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  • Epsilon Ursea Minoris

    Initially discovered by Skrell probes in 2342, Epsilon Ursea Minoris, or generally referred to as EUM, is a habitable world home to multiple Dionae civilizations and clusters. While not the homeworld of the species, EUM is the largest-known world to have been colonized exclusively by Dionae without contact or help from outside species, being home to the Dionae for thousands of years prior to discovery.

    Epsilon Ursae Minoris.
    Epslion Ursae Minoris is a planet that can only be described as full of untold beauty.



    The exact year Dionae landed on the planet is unknown, however, it is generally believed they arrived around ten thousand years ago through a Dionae meteorite that crashed in the site now known as Point Entry. The majority of EUM’s history is somewhat of a mystery as the Dionae inhabitants hadn’t had a system of writing for the majority of their history, instead of passing their stories and history down through a more oral tradition. This, along with artifacts discovered over the years are largely what is used to approximate their history.

    What is known is that the majority of the planet’s civilizations and clusters were centered around Point Entry in the northern continent. Many of these original Dionae wandered the planet nomadically as they tried to find places of warmth and sunlight, with some eventually settling down to form permanent villages and cities. These villages were largely small and built-in places with a lessened ozone layer that allowed for a greater degree of UV light to hit the inhabitants below. One of the more notable aspects of these villages were the great towers and pillars built as a way to get closer to the entity many of the Dionae worshipped, the Sun. The towers were generally also capable of sending more light down below to the tower’s base, providing the inhabitants of the village with more life-giving energy. While these mega towers were often used only as temples and places of worship, some also incorporated them into their general architectural style, using the tops of the towers as houses and other structures and connecting them via bridges.

    While a myriad of ancient religions did exist on the planet over the years, many had some form of sun-worship integral to them. Oftentimes it was to praise the sun for granting them life and the ability to thrive on the planet. The most practiced of these religions, the Light’s Accord, did rightfully believe they came to the planet from a crashed meteorite, believing the sun is the beacon that originally pulled the meteorite to land on the planet. Villages practicing the faith oftentimes built large towers to help feel they can be closer to the sun, as well as a way to radiate more light down below to other structures in the village. Some exceptions to this do exist however such as the Mada's religion of Marka, focusing more on the worship of nature.


    The initial discovery of the planet was made in 2342 by the Nralakk Federation, sending probes down to scan what they believed was a habitable, albeit uninhabited planet. Upon discovering the planet was already populated by Dionae inhabitants, contact was made strictly forbidden. The discovery prompted the construction of an observation post in orbit of EUM, with the majority of the staff being that of Skrell, however, several Dionae were brought in attempts to decipher the society below. Observation would continue unhindered for roughly a decade before it was decided that first contact was necessary.

    Despite plans being put forth, the Observation Post was too little too late. The Dionae of the Ozaka Gleaners had managed to conglomerate their Geras’ and eventually created a rather rudimentary satellite dish, resulting in a flurry of signals that sent the Observation Post haywire. The Dionae staff was quickly pushed to begin contact attempts, only having been considered concluded many months after the fact, with contact officially being established in 2390.

    Establishment Of The CT-EUM

    While the Nralakk Federation did largely wish to leave the planet to self-governance due to distance from the Federation and as a sort of experiment, The Federation did play a large part in uplifting the planet’s inhabitants and with the creation of the primary government of the planet, the CT-EUM, also known as the Co-operative Territories of Epsilon Ursae Minoris. While each nation and city-state under the CT-EUM is technically independent, they agreed to elect a council to act on their behalf and interests to the galaxy as a whole, as well as settle any disputes members of the CT-EUM have with each other.

    Since first contact and the establishment of the CT-EUM, parts of the planet have largely become more and more industrialized, shifting away from agricultural production and moving towards mining and refinement of natural resources on the planet. In recent years the CT-EUM has also begun to establish mining sites in the nearby asteroid fields and planets located within EUM’s solar system, as well as talks of purchasing nearby solar systems to mine and later sell their natural resources.

    Perhaps to participate in the birth of a new nation or to escape the clutches of the authoritarianism of the Nralakk Federation, many Skrell have flocked to the EUM and helped Establish the city-state of Nral’Daaq, the only city-state of the CT-EUM not inhabited almost exclusively by Dionae on the planet. While some skrell do find themselves in the other nations and city-states of the planet, Nral’Daaq has become home to the vast majority of the planet’s alien population.


    After the onset of globalization, following the first contact, a united government formed, hailing themselves as the Co-Operative Territories of Epsilon Ursae Minoris, or CT-EUM. A highly decentralized entity, the CT-EUM is a confederation of autonomous city-states that both work together yet do compete with each other in certain matters, such as resources or influence. While the government of the CT-EUM is a democratic confederacy, the city-states themselves each can have their own forms of governance. On a global level, the CT-EUM is run by a Council of Delegates, with a representative chosen from each city-state, based on the city-state’s own prerogatives. The exception to this is United, which does not have its own representative, acting as a neutral ground, and the capital of the CT-EUM as well as the center of the Council of Delegates. Should a problem arise, and arbitration is required between two or more city-states, United may elect a speaker to act on their behalf. Each city-state is entitled to off-world representation in whatever way they choose, but United still acts as a central governing body in the case of international affairs.


    CT-EUM citizenship is fairly easily obtained compared to the way some other galactic nations handle theirs. The person applying must live on the planet, although they can leave without forfeiting citizenship. There are no issues with applying for citizenship with other nations and/or holding dual citizenship, notably, those from EUM can apply and hold dual citizenship with the Nralakk Federation and vice versa, those from the Federation can apply for CT-EUM citizenship and still hold their original Federation Citizenship.

    While many nations and city-states under the CT-EUM do offer their own citizenship, CT-EUM citizenship is generally required to go off-world and be recognized as a citizen of the planet. Almost all nations of the planet, including the few not a part of the CT-EUM, allow for dual citizenship with both their own citizenship and CT-EUM citizenship.


    The CT-EUM has a near-nonexistent federalized economy, instead being more reliant on the economy of the individual nations and city-states under it. The CT-EUM has no form of federalized currency, instead, most of the planet relies on barter and trade for internal commerce, with off-world trade typically being done with much the same, but may utilize credits and sqiip when necessary. Notably, United and Nral’Daaq almost exclusively use off-worlder currency for internal commerce but may resort to trading with the other nations of the CT-EUM.

    The federal government of the CT-EUM does not impose taxes on most nations under it outside of taxes on off-world trading, although typical taxes are enforced on the residents of United, the planet’s capital.

    For a more detailed breakdown of the economy of each individual nation under the CT-EUM, refer to their economy sections, here [link to notable nations & City-States]


    Faction Relations

    As a sovereign nation, The CT-EUM partakes in diplomatic ventures with other nations frequently, holding several permanent embassies in other nations, as well as hosting several in its own territory. For nations not listed below, diplomatic ties between them and the CT-Eum are near nonexistent, if at all occurring .

    Nralakk Federation

    As the nation that initiated first contact with the inhabitants of EUM, relations between the Nralaak Federation and the CT-EUM are quite high, to the point of being allies. The federation is the CT-EUM’s largest trade and tourism partner in the spur, and it is not uncommon for Federation citizens to seek dual-citizenship within the CT-EUM and reside there for some time, primarily in the city-state of Nral’Daaq.

    A defensive pact exists between the two nations whereas if one nation is attacked the other will come to their aid in some capacity, although this pact is somewhat one-sided as the Federation is vastly more powerful compared to CT-EUM, both in military strength and economy. Per the pact, the Federation is also allowed a number of outposts and fleet-basing rights within CT-EUM territory. While integration into the Federation has been proposed in the past, neither side has shown much interest in it. Most nations under the CT-EUM have little interest in joining the Federation as many prefer their semi-autonomous status under the CT-EUM and would rather not be forced to conform to Federation practices if integrated. The Federation meanwhile prefers to keep them more as a buffer state, putting some extra distance between the Federation and Solarian space, as well as using them as a safe bridge or layover state to travel to other human nations such as the CoC.

    Whilst still under the CT-EUM, The City-state of Nral’Daaq is home to a myriad of Federation-born Skrell, and as such, the city is highly influenced by Federation ideals, although is still contested by much of the city’s anti-federation Skrell population. More information on the city can be found, here [link to the city’s section]

    Solarian Alliance

    Prior to the Alliance’s fracturing into several warlord states, relations between the Alliance and the CT-EUM did exist in a somewhat weary state, with the CT-EUM being concerned over a possible Solarian attack on its borders and the Alliance not caring for a nation of Dionae to be on its borders. This weariness never resulted in any wars or notable engagements but did result in both nations having a mildly fortified border. While the CT-EUM did allow for a Solarian Embassy, the feeling was not mutual, and no EUM embassy ever existed on Alliance soil. While official trading was infrequently done between the two nations, independent Solarian merchants have commonly done business in CT-EUM territory, purchasing goods to later sell back in Sol space, most notably on Konyang prior to its defection to the CoC.

    Since its founding, many Dionae over the years have attempted to flee Solarian space and into CT-EUM territory to escape the former’s brutal treatment of the Dionae species, wishing to gain freedom away from the forced debt placed on Dionae born within Sol territory. The CT-EUM does unofficially accept all refugees into its territory, and will commonly remove or replace the Nymph Registration Chips implanted within them. Most of these refugee Dionae will end up either in the capital of the CT-EUM, United, or in a small colony or outpost somewhere within its borders. Outside of United, Solarian Dionae tend to be met with slight skepticism amongst CT-EUM Dionae as they’re typically viewed as being very strange due to being influenced completely by Solarian humans, and are oftentimes met with slight wariness over concerns of spies and infiltrators.

    After the fracturing of the Alliance, relations between EUM and the remnants of the Sol government have almost completely ceased. Diplomacy is seldom done with the successor states, with the only notable instance being with the SRF, or Solarian Restoration Front.

    Solarian Restoration Front

    Owing to the SRF’s rather xenophobic views, relations between the SRF and CT-EUM are quite hostile, but have not resulted in any conflict or battle thus far. Communication between the two is next to non-existent, with no diplomatic channels or embassies existing between the two groups. In an attempt to avoid any conflict from breaking out during the Sol Alliance’s collapse into several warlord states, The CT-EUM abandoned several of its claimed systems along its Sol border to create a sort of “No man’s land” between them, still preferring to keep their border behind it secured with several outposts and defensive stations. As of yet, no SRF vessels have attempted to invade or attack CT-EUM territory, primarily as a lack of interest in fighting both EUM and the Federation due to their mutual defensive pact over a small lump of mostly undeveloped territory and concerns over Biesel or the CoC getting involved if a war should be declared.

    Coalition Of Colonies

    Being one of the two nations with borders connecting to the CT-EUM, relations between the Coalition Of Colonies and the CT-EUM are peaceful. Trade and tourism are common between the two nations, and, due to the CT-EUM having duel borders with the CoC and Federation that are considered to be safe to travel through, CoC traders and tourists frequently use the CT-EUM as a sort of safe “bridge” to get between the two without having to go through the disorganized human frontier or having to go through Solarian territory.

    Republic Of Biesel

    Relations between the Republic of Biesel and the CT-EUM are quite cordial, with trade being somewhat commonplace between the two nations. While not the most commonplace due to the distance between the two, tourism does mutually occur. Both Human and non-human Bieselite tourists commonly visit United and Nral’Daaq, as well as use EUM territory as a pitstop on their way to either visit the CoC or visit the Federation. Notably, EUM citizens are still required to get Nymph Registration Chips if they wish to visit Biesel territory, and while the EUM government has made push backs against the policy, the policy has remained in place.

    The Eternal Temple is often in contact with the CT-EUM, primarily through United, where priests from both the Orthodox and Blood Eternals visit. The Iron Eternal is sparsely present, however, due to the proximity of the Federation, and their views on Synthetics.

    The Hegemony

    As a result of the sheer distance between CT-EUM and Hegemony territory, diplomacy between the two nations is light but does occur. To aid in combating the growing Moghes wastes, The CT-EUM has sent thousands of nymph seeds to Moghes in order to help clear radiation. Unathi merchants and smugglers have been known to make a stop in CT-EUM territory to purchase some goods to resell elsewhere.


    Following the collapse of the Alliance, The destabilized regions in proximity to the CT-EUM began to bleed out shoals of refugees. In the initial years most that entered came out of circumstance, and arrived in a large wave that overwhelmed the infrastructure of the EUM. Since then, it’s slowed to a trickle, a significant portion of which comes from SRF territories.

    Most of these refugees came as a consequence of their proximity to the region, or complications trying to vacate into other nations. It helps that the CT-EUM has generally more relaxed borders than the other nations in its vicinity. These refugees funneled into Nral’Daaq, and then further to United. Humans tend to make up the bulk of the refugees, and typically stay just long enough to broker passage to other parts of human space. Skrell have had the easiest time adjusting here, and more than any other demographic, elect to stay and pursue long term residence. Other aliens find themselves here, but like the humans they typically do not stay long. IPC's, if they come, are rejected outright due to the EUM's ties with the Federation. Some of the arrivals are also political refugees. A few are from the fallout of the Alliance collapsing, but now, these are dissidents or non-humans that have either fled or been deported from the Solarian Reclamation Front's territory.

    United and Nral’Daaq were unprepared for the influx of refugees, but nonetheless accepted them into the cities. Despite this, problems were quick to arise, as the means to facilitate these people were pushed beyond capacity. Tensions rose in Nral’Daaq between the Skrell that were more loyal to the Federation, and some of the Skrell refugees that were unwilling to return. Though neither United nor Nral’Daaq discriminated outright against the human minority, Their legislation and infrastructure did not support them. It was to the point that the IAC had to be requested to help.

    Although it isn't as bad as it was when the Alliance first collapsed, the gradual trickle of people out of the wildlands remains a constant problem that the CT-EUM must account for. Following the immense strain on public resources in United and Nral'Daaq, The United Speaker requested additional support and a new supply chain to account for it: Mada provides food, the Ekane and Gleaners provide material goods and resources, and United and Nral’Daaq would continue to facilitate them.

    Notable Nations & City-States

    Ancient Song

    One unifying aspect amongst Dionae from EUM is their distinct “accent”, Ancient Song, a variant of Rootsong with a slightly higher pitch with a slightly off-beat tempo when compared to Rootsong. Researchers are currently unsure if the accent had existed prior to the planet’s colonization by Dionae some thousands of years ago or if it was developed as a result of living off of trace amounts of radiation/sunlight for millennia on a planet, notably the latter theory has gained much more traction by both Federation and CT-EUM researchers.


    Widely considered the capital of the CT-EUM, the city-state of United is the newest independent nation, formed alongside the formation of the CT-EUM, to act as a neutral meeting place for the Council of Delegates, and to represent the central governing body, as well as acting as a mediator between the two other city-states should a conflict arise. United is the second most-visited city on EUM after Nral’Daaq, and has influence from both off-world and the other city-states in its structure, and operation.

    City Structure

    United has influence from various sources in its structure, from both the other city-states, and Skrell from off-world. However, United is one of the smallest city-states, as it serves a very specific purpose for EUM, and only expands itself as necessary for its population. The city itself is divided into three major districts, with the three main functions of the city in mind. However, there are also minor districts dedicated to associated city-states. United’s main, yet smallest district is the Administration District, where the Council meets, and delegations from off-world are directed. The second and largest district is the Cultural Center. The final major district is the Residential Area, which is where both the long-term citizens and visitors will stay.

    The Cultural Center is the most visited and economically important district for United, as well as being the most rapidly growing. It features various museums, galleries, archives, and landmarks, as well as shops and large parks, all of which account for the visitation that United sees. The Cultural Center works in tandem with the Residential Area, where most visitors will find hotels or other temporary residences, including religious housing in temples dedicated to either the Eternal or Light’s Accord, and on the outskirts are dedicated camping locations.


    United is similar to most city-states on EUM with an elected leader called the United Speaker. However, unique among the city-states is that they have no representative for the Council of Delegates. The reason for this is that United acts as a neutral area for the Council to meet, and allows for an impartial speaker. However, should the need arise, the United Speaker can oversee and mediate these meetings, as well as can act as a liaison off-world on behalf of the CT-EUM.

    Only permanent citizens of United may elect the United Speaker, and the United Speaker remains so until they are no longer able to serve this purpose, or if they are voted out of the position by the Council of Delegates by unanimous vote. This has not had to happen yet, and the United Speaker remains to be an Argus by the name of Symphony of Uniting and Prosperous Resolutions, who has been in the position since its inception.


    United is similar to Nral’Daaq in that they will trade in currency; sqiips and credits are common to be used, alongside the normal bartering system. There are no major exports or meaningful production within the city, however. Instead, the city-state relies on their tourism to sustain itself, due to its status being the second-most visited city. Other city-states also retain some presence in their related districts, as well as the Administration District, which allows United to be a trading center between individuals from every city-state.

    The Cultural Center is the primary district that is integral to the economy of United. Rather than relying on production, the district instead features museums, art galleries, and archives, which attract visitors to see either the history of the planet, or the unique art that the Dionae are capable of. The protected parks and landmarks also act as a secondary attraction for tourists, with the most notable landmark being not in the Cultural Center, but in the Administration District where the spire the Council of Delegates meets in. Finally, in both the Cultural Center and the individual minor districts are bazaars and shops, where one can buy or trade for souvenirs both from United or the other city-states.


    United sees the majority of tourism on the planet, next to Nral’Daaq, mostly from Skrell and Humans, as well as the occasional foreign Dionae, the most notable of which are Eternal Priests which come from the Eternal Temple. Outside these three, however, the tourism of other species drops, with Unathi being more present on EUM to trade, rather than Tourism, and Tajara being an uncommon sight in the area mixed with an unpleasant environment for them. Vaurcae are rare, mostly being seen as part of diplomatic attachments from the C’thur Hive, and the Nralakk Federation.

    The main appeal of United’s tourism lies in the unique architecture and art that Dionae are capable of. Forma of either type is common all across United, and the warning stones remain an attractive landmark for visitors. The museums showcase unique aspects of the history of EUM, of all the city-states through a combined effort. Finally, the archives are run in tandem with the museums and chronicle the history of EUM. Though there is some influence in various structures from the Skrell, a lot of buildings retain the more traditional structure that the city-states have. The city as a result, has a mix of a rustic, and overall natural look where the structures are very plant-like in aesthetic, while still maintaining a somewhat urban appearance that is somewhat more common in Nral’Daaq from the Nralakk Federation’s own architecture. Another notable reason for the tourism is also with the most prominent feature of the city-state, which is the lack of any real corporate presence. There are no major corporate areas in United as of yet, and this ‘untouched’ aspect can be a draw to many outside the system. Despite this, there are minor offices and recruitment centers, for most SCC affiliated Megacorporations.

    The appeal of nature is shown in the multiple protected parks, and camping areas. Inside the city, in nearly every district, are protected parks with no urban influence. On the outskirts of the city lie camping areas for those who would wish to brave the elements.

    Resident Characteristics

    United is far from what its name implies, in terms of individual characteristics. Dionae from United can be many different mindtypes and appearances, due to the nature of being a cultural melting pot on the planet. Despite this, it's not uncommon for Emphatic Echoes and Singular Sound gestalts, and those from United are often more social and outgoing, which stems from the tourist industry.

    Gleaners Of Bliss

    The Gleaners of Bliss is a large, religious city-state that is known for its imperialistic attitude. The The Gleaners are among the oldest of the city-states and were one of the first to put forth the idea of the CT-EUM on first contact. Before, and during, its inception, the Gleaners have expanded their influence on numerous other city-states, both in and out of the CT-EUM. Now, the Gleaners are the most outspoken proponents of expanding the CT-EUM offworld.

    The Peaks That Glean The Heavens

    Often known Colloquially as “The Peaks”, The Peaks that Glean the Heavens are a mountain range that served as a cradle for the Gleaners’ civilization. Away from the destructive monsoons and earthquakes of the mainland, the Proto-gleaners sought out its steep cliffs and fertile valleys as a means to get away from the unstable terrain of the mainland. Farming came from the valleys, ore came from the mountains, and a desire to reach the heavens came from the peaks.

    City Structure

    Out of all the city-states on EUM, the Gleaners are the most Ordered. Tall buildings are common due to the majority faith of the Light’s Accord, which involves worship of the sun, and the buildings are made in order for the faithful to be closer to it. The tallest building is The First Temple. It resides at the highest peak of the tallest mountain in the range, and it is as deep as it is tall, to prevent the wind from sweeping it away. Sub-Acropolises dot the surrounding peaks of the First Temple’s mountain, each with their own temple venerating the Light’s Accord.

    Rather than being split into varying districts, the city is built around the temples. As the city expands, more temples are built, and buildings are made around the temple. The layout can be confusing to outsiders, and getting lost in its twisting roads is a common occurrence. Even Dionae who are not native to The Peaks have difficulty navigating them. Despite this, however, These sub-Acropolis peak cities are ordered and structured in such a manner as to emulate the design of the First Peak. What is patently observable, even to outsiders, is the descending hierarchy built within every peak: The temple and priests reside at the top, politicians, diplomats, and the administration of Gleaner society work below. Going down further are where the mines begin, and where most Gleaner craftsmanship takes place. Bioluminescent flora covers the walls and interiors of the mountains, and stone dwellings and workstations are cut into the interior of the mountain to facilitate industry. At the base of the mountain is where Agriculture begins, if it’s on a side of the mountain that is arable. Otherwise, they remain barren. As for the towers that rise sprawling out from the Acropolis, those are reserved almost exclusively as residences for the cities’ people, and as is for the rest of the mountain, their occupants are organized in accordance with rank and hierarchy. The twisting and turning nature of Gleaner Acropolis peaks is owed to their mining structure. Tunnels expand underground, with bioluminescent flora being used to light their way, all throughout the city. Each mining entrance is found directly connected to a Temple, and the tunnels themselves are highly organized and efficient, to the point that they have become main modes of travel within the city.


    With globalization around EUM becoming more rampant, the Gleaners’ have only furthered their imperialistic aims. The Gleaners had already been known to push its ideas onto other city-states before first contact, and they have a number of minor city-states under their influence as a result. The incentive for this has mostly come as a consequence of the Gleaners running out of peaks to claim in their home range, and a desire to industrialize. This has become more common under the CT-EUM, where those city-states unaffiliated are often ‘encouraged’ to join the Gleaners. These cities under the Gleaners have come to be known as free-cities, and act semi-autonomously but still answer to the Gleaners. The key element that entices independent cities to join the Gleaners is their administrative capabilities. As if to spite their backwardness, the Gleaners are perhaps one of the most organized, incorrupt, and bureaucratically efficient polities on the planet; it is this efficiency that allowed them to project an entire city state across their entire mountain range. Those that join benefit from this system. However, these city states are not considered true gleaner settlements, and while they are typically governed by a small administrative class of actual Gleaners, they are for the most part, undisturbed so long as rents are made. This imperialistic attitude is met with weariness from the other major city-states. Those that come under the influence of the Gleaners say that they are met with fairness so long as the same is returned, however.


    The Gleaners’ government is composed of a democratically elected leader, who is ironically often seen as a sort of potentate, and their vassals under them who are from the city-states that were absorbed into or taken under the Gleaners’ rule. The leading ruler is called the Light’s Speaker, and is often the most pious Gestalt, who is in charge of the main faiths as well as the city-state. The Light’s Speaker is elected by the general populace, but approved by the temples. Under them are the various overseers of any place under outright control of the Gleaners, or under their sphere of influence. Like the Light’s Speaker, these are elected by the populace, and approved by the Light’s Speaker.

    The overseers are in charge of their respective cities, as well as acting as an advisory role and vassals to the Light’s Speaker. This coalesces into a council, but the power remains in the Light’s Speaker. The overseers can bring up issues to be discussed and act as a liaison between their city and the rest of the council. One overseer is chosen as a Herald by the Light’s Speaker, and acts as the representative for the CT-EUM Council of Delegates.


    Keeping in line with many traditional elements in the city-state, mining and farming are common throughout the Gleaners. While they lack any real industrial capabilities beyond this, they contain a large number of natural resources found on the mainland. However, policies by the Light’s Speaker are moving to increase their industrial potential. Most notably, is the attempt to nationalize the industries found in the other city-states, and have it all under the CT-EUM and the direct oversight of the Gleaners. This has been met with varying levels of success, with most of it found in mainland mining operations, and within United.

    The Gleaners do not find much use for credits or sqiips, as they do not often directly trade with off-worlders. Instead, true to their nature of tradition, they partake in a barter-and-trade system, further hampering their nationalization attempts in certain industries, primarily in Nral’Daaq.

    Resident Characteristics

    Centuries of isolation within their polis has created a climate that praises individuality in service of the collective. In order to run a society as large as it is in their harsh, mountain climate, it required a division of labor and hierarchy among gestalts to make it happen. Gestalts even at an argus size are incredibly rare, and most Gleaners divide or bud into individual Cerberus or Cyclops forms.

    The distribution of mind types is stratified across the Gleaners’ hierarchy: Those in agriculture or mining tend to be singular sound. Skilled laborers, specialists, and parts of the bureaucracy tend to be Competence Choir. Those at the top of their hierarchy are Tyrannical Tune, who interestingly enough, organize themselves internally as though they themselves are the city itself, with the controlling nymph resting at the top as the symbolic priest.

    All begin in the mines, and as a consequence of this, all Gleaners bear semblances to mushrooms and fungi. Owing to their success in the mountains, Gleaners tend to dress opulently, with flowing robes and cloaks adorned with metals and gems. Such accessories are designed to be easily removed, as sunbathing is still important to them.

    Discounting the new member states, all Dionae within the Gleaner city-state are all effectively related to one another, thanks to their isolation. Because of this, it has generated a strong in-group preference, and a division between them and the rest of the CT-EUM. Outside of other Gleaners, most will refuse to merge with other gestalts who are not their own. On matters of blood, they remain skeptical and wary of consuming alien blood, for fear of it influencing their decisions.

    When a Gleaner grows to the size of a Cyclops, they are given a necklace called a “Branched Blossom” made up of smaller interlocking necklaces called a “Branch”, each engraved with the first word in a nymph’s name. If a nymph leaves or merges with a gestalt they are expected to bring their Branch piece engraved with their name to be connected with the gestalt’s Branched Blossom. It is an artifact of pride for most Gleaners, and those who travel abroad always carry it for its significance.


    Imperialistic paradigms on the homeplanet differ greatly from the Gleaners’ stance when it comes to colonization. Whereas the Gleaners are content to be a niche administrative class in the puppet cities they occupy on the main continent, their colonies consist exclusively of Dionae sourced from their home city, as an extension of their home collective. They naturally have the strongest incentive to expand, as their mountain range is reaching capacity. Given their technological deficiencies, most colonization operations are undertaken by commissioning third parties outside of the EUM to ferry and transport colonists and what they will need. The Gleaner collective typically selects for planets with stable environments that resemble their mountain ranges. Initial plans are to concentrate on mining, as the gleaners presently lack the technology and infrastructure to facilitate agriculture on any planets except grove worlds.

    Nral’Daaq (Yonnimer)

    Playing host to the vast majority of the planet’s non-dionae population, Nral’Daaq is a city-state under the CT-EUM that is known for being the planet’s hub of off-world trading, as well as for its quite diverse majority-skrell population, with both Pro-Federation and Anti-Federation Skrell calling the city home. Due to the city’s border with the sea, Nral’Daaq is also a quite popular trading spot for the Ekane, with the vast majority of their goods ending up in the city to be later resold off-world.

    City Structure

    The city is somewhat divided between the more developed areas around the Federation Embassy and near the city’s sea border and the less developed areas further away. Those in the more developed areas tend to be more favorable towards the Federation, meanwhile, those in the less-developed areas tend to hold more negative views on the Federation. The Federation itself does own a notable number of houses within the developed side of the city, allowing federation citizens with a high social credit score to reside in them. Some controversy has formed around this, with non-federation citizens of the city claiming the Federation wishes to take over the city by pushing out federation-opposed residents by taking over the housing market.

    The city is divided into six districts, with three of the districts sitting in the more developed side of the city and three in the less developed section.

    The city itself is a mix of Dionae and Skrell architecture, with the older and less-developed sections of the city being more akin to something seen in a Gleaners city and the more modern sections being influenced more by traditional skrellian architecture. While most of the city does remain above water, several of the city’s famous tourist destinations, hotels, and expensive housing lie beneath the depths of the ocean.

    Ruqax’Daaq University

    Named after the city’s founder, Ruqax’Daaq Xolualo, Ruqax’Daaq University is the planet’s largest institution of higher education, and the only one present in the city. The university was initially founded only three years after first contact was made between EUM and the Skrell, with the initial purpose being to both aid in educating the planet’s Dionae population, as well as give a place for prospective skrell anthropologists to get more hands-on experience with the planet’s Dionae residents.

    In modern times the university is known for specializing in the education of cultural anthropology, as well as sociology and international relations-equivalent degrees. The pacing and difficulty of the university’s classes tend to be more relaxed compared to other Skrell-founded universities, as such those looking to gain the prestige of having a degree gained from the Skrell university without the large amount of hassle or need to reside within the Federation will sometimes seek an education here. Most notably, a small number of human students from the CoC and Republic of Biesel do attend the university for the aforementioned reason, with the rest of the university’s students primarily being Skrell and Dionae.

    The Federation does partially help fund the University through donations and paying for the Education of some Federation citizens wishing to attend the university, with the University in turn disallowing any classes to be taught that may be anti-federation in nature, or for anti-federation demonstrations to take place on campus grounds.


    The city is run by an elected council of delegates, the Nral’Daaq City Council, with each representing one of the city's six districts, as well as a mayor who is elected by the entire city’s populace. While the mayor is the de-facto head of state for the city-state, the council is capable of vetoing and outright removing the mayor if deemed necessary through majority decision, otherwise, no governmental positions hold any sort of term limit, and elections are held once every 10 years. The current mayor of the city, Loxul’Qerxoa Xolualo, has remained as the city’s current mayor for the past two terms and has somewhat infamously been openly pro-federation as a member of the SUP, enacting a myriad of laws aimed at protecting and benefiting Federation citizens and SUP members, while also attempting to restrict freedom of speech and defend against anti-federation movements and demonstrations.

    Elections are held through a system of ranked-choice voting, with only citizens of the CT-EUM who live within the city limits being permitted to vote. Three notable political parties are present within the city; The Stars United Party, a party with generally pro-federation that also believes in more regulated trading and currency, as well as socialized infrastructure, healthcare, and general public services such as law enforcement. The other major political party, the Stars Freedom Party, is generally favored by those with more anti-federation sentiments. The SFP pushes for more relaxed trading and currency laws, as well as more privatized infrastructure and social services. While still a minority party, the Wreshin Party, named after the supposed author of the Deathflower Journal, is considered significant as a moderate party, with both of the other major political parties attempting to lobby and persuade Wreshin Party voters to pick them as their second-ranked choice. Notably, the Wreshin Party is the top choice for the majority of Nral’Daaq’s Dionae population, especially of those native to the planet who moved to the city. Wreshin party policies tend to be more centered on the domestic issues of the city over anything international or off-world, with the party wishing to expand Nral’Daaq industry and territory to extend to more than just the city limits, both through land and sea.

    Notably, all three parties do support the independence of the CT-EUM and Nral’Daaq as a city-state under it, although the SUP does push for the CT-EUM to have closer ties with the Nralakk Federation.

    Political Discourse

    As a result of the city’s quite divided political landscape, political demonstrations and protests are often held. Anti-federation protests have been a frequent sight outside Federation-owned buildings, notably the main embassy located in District 1. In an attempt to curtail these demonstrations, several laws have been enacted by more pro-federation mayors that attempt to restrict anti-federation public gatherings, as well as provide additional funding and equipment to the city’s police force. In recent years more permanent checkpoints and blockades have been established on both district borders and towards politically-important buildings.


    Lacking any major industries, Nral’Daaq makes the majority of its income through acting as an intermediary for the planet’s off-world trading, trading for goods produced by the other nations of the CT-EUM and selling them off-world whilst using the profits made to buy goods to later use in trade with the other nations, beginning the cycle anew. Unlike the rest of the CT-EUM, in-nation commerce is more in line with the rest of the spur’s commerce, using a currency rather than through barter and trade, with the primary currency of Nral’Daaq being the skrellian sqiip.

    The city’s second main source of income is tourism and short-term residencies. Helped immensely by the feelings of familiarity and “homeyness” with the city’s focus on skrellian architecture and design, Nral’Daaq has become a popular choice for skrell wishing to visit other planets outside the Federation, viewing the city as an alluring layover locale whilst visiting other parts of the planet. Most skrell visiting the planet choose to stay in the city for only a few days or weeks as a common tourist before moving on, some do end up staying for years as temporary residents, usually done by skrell staying on the planet for some academic purposes such as attending the city’s university or as a researcher studying some aspect of the planet.

    Resident Characteristics

    Dionae characters from Nral’Daaq tend to share physical characteristics with skrell, such as head tails and more skrell-like eyes on the head. Dionae who tend to have a more positive favor of the Nralakk Federation tend to have more harmonious mind types more favored by the Federation such as the Competence Choir Harmonious Hymn and are likely to seek dual-citizenship within the Federation. Those with more negative federation sentiments tend not to have any particular bias towards any specific mind types in particular.

    Skrell and Dionae hailing form Nra’daaq will typically have names normal for the species respectively, although the latter may include skrellian aspects similar to those hailing from the Federation

    Mada (Yonnimer)

    Primarily located in the great forests of the Mede Region on EUM, The Mada are a semi-independent nation under the CT-EUM known for their isolationist beliefs and their religious worship of nature, with a focus on plant life in particular. Rather than all be situated in one singular city, the Mada are fairly spread out in the region, inhabiting a myriad of small settlements. The Capital, Elder Mada, is the largest settlement under the Mada, but not by a large margin.

    Maraka Religion & Culture

    The Mada religion, translated as Maraka, is practiced by the majority of Mada citizens and has two core tenants central to its practitioners; Spirits are created through the continued absorption of sunlight, the more sunlight absorbed the stronger these spirits become, chlorophyll and anything capable of producing it are considered blessed, as they have an increased potency when it comes to creating powerful spirits, doubly so if nurtured and protected. This means that most forms of plant life are considered holy to the Maraka religion, harming or killing a developing or still-living plant is considered taboo, but once naturally dead there’s no issue with consuming it or utilizing it for any other purpose.

    The nature of Maraka spirits is not fully known to practitioners of the faith, with it being constantly debated amongst priests, what is known is that they are created when sunlight is absorbed by some sort of living entity, and become empowered the longer the entity is exposed to sunlight. Once the entity hosting the spirit dies, the spirit moves on, sometimes leaving some form of boon or gift when doing so. For weaker spirits, it’s believed these boons tend to be incredibly minor and hard to notice, such as an extra flower blooming on a vine, or an extra few raindrops during a storm. Boons from stronger spirits tend to be more noticeable, such as a rainstorm during a drought, or influencing a species’s evolution in some regard. It’s believed that life starts on a planet as a result of an extremely powerful spirit bestowing life to water, creating the first life on a planet, with stronger spirits influencing them over millennia through boons that influence life’s evolution.

    Maraka practitioners believe that spirits should be given the chance to grow as powerful as possible before its host’s death, and as such a life should rarely be taken unless absolutely necessary such as in the case of something being eaten as sustenance, this includes the lives of animals and plants but with an emphasis on the latter.

    Priests do exist for the Maraka religion but do not belong to any sort of centralized church, instead largely being left alone to preach to their local villages, although they are expected to carry out orders given to them by the rulers of the Mada, the Triumvirate. The oldest priest in a village is generally referred to as a high priest, they are the ones to receive orders for a village from the Triumvirate and generally act as the village’s mayor, but otherwise will act as a normal priest. Maraka priests largely devote themselves solely to protecting and nurturing the plant life around them, religious protesting is rarely done, and there is no form of mass, but religious gatherings may occur when an incredibly large plant or tree is believed to be near death, when this happens the priests taking care of it may hold a festival that lasts until either the plant or tree is dead, or if they come to the conclusion that it was a false alarm. These festivals have been known to go on for several years, if not several decades in certain cases.

    Maraka practitioners notably believe that the best way to obtain knowledge is through the consumption of meat and flesh over blood, but only the flesh of the dead, not the living. This puts them somewhat in line with the beliefs of the Blood Eternal, but in a more pacifistic way. No religious significance is given to the consumption of dead flesh or dead plants, but neither is considered taboo.


    Mada culture and religion are one in the same, as nearly all Mada citizens are practitioners of the Marka faith or small offshoots of it. Mada society is primarily focused on the nurturing of plant life, although with more of a focus on quality over quantity, preferring to give plants the chance to thrive and live long lives rather than a focus on growing as many as possible.

    Mada technology is overall very rudimentary compared to the rest of EUM, being roughly equivalent to the human neolithic era, although in recent years the Mada have begun to trade with other EUM-states for more advanced forms of technology such as radios and automated vehicles.

    Without the ability to mine for rocks and ore to build things with, the Mada have developed a method in which they can mold trees and other forms of plantlife into a desired shape, this can range from something as small as a piece of clothing or small furniture to something as large as a house, with most Mada structures being molded trees made to resemble a building, notably these structures lack of a roof, allowing sunlight to seep inside


    The Mada government is an Autocracy ruled over solely by a single Cerberus gestalt known as “Elder Triumvirate Of The Ageless Evergreen ”, who has ruled over the Mada since its modern inception as a nation. As the sole ruler of the Mada, all laws and policies not mandated by the CT-EUM are instead enacted by Triumvirate. The exact mind type and internal structure of Triumvirate is unclear but seems to be some form of Singular Sound, with all three nymphs that make up the Triumvirate speaking at once with no pauses for internal discussion.

    While not considered members of the Mada Government, Speakers are generally considered to be in charge of individual Mada settlements, they are expected to ensure things run smoothly in the settlement, quotas are met if imposed, and criminals are dealt with when they rarely arise. To keep up to date with Triumvirate’s newest edicts, individual nymph runners will commonly go between villages to spread news, usually directly to the Speakers, who will then convey it to the settlement’s inhabitants.

    When a Mada citizen commits a crime they’re often left with one of two choices, to either have their gestalt be split apart and be forced to have their nymphs join other gestalts, or to be exiled from Mada lands altogether.


    The Mada are known for being one of the economically weakest nations in the CT-EUM, with very little being exported or imported. Most goods produced will either be used internally in the settlement that produced it, or later be sent to the Triumvirate as tribute, who is largely responsible for anything that gets exported or imported into the nation. What goods are exported are largely considered exotic artisan goods such as furniture and art made by molding trees into the desired shape, or some rather meticulously made clothing known for being vibrant and colorful, usually adorned with leaves, flowers, and vines.

    Resident Characteristics

    Mada Dionae will generally have a mind type that prioritizes a singular leader and/or discourages individuality within the gestalt, commonly Tyrannical Tune or Singular Sound mind types. Mada Dionae will commonly decorate themselves with some sort of floral or plant life such as flowers, leaves, and vines. They may also have widespread tattoos on the body, generally of religious nature that display some depiction of plant life and flowers.

    Mada Colonization

    As a result of the Mada’s culture and religion being centered around the large, lush forest they reside in, the Mada have not made any large-scale pushes for off-world colonization, largely leaving them out of the current conflict and disputes between United, the Gleaners, and the Ekane in their drives to colonize off-world territory. Rather than a focus on territory or resources, the Mada are only concerned with planets they deem lush and capable of sustaining a great deal of life forms and vegetation, leaving them scarce of colonization candidates, although recent experiments have begun to attempt to terraform desolate planets so that they are able to sustain life indefinitely.

    The Mada have only two colonized possessions to speak of, those being the colonies on the planets of Garden of Endless Wilds and Distant Hope. Dionae from both worlds almost exclusively follow the main Mada culture and religion, as such they primarily share the same resident characteristics of the Mada. Both worlds are still bound to the laws and regulations of the CT-EUM government but are still considered to be under the Mada rather than under the direct control of the federal government.

    Garden of Endless Wilds

    The first world colonized by the Mada, Garden of Endless Wilds, commonly just referred to as the Mada Garden, is a desolate, mostly uninhabitable planet located within the EUM system, however, as a result of decades of terraforming efforts by the Mada, the world has slowly begun to become more habitable as the planet’s population slowly manages to give the planet a more liveable atmosphere and bring in plants and wildlife from outside worlds. These plants and wildlife are primarily situated in large artificial greenhouse structures to ensure their survival as well as help with terraforming efforts when it comes to providing and processing gasses necessary for a liveable atmosphere.

    The planet does house a small, but notable Dionae population who primarily work to maintain the planet’s terraforming efforts. The planet is also regularly visited by Mada merchants who go out into the spur in search of specimens to bring back to the planet, primarily through trade or collecting them from uninhabited worlds.

    Distant Hope

    Distant Hope is a lush, habitable world situated a small number of lightyears away from the EUM system. The planet is primarily notable for its size, with the planet being nearly four times larger than that of earth, as well as for its high density of diverse plant life, marking almost the entirety of the planet as being covered by a thick, colorful jungle full of a myriad of notable distinct flora species. Importantly however the planet also lacks any form of flora, with no non-plant life being native to the planet, meaning the planet’s flora has largely been left undisturbed and without the need to evolve or adapt to survive outside of dealing with competing flora.

    The planet’s Dionae population largely lives up in orbit rather than the planet itself, with only small communes being dotted across the planet to maintain particular regions and encourage floral growth. Anyone wishing to enter the planet, Dionae or not, must be vetted heavily to ensure they’re not bringing any dangerous contaminants down to the planet, or the possibility of them releasing something not native to the planet such as mice.

    Ekane Of Bottomless Waves (Zer0)

    The Ekane is a large city-state situated primarily on the seas, and scattered islands or coastlines. However the Ekane are most distinct for their migratory nature, with very sparse permanent settlements, most of which are found underwater, or near the shore. Instead, the Ekane are known to travel across the seas in large structures, called Ekane Arks, which house a majority of the Dionae, as well as where their leaders reside.

    The Ekane Arks

    The Arks themselves are large structures, more akin to a floating city than a ship of any regards. They house the majority of gestalts from the city-state, and is where most of the Ekane industry lies. Unlike most structures on EUM, the Arks are known to be more wide than tall, with taller spires being primarily where the leaders reside.

    The Ekane Arks are divided into multiple strata, with a tall spire in the center and the four different strata around it. These are divided into an Industrial Stratum, a Refinery Stratum, a Research Stratum, and Residential Stratum. These strata are given roles and the whole of the Ark works together to work to maximum efficiency. Despite this, each stratum works mostly autonomously from the others, but they rely on each other to work to their peak efficiency. The Research Stratum houses most of their research efforts, and works mostly independently of the other three. There, they usually work on geological surveys or study biology and ecology. Recently as well, they have taken up archaeological work, with a joint effort with Nralakk Scientists. The Residential Stratum is where a majority of the gestalts live, and is where most recreation takes place. The Residential Stratum also contains bazaars for individual gestalts to trade with visitors.

    Life is not particularly easy on the Arks, however, as EUM is plagued with constant rain and monsoons, as well as turbulent seas. Gestalts tend to respect those that have weathered these conditions for long periods of time, and eventually a respect based on the older, or more experienced developed around this idea.


    The Ekane have two distinct types of governance, based on whether the Dionae are on the Arks or in one of the few settlements they have. On the Arks, the eldest rules, and is followed by a council of the most experienced. The eldest will make most decisions, while the council runs as an advisory role, and can push forward anything they want to have done to the elder, or voice their opinions on an issue the elder will bring to them. The elders of the Arks come together to form another council, to elect from among themselves a representative for the Council of Delegates.

    The settlements are run entirely by overseers of the most experienced gestalts. These overseers are chosen by the council on an affiliated Ark, but they act entirely autonomously from the Arks, as they are usually alone for long periods of time. The overseers coordinate most of the efforts on the settlement, and can act as a liaison for the Arks.


    The Ekane are an industrial powerhouse on EUM, with most refining and production coming from their Arks. This has led to them being a massive trading partner with most of the other city-states, with their main exports going to Nral’Daaq and United, and most imports coming from the Gleaners. They operate primarily under a bartering system, like most of the city-states. However, their traders are also known to have more unusual trade offers, such as the trading of experiences or ideas for their goods. This as a result leaves them to be an often well-informed city-state on what goes on around the rest of the CT-EUM.

    Resident Characteristics

    Ekane gestalts revere experience and knowledge, with the most experienced being typically in charge on the planet. This leads to the Ekane having a notable respect for Skrell in their dealings with Nral’Daaq. Because of this respect, it's not uncommon for Ekane to sport headtails similar to the Skrell. Other notable appearances is the presence of thick bark around the head, and they’ll often feature a thick ‘beard’ to the point their head is immobile. Most of the time, Dionae from Ekane have Seasoned Song mindtypes, but it's not unusual for them to also have Scholarly Song mindypes. Competence Choir is common from their mining settlements as well.

    Ekane Colonization

    With the Ekane scarcely using permanent cities, their colonization was done less for territory, and more for influence and resources. The Ekane continued their nomadic ways, where instead of permanent settlements, opting for mobile Space Arks, made from repurposed asteroids, and would often travel between asteroid fields for resources. Their target for permanent settlements are often dwarf planets, and large planetoids, more used to claim a specific region and set up long term mining. They have influence over a large region of space, but little in the way of maintaining their hold on it.

    Though the Ekane’s permanent holdings are sparse, their largest, most developed colony is in an asteroid field named the Ebony Fields. Located near a nebula close to EUM, they harvest minerals and acts as a hub for offworld Ekane traveling separate from an Ark.

    Mining and research are the main factors of Ekane colonization, as well as off-world trade. Their most notable trade partners are Voidtamer groups that will occasionally pass through their territory, trading in resources and experience for fauna, which the Ekane will trade to Mada and United.

    Celestial Station (Yonnimer)

    The first and largest space-bound outpost established by the CT-EUM government, Celestial Station is notable as a major trading hub for EUM’s nations, often being used as a large marketplace for potential sellers and buyers from both EUM and elsewhere to do business, as well as a hub for mining operations undertaken on nearby asteroids. While nominally under the direct control of the CT-EUM federal government, Celestial Station has as of late begun to make efforts to gain independence away from the Federal government’s direct control as a colony, instead attempting to become a semi-independent city-state under the CT-EUM government much like the other city-states under it.


    While technically a colony under the CT-EUM Federal government, still being required to adhere to all its laws and regulations, Celestial Station does have a localized government comprised of a public forum and a small council that presides over it known as the Celestial Council. Once every EUM season, the forum will be open for the station’s inhabitants to bring up grievances and suggestions, with a vote being held by the inhabitants giving a simple yay or nay to the topic. The Council, comprised of fifteen gestalts who are voted on once every fifteen seasons, resides over the forum to ensure it remains civil and orderly, as well as ensuring that laws and regulations passed during the forum session are mainly known to the station’s inhabitants.

    Several factions do exist within the forum, with Dionae who originally hail from another nation within the CT-EUM typically banding together to create a form of a political party to help promote their ideologies and beliefs within the station. While far from unified, recently a push from almost all of the large forum factions has been made to try and demand their status as a colony under the Federal government be changed, and instead become a semi-independent city-state under the Cooperative Territories, with some backing coming from the other city-states as they try and gain more influence over the station, viewing it as a valuable asset in the efforts of gaining a foothold out in space while also taking away some power from the Federal government, with the Ekane and Mada being the largest supporters of this semi-independent movement.


    The economy of the Station is largely built around three things; mining exports, sales taxes from both visiting merchants and the station’s inhabitants, as well as the profit made from the station’s amenities.

    The station is known to house a large number of miners who will go out to nearby asteroids in search of valuable ore and building materials, as well as a small fleet of scavengers who will go out in search of derelicts both in and outside of EUM borders in search of anything they deem valuable to be sold. The station’s merchants will typically buy what is brought in from the miners and scavengers as well as goods imported from EUM itself and sell them to other merchants visiting the station, as well as purchase anything they can resell back to the planet for a profit. While not making up a large part of the station’s economy, the station does have a large and noteworthy service staff offering food and entertainment to those visiting the station, with the food made on the station being notable not for the taste, but the appearance and general creativity of the dishes made, focused more on the form of the food to make it as appealing as possible, or at least memorable.


    While many of the Dionae hailing from Celestial Station originally hail from one of the city-states or nations located within the CT-EUM, a distinct culture has begun to develop within the walls of the station. Dionae from Celestial Station will generally act very sociable but have been known to be competitive and somewhat scheming, working constantly to try and haggle, outbid, and out-succeed against their competition aboard the station, from the merchants trying to get more sales, to the chefs preparing more appetizing dishes, to the station’s miners trying to fulfill higher quotas, an overall sense of rivalry and competition fills the station, although in most regards this can be considered somewhat neutral if not friendly competition, with aggression rarely forming as a result of competition outside of the occasional heated argument. For visitors to the station, this notably has also meant that prices for things sold on the station tend to be quite fair as merchants try to attract people to their wares instead of others, as well as high-quality and creative food from the station’s service staff.

    Outside of this, Dionae from Celestial Station will often still share some aspects of the culture pertaining to their nation of origin, such as still following the Mada religion or the Gleaner’s views on imperialism and rule. Perhaps as a result of, or possibly being the reason for the station’s form of governance, most Dionae hailing from Celestial station tend to be somewhat liberal in the way that their gestalt functions, trying to give everyone some voice in the way they go about things without an authoritarian head ruling them. As a slight consequence of this, many of the station’s inhabitants tend to dislike the current state of the station under the CT-EUM government, wanting a larger say in the federal government’s running and council outside of being stuck as a colony under the Federal government despite the station’s economic strength and political positioning.

    Resident Characteristics

    As a result of the station only being a few decades old at this point, with most Dionae immigrating to it rather than being born it, the majority of Celestial Station’s Dionae will still have the Ancient Song accent type, with other characteristics being shared with their home state's Dionae population, although notably, Dionae who have been on the station for some time tend to develop a less-authoritarian mind type as a result of being exposed to the station’s culture for some time, with merchants, service, and entertainment staff aboard the station notably having a tendency to develop the Empathic Echo mind type.

    Federal Colonies

    Most colonies in the CT-EUM are independently done by the respective city-states, with minimal influence from United, and the Council of Delegates. There are few colonies which belong to the Federal government, and those that do, are run by United.

    United’s colonies often act as a trade hub, but also for establishing a link to the Council in the fringes of space. As the colonies of United are meant to facilitate other species alongside Dionae, they are often found on habitable planets, or in orbit. These colonies can become a catalyst for feuds, as another city-state takes interest in the territory, and may compete with each other for influence of the colony.

    The Eternal

    The Eternal have fickle origins within the CT-EUM, having established themselves as a represented state and junior member.


    It started prior to the CT-EUM’s projection of an interstellar border, when sensor equipment the EUM had established to probe into their planned area of expansion picked up a yellow star system with an unusually large Cetus-class Gestalt in orbit. With the Nralakk Federation providing transport, first contact was established. The Gestalt called itself The Amalgamation of Lost Distant Souls, and while it was primarily constituted in the Croskian plains, it had managed to accrue gestalts from all throughout the Spur, each contributing their own separate, inexplicable story as to how they ended up there. Given that the Cetus was too large to move, and that it was secure in its current location, Diplomats further convened with the Cetus; it was given the option to be adopted as a junior member of the CT-EUM, with all the benefits being such entails. After months of gathering consensus, the Cetus accepted the offer.

    As colonization began in earnest, the Cetus remained undisturbed by the Cooperative. Things changed, however, when The Amalgamation of Lost Distant Souls sent out a transmission announcing that it had rechristened itself as The Amalgamation of Enlightened Souls, and pledged itself to the Orthodox Eternal church, humming the Song of the Eternal for the remainder of the message.

    Up until this point, the Eternal were tolerated as a foreign special interest group, restricted mostly to the more international ports and cities of the EUM. While they were an inconvenience at worst for adherents of the Mada, they were not considered enough of a disruption for the federal government to be concerned. This changed with the conversion of the Cetus, as now an entity big enough to be entitled to representation within the Cooperative turned Eternal.

    Tensions immediately flared as members of the federal committee grew indecisive over whether or not the Cetus should remain integrated in their political system. One side believed things to be the start of a long religious intrusion into the member states’ way of life. Notable of this faction were the Ekane, with one representative chiding that it was all an elaborate scheme on the part of the Eternal to “build their own Orepit.” The other faction within the committee, by contrast, played for the middle, choosing to treat the Cetus’s conversion as a genuine choice, and attempt to uphold their old agreement while still balancing the concerns voiced by their counterpart faction. A representative was collected from the Cetus to speak on its behalf, but it did little besides stir the pot as it gave sermons rather than negotiate.

    An increasingly worried From Blossoms From Beyond had been monitoring the situation by this point, and it made the decision to break off a cyclops to defuse the situation after it came to light that a conspiracy was brewing between members of the committee to physically remove or even destroy the Cetus, using elements from within the Skrellian Government as a means.

    It remains unknown to this day as to whether or not the Cetus was intentionally influenced, but Blossoms from Beyond insisted then that its conversion was not under its authority, and they would intentionally limit the Eternal’s influence within the CT-EUM as a means of preserving the Cetus from an uncertain future. With these assurances, the committee was satisfied.

    To this day, the Authority within the Eternal has upheld their promise, even going so far as to not develop the other celestial bodies within the Cetus’s system.


    Deliverance, as it has come to be known, is the name of the system that houses The Amalgamation of Enlightened Souls, and has turned into a place of great religious significance for the Eternal. It is a Yellow star system, with two Terrestrial planets, an asteroid belt, and a singular gas giant. The Cetus itself orbits the sun independent of the other planets, close enough to be constantly bathed in levels of radiation unsafe enough for non-Dionae to approach without additional shielding. As the Authority within the Eternal refuses to develop the system itself, the Cetus is instead accompanied by a flotilla of ships and gestalts, who are either with the church authority or Pilgrims that have approached of their own volition. A perimeter is maintained around the gestalt at all times by the church and the Cetus itself, so as to protect it from those who would harm it, or those who are not worthy to merge with it.

    Upon the Amalgamation of Enlightened Soul’s conversion, its stated purpose has henceforth been to fully complete an Eternal cycle: Growing so large, as to collapse into a second sun. Merging with the Cetus to complete the cycle, however, is a privilege that must be granted. First by the Authorities within the Eternal, then by the Cetus itself. Trials and tribulations await those who wish to partake in the cycle, and those who fail must wait an entire century before they can attempt again.

    Folklore & Mythology

    The Deathflower Journal

    Unchanged https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Epsilon_Ursae_Minoris#The_Deathflower_Journal


    “A rather strange piece of fable found throughout the entirety of the planet, regardless of allegiance or belief. The “Abysswalkers” as they have come to be known as, are a believed species of semi-humanoids found within the deep oceans of the planet, at the bottom of the abyss. No evidence has ever been found to confirm that they truly existed, neither fossils nor ruins whenever we have searched, but we have confirmed ancient artwork on them existing on the planet at least ten-thousand years old, believed to have been created by our ancient brethren on the planet.

    It should be noted that, despite being seemingly an aquatic species, they are not Skrell, no depictions, stories of their appearance, the timeframe of the earliest depictions of the Abysswalkers suggest that they are one in the same, and no ruins or relics have ever been found that suggests it could have been a crashed Skrellian ship. Outside of this, their appearance appears to be more adapted for aquatic environments over land, displaying several appendages that are possibly meant to be arms, fins, and other forms of tentacles that would allow them to thrive underwater.

    Most stores involving interactions had with the Abysswalkers can vary wildly, from friendly merchants selling exotic fabric only producible in the bottom of the ocean, to vague, shrouded memories of their appearances. Stories tell of a great city found in the bottom of the ocean, made of gigantic colorful coral and inhabited by both Abysswalkers and other strange creatures. The story suggests that the city’s habitents do not use stairs, but instead simply “walk” up the coral.

    The most fascinating aspect of this fable is how ancient is seemingly is, as well as how wide-spread it has become as a figure of the unknown.While we do not know how long we have truely been on this planet, some of the earliest evidence of our time on the planet comes in the form of the aforementioned artwork of the Abysswalkers, being at least ten-thousand years old, possibly much, much longer however. We do not know if they were drawn by the original gestalts who made their home here, or were made much later, but it does seem like they at least were the predecessors to most of the city-states of our planet as nearly all have some form of the Reefwalkers as a part of their folklore.

    Although stories of the Abysswalkers exist throughout most of the planet in some form or another, individual gestalts are not all aware of the Abysswalkers, and even less are aware of the history we have written here. Notably there is a major exception to this, the Ekane. The Ekane as sailors of the great blue exchange stories of the Abysswalkers quite often, and belief of the Abysswalkers truly existing, or at least an understanding of the folklore, is quite common in Ekane gestalts. From our studies and interviews of the subject, most stories are similar, if not identical to those found amongst other city-state interpretations, although with increased cases of “vague memories” of them, remembering hearing, or seeing something similar to the Abysswalkers in their past. We’re not entirely sure where these memories could come from, but it’s likely the appearance of the Abysswalkers is, in fact, shared with some form of aquatic lifeform found in the bottom of our oceans, almost certainly a non-sapient amphibian however. Another is that it may be a result of memories and stories passed down from our predecessors who first arrived on the planet, if the theory of us arriving on the planet from landing on space is true, which we do believe to be true, these depictions may not be an aquatic lifeform, but something from out in space, possibly a space carp, or at least something of the same breed. “

    -From the research journal of “Curious Choir Of Boundless Perception”, Unification Of The Many, our Shared Journey.


    The fifth orbiting body of the Epsilon Ursae Minoris System, EUM-5 has an orbital period of 645 days. It takes roughly 18 hours to complete a singular revolution around its own axis, and experiences twin-dawns and twin-dusks thanks to its two satellites; Ena and Anu. The average annual temperature of Minoris rests at 22.6°C and experiences almost year-round rainfall. Due to this, and a combination of other factors, it is not unheard of for seasonal monsoons to cause flash floods that tear through the landscape with ferocity (and great velocity). Several intricately carved stones have been placed throughout the regions of Minoris, creating a song of warning when the wind begins to blow in potentially hazardous environments. Minoris is a relatively “young” planet and is a hotbed for tectonic activity resulting in routine earthquakes that often disturb the cities inhabiting its surface, namely across the southern Sazkan bluffs. Despite the disturbances being rather destructive, some yield untapped treasures kept deep beneath the crust. It is largely believed that after the traumatizing ordeal of surviving these devastating tremors, the Dionae began exploiting the resources exposed to them -- resulting in advanced underground mines even before the species managed to explore the world they found themselves on. Minoris has two natural satellites, Ena and Anu. Both are roughly half the size of Luna and are yet to be colonized. It is largely believed that they were once a singular orbiting body, but eventually suffered a catastrophic celestial event that resulted in its splitting. The presence of large craters across the surface of Minoris, as well as the foreign sediments located within, is largely attributed to the splitting of Ena and Anu. Due to their size and distance, Minoris does not experience any abnormal tidal differences or gravitic anomalies.


    A year on Minoris is 645 days divided into 5 months, each with 129 days each. There are three conventional seasons on Minoris, revolving around the average global changes in climate throughout the year. Each season is roughly 215 days, usually encompassing just under two months.

    Vessizk is the first season. A cold front typically marks the beginning of the season. The first snowfall usually marks the beginning of hardships for the Dionae. Although having advanced preparation and technology helps mitigate many risks, earlier Dionae were extremely vulnerable and many often didn't make it through the season because of the high level of risk. Despite the hellish conditions, some of the oldest, bark-covered structures on the planet still exist. But despite their massive size, they have become increasingly uncaring towards the outside world, and respond rarely or never to it. Throughout Minoris, the weather continues to be cold, and it only begins to change to more comfortable temperatures at the end of Vessizk. Vessizk is characterized by longer nights. Tuzinzi is the second season. Most of the miserable weather brought on by Vessizk has dissipated, and the temperature has begun to increase rather slowly. Tropical storms are infrequent, to begin with, but become more common as temperatures rise - bringing with them the first monsoons of the season known to wreak havoc in its path. The temperature typically reaches its highest towards the very end of Tuzinzi almost just as Hasizk begins. Both day and night are equally as long during Tuzinzi. Hasizk is the third season. During this time, Minoris experiences both the hottest temperatures and most "driest" weather. A great deal of the wetlands begin to dry during this time, leading to large migrations of indigenous fauna to the more hospitable parts of the planet. The last of the seasonal monsoons and tropical storms subside into oblivion, and many refer to Hasizk as the calmest time of the year if one ignores the tectonic disturbances. Hasizk is characterized by much longer days than the rest of the year.