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=Skrell Ethnicities=
=The Fleet of the Srom=
[[File:The Fleet of the Srom.png|420px|thumb|left|]]
'''The Fleet of the Srom (FOTS)''' was rediscovered in '''2460 CE''' and is a generation fleet that launched in the year '''2058 CE'''; 2 years after the start Glorsh-Omega’s rule. Members of the early generation fleet were subjected to precursor variants of the '''Inoculation GLSH-MG'''. The original launch of the fleet also included a guidance vessel; the '''Zi'Quarq'''. The '''Zi'Pluax''' was discovered by a Qukala member who entered the Srom. Upon entry the Qukala agent noted an increase of activity; something that was exceedingly rare within the Traverse. This is what led to Qukala agents scouting the surrounding area and locating the defunct Zi'Pluax.

Since diverging from a shared ancestor known as the "Proto-Skrell" approximately ten million years ago, the [[Skrell]] are divided mainly into three ethnic groups: '''Axiori (Aquatics)''', '''Xiialt (Coastals)''', and '''Xiiori (Hybrids)'''. The variations between the two are due to adaptations to better fit their environment, while interbreeding maintained genetic diversity in both groups.
Upon re-contacting the Zi'Pluax, Qukala members were surprised to find more than three quarters of its members asleep within cryostorage and only a small number of stewards attending to the helm, cryogenic bay, and hydroponics garden. Members of the bridge crew were equally shocked to see the Qukala. Bridge crew relayed that shortly after the launch of the Zi'Pluax they experienced a major systematic failure in the majority of their equipment, including hydroponics and communication terminals; the sudden failure caused the fleet to lose the ability to sustain itself or call for aid. During this time, contact was also lost with the Zi'Quarq and it has still not been found. Due to their situation, for over '''400 years''' the crew of the Zi'Pluax have been within rotations of cryosleep, and by extension, crew members have been within '''[[The Srom|The Srom]]''' for extended periods of time. This has led to a newfound cultural identity forming within the Zi'Pluax and being universally adopted by all of its members.

''For information on how Skrell subspecies view each other outside of the Nralakk Federation see [[Starlight_Zone#Cross-Subspecies_Hostility|Starlight Zone]].''
Since contact, the Zi'Pluax has declared independence from the Nralakk Federation due to their culture and practices being declared deductive by the state, and while under Federation law the fleet members are recognized as Federation citizens, they experience little to no interruption from the government beyond preventative surveillance. The fleet command has declined help from the Federation outside of having their communications restored; repairs to the hydroponics bays were denied by fleet command. '''Members of the Zi'Pluax will often leave the fleet for mandated cultural work from the ages of 150-250''', something that has recently been ordered by the bridge crew of the Zi'Pluax, in hopes of attracting more members to the fleet. This can be shocking and disorienting for the Dreamer who has been disconnected from the ship’s Srom and they will often find themselves oversleeping while performing their cultural studies abroad.
[[File:Skrell Subspecies.png|450px|thumb|left|A depiction of the three different Skrell subspecies. Those who had prominent Axiori/Xiiori/Xiialt ancestors will have facial structures resembling those above. It is possible for Xiialt to look like Axiori, and vice versa, depending on ancestry. ''Art by Låmp Inspector #5516'']]
Axiori, which can be approximately translated to “aquatics” or “ocean-dwellers”, are notably better adapted to survive within the depths of the Homeworld’s seas. Typically sporting much more pronounced webbings for faster swimming, as well as larger and more monocular eyes to better perceive their environment. They also tend to posses longer tails that are more fish-like in nature. These tails act as a rudder; making them capable of changing direction at high speeds when underwater. The high-pressure environments in which they thrived and evolved have also resulted in a lower metabolic rate for the ethnicity, resulting in easier fat accrual.

Axiori, on average, tend to have far more raw psionic potential when compared to the Xiialt. Many studies that have dived into the topic in an attempt to answer why this occurs, suggest that is due to increased psionic usage and repeated interbreeding further strengthened these natural capabilities. Axiori also tend to have much darker skin tones, a trait believed to have helped them camouflage within the dark, deep depths of the Homeworld’s oceans many millennia ago.
The Zi'Pluax is currently missing as of '''15/07/2464''', with its location unknown and its current crew being declared fugitives due to their proximity to the [[Notable_Skrell_Systems_and_Locations#Q’elpi|Marauder Systems]] and the possibility of their [[The_Phoron_Scarcity:_Skrell_Arc|cooperation]] with Ti'Rakqi operating in the area. The Zi'Pluax left many of its inhabitants behind across the Federation and elsewhere, who were not on the ship at the time for one reason or another. No Zi’Pluax members abroad or off-ship know where the Zi’Pluax has fled to; although many have their ideas. While those left behind are not currently under suspicion, members of the Fleet within Federation space are under stricter regulations regarding their freedom of movement. Members of the fleet wishing to go abroad must undergo more in-depth screenings and report to a Federation representative on a regular basis.

After the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' split into '''Axioris Ranaera''' the Axiori lived in a relative primitive age for much longer than the Xiialt. While metallurgy was discovered by the Xiialt around the year '''~12000 BCE''' the Axiori lagged behind due to their lack of fire. This caused true metal production to lag far behind for the Axiori; starting when information between the two subspecies was shared around '''~10000 BCE''' due to Xiialt and Axiori coming back into contact. This relationship stays consistent today with many technological advancements being done above-water leading Axiori culture to emphasize traditional labor over research. Because of this lag in development the Axiori grew closer familial bonds than that of the Xiialt and communities of Axiori feel closer knit even to this day.
'''''OOC Note: Only Skrell are allowed to be from the FOTS. Members from the fleet living out in the Spur outside of the ages 150-250 are incredibly rare and will most likely be considered deserters by fleet command. Skrell from the FOTS living abroad has only been a thing for the past 4 years due to their recent discovery. Members of the FOTS are expected to take Federation citizenship despite the Fleet considering itself independent; this includes taking a Federation passport in the loadout.'''''

''For prominent Axiori cities and settlements see [[Qerrbalak#Cities_and_Landmarks|Qerr'wesi, Eriuyushi, and Xy'laxi]].''
All free members of the fleet are referred to as what is colloquially known as "Dreamers".  While the crewman of the Zi'Pluax would refer to their culture as the true path of Weishii they understand and accept the name '''"Dreamer"'''. The Federation recognises the religious and cultural practices of the fleet as an offshoot of the Weishii faith, but considers it to be a deductive behaviour under the social credit system; mainly due to its practices regarding oversleeping. Zi'Pluax members focus on the Srom and its relation to the Skrell psyche and psionic capabilities. '''When Dreamers enter the Srom they will often ritualistically cover their faces.''' What started as merely affixing oxygen masks within the cryogenic systems evolved to hold great cultural importance; with Dreamers often creating their own masks. Showing an individual your own face is Srom is seen as something deeply personal to members of the Zi'Pluax and is only done with those who are deemed especially close. Many Dreamers believe that the inner-mind, the one who inhabits the Srom, is the true self while the outer-body, the one that is awake in real life, is merely a constrained vessel. This means that the face of the Dreamer when in Srom is seen as the true manifestation of their soul; something worth guarding.

Due to their culture, Dreamers treat the Srom very differently than the average Skrell might. For instance, these Dreamers have spent such an abundance of time within the Srom that they have begun to form a rudimentary hivemind; albeit not in a literal sense. While their minds are not linked, the effects of the Srom on lying have allowed these members to know virtually everything about each other. Elder Dreamers often refer to themselves as '''“Disciples of the Srom”''' due to the amount of power they hold over the scenery and landscape within. The amount of information that is known between Dreamers allows them to easily conjure a near replica of any deceased individual through '''"Srom Manipulation"'''; something they call an '''"Elegy"'''. These elegies are thought to be the true manifestation of the deceased individual's soul by the Dreamers and will not wear a mask whilst in the Srom; this is due to their soul being released from its worldly "vessel" and becoming free. While many scientists of the Federation believe that these elegies are merely a hollow shell of memories with no proper soul, the Dreamers believe that the individual has persisted even after death; this is often also seen as a cultural reverence for their ancestors and those who passed. Dreamers are often very respectful of their elders and superiors; both living and deceased.
Xiialt can be approximately translated to “coastals” or “land-dwellers”. These Skrell are the biological cousins of the Axiori. They tend to be somewhat short, but the stout nature of the Xiialt helped them traverse the rough nature of their biome with bipedal movement. Due to this, their feet are somewhat bigger than those of an Axiori and their leg muscles are more defined. It is theorized that this helped early Xiialt outrun predators on land. Xiialt also tend to be much leaner; this is due to their slightly higher metabolic rate due to the abundant presence of food on the surface. While Xiialt are better adapted to live on land they are still able to breathe and see underwater; however, their swimming is not as agile. Those of Xiialt ancestry are more likely to not have a tail at all; however, if they do posses one- it is often short and resembles that of a turtle.

Xiialt, on average, tend to have far less raw psionic potential when compared to the Axiori. It is theorized that the early population boom played a role in this. For instance, Xiialt societies were dense and well populated. This helped to ward off predators but it also staved natural selection and resulted in the ethnicity’s lower psionic potential. Continued interbreeding within the ethnicity resulted in lowered psionic potential and has led to stark differences between the subspecies.
===Inoculation GLSH-MG===
Due to the departure of the Zi’Pluax falling after the emergence of Glorsh-Omega; the original Skrell fleet members were given the '''GLSH-MG''' inoculation before their voyage. After their communication and systems failure all contact was lost with their home-system. This led to many speculations about the '''X’Lu’oa''' side effects that followed in their isolated timeframe. For instance, '''Tuux''' growths were often checked by fleet medical crew on whether they were malignant or not. If the Tuux were healthy; it was a sign of a healthy manifestation of the soul. If the Tuux were malignant; it was taken as a sign that the individual needed to meditate further and find the agitation of their soul’s manifestation.

After the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' split into '''Xiialtus Ranaera''' the Xiialt advanced technologically at a much faster rate than the Axiori. Quickly discovering metallurgy around the year '''~12000 BCE''' and advancing their research, the Xiialt were often far ahead the Axiori in terms of development. As a consequence, Xiialt occupy a large portion of the Federation's research and science society; however, this does not mean they are necessarily smarter. The different cultural shifts experienced at the beginning of the Ranaera Skrellis offshoot allowed Xiialt culture to place more emphasis on scientific curiosity than that of the Axiori. Due to this cultural divide the Xiialt often value their workplace bonds higher than that of their familial bonds; however, both are still important.
The fertility rate aboard the ship saw an almost immediate decline after their departure with most clutches consisting of only one viable egg. At the time, members of Fleet Command saw this as a blessing. They would not have more mouths to feed while their cryogenic pods are filled and their hydroponics systems were only partially functioning. This meant that Dreamers were able to start families without seeking approval of Fleet Command with no fears of overpopulating the ship. Until recently the population of the Zi’Pluax has been steady with a slight downward trend. However, with their systems operational, Fleet Command has started Cultural Exchange in hopes to boost the number of Dreamers so that they could fully staff all available ship functions.

==The Containment Zone==
Xiiori can be approximately translated to “hybrids”. These Skrell are the off-spring of a Xiialt and an Axiori (and in some cases a Xiiori and a Xiialt/Axiori). Xiiori genes typically tend to lean more towards their Axiori ancestry. This is due to most Axiori genes being dominant; therefore, Xiiori have more psionic potential than Xiialt but less than pure-blooded Axioris. Typically, a Xiiori will look like a 60/40 split when it comes to their Axiori and Xiialt parents. There is little to no discrimination towards Xiiori from either Axiori or Xiialt; however, Xiiori are at a greater risk for many of the disorders that plague Skrell (often having at least one). Xiiori will most likely have a tail (unless they are the off-spring of a Xiiori and a Xiialt). Those with mixed ancestry will often have a fringed tail resembling an axolotl's.
[[File:Containment Zone Wiki.png|200px|thumb|right|A door leading to a Containment Zone checkpoint aboard the Zi'Pluax generational ship.]]
Many Skrell of the Zi'Pluax were not able to grow accustomed to the constant cryogenic stasis and developed what fleet members called the '''"Punished Mind"'''. These members were actively sought out and moved to the ship's detention area, something locally called the '''"Containment Zone"''', so that they would not interrupt the daily workings of the Zi'Pluax. The lower levels of the ship's detention area was converted to stop the transmission of psionics to those in the general populace above. Much like the rest of the ship, this zone has living quarters, defunct hydroponics bays, and general service corridors. Much of it has gone into disrepair due to the lack of tools and supplies that are allocated to the area. It is said that those of Punished Mind actively poisoned the Skrell psyche with their negative emotions and ideals; causing dark figures to spread throughout the Srom and anxiety to penetrate the Wake.

'''NOTE: When playing a Xiiori you must pick the subspecies and tails that most closely resembles your character. You may also denote that your character is a Xiiori in your medical records and/or flavor text; however, this is not necessary if your character has a proper mix of body markings and tails.'''
Stewards of the Zi'Pluax would often have to take rotations watching over the Containment Zone entrance to ensure that none of the individuals inside were able to penetrate the barrier. They would dispense what little food and rations were designated to those contained while also seeing keeping an eye on the sub-level. Some say that the madness encased within the Containment Zone is enough to breach the metals and affect those who slumbered close to the border. Fleet command ensured that the stewards assigned to the Containment Zone were of strong psionic aptitude to resist the madness within. Stewards also noted that a crude hierarchy formed within the Containment Zone in which the strong survived and the weak were looked down upon.

Containment Zone members may choose to follow the same cultural practices as the Dreamers, or they may choose to disregard them completely. However, universally the members of the Containment Zone hold a high disdain for Fleet Command and some of the harsher Containment Zone Guards. While contact between the different inter-fleet factions is limited; Punished Minds will occasionally need to speak or cooperate with the guards. Whether it be for evaluations or a simple information exchange they are expected to listen to commands the first time and not back-talk; lest they face punishment.
While most [[Skrell]] originally mated within their own ethnicities, as society evolved it became increasingly common to interbreed. This resulted in the designation of a new group known as the '''Xiiori (Hybrid)''', a combination of its parent ethnicities. Due to the X'Lu'oa, however, a growing portion of newborn [[Skrell]] are Xiiori, which has all but ensured the slow decline of the other ethnicities as their DNA becomes more blurred in the face of the X'Lu'oa crisis.

==Colours and Markings==
During the year '''2404 CE''' punished minds of the Containment Zone staged a rebellion in an attempt to breach containment. Those of punished mind were able to breach the first checkpoint while all stewards in the localized area were activated and sent to the Containment Zone with weaponry from the ship's armory. Due to the overwhelming firepower and overall organization of the stewards, the rebellion was quashed. There were no officially recognized losses from the Stewards; however, the Containment Zone losses have never been officially counted or released by the fleet command.

Body colour is divided along species lines, with Axiori taking the darker colours and Xiialt taking the brighter colours; Axiori can naturally have dark shades of purple, red, brown or blue, while Xiialt will have lighter shades of yellow, green, blue, or red. The distinction also extends to body markings, with Axiori having simpler markings in comparison to Xiialt. Xiiori, just like with other physical attributes, will take after both their Axiori and Xiialt parents, with the Axiori genes being more dominant. The offspring of a red Axiori with dot markings and a blue Xiialt with splotches could create a purple-coloured Xiiori - with the markings being either a mix of both or just one. There is enough variance in both subspecies for outliers in natural body colour existing without being Xiiori, although modern-day spa treatments and the species' societal views make this an unremarkable phenomenon.
==Fleet Roles==

Diet can influence colouration, but cannot change a Skrell's colour entirely. The process can take a few years for any observable changes or it can be sped up by eating high quantities of food with the desired pigment, reducing the time from a few years to only a year. Through diet, a Skrell can change the shade of their skin to be lighter or darker depending on what they have been eating, but the most observable change is in the stomach region and any markings; bright yellow spots may turn brown over time if a Skrell only eats food containing dark pigments, or the abdomen could change from white to orange if their diet contains a lot of orange pigments.
===Upper Decks===

Spas are common enough both within and outside the Federation that unless finding themselves deep within the frontiers of space, Skrell are able to change how they look without being beholden to what was once unique to their subspecies; Spa treatments allow for any combination of colour or pattern and are neither especially promoted nor frowned upon by Skrell. This cosmetic genetic modification allows for Axiori to sport bright, vibrant colours and Xiialt to have deep, rich colours, or staying with their natural colouration. Spa treatments are permanent and can be passed onto offspring, while changes caused by diet will not carry onto offspring. Skrell are also known to use spa treatments to give themselves some form of advantage, in the same vein as animals evolving to better suit their environment; [[Aliose]] and [[New Gibson]] are notable examples of this, as Skrell hailing from both are known to undergo spa treatments that give them pale, opaque skin to further insulate themselves from the cold.  
====Fleet Command / Bridge Crew====
These members of the Zi'Pluax were afforded the bridge hydroponics system and cryogenic bay. Their quality of life is said to be above average with an equal split of time spent within the Srom and awake. Fleet command are responsible for all policy changes and fleet scheduling. To disobey the fleet command is a punishable offense that could warrant removal to the Containment Zone. Members of fleet command are either birthed into the position or have remained in the position since the ship's maiden voyage. Fleet command are not mandated to go on cultural exchange; however, some members may opt to do so.

<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
====Disciple of the Srom====
Examples of Skrell natural colours, along with an example of a Skrell who has had spa treatments
Disciples of the Srom are members who are aged 250 or over who live in a cryogenic pod for at least 95% of the day. Once a cultural exchange member returns to the fleet they will be awarded with this title. These Disciples are considered Elders of the Zi'Pluax and are given great respect from the younger members of the fleet. Their needs and wants are taken care of by the Stewards on a day-to-day basis. Elder disciples can volunteer to head a detachment of Stewards within the Containment Zone checkpoint to guard against Srom and Wake poisoning if they see fit.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<li style="display: inline-block;"> [[File:AxioriNatty1.png|300px|thumb|Axiori with green colouration.]]
<li style="display: inline-block;"> [[File:AxioriNatty2.png|300px|thumb|Axiori with red colouration.]]
<li style="display: inline-block;"> [[File:XiialtNatty1.png|300px|thumb|Xiialt with blue colouration.]]
<li style="display: inline-block;"> [[File:XiialtNatty2.png|300px|thumb|Xiialt with yellow colouration.]]
<li style="display: inline-block;"> [[File:XiioriNatty.png|300px|thumb|Xiiori Skrell with purple colouration.]]
<li style="display: inline-block;"> [[File:XiialtSpa.png|300px|thumb|A Xiialt Skrell after spa treatment.]]

===Middle Decks===
Largely considered lost to the ravages of time, it is only through archaeological evidence excavated from numerous locations across [[Qerrbalak]] that the Skrell are able to gather even minuscule amounts of factual information. Through a combination of both archaeological excavations, and a bit of oral history passed through the generations, it is believed that '''Ranaera Skrellis''' (the first Skrell) diverged from a primarily sea-dwelling creature. It is at some point in the development of the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' that specific circumstances tailored the evolutionary path of the species to begin developing the ability to use psionics; mostly as a method of continued survival.

'''Ranaera Skrellis''' really only expanded onto the surface of [[Qerrbalak]] after several extinction events that proved to be in skrellian favor. It was here that the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' split into '''Axioris Ranaera''' and '''Xiialtus Ranaera'''. Whilst viewed upon as ethnicities in the modern-day, they are both in fact subspecies of the '''Ranaera Skrellis''' that developed separately to live either primarily within the shallows and depths or along the coasts and dryer regions of the Homeworld.  
====Cultural Exchange Member====
Cultural Exchange members are all Skrell aged 150-250 who were ordered by the bridge crew of the Zi'Pluax to perform mandatory cultural exchange work in hopes of attracting more members to the fleet. Skrell who disobey this order are sent to the Containment Zone until further evaluation. This can be shocking and disorienting for the Dreamer who has been disconnected from the ship’s Srom and they will often find themselves oversleeping while performing their cultural studies abroad.

[[File:ZroseChart.png|thumb|350px|left|alt=ZroseGraph|Axiori typically have a higher number of psionically adept individuals compared to the Xiialt, while psionic receptivity doesn't appear to have any correlation with ethnicity.]]
====Steward / Dreamer====
Stewards see to the daily operations of the fleet and ensure that the remaining hydroponics bays, including those on the bridge, are being as productive as possible. They will often have a 75-25 split with the majority of their time being in the general populace's cryogenic bay. Stewards of strong psionic aptitude could also be designated to keep watch over the Containment Zone to ensure that a breach, psionic or otherwise, does not happen. A steward will not disobey fleet command; if they do so, they run the risk of being sent to the Containment Zone.

==Psionic Differences==  
===Lower Decks===

While both have a similar range of intellectual ability, the Axiori tend to have a higher number of psionic prodigies than their counterparts. It is theorised that this occurs due to genes passed down from the Proto-Skrell, which are significantly more common in the Axiori (recorded to have interbred with the Proto-Skrell until their eventual extinction) than the Xiialt. The discovery, pioneered by Psionic Analysis professor [[Notable Skrell|Yleshir Zrose]], was titled the '''Zrose Graph'''. They conducted numerous inquiries into the psionic inclinations of both ethnicities during the [[Skrell History#Modernization And A Changing Era|modernisation of Skrell culture]] in the early 2300s BCE.
====Containment Zone Guard====
Stewards and Dreamers who show great mental fortitude are often recruited at a young age to guard the Containment Zone. This work is often grueling with no rewards and long hours spent either awake or in semi-suspended cryogenic sleep. Many who guard the zone often fall victim to the poisoned Nlom/Srom and become Punished Minds. Skrell can volunteer as a guard if they are not recruited directly and Fleet Command pushes for all individuals eligible to try and serve at least one rotation.

The Zrose Graph is typically used as a visual representation of a Skrell's psionic ability - usually displayed after a Skrell has undergone a Psionic Capability Test where Skrell are tested on their psionic receptiveness by highly trained Skrell known as Nlom'Qalq, roughly translated into Tau Ceti Basic as Wake Examiner. High-scoring individuals are pursued, oftentimes rather doggedly, by Federation officials and pressured into taking opportunities relating to either the Starkeepers or Sromkala. Those who refuse and fail to find an alternate path fast enough may soon find other doors to be closed to them—and the Federation is more than happy to extend a hand to such individuals, placing them in a role where their talent would not go unappreciated.
====Punished Minds====
These Skrell are members of the fleet whose minds were deemed "too poisonous" to join the general population; causing dark visages to penetrate the shared dream of the fleet. Punished Minds are locked away in the Containment Zone in an attempt to curb their psionic influence. These individuals often have many illnesses that run comorbidly with their “Punished” status. Those of the Punished Mind are evaluated every 20 years to see if their condition has improved. These evaluations take place within a checkpoint that is heavily guarded by stewards. If sizeable improvement is found, they may be reintegrated into the general populace. However, reintegration is rare as the Containment Zone was not built to rehabilitate.


Версия от 01:07, 31 июля 2023

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  • The Fleet of the Srom

    The Fleet of the Srom (FOTS) was rediscovered in 2460 CE and is a generation fleet that launched in the year 2058 CE; 2 years after the start Glorsh-Omega’s rule. Members of the early generation fleet were subjected to precursor variants of the Inoculation GLSH-MG. The original launch of the fleet also included a guidance vessel; the Zi'Quarq. The Zi'Pluax was discovered by a Qukala member who entered the Srom. Upon entry the Qukala agent noted an increase of activity; something that was exceedingly rare within the Traverse. This is what led to Qukala agents scouting the surrounding area and locating the defunct Zi'Pluax.

    Upon re-contacting the Zi'Pluax, Qukala members were surprised to find more than three quarters of its members asleep within cryostorage and only a small number of stewards attending to the helm, cryogenic bay, and hydroponics garden. Members of the bridge crew were equally shocked to see the Qukala. Bridge crew relayed that shortly after the launch of the Zi'Pluax they experienced a major systematic failure in the majority of their equipment, including hydroponics and communication terminals; the sudden failure caused the fleet to lose the ability to sustain itself or call for aid. During this time, contact was also lost with the Zi'Quarq and it has still not been found. Due to their situation, for over 400 years the crew of the Zi'Pluax have been within rotations of cryosleep, and by extension, crew members have been within The Srom for extended periods of time. This has led to a newfound cultural identity forming within the Zi'Pluax and being universally adopted by all of its members.

    Since contact, the Zi'Pluax has declared independence from the Nralakk Federation due to their culture and practices being declared deductive by the state, and while under Federation law the fleet members are recognized as Federation citizens, they experience little to no interruption from the government beyond preventative surveillance. The fleet command has declined help from the Federation outside of having their communications restored; repairs to the hydroponics bays were denied by fleet command. Members of the Zi'Pluax will often leave the fleet for mandated cultural work from the ages of 150-250, something that has recently been ordered by the bridge crew of the Zi'Pluax, in hopes of attracting more members to the fleet. This can be shocking and disorienting for the Dreamer who has been disconnected from the ship’s Srom and they will often find themselves oversleeping while performing their cultural studies abroad.

    The Zi'Pluax is currently missing as of 15/07/2464, with its location unknown and its current crew being declared fugitives due to their proximity to the Marauder Systems and the possibility of their cooperation with Ti'Rakqi operating in the area. The Zi'Pluax left many of its inhabitants behind across the Federation and elsewhere, who were not on the ship at the time for one reason or another. No Zi’Pluax members abroad or off-ship know where the Zi’Pluax has fled to; although many have their ideas. While those left behind are not currently under suspicion, members of the Fleet within Federation space are under stricter regulations regarding their freedom of movement. Members of the fleet wishing to go abroad must undergo more in-depth screenings and report to a Federation representative on a regular basis.

    OOC Note: Only Skrell are allowed to be from the FOTS. Members from the fleet living out in the Spur outside of the ages 150-250 are incredibly rare and will most likely be considered deserters by fleet command. Skrell from the FOTS living abroad has only been a thing for the past 4 years due to their recent discovery. Members of the FOTS are expected to take Federation citizenship despite the Fleet considering itself independent; this includes taking a Federation passport in the loadout.


    All free members of the fleet are referred to as what is colloquially known as "Dreamers". While the crewman of the Zi'Pluax would refer to their culture as the true path of Weishii they understand and accept the name "Dreamer". The Federation recognises the religious and cultural practices of the fleet as an offshoot of the Weishii faith, but considers it to be a deductive behaviour under the social credit system; mainly due to its practices regarding oversleeping. Zi'Pluax members focus on the Srom and its relation to the Skrell psyche and psionic capabilities. When Dreamers enter the Srom they will often ritualistically cover their faces. What started as merely affixing oxygen masks within the cryogenic systems evolved to hold great cultural importance; with Dreamers often creating their own masks. Showing an individual your own face is Srom is seen as something deeply personal to members of the Zi'Pluax and is only done with those who are deemed especially close. Many Dreamers believe that the inner-mind, the one who inhabits the Srom, is the true self while the outer-body, the one that is awake in real life, is merely a constrained vessel. This means that the face of the Dreamer when in Srom is seen as the true manifestation of their soul; something worth guarding.

    Due to their culture, Dreamers treat the Srom very differently than the average Skrell might. For instance, these Dreamers have spent such an abundance of time within the Srom that they have begun to form a rudimentary hivemind; albeit not in a literal sense. While their minds are not linked, the effects of the Srom on lying have allowed these members to know virtually everything about each other. Elder Dreamers often refer to themselves as “Disciples of the Srom” due to the amount of power they hold over the scenery and landscape within. The amount of information that is known between Dreamers allows them to easily conjure a near replica of any deceased individual through "Srom Manipulation"; something they call an "Elegy". These elegies are thought to be the true manifestation of the deceased individual's soul by the Dreamers and will not wear a mask whilst in the Srom; this is due to their soul being released from its worldly "vessel" and becoming free. While many scientists of the Federation believe that these elegies are merely a hollow shell of memories with no proper soul, the Dreamers believe that the individual has persisted even after death; this is often also seen as a cultural reverence for their ancestors and those who passed. Dreamers are often very respectful of their elders and superiors; both living and deceased.

    Inoculation GLSH-MG

    Due to the departure of the Zi’Pluax falling after the emergence of Glorsh-Omega; the original Skrell fleet members were given the GLSH-MG inoculation before their voyage. After their communication and systems failure all contact was lost with their home-system. This led to many speculations about the X’Lu’oa side effects that followed in their isolated timeframe. For instance, Tuux growths were often checked by fleet medical crew on whether they were malignant or not. If the Tuux were healthy; it was a sign of a healthy manifestation of the soul. If the Tuux were malignant; it was taken as a sign that the individual needed to meditate further and find the agitation of their soul’s manifestation.

    The fertility rate aboard the ship saw an almost immediate decline after their departure with most clutches consisting of only one viable egg. At the time, members of Fleet Command saw this as a blessing. They would not have more mouths to feed while their cryogenic pods are filled and their hydroponics systems were only partially functioning. This meant that Dreamers were able to start families without seeking approval of Fleet Command with no fears of overpopulating the ship. Until recently the population of the Zi’Pluax has been steady with a slight downward trend. However, with their systems operational, Fleet Command has started Cultural Exchange in hopes to boost the number of Dreamers so that they could fully staff all available ship functions.

    The Containment Zone

    A door leading to a Containment Zone checkpoint aboard the Zi'Pluax generational ship.

    Many Skrell of the Zi'Pluax were not able to grow accustomed to the constant cryogenic stasis and developed what fleet members called the "Punished Mind". These members were actively sought out and moved to the ship's detention area, something locally called the "Containment Zone", so that they would not interrupt the daily workings of the Zi'Pluax. The lower levels of the ship's detention area was converted to stop the transmission of psionics to those in the general populace above. Much like the rest of the ship, this zone has living quarters, defunct hydroponics bays, and general service corridors. Much of it has gone into disrepair due to the lack of tools and supplies that are allocated to the area. It is said that those of Punished Mind actively poisoned the Skrell psyche with their negative emotions and ideals; causing dark figures to spread throughout the Srom and anxiety to penetrate the Wake.

    Stewards of the Zi'Pluax would often have to take rotations watching over the Containment Zone entrance to ensure that none of the individuals inside were able to penetrate the barrier. They would dispense what little food and rations were designated to those contained while also seeing keeping an eye on the sub-level. Some say that the madness encased within the Containment Zone is enough to breach the metals and affect those who slumbered close to the border. Fleet command ensured that the stewards assigned to the Containment Zone were of strong psionic aptitude to resist the madness within. Stewards also noted that a crude hierarchy formed within the Containment Zone in which the strong survived and the weak were looked down upon.

    Containment Zone members may choose to follow the same cultural practices as the Dreamers, or they may choose to disregard them completely. However, universally the members of the Containment Zone hold a high disdain for Fleet Command and some of the harsher Containment Zone Guards. While contact between the different inter-fleet factions is limited; Punished Minds will occasionally need to speak or cooperate with the guards. Whether it be for evaluations or a simple information exchange they are expected to listen to commands the first time and not back-talk; lest they face punishment.

    During the year 2404 CE punished minds of the Containment Zone staged a rebellion in an attempt to breach containment. Those of punished mind were able to breach the first checkpoint while all stewards in the localized area were activated and sent to the Containment Zone with weaponry from the ship's armory. Due to the overwhelming firepower and overall organization of the stewards, the rebellion was quashed. There were no officially recognized losses from the Stewards; however, the Containment Zone losses have never been officially counted or released by the fleet command.

    Fleet Roles

    Upper Decks

    Fleet Command / Bridge Crew

    These members of the Zi'Pluax were afforded the bridge hydroponics system and cryogenic bay. Their quality of life is said to be above average with an equal split of time spent within the Srom and awake. Fleet command are responsible for all policy changes and fleet scheduling. To disobey the fleet command is a punishable offense that could warrant removal to the Containment Zone. Members of fleet command are either birthed into the position or have remained in the position since the ship's maiden voyage. Fleet command are not mandated to go on cultural exchange; however, some members may opt to do so.

    Disciple of the Srom

    Disciples of the Srom are members who are aged 250 or over who live in a cryogenic pod for at least 95% of the day. Once a cultural exchange member returns to the fleet they will be awarded with this title. These Disciples are considered Elders of the Zi'Pluax and are given great respect from the younger members of the fleet. Their needs and wants are taken care of by the Stewards on a day-to-day basis. Elder disciples can volunteer to head a detachment of Stewards within the Containment Zone checkpoint to guard against Srom and Wake poisoning if they see fit.

    Middle Decks

    Cultural Exchange Member

    Cultural Exchange members are all Skrell aged 150-250 who were ordered by the bridge crew of the Zi'Pluax to perform mandatory cultural exchange work in hopes of attracting more members to the fleet. Skrell who disobey this order are sent to the Containment Zone until further evaluation. This can be shocking and disorienting for the Dreamer who has been disconnected from the ship’s Srom and they will often find themselves oversleeping while performing their cultural studies abroad.

    Steward / Dreamer

    Stewards see to the daily operations of the fleet and ensure that the remaining hydroponics bays, including those on the bridge, are being as productive as possible. They will often have a 75-25 split with the majority of their time being in the general populace's cryogenic bay. Stewards of strong psionic aptitude could also be designated to keep watch over the Containment Zone to ensure that a breach, psionic or otherwise, does not happen. A steward will not disobey fleet command; if they do so, they run the risk of being sent to the Containment Zone.

    Lower Decks

    Containment Zone Guard

    Stewards and Dreamers who show great mental fortitude are often recruited at a young age to guard the Containment Zone. This work is often grueling with no rewards and long hours spent either awake or in semi-suspended cryogenic sleep. Many who guard the zone often fall victim to the poisoned Nlom/Srom and become Punished Minds. Skrell can volunteer as a guard if they are not recruited directly and Fleet Command pushes for all individuals eligible to try and serve at least one rotation.

    Punished Minds

    These Skrell are members of the fleet whose minds were deemed "too poisonous" to join the general population; causing dark visages to penetrate the shared dream of the fleet. Punished Minds are locked away in the Containment Zone in an attempt to curb their psionic influence. These individuals often have many illnesses that run comorbidly with their “Punished” status. Those of the Punished Mind are evaluated every 20 years to see if their condition has improved. These evaluations take place within a checkpoint that is heavily guarded by stewards. If sizeable improvement is found, they may be reintegrated into the general populace. However, reintegration is rare as the Containment Zone was not built to rehabilitate.