The Phoron Scarcity: Skrell Arc

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The Phoron Scarcity: Skrell Arc
2022 Event Timeline
Galactic Events Dreary Futures · Consequences of the Future
Major Events The Beauchamp Arc · The Phoron Scarcity: Skrell Arc
Minor Events N/A
This is the overview and timeline page for the Phoron Scarcity: Skrell Arc, which began on 15/04/2022 and pertains largely to Skrell Lore.
The arc is centered around the phoron scarcity and the Nralakk Federation's reactions to it.
Below is a summary of the arc's events, applicable news articles and additions.

Phoron Crisis Reaches Home; Travel Restrictions and Rationing in Effect

News Article


Writer : WhatsUpBrotendo

Editor : Ryverstyx, Butterrobber202


The Federation begins to feel the effects of the phoron crisis.

Editors note: Translated to Basic.

Grand Councillor Weashbi Jrugl, Advisor Ormish Jrolk, and representatives of the State Enterprises have released a joint statement regarding the Phoron scarcity and its effects on the Federation early this evening:

“The Phoron scarcity has impacted us differently than our friends in the Solarian Alliance, or those in the Republic of Biesel, but nonetheless we are affected. Our reliance on Bluespace drives in our military has resulted in a lessened presence of Qukala vessels in the Traverse over the last few months; we have established patrol routes around the popular travel lanes between the inner systems and the Traverse, and we are urging all civilian vessels to limit travel outside of these lanes…” - An excerpt from the statement, spoken by Advisor Jrolk.

Included with the statement was a rough outline of what the Government will be doing to limit the impact of the scarcity on Federation citizens, including internal travel restrictions for all Numerical categories unless it is essential, and limiting the use of Bluespace Gates to essential trade and travel between the Federation and the rest of the Spur. At the same time, Councillor Jrugl acknowledged the increased Marauder presence within the Traverse, assuring the audience that the scarcity will not impact the Qukala’s efforts to respond to Marauder activity:

“We have done everything in our power to ensure that the Phoron scarcity does not impact our ability to respond to threats to the Federation or its people… The Marauder threat in the Traverse will still have to contend with our patrols, and the restrictions we have put in place will ensure our vessels are ready to react to any reported Marauder activity.”

Councillor Jrugl, when asked about the Qheles and the ability of the Federation to deploy it, stated that the ship would not be needed for the ‘foreseeable future’ and that while deploying it during the current scarcity will prove difficult, it is still a ‘maintainable asset’.

Federation citizens working abroad took to Viv-ID to voice their opinions, with many concerned that they will be unable to return home. Hours after these posts were made, the accounts of the State-owned Enterprises released their own statements on Viv-ID, assuring workers that travel to and from the Federation in relation to the Work Initiative Programme will still be possible.

Ormish Jrolk on the Phoron Crisis

News Article


Writer : WhatsUpBrotendo

Editor : Ryverstyx, Butterrobber202


Ormish Jrolk is interviewed about the phoron crisis and the Federation's response to it.

Editors note: Translated to Basic.

Grand Advisor Ormish Jrolk made a guest appearance on the early morning talk show ‘Low Tide: Qerrbalak’ today, where they took the opportunity to discuss how the Federation is dealing with the phoron crisis, as well as what we should expect going forward:

A video plays mid-applause as Jrolk comes onto the set. They sit down and gesture toward the audience before bringing their attention to the host. The host, Kelop Walb, begins to speak as the applause dies down.

“KW: Advisor Jrolk, I’m happy to have you on the show. How are you today?

OJ: Likewise, Kelop, I’m glad to be here. I’m fine, current circumstances notwithstanding.

KW: The phoron crisis. What are your thoughts on the situation?

OJ: That’s correct, and personally? I’m concerned, which I think is appropriate given the situation. The phoron shortage is affecting everyone, and there’s a level of uncertainty about the stability of things across the Spur that has everyone on edge.

KW: And what is the Federation planning to do in response to the crisis?

OJ: I think we touched on the main points in the statement made last week, but to summarise: we’re limiting the use of phoron domestically, which is mostly by our military ships and larger civilian vessels, while also rationing Bluespace Gate usage for essential trading and travel only. Phoron stockpiles are nominal for now, and we’re working closely with our long ally the Sol Alliance - as well as other communities in the Spur, of course - on possible solutions.

KW: It’s good to know that the Federation is taking the issue seriously. Are there plans for any further restrictions at the moment?

OJ: At this time, no. We believe more deposits will be found, or a feasible alternative to phoron can be developed before we reach a critical point; something that our researchers are making great headway in. Further restrictions have been discussed but we don’t think at this time they are necessary.

KW: An optimistic viewpoint, and one I think many of us will be reassured by. What effects can we expect from the rationing, and what are we already experiencing?

OJ: Although we only officially began rationing last week, the Qukala were already given orders to reduce phoron usage gradually up until that point. Do note that this has no projected effect on their productivity and effectiveness, despite the increase in Marauder activity outside of our established patrol routes - an issue which we on the Grand Council are watching closely. So far they have increased their presence where they were already the most active, and some groups have begun to expand their area of operations. We have also seen certain Marauder groups such as Tana’raq’iq make bolder moves as they raid warehouses and trading vessels that stray outside of our designated routes.

KW: And what can we expect in the future?

OJ: We can only speculate, but the Traverse, in particular, will see more Marauder attacks in the future; our phoron stockpiles located there will be a lucrative target as the shortage continues. Federation-wide we also expect a price increase for most goods and services, although with our planned economy we do not expect something as damaging as what we can observe in the Republic of Biesel.

KW: It seems that the Traverse is being hit the hardest in this ordeal.

OJ: They are, unfortunately, but they’re not alone; the Nlomkala stationed across several planets in the inner systems have also seen an increase in criminal activity. More specifically, we have seen Gasriders exporting more Xu’Xi Gas to the outer systems, and smugglers importing goods in low supply due to Gate restrictions. With economic instability, there are always opportunists looking to make money, regardless of legality.

KW: An unfortunate reality - well, I have more questions but we’re almost out of time. It was great having you here. Join me after the break as we discuss Weshi Beshi and their experience under phoron rationing!”

Shortly after the interview, the State released a statement to remind citizens that unnecessary travel is prohibited, citing phoron rationing and the increased risk of interstellar travel.

“Absolutely Disgraceful”: Illegal Imports Found as Marauder Piracy Continues

News Article


Writer : WhatsUpBrotendo

Editor : Ryverstyx, Butterrobber202


Marauder-smuggled goods are found in the inner systems, shocking the Federation.

Editors note: Translated to Basic.

Marauder activity has continued to plague the Traverse as the phoron crisis impacts the nation, and is now showing signs of spreading further into the core of the Federation as State officials report smuggled goods entering the inner systems.

Nlomkala on Aweiji have spoken to news outlets yesterday regarding a shipment of agricultural machinery and seeds found inside a warehouse on the planet’s Orbital Spaceport XY-558. The shipment was undeclared, with no markings or any official paperwork, giving authorities little to follow. The Nlomkala are working under the assumption that the cargo was stolen by Marauders in the Traverse, and smuggled to Aweiji for sale to facilities that are failing to meet their assigned quotas. This discovery comes at a time when trade disruptions are causing delays at most production centres, with Aweiji only being one of many planets that are struggling to keep up with their quota.

“Absolutely disgraceful. We Aweijiin are proud to be part of the Federation, and I refuse to believe that one of us would be willing to buy anything from those Marauders… When the Kala told me what I found, I felt ill. I never wanted to be involved in this.” - Distraught Spaceport worker Arqox Lui’aq was one of the workers who discovered the illegal shipment.

As trade lanes are attacked with increasing frequency, the Qukala have prioritised defensive measures, consolidating their patrol fleets and putting a halt to search and destroy missions against suspected Marauder bases of operation. As the Marauders are a decentralised force, it is believed that offensive strategies are not considered effective enough to continue when considering the amount of phoron consumed. Instead, the Qukala will be reprioritising efforts towards ensuring vital goods can still be transported throughout the Federation.

A particular focus is being made on defending phoron transports, with the Qukala increasing their presence in systems where key phoron depots are located. While Marauder groups have made attempts to raid these facilities, they have had no success in stealing phoron. Officials say that the majority of phoron lost to the Marauders has been due to attacks on shipments bound for the inner systems, rather than direct raids on storage facilities. Despite the Marauders’ failure to raid these depots, Xomor is still aiming to increase its security presence at these facilities as it works in conjunction with the Qukala to ensure phoron stockpiles are secure.

While there is no comment from the Grand Council regarding these events, Advisor Ormish Jrolk has been seen meeting with representatives of the State-owned Enterprises in Kal’lo, as well as representatives from Einstein Engines. A general statement was given reminding citizens to not associate with known members of the Marauders or the Lyukal, and to report suspicious activity to their nearest Kala officer.

Depot Explodes as Marauders Attempt Phoron Raid!

News Article


Writer : WhatsUpBrotendo

Editor : Ryverstyx, Butterrobber202


A phoron depot explodes during a raid by Skrell pirates, resulting in a loss of the essential mineral. Evidence of what exactly caused the explosion is sparse, and the casualties were low...

Editors note: Translated to Basic.

A phoron depot in the Median Naval District exploded in a failed attempt by the Ti’Rakqi to pillage its stores of phoron early this morning. As per procedures regarding emergencies, the majority of staff within the depot were evacuated. The only Skrell on-site during the explosion were Xomor security specialists, raiders, and four essential staff attempting to seal the phoron away before evacuating themselves.

Casualties of the explosion were minimal, with two of the Marauders declared dead and the rest along with eighteen site staff suffering from varying degrees of injury. Two Xomor security contractors and one Ti’Rakqi raider are in critical condition and are being cared for within a temporary medical facility until they are stable enough for transport. Official estimates place a third of the phoron stored within the facility as being destroyed, with the rest inaccessible while firefighters are still working to put out the fire caused by the explosion.

A timeline of the events has been provided by facility personnel, and verified using camera footage that could be salvaged from the depot’s security station:

At 01:28 AM a group of five armed Skrell, wearing what appear to be retrofitted industrial RIG suits, enter the facility during a gap in the perimeter patrol. By 01:40, the group manages to enter the main storage wing of the facility, and as they turn a corner, are discovered by a worker who immediately rushes to raise the alarm. Several shots from an energy-based weapon can be seen as the Marauder group targets something off-camera, but no death or injury by gunshot has been confirmed. The group takes defensive positions as one of them appears to hack one of the phoron storage units.

At 01:49 a siege begins while site security engages with the raiders. By now the hacker has reached inside the storage unit and is now off-camera for the rest of the recording. While there was no audio, one of the security staff that was present explained that the group claimed to have a hostage out of sight, and the security team was ordered to stall the raiders until a full count of site staff could be made.

The footage ends at 02:15 AM just as the two groups begin to fire at each other. From statements received by facility staff, one of the raiders raised their firearm and was shot in response, resulting in a firefight breaking out. Xomor security slowly withdrew as they attempted to guide the raiders away from the stored phoron, when the open storage unit abruptly exploded. Investigators are still trying to determine what exactly caused the explosion; due to the angles provided by security cameras, the storage unit in question was never fully in frame, but based on testimony from site security it is assumed that the explosion was caused by the Marauder who entered the storage unit mishandling a volatile phoron canister.

Thankfully, site safety measures and both groups having fully-enclosed RIG suits ensured that no one was directly exposed to phoron, with the only injuries being caused by the explosion. The only confirmed deaths are the hacker who entered the storage unit, and the Marauder who raised their firearm and was shot by site security. The Ti’Rakqi who were medically discharged are now being questioned in an undisclosed location by Government authorities. With a large amount of phoron either lost or inaccessible, combined with the current shortage the Spur is facing, the raiders are expected to receive the harshest punishment the Federation can legally provide.

Marauder Collaborators Revealed, Q’elpi Systems Locked Down

News Article


Writer : WhatsUpBrotendo

Editor : Ryverstyx, Butterrobber202


Several systems in the Q'elpi region of the Traverse are locked down as Marauder collaborators in the local government are revealed.

Editors note: Translated to Basic.

The Federation has enacted a full travel ban for systems within the Q’elpi region of the Traverse, following recent discoveries related to the recent phoron depot explosion.

The Ti’Rakqi members captured following the depot’s destruction (See: "Depot Explodes as Marauders Attempt Phoron Raid!" for details) have provided the Federation with information regarding collaborating Traverse government officials, as well as revealing a plot by these officials to skim incoming phoron transports intended for military installations and other inner system facilities.

Around a dozen systems in the Q’elpi sector have been identified as supporters of the Marauders, exchanging safe harbour for protection and raw materials the Marauder fleets smuggle in from their raids. There is also evidence that these systems have provided stolen phoron from shipments intended for the inner systems, giving them to the Marauders as part of their dealings.

Grand Councillor Jrugl gave this statement earlier today regarding the announcement:

“It is to my displeasure that we have to announce a complete ban on travel to and from a handful of systems within the Traverse - more specifically, those within the Q’elpi region. The Qukala will be transitioning back to offensive strategies rather than be on the defensive, and we will be making moves to crack down on the Marauder activity within these systems. The revelation that these local governments have been collaborating with the Marauders for Stars know how long is troubling, both to me and the rest of the Council. I assure you, the citizens of the Federation, that we will finally put an end to the Ti’Rakqi, and the Traverse will finally be safe from pirates, smugglers, and those who associate with them.”

The Qukala are being deployed to the offending systems, and will be working alongside local Nlomkala officers to arrest and detain known collaborators. It is expected that the Marauders will have already fled these affiliated systems before authorities arrive, but the Qukala have stated their intent to immediately attack any unknown vessel found travelling within the systems affected by the travel ban. An official Qukala statement explains this policy further:

“Any vessel found travelling within the systems affected by the Federation’s travel ban will be considered Marauder or Marauder-affiliated vessels, and will be dealt with accordingly. Citizens are expected to cooperate with the Kala during this time to ensure that the travel mandate is lifted in a timely manner.”

Martial Law Declared as Systems Resist Collaborator Arrests

News Article


Writer : WhatsUpBrotendo

Editor : Ryverstyx, Butterrobber202


The now-named Marauder Systems are put under martial law as local citizens resist Federation authority.

Editors note: Translated to Basic.

The arrests of known Marauder collaborators (see “Marauder Collaborators Revealed, Q’elpi Systems Locked Down”) within the Q’elpi region have stalled as local dissidents resist the Federation’s efforts to crack down on corruption. Citing grievances regarding the alleged lack of support from or presence of the Federation in the region, the systems identified as collaborating with Marauder fleets are rejecting Federation authority completely. It has also been reported that some groups within these systems are actively protecting government officials - those who are suspected of enlisting the help of the Marauders in stealing phoron and other supplies intended for the inner systems.

The Federation has issued a statement urging civilians in these systems to cooperate with the Kala while they arrest the collaborators, and warning citizens of the punishment for assisting known subversive groups.

While martial law is in effect in these systems, now named the “Marauder Systems” by citizens on Viv-ID, the travel ban is expected to continue. In addition to the travel ban, extranet access has been severely limited to prevent efforts by civilians in the region to organise, and there are even rumours of Sromkala deployment to prevent the use of the Srom for dissident activity. The administrative authority of the systems has also been given to the Qukala due to most in the civilian Government being classed as fugitives by Federation authorities. A representative of the Federation gave a brief statement following the announcement:

“We do not intend to use the Qukala longer than required to ensure stability in these systems, and we aim to reestablish a civilian Government in the region as soon as it is possible.”

Members of the Grand Council were not available for comment on the developing situation, citing “economic developments with Einstein Engines and State-owned Enterprises” requiring their full attention. It is believed that these developments refer to a possible solution to the phoron crisis and the Spur’s dwindling phoron stockpile. Advisor Jrolk gave a brief comment that “[they] trust in the ability of the Qukala to quickly resolve the situation in the Q’elpi region.”

Zi’Pluax Flees Q’elpi Space!

News Article


Writer : WhatsUpBrotendo

Editor : Ryverstyx, Butterrobber202


A Skrell Generation Ship flees the Marauder Systems, becoming fugitives.

Editors note: Translated to Basic.

Zi’Pluax, the nomadic Generation ship discovered in 2460, has been declared missing following the lockdown of several systems in the Q’elpi region of the Traverse.

The Zi’Pluax was declared missing while inside one of the systems currently under martial law in the Q’elpi region. Due to the Qukala being tasked with keeping law and order in these systems, no attempt has been made to find the fleet. Although there was no indication before, it is now believed that the fleet may have some connection to the Marauders in the region, and are now fleeing to evade arrest.

The Federation reaffirmed its views on the Fleet of the Srom on Viv-ID, in a message urging members currently away from the fleet to come forward with any information they might have:

“The Zi’Pluax and its inhabitants are still considered citizens of the Nralakk Federation and are as subject to its laws as any other citizen. We encourage any members to come forward with information regarding its motives and destination.”

The Zi’Pluax is notable for it declaring independence after contact was re-established in 2460, but still interacting with the Federation due to the requirement of culture exchange, a policy that is used by the ship to encourage new Skrell to sign up to join the fleet. Known members of the Zi’Pluax have shown shock at the sudden disappearance of the ship, and so far none have come forward with an explanation for this sudden event.

In related news, progress has been slow in arresting the collaborators within the Q’elpi systems, with the Qukala currently focusing on dissidents who are actively resisting Kala operations. The Qukala have stated their intention to question any known Marauder collaborators for information concerning the Zi’Pluax.

Wayfarer Network Unveiled; Einstein-Federation Answer to Phoron Crisis

News Article


Writer : WhatsUpBrotendo

Editor : Ryverstyx, Butterrobber202


An answer to the phoron crisis is found as Einstein Engines and the Federation announce a joint project.

Editors note: Translated to Basic.

In a press release made this evening, Grand Advisor Ormish Jrolk, President of Nralakk Logistics Alot Sonq, Chancellor of Qerr’Zolvq Industries Xul Lurg, and representatives of Einstein Engines have publicly announced the “Wayfarer Network”, a trans-Federation network of waystations and other facilities that will build upon and reinforce pre-existing warp travel infrastructure:

“It is my pleasure to reveal a joint effort between Einstein Engines’ brightest minds and the Federation’s Enterprises: The Wayfarer Network. We intend to build on top of the already existing infrastructure for long-distance travel within the Federation, making warp travel more viable for the Federation’s larger civilian and military vessels. Einstein Engines will be taking the lead with this project by providing the initial essential staff to maintain and operate these facilities, with the aim of the Federation’s own workers replacing them gradually as the project nears completion. In addition to Einstein’s contribution, our own State Enterprises will provide the materials and labour required to construct new or upgrade existing facilities.” - The opening statement of the press release, spoken by Einstein Representative Lorenzo Tan

Chancellor Xul Lurg and President Alot Song then provided their own statements on the Wayfarer Network, reaffirming Qerr’Zolvq’s and Nrallak Logistic’s contributions. Shortly after, Advisor Jrolk took to the podium:

“With this project, our aim is to not only make long-distance warp travel more viable, but to cut our phoron usage to the bare minimum required for a functioning modern society. I cannot give a reliable timeframe for when this project will be considered ‘complete’, but work is already beginning on facilities considered critical to the Federation’s logistics network. We expect to see the first set of facilities to finish construction within the next two decades, with the first facility to be complete within the next five years.”

“While this is good news, we urge the public to not expect a recovery overnight…” - An excerpt from a statement made after the press release by Federation representatives on Viv-ID.

Federation representatives were quick to remind citizens that bluespace travel and other civilian uses of phoron are restricted as rationing continues, but commented that with the Wayfarer Network, we could expect the scarcity's impact on the Federation’s economy to progressively lessen as the project develops. For now, there will still be logistical issues preventing many regions of the Federation from receiving full deliveries of goods and other shipments.

The Grand Council has also brought out revised production quotas after observing the real-world effects the phoron shortage has had on the Federation’s planned economy; simulations made at the start of the phoron crisis did not take into account events such as the systems in the Q’elpi region collaborating with Marauders, resulting in current quotas being deemed ‘unattainable’.