 billion. They completed their education at the New Seoul Combat Training Centre on Earth.

    Xul Lurg

    Birthdate : April 3rd 2063

    Xul Lurq is Chancellor of Qerr'Zolvq, an enterprise responsible for all aspects of power generation and resource extraction. Considered the 26th richest individual within the Jargon Federation as of December 31st 2462, with an estimated net worth of CR47.1 billion. They are also the owner of various agricultural sectors throughout the Jargon Federation. They are a graduate of the Gliutip’lyaz University, where they studied for approximately sixty-nine years. Lurq has gone on to donate millions of credits to the Gliutip’lyaz University, as well to charities throughout the Orion Spur.

    Nalo Gir-Roq

    Birthdate : March 29th 2301

    Nalo Gir-Roq is Overseer of Tuz'qlip Ylebus, an enterprise established to manage all aspects of Research, Development and Healthcare across the entirety of the Federation. Gir-Roq is the 10th richest individual within the Jargon Federation as of December 31st 2462, with an estimated net worth of CR101.2 billion. They are widely recognized as a pioneer in genetic treatments, discovering experimental methods to alleviate the damage done by the genophage almost three centuries ago. They are a graduate of the Aliose University of Medical Sciences, and routinely teach at the institution.

    Alot Sonq

    Birthdate : July 12th 2400

    Alot Sonq presides over Nralakk Qu-Qloit, an enterprise aimed to deal with the logistics of the Jargon Federation. The reasoning for such a young Skrell to be in such an elevated position is due to their efforts in inventing the bluespace communications devices. Communications are instant, and can cross dozens of light-years before beginning to fade and gargle. Alongside their invention, and position as President of Nralaak Qu-Qloit, Sonq has managed to amass enough wealth to be considered the 23rd most wealthiest individual within the Jargon Federation as of December 31st 2462, with an estimated net worth of CR51.8 billion. They completed their education at the Qerr'Malic Technical Institution.


    Rixulin Fliioux’Quualt

    Birthdate : Feburary 14th 1898

    Deathdate : October 27th 2056

    Rixulin Fliioux’Quualt was a famous artist, sculptor, and fashion designer known throughout Skrell space. Born in 1898 CE in the city Juerlduern on Qerrbalak, Rixulin was very social in their childhood. As they grew up, they questioned common themes and motifs in Skrell art. They believed that art, like all things, needed to evolve and change over time. In their mind, what mattered most was creating emotions and passion in people through their work.

    His early artwork is very similar to the works of their contemporary artists, but this changed dramatically over their lifetime. They studied historical artforms in their youth and published several theories regarding the evolution of art across the ages and where it would go in the future. They became famous, first, for their avant-garde statues. They sculpted Skrell in daring, proud poses and used multiple kinds of stone in each of their works. The final result was that each statue was drastically different from each other, each being made of materials of varying colours. This style, at first, was met largely with disgust. Many critics claimed their work was shoddy, and believed the different colours across each statue’s body made them look gaudy and garish.

    Where Rixulin found their popularity was in the youth of the mid-1900s. Young minds saw the outlandish and daring nature of their work, and it inspired them to work in ways which had not been done before. After a team of young researchers attributed their medical breakthroughs to inspiration from Rixulin’s work in 1974 CE, the artist’s many works of art received the attention they deserved. This began a movement of art known to Skrell as Hyper-expressiveness, and soon the avant-garde nature of Rixulin’s work became a thriving sub-culture throughout Skrell space.

    The abilities of Notable Skrell on the Zrose Chart, according to their psionic capacity.