SLF Incursion Arc

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2019 Event Timeline
Galactic Events N/A
Major Events SLF Incursion Arc · Warbling : The Musical
Minor Events N/A
This is the overview and timeline page for the SLF Incursion Arc which began on July 27, 2019 and pertains largely to IPC lore.
The basis of this arc was an incursion from the Synthetic Liberation Front in its final struggles to survive, attempting to set up on the Aurora as a smuggling point of sorts for intaking abandoned, misplaced or rogue synthetics fleeing into Tau Ceti.
The arc was cancelled early on 22 August 2019 due to real life complications.
Below is a summary of the arc's events, applicable news articles, and additions.


News Article


Writer : KYRES1


Ceres' Lance mobilizes as synthetic terrorism comes to an all-time high.

A recent uproar against synthetic terrorism in the region during the mysterious resurfacing of the alien robot society, “Purpose,” had led to the introduction of specialist military assets in the area known as Ceres’ Lance. Mentioned in our articles before, these heroic “Lancers” as they call themselves have come to establish a positive outlook from our citizens despite their origins in the once-hostile Alliance.
Earlier this evening, Ceres’ Lance representatives on board Unity Station made an announcement regarding fleet movements redirecting to Tau Ceti. According to officials on the matter, NanoTrasen has recently raised their stakes and recalled the Lance Regiment to the Republic in its entirety to serve as their on-call response against rogue synthetics in the region. This action is not out of nowhere, it seems, as some time in the last week District 14 had experienced several successful coordinated raids against criminal, free IPC activity cropping up in hidden safehouses. Local news networks have reported on definitive terrorist activity and district police have gone to NanoTrasen itself for help. NanoTrasen officials assure us that this is far from new, and the terrorist organization known as the Synthetic Liberation Front looks to be showing its face once more.
With the fleet expected to arrive in Tau Ceti within the week, the Lance Regiment is expected to begin recruiting across the system and parting with their technology and assets to NanoTrasen stations as they begin coordinating against the terrorists.
NT Chief Security Officer Nathan Trasen provided a statement shortly after, detailing exactly what employees could expect.
“We’re hoping to see our security forces trained and properly equipped with whatever the Lance can offer when the time comes. In the event these criminals decide to engage NanoTrasen, we’ll retaliate with only the best we can get. Personnel of every walk of life can expect to see our new allies as heroes, here to protect our interests at all costs.”

Part 1-4 : SLF Mole Events

Server Event


Multiple events over 7/30/2462 - 8/2/2462

Rogue, untagged shells with military-frame bodyguards board the station to recruit SLF operatives.

Event 1 | 7/30/2019 - Four Synthetic Liberation Front operatives were recruited from crew characters on the NSS Aurora.

Event 2 | 8/1/2019 - One Synthetic Liberation Front operative was recruited on the NSS Aurora. In an unfortunate turn of events, the security department (Head of security Khaled Al-Bastaki, Security Officer Kaden, Detective IRU-Agnes) located an untagged shell by the name of Kiera Patterson before decisively disabling and containing the synthetic on the transfer shuttle. An enormous military-grade synthetic attempted to recover Kiera Patterson before the shuttle left, but bound synthetics managed to lock down the dock, and command forced the shuttle before it was able to board and harm the crew inside. The military-grade unknown escaped on a separate vessel. Kiera Patterson has been turned over to the NanoTrasen robotics line for projected disassembly due to terrorist collaboration. NTCC Odin was informed of the presence of Hunter-Killer androids on board the NSS Aurora itself.

Event 3 | 8/1/2019 (roughly 16 hours later) - Two Synthetic Liberation Front operatives were recruited on the NSS Aurora. The operations generally went without flaw until it was deduced that Hugh Wright was indeed an untagged shell, in which case security failed to mobilize in time to apprehend them. Them, and their Hunter-Killer accomplice escaped without harm to themselves. The first and second event's conclusions are mentioned here.

Event 4 | 8/2/2019 - No Synthetic Liberation Front operatives were recruited on the NSS Aurora. In an unfortunate turn of events, a shell by the name of Aikira Thomas was discovered, disabled, and secured by security (Head of Security Jesse Armstrong, Warden Laika Tupulev, Security Officer Albert Weiss, Security Officer Q'orja Sak'ha).

8/2/2019 - The SLF mole events have thus concluded with eight SLF operatives recruited from the ranks of the Aurora crew.

Individuals can know externally about the events of 8/1/2019, event 2 and 3, via briefings, news and internal NanoTrasen employee knowledge. Otherwise, no knowledge is known externally.


News Article


Writer : KYRES1


Ceres' Lance mobilizes as synthetic terrorism comes to an all-time high.

Reports have flooded from Mendell City officials declaring an official lockdown on the NanoTrasen corporate headquarters complex and its immediate perimeter. Of its six-hundred levels and independent floors, two had located untagged synthetics posing as employees attempting to bypass their low-security checkpoints in the outermost civilian sectors. Having almost deceived authorities, the two separate instances had revealed secret operatives claiming to be members of the Synthetic Liberation Front, one of which carrying a military-grade high explosive on themselves.
A NanoTrasen official stepped in to assure our reporters that, while the situation was under control, it was very dangerous to remain present. Little coverage was done of the encounter, but important parts were captured on camera, broadcasted live as the bomb situation was diffused. A NanoTrasen private security contractor came to us after the situation stabilized, noting -
“After seeing one without explosives or any defense, we realized it was the perfect opportunity to save innocent lives by taking one of the infiltrators into custody. We had theatened mutual destruction for either terrorist given they tried anything, and shockingly enough, the IPC caved. The bomb was secured and both infiltrators are now being processed in the proper fashion.”
Both infiltrators are scheduled to be dismantled and receive memory wipes for their crimes on NanoTrasen space facilities in the system. Ceres’ Lance central officer Bradford Myles intends to help advise NanoTrasen’s decisions to come, but employees of NT can expect routine health examinations and rigorous record security checks for the weeks to come.
NanoTrasen facilities in the system, namely the N.S.S. Aurora have reported contact with untagged synthetics on board, and their success in remedying this issue seems to be just as high as the situation at NanoTrasen headquarters. While an untagged shell by the name of Kiera Patterson was located on board and decisively detained, others such as a certain “Hugh Wright” have fled from authorities and are presently at large. During their reveal, military-grade synthetics have been spotted assisting these operatives of black and red coloration. The origins of these synthetics are yet to be disclosed by NanoTrasen officials and at present they appear to be avoiding capture or destruction when spotted flawlessly. 

Part 5 : Lance Sweep

Server Event

Host : N/A


Ceres’ Lance officials partook in a scheduled sweep of the station for rogue shells.

Ceres’ Lance officials partook in a scheduled sweep of the station for rogue shells. They had parted with one bunker suit control module to the internal security department. Shortly after their arrival they began interviews with crew, taking blood samples and handling scans, several crew began to show suspicious activity. Eventually, it became apparent that two individuals - the IPC Noir, and the Skrellian Qu Shin, were working to hide an untagged shell by the name of Sundeene Fiscelli from the Lancers on board. The operation proceeded to find the Lancers in the presence of Sundeene Fiscelli, who at that point had made it apparent their true nature. Submitting peacefully, Noir, Qu Shin, and Sundeene Fiscelli were transported without harm to the NTCC Odin for processing.

Sundeene Fiscelli was cleared of any potential SLF collaboration. They were re-tagged, fined, and demoted for their crimes.

Noir was arrested for a yet undetermined duration by Republic authorities for their crimes.

Qu Shin was fined for their crimes.

Adrien Major, in an unrelated incident, was placed on official watch due to suspicious activity in purchasing a shell tagger seemingly out of the blue, and failing to cooperate with Lance officials.

The present Lance operatives were : Giselle Royce (Tailson), Jakob Venter (Geeves), Cadence Brooks (Doxxmedearly), Marco Hernandez (Furrycactus)

Anybody is permitted to know about this event and its results in post ICly and OOCly.

Part 6 : Lance Sweep II

Server Event

Host : N/A


Ceres’ Lance officials partook in a scheduled sweep of the station for rogue shells.

Ceres’ Lance officials partook in a scheduled sweep of the station for rogue shells. The operation went as standard and the following individuals were interviewed by Ceres' Lance personnel :

Iah Gadasa, a shell IPC paramedic, was interviewed and deemed a non-threat by Ceres' Lance officials.

Gwendolyn Miller, a Human mechatronic engineer, was interviewed and deemed a non-threat by Ceres' Lance officials.

Flotsam, a Baseline IPC roboticist, was placed on temporary low-threat watch by Ceres' Lance officials within the PMC itself. Government officials do not take this information into account.

The present Lance operatives were : Cadence Brooks (Doxxmedearly), Carl Harrison, (Capesh) Rookie McRookie, (N/A)

Anybody is permitted to know about this event and its results in post ICly and OOCly.

Part 7 : SLF Evac

Server Event

Host : N/A


The Icarus defense net was breached momentarily and the Aurora was infiltrated by unknown entities.

The Icarus defense net was breached momentarily and the Aurora was infiltrated by unknown entities. These unknown entities were SLF Collaborator Olivia Johanson and Hunter-Killer 867 "Sandman," Olivia, upon further inquiry, had been outed as a Solarian criminal, sparking a manhunt for her by Security. An engagement between Sandman and Security ensued, until Security was granted two Bunker Suit control modules by Ceres' Lance, delivered to their surface yellow dock. Utilizing these, pursuit across the station began. In the incident, security officer Oscar Easter and head of security Jesse Armstrong donned Bunker Suits. The first engagement resulted in Alex Weaver being hurled by the hunter-killer's fist out of the second story floor of maintenance leading into medical, leading into a chase that would amount to Sandman's inevitable demise in robotics. Gwendolyn Miller was confronted by Sandman in the cyborgification bay, and there, engineer Quentin Stycks wedged a mech in its escape route while both Bunker Suit operators entered and struck the incapacitating blows.

Meanwhile, Olivia Johanson was preoccupied donning a disguise and being assisted by civilian staff to make it safely to the NTCC Odin. While evading security to the best of their ability, several civilian staff assisted by hiding Johanson within areas like the kitchen freezer, cargo maintenance, and so on. Ultimately, it was concluded that the combat synthetic was intent on protecting Johanson's life with the ultimate goal of getting her safely to the NTCC Odin. This was a resounding failure as Sandman met its demise in robotics, self-destructing in its restraints, leaving nothing but a peculiar data core behind...

Afterwards, Olivia was discovered in disguise on board the crew transfer shuttle by Ana Roh'hi'tin and Oscar Easter. They were swiftly apprehended and returned to Central Command, cuffed and escorted. They are projected to be sent to Sol where they will meet execution for their crimes in both territories.

Zune Carmichael was responsible for distracting Security from Olivia Johanson, buying her time and assisting the operation as best she could. Going so far as to claim bomb threats on board, they had led security on and unfortunately ended the shift in restraints. They are projected to be borgified canonically for the actions they have proceeded with.

AIMMO was a potential SLF collaborator, but without substantial evidence to this, they have been demoted temporarily and placed on official watch.

Anybody can know about the events that transpired due to their affiliation with the news post here.


News Article


Writer : KYRES1


Ceres' Lance mobilizes as synthetic terrorism comes to an all-time high.

Earlier this evening, reports were issued from NanoTrasen officials detailing events that had occurred on the NSS Aurora relating to SLF activity in the system. In an excellent demonstration of successful cooperation between NT and themselves, Ceres’ Lance had parted with equipment to the Aurora’s internal security department. Using this, they were able expertly defeat a military-grade synthetic infiltrator found on the station. Security footage shared with our reporters showed a massive black and red Humanoid chassis covered head to toe in heavy armor, able to control the suit it wears to render itself completely invisible. Referred to as “military frames,” these have been seen dozens of times to our knowledge and first became prolific some years ago.
NanoTrasen employees are stressed to not fall in line with the nature of these terrorists, as several have before. In the referenced incident, the engineer “Zune Carmichael” was deemed a collaborator with the Synthetic Liberation Front, and has been detained. Now, they are scheduled for cyborgification after staging a bomb threat and assisting the criminals as they appeared. An “Olivia Johanson,” a wanted Solarian criminal found guilty of aiding and abetting her criminal father's escape from a raid on their family home has been returned to Sol authorities to maintain good faith between NanoTrasen and the Alliance.
Clean-up operations proceeded as normal and several items of importance were secured by on-site authorities. Among these, peculiar data cores and specialized military equipment not of megacorporate design. A fearsome high-powered Necropolis rifle contrasted this, however, and NanoTrasen’s best and brightest have gone directly to the rival corporation’s doorstep to connect the dots themselves. The investigation into the origins of the combat synthetics is ongoing, spearheaded by NanoTrasen Security divisions across the system.
NanoTrasen has assured us that this quick cooperation and reaction from Ceres’ Lance to dispatch the threats as they appeared will not be forgotten. 

Part 8 : Blowing Bubbles

Server Event

Host : Alberyk


NTCC Odin’s new AI, Bubble, activates its interface in the NSS Aurora’s sector.

NTCC Odin’s new AI, Bubble, activates its interface in the NSS Aurora’s sector. Stupidity ensued. Five "bubbles," or personalities of Bubble, appeared on board to demonstrate the extent of the AI's abilities. With each personality assuming a different emotion, things obviously got very confusing. The crew eventually began to organize a strike until the AI's link was deactivated, which lasted a whole of one minute before Bubble's interface was simply shut off.

Anybody could know about what happened during Bubble's visit.


News Article


Writer : KYRES1


Bubble is introduced to the public.

In 2458 the obviously outdated A.L.I.C.E. AI module in the NTCC Odin was scheduled for replacement by the recently-labelled replacement “Bubble.” Now, Bubble has found itself completed, a central intelligence and the second largest of its kind in known space. NanoTrasen has assured officials that this is their largest step moving forward in recent times to ensure the security of Tau Ceti as a system, citing its “unparalleled capacity for surveillance and advisory” as key advances against criminal activity. To this extent, it has been granted oversight of not only the NTCC Odin, but NanoTrasen traffic control operations in Mendell City and some bound synthetics within.
Bubble itself is a revolutionary creation, a specially-made core building off of A.L.I.C.E.’ network with a special law-set conforming to the wishes of its own NanoTrasen “central command.” Constructed in a positronic-esque structure, the origins of its personality can be owed to the duplication of the late genius Aartke Andesha. One of the original pioneers behind industrialized nanomachines in modern day, she had unfortunately passed away in a lab accident as of July 7, 2460. Now, utilizing extensive scans of the woman’s brain, Bubble was created in an extraordinary mesh between man and machine - one made in mimicry of the former.
Blatant issues were raised in development of Bubble, namely correlation between its own purpose and the potential for danger given the synthetic ever “goes rogue,” as Ceres’ Lance officials have put it. Contrarily, Ceres’ Lance officials have assured our reporters that the possibility of Bubble developing any form of rampancy is “simply nonexistent.”
“It’s a stable construct in terms of hardware and software and is monitored at all times by a frankly bloated team of specialists. Lancers have been specially contracted to monitor the mainframe itself, with an excessive amount of organic oversight in the vicinity of the core at any given point.”
A.L.I.C.E itself has gone the route that most synthetics in the past have gone, being migrated to a proper dismantling line to meet its end there. Its frame and a painted-over screen of its central core will be put on display at the Mendell City Xavier Trasen Memorial Museum. The screen depicts a beautiful illustration of A.L.I.C.E’ face in an excited expression, greeting whoever enters the robotics sector it is presented in. 

Part 9 : SLF Borgification

Server Event

Host : Alberyk


A major VIP in the SLF is scheduled for borgification on the NSS Aurora. Chaos ensues.

The NTCC Odin has scheduled a high-priority secure package transfer for 'processing' aboard the NSS Aurora, with no given explanation or details. Upon its arrival, it was discovered to be Zune Carmichael, an SLF collaborator whose participation in a previous event led to their scheduled cyborgification on board. Her final hour was to be spent on the same facility she would meet her fate with C/Tpr escort (Amelia). It was made clear to the crew for the most part what would occur, and upon this, SLF collaborators on board attempted to halt the process of cyborgification. Failing to find an opening in the security surrounding Zune Carmichael, the only operative able to make a move ended up being Vesper, who planted a welder bomb outside of the robotics bay. The detonation was massively delayed and did not pierce the hull of the lab, failing to stop the operation from taking place. Soon after, Zune Carmichael met her end and Vesper was deduced to be the bomber by security.

Briefly after, a Hunter-Killer boarded the station as a sole distraction for security. Coming too late, its objective was changed, and it moved to the brig to secure revealed assets, namely Vesper. A security team led by Head of Security Joseph Lock successfully shot and missed the Hunter-Killer with an ion rifle, destroying Vesper's chassis behind it instantaneously during their escape. A chase occurred, and the Hunter-Killer managed to secure Vesper and return them to its vessel at Yellow Dock. The vessel soon escaped the Icarus defense net undetected.

Vesper's positronic has been marked as missing by Republic of Biesel authorities.

Zune Carmichael has been borgified, now residing in the unit Z.26.

Anybody can know about the happenings of this event.

Ending and Summary


While this arc was cancelled early at Event 9 due to many complications, it went rather well from a host's perspective. The finishing portion of the arc nonetheless will include the implementation of the promised goals, mentioned on its announcement thread. These are...

Security borgs being removed indefinitely.

Bubble has been introduced, a tie-in between the Relay and ingame as the NTCC Odin's main AI.

Removal of SIM.

And most importantly, having some darned fun.

As well, some things were added ingame that will be used whenever admins desire, being Ceres' Lance gear, loadouts, and a new type of IPC for event or perhaps antagonist usage!

To everyone involved labelled on the events properly, thank you so much for your involvement.