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  • The industrial heart of the Izweski Nation, Tret is a planet in the Uueoa-Esa system that resembles a gigantic factory due to Vaurca intervention. Tret is entirely encased by machinery, appearing more as an artificial structure due to its fuming hardware. The production capabilities of Tret have been essential for the Unathi race in their recently-entered Bluespace Age. Tret also serves as the capital of the K’lax Hive, ruled by Overlord Zkaii. Although Vaurcae are the main sapients on the planet, Tret is sometimes considered the “third colony” by Moghesian Unathi.


    Astronomical documentation of the planet Tret can be traced back to the period of the First Hegemony when the court scientists became the first to observe the planet’s orbit. Early Unathi astronomers believed the planet to be a small star or a sunspot. For some, Omzoli and Tret were thought to be either twin planets or two unique orbit trajectories for the same world.

    The first Unathi telescope was built in the early 18th century by the tradesmen of the University of Ma’ha’rem. Astronomical tools were rapidly revamped, further allowing a better study of the Uueoa-Esa system. During this period, Borsk Kizar—a descendant of the pioneer astronomer Kizar Yiuz’ku—was the first to observe the iconic massive crater on the planet’s surface, christened Kysne’kizar after him.

    In the early Third Hegemony, when scientists began to dream about yet-distant space colonization, Ouerea became the obvious candidate due to its similarities to Moghes. As a result, further investigation of Tret became scant and considered less attractive than the habitable Ouerea.

    Prior to the Contact War, an exploratory probe was sent to Tret. While the machine never returned to Moghes, valuable information was gathered during its active period. Mainly, Unathi discovered a rich metallic surface.

    Following the Contact War, Hephaestus Industries became interested in mining Tret’s resources. The planet was leased, and operations formally began in 2453. However, the underdeveloped Unathite infrastructure led to a slow expansion in Tret. Hephaestus established a shipping shuttle and introduced automated mining, while a permanent station was built near the planet.

    Controversially, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski granted Tret to the K’lax Hive in 2459. Despite the emerging conflict of interests, the Hive and the megacorporation reached an agreement known as the Ksyne’kizar Economic Treaty. Today, while most of the current Tret infrastructure is built and operated by the K’lax Hive, they have gains of roughly 17 percent due to reinvestments in growing the planet's facilities. Many believe it is Hephaestus and the Hegemony that truly benefit the most from the treaty, both of whom get a large portion of the profit. The Hegemony receives these credits in tithe and Hephaestus in both support costs and exuberant transport fees in exchange for providing freighters with which to move the manufactured goods out to the Spur.


    Before K’lax arrival, Tret was characterized as a barren, lifeless rock. Due to its unique orbit, most of the planet receives heavy radiation from Uueoa-Esa, the system’s star. The poles are permanently in darkness and have a very different temperature than the rest of the planet. On these poles, the only water deposits of the planet were found completely frozen.

    While these factors were significant for the small-scale operations on the planet’s surface, the complete transformation of Tret by the K’lax Hive has deemed them irrelevant. Today, no areas of Tret’s surface are visible to the naked eye. Instead, narrow metal passages, many poorly lit, connect the megastructure’s sectors.

    The inside of Tret is varied depending on the sector. Most of them are used for industrial purposes, while some were made acclimated for living. Only a few areas of Tret are equipped with oxygen, known as “Oasis bubbles” by the unfortunate Unathi and human workers. By far the most hostile areas of Tret are the giant forgeries, with only a few specialized Bioforms able to tolerate the extreme heat.

    The outside areas of Tret’s machinery are covered entirely by solar panels. These panels serve as an auxiliary power source. The reflective nature of the panels makes Tret appear as a radiant star in the Moghesian sky. During some seasons of Moghes, nights have become shorter, as Tret’s brightness impedes the dusk.

    Space debris quickly accumulates around Tret’s thin atmosphere. After three months, litter covers the entire planet, turning the solar panels useless. To combat this, the K’lax Hive periodically moves the debris closer to the sun, sometimes igniting the waste inside the star. Nonetheless, most of the space debris remains close to the planet, colliding with Pid’s asteroid fields.


    Tret is most well known for its massive industrial output, primarily in ore, refined materials, and—more recently—miscellaneous goods ranging from spare parts and pharmaceuticals to tools for the Hegemony navy, terraforming equipment, and even canned foodstuffs to be shipped to Moghes or beyond. The production of these goods is massively sped up by the presence of Uta'ka'yat, or All-Factories—not unlike the ones later created on Luthien by the Zo'ra Hive—which are extremely adaptable facilities capable of producing masses of goods very easily, limited only by size.

    The most noticeable difference between an all-factory and a traditional super factory is not production speed but rather that they can be re-tooled almost instantly to fulfill orders, with one factory capable of swapping from making canned food to producing consumer electronics in a matter of minutes, depending on how the demand and supply orders change. On Sedantis, this feature was essential considering the often very limited space that would be used by setting up multiple factories to produce items. This has resulted in what many outsiders view as a chaotic production environment, with only Bound Vaurcae, specifically created for the job, said to be able to keep tabs on exactly what is being produced at any given time. Hephaestus workers trying to keep track are often bamboozled as graphs and charts have massive changes right in front of their eyes, and freighter crews are given last-minute instructions to pick up completely different cargo than what they came for, although only very rarely does this apparent disorganization lead to problems. Due to the K'lax Hive having no vessels of its own, these same freighter crews allow the Hegemony and the corporation to exercise greater economic control over the planet.

    While the Hive may produce as many goods as it desires, if only a certain amount is shipped, no credits will be made from the end product. As such, these two parties can often gain a far greater cut than they otherwise would in artificially expensive transport fees caused by “dangerous conditions.” Seeing as the alternative is not being able to get exports off-world, the Hive has seemingly accepted this as a way of doing business, exploitative though it may be.

    The majority of facilities on the surface, and in many cases below it, are staffed by thousands of Bound Vaurcae who perform the same simple tasks on a daily basis. When this would be impractical, or a task requires more free thought, K'lax, and sometimes even Unathi or Human workers, are used. Hephaestus is well aware of the risk and poor conditions associated with the planet for these staff and offers generous pay, good injury compensation plans, healthcare, and typically short contracts, allowing them to work for a handful of months before shifting elsewhere. These workers are primarily used for staffing facilities during a Bound shortage, excavating mining equipment that has collapsed, transporting freight, tracking down transports that failed to arrive on time, or staffing the Neutron Forge and associated super factory in orbit.

    All of this comes together to make Tret the industrial heart of the Hegemony, producing both a grand amount of credits and supporting further K'lax technological production. More recently, the planet, which typically exported much more to the wider Spur, has turned towards supporting Moghes as the phoron crisis deepens.

    Neutron Forge

    A moderately sized foundry orbiting Tret, designed by a collaboration between K’lax Lesser Queen Vetju and Hephaestus Industries Research and Development teams. The ambitious project was first unveiled late in 2461. Whilst dwarfed in sheer size by many of Hephaestus' other Orbital Super Factories and its production lines being only capable of refining raw resources such as steel, gold, and uranium, its most notable feature is the inclusion of an experimental K’lax Neutron Forge at the center.

    Originally used on Sedantis as a critical way of producing resources that could not be harvested efficiently from the crust of the planet or mass-produced through other methods within the confined caves, the Neutron Forge is capable of disassembling phoron and reconstructing it on a molecular level into other objects, often in a stronger form than traditional refining. Unfortunately, despite Vetju’s and her Workers' best efforts, the original designs are currently unfeasible to create due to the incredible cost of both constructing and maintaining them. Unwilling and unable to divert so much work away from ensuring the survival of her brood, this new version of the Neutron Forge is only capable of producing raw resources and consumes an astronomical amount of phoron. In spite of this, both Hephaestus and the K’lax Hive considered its launch a success worthy of celebration, helping further tighten the bonds between the two.

    The manufactory is staffed by a large group of both Vaurcae and Unathi who work tirelessly to maintain the forge, supply it with phoron, refine the resources that come from within it, and transport them to their destinations, typically other Hephaestus’ facilities within the Hegemony and beyond. The forge ran without ceasing until 2463 when it began to feel the effects of the Phoron crisis. Many of the factory’s staff were laid off within the first few months of the crisis, and more redundancies are expected as phoron becomes scarce. Despite this, it is producing nearly a fifth of the Spur’s plasteel and borosilicate glass, materials typically difficult to create in extreme quantities.


    The large, malleable facilities on Tret allow for the colossal factory to have one of the highest gross domestic products in the Orion Spur. Nevertheless, due to the nature of the Ksyne’kizar Economic Treaty, profits are mainly enjoyed by Hephaestus Industries and the Izweski Hegemony, not the K’lax Hive. Consequently, what could be the most stable Vaurcae economy is dwarfed in performance by the other Hives, who have reached a more qualitative agreement with third parties.

    Tret is one of the largest exporters in the galaxy. The K’lax Hive is often required to aggressively increase its position as a primary manufacturer in order to keep Tret sustainable. As a result, Tret labor is inexpensive, as an invitation for foreign states to use the planet’s industry instead of their local facilities. The cheapness of many Tret-made products has gained a bad reputation across the Spur, with the phrase “made in Tret” used as a pejorative for low quality.

    Life on Tret

    Life on Tret is difficult. The poor conditions and long shifts have drastically reduced Bound Vaurcae’s life expectancy. Once considered some of the best-maintained members of the species, Tretian Bound live up to ten months due to their hazardous environment. More often than not, Workers repeat the same menial tasks without any respite until they drop dead.

    Although Vaurcae do not require many luxuries, the living sectors are considered unhygienic, breeding grounds for malaise and social disruption. K’lax Queens, wishing to prevent a situation similar to Mendell City’s Flagsdale, have set up the living camps as temporary facilities, disarmed periodically, and all of its members relocated. Resettlement often attempts to keep hive-cells together, but members may be separated if the Hive deems it necessary.

    Aliens in Tret are never permanently accommodated and are employed only temporarily. Some humans and Unathi see working a few months on Tret as an opportunity to seek better economic opportunities. However, shortly after their arrival, sophonts frequently regret their decision. In many cases, long-term or multiple visits to Tret may result in depression, anxiety, and agoraphobia.

    The brutality of Tret’s sweatshops has been denounced by the galactic community, especially politicians who hold anti-Vaurca sentiments. As a part of a Zo’rane smear campaign against the K’lax Hive, many Biesellite products now contain “Vaurca-cruelty free” labels, swinging the public perception of Tretian goods as unethical.


    A logistical issue the K'lax Hive had to resolve when colonization of the planet truly got into operation was how best to manage the movement of sapients across what would become the winding factory surface. Whilst shuttles seemed the obvious option to many K'lax and Hephaestus workers, simulations showed that the amount required would only add more congestion to the already overcrowded skies. K'laxian engineers proposed many solutions, but the one that gained the most steam was the Tyik'Opakt, or "Vacuum Train System." Not unlike similar human designs, the train uses magnetic levitation inside vacuum tunnels to accelerate to extremely high speeds, so much so that they can cross the entire surface of Tret in a little over an hour.

    Several years after first being proposed, vacuum trains are now the most prevalent form of transportation on Tret. Train lines and their tunnels create an ever-expanding criss-cross on maps, moving alongside and over one another in a complicated pattern, and transport not only takes workers from one location to another but is the backbone of moving supplies to and from spaceports to be picked up and utilized or transported off-world by Hephaestus freighters. Many of these trains are crowded and illuminated with dim light if any, created primarily for usage by the Vaurca majority of the planet who prefer such conditions, but a few do exist that provide more amicable conditions for the other sentients that occupy the planet.


    Experts determined early in its colonization by Hive K'lax that Tret would be extremely power-hungry. While some of this initial energy could come from existing Hephaestus infrastructure and an abundance of solar panels coating buildings, a more permanent solution would need to be devised before long as factories swelled in size and the barren rock was industrialized. This solution would come in the form of Tyu'kata, or "Radiant-energy spires," large towering structures that dominate the nearby cityscapes. These contraptions work by capturing bursts of gamma radiation emitting from the local star and turning it into energy at an extremely efficient rate, enough to sate the energy appetites of the rapidly growing web of machines. This general idea was originally implemented by a K'laxian engineer on Sedantis, who suggested striking such towers up through the roof of the caverns to the radioactive surface, which was employed to much success. The modern version of Tret is considered an iteration of these original designs.

    Hazard Rating

    Tret is separated into sectors by a system known as the "Hazard Rating," which measures the location's danger levels. The higher the risk an individual is willing to take, the higher the pay. This rating is done from 0 to 5, with 0 being completely liveable for humans and 5 being near instant death for anyone other than highly-specialized Vaurcae. Most locations on the planet fall somewhere in the 2 or 3 categories. These hazard ratings and associated hazard pay help balance the distribution of company staff across the planet and help minimize—although not stop—poor behavior in higher-risk quadrants. After all, it is the employees' choice to work in these locations, and they receive adequate payment, which more often than not reflects that.

    Notable locations

    Ksyne’kizar/Kizar’s Crater (Hazard Rating 0)

    Unlike other areas on the planet, Tret’s primary crater was domed and better preserved due to historical purposes. Hephaestus Industries originally selected Ksyne’kizar to build an amenity surface base, much like the lunar cities in the Sol system. The project was halted in 2459 with little infrastructure prepared—nothing much beyond a local gravity generator, oxygen systems, and a reinforced borosilicate dome.

    Since the arrival of the K’lax Hive, Ksyne’kizar was chosen as the de facto capital. Nonetheless, preparing the rest of the planet’s infrastructure was a more pressing issue, and the crater remained undeveloped beyond the Royal Chambers. After the unveiling of the Zo’rane city of New Sedantis in late 2463, the K’lax Hive placed more effort into creating its own cosmopolitan capital, a strange sight amidst Tret’s industrial maze.

    Preparations for the Ksyne’kizar are far from being finished. However, the city's surface is marketed toward human and Unathi visitors. Although the Hive does not expect major tourism to occur in Tret, Ksyne’kizar is a corporate haven, ready to host any important events that may occur on the planet’s surface. Currently, the main plaza of Ksyne’kizar’s surface has remnants of Tret’s original exploring probe.

    The subterranean part of Ksyne’kizar is by far more developed. Nevertheless, the desire for Queen Tupii to create a lavish atmosphere continues to demand more labor on a planet that already runs at maximum capacity. The design of Ksyne’kizar’s wonders, following traditional Vaurca masonry, is uncharacteristic of the otherwise utilitarian configuration of the planet.

    Alpha Station Euthenia (Hazard Rating 0)

    Considered the base of operations for Hephaestus Industries, the Alpha Station Euthenia is located in Tret’s orbit. To properly compensate its workers, Hephaestus provides most of the modern amenities in Euthenia, including a video games room, sports facilities, a movie theater, and the largest holodeck in the region.

    Human and Unathi workers only have a four-day workweek. Nonetheless, their shifts tend to be long and exhausting. Furthermore, as mining operations are far from the planet’s orbit, most workers must stay in the Beta Station Soteria or camp in one of the emergency temporary facilities. For this reason, Hephaestus emphasizes the need for a relaxed environment inside the Alpha Station, where employees may make the most out of their spare time.

    Beta Station Soteria (Hazard Rating 1)

    Soteria is a surface station to which most Vacuum Train System routes connect. Though Soteria staffers live inside here for extended periods, most visiting workers only occupy the station’s chambers during their workdays. It is modestly equipped and described as “utilitarian” by the megacorporation.

    While considered a haven by many of the miners and prospectors during their expeditions, Soteria is not entirely safe. Due to its position near the planet’s radiation belt, some areas may be required to be evacuated periodically. Additionally, collapses have been known to create breaches in the past, causing peril to the occupants. Nonetheless, Soteria is appreciated by most of the alien Tret’s employees.

    On occasion, workers cannot reach Soteria for shelter after their long shifts. These miners usually have to camp in some of the Oasis bubbles, considered Soteria outposts. It is always recommended for workers stay within reach of a camping spot. Sleeping near mining operations is the leading cause of death of non-Vaurcae workers on the planet.

    Industrial Shipping Center

    The Industrial Shipping Center is Tret’s primary port. The facilities also include domestic warehouses, where goods are stored before their shipping. In order to maintain the quality of many products, the Industrial Shipping Center is an environment free of the planet’s notable pollution. Nevertheless, pressure conditions are similar to space—tolerable for Vaurca Workers but demanding a voidsuit for the occasional Unathi laborer.

    While Warriors are employed to patrol the site, the amount of imported and exported cargo surpasses the capabilities of Vaurca surveillance. Thus, the Industrial Shipping Center has gained the reputation of a freeport. This fame has made the port vulnerable to space piracy, particularly from Sinta and Queenless Vaurcae groups.

    Kloz’xera Impact Site (Hazard Rating 2)

    Located on the southern pole of Tret, the Impact Site is the location where the K’lax Hiveship originally touched down. Upon contact with the ice sheet, the fiery landing meant that much of the ship’s body sank, rapidly creating a lake of molten lead. The K’lax Hive believed this situation to be a boon, and since then, Queen Vetju took advantage to begin an aggressive process of industrialization.

    Although not long has passed since the event, the Kloz’xera Impact Site no longer resembles its primitive state. Rather, it was quickly transformed into the primordial foundry, upon which all infrastructure became possible. Since early 2461, the workshop no longer remains in operation.

    Currently, specialized teams are responsible for salvaging the interiors of the Hiveship. It is considered a complicated process, as debris and brimstone make the abandoned ship difficult to traverse. Though it remains a rumor, it is said that Queen Leto is interested in turning the Impact Site into a museum.

    Rea (Hazard Rating 2)

    Rea is a fortress located on the west sector of the planet. It acts as a storage facility for the Bound Warriors of the K’lax Hive. Additionally, it is believed that the K’lax use this facility to protect the uttermost delicate information. Although unconfirmed, the rumor stems from Rea containing Hegemony levies.

    Compared to Dis, the stronghold of the Zo’ra Hive, Rea is minuscule. Furthermore, it is often overlooked, as Tret is a heavily industrialized planet. However, the fortress is notable for being the first established Warform storage in the Orion Spur.

    Pid (Hazard Rating 3)

    Pid, and its asteroid surroundings, currently serve as a large-scale k’ois farm operated by the Leto brood. The infrastructure for the farm has improved over the past few years, with more safety measures to ensure no k’ois spread beyond the field. Nonetheless, breaches still exist, which endanger cargo and passersby ships. The reputation of the Cursed Asteroids, as they are commonly known, has prevented some parties from receiving Tret-manufactured goods in their territory, such as Elyra.

    Lii’kana (Hazard Rating 5)

    The term Lii’kana is usually translated as Hell. Although Vaurcae lacked the religious concept of eternal fiery damnation, the term has been used metaphorically since the sinking of Illau’tia to refer to the Lii’dra’s capital.

    In the context of Tret, Lii’kana, or Hell, refers to the deepest forge of the planet. Due to its significance in the production process, it is also considered the heart of Tret. However, despite its importance, Lii’kana has a bad reputation for being the most brutal area on the planet. Here, only advanced engineered bioforms can survive. As all workers in Lii’kana are Bound Vaurcae, the Unbound and other sophonts often speculate as to how the facility actually looks. The reported high temperatures, the colossal quantities of refined metals, and the short span of its workers all suggest that Hell is an apt name for this workshop.

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