Consequences of the Future

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Consequences of the Future
2022 Event Timeline
Galactic Events Dreary Futures · Consequences of the Future
Major Events The Beauchamp Arc · The Phoron Scarcity: Skrell Arc
Minor Events N/A
This is the overview and timeline page for the Consequences of the Future arc, which began on 11/02/2022 and pertains largely to interstellar affairs.
Below is a summary of the arc's events, applicable news articles and additions.

Orchard Moon Complete; Icarus Arrives

News Article

Publisher : The Orion Spur Oracle

Writer : Caelphon

Editor : The Lore Team

The NDV Icarus arrives to the NSS Orchard Moon, stationed there to protect it in the event unsavoury aspects of the Spur wish to see its downfall. The NSS Orchard Moon is completed, and is commencing extraction and refinement operations for phoron.

Construction has been completed on the NSS Orchard Moon, supposedly the Orion Spur’s saviour. It finds itself nestled within an array of deep space asteroids inhabiting the southern Corporate Reconstruction Zone. However, the Orchard Moon deposits are less than the ones found across the Clandestine deposit, they will still bring much-needed relief to the phoron scarcity that plagues the interstellar community.

NanoTrasen has confirmed that the NDV Icarus has been dispatched to ensure the protection of the NSS Orchard Moon in a capacity similarly seen when it was stationed in close proximity to the NSS Aurora; which has now seen itself in a diminished capacity as a result of the decreased phoron deposits.

The Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has affirmed that this is a venture solely by NanoTrasen and that it will not have a share within the facilities. However, NanoTrasen has announced its intention to work closely with the other constituent megacorporations of the Conglomerate that have proven to be invaluable to the future of the Republic of Biesel, and its sovereignty that has been tried and tested numerous times.

Date: 11/02/2464

Consequences of the Future: Arming Up


Location : The SCCV Horizon

Host : Caelphon


The first event of the Consequences of the Future Arc

The SCCV Horizon must rendevous with the NSS Orchard Moon, following the events of Dreary Futures in order to be outfitted with naval armaments that will allow it to defend itself and corporate interests. The Crew was allowed to tour the NSS Orchard Moon and see various aspects of the facility on display.

Tau Ceti Foreign Legions reports to Valley Hale

News Article

Publisher : The Orion Spur Oracle

Writer : Caelphon

Editor : The Lore Team

The Tau Ceti Foreign Legion is redirected to the Valley Hale region of the Orion Spur following their staged removal from Mictlan, where they've been sent to ensure the protection of the corporate facility the NSS Orchard Moon, complimenting the NDV Icarus' presence.

Following their staged removal from Mictlan, the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion has been reassigned to the Valley Hale region of the Orion Spur, with President Joseph Dorn of the Republic of Biesel announcing the movements to ensure the protection of the NSS Orchard Moon and the valuable mineral that it intends to harvest. Some fear the deployment of troops so close to the Serene Republic of Elyra may worsen the tension – with the latter still alleging that there has been territorial encroachment.

Some of the Tau Ceti Foreign Legion has already arrived, supplementing the NDV Icarus and its patrols throughout the region, with claims that there have already been minor border skirmishes with unknown parties – a spokesman for the Legion confirmed that this might pose a threat to the armed forces’ ability to meaningfully exert control, but with the presence of NanoTrasen’s warship, will likely be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

When asked to comment, both NanoTrasen and the Republic of Biesel reported that hostile parties have been engaged in Valley Hale but both were quick to deny theories that the Serene Republic of Elyra was responsible for the attacks, stating that the idea is "unfounded and fear-mongering in nature" and that while the region is well within the borders of both Republics, warlords from the former Solarian territories, pirates hailing from the Empire of Dominia, and other rogue parties are known to operate in the region. It is believed that fears of Elyran attacks on Biesellite vessels stem from a false report of an incursion on the SCCV Horizon, which has been denied by all parties involved.

The NSS Orchard Moon is expected to allow normalcy to return within the next few months, with travel in the area by Stellar Corporate Conglomerate vessels steadily increasing as the vital phoron-extraction facility continutes to soldier on in earnest. NanoTrasen has reaffirmed its goal of working closely with the other megacorporations regarding the facility, quoting the success of the NSS Aurora following the integration of contractors from other megacorporations that now make up the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate.

Date: 11/09/2464

Consequences of the Future: Kobayashi Maru


Location : The SCCV Horizon

Host : Caelphon


The second event of the Consequences of the Future Arc

The SCCV Horizon's crew enters a virtual reality against a Solarian Cruiser, the SAMV Everest, in order to test its naval gunneries. The Crew does remarkably well in the face of certain doom, with the SCCV Horizon evacuating shortly after Command declared victory an impossible task.

Consequences of the Future: Operation Altalaq


Location : The SCCV Horizon

Host : Lucaken


The third event of the Consequences of the Future Arc

The SCCV Horizon encounters an attack force of the Free Solarian Fleets ("Kruger's Revenge) and an Elyran Special Operations Taskforce ("Bridge Burners") facing off one another. The SCCV Horizon intervenes, saving the Bridge Burners and launching an attack against Kruger's Revenge. Following being saved, the Elyran Special Operations Taskforce reveals information to the SCCV Horizon about unsavoury elements of the Southern Fleet Administration and their supposed involvement in a recently missing tanker moving phoron.

Southern Fleet Administration Behind Skirmishes

News Article

Publisher : The Orion Spur Oracle

Writer : Caelphon

Editor : The Lore Team

The Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, in conjunction with the NDV Icarus, uncover that the Southern Fleet Administration is behind the skirmishes within Valley Hale. Furthermore, evidence suggests Einstein Engines is behind the decayed organisation's recent resurging.

The Tau Ceti Foreign Legion, alongside the NDV Icarus, engaged in several fleets earlier today – where it was revealed the culprit behind the attacks within the region: the Southern Fleet Administration. Though they posed a threat to the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate’s Flagship the Horizon, it was thought that the group had moved on to less high-profile targets, but the discovery today only further outlines that they seem to be remaining within Valley Hale, and possibly other regions within the galactic south.

Following the brief conflict, Biesellite and auxiliary corporate forces boarded the remnants of the Southern Fleet Administration, stumbling on a rather crucial finding – Einstein Engines technology, which poses a question as to whether it was stolen, or possibly even provided. Though, Einstein Engines has denied the involvement in these wandering warlord remnants. Tension appears to have lessened between the Serene Republic of Elyra and the Republic of Biesel, with confirmation from the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate that they are working with intelligence provided by Elyran authorities – attempting to recover the location of a tanker that went missing shortly after departing the NSS Orchard Moon.

Date: 11/27/2022

Consequences of the Future: Venator


Location : The SCCV Horizon

Host : Lucaken


The fourth event of the Consequences of the Future Arc

The SCCV Horizon uncovers a trail of phoron leading within the Badlands, eventually discovering a Southern Fleet Administration hideout that reveals a sinister plot against NanoTrasen - aiming to destroy the NSS Orchard Moon with a dirty warhead composed of phoron stolen from various tankers attacked within Valley Hale.

Consequences of the Future: Thunder in the Orchard


Location : The SCCV Horizon

Host : Lucaken


The fifth and final event of the Consequences of the Future Arc

The SCCV Horizon, and numerous other corporate fleets, are directed to the NSS Orchard Moon to delay and prevent an attack on the facility. The Southern Fleet Administration launched an assault on the NSS Orchard Moon with the SFAV Helios - a dilapidated, jury-rigged cruiser housing the photonic warhead - with numerous other corvettes distracting those on the frontline. The SCCV Horizon's distance from the initial incursion allowed it to detect the SFAV Helios break the frontline and attempt to deploy the warhead and engage it almost immediately. After a costly conflict for both sides, the SFAV Helios was disabled and several of the SCCV Horizon's crew boarded -- unfortunately, many lost their lives in the process, but successfully prevented the warhead from detonating and throwing the Orion Spur into further disarray. The SCCV Horizon itself sustained heavy structural damage, but nevertheless proved itself to be capable of much more than research and discovery.

NSS Orchard Moon Attacked

News Article

Publisher : The Orion Spur Oracle

Writer : Caelphon

Editor : The Lore Team

The NSS Orchard Moon was attacked by the Southern Fleet Administration's remnants, headed by rogue Commodore Anastasija Siljan.

The NSS Orchard Moon was attacked just days ago by the dilapidated Southern Fleet Administration, which had been routed by the Nralakk Federation earlier this year, with the intention of bringing an era of chaos across the Orion Spur by destroying the corporate installation with a dirty phoronic warhead that is suspected to have had sufficient tonnage to level the entirety of Mendell City. It is unknown how it was created, and probes by NanoTrasen have commenced, but a combination of efforts has prevented additional harm from befalling the Spur.

The NDV Icarus, SCCV Horizon, and several other spacecraft were ordered to the NSS Orchard Moon to assist in repelling an attack from a force of unknown composition, with NanoTrasen relying on the SCCV Horizon’s advanced sensors to uncover details on the exact SFA vessels that wished to attack the corporate installation. The NDV Icarus held the line as it used its carrier-class status to secure the NSS Orchard Moon; however, the SFAV Helios managed to break the frontline, a refitted cruiser hosting the phoronic warhead, gutted of any significant ability to protect itself in order to host the enormous explosive.

The SCCV Horizon provided necessary sensor data to the other fleets within the area. It was the only vessel available to prevent the SFAV Helios from reaching its destination – engaging with the Helios and subsequently boarding it. It is without a doubt that the Orion Spur owes great gratitude to those that defended the NSS Orchard Moon, but especially to the SCCV Horizon and those that gave their lives to ensure that the lives of billions of others – in the ensuing chaos should the NSS Orchard Moon have been destroyed – will not be lost.

The Serene Republic of Elyra announced their gratitude to the Republic of Biesel, and the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate, regarding their handling of the situation – thanking them both for averting a crisis on the shared borders of the two Republics. Additionally, President Joseph Dorn thanked the Serene Republic of Elyra for providing the information needed to prevent the destruction of the NSS Orchard Moon.

The rogue Commodore Anastasija Siljan was detained by the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate following her failed attack on the corporate facility, and has been taken to an unnamed site to undergo advanced interrogation to further learn of any plots that the Southern Fleet Administration may have planned with the goals of unfolding the Republic of Biesel – and subsequently the Orion Spur.

The Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has affirmed that injuries sustained whilst off-duty during the attack on the NSS Orchard Moon will be covered by the corporate medical schemes for only the unfolding events that took place on Saturday, 10th of December 2464. Injuries sustained following the conclusion of the attack will not be covered by the Conglomerate or its affiliated megacorporations.

Date: 12/12/2464