Xanan Government and Politics
The All Xanu-Republic is a parliamentary semi-presidential government that consists of three branches, the executive, legislative, and judicial,that operates as a unitary state. It is often described as having a strong executive and weak legislative branch and moderate-levels of local self-governance, with a large part of political power in the Xanan system being held by the Office of the President.

Branches of Government
Executive Branch
The Executive Branch consists of the office of the head of state, the President, the agencies that serve under the President's office, and the national government headed by the Prime Minister and their cabinet. The President has strong executive powers in foreign policy and trade matters, including interactions with the Coalition of Colonies and military affairs, but also in oversight of the legislative and judicial branch. The Xanan President must approve all laws passed by the National Congress before they are made law and can veto legislation. They may appoint heads of government ministries and national courts above the Department level. though these appointments must be confirmed by the National Congress. The President also has the ability to dissolve the National Congress and call for new elections at any time, though presidents that do this regularly often do not remain in office for long. They have the authority to enact emergency measures in times of crisis which give the President broad, sweeping powers to protect functioning constitutional governance. Xanu’s President must obtain a majority of the vote to be elected and this process is ensured through a run-off system. Each party is only allowed to nominate a single candidate and independent candidates are permitted. Xanan Presidents are limited to two-terms of five years each, consecutive or otherwise. There are only two ways in which a Xanan President may be removed from office without an election. The first is if they are convicted of a treasonous crime, the charges of which are brought by the All-Xanu National Congress to the All-Xanu Supreme Court. The second way which a Xanan President may be removed is by national popular referendum, the process of which must be initiated by the All-Xanu National Congress by a supermajority of 2/3rds. All government ministries and offices, the military, and the national police, are considered to be part of the Executive Branch.
The Prime Minister is elected by the All-Xanu National Congress, typically from the National Parliament, though some Prime Ministers have come from the Assembly of Departments in the past. A hopeful Prime Minister must be confirmed by both houses of the National Congress. The Prime Minister’s responsibilities mostly entail implementing the laws of Xanu Prime throughout the country and overseeing its civil service and administrative agencies while also acting as a liaison between the President and the All-Xanu National Congress, given that they are in a sense part of both the Executive and Legislative branches. The Prime Minister is often described as a “behind the curtain” role that while essential in the Xanan state, is not as powerful or public as the President. Each of Xanu Prime’s second-level administrative divisions, the Departments, each have a Prime Minister elected by their respective Departmental Parliaments who is responsible for the implementation of National and Departmental law within their departments, the proposal of departmental budgets, and proposal of departmental court judges for approval by these parliaments. Xanan Prime Ministers can hold the office for as long as they can maintain the confidence of the National Parliament.
This system at times leads to the President and Prime Minister being from different parties, causing intra-executive negotiations and conflicts within the branch in an arrangement that Xanans often colloquially refer to as “splitting the bill.”
Legislative Branch
The Legislative Branch manifests at a national level in the All-Xanu National Congress, a two-chamber national legislative body. The legislative branch is responsible for the creation of laws, approving cabinet and judicial nominations made by the President, and the provisioning of the national budget, along with the apportionment of funds received by Xanu Prime from the Coalition of Colonies. The legislative branch also has the duty of ratifying non-Coalition of Colonies-involved international treaties involving Xanu Prime and has the power to declare war.
The first chamber, called the National Parliament, consists of 4,000 representatives directly elected by the people from all over Xanu Prime in single-member districts spread across the planet regardless of administrative region. Each Department has its own Parliament, collectively referred to as Departmental Parliaments, which has members who are elected directly by the people to their positions in Department-specific districts, like the National Parliament, but on a smaller scale. Departments vary in geographical size, some large cities are departments in themselves, while Xanu’s largest Department, Himavatia Department, is the size of an entire continent due to the area's sparse population. Every ten years, the Xanan Census is taken and Parliamentary districts for both the National Parliament and Departmental Parliaments are reapportioned, with some districts being created from or merged with others each year. The National Parliament has the role of drafting laws and launching inquiries into the Executive and Judicial systems if they believe the law has been breached.
The second house, called the National Assembly of Departments, is a proportionally elected assembly of 201 representatives elected by the various regional parliaments across Xanu Prime’s 100 Departments. The Assembly of Departments has the power to approve or reject laws approved by the National Parliament and can also call upon the All-Xanu Supreme Court to review the constitutionality of proposed legislation before it is sent to the President for final approval. The Assembly of Departments also has the role of breaking tied votes in the National Parliament, though this rarely occurs.
Only once both houses and the President have approved a law may it be enacted. Members of either house can be elected as Prime Minister, and while both houses must give majority approval to a candidate before they can be elected Prime Minister, only the National Parliament can call a vote of no-confidence in the current Prime Minister. Any vote of no-confidence against a sitting Prime Minister must pass by a supermajority of 2/3rds.
Judicial Branch
The Xanan Judicial branch is a hierarchical, civil law judicial system which reaches its administrative height in the All-Xanu Supreme Court and the All-Xanu High Court of Petitions. The All-Xanu Supreme Court is one of two of the highest courts on Xanu Prime and reviews disputes and grievances between Xanu Prime’s state entities or between private Xanan citizens and the state. The All-Xanu Supreme Court has the power to check the constitutionality of laws passed by the legislature, actions undertaken by the President and Prime Minister. It also maintains the authority to rule against actions undertaken by Xanan military, government agencies, and law enforcement. Their rulings are incontestable and final. Eleven judges appointed by the President called Supreme Justices compose the Xanan Supreme Court. Each Supreme Justice serves for a life-long term.
The All-Xanu High Court of Petitions is the highest court of appeals in Xanu Prime and handles both criminal and civil appeals under Xanan or Coalition of Colonies law brought between citizens of Xanu Prime, companies who operate within Xanu Prime’s territory, or between the state of Xanu Prime and the previous two parties. The High Court of Petitions is composed of seventeen judges appointed by the President who are titled as High Magistrates. Each High Magistrate serves a 15 year long term and cannot serve more than one term. Beneath the All-Xanu High Court of Petitions are ten High Precinct Courts, each composed of nine justices. A High Precinct court, as the name implies, presides over a National Precinct, a judicial construction which holds under it an allotment of ten Departments. Each department also has their own Court of Petitions and is free to choose how many or how few justices sit on its panel, and beneath these further are Local Courts centered around cities and towns. If a case is appealed to the All-Xanu High Court of Petitions, it must first be appealed from a Local Court decision and then to a Departmental Court of Appeals, and then escalates to a National Precinct Court, and then finally gets to the All-Xanu High Court of Appeals. Xanu Prime does not have jury trials and instead has Magisterial Panels which consist of three to five judges each, though parties in a case may petition to be granted a jury trial with a jury consisting of 15 jurors. Along with the judiciary, localities, departments, and Xanu Prime also have their own prosecutors who operate under the auspices of their respective attorney generals. Xanu’s law is uniform at the Precinct level and above, meaning that a decision made by a High Precinct Court is binding to all the Departments under the Precinct, and all decisions made by the All-Xanu High Court of Appeals are binding for all courts on the planet.
Political Parties
Xanu Prime’s political system is filled with numerous parties, with many coming and going during each election season. Currently though, Xanu’s politics can be divided into two groups, the “Big 4” parties which have been consistently successful to at least some degree in Xanu Prime’s politics for years and then the Minor Parties which are often parties for ethnic minorities, niche interest groups, or single-issue causes.
Big 4 Parties
All-Xanu Free League (FL) - “Our People - Our Liberty - Our Xanu”
The All-Xanu Free League is the oldest political party on Xanu Prime and can trace its roots back to Gaspard Kulkarni’s movement [of the same name] oriented towards ending the Xanan Civil War. The party has been present in Xanan politics since the immediate aftermath of the Xanu Civil War and has historically been the most successful party in catering to the desires of the Xanan population. They are also widely considered by many outside observers to be the dominant party of Xanu Prime, winning seven of the last ten presidential elections and holding a parliamentary majority or being part of a majority coalition for the last 27 years straight. The party sources much of its ideological heritage from the Christian Democracy movement, though the party itself has officially been secular since its founding. The party is economically liberal and takes credit for building much of Xanu’s existing welfare and universal healthcare system, crediting a belief that the state should stand in solidarity with the less fortunate of society. The party routinely pushes for policies that make the access to government financing for commercial projects and artistic initiatives undertaken by Xanan citizens easier and often supports policies which expand Xanu Prime’s ability to trade abroad. They believe that megacorporations should be able to freely operate within Xanu Prime’s territory and economy, but only under regulatory supervision by the Xanan government. These regulations are not to the extent that Republic of Elyra or the Sol Alliance have but they are more stringent than the Republic of Biesel and mainly manifest themselves in transparency laws mandating that megacorporations must disclose information on a wide variety of operations to the Xanan government before they are allowed to operate in the country. The party has also been successful in passing anti-monopoly laws in the past and is a regular supporter of organized labor in the country. The Free League recently implemented a new package of social services including a state-backed monthly payment to the poorest 15% of Xanan citizens. This proposal was lauded by the party’s supporters as a true step forward in the fight against inequality in the country, though the party’s detractors have criticized the decision as too limited to have a meaningful impact.
Socially, the All-Xanu Free League is more conservative on some issues and liberal on others. The Free League is strongly opposed to legalizing hard drugs and has been a champion of Xanu Prime's anti-drug movement. They often voice their support for empowering parents to decide matters for their children rather than for the state to do so unless these decisions are “objectively harmful and destructive to the well-being of the child.” In a similar vein, the party emphasizes the importance of the family in society and stresses that the Xanan nation and culture of unity was created from good, moral families who raised responsible and moral citizens who could solve problems without resorting to violence and that Xanu’s people should continue to hold these ideals close to heart. To this end, the party has been successful in enacting legislation that provides tax credits to families who have many children, with each child equating to a percentage of lowered income tax for that household and a lump sum paid to the family whenever one of their children reaches eighteen years of age. The Free League has also passed legislation that allows for free state-funded childcare and early education up to the age of four years old. The party is strongly against illegal immigration and the easing of laws around that subject, though they have also invested much in the creation of social services which better allow for legal immigrants to Xanu to better integrate into Xanan society while encouraging immigrants to retain some aspects of their original cultural identities. The All-Xanu Free League abolished the death penalty on Xanu Prime in 2314 under the Sneijders government and helped to create a criminal justice system that is rehabilitative for minor offenses but hands out harsh, punitive punishments for major offenses such as murder, rape, terrorism, drug distribution, and kidnapping. The FL views Xanu Prime’s recent drug problem as a two-pronged issue relating to both crime and public health and as such they’ve proposed parallel expansions to both the Public Security and Health Offices in confronting this issue and certain members have argued for a mandatory life-sentence for those caught trafficking drugs on Xanu Prime. The Free League is supportive of the status-quo on IPC and alien rights on Xanu Prime.
The party is in favor of military expansion, but espouses a defensive military policy that refuses to consider aggressive military force as an option to achieve political goals, instead citing that the military exists to preserve the safety of Xanu Prime and other worlds within the Coalition of Colonies. The Free League sees Xanu Prime as the most powerful country in the Coalition and follows a doctrine in which they see Xanu as the unofficial leader of the organization. To this end, they support deepening ties with the Coalition of Colonies, though also routinely attempt to levy Xanu Prime's economic and diplomatic weight in the organization to ensure that CoC legislation benefits Xanu Prime and incrementally increases its power. In other foreign policy matters, the Free League has shown unwavering support for the Fisanduhian cause in the Fisanduhian Insurgency, showcased most prominently by their party agreeing to host the Fisanduhian government-in-exile all the way back in 2386. The party’s policy towards Fisanduh is broadly responsible for Xanu Prime’s, and in part the Coalition of Colonies’ anti-Dominia foreign policy. The current All-Xanu President, Jaques Afzal, and Prime Minister, Fabian Chatterjee, are both members of the All-Xanu Free League. The party currently has 1,531 seats in the National Congress and 65 seats in the National Assembly of Departments.
Popular Democratic Party of Xanu Prime (PDP) - “Sunlight shines on a new Xanu!”
The Popular Democratic Party of Xanu Prime or PDP is the second most-popular political party on Xanu Prime and holds a center-left position on most issues. Economically, the PDP is in favor of free-market policies and supports initiatives that empower Xanu Prime’s ability to conduct foreign trade and enrich itself in foreign markets. They are in favor of progressive taxation programs, are skeptical of megacorporations, and are known for proposing legislation that imposes further regulations on corporate enterprises in the country, though they are not in favor of megacorporate expulsion or nationalization. The most unique of these regulatory initiatives is something that the party refers to as a “revenue ceiling,” which states that after a megacorporation makes a certain amount of money in Xanu’s territory, all subsequent income for that year would be subject to a tax regimen that would increase exponentially with the profits earned by the corporation. The PDP has routinely called for the further expansion of Xanu Prime’s welfare services and often advocates for redistributive wealth measures to achieve this goal and have pushed for more state control over the Xanan healthcare industry to better direct medical resources to those who need them most.. They have proposed efforts for medical administrative cooperation with the Coalition of Colonies in order to better integrate Xanu Prime’s healthcare system with that of other CoC worlds. They are broadly supportive of further Coalition of Colonies integration in general, and see Xanu Prime as one of the many equal partners in the Coalition rather than the leader of it. They oppose the expansion of the military except in cases of emergency or unless a threat to Xanu Prime is evident and have voiced their support in the past for the downsizing of the Xanan military while encouraging that other worlds in the CoC bear more of the burden for protecting the Coalition. Their foreign policy refuses to consider aggressive military force as an option when resolving political disputes with other nations and has pushed initiatives with the goal of reforming the Xanan military into a strictly defensive force but this has seen limited success.
On social issues, the PDP is also varied. They support the status quo on immigration laws but have regularly bashed the Xanan government for some of its shortcomings in supporting immigrants, particularly in providing them housing. They have advocated for expansions to immigrant protections and view immigrant integration into Xanan society as a priority. They support a liberalization of social policy including reducing criminal penalties across all offenses, decriminalizing some recreational drugs, and lowering the tax credits put in place by the Free League for having children in favor of granting state-funding to large families. The PDP is also often critical of the All-Xanu Public Safety Office and have proposed bills to curtail their authority in the past and reduce the power they can wield in prosecuting defendants. In the PDP’s view society is built by motivated individuals in charge of their own destinies rather than by the family unit and as such they often support programs which give individuals state grants and funding instead of pushing state support to the household. The Popular Democratic Party sees Xanu’s rising drug problem as more of a public health issue rather than a crime problem and have advocated for the decriminalization of even the most destructive of drugs found on Xanu Prime so that they can “integrate users into the healthcare system, not the prison system,” and have criticised the expansion of funding to the Public Safety Office as “money that could be better spent elsewhere.” They support further secularization of the state and have lobbied in the past to have religiously influenced holidays, such as Christmas, Eid al-Fitr, and Diwali, be delisted from Xanu Prime’s official holiday list. Furthermore, they believe that education on religious history should be lessened in Xanan educational curriculum and often insist that the state should not give tax credits or rebates to families which choose to send their children to private religious schools rather than public schools. This aggressively secular position has drawn criticism from Xanu Prime’s more religious citizens and the party is often labeled by its opponents as “anti-religion” meanwhile the party itself describes its views as “preventing undue religious influence on the state.” They are in support of the status-quo on IPC and Alien rights. In foreign policy, the PDP is generally pro-Coalition of Colonies and anti-Dominia, but the PDP lacks the fiery support for Fisanduh that the All-Xanu Free League does, with some members of the party refusing to endorse a movement they see as blatantly terrorist.
The Popular Democratic Party is currently led by Murali Delacroix, a long-time member of the National Parliament and former mayor of Pataliputra. The popular democratic party has 863 seats in the National Congress and 35 seats in the National Assembly of Departments.
All-Xanu Socialist Union (AXSU) - “Hand in hand, we work together”
The All-Xanu Socialist Union is the face of the left and far-left sides of the political-economic spectrum in Xanan national politics. The Socialist Union was founded in the immediate aftermath of the Interstellar War originally on a platform of pressuring the government to put as many resources as it could into the reconstruction of Xanu Prime’s working class communities and industries during Xanu’s period of recovery from the conflict. After the planet’s cities and industries were rebuilt however, the Union shifted its platform to instead be one that advocated for the needs and desires of the Xanan working class more broadly. The Union has historically been very opposed to the Coalition of Colonies as it believes that the organization’s economic policies incentivise Xanan companies to find ways to outsource labor and resources to other worlds in the Coalition, rather than keeping them on Xanu and ensuring that the Xanan working class is provided for. To this end, the party routinely opposes the further integration of Xanu into the Coalition of Colonies and has advocated for the country to leave the organization since the party sees it as yet another institution that will become corrupted by megacorporate interests. As an extension of this philosophy, the Socialist Union is doggedly anti-corporate in its platform and has advocated for the full nationalization twinned with expulsion of foreign megacorporations in a similar fashion to how the Sol Alliance did in the aftermath of the Solarian Collapse of 2462. They say that a nationalization of these assets would further allow for Xanu to provide for its welfare and state healthcare systems, both of which the Socialist Union have proposed numerous expansions for in the past. The Union are supporters of military expansion and believe that Xanu’s strength as a nation both economically and militarily can allow it to stand up against corporate interests which threaten itself or its neighbors, citing the Sol Alliance as an example of this phenomenon.
The All-Xanu Socialist Union varies on its positions on social issues. The party has proposed the decriminalization of some drug offenses in the past and lessening the sentences of minor offenses in the Xanan criminal justice system, but maintains the position that harsh sentences should be brought upon those who are convicted of major offenses. The party believes that tax credits for having children should be eliminated and that instead the state should provide entirely free childcare up until a child begins their first year in primary school. Perhaps rather counterintuitively but in accordance with the AXSU’s ideology, the party has opposed certain expansions to Xanan state benefits proposed by the FL and PDP due to the party viewing these efforts as not comprehensive enough and refusing to offer their support unless the measures are expanded. The party’s critics say that this attitude is only making Xanu Prime’s growing wealth inequality problem grow even more, though the party itself has rebuked these claims and said that the problem is not it’s own refusal to cooperate with other parties, but the other parties’ refusal to implement measures that will push real societal change. The AXSU has advocated that Xanan state messages should better emphasize how class unity makes a society great rather than notions of individuals or families. The party sees Xanu Prime’s rising drug usage rates as symptomatic of economic issues associated with a “late-stage capitalist system” and has advocated for more spending on government healthcare and the nationalization of some of Xanu Prime’s industries in order to secure greater government control over the economy and help “fight the problem at its source.” The Union subscribes to a historical materialist view of history and believes this perspective should be taught in the Xanan educational system. The party is most active through its proposition of new labor protection laws, infrastructure projects, and wealth redistribution plans, but sees limited success in achieving all of its stated goals. The party is vocally anti-Dominia in its foreign policy, but does not expressly support the Fisanduhian government-in-exile nor any specific faction in the Fisanduh conflict.
They are currently led by Oscar Durrani, a labor organizer and member of the National Parliament. The AXSU has 498 seats in the National Congress and 27 seats in the National Assembly of Departments.
Invincible Xanu Party (IXP) - “One Xanu: Invincible and Legendary”
The Invincible Xanu Party has long been a force in Xanu’s politics though they have never reached the heights of success that some of the other Big Four Xanan political parties have. The party found its origins in the first days of the Interstellar War and originally began as a group of citizens and soldiers who wanted to push the Xanan government to be more militarized and committed to the war effort, especially once the First Solarian Invasion of Xanu occurred. After the war however, they continued to maintain an attitude and ideology that placed preserving Xanan society and culture at the forefront of their agenda. To that end, they are Xanu’s stalwart national conservatives. Their rhetoric often is combative and places Xanan culture at odds with “enemies,” throughout the Orion Spur, such as the Empire of Dominia or Solarian Alliance. The IXP has distanced themselves from far-right extremist anti-immigrant groups in the past and have routinely said that extremism of any kind threatens Xanan society and its people. Speaking to this, they have insisted that extremism be added to the list of Xanu’s "harsh punishment" crimes while insisting that criminal punishments be generally harsher across all offenses. The party is strongly opposed to the legalization of recreational drugs and often holds a “law and order” stance that has historically been in favor of expanding the authority of the All-Xanu Public Security Office. They are skeptical of the Coalition of Colonies and think that Xanu Prime should be influenced less by the organization and should separate itself from more of the CoC’s institutions, though they do not hold the position that Xanu should leave the Coalition. They are in favor of more economic flexibility for Xanan citizens and businesses and a general reduction of Xanu’s welfare state in favor of bolstering state support for Xanu-based private enterprises. They have advocated for widespread tax reform in the form of incentivising certain behaviors like obtaining higher education, getting married, and joining the military, so as to ensure less wealth inequality throughout Xanu’s society. The party wishes to further exercise Xanu Prime’s economic might within the Coalition and elsewhere in order to build up the planet’s wealth further so as to “insulate” it from the ongoing phoron scarcity and have advocated for aggressive foreign trade policies as a result. The IXP is one of the strongest supporters of cultural and arts funding and cites the fact that Xanusii culture is the bedrock of the Xanan state and therefore it must be preserved and supported by the state. They believe the military should only expand as threats in the Spur need it to, but are widely supportive of the military in their rhetoric. Recently they have advocated for further military expansion to combat the potential threat of Dominian Privateers and incursions from the Solarian Warlord States while insisting that the military be used only for defensive actions or humanitarian interventions.
The IXP has advocated for a raising of the standards needed for a person to immigrate to Xanu Prime in the past but does not describe this as an anti-immigrant stance. The party says that only the best people, those with academic degrees, large amounts of capital, sufficient artistic achievements, or proven experience and steady work in any number of important fields like engineering, research, or healthcare, should be allowed to immigrate, as it is these people who would best serve Xanan society after they arrive. The party’s immigration policy is also preferential to families rather than single individuals and they have constantly pushed to expand the restrictions on Xanan immigration policy for those with criminal records. On other social issues, the IXP has emphasized the importance of the family in Xanan society and has routinely proposed expansions of state welfare benefits to families with many children in particular and state aid for childcare of any given family’s choice. The IXP has opposed any legislation banning arranged marriages. They have also pushed for the Xanan educational curriculum to give less weight to the importance of the Coalition of Colonies and more to Xanu Prime in the history sections within it. They support the All-Xanu Freedom League’s tax credits for children, and have pushed for government rebates or tax breaks for families wishing to send their children to private schools. They are supportive of the current status-quo on IPC and Alien rights on Xanu Prime. The IXP views Xanu Prime’s recent drug crisis as a problem that can be pinned on immigrants with criminal histories or affiliations with organized crime groups that have been allowed to slip through the cracks of Xanu’s immigration screening and have advocated for higher police funding and tighter immigrant screening as a solution. The party’s members have also advocated for the reinstatement of the death penalty for those convicted of drug trafficking offenses. The party is extremely anti-megacorporate and routinely rails against the SCC and Einstein Engines alike in addresses to parliament, describing megacorps as, “Foreign agents that wish to do nothing more than to enslave our society for a quick credit,” and adopting the slogan, “If megacorps are going to be in Xanu, they need to work for Xanu.” They have advocated for massively increased regulations on corporations and limiting their activities geographically in a manner similar to what the Republic of Elyra has done. The IXP is anti-Dominian in its foreign policy and supports the Fisanduhian Government-In-Exile. While always marginally popular, the IXP has seen its membership numbers jump in the wake of the phoron scarcity. Some experts attribute this to its hardline anti-corporate, nationalist stance.
The Invincible Xanu Party is currently led by Raphaëlle Begam, a former political activist, Captain in the All-Xanu Spacefleet, and current member of the National Parliament. The IXP has 595 seats in the National Congress and 27 in the National Assembly of Departments.
Minor Political Parties
Good Neighbor Party (GNP) - “Everyone needs a Good Neighbor.”
The Good Neighbor Party is a party that was founded by Himean immigrants on Xanu Prime to help represent their interests in the government. Rather than a single issue, the party is described to be single-motive, that motive being to do whatever is best for the Himean Xanan community. The party officially has a syndicalist ideology, however their policies and actions are usually divorced from this doctrine and instead focus on simply finding ways to better provide resources and services to the Himean Xanan population and advocate for issues their base sees as important. They are proponents of closer diplomatic, economic, and military ties with the Coalition of Colonies and with Himeo especially. An initiative they have consistently advocated for is the use of Himean Common as an alternative language for government documents and forms, and have seen some marginal success with this in some departments. They have also been lobbying for the Himean Common language to be taught in Xanan schools as a national mandatory second language similar to how Himean schools teach Freespeak, though they have not been successful in achieving this. The GNP is very skeptical of megacorporations, especially Hephaestus Industries, and has a strong anti-Dominia foreign policy. It has seen great popularity and success in districts with high Himean Xanan populations and has recently seen some small success in the wake of the phoron scarcity outside of majority Himean Xanan areas due to its staunch anti-corporate stance. The GNP is not officially connected to any Himean policial party or syndicate, but it maintains a close working relationship with all of Himeo’s political parties aside from the National Himean Workers’ Vanguard, and often hosts visits of Himean political figures to Xanu. It similarly lobbies the Xanan National Government for its members to visit Himeo on diplomatic missions or cultural exchanges. It is currently led by Aukusti Staudenmaier, a first-generation Himean immigrant from the city of Dorshafen. They have 180 seats in the National Congress and 19 in the National Assembly of Departments.
Kick! Party (KP) - “Kick the CoC to the curb!”
The Kick! Party is a single-issue party devoted to ensuring that Xanu Prime leaves the Coalition of Colonies. It is relatively unpopular, but markets itself as the choice for a voter who is skeptical of the Coalition of Colonies but who does not agree with the national conservative policies of the Invincible Xanu Party. It is opposed to Xanu’s continued membership of the Coalition of Colonies on the grounds that CoC membership makes Xanu economically, politically, and militarily responsible for the actions and consequences of other worlds and that such an arrangement is inherently unfair to Xanu and its people. The party has no positions on any issues aside from Xanu Prime’s membership in the Coalition of Colonies and has declared that if it was to ever succeed in its goal of making Xanu Prime “kick the Coalition to the curb” it would dissolve itself. Detractors of the party have alleged that it receives significant amounts of funding from the Republic of Biesel and Sol Alliance, but the party denies this. It is currently led by Ivonne Khandhari, a businesswoman and shipping magnate from Pataliputra. They have 72 seats in the National Congress and 6 in the National Assembly of Departments.
Free Falcon Party (FFP) - “Fly Free Together”
The Free Falcon Party was founded by Vysokan migrants to Xanu Prime wishing to represent their unique interests. The party’s primary platform revolves around bolstering the systems in place for immigrant integration into Xanan society and also lowering the requirements for legal immigration and providing ways for illegal immigrants to legally immigrate to the country. They are pro-CoC and wish to see further integration with the organization. Additionally, the Free Falcon Party has lobbied heavily for the histories of Stolitism and Luceism to be added to the Xanan educational curriculum for history classes in Xanu’s public school system alongside the history of other religions like Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. This measure has broadly been successful. The Free Falcon Party has also advocated for an expansion of Xanu Prime’s welfare system to better provide for disenfranchised immigrants. The biggest success of the FFP however has been the 2458 Future-Xanans’ Protection Act, a wide-reaching piece of legislation written in cooperation with the Good Neighbour Party and Universal Liberty Party which amended the Xanan legal code to offer special protections to non-citizen immigrants, specifically against employment discrimination while emboldening the legal punishments for anti-immigrant hate crimes. Other issues that the FFP has pushed for betray the party’s Vysokan ancestry: a relaxation of firearm ownership laws, less barriers to parents who wish to homeschool their children, and a preservation of the institution of arranged marriage. Naturally, the party is most popular in Vysokan Xanan areas, but has also seen popularity among other immigrant demographics, namely in Assunzionii Xanan communities. has also taken on the role of the niche interest group party for rural Xananans in the agricultural sector. The FFP has been successful in passing farmer-focused subsidies and protectionist measures in the past and styles itself as the party which best represents the interests of Xanu's farmers. The Free Falcon party has been a leader among Xanu Prime’s minor parties in proposing legislation that has increased sobriety and addiction treatment resources available to Xanu Prime’s immigrant and rural communities, some of the most heavily hit by the planet’s recent drug problem. They’ve eyed Public Safety Office expansion with mixed support, seeing it as both beneficial to their base in stopping the flow of drugs into their communities but also have cautioned that a more robust police force may empower “bad actors” within the Public Safety Office to target immigrants more easily. The party is sceptical of foreign megacorporations but does not have a hard stance on how they wish to restrict them. The party is anti-Dominian in its foreign policy and supports Fisanduh. The Free Falcon Party is currently led by Doctor Kaarchaana Tuskullanova, a first generation Vysokan Xanan, member of the National Parliament, and former doctor in Xanu Prime’s state healthcare system. They have 156 seats in the National Congress and 15 in the National Assembly of Deputies.
Universal Liberty Party (ULP) - “For the freedom of all peoples”
Despite being officially separate from the Fisanduhian government-in-exile, the Universal Liberty Party is seen by many as the unofficial vehicle by which the Fisanduhian government interacts with the Xanan political process. The party is relatively single-minded and is solely devoted to enacting policies within the Xanan government that are anti-Dominian and pro-Fisanduhian in both the foreign and domestic spheres. The party has never been widely popular, but despite their small size, they have historically been very successful in accomplishing their stated goals, often pursued in cooperation with the All-Xanu Free League. The party has two subsets, an Irredentist branch which is more focused on an aggressively pro-Fisanduh foreign policy, and a New Homelander branch which is much more focused on securing better state welfare arrangements which would benefit the often poor Fisanduhian Xanan community and provide more help to recently-arrived Fisanduhian refugees. While sometimes opposed, these two subgroups of the party are known to be very good at compromising with one another. The ULP has very few stated official positions on issues outside of Fisanduh-related topics, and when questioned on what their beliefs are on these affairs, they usually fall in-line with All-Xanu Freedom League positions. The party operates several online news sites, blogs, in both Freespeak and Vulgar Morozi, and even a holovision news channel and related service called Our Voice Network, all of which are devoted to broadcasting anti-Dominia, pro-Fisanduh, and pro-Xanu Prime content. The ULP also operates a charity for poverty relief, hunger relief, water programs, and infrastructure reconstruction in Fisanduh called the Universal Liberty Foundation for War Relief. The Universal Liberty Foundation and Universal Liberty Party have both been designated as terrorist groups by the Dominian Government for their alleged supplying of funds to Fisanduh Freedom Front resistance cells, but the charity and its parent political party deny these accusations. Furthermore a 2451 Xanan parliamentary inquiry into these allegations similarly found no evidence of the actions alleged by the Dominian government against the ULP or its charity. The Universal Liberty Party is naturally very popular among Fisanduhian immigrant and refugee communities, and typically dominates even over major parties in districts with high Fishanuhian-Xansuii populations but has never recorded any electoral success in districts without Fisanduhian Xanan majorities. It is currently led by Ekaitz Azarola, former Chief Liaison to the Fisanduhian Government-in-Exile, member of the National Parliament, and second generation Fisanduhian Xanan. They have 104 seats in the National Congress and 7 in the National Assembly of Departments.
All-Xanu Beer Lovers League (BLL) - “Cheers!”
The All-Xanu Beer Lovers League or the BLL for short is a joke party that has existed for decades but only recently has found a seat in parliament. The party’s platform is nonsensical and revolves around loosening restrictions on access to beer, lowering beer prices, and lowering taxes on beer. They also have vowed to abolish mandatory closing times for bars and to outlaw foreign-made beers in Xanu Prime. The BLL have stated their intentions to institute a buyback program for all foreign beer in Xanu, claiming that Xanan beer stemming from the Belgian tradition of its original colonists is the best in the Orion Spur. The BLL values infrastructure improvements too and says that if they are able to govern the country they would install a beer tap centrally linked to "water pipes but for beer" in every Xanan citizen's home if the household wanted one. They wish to decriminalize public drunkenness as a crime in favor of making anyone caught drunk in public attend substance abuse counselling. The party has also stated that Xanu should raise its standards for water cleanliness across the entire planet, due to the fact that cleaner water makes better beer. The party dislikes megacorporations and alleges that, “In the history of humankind, there has never been any corporate-made beer-flavoured piss water that anyone has ever liked.” The party supports Fisanduh over Dominia in the conflict between the two, but has said that they believe that the Fisanduh-Dominia conflict could be solved if the Dominian Emperor and Fisanduhian Prime Minister went out drinking, “for a night or two.” They have advocated for Xanu to continue maintaining its strong economic presence abroad because of its ability to further spread, “the best beer in the Spur to more thirsty beer lovers like you and me.” The Beer Lovers League has historically just been a joke party or protest vote party, however in the last parliamentary election after an incumbent member of parliament unexpectedly died in a district in Foy-Nijlen, no party could field a strong candidate in time for the election. As a result, by default, the All-Xanu Beer Lover’s League won its first seat in parliament due to the number of voters who were unsatisfied with all the choices from the other parties in the district. Historically, any donations that the party has received from the public have been re-donated to charities dedicated to the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. The party is currently led by Jaques Smit, a bar-owner, brewer, and unexpected member of parliament from Foy-Nijlen. Mister Smit is by his own admission totally unprepared for his position and was "as surprised as anyone else," when he was elected. Despite his self-confessed unpreparedness, he has vowed to make good on his appointment by sticking with the spirit of his party’s platform with a focus on public health and bettering addiction treatment options in the Xanan healthcare system as a priority. Though, jokingly, in the character of of the party, he’s stated, “Who needs smack when you drink responsibly?” when asked about his thoughts on Xanu Prime's rising levels of illegal drug use. The party has one seat in the National Congress and no seats in the National Assembly of Departments.
Foreign Relations
Despite the myriad of opinions on the topic of foreign relations between the various political parties of Xanu Prime, the country generally has a few constants in terms of its international relations in both the CoC and beyond.
United Syndicates of Himeo
Himeo and Xanu Prime have a storied and historic relationship of cooperation and competition that stretches back to before the Coalition of Colonies’s founding. Often cooperators, sometimes rivals, Xanu Prime and Himeo are often described by the press as “sisters” or “cousins” within the Coalition due to their status as the predominant economic and political powers within the alliance. Politically, the two often find themselves aligned with one another and only occasionally have disputes. Both are proponents of ensuring democratic governance throughout the Coalition of Colonies and beyond, both broadly want to expand the Coalition of Colonies to include new members, and both are committed to ensuring positive, and peaceful relationships between CoC members. The two sometime have differed on issues, such as supplying the [League of Independent Corporate-Free Systems] with aid, something Himeo supported while Xanu Prime did not. Economically, however, the two are often cutthroat rivals with one another as they want to make money for themselves in Coalition markets. In other ways the struggle is also ideological: the Xanan free-market model versus the Himean syndicalist model. Some consider the struggle to be already won, with Xanu Prime being the predominant economy of the Coalition, but Himeo’s unmatchable industrial might and dominance over the Coalition’s mining sector will always give the competition between the two a dramatic flair. Himean syndicates and Xanan corporations often compete with one another when new contracts are announced by Coalition governments or when new trade opportunities arise, and this routine and repeated contest between the two has bred a sense of friendly competition between the two countries. Militarily the two are close cooperators. Xanu Prime’s status as the foremost military in the Coalition and Himeo’s position as the third-strongest along with the two’s deep historical ties reaching back to the Interstellar War have ensured that cooperation between the two is near-constant. The Himean military uses many Xanan-designed weapons they have built themselves under license, and a good portion of the ship’s in Xanu Prime’s spacefleet were built in Himean shipyards. Culturally, Xanu Prime and Himeo are perhaps the most connected planets in the Coalition and have ties that run very deep. Xanu Prime and Himeo were the first two planets to secede from the Sol Alliance and see each other as kindred spirits in a freedom-seeking sort of way. Their people both fought side-by-side with each other throughout the conflict and it cannot be denied that Himean industry is one of the things that allowed Xanu Prime’s economy and society to recover as quickly as it did during the aftermath of the war. Their peoples have many shared experiences too; thousands of Himeans who went to Xanu to participate in its rebuilding after the Interstellar War stayed on Xanu Prime and made families for themselves there. It is no surprise then that aside from Himeo, the planet with the most Himeans is Xanu Prime, and aside from Xanu Prime, the planet with the most Xanan is Himeo. Furthermore, the largest immigrant demographic on Xanu Prime by numbers are Himean Xanan and that Xanu Prime is the most popular tourist destination for Himeans. The two countries exchange music, film, and literature with each other often and it is not an overstatement to say that their cultures are to some degree, integrated. The average Xanan interacts with dozens of Himean-made products every day and the average Himean often has their salaries paid with money that started off as Xanan trade credits.
Free System of Vysoka
Xanu Prime’s relations with Vysoka have been broadly characterized by mutual cooperation throughout history. Even before the Coalition of Colonies was formed, Xanans ate food often made with Vysokan-grown ingredients and Vysokans lived their lives with Xanan-made goods. This didn’t change after the Interstellar War either, and to this day Xanu Prime is still Vysoka’s largest trading partner. While Xanu does indeed grow its own food, mainly out of a concern for its own food-security, Vysokan-grown food is typically cheaper and feeds both a large portion of Xanan citizens and the Coalition at large. Vysoka generously donated large shipments of food to Xanu Prime during its rebuilding process and in return the Xanan people have ensured that its companies have brought their business to Vysoka. Xanan firms have invested heavily into Vysokan heavy industry and agriculture which has given these Vysokan firms capital that they otherwise could have only dreamed of. Diplomatically Xanu Prime maintains close relations with Vysoka and sees them as not only a developing economy within the Coalition, but also a key ally in ensuring peace in the Human Frontier. Xanan police and military advisors have been sent to Vysoka, both to train the planet’s militaries in fighting forces abroad, but also in ensuring that Vysoka’s many armies are ready for any potential conflict with the various hosts which move around Vysoka’s vast surface. Xanu Prime has also, at times, acted as a mediator when disputes between Vysokan city-states arise, something it says helps keep the peace, though those critical of the government say that this is but further evidence of Xanan meddling in the affairs of foreign nations. Culturally, Xanan-Vysokan relations are going through a transformative period at the moment. For nearly the past twenty years, Vysokan immigrants have been arriving in Xanu Prime in numbers never seen before, something which is making its mark on Xanan society. Xanan Vysokans are finding success on the planet and have made a name for themselves there, and this bond has been a source of both pride and income in the form of remittances sent back home for Vysoka and Vysokans. Historically, Xanu Prime has also treated Vysoka as a political battleground with its often-friend, often-rival Himeo, as both countries have tried in various ways to woo the Vysokans and jockey their influence over the steppe-planet.
Republic of Assunzione
Xanu Prime and Assunzione’s relationship has been friendly but largely uneventful since Assunzione’s admission into the Coalition of Colonies in the early 2330’s. Xanu Prime maintains steady trade relations with Assunzione and Xanan companies have become large employers on the planet as well. Xanan firms have invested large amounts of credits into further exploring Light’s Edge, and with recent capital flowing into the country for the same purpose from the NanoTrasen corporation as well, hopes are high on both Xanu and Assunzione that more of Light’s Edge and beyond can be explored. The two countries have positive political relations, with both seeing each other as well-functioning, free-market democracies, though some on Xanu are critical over the influence that Luceism has over Assunzionii society. As one may expect, Xanu Prime is also one of the foremost suppliers of arms and military equipment to Assunzionne, and their two militaries have cooperated in anti-piracy operations in the past throughout the Light’s Edge region. Culturally, Xanu Prime and Assunzione have an almost century-long bond with one another that dates back to the first waves of immigration from Assunzione to Xanu Prime in the 2370’s. Xanu Prime has the largest number of Assunzionii people outside of Xanu Prime and the unique identity of Assunzionii Xanans that has been created in the wake of immigration to Xanu Prime since has been a source of friendship between the two planets.
Republic of Konyang
Until late 2462, Xanu Prime-Konyang relations did not officially exist outside of a few trade deals. Since then the fledgeling relationship between the two planets has blossomed into a burgeoning diplomatic, economic, and military relationship. From the onset of Konyang’s secession from the Solarian Alliance Xanu Prime was the most vocal supporter within the CoC of admitting the newly-independent country into the Coalition of Colonies as a member. Since Konyang’s admittance into the Coalition Xanu’s relationship with the planet has grown only stronger. The Xanan government has been broadly supportive of Konyang’s democratization and has sent advisors and officials to the planet in order to both better integrate Konyang’s government into the CoC but also to help combat more entrenched elements of “Solarian” influence and corruption found in Konyang’s institutions. This has been met with mixed enthusiasm by some Konyangers however, as what to some Xanans may seem to be relics of a Solarian past are to many Konyangers just the way of life on their world. Others however are happy to ditch their old Solarian systems and work towards greater Coalition integration and see Xanan advisors as a step towards their country’s new future. Xanan firms have eyed the new Konyanger market with optimistic eyes and many have invested significant amounts of capital into opening new ventures on the Coalition’s newest member, with those involved in the IPC industry in particular moving many of their operations to Konyang. On the other side of things too, Konyanger companies and megacorp branches have been more than happy to take advantage of the Coalition’s very friendly trade policies, something that arguably would not have been possible without Xanan support. Xanan defense manufacturers have also been interested in selling arms and materiel to the Konyang Armed Forces, both to integrate the newcomer into the Coalition military logistics system but also to better arm it for potential future conflicts against rogue Solarian warlords. On the military front as well, Xanu Prime has affirmed its commitment to preserving Konyang’s sovereignty against Solarian forces, warlord or otherwise, and has stationed an Expeditionary Fleet in the planet’s vicinity to back up this claim. By and large, Xanu Prime sees Konyang as a rising star within the Coalition of Colonies and wants to both support its growth while getting in on the ground floor of the planet’s coalition integration to reap the benefits of a positive future partnership.
United Planetary Defense Council of Gadpathur
The Xanan-Gadpathurian relationship is one of great contrasts. On one hand, Xanu Prime is the largest trade partner of Gadpathur and is crucially the largest supplier of foreign military equipment and materiel to the planet, which the Gadpathurian armed forces use in conjunction with their own indigenously-made weapons. On the other hand Xanu Prime is generally unsupportive of Gadpathur’s rampant authoritarianism and the two often clash on Coalition policy, with Gadpathur being a proponent of security and military policy above all else and Xanu Prime often favoring legislation which promotes greater trade. Xanans are often critical of what they consider to be unnecessarily aggressive and hawkish Gadpahturian military positions however and often disagree with them on what direction the Coalition’s military should take. Despite these differences, Xanu Prime is often willing to compromise its views on the planet’s government and its agendas in order to ensure that that Gadpathurian military remains a strong component of the Coalition of Colonies’ united armed forces, especially with the current threat of ex-Solarian warlords and Dominian-backed pirates raiding Coalition of Colonies territory. As such, Xanu Prime is the largest foreign supplier of military equipment to Gadpathur. Due to this bond and their statuses as the two most dominant militaries in the Coalition, Xanan and Gadpathurian forces routinely conduct training exercises with one another and their militaries hold friendly opinions of each other. Xanu Prime has some cultural connections to Gadpathur as well. It was the largest donor of foreign aid to the ravaged planet during the aftermath of the bombing of Gadpathur, depite being in its own reconstruction, and is the primary destination for Gadpathurian exiles. Xanu Prime also often acts as a mediator between Gadpathur and the Federal Technocracy of Galatea when the two planets come to blows diplomatically or threaten to do so more materially, much to the chagrin of the Xanan foreign office.
Federal Technocracy of Galatea
Xanu Prime’s relationship with Galatea has historically been a friendly one. Economically the two have had strong ties since before the Interstellar War, with Galatea being one of Xansu Prime’s primary trading partners even during the time when both were under Solarian rule. This relationship has endured since then and many on the Xanan side see the Galatean contributions to cleaning up areas of Xanu Prime that were contaminated by chemical weapons during the Interstellar War, courtesy of the Federation’s terraforming technology. Since the war, the two have continued to be good business partners, with Galateans being quite happy to buy products and services from Xanan businesses ranging from industrial equipment, to cheaper pharmaceuticals, to weaponry and spacecraft, many of which they often modify and augment to suit their own needs once purchased. Diplomatically, however, the two have been less involved with each other, occasionally disagreeing on political matters, though they are still friendly and maintain close cooperation in military matters due to the Technocracy’s position in the Weeping Stars. Galatea and Xanu do not have a large number of initiatives between one another that are not strictly related to trade or defense, however Xanu Prime does often play the role of mediator between Galatea and Gadpathur whenever the two have one of their disputes with another. Its economic leverage with Galatea and diplomatic rapport with Gadpathur allows it to usually quell these quarrels whenever they occur, though many Xanan diplomats still see Galatean-Gadpathurian relations as a headache that never truly goes away.
Scarab Fleets
The Scarab-Xanu Prime relationship has been one that could be considered as one that is “on-again, off-again” due to both the factors of geography and temperamental interest. Since the Scarabs’s return to civilized space, Xanu Prime has been one of their largest supporters, brokering a deal to get them admitted to the Coalition of Colonies while also promoting trade between themselves and the Scarabs. Due to the ever-changing position of the Scarab Fleets throughout space though, consistent trade and relations have been hard to maintain. Scarab suspicion of outsiders has not made this any easier, and the fleet has only recently started to purchase Xanu-designed, Himean-made vessels to add to their fleets. Instead of maintaining a traditional diplomatic relationship though, the Xanans and Scarabs have adopted a policy of aid-for-info, in which the Scarabs will provide the Xanan military and state with information they acquire during their travels on things like potential new markets to expand business, hazards, locations of known pirates, and other things like sightings of foreign military vessels and in exchange the Scarabs receive aid in the form of medical supplies, food, weaponry, and other things the fleet might need. The two aren’t close allies per se, but they are routine, if distant, cooperators.
Republic of Biesel
Xanu Prime sees Biesel as its closest contemporary in the Orion Spur, and while the relationship may not have that characterisation both ways, Xanu Prime looks to Biesel with both aspiration and caution. Xanu Prime is, by the numbers, the planet with the fifth largest economy in human space, the four above it being Biesel, Eridani I, Earth, and Callisto in that order, though its people, government, and companies only want to grow further. Economically, many in Xanu’s business world and government wish that it was able to wield influence comparable to Biesel, though for now Xanu only has such control over economic matters within the Coalition. Despite this aspiration though, many Xanans see Biesel as a cautionary tale of sorts, as while the economic prosperity is promising, the question of just how much influence corporations should have over society is one that is under constant debate. Generally, Xanu Prime has comparatively strict regulatory practices on businesses that operate in its territory and this is lauded by Xaunsiians the world-over as a good measure to prevent corporate control over the government as many Xanans say has happened in Biesel. Despite this caution expressed towards mega corporate influence, the two countries have had warm relations, and Xanu Prime sees Biesel as a fellow ex-Solarian democracy, something it emphasized greatly when it, along with the rest of the Coalition of Colonies, sent its fleets into Biesellite territory to repel the invasion of Biesel by the 35th Solarian Fleet in 2462. It also recognises the Corporate Reconstruction Zone as Biesellite territory as opposed to Solarian space. These actions have further warmed relations between the two countries, and the recent opening of the Corporate Reconstruction has led some Xanu-based companies to look to the newly acquired Biesellite territory as potential new customers for Xanan goods and services.
Serene Republic of Elyra
Xanu-Elrya relations have historically been cordial and professional, with not much beyond that. Xanu Prime was from the onset of the New Suez Protocols of 2381 a common foreign trade partner of Elyra, with many of its biggest companies having a presence on New Suez. Xanu Prime routinely bought phoron from Elyra after the country’s Phoron boom starting in the 2400’s and the Elyran decision to stop foreign shipments of the material after the ongoing Phoron shortage struck the Orion Spur significantly soured the trade partnership between the two countries and sent Xanu Prime-Elyra relations to an all-time low which has only now just begun to recover as the Xanan economy rallies from the initial shock of the shortage. Aside from this recent turmoil though, Xanu Prime and Elyra have participated in anti-piracy operations with one another and Xanu Prime was the single-largest donor of foreign aid to Elyra during the aftermath of the Lii’dra incursion on Busra, a status which has created a warm cultural relationship between the two nations.
Alliance of Sovereign Solarian Nations
Sol and Xanu Prime were for a long time, old enemies. After the Interstellar War the two wanted nothing to do with each other; Xanu was preoccupied over rebuilding itself and Sol was tasked with holding onto the remains of its territory after the secession of both the Coalition of Colonies and Serene Republic of Elyra. After the initial shock of the post-war years wore off the two were quite cold with one another and it was not until the beginning of the Flohimont Thaw in the 2360’s that the two nations began to normalize their relations with one another. From then until the 2460’s the two had been politically ambivalent and militarily guarded towards one another while engaging in a relationship of limited, but growing trade. After the ATLAS party seized power in Sol in 2461 however, many Xanan companies pulled their trade from Solarian territory over fears that the party’s Xenophobic nature could impact their business. The wake of the Solarian Collapse of 2462 however has brought about a variety of opinions on how Xanan-Solarian relations should proceed. Some in the Republic argue that Xanu Prime should stay out of Solarian affairs and let the Solarians sort their own issues out, while others have advocated for direct Xanan involvement in the Human Wildlands to halt what appears to be a growing humanitarian disaster. What’s even more surprising is that a surprising minority of Xanans support Xanu Prime giving aid and support to the Solarian government itself, with the rationale being that if Sol can stabilize its old territory once again, the violence and constant warring in those regions will stop and have less of a chance of spilling over into Coalition-controlled space. Much like other things relating to Sol though, Xanu Prime-Sol relations are in a state of flux, with Xanan leadership being cautious to make any long-term deals with the Sol Alliance at present given the rapid changes the country has gone through recently. The official position of the Xanan government on the recent re-capturing of the Human wildlands by the Sol Alliance being that Sol was preserving its territorial integrity and restoring law to areas lost to "mercenaryism", while also affirming Konyang’s succession from the Sol Alliance and the planet’s membership in the Coalition of Colonies.
Empire of Dominia
The Empire of Dominia and All-Xanu Republic have never been friends and if the current trajectory of their relationship holds, they never will be. To many on Xanu Prime, the Empire of Dominia stands as the antithesis of what they stand for, more than even their old colonial overlords and once-interstellar adversaries, the Sol Alliance. For decades, Xananan governments have bashed the Empire of Dominia for its warmongering on the human frontier, an area which Xanu and the Coalition of Colonies considers to be in many ways just a step-removed from its own territory, and and their treatment of the situation in Fisanduh. From the other direction, Dominia sees their diplomatic situation with Xanu Prime as untenable due to Xanu’s continued hosting of the Fisanduhian government-in-exile and the country’s support for the 3F, a group which Xanu Prime considers to be the military arm of the rightful Fisanduhian government, while the Empire has long thought of the 3F as a terrorist threat. Xanu Prime has decried Dominian privateering practices as barbaric and has routinely assured both the Empire and the Spur at large that they will not hesitate to fire upon vessels engaging in pirate activity with, “no consideration being given to the vessel’s country of origin.”