Nralakk Federation

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  • Jargon Federation

    Ox: Tertiary
    Ix: Low to Mid Secondary
    Oqi: High Secondary to Low Primary
    Iqi: Mid to High Primary

    Headed by Weashbi Jrugl, the Jargon Federation is governed by a Grand Council that aims to uplift the Skrell in all aspects - Socially, Politically and Economically. Since its formation in 900 CE, it has accomplished great feats that have propelled the ancient race across the Orion Spur - however - a looming reminder of the past still clings dearly to the species. Ruled by the tyrannical Glorsh-Omega, a manipulative intelligence that nearly rendered the Skrell extinct through the use of infertility, until its disappearance in 2192 CE that thrust the Skrell into a modern dark age that was difficult to recover from.

    Now, with a profound emphasis on securing its own interests, the Federation has managed to grow its influence throughout the Orion Spur; through the use of an elusive branch of their military, known as Ruupkala, and diplomacy. Despite utilizing various technological advances to ensure that dissent is rare.

    Social Credit System

    The Social Credit System (Nral'Malic: bli'zi wlaqijii qal'mi-hra) is an interstellar system developed by the Grand Council of the Jargon Federation. It is a data registry of every single record lodged and is a system often used by businesses, individuals, and bureaucrats. It calculates various factors before outputting a numerical string, usually expressed as a fraction over ten with no more than two decimal places. Depending on the numerical output, citizens may have privileges awarded or even stripped. It was first implemented shortly after the reunification of the Jargon Federation post-Glorsh-Omega, to ensure the trustworthiness of their citizens and to best secure the interests of their entire society.

    OOC Note: Players are asked to be sensible when giving their Skrell a Social Credit Score. Consulars would have a fairly high score, while a regular citizen that chooses to live permanently outside the Federation would not. Skrell in the Jargon Federation have many privileges they would not find elsewhere in the Spur with a high score, so their motivations for leaving would have to be logical. Rebels or criminals would not have a high score unless they had fake credentials (such as a passport). If their passport is fake, include it in your character exploits and be aware that it could result in deportation and you losing your character. Non-Skrell species living in the Federation and how they interact with the Social Credit System are discussed on their respective pages.


    Inductive Behaviours
    • Outwardly displaying loyalty to the Jargon Federation
    • Improving oneself through further skills development and training
    • Reproducing and/or forming a Quya
    • Devoting and/or donating oneself to the furtherment of Science and Medicine
    • Following a state-enforced religion such as Qeblak or Weishii
    Deductive Behaviours
    • Outwardly displaying disloyalty to the Jargon Federation
    • Defrauding and/or acting with ill-intention to those holding Jargon Federation citizenship
    • Partaking in petty and/or minor crimes
    • Reproducing and/or being conceived outside of the Jargon Federation
    • Following a religion that is not enforced by the state, such as Kir'gul or Suur'ka
    • Cheating with reference to education sources (eg an examination)

    Implications on Citizens

    A closer image focusing on the factions surrounding the Jargon Federation's territory.
    Primary Numericals

    Code Classification: 7/10 - 10/10

    Primary Numericals are seen as model citizens of the Jargon Federation and are rewarded for being so. Sponsored vacations, free public transport, unrestricted travel, bureaucratic priority, healthcare privileges enabling a greater life expectancy, high universal basic income both at home and abroad, and exclusive residence within designated areas hosting other primaries are but some of the few advantages for those that are declared model citizens of the Jargon Federation. Primaries make up a small yet influential minority within the Federation, with all higher roles in all fields and within the Government itself being held mainly by primaries.

    Secondary Numericals

    Code Classification: 4/10 - 6.99/10

    Secondary Numericals are the largest group of citizens within the Jargon Federation, and are awarded slightly fewer privileges than the Primaries. Charged public transport, restricted opportunities for travel and migration, medium universal basic income both at home and abroad, and slight official and legal discrimination are amongst a few of the "advantages" offered to those in this band. Reproductive rights are often restricted for Secondary Numericals in the lower end of this band, as a healthy environment in order to grow and learn is in the best interest of a child, and the inability to provide such is often used as an excuse for children to be taken into more stable homes. Secondaries are one of the most common groups of Skrell to live abroad through work exchange programmes between the megacorporations and the Federation’s State-Owned Enterprises, with many seeing it as an opportunity to live abroad without the bureaucracy that comes with the process when migrating by other means.

    Tertiary Numericals

    Code Classification: 0/10 - 3.99/10

    Tertiary Numericals are the lowest-standard citizens within the Jargon Federation and are awarded zero privileges. Those that are placed in this category will usually face intense discrimination, and are often swept off to rehabilitation centers where they'll find their value reset to 5/10 after they are believed to have "recovered". Tertiary Numericals are disbarred from almost every aspect of society, and often times will result in the usage of "services" which falsify their numerical category to allow them a brief period in which they are able to flee the Jargon Federation or obtain a new identification. Those within this category are restricted from reproducing and will have temporary measures (such as birth control) implemented to ensure such. Tertiaries are often associated with criminal activity and low-skilled labour, as they are unable to find work in most fields due to their score. Tertiaries who show improvement without the need for rehabilitation are gradually given certain rights back to them until their score reaches 4, where the privileges are reinstated in full for a Secondary Numerical of a similar score.


    Code Classification: N/A

    Non-Skrell/Diona/C’thuric Vaurca living and working within the Federation are given this ranking as a means to keep them registered within the system without the bureaucratic difficulty of adjusting the Social Credit System’s algorithms to account for the Spur’s diaspora. Those within this classification are given similar privileges to Secondaries, but with several restrictions; they are barred from entering any sort of Government position, they are unable to travel to other planets within the Federation without notifying local authorities, and are also not allowed to migrate to other planets. Those who are classed as Unassigned are also given no support financially or through state resources, similar to Tertiary Numericals. As the Federation currently has no plans to integrate non-citizen species into Federation society, Non-Skrell/Diona/C’thuric Vaurca who have lived or worked within Federation space will only be able to attain this classification. Skrell and Diona who are not citizens of the Federation are also given this classification, but a more detailed record is kept in the event that they apply for citizenship.

    Implications on Citizens Abroad

    Citizens of the Jargon Federation are typically unable to avoid the Social Credit System while abroad as long as they still have their citizenship. Federation Officials working abroad are given instructions to report back on an individual's activity where possible, both negative and positive. A fax or other long-range communication is sent back to the Federation for review of the incident, and from there the citizen is updated on how their social credit score has changed. Considering that this activity is outside of Federation space, the impact on a Skrell’s score is minimal, and more often than not warnings are utilised for lesser offences. Outside of severe cases, it is rare to see a citizen's social credit score move much while abroad, with their score usually being static until they return to the Federation for a full review.

    Citizens abroad still receive a certain amount of benefits from being a citizen, depending on their score and their circumstances. Primaries are given prioritised support where needed by embassies and consulates, while also receiving their UBI payments in full. Secondaries who work abroad as part of the Work Initative Programme will also see a full payment, while secondaries who are living or working abroad for other reasons will only see half of their expected payment. How healthcare is provided to citizens abroad works on a similar system; those who work abroad as part of the work exchange programme between the state-owned enterprises and megacorporations will receive coverage based on their social credit score, while anyone else will have to rely on their employer’s coverage.

    Public Display

    Throughout the day, the Jargon Federation will display both the one hundred highest and lowest scoring citizens across large screens typically in open locations, such as billboards or on skyscrapers. Skrell who have renounced their Jargon citizenship are also displayed here. This has become a way of life and has even managed to perverse itself into entertainment as a thirty-second ad. These lists usually revolve around either the most notable of idols, and the most notorious "rebels" and includes most of the resistance leaders outlined by the State. At the end of the day, typically at sunset, these screens will switch displays to the "most improved citizen of the day" and "least improved citizen of the day". It is said that this acts as both an incentive and a deterrent to the citizens within the Jargon Federation, and to highlight their behavior and the consequences stemming from such.

    The Drylist

    While the social credit system does not extend to non-federation Skrell, those who are considered deviant or those who have renounced their citizenship may find themselves under surveillance by the Ruupkala. While Jargon has not confirmed or denied the existence of surveillance against citizens many are calling the surveilled individuals “drylisters”.

    Major Planets

    • Qerrbalak, the Skrell Homeworld. It has some of the largest cities on land and underwater - each with unique aspects, and houses both the Federation's headquarters, as well as the largest Solarian Embassy. The capital, Kal'lo, is often the most likely place for decisions to be made by the Grand Council, as well as diplomatic engagements with foreign heads of states.
    • Qerr'Malic, the moon of the Homeworld. Qerr’Malic is a bustling population centre, as well as a popular destination for aspiring engineers. It is home to dozens of warehouses that help facilitate trade throughout the Federation, as well as transport goods to and from other interstellar nations across the Orion Spur.
    • Aliose, largely considered the heart of the Federation’s scientific endeavours, with most research conducted by the Aliose University of Medical Sciences. Its frosty composition makes its inhabitants easily noticed due to their cold, white and thick skin derived from genetic treatments to greatly increase their ability to inhabit the planet.
    • Aweiji, the first Skrell Colony established outside of Nralakk. Whilst initially much rocker and drier than Homeworld, in 1050 BCE the Skrell initiated a vast terraforming program to convert the planet into an Eden in the Homeworld's own image. The very first colonists settled on their new home in 938 BCE, in a plain located between vast mountain ranges, which soon become the bustling city of Tresja. It was eventually selected for the location of the largest political meeting in the Jargon Federation’s history, the renowned Tresja Agreement.
    • Glorashi, comprised of various outposts that dedicate their time to research, and military aims. It houses a large population of the C'thur - due to the presence of the species' High Queen being maintained on round-the-clock life-support provided by the Jargon Federation. Whilst the system is not vital to the Federation, it is paramount to the C'thur who assist the Skrell in various ways to repay for the care given to their High Queen. More information on the C'thur and their colonised worlds can be found here.


    The Skrell have some of the most advanced technology across the Orion Spur, with little capable of rivalling them. Skrell hospitals and medical research facilities are considered to be the best, and quite justly so. Skilled doctors, geneticists and chemists work wonders that can seem almost like magic to non-Skrell. One example of such is the technology of "flash-cloning" - growth of perfectly genetically identical limbs and organs in the span of mere minutes, and with no particular degradation - used widely to replace limbs and diseased organs alike - although prosthetics are still used as a measure for the poor or the remotely-located. However, it would seem as if the secrets of flawlessly copying a functional brain still elude the Federation.

    Another example are widely used "youth serums", anti-ageing medication with almost no side-effects and administration as easy as simply injecting oneself with it regularly. While it definitely does not allow a Skrell to live forever, boosting a lifespan by 200-300 years has never been easier - though, less modern methods still exist. The Jargon Federation seems to be secretive about this line of study, and no documented research has been conducted (or at least funded by the government) to adopt this, or many other pieces of genetic and medical technology employed by Skrell, to be usable for other species.

    Augments are commonplace for Skrell. Most, if not all, have tried procedures that modify fertility rates due to the genophage, and there are various other modifications available that serve practical purposes. Members of the Kala, for example, typically receive modifications. Depending on their branch, augments will be installed to amplify their already adept skills. Those in high positions will often be equipped with a Loyalty Implant, not unlike those issued by Nanotrasen.

    Many of these augments are also available to civilians, though not required as they would be for soldiers. The civilian population is generally more fond of more simple improvements, such as ambidexterity, genetic hearing and eyesight repair, in addition to the aforementioned modifications to have children. The younger generation has developed a fondness for cosmetic implants and body modification, counter to the Skrell Culture of prioritization of constructive endeavours. There is a recent trend where Skrell can have small, colourful LED lights implanted just under the skin, forming designs that range from simple dots in a line to elaborate tattoo-like images. The procedures surrounding these are more expensive than other implants would be, but the results are unique and impressive.


    Notable Civilian Vehicles

    Civilian Vehicles
    Make Classification Seats Description
    Xarnaq SUV (Submersible Utility Vehicle) 5 - 8 A submersible utility vehicle or SUV is a car classification that combines elements of road-going passenger cars with features from under-water vehicles, such as water propulsion-capable drive.
    Sqraanda Wheeled 2 - 4 An automobile having a closed body and a closed trunk separated from the part in which the driver and passengers sit. This car is strictly for above-water driving.
    Qruupq Submerged 5 - 8 A vehicle with a streamlined hull designed to operate completely submerged in the sea for long periods, equipped with a periscope.
    Traqq General Utility Vehicle (SUV) 2 - 4 A large, heavy motor vehicle used for transporting goods, materials, or troops.


    Being one of the oldest species within the Orion Spur with a reverence of the galaxy, it was inevitable that the Skrell would eventually have the stars within their grasp. With the successful launch of the first Skrellian satellite in 1224 BCE, the possibility of stellar habitation became a very real possibility. In due course, this ushered in an age of enlightenment as research and resources were poured into aeronautics, and almost three millennia later, the Skrell continue to dominate the stars, spreading themselves over approximately one thousand, two hundred stars throughout the westernmost segment of the Orion Spur. During the colonisation era of the Skrell people, a name would be coined for those born en route to their interstellar destination - ‘Horizon Children’ quickly became the popular term.


    By 1224 BCE, the Skrell achieved landmark advancements in the field of spaceflight. Weishy 790, the first Skrell satellite to reach low orbit, was an accomplishment celebrated by the entirety of the species. The possibility that further advancements would allow the Skrell to breach the Homeworld's atmosphere in order to explore the stars drove further funding and manpower to aeronautic research.

    The degrading environment of Qerrbalak pushed for the expansion across Nralakk, leading to the eventual colonisation of its moon, Qerr'Malic, by 1109 BCE. Crude and archaic by modern standards, the first colonies across Qerr'Malic alleviated the mineral crisis that plagued the Skrell and allowed even further innovation. While technological barriers were torn down, the very real threat of extinction grew. In 561 BCE, the warpdrive was invented and facilitated an unprecedented level of Skrellian colonization, no longer hindered by sub-light travel.

    Over the next millennia, the Skrell managed to garner influence as their borders expanded, and the discovery of humanity in 2332 CE prompted the formation of a scientific alliance. This intermingling promoted the exchange of culture, knowledge, and ideas, which would further encourage Skrellian research. The discovery of phoron, and subsequently bluespace drives, heralded an era of newfound prosperity as travel times were cut nearly in half across the Orion Spur. However, gradual phoron scarcity has pushed for many Skrell to voice their concerns, some requesting the species return to using warpdrives - whilst slower, they are often much more reliable and cheaper.

    Propulsion Methods

    Spacecraft propulsion is any method used to accelerate spacecraft and satellites. It exclusively deals with propulsion systems used in the vacuum of space, such as the warpdrive or bluespace drive. Several methods have been developed, though each has its own drawbacks and advantages. The Skrell use a mixture of both methods in different classes of spacecraft, a small few even using an advanced hybrid of bluespace and warp.


    Most vessels before the invention of the warpdrive would travel at sublight speeds, meaning decades could pass before reaching their intended destination. This gave rise to habitation vessels - more commonly called 'Generational Spacecrafts'. The original occupants of these crafts would spend their entire lives aboard the vessel, training their offspring to replace them, before finally dying. The creation and subsequent implementation of the warpdrive halved the time it took to travel these distances - however, instead of phasing out the generation ships, the Jargon Federation modernised them, rebranding them as educational opportunities and research crafts. Volunteers would be able to apply for a variety of studies, and spend the rest of their journey completing their education, refining their skills before they began colonization efforts.

    The culture of generational spacecraft eventually evolved into a nomadic society, the Skrell of which detaching from Jargon Federation - rather than devoting their lives to maintain the original purpose of the ship, these Skrell embraced a lifestyle of freedom and opportunity. With varying ambitions and destinations, these vessels are usually found travelling within the depths of the Traverse, or outside of the Jargon Federation, these ships 'continue' their maiden voyage. Some eventually settle after centuries of exploration. Depending on their experiences, and time spent within space, cultures can vary; their customs, traditions and habits are unique to specific groupings. Those that choose this nomadic lifestyle have been dubbed 'Genners' by contemporary Skrell society.


    A method of FTL travel, the warpdrive was considered the foundation of space exploration. The ability to breach the speed of light had been a driving force of Skrell aeronautics for centuries, as long, expensive travel costs led to the desire to make space travel much faster than it previously had been. Eventually, the warpdrive was invented by Noliq Preles in 561 BCE, which has since become substantially more advanced. Some advancements, including less power-intensive drives allowing for faster and cheaper travel, and a pioneering navigation system, still keep the warpdrive relevant in some sectors. Though the introduction of bluespace drives has resulted in only small crafts retaining warpdrives, these engines aren't necessarily discarded when compared to their bluespace counterparts - even still, the Skrell's technological capabilities have allowed their spacecraft to maintain steady speeds double that of humanity's.


    The discovery of Phoron led to the access of bluespace, resulting in a retrofitting of military class vessels and interstellar freights. With higher efficiency and lower total mass, the advantage of bluespace drives become increasingly apparent. The implementation of these drives also led to an influx of Bluespace Mappers' - individuals dedicated to making calculations and plotting trajectories manually, instead of using artificial intelligence. The decision to rapidly outfit new and old ships with bluespace drives has now proven an issue, as the Phoron Scarcity continues to threaten all modern bluespace travel. Systems across the Jargon Federation are beginning to suffer, while piracy and shortages within the traverse are leading to an unprecedented decrease in the Grand Councillor's approval ratings.

    Modern Spacecraft

    Civilian Classes
    Civilian Classes
    Class Average Length Average Crew Complement Description
    Jarqo 25 - 100m 10 - 25 Jarqo-class spacecraft are typically designed for exploration, commonly outfitted with lower-tier warpdrives; they are usually contracted to explore, document, and report back on their travels to the Jargon Federation. They are not capable of atmospheric operations. Most Skrell aboard Jarqo would have travelled greatly throughout their life, and have many experiences with cosmic wonders.
    Luxupi 75 - 225m 30 - 50 Luxupi are the freighters of the Jargon Federation. Usually outfitted with midsized warpdrives, they transport various items across throughout the Jargon Federation - sometimes even to other nations within the Orion Spur. They are not capable of atmospheric operations. Depending on where their vessel travelled, a Skrell may or may not have had experiences involving pirates - or other adventures with their freight!
    Qaelvoq 50 - 100m 25 - 50 Qaelvoq, a luxury class. Often called 'Star Yachts', they are outfitted with grand recreational facilities and elegant quarters These ships generally are outfitted with either a warpdrive or a bluespace drive.. Oftentimes, those able to afford Qualvoq-class will outfit their vessels with a hybrid of both. They are not capable of atmospheric operations. The epitome of affluence, Skrell aboard the Qualvoq have known nothing but comfort, and tend to be a bit aloof.
    Ovlolis 500 - 2500m 250 - 5000 Taking all previous generation ship designs and making modern improvements, the Ovlolis class generation ship allows for a self-sustaining group to survive out in space near-indefinitely, provided that proper maintenance and repairs are performed. Due to their size and design, Ovlolis class ships are incapable of atmospheric operations, only intended to lift off and land once, and warp drives are ineffective at increasing speeds.

    Military Classes

    Military Classes
    Class Average Length Average Crew Complement Description
    Eyrixoq 25 - 100m 10 - 25 Consisting of spacecraft that serve many purposes, the Eyrixox-class typically falls to border patrols, as well as scouts. Their minute size in comparison to other classes allows for them to be hosted with Planaq-class vessels. They are also capable of atmospheric operations. Comprised mostly of Lukala, Skrell found aboard Eyrixoq-class vessels are usually low rank or are serving due to a demerit
    Ayoni 75 - 250m 50 - 100 Slightly larger than the Eyriqxoq-class, the Ayoni-class spacecraft tend to be the 'flagship' of small fleets, offering more armour and firepower. This class will usually be found patrolling alongside the Eyrixoq-class along the borders, and coupled with their small demeanour, they are capable of being hosted within Planaq-class vessels. They are also capable of atmospheric operations. The 'starter' vessel for most enlisted within the Qukala, the Ayoni is mostly full with young Skrell with little to no experience. Think, what could go wrong!
    Qrolis 225 - 350m 75 - 125 A specialised class, Qrolis-class spacecraft are equipped with various stealth systems that allow near complete invisibility,advanced technology that can easily decapitate other vessels' computer systems whilst also protecting against the same kind of intrusion, and incredibly fast manuvering jets,the Qrolis-class is feared, with rumours circulating the idea that these spacecraft are capable of ending a fight before it has even begun. They are not capable of atmospheric operations. Yet another vessel mostly composed of Qukala, those within the Qrolis-class vessels have garnered more experience than those within the Ayoni-class vessels
    Fexeq 350 - 600m 150 - 250 Often rare to spot outside of the puddle worlds, the Fexeq-class is considered one of the more stronger vessels. Outfitted with some stealth technology, they are typically found near the Nlom Relays, 'protecting' the Federation's interests, though many state it's simply a ruse to spy on other Skrell. They are not capable of atmospheric operations. Fexeq-class spacecraft are usually full to the brim with those working within the Ruupkala, supposedly relaying information to and from the Sromkala.
    Qaqii 750 - 1200m 300 - 500 One of the more larger classes, the Qaqii-class is considered the 'battleships' of the Jargon Federation. Outfitted with more firepower and armour than the smaller fleet ships, the Qaqii typically remain mothballed until they are required. Classified technologies used in ship construction, combined with constant drills,makes Qaqii-class spacecraft one of the most dangerous across the entirety of the Orion Spur. They are not capable of atmospheric operations. Highly trained Qukala, much further along in their career. Skrell aboard Qaqii-class vessels have seen it all - and usually have a few battles beneath their belt.
    Planaq 1000 - 2000m 750 - 1750 Varying in size, the Planaq-class spacecraft are composed of those capable of hosting Eyrixoq-class and Ayoni-class vessels. Slightly smaller than the NDV Icarus, its smaller stature allows it to be and more agile, capable of turning the tides if introduced to a battle. They are not capable of atmospheric operations. Varying, and often dependant on the specific vessel, those on Planaq-class vessels can vary in their purpose - be it engineering, science or security.
    Priiq 3750m ??? Priiq-class spacecraft, elusive and rare. The Jargon Federation only admits to having a single ship that belongs to this class, the JFV Qheles. Outfitted with shipyards and experimental technology, the JFV Qheles currently resides in orbit of Qerrbalak, mothballed until its required. It is not capable of atmospheric operations. Skrell onboard Priiq-class vessels are restricted from leaving the Jargon Federation, and are closely monitored.


    The Jargon Federation, as a whole, operates as an authoritarian planned economy - where investment, production and the allocation of resources are distributed according to nation-wide economic plans and production plans. Usually, the quotas are set during the first few months of the year, whereupon they are expected to be fulfilled by state-owned-enterprises: a business where the Jargon Federation has significant control.

    Universal Stipends

    Individuals who find themselves with a Primary or Secondary Social Credit Score are awarded a universal stipend each month. The higher an individuals credit score is, the higher the stipend. Skrell who find themselves working abroad also benefit from this system; with Zeng-Hu contractors finding a near identical amount each month that is paid in sqiips. Those who signed a separate company contract will often see a stipend of 1/2 their original amount (often paid in the local currency). If an individual leaves the Federation for any other reason they would often only see a 1/3rd replacement on their monthly stipend.


    The Jargon Federation utilizes minted coins and paper bills, called sqiips, as currency. Sqiips in their coin form can be stacked and locked together thanks to their special magnetic properties for easy transportation. Higher valued sqiips will come in a paper form, printed on different types of water-safe seaweed, as multiple coins quickly become unwieldy. The coins and paper form will have markings of aquatic life on them to denote their value (shells, molluscan, buurgis, cosmozans, etc.). Tau Ceti lacks a word for the currency; however, when they are not called sqiips they are often called "shells". This slang has caught on outside of the Jargon Federation and many who do not speak Nral'malic would not even know the currency's true name.

    1 sqiip = 3 credit

    State-Owned Enterprises

    Due to the incredibly advanced age of the species, some of the state-owned enterprises have been established for millennia - with different aims and goals to fulfil to keep the Jargon Federation functioning to its best ability. Each is essential to the Federation, and is considered a foundation for all economic activity to originate from. Enterprises utilise uniforms that show the industry an individual works in, as well as their rank within the Social Credit System.

    • Qerr'Zolvq Industries - Created shortly after the founding of the first Federation in 907 CE, Qerr’Zolvq Industries is responsible for all aspects of power generation, resource extraction, and production. Before its establishment, the private sector both dominated and cornered the market, however with the establishment of this enterprise this changed entirely. Backed by state subsidies that reduced its cost of production across Qerrbalak, it saw itself rise from a fledgeling company to having a monopoly on the power generation and production industries. Technological advances only saw its growth continue exponentially as asteroid mining became a commonality, as well as better power sources that were capable of sustaining the unparalleled growth of the Skrell. Those with any knowledge in Mining and Engineering are most likely to have been employed by Qerr'Zolvq Industries. It is headed by Chancellor Xul Lurg. With the Jargon Federation inviting human megacorporations into Jargon space, Qerr’Zolvq Industries has found itself partnering with Hephaestus Industries; those employed by this enterprise who take contracts abroad do so through Hephaestus.
    • Tuz'qlip Researchers - An enterprise established after the formation of the first Federation in 902 CE, Tuz’qlip Researchers oversees all aspects of Research and Development within the entirety of the Federation. Preceding its formation, each nation across Qerrbalak had something similar, however, after the formation of the Federation the requirement for a unified front for all aspects of science was needed. Eventually, facilities across the Federation were amalgamated underneath Tuz'qlip Researchers, and now the enterprise works hand in hand with Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals. Both companies share their research in various fields, a boon that’s considered one of the key byproducts of the Solarian-Jargon Alliance. The relationship between Zeng-Hu and Tuz’qlip can be seen primarily on the planet of Aliose, where they work closely with the many universities and research institutes dotted across the planet. Mostly comprised of Skrell that are educated in the fields of Science, Tuz'qlip Researchers is considered the main provider of new technologies across the Federation - with the most recent Skrell advances being a result of Tuz’qlip Researchers. It is headed by Overseer Nalo Gir-Roq. Because of Zeng-Hu’s relationship with Tuz’qlip Researchers, many Skrell that wish to work abroad will find quick employment with Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals.
    • Nralakk Logistics - An enterprise that was established in 905 CE, Nralakk Logistics manages telecommunications, logistics, and most transport across the Federation. Its creation was deemed necessary as the Skrell continued to expand across the stars; as interstellar communications and a well-organised logistics network would be needed to allow for colonisation to continue steadily. Nralakk Logistics typically manages shipping routes, observation posts, and Nlom Relays throughout the entirety of the Federation. Most Skrell employed by this enterprise are either pilots, ship crew, or other positions related to transport and mailing. It is headed by President Alot Sonq. Similarly to Qerr’Zolvq Industries, Skrell employed by Nralakk logistics can find easy employment with Hephaestus Industries if they wish to work outside of the Jargon Federation.
    • Xomor - Xomor was established to provide security services for businesses within the Federation in 901 CE. The industry was privatised previous to this, but the Federation pursued an interest in a nationalised security enterprise that would be able to provide security where having a permanent Kala presence would be a waste of resources. Xomor is responsible for all small-scale security work within the Federation; from shopping centres to office buildings, the enterprise allowed the Kala branches to focus on their other duties. However, after the rise of Glorsh-Omega Xomor was made redundant as synthetics were the sole policing and security forces within Skrell space. The enterprise saw a revival nearly immediately after Glorsh-Omega disappeared, with many Skrell taking up the role of protecting establishments from looters. Eventually, the enterprise was formally reformed with the establishment of the Second Jargon Federation. Most Skrell employed by Xomor are simple security officers for low-security businesses or facilities, although some have a background in prison work as wardens. It is headed by Director Vraka Xora-Nel. Idris has partnered with Xomor to allow its employees to work abroad as part of the Work Initiative Programme, with Skrell being employed within Idris Incorporated’s security branch.
    • Ziip’Ta Medicinal - Ziip’Ta is leading the Jargon Federation in advanced medical research alongside Zeng Hu Pharmaceuticals. Ziip’Ta was founded in 950 CE some years after the Federation was formed in direct response to increasing the lifespan and quality of life in the average Skrell. With the backing of the Federation itself, Ziip’Ta Medicinal was able to expand the lifespan of a Skrell by over 100 years past the normal expectancy rate. Nowadays, aside from medical research, Ziip’Ta also manages many hospitals, general practices, and spas. Many Skrell who work under Zeng-Hu both in the Federation and beyond are under Ziip’Ta exchange contracts.
    • Qel’Zvol Hospitality - Qel’Zvol Hospitality was established in 932 CE to oversee all custodial, service, and tourism sectors within the Jargon Federation. Most notably, this enterprise manages the massive tourism industry on Qerr’Malic, with most Skrell on the moon being employed by them and all hotels, resorts, or similar facilities bear its logo. Idris has partnered with Qel’Zvol Hospitality as part of the Work Initiative Programme to provide work outside of the Federation for employees in its service branch.

    OOC Note: Playing as a Skrell working under the Work Initiative Programme means you are employed by both the Enterprise in question and its associated Megacorporation, meaning your faction should be set to the appropriate corporation when creating a character. This doesn't necessarily mean a Federation-born Skrell has to be employed by both a Jargon enterprise and a megacorporation, and Skrell can choose to work directly with a human megacorporation of their choice. Regardless of your social credit score you are expected by both the Federation and the megacorporation to be professional, and repeated actions deemed unacceptable may result in harsher punishments compared to other employees.

    Jargon Population Initiative

    In the years before 2363 the Jargon Federation saw a stark population decline due to the X’Lu’oa and it’s effect on the fertility of Skrell galaxy-wide. The Grand Council was tasked with finding a solution to this steady decline; and thus, the JPI was born. Originally meant to simply modify the genes of an infertile Skrell the program quickly evolved. While reversing infertility was simply not possible in most cases due to the reach of the X’Lu’oa, researchers quickly found that by taking samples of two willing participants and “merging” them into a Skrell-made egg an embryo would become viable. The ensuing offspring would be a near-perfect genetic split of the two donors. This information sent waves through the Jargon Federation and the initiative was given additional funding by the Grand Council on the stipulation that numbers would become public every 100 years.

    Ormish Jrolk's Interview

    REPORTER: “Doctor Jrolk, first I want to thank you for your diligent work on the JPI. It’s truly a marvel what science has been able to achieve for the Federation.”

    JROLK: “Ah, it is truly nothing. There is no limit to what I would give for the Jargon Federation… I do want to say, I had met with Grand Councillor Weashbi and they were very pleased with these updated numbers. So pleased in fact, that we were given funding for another 100 years.”

    REPORTER: “Incredible news! And do tell… What are the numbers of the current Jargon Population Initiative?”

    JROLK: “Well, it’s truly amazing what we have accomplished and this may seem like a shock to some- And I hope that it is a good shock! But our current numbers show that around 8.6% of the Jargon Federation are offspring of the JPI.”

    The reporter can be heard letting out a slight warble.

    REPORTER: “Wow… Well- You heard it here first! Do expect another 100 years of the JPI. Thank you very much for coming, Dr. Jrolk! And star-speed on your future research.”

    Fauna and Flora

    The Jargon Federation holds hundreds of planets, many of which support a diverse ecosystem unique to the planet itself. The planets that have been terraformed, whether because it was completely unable to support life or to better support Skrell biology, have also undergone massive seeding projects that create ecosystems similar to the ones on Qerrbalak. Most plants and animals that originated on the homeworld have been transplanted onto many of the Federation’s worlds, either replacing the previous ecosystem entirely or integrating themselves within it. Most fauna from Qerrbalak taken off-world consist of aquatic life, while most examples of flora are either staples of the Skrellian diet, hold religious significance, or are otherwise important to Federation society.


    Vru'qos (Leviathan)

    the Vru'qos, or Leviathan, is a large aquatic cetacean-like mammal. Resembling Earth whales, with appendages similar to the Skrell headtails, it can reach up to 40 meters (131 feet) in length and weigh up to 367 tonnes (404 tons). It is one of the largest animals on Qerrbalak, as well as the eldest - with their lifespans capable of reaching up to six hundred years. The Vru'qos has shown psionic capabilities, utilizing it to find mates and smaller aquatic animals to feed on.

    The Vru'qos stick close to the surface, but have been spotted close to the bottom of the various oceans across Qerrbalak.

    Aqoliz (Mollusk)

    The Aqoliz, or Mollusk, are amphibious creatures similar in appearance to giant Snails that typically were found along the coasts of the various islands dotting the seas of Qerrbalak before their domestication. Capable of reaching 1.8 metres (5'9 feet) in length, and a weight of 12 tonnes (13.2 tons), a single Aqoliz is able to feed dozens of Skrell. They are said to have an exquisite flavour and tender feel when ingested by the Skrell, while other species are known to avoid Aqoliz meat for its pungent smell.

    Noni-Qii (Sky Grazer)

    The Noni-Qii, or Sky Grazer, is a type of avian fauna that inhabits the skies of Qerrbalak. The species is infamous due to its pest-like nature, being described as rats with wings by Skrell living in human space. Similar to a Mantaray, but on a much smaller scale; they are capable of reaching up to 1 meter (3 feet) and weighing up to 7 kilogrammes (15.4 pounds). Noni-Qii are considered a pest thanks to their reputation with farmers, and are known to readily eat crops such as dyn or wulumunusha in their entirety. After the near-extinction of the species in 1622 CE, the Federation began a programme to increase their numbers once again - prompting a revival of the species that continues to prey on the Skrell plantations. The species has not been intentionally released onto other planets, but they have been known to spread out across the Federation in transport ships. Jargon authorities work closely with the border authorities of their neighbours to ensure that Noni-Qii do not spread outside of the Federations borders.



    First found along the river deltas across Qerrbalak, Dyn has since been domesticated by the Skrell. Plantations can typically be found in various lakes, bogs and marshes that grow hundreds of kilometres worth of the plant. Dyn is typically used to create various drinks, or peeled and then mashed in order to create a delightful meal known as Jyalra. Dyn is typically the first seeds planted in colonies, and has become a staple part of Skrell Cuisine.


    Wulumunusha naturally grows in alpine climates, typically closer to the poles of the Homeworld. With roughly only a dozen or so plantations dedicated to the growth of the plant across the Federation (barring the planet of Waughai), which results in prices tending to skyrocket when out of season. It is used by both Qeblak and Weishii followers, and is said to unlock barriers to both Nlom and Srom. Outside of religious usage, Wulumunusha has a reputation of being a mild recreational drug that typically makes the user mute while under its effects.

    Calendar System

    Long before Skrell began to establish permanent cities, they developed an intricate calendar system based on the stars and constellations seen from Qerrbalak. Today this system is known as the Nral-oqq, or Nrallak Year, and is the basis for Jargon Standard Time which all planets within the Federation follow alongside their own local systems.

    The Jargon calendar is divided into ‘viq, ‘viqi, and -qog, which make up the days, weeks, and months of the -oqq, or year respectively. Within the Jargon Standard system, there are seven days in a week, eight weeks in a month, and six months in a year.

    Months in the year can either be within the Qu-Paalq or Lu-Paalq seasons, also known as Warm Currents or Cold Currents, and will typically be associated with constellations that can be best seen during the month. On other planets, it’s common to see completely different calendar systems being used locally alongside the Jargon Standard, with months and weeks being removed or added depending on circumstances. Months may also have different constellations that are associated with them; the months and their constellations below are from the Qerrbalak calendar:

    • Slaq-qog, the first month of the Nral-oqq. This month marks the start of the new year, as well as the new Qu-Paalq season. Average temperatures on Qerrbalak can reach up to 37 degrees, accompanied by an average 60% humidity as a result of Slaq-qog following the end of the previous year's Lu-Paalq. The most prominent constellation that the Skrell attribute to this month is the Hatching Egg, which is usually associated with new beginnings, youth, and joy. As a result, this is typically the month where Skrell are expected to undertake new hobbies or create resolutions for themselves to follow for the new year. Slaq-qog is also the month where most Skrellian births will occur.
    • Avroxi-qog, the second month of the Nral-oqq. Falling further into the Qu-Paalq, temperature and humidity during this month are meant to rise, with the year’s peak humidity and temperatures usually being recorded near the end of the month. Temperatures on Qerrbalak can get as high as the low 40’s and humidity typically stays constant at around 90%. The Qu’Poxii is the brightest constellation that can be seen during Avroxi-qog on Qerrbalak, which has created a tradition where Skrell are encouraged to form quyas. This tradition has made the month the ‘month of love’ in Skrellian culture, and has resulted in Avroxi-qog being the month where most Skrell will lay their eggs so that they will hatch during Slaq-qog.
    • Phaka-qog, the third month of Nral-oqq. The first half of Phaka-qog is where Qu-Paalq ends, with the second half being the start of Lu-Paalq. Temperatures begin to cool at the start of the month, with the hot humid weather gradually getting cooler as Phaka-qog draws to a close. The Stormcloud can be seen best on Qerrbalak during this month, representing the change from clement weather to the planets famous tropical storms and maelstroms.
    • Xepus-qog, the fourth month of Nral-oqq. The month is typically where temperatures are well into local Lu-Paalq season standards, with Qerrbalak seeing temperatures reaching as low as 32 degrees with 51% humidity and its signature tropical storms starting to form. The most prominent constellation for this month on Qerrbalak is the Island, resulting in the month being one where Skrell are compelled to reflect on themselves.
    • Yonio-qog, the fifth month of Nral-oqq. Yonio-qog will typically be where a planet’s coldest days will fall; Qerrbalak can see temperatures sitting at 25 degrees with 46% humidity, with even more severe weather. Associated with Yonio-qog is the Gnarled Tree constellation, which represents age, wisdom, and oftentimes tradition. Most celebrations related to anniversaries or quyas are celebrated around this time.
    • Loroq-qog, the sixth and final month of Nral-oqq. The last month that’s associated with the Lu-Paalq season. Temperatures start to slowly rise before quickly increasing as the new year begins. Temperatures can reach as high as 34 degrees with 57% humidity very quickly during Loroq-qog on Qerrbalak. The Void is associated with this month the most, resulting in most Skrell associating the month with death or rebirth depending on their experiences during the year.

    The Archive Project

    Skrell as a species have existed for millennia, their recorded history reaching further than any other species. Soon after the Confederation of the Three became the Jargon Federation, a united effort was made to collate and archive as much of this history as possible in a centralised location, resulting in the creation of the Tzqul Archive, named after one of the founding Commonwealth nations that formed the Jargon Federation. The Tzqul Archive was unfortunately encrypted by Glorsh-Omega shortly before its disappearance, which resulted in the archive being considered effectively lost by the Skrell. This event is almost universally considered a massive loss by the Skrell, with most of their ancient history essentially erased.

    Soon after the Jargon Federation was reunited after the Tresja Agreement, an annual attempt to open the archive using crowdsourcing was organized, known as the Tzqul Archive Challenge. The challenge utilises the competitive nature of the Skrell to come up with solutions to the Archives encryption, but so far attempts to access the archive have failed. Along with this, a massive project was authorised by the Federation Government to establish new archives across Jargon space, allowing for a more decentralised archiving of the species history and knowledge.

    While the primary objective of this project is the archiving of the collective knowledge and history of the species, the projects secondary objective is to ensure that everyone is able to reasonably access this information. With this in mind, every archive has been organised into a user-friendly library, with holographic screens that can access any digital data stored within the archive. These screens tend to be set up along with the relevant physical displays and showcases for that archive for visitors to browse at their own leisure, such as replica warp drives for the planned Interstellar Travel Archive. While the facilities are designed for ease of access for visitors, they are also built like fortresses, with the facilities expected to survive centuries of disuse and lack of maintenance.

    Qeblak’i and Weishii’i Archives

    The Qeblak’i and Weishii’i Archives were the first two facilities established after the archive project was announced, and were considered a priority by the Grand Council due to the significance of religion in Skrellian culture. Completed in 2257, these two archives act as repositories for any information of significance to the Qeblak or Weishiii faiths. Both are situated on Qerrbalak, with the Qeblak’i archive found in the centre of Kal’lo, and the Weishii’i archive located in the mountain ranges west of Qe’blak’qlip.

    Qeblak'i Archive

    The Qeblak’i Archive can be described as a mix of a library, priory, and study hall, with its maintainers all being members of the Qeblak faith. Its workers are selected from the clergy and are mostly made up of Starsquires, specifically those who are training to become Starkeepers. The Qeblak’i archive also acts as the permanent residence for the Qe’Kasho, or Starseeker, the figurehead and main authority for the Qeblak faith.

    The duty of these archivists is to receive, organise, and ultimately archive any information pertinent to the faith that is sent to them by Observatory Domes all over the Spur. Typically, this knowledge is in the form of divinations, local constellations of importance, and theological debates related to the Qeblak faith. The archive itself is maintained by followers of Qeblak, but it also receives aid from the Jargon Government when required such as funding. Other than this, however, the inhabitants of the archive strive to be as independent as possible, to ensure that the facility is able to carry on functioning in the event of a crisis.

    Weishii'i Archive

    The Weishii’i Archive is more secular in function than the Qeblak’i archive due to the religion's general view on consecrated buildings. Because of this, the Weishii’i archive is maintained by a team of Federation clerks and functions more like your average workplace than a monastery.

    Much like the Qeblak’i archive, the Weishii’i archives primary function is to archive anything related to the Weishii faith. This knowledge is more spiritual and philosophical in nature, with proverbs and copies of the texts written by Masters being the main things archived in the facility. Although members of the faith do not particularly care for established buildings centred around the faith, many Masters have agreed to send this information to the Weishii’i archive out of politeness, collecting what they can as they perform their Kon’ra’Qii tours. The Weishii’i archive is not considered as ‘complete’ as other archives are because of the nature of the faith and the lack of cooperation by its followers, with many believing it to be a pointless endeavour.

    Other Established or Planned Archives

    There are several other archives built as part of the ongoing project, as well as many others that are under construction or still in the planning stages. The cost of building and maintaining these archives is extraordinary, as they are built to exact specifications that would allow the facilities to survive both natural and man-made disasters. The combined planning and investment required can mean it can take decades for a single facility to be completed.

    Qerr’Malic Archive - Completed in 2390, the Archive on Qerr’Malic acts as a repository for the cultural history of the Skrell. This archive is unique in that it has been designed as a tourist attraction similar to other venues found on the moon, with showcases for art, music, and other media being prominent. The facility also houses indoor dining facilities for visitors, as well as viewing rooms for Skrell cinema, both old and modern.

    Oqraxo Archive - Completed in 2278, the Oqraxo Archive is named after the archology it resides in on Aliose. This archive is technically two facilities: one which works closely with the Aliose University of Medical Sciences to archive medical knowledge, while the other acts as an archive detailing the history of Skrell from Glorsh-Omega onwards. The historical facility was an addition made long after the medical archive was constructed, with the inhabitants of Aliose being the main supporters of it due to their role in establishing the organised resistance movement against Glorsh-Omega.

    Weibi Archive - Completed in 2285, the Weibi archive is located in the town of Weibi on Aweiji, and acts as an archive of agricultural science. The facility works closely with the agricultural sector of Weibi, cataloguing and storing examples of most Skrellian plant life grown both on Aweiji and elsewhere in the Federation. There is also a massive seed bank located deep underneath the facility, ensuring that viable samples of all known plantlife in the Federation are preserved.

    Waughai Archive - Completed in 2331, the Waughai archive acts as a general archive for all engineering techniques and the technology used by the Skrell. The Waughai archive currently has a planned expansion for a new Depth College focusing on engineering, which will utilise its library of engineering knowledge as a tool to teach students.

    Interstellar Travel Archive - Planned to be finished before the next century at the latest, this archive will focus on forms of travel used by the Federation, as well as housing examples of warp and Bluespace drives used at different points of the species history. Currently, the archive has not been designated a planet to be built on, and debates are still underway on where to build this archive.

    Diulszi Archive - The Diulszi Archive is unique in that it will be jointly maintained by both the C’thur and the Jargon Federation on Diulszi, in the Glorashi system. The purpose of this archive will be to store most information related to the secondary species of the Jargon Federation, including culture, history, and the events of first contact with the species. Construction of the archive began in early 2462, and with the combined Vaurca and Skrellian workforce it is expected to be completed within the decade.